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-layout: documentation
-title: Bazel Overview
-# Bazel Overview
-Bazel is a build tool which coordinates builds and run tests. It works with
-source files written in any language, with native support for Java, C, C++ and
-Python. Bazel produces builds and runs tests for multiple platforms.
-## BUILD files use a simple declarative language
-Bazel’s BUILD files describe how Bazel should build your project. They have a
-declarative structure and use a build language similar to Python. BUILD files
-allow you to work at a high level of the system by listing rules and their
-attributes. The complexity of the build process is handled by these pre-existing
-rules. You can modify rules to tweak the build process, or write new rules to
-extend Bazel to work with any language or platform.
-Below is the content of one of the BUILD files from a Hello World program. The
-two rules used here are `cc_library` and `cc_binary`.
- name = "hello-time",
- srcs = ["hello-time.cc"],
- hdrs = ["hello-time.h"],
- name = "hello-world",
- srcs = ["hello-world.cc"],
- deps = [
- ":hello-time",
- "//lib:hello-greet",
- ],
-## The dependency graph describes the entire system
-Build dependencies are declared explicitly in the BUILD files, allowing Bazel
-to create an accurate dependency graph of the entire source code. The graph is
-maintained in memory, and incremental builds and parallel execution are possible
-because of this accurate dependency graph.
-Here’s the graph of the target ‘hello-world’ from the BUILD file above:
-![Dependency graph of a hello-world target](/assets/graph_hello-world.svg)
-Bazel’s query language allows you to produce images of the graph like the one
-above. You can also use the query language to access information about build
-dependencies and their relationships.
-## Build and tests are fast, correct, and reproducible
-Hermetic rules and sandboxing allows Bazel to produce correct, reproducible
-artifacts and test results. Caching allows reuse of build artifacts and test
-Bazel’s builds are fast. Incremental builds allow Bazel to do the minimum
-required work for a rebuild or retest. Correct and reproducible builds allow
-Bazel to reuse cached artifacts for whatever is not changed. If you change a
-library, Bazel will not rebuild your entire source.
-Confidence in these correct results also means that you will never need to run
-`bazel clean`. If you ever need to run `bazel clean`, there’s a bug in Bazel.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Best practices
-# Best practices for Bazel
-This document assumes that you are familiar with Bazel and provides advice on structuring your
-projects to take full advantage of Bazel's features.
-The overall goals are:
-- To use fine-grained dependencies to allow parallelism and incrementality.
-- To keep dependencies well-encapsulated.
-- To make code well-structured and testable.
-- To create a build configuration that is easy to understand and maintain.
-These guidelines are not requirements: few projects will be able to adhere to all of them. As the
-man page for lint says, "A special reward will be presented to the first person to produce a real
-program that produces no errors with strict checking." However, incorporating as many of these
-principles as possible should make a project more readable, less error-prone, and faster to build.
-This document uses the requirement levels described in
-[this RFC](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt).
-## Contents
-- [General structure](#general-structure)
- - [Running builds and tests](#running-builds-and-tests)
- - [Third party dependencies](#third-party-dependencies)
- - [Depending on binaries](#depending-on-binaries)
- - [Versioning](#versioning)
- - [.bazelrc](#bazelrc)
- - [Packages](#packages)
-- [BUILD files](#build-files)
- - [BUILD file style guide](#build-file-style-guide)
- - [Formatting](#formatting)
- - [References to targets in the current package](#references-to-targets-in-the-current-package)
- - [Target naming](#target-naming)
- - [Visibility](#visibility)
- - [Dependencies](#dependencies)
- - [Globs](#globs)
-- [Skylark](#skylark)
- - [Skylark style guide](#skylark-style-guide)
- - [Packaging rules](#packaging-rules)
- - [Rule choice](#rule-choice)
-- [WORKSPACE files](#workspace-files)
- - [Repository rules](#repository-rules)
- - [Custom BUILD files](#custom-build-files)
- - [Skylark repository rules](#skylark-repository-rules)
-- [Java](#java)
- - [Directory structure](#directory-structure)
- - [BUILD files](#build-files)
-- [C++](#c)
- - [BUILD files](#build-files)
- - [Include paths](#include-paths)
-- [Protos](#protos)
- - [Recommended Code Organization](#recommended-code-organization)
-# General structure
-## Running builds and tests
-A project should always be able to run `bazel build //...` and `bazel test //...` successfully on
-its stable branch. Targets that are necessary but do not build under certain circumstances (e.g.,
-require specific build flags, do not build on a certain platform, require license agreements)
-should be tagged as specifically as possible (e.g., "`requires-osx`"). This tagging allows
-targets to be filtered at a more fine-grained level than the "manual" tag and allows someone
-inspecting the BUILD file to understand what a target's restrictions are.
-## Third party dependencies
-Prefer declaring third party dependencies as remote repositories in the WORKSPACE file. If it's
-necessary to check third party dependencies into your repository, put them in a directory called
-`third_party/` under your workspace directory. Note that all BUILD files in `third_party/` must
-include [license](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/be/functions.html#licenses)
-## Depending on binaries
-Everything should be built from source whenever possible. Generally this means that, instead of
-depending on a library `some-library.so`, you'd create a BUILD file and build `some-library.so`
-from its sources, then depend on that target.
-Building from source prevents a build from using a library that was built with incompatible flags
-or a different architecture. There are also some features like coverage, static analysis, or
-dynamic analysis that will only work on the source.
-## Versioning
-Prefer building all code from head whenever possible. When versions must be used, avoid including
-the version in the target name (e.g., `//guava`, not `//guava-20.0`). This naming makes the library
-easier to update (only one target needs to be updated). It is also more resilient to diamond
-dependency issues: if one library depends on `guava-19.0` and one depends on `guava-20.0`, you
-could end up with a library that tries to depend on two different versions. If you created a
-misleading alias to point both targets to one guava library, then the BUILD files are misleading.
-## `.bazelrc`
-For project-specific options, use the configuration file `_your-workspace_/tools/bazel.rc`.
-For options that you **do not** want to check into source control, create the configuration file
-`_your-workspace_/.bazelrc` and add `.bazelrc` to your `.gitignore`. Note that this file has a
-different name than the file above (`bazel.rc` vs `.bazelrc`).
-## Packages
-Every directory that contains buildable files should be a package. If a BUILD file refers to files
-in subdirectories (e.g., `srcs = ["a/b/C.java"]`) it is a sign that a BUILD file should be added to
-that subdirectory. The longer this structure exists, the more likely circular dependencies will be
-inadvertently created, a target's scope will creep, and an increasing number of reverse
-dependencies will have to be updated.
-# BUILD files
-## BUILD file style guide
-See the [BUILD file style
-## Formatting
-[Buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildifier) should be used to achieve the correct
-formatting for BUILD files. Editors should be configured to automatically format BUILD files on
-save. Humans should not try to format BUILD files themselves.
-If there is a question as to what the correct formatting is, the answer is "how buildifier formats
-## References to targets in the current package
-Files should be referred to by their paths relative to the package directory (without ever using
-up-references, such as `..`). Generated files should be prefixed with "`:`" to indicate that they
-are not sources. Source files should not be prefixed with `:`. Rules should be prefixed with `:`.
-For example, assuming `x.cc` is a source file:
- name = "lib",
- srcs = ["x.cc"],
- hdrs = [":gen-header"],
- name = "gen-header",
- srcs = [],
- outs = ["x.h"],
- cmd = "echo 'int x();' > $@",
-## Target naming
-Target names should be descriptive. If a target contains one source file, the target should
-generally be named after that source (e.g., a `cc_library` for `chat.cc` should be named "`chat`").
-The eponymous target for a package (the target with the same name as the containing directory)
-should provide the functionality described by the directory name. If there is no such target, do
-not create an eponymous target.
-Prefer using the short name when referring to an eponymous target (`//x` instead of `//x:x`). If
-you are in the same package, prefer the local reference (`:x` instead of `//x`).
-## Visibility
-Do not set the default visibility of a package to `//visibility:public`. `//visibility:public`
-should be individually set for targets in the project's public API. These could be libraries which
-are designed to be depended on by external projects or binaries that could be used by an external
-project's build process.
-Otherwise, visibility should be scoped as tightly as possible, while still allowing access by tests
-and reverse dependencies. Prefer using `__pkg__` to `__subpackages__`.
-## Dependencies
-Dependencies should be restricted to direct dependencies (dependencies needed by the sources listed
-in the rule). Do not list transitive dependencies.
-Package-local dependencies should be listed first and referred to in a way compatible with the
-[References to targets in the current package](#references-to-targets-in-the-current-package)
-section above (not by their absolute package name).
-## Globs
-Do not use recursive globs (e.g., `glob(["**/*.java"])`). Recursive globs make BUILD files
-difficult to read, as they skip subdirectories containing BUILD files. Non-recursive globs are
-generally acceptable, see language-specific advice below for details.
-Indicate "no targets" with `[]`. Do not use a glob that matches nothing: it is more error-prone and
-less obvious than an empty list.
-# Skylark
-## Skylark style guide
-See the [Style guide for .bzl
-files](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/skylark/bzl-style.html) for Skylark rule guidelines.
-## Packaging rules
-See [Packaging rules](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/skylark/deploying.html) for advice
-on how to structure and where to put new Skylark rules.
-## Rule choice
-When using a language for which Bazel has built-in rules (e.g., C++), prefer using these rules to
-writing your own in Skylark. These rules are documented in the [build
-# WORKSPACE files
-## Repository rules
-Prefer `http_archive` and `new_http_archive` to `git_repository`, `new_git_repository`, and
-`git_repository` depends on jGit, which has several unpleasant bugs, and `maven_jar` uses Maven's
-internal API, which generally works but is less optimized for Bazel than `http_archive`'s
-downloader logic. Track the following issues filed to remediate these problems:
-- [Use `http_archive` as `git_repository`'s
- backend.](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/2147)
-- [Improve `maven_jar`'s backend.](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/1752)
-Do not use `bind()`. See "[Consider removing
-bind](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/1952)" for a long discussion of its issues and
-## Custom BUILD files
-When using a `new_` repository rule, prefer to specify `build_file_content`, not `build_file`.
-## Skylark repository rules
-A Skylark repository rule should generally be responsible for:
-- Detecting system settings and writing them to files.
-- Finding resources elsewhere on the system.
-- Downloading resources from URLs.
-- Generating or symlinking BUILD files into the external repository directory.
-Avoid using `repository_ctx.execute` when possible. For example, when using a non-Bazel C++
-library that has a build using Make, it is preferable to use `respository_ctx.download()` and then
-write a BUILD file that builds it, instead of running `ctx.execute(["make"])`.
-# Java
-## Directory structure
-Prefer Maven's standard directory layout (sources under `src/main/java`, tests under
-## BUILD files
-Use one BUILD file per package containing Java sources. Every BUILD file should contain one
-`java_library` rule that looks like this:
- name = "directory-name",
- srcs = glob(["*.java"]),
- deps = [...],
-The name of the library should be the name of the directory containing the BUILD file. The sources
-should be a non-recursive glob of all Java files in the directory.
-Tests should be in a matching directory under `src/test` and depend on this library.
-# C++
-## BUILD files
-Each BUILD file should contain one `cc_library` rule target per compilation unit in the directory.
-C++ libraries should be as fine-grained as possible to provide as much incrementality as possible.
-If there is a single source file in `srcs`, the library should be named based on that C++ file's
-name. This library should contain a C++ file(s), any matching header file(s), and the library's
-direct dependencies. For example,
- name = "mylib",
- srcs = ["mylib.cc"],
- hdrs = ["mylib.h"],
- deps = [":lower-level-lib"]
-There should be one `cc_test` rule target per `cc_library` target in the file. The `cc_test`'s
-source should be a file named `[libname]_test.cc`. For example, a test for the target above might
-look like:
- name = "mylib_test",
- srcs = ["mylib_test.cc"],
- deps = [":mylib"]
-## Include paths
-All include paths should be relative to the workspace directory. Use `includes` only if a public
-header needs to be widely used at a non-workspace-relative path (for legacy or `third_party` code).
-Otherwise, prefer to use the `copts` attribute, not the `includes` attribute.
-Using `cc_inc_library` is discouraged, prefer `copts` or `includes`.
-See [the design document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/18qUWh0uUiJBv6ZOySvp6DEV0NjVnBoEy-r-ZHa9cmhU/edit#heading=h.kmep1cl5ym9k)
-on C++ include directories for reasoning.
-# Protos
-## Recommended Code Organization
-- One `proto_library` rule per `.proto` file.
-- A file named `foo.proto` will be in a rule named `foo_proto`, which is located in the same
- package.
-- A `[language]_proto_library` that wraps a `proto_library` named `foo_proto` should be called
- `foo_[language]_proto`, and be located in the same package.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Query Language
-<h1>The Bazel Query Reference</h1>
- When you use <code>bazel query</code> to analyze build
- dependencies, you use a little language, the <em>Bazel Query
- Language</em>. This document is the reference manual for that
- language. This document also describes the output
- formats <code>bazel query</code> supports.
- How do people use <code>bazel query</code>? Here are typical examples:
- Why does the <code>//foo</code> tree depend on <code>//bar/baz</code>?
- Show a path:</p>
- <pre>somepath(foo/..., //bar/baz:all)</pre>
- What C++ libraries do all the <code>foo</code> tests depend on that
- the <code>foo_bin</code> target does not?</p>
- <pre>kind("cc_library", deps(kind(".*test rule", foo/...)) except deps(//foo:foo_bin))</pre>
-<h2>Tokens: the lexical syntax</h2>
- Expressions in the query language are composed of the following
- tokens:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <p>
- <b>Keywords</b>, such as <code>somepath</code> or
- <code>let</code>. Keywords are the reserved words of the
- language, and each of them is described below. The complete set
- of keywords is:
- </p>
-<code><!-- keep this alphabetically sorted -->
-<a href="#path-operators">allpaths</a><br/>
-<a href="#attr">attr</a><br/>
-<a href="#buildfiles">buildfiles</a><br/>
-<a href="#deps">deps</a><br/>
-<a href="#set-operations">except</a><br/>
-<a href="#filter">filter</a><br/>
-<a href="#variables">in</a><br/>
-<a href="#set-operations">intersect</a><br/>
-<a href="#kind">kind</a><br/>
-<a href="#labels">labels</a><br/>
-<a href="#variables">let</a><br/>
-<a href="#loadfiles">loadfiles</a><br/>
-<a href="#rdeps">rdeps</a><br/>
-<a href="#set">set</a><br/>
-<a href="#some">some</a><br/>
-<a href="#path-operators">somepath</a><br/>
-<a href="#tests">tests</a><br/>
-<a href="#set-operations">union</a><br/>
- </li>
- <li>
- <p>
- <b>Words</b>, such as <code>foo/...</code> or
- <code>".*test rule"</code> or
- <code>//bar/baz:all</code>.
- If a character sequence is "quoted" (begins and ends with a
- single-quote <code>'</code>, or begins and ends with a
- double-quote <code>&quot;</code>), it is a word.
- If a character sequence is not quoted, it may still be parsed as a word.
- Unquoted words are sequences of characters drawn from
- the set of alphabet characters, numerals, slash <code>/</code>,
- hyphen <code>-</code>, underscore <code>_</code>, star <code>*</code>, and
- period <code>.</code>. Unquoted words may not start with a
- hyphen or period.
- </p>
- <p>We chose this syntax so that quote marks aren't needed in most cases.
- The (unusual) <code>".*test rule"</code> example needs quotes: it
- starts with a period and contains a space.
- Quoting <code>"cc_library"</code> is unnecessary but harmless.
- </p>
- <p>
- Quoting <em>is</em> necessary when writing scripts that
- construct Bazel query expressions from user-supplied values.
- </p>
- <pre>
- //foo:bar+wiz # WRONG: scanned as //foo:bar + wiz.
- //foo:bar=wiz # WRONG: scanned as //foo:bar = wiz.
- "//foo:bar+wiz" # ok.
- "//foo:bar=wiz" # ok.
- </pre>
- <p>
- Note that this quoting is in addition to any quoting that may
- be required by your shell. e.g.
- </p>
- <pre>bazel query ' "//foo:bar=wiz" ' # single-quotes for shell, double-quotes for Bazel.</pre>
- <p>
- Keywords, when quoted, are treated as ordinary words, thus
- <code>some</code> is a keyword but <code>"some"</code> is a word.
- Both <code>foo</code> and <code>"foo"</code> are words.
- </p>
- <li><b>Punctuation</b>, such as parens <code>()</code>, period
- <code>.</code> and comma <code>,</code>, etc. Words containing
- punctuation (other than the exceptions listed above) must be quoted.
- </ul>
- Whitespace characters outside of a quoted word are ignored.
-<h2 id='concepts'>Bazel Query Language Concepts</h2>
- The Bazel query language is a language of expressions. Every
- expression evaluates to a <b>partially-ordered set</b> of targets,
- or equivalently, a <b>graph</b> (DAG) of targets. This is the only
- datatype.
- In some expressions, the partial order of the graph is
- not interesting; In this case, we call the values
- "sets". In cases where the partial order of elements
- is significant, we call values "graphs". Note
- that both terms refer to the same datatype, but merely emphasize
- different aspects of it.
-<h3>Cycles in the dependency graph</h3>
- Build dependency graphs should be acyclic.
- The algorithms used by the query language are intended for use in
- acyclic graphs, but are robust against cycles. The details of how
- cycles are treated are not specified and should not be relied upon.
-<h3 id='implicit_deps'>Implicit dependencies</h3>
- In addition to build dependencies that are defined explicitly in BUILD files,
- Bazel adds additional <em>implicit</em> dependencies to rules. For example
- every Java rule implicitly depends on the JavaBuilder. Implicit dependencies
- are established using attributes that start with <code>$</code> and they
- cannot be overridden in BUILD files.
- Per default <code>bazel query</code> takes implicit dependencies into account
- when computing the query result. This behavior can be changed with
- the <code>--[no]implicit_deps</code> option.
-<h3 id='soundness'>Soundness</h3>
- Bazel query language expressions operate over the build
- dependency graph, which is the graph implicitly defined by all
- rule declarations in all BUILD files. It is important to understand
- that this graph is somewhat abstract, and does not constitute a
- complete description of how to perform all the steps of a build. In
- order to perform a build, a <em>configuration</em> is required too;
- see the <a href='bazel-user-manual.html#configurations'>configurations</a>
- section of the User's Guide for more detail.
- The result of evaluating an expression in the Bazel query language
- is true <em>for all configurations</em>, which means that it may be
- a conservative over-approximation, and not exactly precise. If you
- use the query tool to compute the set of all source files needed
- during a build, it may report more than are actually necessary
- because, for example, the query tool will include all the files
- needed to support message translation, even though you don't intend
- to use that feature in your build.
-<h3 id='graph-order'>On the preservation of graph order</h3>
- Operations preserve any ordering
- constraints inherited from their subexpressions. You can think of
- this as "the law of conservation of partial order". Consider an
- example: if you issue a query to determine the transitive closure of
- dependencies of a particular target, the resulting set is ordered
- according to the dependency graph. If you filter that set to
- include only the targets of <code>file</code> kind, the same
- <em>transitive</em> partial ordering relation holds between every
- pair of targets in the resulting subset&mdash;even though none of
- these pairs is actually directly connected in the original graph.
- (There are no file&ndash;file edges in the build dependency graph).
- However, while all operators <em>preserve</em> order, some
- operations, such as the <a href='#set-operations'>set operations</a>
- don't <em>introduce</em> any ordering constraints of their own.
- Consider this expression:
-<pre>deps(x) union y</pre>
- The order of the final result set is guaranteed to preserve all the
- ordering constraints of its subexpressions, namely, that all the
- transitive dependencies of <code>x</code> are correctly ordered with
- respect to each other. However, the query guarantees nothing about
- the ordering of the targets in <code>y</code>, nor about the
- ordering of the targets in <code>deps(x)</code> relative to those in
- <code>y</code> (except for those targets in
- <code>y</code> that also happen to be in <code>deps(x)</code>).
- Operators that introduce ordering constraints include:
- <code>allpaths</code>,
- <code>deps</code>,
- <code>rdeps</code>,
- <code>somepath</code>,
- and the target pattern wildcards
- <code>package:*</code>,
- <code>dir/...</code>, etc.
-<h2>Expressions: syntax and semantics of the grammar</h2>
- This is the grammar of the Bazel query language, expressed in EBNF
- notation:
-<pre>expr ::= <var>word</var>
- | let <var>name</var> = <var>expr</var> in <var>expr</var>
- | (<var>expr</var>)
- | <var>expr</var> intersect <var>expr</var>
- | <var>expr</var> ^ <var>expr</var>
- | <var>expr</var> union <var>expr</var>
- | <var>expr</var> + <var>expr</var>
- | <var>expr</var> except <var>expr</var>
- | <var>expr</var> - <var>expr</var>
- | deps(<var>expr</var>)
- | deps(<var>expr</var>, <var>depth</var>)
- | rdeps(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>)
- | rdeps(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>, <var>depth</var>)
- | some(<var>expr</var>)
- | somepath(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>)
- | allpaths(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>)
- | kind(<var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>)
- | labels(<var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>)
- | filter(<var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>)
- | set(<var>word</var> *)
- | attr(<var>word</var>, <var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>)
- We will examine each of the productions of this grammar in order.
-<h3 id="target-patterns">Target patterns</h3>
-<pre>expr ::= <var>word</var></pre>
- Syntactically, a <em>target pattern</em> is just a word. It
- is interpreted as an (unordered) set of targets. The simplest
- target pattern is a label,
- which identifies a single target (file or rule). For example, the
- target pattern <code>//foo:bar</code> evaluates to a set
- containing one element, the target, the <code>bar</code>
- rule.
- Target patterns generalize labels to include wildcards over packages
- and targets. For example, <code>foo/...:all</code> (or
- just <code>foo/...</code>) is a target pattern that evaluates to a
- set containing all <em>rules</em> in every package recursively
- beneath the <code>foo</code> directory;
- <code>bar/baz:all</code> is a target pattern that
- evaluates to a set containing all the rules in the
- <code>bar/baz</code> package, but not its subpackages.
- Similarly, <code>foo/...:*</code> is a target pattern that evaluates
- to a set containing all <em>targets</em> (rules <em>and</em> files) in
- every package recursively beneath the <code>foo</code> directory;
- <code>bar/baz:*</code> evaluates to a set containing
- all the targets in the
- <code>bar/baz</code> package, but not its subpackages.
- Because the <code>:*</code> wildcard matches files as well as rules,
- it is often more useful than <code>:all</code> for queries.
- Conversely, the <code>:all</code> wildcard (implicit in target
- patterns like <code>foo/...</code>) is typically more useful for
- builds.
- <code>bazel query</code> target patterns work the same as
- <code>bazel build</code> build targets do;
- refer to <a href='bazel-user-manual.html#target-patterns'>Target Patterns</a>
- in the Bazel User Manual for further details, or type <code>bazel
- help target-syntax</code>.
- Target patterns may evaluate to a singleton set (in the case of a
- label), to a set containing many elements (as in the case of
- <code>foo/...</code>, which has thousands of elements) or to the
- empty set, if the target pattern matches no targets.
- All nodes in the result of a target pattern expression are correctly
- ordered relative to each other according to the dependency relation.
- So, the result of <code>foo:*</code> is not just the set of targets
- in package <code>foo</code>, it is also the <em>graph</em> over
- those targets. (No guarantees are made about the relative ordering
- of the result nodes against other nodes.) See the section
- on <a href='#graph-order'>graph order</a> for more details.
-<h3 id="variables">Variables</h3>
-<pre>expr ::= let <var>name</var> = <var>expr</var><sub>1</sub> in <var>expr</var><sub>2</sub>
- | <var>$name</var></pre>
- The Bazel query language allows definitions of and references to
- variables. The
- result of evaluation of a <code>let</code> expression is the same as
- that of <var>expr</var><sub>2</sub>, with all free occurrences of
- variable <var>name</var> replaced by the value of
- <var>expr</var><sub>1</sub>.
- For example, <code>let v = foo/... in allpaths($v, //common)
- intersect $v</code> is equivalent to the <code>allpaths(foo/...,
- //common) intersect foo/...</code>.
- An occurrence of a variable reference <code>name</code> other than in
- an enclosing <code>let <var>name</var> = ...</code> expression is an
- error. In other words, toplevel query expressions cannot have free
- variables.
- In the above grammar productions, <code>name</code> is like
- <em>word</em>, but with the additional constraint that it be a legal
- identifier in the C programming language. References to the variable
- must be prepended with the "$" character.
- Each <code>let</code> expression defines only a single variable,
- but you can nest them.
- (Both <a
- href='#target-patterns'>target patterns</a> and variable references
- consist of just a single token, a word, creating a syntactic
- ambiguity. However, there is no semantic ambiguity, because the
- subset of words that are legal variable names is disjoint from the
- subset of words that are legal target patterns.)
- (Technically speaking, <code>let</code> expressions do not increase
- the expressiveness of the query language: any query expressible in
- the language can also be expressed without them. However, they
- improve the conciseness of many queries, and may also lead to more
- efficient query evaluation.)
-<h3 id="parentheses">Parenthesized expressions</h3>
-<pre>expr ::= (<var>expr</var>)</pre>
- Parentheses associate subexpressions to force an
- order of evaluation.
- A parenthesized expression evaluates
- to the value of its argument.
-<h3 id="set-operations">Algebraic set operations:
- intersection, union, set difference</h3>
-<pre>expr ::= <var>expr</var> intersect <var>expr</var>
- | <var>expr</var> ^ <var>expr</var>
- | <var>expr</var> union <var>expr</var>
- | <var>expr</var> + <var>expr</var>
- | <var>expr</var> except <var>expr</var>
- | <var>expr</var> - <var>expr</var>
- These three operators compute the usual set operations over their
- arguments. Each operator has two forms, a nominal form such
- as <code>intersect</code> and a symbolic form such
- as <code>^</code>. Both forms are equivalent;
- the symbolic forms are quicker to type. (For clarity, the rest of
- this manual uses the nominal forms.) For example,
-<pre>foo/... except foo/bar/...</pre>
- evaluates to the set of targets that match
- <code>foo/...</code> but not
- <code>foo/bar/...</code>&nbsp;. Equivalently:
-<pre>foo/... - foo/bar/...</pre>
- The <code>intersect</code> (<code>^</code>)
- and <code>union</code> (<code>+</code>) operations are commutative
- (symmetric); <code>except</code> (<code>-</code>) is
- asymmetric. The parser treats all three operators as
- left-associative and of equal precedence, so you might want parentheses.
- For example, the first two of these expressions are
- equivalent, but the third is not:
-<pre>x intersect y union z
-(x intersect y) union z
-x intersect (y union z)</pre>
- (We strongly recommend that you use parentheses where there is
- any danger of ambiguity in reading a query expression.)
-<h3 id="set">Read targets from an external source: set</h3>
-<pre>expr ::= set(<var>word</var> *) </pre>
- The <code>set(<var>a</var> <var>b</var> <var>c</var> ...)</code>
- operator computes the union of a set of zero or
- more <a href='#target-patterns'>target patterns</a>, separated by
- whitespace (no commas).
- In conjunction with the Bourne shell's <code>$(...)</code>
- feature, <code>set()</code> provides a means of saving the results
- of one query in a regular text file, manipulating that text file
- using other programs (e.g. standard UNIX shell tools), and then
- introducing the result back into the query tool as a value for
- further processing. For example:
- bazel query deps(//my:target) --output=label | grep ... | sed ... | awk ... &gt; foo
- bazel query "kind(cc_binary, set($(&lt;foo)))"
- In the next example, <code>kind(cc_library,
- deps(//some_dir/foo:main, 5))</code> is effectively computed
- by filtering on the <code>maxrank</code> values using
- an <code>awk</code> program.
- bazel query 'deps(//some_dir/foo:main)' --output maxrank |
- awk '($1 &lt; 5) { print $2;} ' &gt; foo
- bazel query "kind(cc_library, set($(&lt;foo)))"
- In these examples, <code>$(&lt;foo)</code> is a shorthand
- for <code>$(cat foo)</code>, but shell commands other
- than <code>cat</code> may be used too&mdash;such as
- the previous <code>awk</code> command.
- Note, <code>set()</code> introduces no graph ordering constraints,
- so path information may be lost when saving and reloading sets of
- nodes using it. See the <a href='#graph-order'>graph order</a>
- section below for more detail.
-<h3 id="deps">Transitive closure of dependencies: deps</h3>
-<pre>expr ::= deps(<var>expr</var>)
- | deps(<var>expr</var>, <var>depth</var>)</pre>
- The <code>deps(<var>x</var>)</code> operator evaluates to the graph
- formed by the transitive closure of dependencies of its argument set
- <var>x</var>. For example, the value of <code>deps(//foo)</code> is
- the dependency graph rooted at the single node <code>foo</code>,
- including all its dependencies. The value of
- <code>deps(foo/...)</code> is the dependency graphs whose roots are
- all rules in every package beneath the <code>foo</code> directory.
- Please note that 'dependencies' means only rule and file targets
- in this context, therefore the BUILD,
- and Skylark files needed to
- create these targets are not included here. For that you should use the
- <a href="#buildfiles"><code>buildfiles</code></a> operator.
- The resulting graph is ordered according to the dependency relation.
- See the section on <a href='#graph-order'>graph order</a> for more
- details.
- The <code>deps</code> operator accepts an optional second argument,
- which is an integer literal specifying an upper bound on the depth
- of the search. So <code>deps(foo:*, 1)</code> evaluates to all the
- direct prerequisites of any target in the <code>foo</code> package,
- and <code>deps(foo:*, 2)</code> further includes the nodes directly
- reachable from the nodes in <code>deps(foo:*, 1)</code>, and so on.
- (These numbers correspond to the ranks shown in
- the <a href='#output-ranked'><code>minrank</code></a> output
- format.) If the <var>depth</var> parameter is omitted, the search
- is unbounded, i.e. it computes the reflexive transitive closure of
- prerequsites.
-<h3 id="rdeps">Transitive closure of reverse dependencies: rdeps</h3>
-<pre>expr ::= rdeps(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>)
- | rdeps(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>, <var>depth</var>)</pre>
- The <code>rdeps(<var>u</var>, <var>x</var>)</code> operator evaluates
- to the reverse dependencies of the argument set <var>x</var> within the
- transitive closure of the universe set <var>u</var>.
- The resulting graph is ordered according to the dependency relation. See the
- section on <a href='#graph-order'>graph order</a> for more details.
- The <code>rdeps</code> operator accepts an optional third argument,
- which is an integer literal specifying an upper bound on the depth of the
- search. The resulting graph will only include nodes within a distance of the
- specified depth from any node in the argument set. So
- <code>rdeps(//foo, //common, 1)</code> evaluates to all nodes in the
- transitive closure of <code>//foo</code> that directly depend on
- <code>//common</code>. (These numbers correspond to the ranks shown in the
- <a href='#output-ranked'><code>minrank</code></a> output format.) If the
- <var>depth</var> parameter is omitted, the search is unbounded.
-<h3 id="some">Arbitrary choice: some</h3>
-<pre>expr ::= some(<var>expr</var>)</pre>
- The <code>some(<var>x</var>)</code> operator selects one target
- arbitrarily from its argument set <var>x</var>, and evaluates to a
- singleton set containing only that target. For example, the
- expression <code>some(//foo:main union //bar:baz)</code>
- evaluates to a set containing either <code>//foo:main</code> or
- <code>//bar:baz</code>&mdash;though which one is not defined.
- If the argument is a singleton, then <code>some</code>
- computes the identity function: <code>some(//foo:main)</code> is
- equivalent to <code>//foo:main</code>.
- It is an error if the specified argument set is empty, as in the
- expression <code>some(//foo:main intersect //bar:baz)</code>.
-<h3 id="path-operators">Path operators: somepath, allpaths</h3>
-<pre>expr ::= somepath(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>)
- | allpaths(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>)</pre>
- The <code>somepath(<var>S</var>, <var>E</var>)</code> and
- <code>allpaths(<var>S</var>, <var>E</var>)</code> operators compute
- paths between two sets of targets. Both queries accept two
- arguments, a set <var>S</var> of starting points and a set
- <var>E</var> of ending points. <code>somepath</code> returns the
- graph of nodes on <em>some</em> arbitrary path from a target in
- <var>S</var> to a target in <var>E</var>; <code>allpaths</code>
- returns the graph of nodes on <em>all</em> paths from any target in
- <var>S</var> to any target in <var>E</var>.
- The resulting graphs are ordered according to the dependency relation.
- See the section on <a href='#graph-order'>graph order</a> for more
- details.
-<table style='margin: auto'><tr>
-<td style='text-align: center'>
-<div class='graphviz dot'><!--
-digraph somepath1 {
- graph [size="4,4"]
- node [label="",shape=circle];
- n1;
- n2 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled];
- n3 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled];
- n4 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled,label="E"];
- n5; n6;
- n7 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled,label="S1"];
- n8 [label="S2"];
- n9;
- n10 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled];
- n1 -> n2;
- n2 -> n3;
- n7 -> n5;
- n7 -> n2;
- n5 -> n6;
- n6 -> n4;
- n8 -> n6;
- n6 -> n9;
- n2 -> n10;
- n3 -> n10;
- n10 -> n4;
- n10 -> n11;
-<p><code>somepath(S1 + S2, E)</code>,<br/>one possible result.</p>
-<td style='padding: 40px; text-align: center'>
-<div class='graphviz dot'><!--
-digraph somepath2 {
- graph [size="4,4"]
- node [label="",shape=circle];
- n1; n2; n3;
- n4 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled,label="E"];
- n5;
- n6 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled];
- n7 [label="S1"];
- n8 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled,label="S2"];
- n9; n10;
- n1 -> n2;
- n2 -> n3;
- n7 -> n5;
- n7 -> n2;
- n5 -> n6;
- n6 -> n4;
- n8 -> n6;
- n6 -> n9;
- n2 -> n10;
- n3 -> n10;
- n10 -> n4;
- n10 -> n11;
-<p><code>somepath(S1 + S2, E)</code>,<br/>another possible result.</p>
-<td style='text-align: center'>
-<div class='graphviz dot'><!--
-digraph allpaths {
- graph [size="4,4"]
- node [label="",shape=circle];
- n1;
- n2 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled];
- n3 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled];
- n4 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled,label="E"];
- n5 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled];
- n6 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled];
- n7 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled, label="S1"];
- n8 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled, label="S2"];
- n9;
- n10 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled];
- n1 -> n2;
- n2 -> n3;
- n7 -> n5;
- n7 -> n2;
- n5 -> n6;
- n6 -> n4;
- n8 -> n6;
- n6 -> n9;
- n2 -> n10;
- n3 -> n10;
- n10 -> n4;
- n10 -> n11;
-<p><code>allpaths(S1 + S2, E)</code>.</p>
-<h3 id="kind">Target kind filtering: kind</h3>
-<pre>expr ::= kind(<var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>) </pre>
- The <code>kind(<var>pattern</var>, <var>input</var>)</code> operator
- applies a filter to a set of targets, and discards those targets
- that are not of the expected kind. The <var>pattern</var> parameter specifies
- what kind of target to match.
-<li><b>file</b> patterns can be one of:
- <ul>
- <li><code>source file</code>
- <li><code>generated file</code>
- </ul>
-<li><b>rule</b> patterns can be one of:
- <ul>
- <li><code><var>ruletype</var> rule</code>
- <li><code><var>ruletype</var></code><br>
- Where <var>ruletype</var> is a build rule. The difference between these
- forms is that including "rule" causes the regular expression match for
- <var>ruletype</var> to be anchored.
- </ul>
-<li><b>package group</b> patterns should simply be:
- <ul>
- <li><code>package group</code>
- </ul>
- For example, the kinds for the four targets defined by the BUILD file
- (for package <code>p</code>) shown below are illustrated in the
- table:
-<table style='margin: auto'><tr><td style='padding-right:10px'>
-<pre style='margin-left: 0em;'>
- name = "a",
- srcs = ["a.in"],
- outs = ["a.out"],
- cmd = "...",
- <table class="grid">
- <tr><th>Target</th><th>Kind</th></tr>
- <tr class='tt'><td>//p:a</td><td>genrule rule</td></tr>
- <tr class='tt'><td>//p:a.in</td><td>source file</td></tr>
- <tr class='tt'><td>//p:a.out</td><td>generated file</td></tr>
- <tr class='tt'><td>//p:BUILD</td><td>source file</td></tr>
- </table>
- Thus, <code>kind("cc_.* rule", foo/...)</code> evaluates to the set
- of all <code>cc_library</code>, <code>cc_binary</code>, etc,
- rule targets beneath
- <code>foo</code>, and <code>kind("source file", deps(//foo))</code>
- evaluates to the set of all source files in the transitive closure
- of dependencies of the <code>//foo</code> target.
- Quotation of the <var>pattern</var> argument is often required
- because without it, many regular expressions, such as <code>source
- file</code> and <code>.*_test</code>, are not considered words by
- the parser.
- When matching for <code>package group</code>, targets ending in
- <code>:all</code> may not yield any results.
- Use <code>:all-targets</code> instead.
-<h3 id="filter">Target name filtering: filter</h3>
-<pre>expr ::= filter(<var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>) </pre>
- The <code>filter(<var>pattern</var>, <var>input</var>)</code> operator
- applies a filter to a set of targets, and discards targets whose
- labels (in absolute form) do not match the pattern; it
- evaluates to a subset of its input.
- The first argument, <var>pattern</var> is a word containing a
- regular expression over target names. A <code>filter</code> expression
- evaluates to the set containing all targets <var>x</var> such that
- <var>x</var> is a member of the set <var>input</var> and the
- label (in absolute form, e.g. <code>//foo:bar</code>)
- of <var>x</var> contains an (unanchored) match
- for the regular expression <var>pattern</var>. Since all
- target names start with <code>//</code>, it may be used as an alternative
- to the <code>^</code> regular expression anchor.
- This operator often provides a much faster and more robust alternative to the
- <code>intersect</code> operator. For example, in order to see all
- <code>bar</code> dependencies of the <code>//foo:foo</code> target, one could
- evaluate
-<pre>deps(//foo) intersect //bar/...</pre>
- This statement, however, will require parsing of all BUILD files in the
- <code>bar</code> tree, which will be slow and prone to errors in
- irrelevant BUILD files. An alternative would be:
-<pre>filter(//bar, deps(//foo))</pre>
- which would first calculate the set of <code>//foo</code> dependencies and
- then would filter only targets matching the provided pattern&mdash;in other
- words, targets with names containing <code>//bar</code> as a
- substring.
- Another common use of the <code>filter(<var>pattern</var>,
- <var>expr</var>)</code> operator is to filter specific files by their
- name or extension. For example,
-<pre>filter("\.cc$", deps(//foo))</pre>
- will provide a list of all <code>.cc</code> files used to build
- <code>//foo</code>.
-<h3 id="attr">Rule attribute filtering: attr</h3>
-<pre>expr ::= attr(<var>word</var>, <var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>) </pre>
- The <code>attr(<var>name</var>, <var>pattern</var>, <var>input</var>)</code>
- operator applies a filter to a set of targets, and discards targets that
- are not rules, rule targets that do not have attribute <var>name</var>
- defined or rule targets where the attribute value does not match the provided
- regular expression <var>pattern</var>; it evaluates to a subset of its input.
- The first argument, <var>name</var> is the name of the rule attribute that
- should be matched against the provided regular expression pattern. The second
- argument, <var>pattern</var> is a regular expression over the attribute
- values. An <code>attr</code> expression evaluates to the set containing all
- targets <var>x</var> such that <var>x</var> is a member of the set
- <var>input</var>, is a rule with the defined attribute <var>name</var> and
- the attribute value contains an (unanchored) match for the regular expression
- <var>pattern</var>. Please note, that if <var>name</var> is an optional
- attribute and rule does not specify it explicitly then default attribute
- value will be used for comparison. For example,
-<pre>attr(linkshared, 0, deps(//foo))</pre>
- will select all <code>//foo</code> dependencies that are allowed to have a
- linkshared attribute (e.g., <code>cc_binary</code> rule) and have it either
- explicitly set to 0 or do not set it at all but default value is 0 (e.g. for
- <code>cc_binary</code> rules).
- List-type attributes (such as <code>srcs</code>, <code>data</code>, etc) are
- converted to strings of the form <code>[value<sub>1</sub>, ..., value<sub>n</sub>]</code>,
- starting with a <code>[</code> bracket, ending with a <code>]</code> bracket
- and using "<code>, </code>" (comma, space) to delimit multiple values.
- Labels are converted to strings by using the absolute form of the
- label. For example, an attribute <code>deps=[":foo",
- "//otherpkg:bar", "wiz"]</code> would be converted to the
- string <code>[//thispkg:foo, //otherpkg:bar, //thispkg:wiz]</code>.
- Brackets
- are always present, so the empty list would use string value <code>[]</code>
- for matching purposes. For example,
-<pre>attr("srcs", "\[\]", deps(//foo))</pre>
- will select all rules among <code>//foo</code> dependencies that have an
- empty <code>srcs</code> attribute, while
-<pre>attr("data", ".{3,}", deps(//foo))</pre>
- will select all rules among <code>//foo</code> dependencies that specify at
- least one value in the <code>data</code> attribute (every label is at least
- 3 characters long due to the <code>//</code> and <code>:</code>).
-<h3 id="visible">Rule visibility filtering: visible</h3>
-<pre>expr ::= visible(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>) </pre>
- The <code>visible(<var>predicate</var>, <var>input</var>)</code> operator
- applies a filter to a set of targets, and discards targets without the
- required visibility.
- The first argument, <var>predicate</var>, is a set of targets that all targets
- in the output must be visible to. A <var>visible</var> expression
- evaluates to the set containing all targets <var>x</var> such that <var>x</var>
- is a member of the set <var>input</var>, and for all targets <var>y</var> in
- <var>predicate</var> <var>x</var> is visible to <var>y</var>. For example:
-<pre>visible(//foo, //bar:*)</pre>
- will select all targets in the package <code>//bar</code> that <code>//foo</code>
- can depend on without violating visibility restrictions.
-<h3 id="labels">Evaluation of rule attributes of type label: labels</h3>
-<pre>expr ::= labels(<var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>) </pre>
- The <code>labels(<var>attr_name</var>, <var>inputs</var>)</code>
- operator returns the set of targets specified in the
- attribute <var>attr_name</var> of type "label" or "list of label" in
- some rule in set <var>inputs</var>.
- For example, <code>labels(srcs, //foo)</code> returns the set of
- targets appearing in the <code>srcs</code> attribute of
- the <code>//foo</code> rule. If there are multiple rules
- with <code>srcs</code> attributes in the <var>inputs</var> set, the
- union of their <code>srcs</code> is returned.
- Please note, <code>deps</code> is a reserved word in the query
- language, so you must quote it if you wish to query the rule
- attribute of that name in a <code>labels</code> expression:
- <code>labels("deps", //foo)</code>.
-<h3 id="tests">Expand and filter test_suites: tests</h3>
-<pre>expr ::= tests(<var>expr</var>)</pre>
- The <code>tests(<var>x</var>)</code> operator returns the set of all test
- rules in set <var>x</var>, expanding any <code>test_suite</code> rules into
- the set of individual tests that they refer to, and applying filtering by
- <code>tag</code> and <code>size</code>.
- By default, query evaluation
- ignores any non-test targets in all <code>test_suite</code> rules. This can be
- changed to errors with the <code>--strict_test_suite</code> option.
- For example, the query <code>kind(test, foo:*)</code> lists all
- the <code>*_test</code> and <code>test_suite</code> rules
- in the <code>foo</code> package. All the results are (by
- definition) members of the <code>foo</code> package. In contrast,
- the query <code>tests(foo:*)</code> will return all of the
- individual tests that would be executed by <code>bazel test
- foo:*</code>: this may include tests belonging to other packages,
- that are referenced directly or indirectly
- via <code>test_suite</code> rules.
-<h3 id="buildfiles">Package definition files: buildfiles</h3>
-<pre>expr ::= buildfiles(<var>expr</var>)</pre>
- The <code>buildfiles(<var>x</var>)</code> operator returns the set
- of files that define the packages of each target in
- set <var>x</var>; in other words, for each package, its BUILD file,
- plus any files it references
- via <code>load</code>. Note that this also returns the BUILD files of the
- packages containing these <code>load</code>ed files.
- This operator is typically used when determining what files or
- packages are required to build a specified target, often in conjunction with
- the <a href='#output-package'><code>--output package</code></a>
- option, below). For example,
-<pre>bazel query 'buildfiles(deps(//foo))' --output package</pre>
- returns the set of all packages on which <code>//foo</code> transitively
- depends.
- (Note: a naive attempt at the above query would omit
- the <code>buildfiles</code> operator and use only <code>deps</code>,
- but this yields an incorrect result: while the result contains the
- majority of needed packages, those packages that contain only files
- that are <code>load()</code>'ed
- will be missing.
-<h3 id="loadfiles">Package definition files: loadfiles</h3>
-<pre>expr ::= loadfiles(<var>expr</var>)</pre>
- The <code>loadfiles(<var>x</var>)</code> operator returns the set of
- Skylark files that are needed to load the packages of each target in
- set <var>x</var>. In other words, for each package, it returns the
- .bzl files that are referenced from its BUILD files.
-<h2>Output formats</h2>
- <code>bazel query</code> generates a graph.
- You specify the content, format, and ordering by which
- <code>bazel query</code> presents this graph
- by means of the <code>--output</code>
- command-line option.
- </p>
- Some of the output formats accept additional options. The name of
- each output option is prefixed with the output format to which it
- applies, so <code>--graph:factored</code> applies only
- when <code>--output=graph</code> is being used; it has no effect if
- an output format other than <code>graph</code> is used. Similarly,
- <code>--xml:line_numbers</code> applies only when <code>--output=xml</code>
- is being used.
-<h3 id='result-order'>On the ordering of results</h3>
- Although query expressions always follow the "<a href='#graph-order'>law of
- conservation of graph order</a>", <i>presenting</i> the results may be done
- in either a dependency-ordered or unordered manner. This does <b>not</b>
- influence the targets in the result set or how the query is computed. It only
- affects how the results are printed to stdout. Moreover, nodes that are
- equivalent in the dependency order may or may not be ordered alphabetically.
- The <code>--order_output</code> flag can be used to control this behavior.
- (The <code>--[no]order_results</code> flag has a subset of the functionality
- of the <code>--order_output</code> flag and is deprecated.)
- The default value of this flag is <code>auto</code>, which is equivalent to
- <code>full</code> for every output format except for <code>proto</code>,
- <code>graph</code>, <code>minrank</code>, and <code>maxrank</code>, for which
- it is equivalent to <code>deps</code>.
- When this flag is <code>no</code> and <code>--output</code> is one of
- <code>build</code>, <code>label</code>, <code>label_kind</code>,
- <code>location</code>, <code>package</code>, <code>proto</code>,
- <code>record</code> or <code>xml</code>, the outputs will be printed in
- arbitrary order. <b>This is generally the fastest option</b>. It is not
- supported though when <code>--output</code> is one of <code>graph</code>,
- <code>min_rank</code> or <code>max_rank</code>: with these formats, bazel will
- always print results ordered by the dependency order or rank.
- When this flag is <code>deps</code>, bazel will print results ordered by the
- dependency order. However, nodes that are unordered by the dependency order
- (because there is no path from either one to the other) may be printed in any
- order.
- When this flag is <code>full</code>, bazel will print results ordered by the
- dependency order, with unordered nodes ordered alphabetically or reverse
- alphabetically, depending on the output format. This may be slower than the
- other options, and so should only be used when deterministic results are
- important &mdash; it is guaranteed with this option that running the same query
- multiple times will always produce the same output.
-<h3 id="output-build">Print the source form of targets as they would appear in BUILD</h3>
-<pre>--output build</pre>
- With this option, the representation of each target is as if it were
- hand-written in the BUILD language. All variables and function calls
- (e.g. glob, macros) are expanded, which is useful for seeing the effect
- of Skylark macros. Additionally, each effective rule is annotated with
- the name of the macro (if any, see <code>generator_name</code> and
- <code>generator_function</code>) that produced it.
- Although the output uses the same syntax as BUILD files, it is not
- guaranteed to produce a valid BUILD file.
-<h3 id="output-label">Print the label of each target</h3>
-<pre>--output label</pre>
- With this option, the set of names (or <em>labels</em>) of each target
- in the resulting graph is printed, one label per line, in
- topological order (unless <code>--noorder_results</code> is specified, see
- <a href='#result-order'>notes on the ordering of results</a>).
- (A topological ordering is one in which a graph
- node appears earlier than all of its successors.) Of course there
- are many possible topological orderings of a graph (<em>reverse
- postorder</em> is just one); which one is chosen is not specified.
- When printing the output of a <code>somepath</code> query, the order
- in which the nodes are printed is the order of the path.
- Caveat: in some corner cases, there may be two distinct targets with
- the same label; for example, a <code>sh_binary</code> rule and its
- sole (implicit) <code>srcs</code> file may both be called
- <code>foo.sh</code>. If the result of a query contains both of
- these targets, the output (in <code>label</code> format) will appear
- to contain a duplicate. When using the <code>label_kind</code> (see
- below) format, the distinction becomes clear: the two targets have
- the same name, but one has kind <code>sh_binary rule</code> and the
- other kind <code>source file</code>.
-<h3 id="output-label_kind">Print the label and kind of each target</h3>
-<pre>--output label_kind</pre>
- Like <code>label</code>, this output format prints the labels of
- each target in the resulting graph, in topological order, but it
- additionally precedes the label by
- the <a href='#kind'><em>kind</em></a> of the target.
-<h3 id="output-ranked">Print the label of each target, in rank order</h3>
-<pre>--output minrank
---output maxrank</pre>
- Like <code>label</code>, the <code>minrank</code>
- and <code>maxrank</code> output formats print the labels of each
- target in the resulting graph, but instead of appearing in
- topological order, they appear in rank order, preceded by their
- rank number. These are unaffected by the result ordering
- <code>--[no]order_results</code> flag (see <a href='#result-order'>notes on
- the ordering of results</a>).
- There are two variants of this format: <code>minrank</code> ranks
- each node by the length of the shortest path from a root node to it.
- "Root" nodes (those which have no incoming edges) are of rank 0,
- their successors are of rank 1, etc. (As always, edges point from a
- target to its prerequisites: the targets it depends upon.)
- <code>maxrank</code> ranks each node by the length of the longest
- path from a root node to it. Again, "roots" have rank 0, all other
- nodes have a rank which is one greater than the maximum rank of all
- their predecessors.
- All nodes in a cycle are considered of equal rank. (Most graphs are
- acyclic, but cycles do occur
- simply because BUILD files contain erroneous cycles.)
- These output formats are useful for discovering how deep a graph is.
- If used for the result of a <code>deps(x)</code>, <code>rdeps(x)</code>,
- or <code>allpaths</code> query, then the rank number is equal to the
- length of the shortest (with <code>minrank</code>) or longest
- (with <code>maxrank</code>) path from <code>x</code> to a node in
- that rank. <code>maxrank</code> can be used to determine the
- longest sequence of build steps required to build a target.
- Please note, the ranked output of a <code>somepath</code> query is
- basically meaningless because <code>somepath</code> doesn't
- guarantee to return either a shortest or a longest path, and it may
- include "transitive" edges from one path node to another that are
- not direct edges in original graph.
- For example, the graph on the left yields the outputs on the right
- when <code>--output minrank</code> and <code>--output maxrank</code>
- are specified, respectively.
-<table style='margin: auto'><tr><td>
-<div class='graphviz dot'><!--
-digraph mygraph {
- node [shape=box];
-"//a:a" -> "//a:a.cc"
-"//b:b" -> "//a:a"
-"//b:b" -> "//b:b.cc"
-"//c:c" -> "//b:b"
-"//c:c" -> "//a:a"
-0 //c:c
-1 //b:b
-1 //a:a
-2 //b:b.cc
-2 //a:a.cc
-0 //c:c
-1 //b:b
-2 //a:a
-2 //b:b.cc
-3 //a:a.cc
-<h3 id="output-location">Print the location of each target</h3>
-<pre>--output location</pre>
- Like <code>label_kind</code>, this option prints out, for each
- target in the result, the target's kind and label, but it is
- prefixed by a string describing the location of that target, as a
- filename and line number. The format resembles the output of
- <code>grep</code>. Thus, tools that can parse the latter (such as Emacs
- or vi) can also use the query output to step through a series of
- matches, allowing the Bazel query tool to be used as a
- dependency-graph-aware "grep for BUILD files".
- The location information varies by target kind (see the <a
- href='#kind'>kind</a> operator). For rules, the
- location of the rule's declaration within the BUILD file is printed.
- For source files, the location of line 1 of the actual file is
- printed. For a generated file, the location of the rule that
- generates it is printed. (The query tool does not have sufficient
- information to find the actual location of the generated file, and
- in any case, it might not exist if a build has not yet been
- performed.)
-<h3 id="output-package">Print the set of packages</h3>
-<pre>--output package</pre>
- This option prints the name of all packages to which
- some target in the result set belongs. The names are printed in
- lexicographical order; duplicates are excluded. Formally, this
- is a <em>projection</em> from the set of labels (package, target) onto
- packages.
- In conjunction with the <code>deps(...)</code> query, this output
- option can be used to find the set of packages that must be checked
- out in order to build a given set of targets.
-<h3 id="output-graph">Display a graph of the result</h3>
-<pre>--output graph</pre>
- This option causes the query result to be printed as a directed
- graph in the popular AT&amp;T GraphViz format. Typically the
- result is saved to a file, such as <code>.png</code> or <code>.svg</code>.
- (If the <code>dot</code> program is not installed on your workstation, you
- can install it using the command <code>sudo apt-get install graphviz</code>.)
- See the example section below for a sample invocation.
- This output format is particularly useful for <code>allpath</code>,
- <code>deps</code>, or <code>rdeps</code> queries, where the result
- includes a <em>set of paths</em> that cannot be easily visualized when
- rendered in a linear form, such as with <code>--output label</code>.
- By default, the graph is rendered in a <em>factored</em> form. That is,
- topologically-equivalent nodes are merged together into a single
- node with multiple labels. This makes the graph more compact
- and readable, because typical result graphs contain highly
- repetitive patterns. For example, a <code>java_library</code> rule
- may depend on hundreds of Java source files all generated by the
- same <code>genrule</code>; in the factored graph, all these files
- are represented by a single node. This behavior may be disabled
- with the <code>--nograph:factored</code> option.
-<h4><code>--graph:node_limit <var>n</var></code></h4>
- The option specifies the maximum length of the label string for a
- graph node in the output. Longer labels will be truncated; -1
- disables truncation. Due to the factored form in which graphs are
- usually printed, the node labels may be very long. GraphViz cannot
- handle labels exceeding 1024 characters, which is the default value
- of this option. This option has no effect unless
- <code>--output=graph</code> is being used.
- By default, graphs are displayed in factored form, as explained
- <a href='#output-graph'>above</a>.
- When <code>--nograph:factored</code> is specified, graphs are
- printed without factoring. This makes visualization using GraphViz
- impractical, but the simpler format may ease processing by other
- tools (e.g. grep). This option has no effect
- unless <code>--output=graph</code> is being used.
-<h3 id="output-xml">XML</h3>
-<pre>--output xml</pre>
- This option causes the resulting targets to be printed in an XML
- form. The output starts with an XML header such as this
- &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
- &lt;query version="2"&gt;
-<!-- The docs should continue to document version 2 into perpetuity,
- even if we add new formats, to handle clients synced to old CLs. -->
- and then continues with an XML element for each target
- in the result graph, in topological order (unless
- <a href='#result-order'>unordered results</a> are requested),
- and then finishes with a terminating
- Simple entries are emitted for targets of <code>file</code>
- kind:
- &lt;source-file name='//foo:foo_main.cc' .../&gt;
- &lt;generated-file name='//foo:libfoo.so' .../&gt;
- But for rules, the XML is structured and contains definitions of all
- the attributes of the rule, including those whose value was not
- explicitly specified in the rule's BUILD file.
- Additionally, the result includes <code>rule-input</code> and
- <code>rule-output</code> elements so that the topology of the
- dependency graph can be reconstructed without having to know that,
- for example, the elements of the <code>srcs</code> attribute are
- forward dependencies (prerequisites) and the contents of the
- <code>outs</code> attribute are backward dependencies (consumers).
- <code>rule-input</code> elements for <a
- href='#implicit_deps'>implicit dependencies</a> are suppressed if
- <code>--noimplicit_deps</code> is specified.
- &lt;rule class='cc_binary rule' name='//foo:foo' ...&gt;
- &lt;list name='srcs'&gt;
- &lt;label value='//foo:foo_main.cc'/&gt;
- &lt;label value='//foo:bar.cc'/&gt;
- ...
- &lt;/list&gt;
- &lt;list name='deps'&gt;
- &lt;label value='//common:common'/&gt;
- &lt;label value='//collections:collections'/&gt;
- ...
- &lt;/list&gt;
- &lt;list name='data'&gt;
- ...
- &lt;/list&gt;
- &lt;int name='linkstatic' value='0'/&gt;
- &lt;int name='linkshared' value='0'/&gt;
- &lt;list name='licenses'/&gt;
- &lt;list name='distribs'&gt;
- &lt;distribution value="INTERNAL" /&gt;
- &lt;/list&gt;
- &lt;rule-input name="//common:common" /&gt;
- &lt;rule-input name="//collections:collections" /&gt;
- &lt;rule-input name="//foo:foo_main.cc" /&gt;
- &lt;rule-input name="//foo:bar.cc" /&gt;
- ...
- &lt;/rule&gt;
- Every XML element for a target contains a <code>name</code>
- attribute, whose value is the target's label, and
- a <code>location</code> attribute, whose value is the target's
- location as printed by the <a href='output-location'><code>--output
- location</code></a>.
- By default, the locations displayed in the XML output contain line numbers.
- When <code>--noxml:line_numbers</code> is specified, line numbers are not
- printed.
- By default, XML output does not include rule attribute whose value
- is the default value for that kind of attribute (e.g. because it
- were not specified in the BUILD file, or the default value was
- provided explicitly). This option causes such attribute values to
- be included in the XML output.
-<h3 id="external-repos">Querying with external repositories</h3>
- If the build depends on rules from external repositories (defined in the
- WORKSPACE file) then query results will include these dependencies. For
- example, if <code>//foo:bar</code> depends on <code>//external:some-lib</code>
- and <code>//external:some-lib</code> is bound to
- <code>@other-repo//baz:lib</code>, then
- <code>bazel query 'deps(//foo:bar)'</code>
- will list both <code>@other-repo//baz:lib</code> and
- <code>//external:some-lib</code> as dependencies.
- External repositories themselves are not dependencies of a build. That is, in
- the example above, <code>//external:other-repo</code> is not a dependency. It
- can be queried for as a member of the <code>//external</code> package, though,
- for example:
- # Querying over all members of //external returns the repository.
- bazel query 'kind(maven_jar, //external:*)'
- //external:other-repo
- # ...but the repository is not a dependency.
- bazel query 'kind(maven_jar, deps(//foo:bar))'
- INFO: Empty results
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-layout: documentation
-title: User Manual
-<h1>A User's Guide to Bazel</h1>
-<h2 id='overview'>Bazel overview</h2>
- To run Bazel, go to
- your base <a href="/docs/build-ref.html#workspaces">workspace</a> directory
- or any of its subdirectories and type <code>bazel</code>.
- % bazel help
- [Bazel release bazel-&lt;<i>version</i>&gt;]
- Usage: bazel &lt;command&gt; &lt;options&gt; ...
- Available commands:
- <a href='#analyze-profile'>analyze-profile</a> Analyzes build profile data.
- <a href='#build'>build</a> Builds the specified targets.
- <a href='#canonicalize'>canonicalize-flags</a> Canonicalize Bazel flags.
- <a href='#clean'>clean</a> Removes output files and optionally stops the server.
- <a href='#help'>help</a> Prints help for commands, or the index.
- <a href='#info'>info</a> Displays runtime info about the bazel server.
- <a href='#fetch'>fetch</a> Fetches all external dependencies of a target.
- <a href='#mobile-install'>mobile-install</a> Installs apps on mobile devices.
- <a href='#query'>query</a> Executes a dependency graph query.
- <a href='#run'>run</a> Runs the specified target.
- <a href='#shutdown'>shutdown</a> Stops the Bazel server.
- <a href='#test'>test</a> Builds and runs the specified test targets.
- <a href='#version'>version</a> Prints version information for Bazel.
- Getting more help:
- bazel help &lt;command&gt;
- Prints help and options for &lt;command&gt;.
- bazel help <a href='#startup_options'>startup_options</a>
- Options for the JVM hosting Bazel.
- bazel help <a href='#target-patterns'>target-syntax</a>
- Explains the syntax for specifying targets.
- bazel help info-keys
- Displays a list of keys used by the info command.
- The <code>bazel</code> tool performs many functions, called
- commands; users of CVS and Subversion will be familiar
- with this "Swiss army knife" arrangement. The most commonly used one is of
- course <code>bazel build</code>. You can browse the online help
- messages using <code>bazel help</code>.
-<h3 id='client/server'>Client/server implementation</h3>
- The Bazel system is implemented as a long-lived server process.
- This allows it to perform many optimizations not possible with a
- batch-oriented implementation, such as caching of BUILD files,
- dependency graphs, and other metadata from one build to the
- next. This improves the speed of incremental builds, and allows
- different commands, such as <code>build</code>
- and <code>query</code> to share the same cache of loaded packages,
- making queries very fast.
- When you run <code>bazel</code>, you're running the client. The
- client finds the server based on the output base, which by default is
- determined by the path of the base workspace directory and your
- userid, so if you build in multiple workspaces, you'll have multiple
- output bases and thus multiple Bazel server processes. Multiple
- users on the same workstation can build concurrently in the same
- workspace because their output bases will differ (different userids).
- If the client cannot find a running server instance, it starts a new
- one. The server process will stop after a period of inactivity (3 hours,
- by default).
- For the most part, the fact that there is a server running is
- invisible to the user, but sometimes it helps to bear this in mind.
- For example, if you're running scripts that perform a lot of
- automated builds in different directories, it's important to ensure
- that you don't accumulate a lot of idle servers; you can do this by
- explicitly shutting them down when you're finished with them, or by
- specifying a short timeout period.
- The name of a Bazel server process appears in the output of <code>ps
- x</code> or <code>ps -e f</code> as
- <code>bazel(<i>dirname</i>)</code>, where <i>dirname</i> is the
- basename of the directory enclosing the root your workspace directory.
- For example:
- % ps -e f
- 16143 ? Sl 3:00 bazel(src-jrluser2) -server -Djava.library.path=...
- This makes it easier to find out which server process belongs to a
- given workspace. (Beware that with certain other options
- to <code>ps</code>, Bazel server processes may be named just
- <code>java</code>.) Bazel servers can be stopped using
- the <a href='#shutdown'>shutdown</a> command.
- You can also run Bazel in batch mode using the <code>--batch</code>
- startup flag. This will immediately shut down the process after the
- command (build, test, etc.) has finished and not keep a server process
- around.
- When running <code>bazel</code>, the client first checks that the
- server is the appropriate version; if not, the server is stopped and
- a new one started. This ensures that the use of a long-running
- server process doesn't interfere with proper versioning.
-<h3 id='bazelrc'><code>.bazelrc</code>, the Bazel configuration file,
-the <code class='flag'>--bazelrc=<var>file</var></code> option, and the
-<code class='flag'>--config=<var>value</var></code> option</h3>
- Bazel accepts many options. Typically, some of these are varied
- frequently (e.g. <code class='flag'>--subcommands</code>) while others stay the
- same across several builds (e.g. <code class='flag'>--package_path</code>).
- To avoid having to specify these constant options every time you do
- a build or run some other Bazel command, Bazel allows you to
- specify options in a configuration file.
- Bazel looks for an optional configuration file in the location
- specified by the <code class='flag'>--bazelrc=<var>file</var></code> option. If
- this option is not specified then, by default, Bazel looks for the
- file called <code>.bazelrc</code> in one of two directories: first,
- in your base workspace directory, then in your home directory. If
- it finds a file in the first (workspace-specific) location, it will
- not look at the second (global) location.
- The <code class='flag'>--bazelrc=<var>file</var></code> option must
- appear <em>before</em> the command name (e.g. <code>build</code>).
- The option <code class='flag'>--bazelrc=/dev/null</code> effectively disables the
- use of a configuration file. We strongly recommend that you use
- this option when performing release builds, or automated tests that
- invoke Bazel.
- Aside from the configuration file described above, Bazel also looks
- for a master configuration file next to the binary, in the workspace
- at <code>tools/bazel.rc</code> or system-wide at
- <code>/etc/bazel.bazelrc</code>. These files are here to support
- installation-wide options or options shared between users.
- Like all UNIX "rc" files, the <code>.bazelrc</code> file is a text
- file with a line-based grammar. Lines starting <code>#</code> are
- considered comments and are ignored, as are blank lines. Each line
- contains a sequence of words, which are tokenized according to the
- same rules as the Bourne shell.
- The first word on each line is the name of a Bazel command, such
- as <code>build</code> or <code>query</code>. The remaining words
- are the default options that apply to that command.
- More than one line may be used for a command; the options are combined
- as if they had appeared on a single line.
- (Users of CVS, another tool with a "Swiss army knife" command-line
- interface, will find the syntax familiar to that of <code>.cvsrc</code>.)
- Startup options may be specified in the
- <code>.bazelrc</code> file using the command <code>startup</code>.
- These options are described in the interactive help
- at <code>bazel help startup_options</code>.
- Options specified in the command line always take precedence over
- those from a configuration file. In configuration files, lines for a more specific command take
- precedence over lines for a less specific command (e.g. the 'test' command inherits all the
- options from the 'build' command, so a 'test --foo=bar' line takes precedence over a
- 'build --foo=baz' line, regardless of which configuration files these two lines are in) and lines
- equally specific for which command they apply have precedence based on the configuration file they
- are in, with the user-specific configuration file taking precedence over the master one.
- Options may include words other than flags, such as the names of
- build targets, etc; these are always prepended to the explicit
- argument list provided on the command-line, if any.
- Common command options may be specified in the
- <code>.bazelrc</code> file using the command <code>common</code>.
- In addition, commands may have <code>:name</code> suffixes. These
- options are ignored by default, but can be pulled in through the
- <code>--config=<var>name</var></code> option, either on the command line or in
- a <code>.bazelrc</code> file. The intention is that these bundle command line
- options that are commonly used together, for example
- <code>--config=memcheck</code>.
- Note that some config sections are defined in the master bazelrc file.
- To avoid conflicts, user-defined sections
- should start with the '_' (underscore) character.
- The command named <code>import</code> is special: if Bazel encounters such
- a line in a <code>.bazelrc</code> file, it parses the contents of the file
- referenced by the import statement, too. Options specified in an imported file
- take precedence over ones specified before the import statement, options
- specified after the import statement take precedence over the ones in the
- imported file, and options in files imported later take precedence over files
- imported earlier.
- Here's an example <code>~/.bazelrc</code> file:
- # Bob's Bazel option defaults
- startup --batch --host_jvm_args=-XX:-UseParallelGC
- import /home/bobs_project/bazelrc
- build --show_timestamps --keep_going --jobs 600
- build --color=yes
- query --keep_going
- build:memcheck --strip=never --test_timeout=3600
-<h2 id='build'>Building programs with Bazel</h2>
-<h3>The <code>build</code> command</h3>
- The most important function of Bazel is, of course, building code. Type
- <code>bazel build</code> followed by the name of the
- <a href="#target-patterns">target</a> you wish to build. Here's a typical
- session:
- % bazel build //foo
- ____Loading package: foo
- ____Loading package: bar
- ____Loading package: baz
- ____Loading complete. Analyzing...
- ____Building 1 target...
- ____[0 / 3] Executing Genrule //bar:helper_rule
- ____[1 / 3] Executing Genrule //baz:another_helper_rule
- ____[2 / 3] Building foo/foo.bin
- Target //foo:foo up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/foo/foo.bin
- bazel-bin/foo/foo
- ____Elapsed time: 9.905s
- Bazel prints the progress messages as it loads all the
- packages in the transitive closure of dependencies of the requested
- target, then analyzes them for correctness and to create the build actions,
- finally executing the compilers and other tools of the build.
- Bazel prints progress messages during
- the <a href='#execution-phase'>execution phase</a> of the build, showing the
- current build step (compiler, linker, etc.) that is being started,
- and the number of completed over total number of build actions. As the
- build starts the number of total actions will often increase as Bazel
- discovers the entire action graph, but the number will usually stabilize
- within a few seconds.
- At the end of the build Bazel
- prints which targets were requested, whether or not they were
- successfully built, and if so, where the output files can be found.
- Scripts that run builds can reliably parse this output; see <a
- href='#flag--show_result'><code class='flag'>--show_result</code></a> for more
- details.
- Typing the same command again:
- % bazel build //foo
- ____Loading...
- ____Found 1 target...
- ____Building complete.
- Target //foo:foo up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/foo/foo.bin
- bazel-bin/foo/foo
- ____Elapsed time: 0.280s
- we see a "null" build: in this case, there are no packages to
- re-load, since nothing has changed, and no build steps to execute.
- (If something had changed in "foo" or some of its dependencies, resulting in the
- reexecution of some build actions, we would call it an "incremental" build, not a
- "null" build.)
- Before you can start a build, you will need a Bazel workspace. This is
- simply a directory tree that contains all the source files needed to build
- your application.
- Bazel allows you to perform a build from a completely read-only volume.
-<h4 id='flag--package_path'>Setting up a <code class='flag'>--package_path</code></h4>
- Bazel finds its packages by searching the package path. This is a colon
- separated ordered list of bazel directories, each being the root of a
- partial source tree.
- <i>To specify a custom package path</i> using the
- <code class='flag'>--package_path</code> option:
- % bazel build --package_path %workspace%:/some/other/root
-Package path elements may be specified in three formats:
- <li>
- If the first character is <code>/</code>, the path is absolute.
- </li>
- <li>
- If the path starts with <code>%workspace%</code>, the path is taken relative
- to the nearest enclosing bazel directory.<br>
- For instance, if your working directory
- is <code>/home/bob/clients/bob_client/bazel/foo</code>, then the
- string <code>%workspace%</code> in the package-path is expanded
- to <code>/home/bob/clients/bob_client/bazel</code>.
- </li>
- <li>
- Anything else is taken relative to the working directory.<br> This is usually not what you mean to do,
- and may behave unexpectedly if you use Bazel from directories below the bazel workspace.
- For instance, if you use the package-path element <code>.</code>,
- and then cd into the directory
- <code>/home/bob/clients/bob_client/bazel/foo</code>, packages
- will be resolved from the
- <code>/home/bob/clients/bob_client/bazel/foo</code> directory.
- </li>
- If you use a non-default package path, we recommend that you specify
- it in your <a href='#bazelrc'>Bazel configuration file</a> for
- convenience.
- <i>Bazel doesn't require any packages to be in the
- current directory</i>, so you can do a build from an empty bazel
- workspace if all the necessary packages can be found somewhere else
- on the package path.
- <i>Example</i>: Building from an empty client
- % mkdir -p foo/bazel
- % cd foo/bazel
- % bazel build --package_path /some/other/path //foo
-<h3 id='target-patterns'>Specifying targets to build</h3>
- Bazel allows a number of ways to specify the targets to be built.
- Collectively, these are known as <i>target patterns</i>.
- The on-line help displays a summary of supported patterns:
-% bazel help target-syntax
-Target pattern syntax
-The BUILD file label syntax is used to specify a single target. Target
-patterns generalize this syntax to sets of targets, and also support
-working-directory-relative forms, recursion, subtraction and filtering.
-Specifying a single target:
- //foo/bar:wiz The single target '//foo/bar:wiz'.
- foo/bar/wiz Equivalent to:
- '//foo/bar/wiz:wiz' if foo/bar/wiz is a package,
- '//foo/bar:wiz' if foo/bar is a package,
- '//foo:bar/wiz' otherwise.
- //foo/bar Equivalent to '//foo/bar:bar'.
-Specifying all rules in a package:
- //foo/bar:all Matches all rules in package 'foo/bar'.
-Specifying all rules recursively beneath a package:
- //foo/...:all Matches all rules in all packages beneath directory 'foo'.
- //foo/... (ditto)
- By default, directory symlinks are followed when performing this recursive traversal, except
- those that point to under the output base (for example, the convenience symlinks that are created
- in the root directory of the workspace) But we understand that your workspace may intentionally
- contain directories with unusual symlink structures that you don't want consumed. As such, if a
- directory has a file named
- in that directory won't be followed when evaluating recursive target patterns.
-Working-directory relative forms: (assume cwd = 'workspace/foo')
- Target patterns which do not begin with '//' are taken relative to
- the working directory. Patterns which begin with '//' are always
- absolute.
- ...:all Equivalent to '//foo/...:all'.
- ... (ditto)
- bar/...:all Equivalent to '//foo/bar/...:all'.
- bar/... (ditto)
- bar:wiz Equivalent to '//foo/bar:wiz'.
- :foo Equivalent to '//foo:foo'.
- bar Equivalent to '//foo/bar:bar'.
- foo/bar Equivalent to '//foo/foo/bar:bar'.
- bar:all Equivalent to '//foo/bar:all'.
- :all Equivalent to '//foo:all'.
-Summary of target wildcards:
- :all, Match all rules in the specified packages.
- :*, :all-targets Match all targets (rules and files) in the specified
- packages, including ones not built by default, such
- as _deploy.jar files.
-Subtractive patterns:
- Target patterns may be preceded by '-', meaning they should be
- subtracted from the set of targets accumulated by preceding
- patterns. (Note that this means order matters.) For example:
- % bazel build -- foo/... -foo/contrib/...
- builds everything in 'foo', except 'contrib'. In case a target not
- under 'contrib' depends on something under 'contrib' though, in order to
- build the former bazel has to build the latter too. As usual, the '--' is
- required to prevent '-f' from being interpreted as an option.
- Whereas <a href="build-ref.html#labels">labels</a> are used
- to specify individual targets, e.g. for declaring dependencies in
- BUILD files, Bazel's target patterns are a syntax for specifying
- multiple targets: they are a generalization of the label syntax
- for <i>sets</i> of targets, using wildcards. In the simplest case,
- any valid label is also a valid target pattern, identifying a set of
- exactly one target.
- <code>foo/...</code> is a wildcard over <em>packages</em>,
- indicating all packages recursively beneath
- directory <code>foo</code> (for all roots of the package
- path). <code>:all</code> is a wildcard
- over <em>targets</em>, matching all rules within a package. These two may be
- combined, as in <code>foo/...:all</code>, and when both wildcards
- are used, this may be abbreviated to <code>foo/...</code>.
- In addition, <code>:*</code> (or <code>:all-targets</code>) is a
- wildcard that matches <em>every target</em> in the matched packages,
- including files that aren't normally built by any rule, such
- as <code>_deploy.jar</code> files associated
- with <code>java_binary</code> rules.
- This implies that <code>:*</code> denotes a <em>superset</em>
- of <code>:all</code>; while potentially confusing, this syntax does
- allow the familiar <code>:all</code> wildcard to be used for
- typical builds, where building targets like the <code>_deploy.jar</code>
- is not desired.
- In addition, Bazel allows a slash to be used instead of the colon
- required by the label syntax; this is often convenient when using
- Bash filename expansion. For example, <code>foo/bar/wiz</code> is
- equivalent to <code>//foo/bar:wiz</code> (if there is a
- package <code>foo/bar</code>) or to <code>//foo:bar/wiz</code> (if
- there is a package <code>foo</code>).
- Many Bazel commands accept a list of target patterns as arguments,
- and they all honor the prefix negation operator `<code>-</code>'.
- This can be used to subtract a set of targets from the set specified
- by the preceding arguments. (Note that this means order matters.)
- For example,
- bazel build foo/... bar/...
- means "build all
- targets beneath <code>foo</code> <i>and</i> all targets
- beneath <code>bar</code>", whereas
- bazel build -- foo/... -foo/bar/...
- means "build all targets beneath <code>foo</code> <i>except</i>
- those beneath <code>foo/bar</code>".
- (The <code>--</code> argument is required to prevent the subsequent
- arguments starting with <code>-</code> from being interpreted as
- additional options.)
- It's important to point out though that subtracting targets this way will not
- guarantee that they are not built, since they may be dependencies of targets
- that weren't subtracted. For example, if there were a target
- <code>//foo:all-apis</code> that among others depended on
- <code>//foo/bar:api</code>, then the latter would be built as part of
- building the former.
- Targets with <code>tags=["manual"]</code> will not be included in wildcard target patterns (...,
- :*, :all, etc). You should specify such test targets with explicit target patterns on the command
- line if you want Bazel to build/test them.
-<h3 id='fetch'>Fetching external dependencies</h3>
- By default, Bazel will download and symlink external dependencies during the
- build. However, this can be undesirable, either because you'd like to know
- when new external dependendencies are added or because you'd like to
- "prefetch" dependencies (say, before a flight where you'll be offline). If you
- would like to prevent new dependencies from being added during builds, you
- can specify the <code>--fetch=false</code> flag. Note that this flag only
- applies to repository rules that do not point to a directory in the local
- file system. Changes, for example, to <code>local_repository</code>,
- <code>new_local_repository</code> and Android SDK and NDK repository rules
- will always take effect regardless of the value <code>--fetch</code> .
- If you disallow fetching during builds and Bazel finds new external
- dependencies, your build will fail.
- You can manually fetch dependencies by running <code>bazel fetch</code>. If
- you disallow during-build fetching, you'll need to run <code>bazel
- fetch</code>:
- <ol>
- <li>Before you build for the first time.
- <li>After you add a new external dependency.
- </ol>
- Once it has been run, you should not need to run it again until the WORKSPACE
- file changes.
- <code>fetch</code> takes a list of targets to fetch dependencies for. For
- example, this would fetch dependencies needed to build <code>//foo:bar</code>
- and <code>//bar:baz</code>:
-$ bazel fetch //foo:bar //bar:baz
- To fetch all external dependencies for a workspace, run:
-$ bazel fetch //...
- You do not need to run bazel fetch at all if you have all of the tools you are
- using (from library jars to the JDK itself) under your workspace root.
- However, if you're using anything outside of the workspace directory then you
- will need to run <code>bazel fetch</code> before running
- <code>bazel build</code>.
-<h3 id='configurations'>Build configurations and cross-compilation</h3>
- All the inputs that specify the behavior and result of a given
- build can be divided into two distinct categories.
- The first kind is the intrinsic information stored in the BUILD
- files of your project: the build rule, the values of its attributes,
- and the complete set of its transitive dependencies.
- The second kind is the external or environmental data, supplied by
- the user or by the build tool: the choice of target architecture,
- compilation and linking options, and other toolchain configuration
- options. We refer to a complete set of environmental data as
- a <b>configuration</b>.
- In any given build, there may be more than one configuration.
- Consider a cross-compile, in which you build
- a <code>//foo:bin</code> executable for a 64-bit architecture,
- but your workstation is a 32-bit machine. Clearly, the build
- will require building <code>//foo:bin</code> using a toolchain
- capable of creating 64-bit executables, but the build system must
- also build various tools used during the build itself&mdash;for example
- tools that are built from source, then subsequently used in, say, a
- genrule&mdash;and these must be built to run on your workstation.
- Thus we can identify two configurations: the <b>host
- configuration</b>, which is used for building tools that run during
- the build, and the <b>target configuration</b> (or <i>request
- configuration</i>, but we say "target configuration" more often even
- though that word already has many meanings), which is
- used for building the binary you ultimately requested.
- Typically, there are many libraries that are prerequisites of both
- the requested build target (<code>//foo:bin</code>) and one or more of
- the host tools, for example some base libraries. Such libraries must be built
- twice, once for the host configuration, and once for the target
- configuration.<br/>
- Bazel takes care of ensuring that both variants are built, and that
- the derived files are kept separate to avoid interference; usually
- such targets can be built concurrently, since they are independent
- of each other. If you see progress messages indicating that a given
- target is being built twice, this is most likely the explanation.
- Bazel uses one of two ways to select the host configuration, based
- on the <code class='flag'>--distinct_host_configuration</code> option. This
- boolean option is somewhat subtle, and the setting may improve (or
- worsen) the speed of your builds.
-<h4><code class='flag'>--distinct_host_configuration=false</code></h4>
- When this option is false, the host and
- request configurations are identical: all tools required during the
- build will be built in exactly the same way as target programs.
- This setting means that no libraries need to be built twice during a
- single build, so it keeps builds short.
- However, it does mean that any change to your request configuration
- also affects your host configuration, causing all the tools to be
- rebuilt, and then anything that depends on the tool output to be
- rebuilt too. Thus, for example, simply changing a linker option
- between builds might cause all tools to be re-linked, and then all
- actions using them reexecuted, and so on, resulting in a very large rebuild.
- Also, please note: if your host architecture is not capable of
- running your target binaries, your build will not work.
- If you frequently make changes to your request configuration, such
- as alternating between <code>-c opt</code> and <code>-c dbg</code>
- builds, or between simple- and cross-compilation, we do not
- recommend this option, as you will typically rebuild the majority of
- your codebase each time you switch.
-<h4><code class='flag'>--distinct_host_configuration=true</code> <i>(default)</i></h4>
- If this option is true, then instead of using the same configuration
- for the host and request, a completely distinct host configuration
- is used. The host configuration is derived from the target
- configuration as follows:
- <li>Use the same version of Crosstool
- (<code class='flag'>--crosstool_top</code>) as specified in the request
- configuration, unless <code class='flag'>--host_crosstool_top</code> is
- specified.
- </li>
- <li>
- Use the value of <code class="flag">--host_cpu</code> for
- <code class='flag'>--cpu</code>
- (default: <code>k8</code>).
- </li>
- <li>Use the same values of these options as specified in the request
- configuration:
- <code class='flag'>--compiler</code>,
- <code class='flag'>--use_ijars</code>,
- <code class='flag'>--java_toolchain</code>,
- If <code class='flag'>--host_crosstool_top</code> is used, then the value of
- <code class='flag'>--host_cpu</code> is used to look up a
- <code>default_toolchain</code> in the Crosstool
- (ignoring <code class='flag'>--compiler</code>) for the host configuration.
- </li>
- <li>Use optimized builds for C++ code (<code>-c opt</code>).
- </li>
- <li>Generate no debugging information (<code class='flag'>--copt=-g0</code>).
- </li>
- <li>Strip debug information from executables and shared libraries
- (<code class='flag'>--strip=always</code>).
- </li>
- <li>Place all derived files in a special location, distinct from
- that used by any possible request configuration.
- </li>
- <li>Suppress stamping of binaries with build data
- (see <code class='flag'>--embed_*</code> options).
- </li>
- <li>All other values remain at their defaults.
- </li>
- There are many reasons why it might be preferable to select a
- distinct host configuration from the request configuration.
- Some are too esoteric to mention here, but two of them are worth
- pointing out.
- Firstly, by using stripped, optimized binaries, you reduce the time
- spent linking and executing the tools, the disk space occupied by
- the tools, and the network I/O time in distributed builds.
- Secondly, by decoupling the host and request configurations in all
- builds, you avoid very expensive rebuilds that would result from
- minor changes to the request configuration (such as changing a linker options
- does), as described earlier.
- That said, for certain builds, this option may be a hindrance. In
- particular, builds in which changes of configuration are infrequent
- (especially certain Java builds), and builds where the amount of code that
- must be built in both host and target configurations is large, may
- not benefit.
-<h3 id='correctness'>Correct incremental rebuilds</h3>
- One of the primary goals of the Bazel project is to ensure correct
- incremental rebuilds. Previous build tools, especially those based
- on Make, make several unsound assumptions in their implementation of
- incremental builds.
- Firstly, that timestamps of files increase monotonically. While
- this is the typical case, it is very easy to fall afoul of this
- assumption; syncing to an earlier revision of a file causes that file's
- modification time to decrease; Make-based systems will not rebuild.
- More generally, while Make detects changes to files, it does
- not detect changes to commands. If you alter the options passed to
- the compiler in a given build step, Make will not re-run the
- compiler, and it is necessary to manually discard the invalid
- outputs of the previous build using <code>make clean</code>.
- Also, Make is not robust against the unsuccessful termination of one
- of its subprocesses after that subprocess has started writing to
- its output file. While the current execution of Make will fail, the
- subsequent invocation of Make will blindly assume that the truncated
- output file is valid (because it is newer than its inputs), and it
- will not be rebuilt. Similarly, if the Make process is killed, a
- similar situation can occur.
- Bazel avoids these assumptions, and others. Bazel maintains a database
- of all work previously done, and will only omit a build step if it
- finds that the set of input files (and their timestamps) to that
- build step, and the compilation command for that build step, exactly
- match one in the database, and, that the set of output files (and
- their timestamps) for the database entry exactly match the
- timestamps of the files on disk. Any change to the input files or
- output files, or to the command itself, will cause re-execution of
- the build step.
- The benefit to users of correct incremental builds is: less time
- wasted due to confusion. (Also, less time spent waiting for
- rebuilds caused by use of <code>make clean</code>, whether necessary
- or pre-emptive.)
-<h4>Build consistency and incremental builds</h4>
- Formally, we define the state of a build as <i>consistent</i> when
- all the expected output files exist, and their contents are correct,
- as specified by the steps or rules required to create them. When
- you edit a source file, the state of the build is said to
- be <i>inconsistent</i>, and remains inconsistent until you next run
- the build tool to successful completion. We describe this situation
- as <i>unstable inconsistency</i>, because it is only temporary, and
- consistency is restored by running the build tool.
- There is another kind of inconsistency that is pernicious: <i>stable
- inconsistency</i>. If the build reaches a stable inconsistent
- state, then repeated successful invocation of the build tool does
- not restore consistency: the build has gotten "stuck", and the
- outputs remain incorrect. Stable inconsistent states are the main
- reason why users of Make (and other build tools) type <code>make
- clean</code>. Discovering that the build tool has failed in this
- manner (and then recovering from it) can be time consuming and very
- frustrating.
- Conceptually, the simplest way to achieve a consistent build is to
- throw away all the previous build outputs and start again: make
- every build a clean build. This approach is obviously too
- time-consuming to be practical (except perhaps for release
- engineers), and therefore to be useful, the build tool must be able
- to perform incremental builds without compromising consistency.
- Correct incremental dependency analysis is hard, and as described
- above, many other build tools do a poor job of avoiding stable
- inconsistent states during incremental builds. In contrast, Bazel
- offers the following guarantee: after a successful invocation of the
- build tool during which you made no edits, the build will be in a
- consistent state. (If you edit your source files during a build,
- Bazel makes no guarantee about the consistency of the result of the
- current build. But it does guarantee that the results of
- the <i>next</i> build will restore consistency.)
- As with all guarantees, there comes some fine print: there are some
- known ways of getting into a stable inconsistent state with Bazel.
- We won't guarantee to investigate such problems arising from deliberate
- attempts to find bugs in the incremental dependency analysis, but we
- will investigate and do our best to fix all stable inconsistent
- states arising from normal or "reasonable" use of the build tool.
- If you ever detect a stable inconsistent state with Bazel, please report a bug.
-<h4 id='sandboxing'>Sandboxed execution</h4>
- Bazel uses sandboxes to guarantee that actions run hermetically<sup>1</sup> and correctly.
- Bazel runs <i>Spawn</i>s (loosely speaking: actions) in sandboxes that only contain the minimal
- set of files the tool requires to do its job. Currently sandboxing works on Linux 3.12 or newer
- with the <code>CONFIG_USER_NS</code> option enabled, and also on Mac OS 10.11 for newer.
- Bazel will print a warning if your system does not support sandboxing to alert you to the fact
- that builds are not guaranteed to be hermetic and might affect the host system in unknown ways.
- To disable this warning you can pass the <code>--ignore_unsupported_sandboxing</code> flag to
- Bazel.
- On some platforms such as <a href="https://cloud.google.com/container-engine/">Google Container
- Engine</a> cluster nodes or Debian, user namespaces are deactivated by default due to security
- concerns. This can be checked by looking at the file
- <code>/proc/sys/kernel/unprivileged_userns_clone</code>: if it exists and contains a 0, then
- user namespaces can be activated with <code>sudo sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone=1</code>.
- In some cases, the Bazel sandbox fails to execute rules because of the system setup. The symptom
- is generally a failure that output a message similar to
- <code>namespace-sandbox.c:633: execvp(argv[0], argv): No such file or directory</code>. In that
- case, try to deactivate the sandbox for genrules with <code>--genrule_strategy=standalone</code>
- and for other rules with <code>--spawn_strategy=standalone</code>. Also please report a bug on our
- issue tracker and mention which Linux distribution you're using so that we can investigate and
- provide a fix in a subsequent release.
- <sup>1</sup>: Hermeticity means that the action only uses its declared input files and no other
- files in the filesystem, and it only produces its declared output files.
-<h3 id='clean'>Deleting the outputs of a build</h3>
-<h4>The <code>clean</code> command</h4>
- Bazel has a <code>clean</code> command, analogous to that of Make.
- It deletes the output directories for all build configurations performed
- by this Bazel instance, or the entire working tree created by this
- Bazel instance, and resets internal caches. If executed without any
- command-line options, then the output directory for all configurations
- will be cleaned.
-<p>Recall that each Bazel instance is associated with a single workspace, thus the
- <code>clean</code> command will delete all outputs from all builds you've done
- with that Bazel instance in that workspace.
- To completely remove the entire working tree created by a Bazel
- instance, you can specify the <code class='flag'>--expunge</code> option. When
- executed with <code class='flag'>--expunge</code>, the clean command simply
- removes the entire output base tree which, in addition to the build
- output, contains all temp files created by Bazel. It also
- stops the Bazel server after the clean, equivalent to the <a
- href='#shutdown'><code>shutdown</code></a> command. For example, to
- clean up all disk and memory traces of a Bazel instance, you could
- specify:
- % bazel clean --expunge
- Alternatively, you can expunge in the background by using
- <code class='flag'>--expunge_async</code>. It is safe to invoke a Bazel command
- in the same client while the asynchronous expunge continues to run.
- Note, however, that this may introduce IO contention.
- The <code>clean</code> command is provided primarily as a means of
- reclaiming disk space for workspaces that are no longer needed.
- However, we recognize that Bazel's incremental rebuilds might not be
- perfect; <code>clean</code> may be used to recover a consistent
- state when problems arise.
- Bazel's design is such that these problems are fixable; we consider
- such bugs a high priority, and will do our best fix them. If you
- ever find an incorrect incremental build, please file a bug report.
- We encourage developers to get out of the habit of
- using <code>clean</code> and into that of reporting bugs in the
- tools.
-<h3 id='phases'>Phases of a build</h3>
- In Bazel, a build occurs in three distinct phases; as a user,
- understanding the difference between them provides insight into the
- options which control a build (see below).
-<h4 id='loading-phase'>Loading phase</h4>
- The first is <b>loading</b> during which all the necessary BUILD
- files for the initial targets, and their transitive closure of
- dependencies, are loaded, parsed, evaluated and cached.
- For the first build after a Bazel server is started, the loading
- phase typically takes many seconds as many BUILD files are loaded
- from the file system. In subsequent builds, especially if no BUILD
- files have changed, loading occurs very quickly.
- Errors reported during this phase include: package not found, target
- not found, lexical and grammatical errors in a BUILD file,
- and evaluation errors.
-<h4 id='analysis-phase'>Analysis phase</h4>
- The second phase, <b>analysis</b>, involves the semantic analysis
- and validation of each build rule, the construction of a build
- dependency graph, and the determination of exactly what work is to
- be done in each step of the build.
- Like loading, analysis also takes several seconds when computed in
- its entirety. However, Bazel caches the dependency graph from
- one build to the next and only reanalyzes what it has to, which can
- make incremental builds extremely fast in the case where the
- packages haven't changed since the previous build.
- Errors reported at this stage include: inappropriate dependencies,
- invalid inputs to a rule, and all rule-specific error messages.
- The loading and analysis phases are fast because
- Bazel avoids unnecessary file I/O at this stage, reading only BUILD
- files in order to determine the work to be done. This is by design,
- and makes Bazel a good foundation for analysis tools, such as
- Bazel's <a href='#query'>query</a> command, which is implemented
- atop the loading phase.
-<h4 id='execution-phase'>Execution phase</h4>
- The third and final phase of the build is <b>execution</b>. This
- phase ensures that the outputs of each step in the build are
- consistent with its inputs, re-running compilation/linking/etc. tools as
- necessary. This step is where the build spends the majority of
- its time, ranging from a few seconds to over an hour for a large
- build. Errors reported during this phase include: missing source
- files, errors in a tool executed by some build action, or failure of a tool to
- produce the expected set of outputs.
- The following sections describe the options available during a
- build. When <code class='flag'>--long</code> is used on a help command, the on-line
- help messages provide summary information about the meaning, type and
- default value for each option.
- Most options can only be specified once. When specified multiple times, the
- last instance wins. Options that can be specified multiple times are
- identified in the on-line help with the text 'may be used multiple times'.
-<h3>Options that affect how packages are located</h3>
- See also the <a href='#flag--show_package_location'><code class='flag'>--show_package_location</code></a>
- option.
-<h4 id='flag--package_path'><code class='flag'>--package_path</code></h4>
- This option specifies the set of directories that are searched to
- find the BUILD file for a given package.
-<h4 id='flag--deleted_packages'><code class='flag'>--deleted_packages</code></h4>
- This option specifies a comma-separated list of packages which Bazel
- should consider deleted, and not attempt to load from any directory
- on the package path. This can be used to simulate the deletion of packages without
- actually deleting them.
-<h3 id='checking-options'>Error checking options</h3>
- These options control Bazel's error-checking and/or warnings.
-<h4 id='flag--check_constraint'><code class='flag'>--check_constraint <var>constraint</var></code></h4>
- This option takes an argument that specifies which constraint
- should be checked.
- Bazel performs special checks on each rule that is annotated with the
- given constraint.
- The supported constraints and their checks are as follows:
- <li><code>public</code>: Verify that all java_libraries marked with
- <code>constraints = ['public']</code> only depend on java_libraries
- that are marked as <code>constraints = ['public']</code> too. If bazel
- finds a dependency that does not conform to this rule, bazel will issue
- an error.
- </li>
-<h4 id='flag--check_visibility'><code class='flag'>--[no]check_visibility</code></h4>
- If this option is set to false, visibility checks are demoted to warnings.
- The default value of this option is true, so that by default, visibility
- checking is done.
-<h4 id='flag--experimental_action_listener'>
- <code class='flag'>--experimental_action_listener=<var>label</var></code>
- The <code>experimental_action_listener</code> option instructs Bazel to use
- details from the <a href="be/extra-actions.html#action_listener"
- ><code>action_listener</code></a> rule specified by <var>label</var> to
- insert <a href="be/extra-actions.html#extra_action"
- ><code>extra_actions</code></a> into the build graph.
-<h4 id='flag--experimental_extra_action_filter'>
- <code class='flag'>--experimental_extra_action_filter=<var>regex</var></code>
- The <code>experimental_extra_action_filter</code> option instructs Bazel to
- filter the set of targets to schedule <code>extra_actions</code> for.
- This flag is only applicable in combination with the
- <a href='#flag--experimental_action_listener'
- ><code>--experimental_action_listener</code></a> flag.
- By default all <code>extra_actions</code> in the transitive closure of the
- requested targets-to-build get scheduled for execution.
- <code>--experimental_extra_action_filter</code> will restrict scheduling to
- <code>extra_actions</code> of which the owner's label matches the specified
- regular expression.
- The following example will limit scheduling of <code>extra_actions</code>
- to only apply to actions of which the owner's label contains '/bar/':
-<pre>% bazel build --experimental_action_listener=//test:al //foo/... \
- --experimental_extra_action_filter=.*/bar/.*
-<h4 id='flag--output_filter'><code class='flag'>--output_filter <var>regex</var></code></h4>
- The <code class='flag'>--output_filter</code> option will only show build and compilation
- warnings for targets that match the regular expression. If a target does not
- match the given regular expression and its execution succeeds, its standard
- output and standard error are thrown away. This option is intended to be used
- to help focus efforts on fixing warnings in packages under development. Here
- are some typical values for this option:
- <tr>
- <td><code class='flag'>--output_filter=</code></td>
- <td>Show all output.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code class='flag'>--output_filter='^//(first/project|second/project):'</code></td>
- <td>Show the output for the specified packages.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code class='flag'>--output_filter='^//((?!(first/bad_project|second/bad_project):).)*$'</code></td>
- <td>Don't show output for the specified packages.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code class='flag'>--output_filter=DONT_MATCH_ANYTHING</code></td>
- <td>Don't show output.</td>
- </tr>
-<h4 id='flag--analysis_warnings_as_errors'><code>--[no]analysis_warnings_as_errors</code></h4>
- When this option is enabled, visible analysis warnings (as specified by
- the output filter) are treated as errors, effectively preventing the build
- phase from starting. This feature can be used to enable strict builds that
- do not allow new warnings to creep into a project.
-<h3 id='flags-options'>Flags options</h3>
- These options control which options Bazel will pass to other tools.
-<h4 id='flag--copt'><code class='flag'>--copt <var>gcc-option</var></code></h4>
- This option takes an argument which is to be passed to gcc.
- The argument will be passed to gcc whenever gcc is invoked
- for preprocessing, compiling, and/or assembling C, C++, or
- assembler code. It will not be passed when linking.
- This option can be used multiple times.
- For example:
- % bazel build --copt="-g0" --copt="-fpic" //foo
- will compile the <code>foo</code> library without debug tables, generating
- position-independent code.
- Note that changing <code class='flag'>--copt</code> settings will force a recompilation
- of all affected object files. Also note that copts values listed in specific
- cc_library or cc_binary build rules will be placed on the gcc command line
- <em>after</em> these options.
- Warning: C++-specific options (such as <code>-fno-implicit-templates</code>)
- should be specified in <code class='flag'>--cxxopt</code>, not in
- <code class='flag'>--copt</code>. Likewise, C-specific options (such as -Wstrict-prototypes)
- should be specified in <code class='flag'>--conlyopt</code>, not in <code>copt</code>.
- Similarly, gcc options that only have an
- effect at link time (such as <code>-l</code>) should be specified in
- <code class='flag'>--linkopt</code>, not in <code class='flag'>--copt</code>.
-<h4 id='flag--host_copt'><code class='flag'>--host_copt <var>gcc-option</var></code></h4>
- This option takes an argument which is to be passed to gcc for source files
- that are compiled in the host configuration. This is analogous to
- the <a href='#flag--copt'><code class='flag'>--copt</code></a> option, but applies only to the
- host configuration.
-<h4 id='flag--host_cxxopt'><code class='flag'>--host_cxxopt <var>gcc-option</var></code></h4>
- This option takes an argument which is to be passed to gcc for source files
- that are compiled in the host configuration. This is analogous to
- the <a href='#flag--cxxopt'><code class='flag'>--cxxopt</code></a> option, but applies only to the
- host configuration.
-<h4 id='flag--conlyopt'><code class='flag'>--conlyopt <var>gcc-option</var></code></h4>
- This option takes an argument which is to be passed to gcc when compiling C source files.
- This is similar to <code class='flag'>--copt</code>, but only applies to C compilation,
- not to C++ compilation or linking. So you can pass C-specific options
- (such as <code>-Wno-pointer-sign</code>) using <code class='flag'>--conlyopt</code>.
- Note that copts parameters listed in specific cc_library or cc_binary build rules
- will be placed on the gcc command line <em>after</em> these options.
-<h4 id='flag--cxxopt'><code class='flag'>--cxxopt <var>gcc-option</var></code></h4>
- This option takes an argument which is to be passed to gcc when compiling C++ source files.
- This is similar to <code class='flag'>--copt</code>, but only applies to C++ compilation,
- not to C compilation or linking. So you can pass C++-specific options
- (such as <code>-fpermissive</code> or <code>-fno-implicit-templates</code>) using <code class='flag'>--cxxopt</code>.
- For example:
- % bazel build --cxxopt="-fpermissive" --cxxopt="-Wno-error" //foo/cruddy_code
- Note that copts parameters listed in specific cc_library or cc_binary build rules
- will be placed on the gcc command line <em>after</em> these options.
-<h4 id='flag--linkopt'><code class='flag'>--linkopt <var>linker-option</var></code></h4>
- This option takes an argument which is to be passed to gcc when linking.
- This is similar to <code class='flag'>--copt</code>, but only applies to linking,
- not to compilation. So you can pass gcc options that only make sense
- at link time (such as <code>-lssp</code> or <code>-Wl,--wrap,abort</code>)
- using <code class='flag'>--linkopt</code>. For example:
- % bazel build --copt="-fmudflap" --linkopt="-lmudflap" //foo/buggy_code
- Build rules can also specify link options in their attributes. This option's
- settings always take precedence. Also see
- <a href="be/c-cpp.html#cc_library.linkopts">cc_library.linkopts</a>.
-<h4 id='flag--strip'><code class='flag'>--strip (always|never|sometimes)</code></h4>
- This option determines whether Bazel will strip debugging information from
- all binaries and shared libraries, by invoking the linker with the <code>-Wl,--strip-debug</code> option.
- <code class='flag'>--strip=always</code> means always strip debugging information.
- <code class='flag'>--strip=never</code> means never strip debugging information.
- The default value of <code class='flag'>--strip=sometimes</code> means strip iff the <code class='flag'>--compilation_mode</code>
- is <code>fastbuild</code>.
- % bazel build --strip=always //foo:bar
- will compile the target while stripping debugging information from all generated
- binaries.
- Note that if you want debugging information, it's not enough to disable stripping; you also need to make
- sure that the debugging information was generated by the compiler, which you can do by using either
- <code>-c dbg</code> or <code class='flag'>--copt -g</code>.
- Note also that Bazel's <code class='flag'>--strip</code> option corresponds with ld's <code>--strip-debug</code> option:
- it only strips debugging information. If for some reason you want to strip <em>all</em> symbols,
- not just <em>debug</em> symbols, you would need to use ld's <code>--strip-all</code> option,
- which you can do by passing <code class='flag'>--linkopt=-Wl,--strip-all</code> to Bazel.
-<h4 id='flag--stripopt'><code class='flag'>--stripopt <var>strip-option</var></code></h4>
- An additional option to pass to the <code>strip</code> command when generating
- a <a href="be/c-cpp.html#cc_binary_implicit_outputs"><code>*.stripped</code>
- binary</a>. The default is <code>-S -p</code>. This option can be used
- multiple times.
- Note that <code class='flag'>--stripopt</code> does not apply to the stripping of the main
- binary with <code><a href='#flag--strip'>--strip</a>=(always|sometimes)</code>.
-<h4 id='flag--fdo_instrument'><code class='flag'>--fdo_instrument <var>profile-output-dir</var></code></h4>
- The <code class='flag'>--fdo_instrument</code> option enables the generation of
- FDO (feedback directed optimization) profile output when the
- built C/C++ binary is executed. For GCC, the argument provided is used as a
- directory prefix for a per-object file directory tree of .gcda files
- containing profile information for each .o file.
- Once the profile data tree has been generated, the profile tree
- should be zipped up, and provided to the
- <code class='flag'>--fdo_optimize=<var>profile-zip</var></code>
- Bazel option to enable the FDO optimized compilation.
- For the LLVM compiler the argument is also the directory under which the raw LLVM profile
- data file(s) is dumped, e.g.
- <code class='flag'>--fdo_instrument=<var>/path/to/rawprof/dir/</var></code>.
- The options <code class='flag'>--fdo_instrument</code> and <code class='flag'>--fdo_optimize</code>
- cannot be used at the same time.
-<h4 id='flag--fdo_optimize'><code class='flag'>--fdo_optimize <var>profile-zip</var></code></h4>
- The <code class='flag'>--fdo_optimize</code> option enables the use of the
- per-object file profile information to perform FDO (feedback
- directed optimization) optimizations when compiling. For GCC, the argument
- provided is the zip file containing the previously-generated file tree
- of .gcda files containing profile information for each .o file.
- Alternatively, the argument provided can point to an auto profile
- identified by the extension .afdo.
- Note that this option also accepts labels that resolve to source files. You
- may need to add an <code>exports_files</code> directive to the corresponding package to
- make the file visible to Bazel.
- For the LLVM compiler the argument provided should point to the indexed LLVM
- profile output file prepared by the llvm-profdata tool, and should have a .profdata
- extension.
- The options <code class='flag'>--fdo_instrument</code> and <code class='flag'>
- --fdo_optimize</code> cannot be used at the same time.
-<h4 id='flag--lipo'><code class='flag'>--lipo (off|binary)</code></h4>
- The <code class='flag'>--lipo=binary</code> option enables
- (Lightweight Inter-Procedural Optimization). LIPO is an extended C/C++ optimization technique
- that optimizes code across different object files. It involves compiling each C/C++ source
- file differently for every binary. This is in contrast to normal compilation where compilation
- outputs are reused. This means that LIPO is more expensive than normal compilation.
- This option only has an effect when FDO is also enabled (see the
- <a href="#flag--fdo_instrument">--fdo_instrument</a> and
- <a href="#flag--fdo_optimize">--fdo_options</a>).
- Currently LIPO is only supported when building a single <code>cc_binary</code> rule.
-<p>Setting <code>--lipo=binary</code> implicitly sets
- <code><a href="#flag--dynamic_mode">--dynamic_mode</a>=off</code>.
-<h4 id='flag--lipo_context'><code class='flag'>--lipo_context
- <var>context-binary</var></code></h4>
- Specifies the label of a <code>cc_binary</code> rule that was used to generate
- the profile information for LIPO that was given to
- the <a href='#flag--fdo_optimize'><code class='flag'>--fdo_optimize</code></a> option.
- Specifying the context is mandatory when <code>--lipo=binary</code> is set.
- Using this option implicitly also sets
- <code><a href="#flag--linkopt">--linkopt</a>=-Wl,--warn-unresolved-symbols</code>.
-<h4 id='flag--output_symbol_counts'><code class='flag'>--[no]output_symbol_counts</code></h4>
- If enabled, each gold-invoked link of a C++ executable binary will output
- a <i>symbol counts</i> file (via the <code>--print-symbol-counts</code> gold
- option). For each linker input, the file logs the number of symbols that were
- defined and the number of symbols that were used in the binary.
- This information can be used to track unnecessary link dependencies.
- The symbol counts file is written to the binary's output path with the name
- <code>[targetname].sc</code>.
- This option is disabled by default.
-<h4 id='flag--jvmopt'><code class='flag'>--jvmopt <var>jvm-option</var></code></h4>
- This option allows option arguments to be passed to the Java VM. It can be used
- with one big argument, or multiple times with individual arguments. For example:
- % bazel build --jvmopt="-server -Xms256m" java/com/example/common/foo:all
- will use the server VM for launching all Java binaries and set the
- startup heap size for the VM to 256 MB.
-<h4 id='flag--javacopt'><code class='flag'>--javacopt <var>javac-option</var></code></h4>
- This option allows option arguments to be passed to javac. It can be used
- with one big argument, or multiple times with individual arguments. For example:
- % bazel build --javacopt="-g:source,lines" //myprojects:prog
- will rebuild a java_binary with the javac default debug info
- (instead of the bazel default).
- The option is passed to javac after the Bazel built-in default options for
- javac and before the per-rule options. The last specification of
- any option to javac wins. The default options for javac are:
- -source 8 -target 8 -encoding UTF-8
- Note that changing <code class='flag'>--javacopt</code> settings will force a recompilation
- of all affected classes. Also note that javacopts parameters listed in
- specific java_library or java_binary build rules will be placed on the javac
- command line <em>after</em> these options.
-<h5 id='-extra_checks'><code>-extra_checks[:(off|on)]</code></h5>
- This javac option enables extra correctness checks. Any problems found will
- be presented as errors.
- Either <code>-extra_checks</code> or <code>-extra_checks:on</code> may be used
- to force the checks to be turned on. <code>-extra_checks:off</code> completely
- disables the analysis.
- When this option is not specified, the default behavior is used.
-<h4 id='flag--strict_java_deps'><code class='flag'>--strict_java_deps
- (default|strict|off|warn|error)</code></h4>
- This option controls whether javac checks for missing direct dependencies.
- Java targets must explicitly declare all directly used targets as
- dependencies. This flag instructs javac to determine the jars actually used
- for type checking each java file, and warn/error if they are not the output
- of a direct dependency of the current target.
- <li> <code>off</code> means checking is disabled.
- </li>
- <li> <code>warn</code> means javac will generate standard java warnings of
- type <code>[strict]</code> for each missing direct dependency.
- </li>
- <li> <code>default</code>, <code>strict</code> and <code>error</code> all
- mean javac will generate errors instead of warnings, causing the current
- target to fail to build if any missing direct dependencies are found.
- This is also the default behavior when the flag is unspecified.
- </li>
-<h3 id='semantics-options'>Semantics options</h3>
- These options affect the build commands and/or the output file contents.
-<h4 id='flag--compilation_mode'><code class='flag'>--compilation_mode (fastbuild|opt|dbg)</code> (-c)</h4>
- This option takes an argument of <code>fastbuild</code>, <code>dbg</code>
- or <code>opt</code>, and affects various C/C++ code-generation
- options, such as the level of optimization and the completeness of
- debug tables. Bazel uses a different output directory for each
- different compilation mode, so you can switch between modes without
- needing to do a full rebuild <i>every</i> time.
- <li> <code>fastbuild</code> means build as fast as possible:
- generate minimal debugging information (<code>-gmlt
- -Wl,-S</code>), and don't optimize. This is the
- default. Note: <code>-DNDEBUG</code> will <b>not</b> be set.
- </li>
- <li> <code>dbg</code> means build with debugging enabled (<code>-g</code>),
- so that you can use gdb (or another debugger).
- </li>
- <li> <code>opt</code> means build with optimization enabled and
- with <code>assert()</code> calls disabled (<code>-O2 -DNDEBUG</code>).
- Debugging information will not be generated in <code>opt</code> mode
- unless you also pass <code class='flag'>--copt -g</code>.
- </li>
-<h4 id='flag--cpu'><code class='flag'>--cpu <var>cpu</var></code></h4>
-This option specifies the target CPU architecture to be used for
-the compilation of binaries during the build.
- Note that a particular combination of crosstool version, compiler version,
- libc version, and target CPU is allowed only if it has been specified
- in the currently used CROSSTOOL file.
-<h4 id='flag--host_cpu'><code class='flag'>--host_cpu <var>cpu</var></code></h4>
- This option specifies the name of the CPU architecture that should be
- used to build host tools.
-<h4 id='flag--fat_apk_cpu'><code class='flag'>--fat_apk_cpu <var>cpu[,cpu]*</var></code></h4>
- The CPUs to build C/C++ libraries for in the transitive <code>deps</code> of
- <code>android_binary</code>
- rules. Other C/C++ rules are not affected. For example, if a <code>cc_library</code>
- appears in the transitive <code>deps</code> of an <code>android_binary</code> rule and a
- <code>cc_binary</code> rule, the <code>cc_library</code> will be built at least twice:
- once for each CPU specified with <code class='flag'>--fat_apk_cpu</code> for the
- <code>android_binary</code> rule, and once for the CPU specified with
- <code class='flag'>--cpu</code> for the <code>cc_binary</code> rule.
-The default is <code>armeabi-v7a</code>.
- <p>
- One <code>.so</code> file will be created and packaged in the APK for
- each CPU specified with <code class='flag'>--fat_apk_cpu</code>. The name of the <code>.so</code>
- file will be the name of the <code>android_binary</code> rule prefixed with "lib", e.g., if the name
- of the <code>android_binary</code> is "foo", then the file will be <code>libfoo.so</code>.
- </p>
- <p>
- Note that an Android-compatible crosstool must be selected.
- If an <code>android_ndk_repository</code> rule is defined in the
- WORKSPACE file, an Android-compatible crosstool is automatically selected.
- Otherwise, the crostool can be selected using the
- <a href='#flag--android_crosstool_top'><code class='flag'>--android_crosstool_top</code></a>
- or <a href='#flag--crosstool_top'><code class='flag'>--crosstool_top</code></a> flags.
- </p>
-<h4 id='flag--experimental_skip_static_outputs'><code class='flag'>--experimental_skip_static_outputs</code></h4>
- The <code class='flag'>--experimental_skip_static_outputs</code> option causes all
- statically-linked C++ binaries to <b>not</b> be output in any meaningful
- way.
- If you set this flag, you must also
- set <a href="#flag--distinct_host_configuration"><code class='flag'>--distinct_host_configuration</code></a>.
- It is also inherently incompatible with running tests &mdash; don't use it for
- that. This option is experimental and may go away at any time.
-<h4 id='flag--per_file_copt'><code class='flag'>--per_file_copt
- <var>[+-]regex[,[+-]regex]...@option[,option]...</var></code></h4>
- When present, any C++ file with a label or an execution path matching one of the inclusion regex
- expressions and not matching any of the exclusion expressions will be built
- with the given options. The label matching uses the canonical form of the label
- (i.e //<code>package</code>:<code>label_name</code>).
- The execution path is the relative path to your workspace directory including the base name
- (including extension) of the C++ file. It also includes any platform dependent prefixes.
- Note, that if only one of the label or the execution path matches the options will be used.
- <b>Notes</b>:
- To match the generated files (e.g. genrule outputs)
- Bazel can only use the execution path. In this case the regexp shouldn't start with '//'
- since that doesn't match any execution paths. Package names can be used like this:
- <code class='flag'>--per_file_copt=base/.*\.pb\.cc@-g0</code>. This will match every
- <code>.pb.cc</code> file under a directory called <code>base</code>.
- This option can be used multiple times.
- The option is applied regardless of the compilation mode used. I.e. it is possible
- to compile with <code class='flag'>--compilation_mode=opt</code> and selectively compile some
- files with stronger optimization turned on, or with optimization disabled.
- <b>Caveat</b>: If some files are selectively compiled with debug symbols the symbols
- might be stripped during linking. This can be prevented by setting
- <code class='flag'>--strip=never</code>.
- <b>Syntax</b>: <code>[+-]regex[,[+-]regex]...@option[,option]...</code> Where
- <code>regex</code> stands for a regular expression that can be prefixed with
- a <code>+</code> to identify include patterns and with <code>-</code> to identify
- exclude patterns. <code>option</code> stands for an arbitrary option that is passed
- to the C++ compiler. If an option contains a <code>,</code> it has to be quoted like so
- <code>\,</code>. Options can also contain <code>@</code>, since only the first
- <code>@</code> is used to separate regular expressions from options.
- <b>Example</b>:
- <code class='flag'>--per_file_copt=//foo:.*\.cc,-//foo:file\.cc@-O0,-fprofile-arcs</code>
- adds the <code>-O0</code> and the <code>-fprofile-arcs</code> options to the command
- line of the C++ compiler for all <code>.cc</code> files in <code>//foo/</code> except
- <code>file.cc</code>.
-<h4 id='flag--dynamic_mode'><code class='flag'>--dynamic_mode <var>mode</var></code></h4>
- Determines whether C++ binaries will be linked dynamically, interacting with
- the <a href='be/c-cpp.html#cc_binary.linkstatic'>linkstatic
- attribute</a> on build rules.
- Modes:
- <li><code>auto</code>: Translates to a platform-dependent mode;
- <code>default</code> for linux and <code>off</code> for cygwin.</li>
- <li><code>default</code>: Allows bazel to choose whether to link dynamically.
- See <a href='be/c-cpp.html#cc_binary.linkstatic'>linkstatic</a> for more
- information.</li>
- <li><code>fully</code>: Links all targets dynamically. This will speed up
- linking time, and reduce the size of the resulting binaries.
- </li>
- <li><code>off</code>: Links all targets in
- <a href='be/c-cpp.html#cc_binary.linkstatic'>mostly static</a> mode.
- If <code>-static</code> is set in linkopts, targets will change to fully
- static.</li>
-<h4 id='flag--fission'><code class='flag'>--fission (yes|no|[dbg][,opt][,fastbuild])</code></h4>
- Enables
- <a href='https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/DebugFission'>Fission</a>,
- which writes C++ debug information to dedicated .dwo files instead of .o files, where it would
- otherwise go. This substantially reduces the input size to links and can reduce link times.
- When set to <code class='flag'>[dbg][,opt][,fastbuild]</code> (example:
- <code class='flag'>--fission=dbg,fastbuild</code>), Fission is enabled
- only for the specified set of compilation modes. This is useful for bazelrc
- settings. When set to <code class='flag'>yes</code>, Fission is enabled
- universally. When set to <code class='flag'>no</code>, Fission is disabled
- universally. Default is <code class='flag'>dbg</code>.
-<h4 id='flag--force_ignore_dash_static'><code class='flag'>--force_ignore_dash_static</code></h4>
- If this flag is set, any <code>-static</code> options in linkopts of
- <code>cc_*</code> rules BUILD files are ignored. This is only intended as a
- workaround for C++ hardening builds.
-<h4 id='flag--force_pic'><code class='flag'>--[no]force_pic</code></h4>
- If enabled, all C++ compilations produce position-independent code ("-fPIC"),
- links prefer PIC pre-built libraries over non-PIC libraries, and links produce
- position-independent executables ("-pie"). Default is disabled.
- Note that dynamically linked binaries (i.e. <code>--dynamic_mode fully</code>)
- generate PIC code regardless of this flag's setting. So this flag is for cases
- where users want PIC code explicitly generated for static links.
-<h4 id='flag--android_resource_shrinking'><code class='flag'>--android_resource_shrinking</code></h4>
- Selects whether to perform resource shrinking for android_binary rules. Sets the default for the
- <a href='be/android.html#android_binary.shrink_resources'>shrink_resources attribute</a> on
- android_binary rules; see the documentation for that rule for further details. Defaults to off.
-<h4 id='flag--custom_malloc'><code class='flag'>--custom_malloc <var>malloc-library-target</var></code></h4>
- When specified, always use the given malloc implementation, overriding all
- <code>malloc="target"</code> attributes, including in those targets that use the
- default (by not specifying any <code>malloc</code>).
-<h4 id='flag--crosstool_top'><code class='flag'>--crosstool_top <var>label</var></code></h4>
- This option specifies the location of the crosstool compiler suite
- to be used for all C++ compilation during a build. Bazel will look in that
- location for a CROSSTOOL file and uses that to automatically determine
- settings for
- <code class='flag'>--compiler</code>.
-<h4 id='flag--host_crosstool_top'><code class='flag'>--host_crosstool_top <var>label</var></code></h4>
- If not specified, bazel uses the value of <code class='flag'>--crosstool_top</code> to compile
- code in the host configuration, i.e., tools run during the build. The main purpose of this flag
- is to enable cross-compilation.
-<h4 id='flag--apple_crosstool_top'><code class='flag'>--apple_crosstool_top <var>label</var></code></h4>
- The crosstool to use for compiling C/C++ rules in the transitive <code>deps</code> of
- objc_*, ios__*, and apple_* rules. For those targets, this flag overwrites
- <code class='flag'>--crosstool_top</code>.
-<h4 id='flag--android_crosstool_top'><code class='flag'>--android_crosstool_top <var>label</var></code></h4>
- The crosstool to use for compiling C/C++ rules in the transitive <code>deps</code> of
- <code>android_binary</code> rules. This is useful if other targets in the
- build require a different crosstool. The default is to use the crosstool
- generated by the <code>android_ndk_repository</code> rule in the WORKSPACE file.
- See also <a href='#flag--fat_apk_cpu'><code class='flag'>--fat_apk_cpu</code></a>.
-<h4 id='flag--compiler'><code class='flag'>--compiler <var>version</var></code></h4>
- This option specifies the C/C++ compiler version (e.g. <code>gcc-4.1.0</code>)
- to be used for the compilation of binaries during the build. If you want to
- build with a custom crosstool, you should use a CROSSTOOL file instead of
- specifying this flag.
- Note that only certain combinations of crosstool version, compiler version,
- libc version, and target CPU are allowed.
-<h4 id='flag--glibc'><code class='flag'>--glibc <var>version</var></code></h4>
- This option specifies the version of glibc that the target should be linked
- against. If you want to build with a custom crosstool, you should use a
- CROSSTOOL file instead of specifying this flag. In that case, Bazel will use
- the CROSSTOOL file and the following options where appropriate:
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#flag--cpu"><code class='flag'>--cpu</code></a></li>
- </ul>
- Note that only certain combinations of crosstool version, compiler version,
- glibc version, and target CPU are allowed.
-<h4 id='flag--android_sdk'><code class='flag'>--android_sdk <var>label</var></code></h4>
- This option specifies the Android SDK/platform toolchain
- and Android runtime library that will be used to build any Android-related
- rule.
- The Android SDK will be automatically selected if an <code>android_sdk_repository</code>
- rule is defined in the WORKSPACE file.
-<h4 id='flag--java_toolchain'><code class='flag'>--java_toolchain <var>label</var></code></h4>
- This option specifies the label of the java_toolchain used to compile Java
- source files.
-<h4 id='flag--javabase'><code class='flag'>--javabase (<var>path</var>|<var>label</var>)</code></h4>
- This option sets the <i>label</i> or the <i>path</i> of the base Java installation to
- use for running JavaBuilder, SingleJar, for <i>bazel run</i> and <i>bazel
- test</i>, and for Java binaries built by <code>java_binary</code> and <code>java_test</code>
- rules. A path must be to a JDK or JRE directory that contains <code>bin/java</code>.
- The various <a href='be/make-variables.html'>"Make" variables</a> for
- Java (<code>JAVABASE</code>, <code>JAVA</code>, <code>JAVAC</code> and
- <code>JAR</code>) are derived from this option.
- This does not select the Java compiler that is used to compile Java
- source files. The compiler can be selected by settings the
- <a href="#flag--java_toolchain"><code class='flag'>--java_toolchain</code></a>
- option.
-<h3 id='strategy-options'>Build strategy options</h3>
- These options affect how Bazel will execute the build.
- They should not have any significant effect on the output files
- generated by the build. Typically their main effect is on the
- speed on the build.
-<h4 id='flag--spawn_strategy'><code class='flag'>--spawn_strategy <var>strategy</var></code></h4>
- This option controls where and how commands are executed.
- <li>
- <code>standalone</code> causes commands to be executed as local subprocesses.
- </li>
- <li>
- <code>sandboxed</code> causes commands to be executed inside a sandbox on the local machine.
- This requires that all input files, data dependencies and tools are listed as direct
- dependencies in the <code>srcs</code>, <code>data</code> and <code>tools</code> attributes.
- This is the default on systems that support sandboxed execution.
- </li>
-<h4 id='flag--genrule_strategy'><code class='flag'>--genrule_strategy <var>strategy</var></code></h4>
- This option controls where and how genrules are executed.
- <li>
- <code>standalone</code> causes genrules to run as local subprocesses.
- </li>
- <li>
- <code>sandboxed</code> causes genrules to run inside a sandbox on the local machine.
- This requires that all input files are listed as direct dependencies in
- the <code>srcs</code> attribute, and the program(s) executed are listed
- in the <code>tools</code> attribute.
- This is the default for Bazel on systems that support sandboxed execution.
- </li>
-<h4 id='flag--local_genrule_timeout_seconds'><code class='flag'>--local_genrule_timeout_seconds <var>seconds</var></code></h4>
-<p>Sets a timeout value for local genrules with the given number of seconds.</p>
-<h4 id='flag--jobs'><code class='flag'>--jobs <var>n</var></code> (-j)</h4>
- This option, which takes an integer argument, specifies a limit on
- the number of jobs that should be executed concurrently during the
- execution phase of the build. The default is 200.
- Note that the number of concurrent jobs that Bazel will run
- is determined not only by the <code class='flag'>--jobs</code> setting, but also
- by Bazel's scheduler, which tries to avoid running concurrent jobs
- that will use up more resources (RAM or CPU) than are available,
- based on some (very crude) estimates of the resource consumption
- of each job. The behavior of the scheduler can be controlled by
- the <code class='flag'>--ram_utilization_factor</code> option.
-<h4 id='flag--progress_report_interval'><code class='flag'>--progress_report_interval <var>n</var></code></h4>
- Bazel periodically prints a progress report on jobs that are not
- finished yet (e.g. long running tests). This option sets the
- reporting frequency, progress will be printed every <code>n</code>
- seconds.
- The default is 0, that means an incremental algorithm: the first
- report will be printed after 10 seconds, then 30 seconds and after
- that progress is reported once every minute.
-<h4 id='flag--ram_utilization_factor'><code class='flag'>--ram_utilization_factor</code> <var>percentage</var></h4>
- This option, which takes an integer argument, specifies what percentage
- of the system's RAM Bazel should try to use for its subprocesses.
- This option affects how many processes Bazel will try to run
- in parallel. The default value is 67.
- If you run several Bazel builds in parallel, using a lower
- value for this option may avoid thrashing and thus improve overall
- throughput. Using a value higher than the default is NOT recommended. Note
- that Bazel's estimates are very coarse, so the actual RAM usage may be much
- higher or much lower than specified. Note also that this option does not
- affect the amount of memory that the Bazel server itself will use.
-<h4 id='flag--local_resources'><code class='flag'>--local_resources</code> <var>availableRAM,availableCPU,availableIO</var></h4>
- This option, which takes three comma-separated floating point arguments,
-specifies the amount of local resources that Bazel can take into
-consideration when scheduling build and test activities. Option expects amount of
-available RAM (in MB), number of CPU cores (with 1.0 representing single full
-core) and workstation I/O capability (with 1.0 representing average
-workstation). By default Bazel will estimate amount of RAM and number of CPU
-cores directly from system configuration and will assume 1.0 I/O resource.
- If this option is used, Bazel will ignore --ram_utilization_factor.
-<h4 id='flag--build_runfile_links'><code class='flag'>--[no]build_runfile_links</code></h4>
- This option, which is currently enabled by default, specifies
- whether the runfiles symlinks for tests and
- <code>cc_binary</code> targets should be built in the output directory.
- Using <code class='flag'>--nobuild_runfile_links</code> can be useful
- to validate if all targets compile without incurring the overhead
- for building the runfiles trees.
- Within Bazel's output tree, the
- runfiles symlink tree is typically rooted as a sibling of the corresponding
- binary or test.
- When tests (or applications) are executed, their
- run-time data dependencies are gathered together in one place, and
- may be accessed by the test using paths of the form
- <code>$TEST_SRCDIR/workspace/<var>packagename</var>/<var>filename</var></code>.
- The "runfiles" tree ensures that tests have access to all the files
- upon which they have a declared dependence, and nothing more. By
- default, the runfiles tree is implemented by constructing a set of
- symbolic links to the required files. As the set of links grows, so
- does the cost of this operation, and for some large builds it can
- contribute significantly to overall build time, particularly because
- each individual test (or application) requires its own runfiles tree.
- The <code class='flag'>--build_runfile_links</code> flag controls the
- construction of the tree of symbolic links (for C++ applications and
- tests only). The reasons only C++ non-test rules are affected are numerous
- and subtle: C++ builds are more likely to be slower due to runfiles;
- no C++ host tools (tools that run during the build) need their runfiles,
- so this option can be used by the host configuration; and other rules
- (notably Python) need their runfiles for other purposes besides test
- execution.
-<h4 id='flag--discard_analysis_cache'>
- <code class='flag'>--[no]discard_analysis_cache</code></h4>
- When this option is enabled, Bazel will discard the analysis cache
- right before execution starts, thus freeing up additional memory
- (around 10%) for the <a href="#execution-phase">execution phase</a>.
- The drawback is that further incremental builds will be slower.
-<h4 id='flag--keep_going'><code class='flag'>--[no]keep_going</code> (-k)</h4>
- As in GNU Make, the execution phase of a build stops when the first
- error is encountered. Sometimes it is useful to try to build as
- much as possible even in the face of errors. This option enables
- that behavior, and when it is specified, the build will attempt to
- build every target whose prerequisites were successfully built, but
- will ignore errors.
- While this option is usually associated with the execution phase of
- a build, it also effects the analysis phase: if several targets are
- specified in a build command, but only some of them can be
- successfully analyzed, the build will stop with an error
- unless <code class='flag'>--keep_going</code> is specified, in which case the
- build will proceed to the execution phase, but only for the targets
- that were successfully analyzed.
-<h4 id='flag--use_ijars'><code class='flag'>--[no]use_ijars</code></h4>
- This option changes the way <code>java_library</code> targets are
- compiled by Bazel. Instead of using the output of a
- <code>java_library</code> for compiling dependent
- <code>java_library</code> targets, Bazel will create interface jars
- that contain only the signatures of non-private members (public,
- protected, and default (package) access methods and fields) and use
- the interface jars to compile the dependent targets. This makes it
- possible to avoid recompilation when changes are only made to
- method bodies or private members of a class.
- Note that using <code class='flag'>--use_ijars</code> might give you a different
- error message when you are accidentally referring to a non visible
- member of another class: Instead of getting an error that the member
- is not visible you will get an error that the member does not exist.
- Note that changing the <code class='flag'>--use_ijars</code> setting will force
- a recompilation of all affected classes.
-<h4 id='flag--interface_shared_objects'>
- <code class='flag'>--[no]interface_shared_objects</code>
- This option enables <i>interface shared objects</i>, which makes binaries and
- other shared libraries depend on the <i>interface</i> of a shared object,
- rather than its implementation. When only the implementation changes, Bazel
- can avoid rebuilding targets that depend on the changed shared library
- unnecessarily.
-<h3 id='output-selection-options'>Output selection options</h3>
- These options determine what to build or test.
-<h4 id="nobuild"><code class='flag'>--[no]build</code></h4>
- This option causes the execution phase of the build to occur; it is
- on by default. When it is switched off, the execution phase is
- skipped, and only the first two phases, loading and analysis, occur.
- This option can be useful for validating BUILD files and detecting
- errors in the inputs, without actually building anything.
-<h4 id='flag--build_tests_only'><code class='flag'>--[no]build_tests_only</code></h4>
- If specified, Bazel will build only what is necessary to run the *_test
- and test_suite rules that were not filtered due to their
- <a href='#flag--test_size_filters'>size</a>,
- <a href='#flag--test_timeout_filters'>timeout</a>,
- <a href='#flag--test_tag_filters'>tag</a>, or
- <a href='#flag--test_lang_filters'>language</a>.
- If specified, Bazel will ignore other targets specified on the command line.
- By default, this option is disabled and Bazel will build everything
- requested, including *_test and test_suite rules that are filtered out from
- testing. This is useful because running
- <code>bazel test --build_tests_only foo/...</code> may not detect all build
- breakages in the <code>foo</code> tree.
-<h4 id='flag--check_up_to_date'><code class='flag'>--[no]check_up_to_date</code></h4>
- This option causes Bazel not to perform a build, but merely check
- whether all specified targets are up-to-date. If so, the build
- completes successfully, as usual. However, if any files are out of
- date, instead of being built, an error is reported and the build
- fails. This option may be useful to determine whether a build has
- been performed more recently than a source edit (e.g. for pre-submit
- checks) without incurring the cost of a build.
- See also <a href="#flag--check_tests_up_to_date"><code class='flag'>--check_tests_up_to_date</code></a>.
-<h4 id='flag--compile_one_dependency'><code class='flag'>--[no]compile_one_dependency</code></h4>
- Compile a single dependency of the argument files. This is useful for
- syntax checking source files in IDEs, for example, by rebuilding a single
- target that depends on the source file to detect errors as early as
- possible in the edit/build/test cycle. This argument affects the way all
- non-flag arguments are interpreted: for each source filename, one
- rule that depends on it will be built. For
- C++ and Java
- sources, rules in the same language space are preferentially chosen. For
- multiple rules with the same preference, the one that appears first in the
- BUILD file is chosen. An explicitly named target pattern which does not
- reference a source file results in an error.
-<h4 id='flag--save_temps'><code class='flag'>--save_temps</code></h4>
- The <code class='flag'>--save_temps</code> option causes temporary outputs from gcc to be saved.
- These include .s files (assembler code), .i (preprocessed C) and .ii
- (preprocessed C++) files. These outputs are often useful for debugging. Temps will only be
- generated for the set of targets specified on the command line.
- Note that our implementation of <code class='flag'>--save_temps</code> does not use gcc's
- <code>-save-temps</code> flag. Instead, we do two passes, one with <code>-S</code>
- and one with <code>-E</code>. A consequence of this is that if your build fails,
- Bazel may not yet have produced the ".i" or ".ii" and ".s" files.
- If you're trying to use <code class='flag'>--save_temps</code> to debug a failed compilation,
- you may need to also use <code class='flag'>--keep_going</code> so that Bazel will still try to
- produce the preprocessed files after the compilation fails.
- The <code class='flag'>--save_temps</code> flag currently works only for cc_* rules.
- To ensure that Bazel prints the location of the additional output files, check that
- your <a href='#flag--show_result'><code class='flag'>--show_result <var>n</var></code></a>
- setting is high enough.
-<h4 id='flag--build_tag_filters'><code class='flag'>--build_tag_filters <var>tag[,tag]*</var></code></h4>
- If specified, Bazel will build only targets that have at least one required tag
- (if any of them are specified) and does not have any excluded tags. Build tag
- filter is specified as comma delimited list of tag keywords, optionally
- preceded with '-' sign used to denote excluded tags. Required tags may also
- have a preceding '+' sign.
-<h4 id='flag--test_size_filters'><code class='flag'>--test_size_filters <var>size[,size]*</var></code></h4>
- If specified, Bazel will test (or build if <code class='flag'>--build_tests_only</code>
- is also specified) only test targets with the given size. Test size filter
- is specified as comma delimited list of allowed test size values (small,
- medium, large or enormous), optionally preceded with '-' sign used to denote
- excluded test sizes. For example,
- % bazel test --test_size_filters=small,medium //foo:all
- and
- % bazel test --test_size_filters=-large,-enormous //foo:all
- will test only small and medium tests inside //foo.
- By default, test size filtering is not applied.
-<h4 id='flag--test_timeout_filters'><code class='flag'>--test_timeout_filters <var>timeout[,timeout]*</var></code></h4>
- If specified, Bazel will test (or build if <code class='flag'>--build_tests_only</code>
- is also specified) only test targets with the given timeout. Test timeout filter
- is specified as comma delimited list of allowed test timeout values (short,
- moderate, long or eternal), optionally preceded with '-' sign used to denote
- excluded test timeouts. See <a href='#flag--test_size_filters'>--test_size_filters</a>
- for example syntax.
- By default, test timeout filtering is not applied.
-<h4 id='flag--test_tag_filters'><code class='flag'>--test_tag_filters <var>tag[,tag]*</var></code></h4>
- If specified, Bazel will test (or build if <code class='flag'>--build_tests_only</code>
- is also specified) only test targets that have at least one required tag
- (if any of them are specified) and does not have any excluded tags. Test tag
- filter is specified as comma delimited list of tag keywords, optionally
- preceded with '-' sign used to denote excluded tags. Required tags may also
- have a preceding '+' sign.
- For example,
- % bazel test --test_tag_filters=performance,stress,-flaky //myproject:all
- will test targets that are tagged with either <code>performance</code> or
- <code>stress</code> tag but are <b>not</b> tagged with the <code>flaky</code>
- tag.
- By default, test tag filtering is not applied. Note that you can also filter
- on test's <code>size</code> and <code>local</code> tags in
- this manner.
-<h4 id='flag--test_lang_filters'><code class='flag'>--test_lang_filters <var>lang[,lang]*</var></code></h4>
- Specifies a comma-separated list of test languages for languages with an official <code>*_test</code> rule the
- (see <a href="be/overview.html">build encyclopedia</a> for a full list of these). Each
- language can be optionally preceded with '-' to specify excluded
- languages. The name used for each language should be the same as
- the language prefix in the <code>*_test</code> rule, for example,
- <code>cc</code>, <code>java</code> or <code>sh</code>.
- If specified, Bazel will test (or build if <code class='flag'>--build_tests_only</code>
- is also specified) only test targets of the specified language(s).
- For example,
- % bazel test --test_lang_filters=cc,java foo/...
- will test only the C/C++ and Java tests (defined using
- <code>cc_test</code> and <code>java_test</code> rules, respectively)
- in <code>foo/...</code>, while
- % bazel test --test_lang_filters=-sh,-java foo/...
- will run all of the tests in <code>foo/...</code> except for the
- <code>sh_test</code> and <code>java_test</code> tests.
- By default, test language filtering is not applied.
-<h4 id="flag--test_filter"><code class='flag'>--test_filter=<var>filter-expression</var></code></h4>
- Specifies a filter that the test runner may use to pick a subset of tests for
- running. All targets specified in the invocation are built, but depending on
- the expression only some of them may be executed; in some cases, only certain
- test methods are run.
- The particular interpretation of <var>filter-expression</var> is up to
- the test framework responsible for running the test. It may be a glob,
- substring, or regexp. <code class='flag'>--test_filter</code> is a convenience
- over passing different <code class='flag'>--test_arg</code> filter arguments,
- but not all frameworks support it.
-<h3>Verbosity options: options that control what Bazel prints</h3>
-These options control the verbosity of Bazel's output,
-either to the terminal, or to additional log files.
-<h4 id='flag--explain'><code class='flag'>--explain <var>logfile</var></code></h4>
- This option, which requires a filename argument, causes the
- dependency checker in <code>bazel build</code>'s execution phase to
- explain, for each build step, either why it is being executed, or
- that it is up-to-date. The explanation is written
- to <i>logfile</i>.
- If you are encountering unexpected rebuilds, this option can help to
- understand the reason. Add it to your <code>.bazelrc</code> so that
- logging occurs for all subsequent builds, and then inspect the log
- when you see an execution step executed unexpectedly. This option
- may carry a small performance penalty, so you might want to remove
- it when it is no longer needed.
-<h4 id='flag--verbose_explanations'><code class='flag'>--verbose_explanations</code></h4>
- This option increases the verbosity of the explanations generated
- when the <a href='#flag--explain'>--explain</a> option is enabled.
- In particular, if verbose explanations are enabled,
- and an output file is rebuilt because the command used to
- build it has changed, then the output in the explanation file will
- include the full details of the new command (at least for most
- commands).
- Using this option may significantly increase the length of the
- generated explanation file and the performance penalty of using
- <code class='flag'>--explain</code>.
- If <code class='flag'>--explain</code> is not enabled, then
- <code class='flag'>--verbose_explanations</code> has no effect.
-<h4 id='flag--profile'><code class='flag'>--profile <var>file</var></code></h4>
- This option, which takes a filename argument, causes Bazel to write
- profiling data into a file. The data then can be analyzed or parsed using the
- <code>bazel analyze-profile</code> command. The Build profile can be useful in
- understanding where Bazel's <code>build</code> command is spending its time.
-<h4 id='flag--show_loading_progress'><code class='flag'>--[no]show_loading_progress</code></h4>
- This option causes Bazel to output package-loading progress
- messages. If it is disabled, the messages won't be shown.
-<h4 id='flag--show_progress'><code class='flag'>--[no]show_progress</code></h4>
- This option causes progress messages to be displayed; it is on by
- default. When disabled, progress messages are suppressed.
-<h4 id='flag--show_progress_rate_limit'><code class='flag'>--show_progress_rate_limit
- <var>n</var></code></h4>
- This option causes bazel to display only
- one progress message per <code>n</code> seconds, where <var>n</var> is a real number.
- If <code>n</code> is -1, all progress messages will be displayed. The default value for
- this option is 0.03, meaning bazel will limit the progress messages to one per every
- 0.03 seconds.
-<h4 id='flag--show_result'><code class='flag'>--show_result <var>n</var></code></h4>
- This option controls the printing of result information at the end
- of a <code>bazel build</code> command. By default, if a single
- build target was specified, Bazel prints a message stating whether
- or not the target was successfully brought up-to-date, and if so,
- the list of output files that the target created. If multiple
- targets were specified, result information is not displayed.
- While the result information may be useful for builds of a single
- target or a few targets, for large builds (e.g. an entire top-level
- project tree), this information can be overwhelming and distracting;
- this option allows it to be controlled. <code class='flag'>--show_result</code>
- takes an integer argument, which is the maximum number of targets
- for which full result information should be printed. By default,
- the value is 1. Above this threshold, no result information is
- shown for individual targets. Thus zero causes the result
- information to be suppressed always, and a very large value causes
- the result to be printed always.
- Users may wish to choose a value in-between if they regularly
- alternate between building a small group of targets (for example,
- during the compile-edit-test cycle) and a large group of targets
- (for example, when establishing a new workspace or running
- regression tests). In the former case, the result information is
- very useful whereas in the latter case it is less so. As with all
- options, this can be specified implicitly via
- the <a href='#bazelrc'><code>.bazelrc</code></a> file.
- The files are printed so as to make it easy to copy and paste the
- filename to the shell, to run built executables. The "up-to-date"
- or "failed" messages for each target can be easily parsed by scripts
- which drive a build.
-<h4 id='flag--subcommands'><code class='flag'>--subcommands</code> (<code>-s</code>)</h4>
- This option causes Bazel's execution phase to print the full command line
- for each command prior to executing it.
- &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; # //examples/cpp:hello-world [action 'Linking examples/cpp/hello-world']
- (cd /home/jrluser/.cache/bazel/_bazel_jrluser/4c084335afceb392cfbe7c31afee3a9f/bazel && \
- exec env - \
- /usr/bin/gcc -o bazel-out/local_linux-fastbuild/bin/examples/cpp/hello-world -B/usr/bin/ -Wl,-z,relro,-z,now -no-canonical-prefixes -pass-exit-codes -Wl,-S -Wl,@bazel-out/local_linux-fastbuild/bin/examples/cpp/hello-world-2.params)
- Where possible, commands are printed in a Bourne shell compatible syntax,
- so that they can be easily copied and pasted to a shell command prompt.
- (The surrounding parentheses are provided to protect your shell from the
- <code>cd</code> and <code>exec</code> calls; be sure to copy them!)
- However some commands are implemented internally within Bazel, such as
- creating symlink trees. For these there's no command line to display.
- See also <a href="#flag--verbose_failures">--verbose_failures</a>, below.
-<h4 id='flag--verbose_failures'><code class='flag'>--verbose_failures</code></h4>
- This option causes Bazel's execution phase to print the full command line
- for commands that failed. This can be invaluable for debugging a
- failing build.
- Failing commands are printed in a Bourne shell compatible syntax, suitable
- for copying and pasting to a shell prompt.
-<h4 id='flag--stamp'><code class='flag'>--[no]stamp</code></h4>
- This option controls whether stamping is enabled for
- rule types that support it. For most of the supported rule types stamping is
- enabled by default (e.g. <code>cc_binary</code>).
- By default, stamping is disabled for all tests. Specifying
- <code class='flag'>--stamp</code> does not force affected targets to be rebuilt,
- if their dependencies have not changed.
- Stamping can be enabled or disabled explicitly in BUILD using
- the <code>stamp</code> attribute of certain rule types, please refer to
- the <a href="be/overview.html">build encyclopedia</a> for details. For
- rules that are neither explicitly or implicitly configured as <code>stamp =
- 0</code> or <code>stamp = 1</code>, the <code class='flag'>--[no]stamp</code> option
- selects whether stamping is enabled. Bazel never stamps binaries that are
- built for the host configuration, regardless of the stamp attribute.
-<h3 id='misc_build_options'>Miscellaneous options</h3>
-<h4 id='flag--symlink_prefix'><code class='flag'>--symlink_prefix <var>string</var></code></h4>
- Changes the prefix of the generated convenience symlinks. The
- default value for the symlink prefix is <code>bazel-</code> which
- will create the symlinks <code>bazel-bin</code>, <code>bazel-testlogs</code>, and
- <code>bazel-genfiles</code>.
- If the symbolic links cannot be created for any reason, a warning is
- issued but the build is still considered a success. In particular,
- this allows you to build in a read-only directory or one that you have no
- permission to write into. Any paths printed in informational
- messages at the conclusion of a build will only use the
- symlink-relative short form if the symlinks point to the expected
- location; in other words, you can rely on the correctness of those
- paths, even if you cannot rely on the symlinks being created.
- Some common values of this option:
- <li>
- <p><b>Suppress symlink creation:</b>
- <code class='flag'>--symlink_prefix=/</code> will cause Bazel to not
- create or update any symlinks, including the <code>bazel-out</code> and
- <code>bazel-&lt;workspace&gt;</code>
- symlinks. Use this option to suppress symlink creation entirely.
- </p>
- </li>
- <li>
- <p><b>Reduce clutter:</b>
- <code class='flag'>--symlink_prefix=.bazel/</code> will cause Bazel to create
- symlinks called <code>bin</code> (etc) inside a hidden directory <code>.bazel</code>.
- </p>
- </li>
-<h4 id='flag--platform_suffix'><code class='flag'>--platform_suffix <var>string</var></code></h4>
- Adds a suffix to the configuration short name, which is used to determine the
- output directory. Setting this option to different values puts the files into
- different directories, for example to improve cache hit rates for builds that
- otherwise clobber each others output files, or to keep the output files around
- for comparisons.
-<h4 id='flag--default_visibility'><code class='flag'>--default_visibility=<var>(private|public)</var></code></h4>
- Temporary flag for testing bazel default visibility changes. Not intended for general use
- but documented for completeness' sake.
-<h2 id='bazel-releng'>Using Bazel for releases</h2>
- Bazel is used both by software engineers during the development
- cycle, and by release engineers when preparing binaries for deployment
- to production. This section provides a list of tips for release
- engineers using Bazel.
-<h3>Significant options</h3>
- When using Bazel for release builds, the same issues arise as for
- other scripts that perform a build, so you should read
- the <a href='#scripting'>scripting</a> section of this manual.
- In particular, the following options are strongly recommended:
- <li><a href='#bazelrc'><code class='flag'>--bazelrc=/dev/null</code></a></li>
- <li><a href='#flag--batch'><code class='flag'>--batch</code></a></li>
- These options (q.v.) are also important:
- <li><a href='#flag--package_path'><code class='flag'>--package_path</code></a></li>
- <li><a href='#flag--symlink_prefix'><code class='flag'>--symlink_prefix</code></a>:
- for managing builds for multiple configurations,
- it may be convenient to distinguish each build
- with a distinct identifier, e.g. "64bit" vs. "32bit". This option
- differentiates the <code>bazel-bin</code> (etc.) symlinks.
- </li>
-<h2 id='test'>Running tests with Bazel</h2>
- To build and run tests with bazel, type <code>bazel test</code> followed by
- the name of the test targets.
- By default, this command performs simultaneous build and test
- activity, building all specified targets (including any non-test
- targets specified on the command line) and testing
- <code>*_test</code> and <code>test_suite</code> targets as soon as
- their prerequisites are built, meaning that test execution is
- interleaved with building. Doing so usually results in significant
- speed gains.
-<h3>Options for <code>bazel test</code></h3>
-<h4 id="flag--cache_test_results"><code class='flag'>--cache_test_results=(yes|no|auto)</code> (<code>-t</code>)</h4>
- If this option is set to 'auto' (the default) then Bazel will only rerun a test if any of the
- following conditions applies:
- <li>Bazel detects changes in the test or its dependencies</li>
- <li>the test is marked as <code>external</code></li>
- <li>multiple test runs were requested with <code class='flag'>--runs_per_test</code></li>
- <li>the test failed.</li>
- If 'no', all tests will be executed unconditionally.
- If 'yes', the caching behavior will be the same as auto
- except that it may cache test failures and test runs with
- <code class='flag'>--runs_per_test</code>.
- Note that test results are <em>always</em> saved in Bazel's output tree,
- regardless of whether this option is enabled, so
- you needn't have used <code class='flag'>--cache_test_results</code> on the
- prior run(s) of <code>bazel test</code> in order to get cache hits.
- The option only affects whether Bazel will <em>use</em> previously
- saved results, not whether it will save results of the current run.
- Users who have enabled this option by default in
- their <code>.bazelrc</code> file may find the
- abbreviations <code>-t</code> (on) or <code>-t-</code> (off)
- convenient for overriding the default on a particular run.
-<h4 id="flag--check_tests_up_to_date"><code class='flag'>--check_tests_up_to_date</code></h4>
- This option tells Bazel not to run the tests, but to merely check and report
- the cached test results. If there are any tests which have not been
- previously built and run, or whose tests results are out-of-date (e.g. because
- the source code or the build options have changed), then Bazel will report
- an error message ("test result is not up-to-date"), will record the test's
- status as "NO STATUS" (in red, if color output is enabled), and will return
- a non-zero exit code.
- This option also implies
- <code><a href="#flag--check_up_to_date">--check_up_to_date</a></code> behavior.
- This option may be useful for pre-submit checks.
-<h4 id="flag--test_verbose_timeout_warnings"><code class='flag'>--test_verbose_timeout_warnings</code></h4>
- This option tells Bazel to explicitly warn the user if a test's timeout is
-significantly longer then the test's actual execution time. While a test's
-timeout should be set such that it is not flaky, a test that has a highly
-over-generous timeout can hide real problems that crop up unexpectedly.
-For instance, a test that normally executes in a minute or two should not have
-a timeout of ETERNAL or LONG as these are much, much too generous.
- This option is useful to help users decide on a good timeout value or
- sanity check existing timeout values.
-Note that each test shard is allotted the timeout of the entire
-<code>XX_test</code> target. Using this option does not affect a test's timeout
-value, merely warns if Bazel thinks the timeout could be restricted further.
-<h4 id='flag--test_keep_going'><code class='flag'>--[no]test_keep_going</code></h4>
- By default, all tests are run to completion. If this flag is disabled,
- however, the build is aborted on any non-passing test. Subsequent build steps
- and test invocations are not run, and in-flight invocations are canceled.
- Do not specify both <code class='flag'>--notest_keep_going</code> and
- <code class='flag'>--keep_going</code>.
-<h4 id='flag--flaky_test_attempts'><code class='flag'>--flaky_test_attempts <var>attempts</var></code></h4>
- This option specifies the maximum number of times a test should be attempted
- if it fails for any reason. A test that initially fails but eventually
- succeeds is reported as <code>FLAKY</code> on the test summary. It is,
- however, considered to be passed when it comes to identifying Bazel exit code
- or total number of passed tests. Tests that fail all allowed attempts are
- considered to be failed.
- By default (when this option is not specified, or when it is set to
- &quot;default&quot;), only a single attempt is allowed for regular tests, and
- 3 for test rules with the <code>flaky</code> attribute set. You can specify
- an integer value to override the maximum limit of test attempts. Bazel allows
- a maximum of 10 test attempts in order to prevent abuse of the system.
-<h4 id='flag--runs_per_test'><code class='flag'>--runs_per_test <var>[regex@]number</var></code></h4>
- This option specifies the number of times each test should be executed. All
- test executions are treated as separate tests (e.g. fallback functionality
- will apply to each of them independently).
- The status of a target with failing runs depends on the value of the
- <code>--runs_per_test_detects_flakes</code> flag:
- <li>If absent, any failing run causes the entire test to fail.</li>
- <li>If present and two runs from the same shard return PASS and FAIL, the test
- will receive a status of flaky (unless other failing runs cause it to
- fail).</li>
- If a single number is specified, all tests will run that many times.
- Alternatively, a regular expression may be specified using the syntax
- regex@number. This constrains the effect of --runs_per_test to targets
- which match the regex (e.g. "--runs_per_test=^//pizza:.*@4" runs all tests
- under //pizza/ 4 times).
- This form of --runs_per_test may be specified more than once.
-<h4 id='flag--runs_per_test_detects_flakes'><code
- class='flag'>--[no]runs_per_test_detects_flakes</code></h4>
- If this option is specified (by default it is not), Bazel will detect flaky
- test shards through --runs_per_test. If one or more runs for a single shard
- fail and one or more runs for the same shard pass, the target will be
- considered flaky with the flag. If unspecified, the target will report a
- failing status.
-<h4 id='flag--test_summary'><code class='flag'>--test_summary <var>output_style</var></code></h4>
- Specifies how the test result summary should be displayed.
- <li><code>short</code> prints the results of each test along with the name of
- the file containing the test output if the test failed. This is the default
- value.
- </li>
- <li><code>terse</code> like <code>short</code>, but even shorter: only print
- information about tests which did not pass.
- </li>
- <li><code>detailed</code> prints each individual test case that failed, not
- only each test. The names of test output files are omitted.
- </li>
- <li><code>none</code> does not print test summary.
- </li>
-<h4 id='flag--test_output'><code class='flag'>--test_output <var>output_style</var></code></h4>
- Specifies how test output should be displayed:
- <li><code>summary</code> shows a summary of whether each test passed or
- failed. Also shows the output log file name for failed tests. The summary
- will be printed at the end of the build (during the build, one would see
- just simple progress messages when tests start, pass or fail).
- This is the default behavior.
- </li>
- <li><code>errors</code> sends combined stdout/stderr output from failed tests
- only into the stdout immediately after test is completed, ensuring that
- test output from simultaneous tests is not interleaved with each other.
- Prints a summary at the build as per summary output above.
- </li>
- <li><code>all</code> is similar to <code>errors</code> but prints output for
- all tests, including those which passed.
- </li>
- <li><code>streamed</code> streams stdout/stderr output from each test in
- real-time.
- </li>
-<h4 id='flag--java_debug'><code class='flag'>--java_debug</code></h4>
- This option causes the Java virtual machine of a java test to wait for a connection from a
- JDWP-compliant debugger before starting the test. This option implies --test_output=streamed.
-<h4 id='flag--verbose_test_summary'><code class='flag'>--[no]verbose_test_summary</code></h4>
- By default this option is enabled, causing test times and other additional
- information (such as test attempts) to be printed to the test summary. If
- <code class='flag'>--noverbose_test_summary</code> is specified, test summary will
- include only test name, test status and cached test indicator and will
- be formatted to stay within 80 characters when possible.
-<h4 id='flag--test_tmpdir'><code class='flag'>--test_tmpdir <var>path</var></code></h4>
- Specifies temporary directory for tests executed locally. Each test will be
- executed in a separate subdirectory inside this directory. The directory will
- be cleaned at the beginning of the each <code>bazel test</code> command.
- By default, bazel will place this directory under Bazel output base directory.
- Note that this is a directory for running tests, not storing test results
- (those are always stored under the <code>bazel-out</code> directory).
-<h4 id='flag--test_timeout'>
- <code class='flag'>--test_timeout
- <var>seconds</var></code>
- OR
- <code class='flag'>--test_timeout
- <var>seconds</var>,<var>seconds</var>,<var>seconds</var>,<var>seconds</var>
- </code>
- Overrides the timeout value for all tests by using specified number of
- seconds as a new timeout value. If only one value is provided, then it will
- be used for all test timeout categories.
- </p>
- <p>
- Alternatively, four comma-separated values may be provided, specifying
- individual timeouts for short, moderate, long and eternal tests (in that
- order).
- In either form, zero or a negative value for any of the test sizes will
- be substituted by the default timeout for the given timeout categories as
- defined by the page
- <a href="test-encyclopedia.html">Writing Tests</a>.
- By default, Bazel will use these timeouts for all tests by
- inferring the timeout limit from the test's size whether the size is
- implicitly or explicitly set.
- Tests which explicitly state their timeout category as distinct from their
- size will receive the same value as if that timeout had been implicitly set by
- the size tag. So a test of size 'small' which declares a 'long' timeout will
- have the same effective timeout that a 'large' tests has with no explicit
- timeout.
-<h4 id='flag--test_arg'><code class='flag'>--test_arg <var>arg</var></code></h4>
- Passes command-line options/flags/arguments to each test process. This
- option can be used multiple times to pass several arguments, e.g.
- <code class='flag'>--test_arg=--logtostderr --test_arg=--v=3</code>.
-<h4 id='flag--test_env'><code class='flag'>--test_env <var>variable</var>=<i>value</i></code>
- OR
- <code class='flag'>--test_env <var>variable</var></code></h4>
- Specifies additional variables that must be injected into the test
- environment for each test. If <var>value</var> is not specified it will be
- inherited from the shell environment used to start the <code>bazel test</code>
- command.
- The environment can be accessed from within a test by using
- <code>System.getenv("var")</code> (Java),
- <code>getenv("var")</code> (C or C++),
-<h4 id="flag--run_under"><code class='flag'>--run_under=<var>command-prefix</var></code></h4>
- This specifies a prefix that the test runner will insert in front
- of the test command before running it. The
- <var>command-prefix</var> is split into words using Bourne shell
- tokenization rules, and then the list of words is prepended to the
- command that will be executed.
- If the first word is a fully qualified label (i.e. starts with
- <code>//</code>) it is built. Then the label is substituted by the
- corresponding executable location that is prepended to the command
- that will be executed along with the other words.
-Some caveats apply:
- <li>
- The PATH used for running tests may be different than the PATH in your environment,
- so you may need to use an <b>absolute path</b> for the <code class='flag'>--run_under</code>
- command (the first word in <var>command-prefix</var>).
- </li>
- <li>
- <b><code>stdin</code> is not connected</b>, so <code class='flag'>--run_under</code>
- can't be used for interactive commands.
- </li>
- --run_under=/usr/bin/valgrind
- --run_under=/usr/bin/strace
- --run_under='/usr/bin/strace -c'
- --run_under='/usr/bin/valgrind --quiet --num-callers=20'
-<h4>Test selection</h4>
- As documented under <a href='#output-selection-options'>Output selection options</a>,
- you can filter tests by <a href='#flag--test_size_filters'>size</a>,
- <a href='#flag--test_timeout_filters'>timeout</a>,
- <a href='#flag--test_tag_filters'>tag</a>, or
- <a href='#flag--test_lang_filters'>language</a>. A convenience
- <a href='#flag--test_filter'>general name filter</a> can forward particular
- filter args to the test runner.
-<h4 id="other_options_for_bazel_test">Other options for <code>bazel test</code></h4>
- The syntax and the remaining options are exactly like
- <a href='#build'>bazel build</a>.
-<h2 id='run'>Running executables with Bazel</h2>
- The <code>bazel run</code> command is similar to <code>bazel build</code>, except
- it is used to build and run a single target. Here is a typical session:
- % bazel run -- java/myapp:myapp --arg1 --arg2
- Welcome to Bazel
- INFO: Loading package: java/myapp
- INFO: Loading package: foo/bar
- INFO: Loading complete. Analyzing...
- INFO: Found 1 target...
- ...
- Target //java/myapp:myapp up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/java/myapp:myapp
- INFO: Elapsed time: 0.638s, Critical Path: 0.34s
- INFO: Running command line: bazel-bin/java/myapp:myapp --arg1 --arg2
- Hello there
- $EXEC_ROOT/java/myapp/myapp
- --arg1
- --arg2
- Bazel closes stdin, so you can't use <code>bazel run</code>
- if you want to start an interactive program or pipe data to it.
- Note the use of the <code>--</code>. This is needed so that Bazel
- does not interpret <code>--arg1</code> and <code>--arg2</code> as
- Bazel options, but rather as part of the command line for running the binary.
- (The program being run simply says hello and prints out its args.)
-<h3>Options for <code>bazel run</code></h3>
-<h4 id='flag--run_under_run'><code class='flag'>--run_under=<var>command-prefix</var></code></h4>
- This has the same effect as the <code class='flag'>--run_under</code> option for
- <code>bazel test</code> (<a href='#flag--run_under'>see above</a>),
- except that it applies to the command being run by <code>bazel
- run</code> rather than to the tests being run by <code>bazel test</code>
- and cannot run under label.
-<h3>Executing tests</h3>
- <code>bazel run</code> can also execute test binaries, which has the effect of
-running the test, but without the setup documented on the page
-<a href='test-encyclopedia.html'>Writing Tests</a>, so that the test runs
-in an environment closer to the current shell environment. Note that none of the
---test_* arguments have an effect when running a test in this manner.
-<h2 id='query'>Querying the dependency graph with Bazel</h2>
- Bazel includes a query language for asking questions about the
- dependency graph used during the build. The query tool is an
- invaluable aid to many software engineering tasks.
- The query language is based on the idea of
- algebraic operations over graphs; it is documented in detail in
- <a href="query.html">Bazel Query Reference</a>.
- Please refer to that document for reference, for
- examples, and for query-specific command-line options.
- The query tool accepts several command-line
- option. <code class='flag'>--output</code> selects the output format.
- <code class='flag'>--[no]keep_going</code> (disabled by default) causes the query
- tool to continue to make progress upon errors; this behavior may be
- disabled if an incomplete result is not acceptable in case of errors.
- The <code class='flag'>--[no]host_deps</code> option,
- enabled by default, causes dependencies on "host
- configuration" targets to be included in the dependency graph over
- which the query operates.
- The <code class='flag'>--[no]implicit_deps</code> option, enabled by default, causes
- implicit dependencies to be included in the dependency graph over which the query operates. An
- implicit dependency is one that is not explicitly specified in the BUILD file
- but added by bazel.
- Example: "Show the locations of the definitions (in BUILD files) of
- all genrules required to build all the tests in the PEBL tree."
- bazel query --output location 'kind(genrule, deps(kind(".*_test rule", foo/bar/pebl/...)))'
-<h2 id='misc'>Miscellaneous Bazel commands and options</h2>
-<h3 id='help'>The <code>help</code> command</h3>
- The <code>help</code> command provides on-line help. By default, it
- shows a summary of available commands and help topics, as shown in
- the <a href='#overview'><i>Bazel overview</i></a> section above.
- Specifying an argument displays detailed help for a particular
- topic. Most topics are Bazel commands, e.g. <code>build</code>
- or <code>query</code>, but there are some additional help topics
- that do not correspond to commands.
-<h4 id='flag--long'><code class='flag'>--[no]long</code> (<code>-l</code>)</h4>
- By default, <code>bazel help [<var>topic</var>]</code> prints only a
- summary of the relevant options for a topic. If
- the <code class='flag'>--long</code> option is specified, the type, default value
- and full description of each option is also printed.
-<h3 id='shutdown'>The <code>shutdown</code> command</h3>
- Bazel server processes (see <a href='#client/server'>Client/server
- implementation</a>) may be stopped by using the <code>shutdown</code>
- command. This command causes the Bazel server to exit as soon as it
- becomes idle (i.e. after the completion of any builds or other
- commands that are currently in progress).
- Bazel servers stop themselves after an idle timeout, so this command
- is rarely necessary; however, it can be useful in scripts when it is
- known that no further builds will occur in a given workspace.
- <code>shutdown</code> accepts one
- option, <code class='flag'>--iff_heap_size_greater_than <i>n</i></code>, which
- requires an integer argument (in MB). If specified, this makes the shutdown
- conditional on the amount of memory already consumed. This is
- useful for scripts that initiate a lot of builds, as any memory
- leaks in the Bazel server could cause it to crash spuriously on
- occasion; performing a conditional restart preempts this condition.
-<h3 id='info'>The <code>info</code> command</h3>
- The <code>info</code> command prints various values associated with
- the Bazel server instance, or with a specific build configuration.
- (These may be used by scripts that drive a build.)
- The <code>info</code> command also permits a single (optional)
- argument, which is the name of one of the keys in the list below.
- In this case, <code>bazel info <var>key</var></code> will print only
- the value for that one key. (This is especially convenient when
- scripting Bazel, as it avoids the need to pipe the result
- through <code>sed -ne /key:/s/key://p</code>:
-<h4>Configuration-independent data</h4>
- <li><code>release</code>: the release label for this Bazel
- instance, or "development version" if this is not a released
- binary.
- </li>
- <li><code>workspace</code> the absolute path to the base workspace
- directory.
- </li>
- <li><code>install_base</code>: the absolute path to the installation
- directory used by this Bazel instance for the current user. Bazel
- installs its internally required executables below this directory.
- </li>
- <li><code>output_base</code>: the absolute path to the base output
- directory used by this Bazel instance for the current user and
- workspace combination. Bazel puts all of its scratch and build
- output below this directory.
- </li>
- <li><code>execution_root</code>: the absolute path to the execution
- root directory under output_base. This directory is the root for all files
- accessible to commands executed during the build, and is the working
- directory for those commands. If the workspace directory is writable, a
- symlink named
- <code>bazel-&lt;workspace&gt;</code>
- is placed there pointing to this directory.
- </li>
- <li><code>output_path</code>: the absolute path to the output
- directory beneath the execution root used for all files actually
- generated as a result of build commands. If the workspace directory is
- writable, a symlink named <code>bazel-out</code> is placed there pointing
- to this directory.
- </li>
- <li><code>server_pid</code>: the process ID of the Bazel server
- process. </li>
- <li><code>command_log</code>: the absolute path to the command log file;
- this contains the interleaved stdout and stderr streams of the most recent
- Bazel command. Note that running <code>bazel info</code> will overwrite the
- contents of this file, since it then becomes the most recent Bazel command.
- However, the location of the command log file will not change unless you
- change the setting of the <code class='flag'>--output_base</code> or
- <code class='flag'>--output_user_root</code> options.
- </li>
- <li><code>used-heap-size</code>,
- <code>committed-size</code>,
- <code>max-heap-size</code>: reports various JVM heap size
- parameters. Respectively: memory currently used, memory currently
- guaranteed to be available to the JVM from the system, maximum
- possible allocation.
- </li>
- <li><code>gc-count</code>, <code>gc-time</code>: The cumulative count of
- garbage collections since the start of this Bazel server and the time spent
- to perform them. Note that these values are not reset at the start of every
- build.
- </li>
- <li><code>package_path</code>: A colon-separated list of paths which would be
- searched for packages by bazel. Has the same format as the
- <code class='flag'>--package_path</code> build command line argument.
- </li>
- Example: the process ID of the Bazel server.
-<pre>% bazel info server_pid
-<h4>Configuration-specific data</h4>
- These data may be affected by the configuration options passed
- to <code>bazel info</code>, for
- example <code class='flag'>--cpu</code>, <code class='flag'>--compilation_mode</code>,
- etc. The <code>info</code> command accepts all
- the <a href='#analysis-options'>options that control dependency
- analysis</a>, since some of these determine the location of the
- output directory of a build, the choice of compiler, etc.
- <li>
- <code>bazel-bin</code>, <code>bazel-testlogs</code>,
- <code>bazel-genfiles</code>: reports the absolute path to
- the <code>bazel-*</code> directories in which programs generated by the
- build are located. This is usually, though not always, the same as
- the <code>bazel-*</code> symlinks created in the base workspace directory after a
- successful build. However, if the workspace directory is read-only,
- no <code>bazel-*</code> symlinks can be created. Scripts that use
- the value reported by <code>bazel info</code>, instead of assuming the
- existence of the symlink, will be more robust.
- </li>
- <li>
- The complete
- <a href='be/make-variables.html'
- >"Make" environment</a>. If the <code class='flag'>--show_make_env</code> flag is
- specified, all variables in the current configuration's "Make" environment
- are also displayed (e.g. <code>CC</code>, <code>GLIBC_VERSION</code>, etc).
- These are the variables accessed using the <code>$(CC)</code>
- or <code>varref("CC")</code> syntax inside BUILD files.
- </li>
- Example: the C++ compiler for the current configuration.
- This is the <code>$(CC)</code> variable in the "Make" environment,
- so the <code class='flag'>--show_make_env</code> flag is needed.
- % bazel info --show_make_env -c opt COMPILATION_MODE
- opt
- Example: the <code>bazel-bin</code> output directory for the current
- configuration. This is guaranteed to be correct even in cases where
- the <code>bazel-bin</code> symlink cannot be created for some reason
- (e.g. you are building from a read-only directory).
-<h3 id='version'>The <code>version</code> command</h3>
- The version command prints version details about the built Bazel
- binary, including the changelist at which it was built and the date.
- These are particularly useful in determining if you have the latest
- Bazel, or if you are reporting bugs. Some of the interesting values
- are:
- <li><code>changelist</code>: the changelist at which this version of
- Bazel was released.
- </li>
- <li><code>label</code>: the release label for this Bazel
- instance, or "development version" if this is not a released
- binary. Very useful when reporting bugs.
- </li>
-<h3 id='mobile-install'>The <code>mobile-install</code> command</h3>
- The <code>mobile-install</code> command installs apps to mobile devices.
- Currently only Android devices running ART are supported.
- See <a href="mobile-install.html">bazel mobile-install</a>
- for more information.
- Note that this command does not install the same thing that
- <code>bazel build</code> produces: Bazel tweaks the app so that it can be
- built, installed and re-installed quickly. This should, however, be mostly
- transparent to the app.
- The following options are supported:
-<h4 id='flag--incremental'><code class='flag'>--incremental</code></h4>
- If set, Bazel tries to install the app incrementally, that is, only those
- parts that have changed since the last build. This cannot update resources
- referenced from <code>AndroidManifest.xml</code>, native code or Java
- resources (i.e. ones referenced by <code>Class.getResource()</code>). If these
- things change, this option must be omitted. Contrary to the spirit of Bazel
- and due to limitations of the Android platform, it is the
- <b>responsibility of the user</b> to know when this command is good enough and
- when a full install is needed.
- If you are using a device with Marshmallow or later, consider the
- <a href='#flag--split_apks'><code class='flag'>--split_apks</code></a> flag.
-<h4 id='flag--split_apks'><code class='flag'>--split_apks</code></h4>
- Whether to use split apks to install and update the application on the device.
- Works only with devices with Marshmallow or later. Note that the
- <a href='#flag--incremental'><code class='flag'>--incremental</code></a> flag
- is not necessary when using <code class='flag'>--split_apks</code>.
-<h4 id='flag--start_app'><code class='flag'>--start_app</code></h4>
- Starts the app in a clean state after installing. Equivalent to
- <code>--start=COLD</code>.
-<h4 id='flag--debug_app'><code class='flag'>--debug_app</code></h4>
- Waits for debugger to be attached before starting the app in a clean state after installing.
- Equivalent to <code>--start=DEBUG</code>.
-<h4 id='flag--start'><code class='flag'>--start=<i>start_type</i></code></h4>
- How the app should be started after installing it. Supported <i>start_type</i>s are:
- <ul>
- <li><code>NO</code> Does not start the app. This is the default.</li>
- <li><code>COLD</code> Starts the app from a clean state after install.</li>
- <li><code>WARM</code> Preserves and restores the application state on incremental installs.</li>
- <li><code>DEBUG</code> Waits for the debugger before starting the app in a clean state after install.</li>
- </ul>
- Note that if more than one of <code class='flag'>--start=<i>start_type</i></code>,
- <code class='flag'>--start_app</code> or
- <code class='flag'>--debug_app</code> is set, the last value will be used.
-<h4 id='flag--adb'><code class='flag'>--adb <var>path</var></code></h4>
- Indicates the <code>adb</code> binary to be used.
- The default is to use the adb in the Android SDK specified by
- <a href='#flag--android_sdk'><code class='flag'>--android_sdk</code></a>.
-<h4 id='flag--adb_arg'><code class='flag'>--adb_arg <var>arg</var></code></h4>
- Extra arguments to <code>adb</code>. These come before the subcommand in the
- command line and are typically used to specify which device to install to.
- For example, to select the Android device or emulator to use:
-<pre>% bazel mobile-install --adb_arg=-s --adb_arg=deadbeef
-will invoke <code>adb</code> as
-adb -s deadbeef install ...
-<h4 id='flag--adb_jobs'><code class='flag'>--adb_jobs <var>number</var></code></h4>
- The number of instances of adb to use in parallel to update files on the
- device.
-<h4 id='flag--incremental_install_verbosity'><code class='flag'>--incremental_install_verbosity <var>number</var></code></h4>
- The verbosity for incremental install. Set to 1 for debug logging to be
- printed to the console.
-<h3 id='analyze-profile'>The <code>analyze-profile</code> command</h3>
- The <code>analyze-profile</code> command analyzes data previously gathered
- during the build using <code class='flag'>--profile</code> option. It provides several
- options to either perform analysis of the build execution or export data in
- the specified format.
- The following options are supported:
- <li><code id='flag--dump'>--dump=text</code> displays all gathered data in a
- <a href='#dump-text-format'>human-readable format</a></li>
- <li><code>--dump=raw</code> displays all gathered data in a
- <a href='#dump-raw-format'>script-friendly format</a></li>
- <li><code id='flag--html'>--html</code> generates an <a href='#dump-html-format'>HTML file</a> visualizing the
- actions and rules executed in the build, as well as summary statistics for the build
- <ul>
- <li><code id='flag--html_details'>--html_details</code> adds more fine-grained
- information on actions and rules to the HTML visualization</li>
- <ul>
- <li><code id='flag--html_histograms'>--html_histograms</code> adds histograms for Skylark
- functions clicked in the statistics table. This will increase file size massively</li>
- <li><code id='flag--nochart'>--nochart</code> hides the task chart from generated HTML
- </li>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><code id='flag--combine'>--combine</code> combines multiple profile data files into a single
- report. Does not generate HTML task charts</li>
- <li><code id='flag--task_tree'>--task_tree</code> prints the tree of tasks matching the given
- regular expression
- <ul>
- <li><code id='flag--task_tree_threshold'>--task_tree_threshold</code> skip tasks with duration
- less than threshhold, in milliseconds. Default is 50ms</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- See the section on <a href='#profiling'>Troubleshooting performance by profiling</a> for
- format details and usage help.
-<h3 id='canonicalize'>The <code>canonicalize-flags</code> command</h3>
- The <code>canonicalize-flags</code> command, which takes a list of options for
- a Bazel command and returns a list of options that has the same effect. The
- new list of options is canonical, i.e., two lists of options with the same
- effect are canonicalized to the same new list.
- The <code class='flag'>--for_command</code> option can be used to select between different
- commands. At this time, only <code>build</code> and <code>test</code> are
- supported. Options that the given command does not support cause an error.
- Note that a small number of options cannot be reordered, because Bazel cannot
- ensure that the effect is identical.
-<h3 id='startup_options'>Bazel startup options</h3>
- The options described in this section affect the startup of the Java
- virtual machine used by Bazel server process, and they apply to all
- subsequent commands handled by that server. If there is an already
- running Bazel server and the startup options do not match, it will
- be restarted.
- All of the options described in this section must be specified using the
- <code class='flag'>--key=value</code> or <code class='flag'>--key value</code>
- syntax. Also, these options must appear <i>before</i> the name of the Bazel
- command.
-<h4 id='flag--output_base'><code class='flag'>--output_base=<var>dir</var></code></h4>
- This option requires a path argument, which must specify a
- writable directory. Bazel will use this location to write all its
- output. The output base is also the key by which the client locates
- the Bazel server. By changing the output base, you change the server
- which will handle the command.
- By default, the output base is derived from the user's login name,
- and the name of the workspace directory (actually, its MD5 digest),
- so a typical value looks like:
- <code>/var/tmp/google/_bazel_jrluser/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e</code>.
- Note that the client uses the output base to find the Bazel server
- instance, so if you specify a different output base in a Bazel
- command, a different server will be found (or started) to handle the
- request. It's possible to perform two concurrent builds in the same
- workspace directory by varying the output base.
-<p>For example:</p>
- % bazel --output_base /tmp/1 build //foo &amp; bazel --output_base /tmp/2 build //bar
- In this command, the two Bazel commands run concurrently (because of
- the shell <code>&amp;</code> operator), each using a different Bazel
- server instance (because of the different output bases).
- In contrast, if the default output base was used in both commands,
- then both requests would be sent to the same server, which would
- handle them sequentially: building <code>//foo</code> first, followed
- by an incremental build of <code>//bar</code>.
- We recommend you do not use NFS locations for the output base, as
- the higher access latency of NFS will cause noticeably slower
- builds.
-<h4 id='flag--output_user_root'><code class='flag'>--output_user_root=<var>dir</var></code></h4>
- By default, the <code>output_base</code> value is chosen to as to
- avoid conflicts between multiple users building in the same workspace directory.
- In some situations, though, it is desirable to build from a directory
- shared between multiple users; release engineers often do this. In
- those cases it may be useful to deliberately override the default so
- as to ensure "conflicts" (i.e., sharing) between multiple users.
- Use the <code class='flag'>--output_user_root</code> option to achieve this: the
- output base is placed in a subdirectory of the output user root,
- with a unique name based on the workspace, so the result of using an
- output user root that is not a function of <code>$USER</code> is
- sharing. Of course, it is important to ensure (via umask and group
- membership) that all the cooperating users can read/write each
- others files.
- If the <code class='flag'>--output_base</code> option is specified, it overrides
- using <code class='flag'>--output_user_root</code> to calculate the output base.
- The install base location is also calculated based on
- <code class='flag'>--output_user_root</code>, plus the MD5 identity of the Bazel embedded
- binaries.
- You can also use the <code class='flag'>--output_user_root</code> option to choose an
- alternate base location for all of Bazel's output (install base and output
- base) if there is a better location in your filesystem layout.
-<h4 id='flag--host_jvm_args'><code class='flag'>--host_jvm_args=<var>string</var></code></h4>
- Specifies a startup option to be passed to the Java virtual machine in which <i>Bazel itself</i>
- runs. This can be used to set the stack size, for example:
- % bazel --host_jvm_args="-Xss256K" build //foo
- This option can be used multiple times with individual arguments. Note that
- setting this flag should rarely be needed. You can also pass a space-separated list of strings,
- each of which will be interpreted as a separate JVM argument, but this feature will soon be
- deprecated.
- That this does <i>not</i> affect any JVMs used by
- subprocesses of Bazel: applications, tests, tools, etc. To pass
- JVM options to executable Java programs, whether run by <code>bazel
- run</code> or on the command-line, you should use
- the <code>--jvm_flags</code> argument which
- all <code>java_binary</code> and <code>java_test</code> programs
- support. Alternatively for tests, use <code>bazel
- test --test_arg=--jvm_flags=foo ...</code>.
-<h4 id='flag--host_jvm_debug'><code class='flag'>--host_jvm_debug</code></h4>
- This option causes the Java virtual machine to wait for a connection
- from a JDWP-compliant debugger before
- calling the main method of <i>Bazel itself</i>. This is primarily
- intended for use by Bazel developers.
- (Please note that this does <i>not</i> affect any JVMs used by
- subprocesses of Bazel: applications, tests, tools, etc.)
-<h4 id='flag--batch'><code class='flag'>--batch</code></h4>
- This switch will cause bazel to be run in batch mode, instead of the
- standard client/server mode described <a href='#client/server'>above</a>.
- Doing so provides more predictable semantics with respect to signal handling,
- job control, and environment variable inheritance, and is necessary for running
- bazel in a chroot jail.
- Batch mode retains proper queueing semantics within the same output_base.
- That is, simultaneous invocations will be processed in order, without overlap.
- If a batch mode bazel is run on a client with a running server, it first
- kills the server before processing the command.
- Bazel will run slower in batch mode, compared to client/server mode.
- Among other things, the build file cache is memory-resident, so it is not
- preserved between sequential batch invocations.
- Therefore, using batch mode often makes more sense in cases where performance
- is less critical, such as continuous builds.
-<h4 id='flag--max_idle_secs'><code class='flag'>--max_idle_secs <var>n</var></code></h4>
- This option specifies how long, in seconds, the Bazel server process
- should wait after the last client request, before it exits. The
- default value is 10800 (3 hours).
- This option may be used by scripts that invoke Bazel to ensure that
- they do not leave Bazel server processes on a user's machine when they
- would not be running otherwise.
- For example, a presubmit script might wish to
- invoke <code>bazel query</code> to ensure that a user's pending
- change does not introduce unwanted dependencies. However, if the
- user has not done a recent build in that workspace, it would be
- undesirable for the presubmit script to start a Bazel server just
- for it to remain idle for the rest of the day.
- By specifying a small value of <code class='flag'>--max_idle_secs</code> in the
- query request, the script can ensure that <i>if</i> it caused a new
- server to start, that server will exit promptly, but if instead
- there was already a server running, that server will continue to run
- until it has been idle for the usual time. Of course, the existing
- server's idle timer will be reset.
-<h4 id='flag--block_for_lock'><code class='flag'>--[no]block_for_lock</code></h4>
- If enabled, Bazel will wait for other Bazel commands holding the
- server lock to complete before progressing. If disabled, Bazel will
- exit in error if it cannot immediately acquire the lock and
- proceed.
- Developers might use this in presubmit checks to avoid long waits caused
- by another Bazel command in the same client.
-<h4 id='flag--io_nice_level'><code class='flag'>--io_nice_level <var>n</var></code></h4>
- Sets a level from 0-7 for best-effort IO scheduling. 0 is highest priority,
- 7 is lowest. The anticipatory scheduler may only honor up to priority 4.
- Negative values are ignored.
-<h4 id='flag--batch_cpu_scheduling'><code class='flag'>--batch_cpu_scheduling</code></h4>
- Use <code>batch</code> CPU scheduling for Bazel. This policy is useful for
- workloads that are non-interactive, but do not want to lower their nice value.
- See 'man 2 sched_setscheduler'. This policy may provide for better system
- interactivity at the expense of Bazel throughput.
-<h3 id='misc_options'>Miscellaneous options</h3>
-<h4 id='flag--announce_rc'><code class='flag'>--[no]announce_rc</code></h4>
- Controls whether Bazel announces command options read from the bazelrc file when
- starting up. (Startup options are unconditionally announced.)
-<h4 id='flag--color'><code class='flag'>--color (yes|no|auto)</code></h4>
- This option determines whether Bazel will use colors to highlight
- its output on the screen.
- If this option is set to <code>yes</code>, color output is enabled.
- If this option is set to <code>auto</code>, Bazel will use color output only if
- the output is being sent to a terminal and the TERM environment variable
- is set to a value other than <code>dumb</code>, <code>emacs</code>, or <code>xterm-mono</code>.
- If this option is set to <code>no</code>, color output is disabled,
- regardless of whether the output is going to a terminal and regardless
- of the setting of the TERM environment variable.
-<h4 id='flag--config'><code class='flag'>--config <var>name</var></code></h4>
- Selects additional config section from the rc files; for the current
- <code>command</code>, it also pulls in the options from
- <code>command:name</code> if such a section exists. Can be specified multiple
- times to add flags from several config sections. Expansions can refer to other
- definitions (i.e. expansions can be chained).
-<h4 id='flag--curses'><code class='flag'>--curses (yes|no|auto)</code></h4>
- This option determines whether Bazel will use cursor controls
- in its screen output. This results in less scrolling data, and a more
- compact, easy-to-read stream of output from Bazel. This works well with
- <code class='flag'>--color</code>.
- If this option is set to <code>yes</code>, use of cursor controls is enabled.
- If this option is set to <code>no</code>, use of cursor controls is disabled.
- If this option is set to <code>auto</code>, use of cursor controls will be
- enabled under the same conditions as for <code class='flag'>--color=auto</code>.
-<h4 id='flag--show_timestamps'><code class='flag'>--[no]show_timestamps</code></h4>
- If specified, a timestamp is added to each message generated by
- Bazel specifying the time at which the message was displayed.
-<h2 id='scripting'>Calling Bazel from scripts</h2>
- Bazel can be called from scripts in order to perform a build, run
- tests or query the dependency graph. Bazel has been designed to
- enable effective scripting, but this section lists some details to
- bear in mind to make your scripts more robust.
-<h3>Choosing the output base</h3>
- The <code class='flag'>--output_base</code> option controls where the Bazel process should
- write the outputs of a build to, as well as various working files used
- internally by Bazel, one of which is a lock that guards against
- concurrent mutation of the output base by multiple Bazel processes.
- Choosing the correct output base directory for your script depends
- on several factors. If you need to put the build outputs in a
- specific location, this will dictate the output base you need to
- use. If you are making a "read only" call to Bazel
- (e.g. <code>bazel query</code>), the locking factors will be more important.
- In particular, if you need to run multiple instances of your script
- concurrently, you will need to give each one a different (or random) output
- base.
- If you use the default output base value, you will be contending for
- the same lock used by the user's interactive Bazel commands. If the
- user issues long-running commands such as builds, your script will
- have to wait for those commands to complete before it can continue.
-<h3>Server or no server?</h3>
- By default, Bazel uses a long-running <a
- href='#client/server'>server process</a> as an optimization; this
- behavior can be disabled using the <a
- href='#flag--batch'><code class='flag'>--batch</code></a> option. There's no hard and
- fast rule about whether or not your script should use a server, but
- in general, the trade-off is between performance and reliability.
- The server mode makes a sequence of builds, especially incremental
- builds, faster, but its behavior is more complex and prone to
- failure. We recommend in most cases that you use batch mode unless
- the performance advantage is critical.
- If you do use the server, don't forget to call <code>shutdown</code>
- when you're finished with it, or, specify
- <code class='flag'>--max_idle_secs=5</code> so that idle servers shut themselves
- down promptly.
-<h3>What exit code will I get?</h3>
- Bazel attempts to differentiate failures due to the source code under
-consideration from external errors that prevent Bazel from executing properly.
-Bazel execution can result in following exit codes:
-<b>Exit Codes common to all commands:</b>
- <li><code>0</code> - Success</li>
- <li><code>2</code> - Command Line Problem, Bad or Illegal flags or command
- combination, or Bad Environment Variables. Your command line must be
- modified.</li>
- <li><code>8</code> - Build Interrupted but we terminated with an orderly shutdown.</li>
- <li><code>32</code> - External Environment Failure not on this machine.</li>
- <li><code>33</code> - OOM failure. You need to modify your command line.</li>
- <li><code>34</code> - Reserved for Google-internal use.</li>
- <li><code>35</code> - Reserved for Google-internal use.</li>
- <li><code>36</code> - Local Environmental Issue, suspected permanent.</li>
- <li><code>37</code> - Unhandled Exception / Internal Bazel Error.</li>
- <li><code>38</code> - Reserved for Google-internal use.</li>
- <li><code>40-44</code> - Reserved for errors in Bazel's command line launcher,
- <code>bazel.cc</code> that are not command line
- related. Typically these are related to bazel server
- being unable to launch itself.</li>
-<b>Return codes for commands <code>bazel build</code>, <code>bazel test</code>.</b>
- <li><code>1</code> - Build failed.</li>
- <li><code>3</code> - Build OK, but some tests failed or timed out.</li>
- <li><code>4</code> - Build successful but no tests were found even though
- testing was requested.</li>
-<b>For <code>bazel run</code>:</b>
- <li><code>1</code> - Build failed.</li>
- <li><code>6</code> - Run command failure. The executed subprocess returned a
- non-zero exit code. The actual subprocess exit code is
- given in stderr.</li>
- <code>bazel query</code>:</b>
- <li><code>3</code> - Partial success, but the query encountered 1 or more
- errors in the input BUILD file set and therefore the
- results of the operation are not 100% reliable.
- This is likely due to a <code class='flag'>--keep_going</code> option
- on the command line.</li>
- <li><code>7</code> - Command failure.</li>
- Future Bazel versions may add additional exit codes, replacing generic failure
- exit code <code>1</code> with a different non-zero value with a particular
- meaning. However, all non-zero exit values will always constitute an error.
-<h3>Reading the .bazelrc file</h3>
- By default, Bazel will read the <a
- href='#bazelrc'><code>.bazelrc</code> file</a> from the base workspace
- directory or the user's home directory. Whether or not this is
- desirable is a choice for your script; if your script needs to be
- perfectly hermetic (e.g. when doing release builds), you should
- disable reading the .bazelrc file by using the option
- <code class='flag'>--bazelrc=/dev/null</code>. If you want to perform a build
- using the user's preferred settings, the default behavior is better.
-<h3>Command log</h3>
- The Bazel output is also available in a command log file which you can
- find with the following command:
-% bazel info command_log
- The command log file contains the interleaved stdout and stderr streams
- of the most recent Bazel command. Note that running <code>bazel info</code>
- will overwrite the contents of this file, since it then becomes the most
- recent Bazel command. However, the location of the command log file will
- not change unless you change the setting of the <code class='flag'>--output_base</code>
- or <code class='flag'>--output_user_root</code> options.
-<h3>Parsing output</h3>
- The Bazel output is quite easy to parse for many purposes. Two
- options that may be helpful for your script are
- <code class='flag'>--noshow_progress</code> which suppresses progress messages,
- and <code class='flag'>--show_result <var>n</var></code>, which controls whether
- or not "build up-to-date" messages are printed; these messages may
- be parsed to discover which targets were successfully built, and the
- location of the output files they created. Be sure to specify a
- very large value of <i>n</i> if you rely on these messages.
-<h2 id='profiling'>Troubleshooting performance by profiling</h2>
- The first step in analyzing the performance of your build is to profile your build with the
- <a href='#flag--profile'><code class='flag'>--profile</code></a> option.
- The file generated by the <a href='#flag--profile'><code class='flag'>--profile</code></a>
- command is a binary file. Once you have generated this binary profile, you can analyze it using
- Bazel's <a href='#analyze-profile'><code>analyze-profile</code></a> command. By default, it will
- print out summary analysis information for each of the specified profile datafiles. This includes
- cumulative statistics for different task types for each build phase and an analysis of the
- critical execution path.
- The first section of the default output describes an overview of the time spent on the different
- build phases:
-Total launch phase time 6.00 ms 0.01%
-Total init phase time 864 ms 1.11%
-Total loading phase time 21.841 s 28.05%
-Total analysis phase time 5.444 s 6.99%
-Total preparation phase time 155 ms 0.20%
-Total execution phase time 49.473 s 63.54%
-Total finish phase time 83.9 ms 0.11%
-Total run time 77.866 s 100.00%
- The following sections show the execution time of different tasks happening during a particular
- phase:
-Total init phase time 864 ms
-Total time (across all threads) spent on:
- Type Total Count Average
- VFS_STAT 2.72% 1 23.5 ms
- VFS_READLINK 32.19% 1 278 ms
-Total loading phase time 21.841 s
-Total time (across all threads) spent on:
- Type Total Count Average
- SPAWN 3.26% 154 475 ms
- VFS_STAT 10.81% 65416 3.71 ms
-SKYLARK_BUILTIN_FN 13.12% 45138 6.52 ms
-Total analysis phase time 5.444 s
-Total time (across all threads) spent on:
- Type Total Count Average
- SKYFRAME_EVAL 9.35% 1 4.782 s
- SKYFUNCTION 89.36% 43332 1.06 ms
-Total preparation time 155 ms
-Total execution phase time 49.473 s
-Total time finalizing build 83.9 ms
-Action dependency map creation 0.00 ms
-Actual execution time 49.473 s
-Total time (across all threads) spent on:
- Type Total Count Average
- ACTION 2.25% 12229 10.2 ms
- SKYFUNCTION 1.87% 236131 0.44 ms
- The last section shows the critical path:
-Critical path (32.078 s):
- Id Time Percentage Description
-1109746 5.171 s 16.12% Building [...]
-1109745 164 ms 0.51% Extracting interface [...]
-1109744 4.615 s 14.39% Building [...]
-1109639 2.202 s 6.86% Executing genrule [...]
-1109637 2.00 ms 0.01% Symlinking [...]
-1109636 163 ms 0.51% Executing genrule [...]
- 4.00 ms 0.01% [3 middleman actions]
- You can use the following options to display more detailed information:
- <li id='dump-text-format'><a href='#flag--dump'><code>--dump=text</code></a>
- <p>
- This option prints all recorded tasks in the order they occurred. Nested tasks are indented
- relative to the parent. For each task, output includes the following information:
- </p>
-[task type] [task description]
-Thread: [thread id] Id: [task id] Parent: [parent task id or 0 for top-level tasks]
-Start time: [time elapsed from the profiling session start] Duration: [task duration]
-[aggregated statistic for nested tasks, including count and total duration for each nested task]
- </li>
- <li id='dump-raw-format'><a href='#flag--dump'><code>--dump=raw</code></a>
- <p>
- This option is most useful for automated analysis with scripts. It outputs each task record on
- a single line using '|' delimiter between fields. Fields are printed in the following order:
- </p>
- <ol>
- <li>thread id - integer positive number, identifies owner thread for the task</li>
- <li>task id - integer positive number, identifies specific task</li>
- <li>parent task id for nested tasks or 0 for root tasks</li>
- <li>task start time in ns, relative to the start of the profiling session</li>
- <li>task duration in ns. Please note that this will include duration of all subtasks.</li>
- <li>aggregated statistic for immediate subtasks per type. This will include type name (lower
- case), number of subtasks for that type and their cumulative duration. Types are
- space-delimited and information for single type is comma-delimited.</li>
- <li>task type (upper case)</li>
- <li>task description</li>
- </ol>
- Example:
-1|1|0|0|0||PHASE|Launch Bazel
-1|2|0|6000000|0||PHASE|Initialize command
-1|5|0|869955040|0||PHASE|Load packages
- </li>
- <li id='dump-html-format'><a href='#flag--html'><code>--html</code></a>
- <p>
- This option writes a file called <code>&lt;profile-file&gt;.html</code> in the directory of the
- profile file. Open it in your browser to see the visualization of the actions in your build.
- Note that the file can be quite large and may push the capabilities of your browser &ndash;
- please wait for the file to load.
- </p>
- <p>
- In most cases, the HTML output from <a href='#flag--html'><code>--html</code></a> is easier to
- read than the <a href='#flag--dump'><code>--dump</code></a> output.
- It includes a Gantt chart that displays time on the horizontal axis and
- threads of execution along the vertical axis. If you click on the Statistics link in the top
- right corner of the page, you will jump to a section that lists summary analysis information
- from your build.
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li><a href='#flag--html_details'><code>--html_details</code></a>
- <p>
- Additionally passing this option will render a more detailed execution chart and additional
- tables on the performance of built-in and user-defined Skylark functions. Beware that this
- increases the file size and the load on the browser considerably.
- </p>
- </li>
- </ul></li>
-<p>If Bazel appears to be hung, you can hit <kbd><kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>\</kbd></kbd> or send
- Bazel a <code>SIGQUIT</code> signal (<code>kill -3 $(bazel info server_pid)</code>) to get a
- thread dump in the file <code>$(bazel info output_base)/server/jvm.out</code>.
- Since you may not be able to run <code>bazel info</code> if bazel is hung, the
- <code>output_base</code> directory is usually the parent of the <code>bazel-&lt;workspace&gt;</code>
- symlink in your workspace directory.
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/build-ref.html b/site/versions/master/docs/build-ref.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 96521c09e5..0000000000
--- a/site/versions/master/docs/build-ref.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1021 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: BUILD files
-<h1>Bazel: Build Files and Terminology</h1>
- This document provides an overview of the source tree layout and the
- terminology used in Bazel.
-<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
- <li><a href="#intro">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="#packages_targets">Workspace, Packages and Targets</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#workspace">Workspace</a></li>
- <li><a href="#packages">Packages</a></li>
- <li><a href="#targets">Targets</a></li>
- <li><a href="#labels">Labels</a></li>
- <li><a href="#lexi">Lexical Specifications of a Label</a></li>
- <li><a href="#rules">Rules</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="#BUILD_files">BUILD Files</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#core_build_language">The Core Build Language</a></li>
- <li><a href="#declaring_build_rules">Declaring Build Rules</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="#funcs">Types of Build Rules</a></li>
- <li><a href="#dependencies">Dependencies</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#actual_and_declared_dependencies">Actual and Declared Dependencies</a></li>
- <li><a href="#types_of_dependencies">Types of Dependencies</a></li>
- <li><a href="#label_directory">Using Labels to Reference Directories</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
-<h2 id="intro">Introduction</h2>
-<p>Bazel builds software from source code organized in a directory called
- a workspace. Source files in the workspace are organized in a nested
- hierarchy of packages, where each package is a directory that contains a set
- of related source files and one BUILD file. The BUILD file specifies what
- software outputs can be built from the source.
-<h2 id="packages_targets">Workspace, Packages and Targets</h2>
-<h3 id="workspace">Workspace</h3>
-<p>A <em>workspace</em> is a directory on your filesystem that contains the
- source files for the software you want to build, as well as symbolic links
- to directories that contain the build outputs. Each workspace directory has
- a text file named <code>WORKSPACE</code> which may be empty, or may contain
- references to <a href="/docs/external.html">external dependencies</a>
- required to build the outputs. See also the <a
- href="/docs/be/workspace.html">Workspace Rules</a> section in the Build
- Encyclopedia.
-<h3 id="packages">Packages</h3>
- The primary unit of code organization in a workspace is
- the <i>package</i>. A package is collection of related files and a
- specification of the dependencies among them.
- A package is defined as a directory containing a file
- named <code>BUILD</code>, residing beneath the top-level directory in the
- workspace. A package includes all files in its directory, plus all
- subdirectories beneath it, except those which themselves contain a BUILD
- file.
- For example, in the following directory tree
- there are two packages, <code>my/app</code>,
- and the subpackage <code>my/app/tests</code>.
- Note that <code>my/app/data</code> is not a package, but a directory
- belonging to package <code>my/app</code>.
-<h3 id="targets">Targets</h3>
- A package is a container. The elements of a package are called
- <i>targets</i>. Most targets are one of two principal kinds, <i>files</i>
- and <i>rules</i>. Additionally, there is another kind of target,
- <a href="be/functions.html#package_group">package groups</a>,
- but they are far less numerous.
-<div style='margin:auto; text-align: center'>
-<div class='graphviz dot'><!--
-digraph G1 {
- node [shape=ellipse];
- Target -> Rule;
- Rule -> cc_library
- Rule -> java_test
- Rule -> "..."
- Target -> File;
- File -> Source;
- File -> Generated;
- Target -> "Package group"
-<p><i>Hierarchy of targets.</i></p>
- Files are further divided into two kinds.
- <i>Source files</i> are usually written by the efforts of people,
- and checked in to the repository.
- <i>Generated files</i>, sometimes called derived files,
- are not checked in, but are generated by the build tool from source
- files according to specific rules.
- The second kind of target is the <i>rule</i>. A rule specifies the
- relationship between a set of input and a set of output files,
- including the necessary steps to derive the outputs from the inputs.
- The outputs of a rule are always generated files. The inputs to a
- rule may be source files, but they may be generated files also;
- consequently, outputs of one rule may be the inputs to another,
- allowing long chains of rules to be constructed.
- Whether the input to a rule is a source file or a generated file is
- in most cases immaterial; what matters is only the contents of that
- file. This fact makes it easy to replace a complex source file with
- a generated file produced by a rule, such as happens when the burden
- of manually maintaining a highly structured file becomes too
- tiresome, and someone writes a program to derive it. No change is
- required to the consumers of that file. Conversely, a generated
- file may easily be replaced by a source file with only local
- changes.
- The inputs to a rule may also include <i>other rules</i>. The
- precise meaning of such relationships is often quite complex and
- language- or rule-dependent, but intuitively it is simple: a C++
- library rule A might have another C++ library rule B for an input.
- The effect of this dependency is that the B's header files are
- available to A during compilation, B's symbols are available to A
- during linking, and B's runtime data is available to A during
- execution.
- An invariant of all rules is that the files generated by a rule
- always belong to the same package as the rule itself; it is not
- possible to generate files into another package. It is not uncommon
- for a rule's inputs to come from another package, though.
- Package groups are sets of packages whose purpose is to limit accessibility
- of certain rules. Package groups are defined by the
- <code>package_group</code> function. They have two properties: the list of
- packages they contain and their name. The only allowed ways to refer to them
- are from the <code>visibility</code> attribute of rules or from the
- <code>default_visibility</code> attribute of the <code>package</code>
- function; they do not generate or consume files. For more information, refer
- to the appropriate section of the <a
- href='be/functions.html#package_group'>Build Encyclopedia</a>.
-<h3 id="labels">Labels</h3>
- All targets belong to exactly one package. The name of a target is
- called its <em>label</em>, and a typical label in canonical form
- looks like this:
- Each label has two parts, a package name (<code>my/app/main</code>)
- and a target name (<code>app_binary</code>). Every label uniquely
- identifies a target. Labels sometimes appear in other forms; when
- the colon is omitted, the target name is assumed to be the same as
- the last component of the package name, so these two labels are
- equivalent:
- Short-form labels such as <code>//my/app</code> are not to
- be confused with package names. Labels start with <code>//</code>,
- but package names never do, thus <code>my/app</code> is the
- package containing <code>//my/app</code>.
- (A common misconception is that <code>//my/app</code> refers
- to a package, or to <em>all</em> the targets in a package; neither
- is true.)
- Within a BUILD file, the package-name part of label may be omitted,
- and optionally the colon too. So within the BUILD file for package
- <code>my/app</code> (i.e. <code>//my/app:BUILD</code>),
- the following "relative" labels are all equivalent:
- (It is a matter of convention that the colon is omitted for files,
- but retained for rules, but it is not otherwise significant.)
- Similarly, within a BUILD file, files belonging to the package may
- be referenced by their unadorned name relative to the package
- directory:
- But from other packages, or from the command-line, these file
- targets must always be referred to by their complete label, e.g.
- <code>//my/app:generate.cc</code>.
- Relative labels cannot be used to refer to targets in other
- packages; the complete package name must always be specified in this
- case. For example, if the source tree contains both the package
- <code>my/app</code> and the package
- <code>my/app/testdata</code> (i.e., each of these two
- packages has its own BUILD file). The latter package contains a
- file named <code>testdepot.zip</code>. Here are two ways (one
- wrong, one correct) to refer to this file within
- <code>//my/app:BUILD</code>:
-<span class="discouraged">testdata/testdepot.zip</span> # Wrong: testdata is a different package.
-//my/app/testdata:testdepot.zip # Right.
- If, by mistake, you refer to <code>testdepot.zip</code> by the wrong
- label, such as <code>//my/app:testdata/testdepot.zip</code>
- or <code>//my:app/testdata/testdepot.zip</code>, you will get an
- error from the build tool saying that the label "crosses a package
- boundary". You should correct the label by putting the colon after
- the directory containing the innermost enclosing BUILD file, i.e.,
- <code>//my/app/testdata:testdepot.zip</code>.
-<h3 id="lexi">Lexical specification of a label</h3>
- The syntax of labels is intentionally strict, so as to
- forbid metacharacters that have special meaning to the shell. This
- helps to avoid inadvertent quoting problems, and makes it easier to
- construct tools and scripts that manipulate labels, such as the
- <a href="query.html">Bazel Query Language</a>.
- All of the following are forbidden in labels: any sort of white
- space, braces, brackets, or parentheses; wildcards such
- as <code>*</code>; shell metacharacters such
- as <code>&gt;</code>, <code>&amp;</code> and <code>|</code>; etc.
- This list is not comprehensive; the precise details are below.
-<h4 id="name">Target names, <code>//...:<b>target-name</b></code></h4>
-<p><code>target-name</code> is the name of the target within the package.
- The name of a rule is the value of the <code>name</code>
- parameter in the rule's declaration in a BUILD file; the name
- of a file is its pathname relative to the directory containing
- the BUILD file.
- Target names must be composed entirely of
- characters drawn from the set <code>a</code>–<code>z</code>,
- <code>A</code>–<code>Z</code>, <code>0</code>–<code>9</code>,
- and the punctuation symbols <code>_/.+-=,@~</code>.
- Do not use <code>..</code> to refer to files in other packages; use
- <code>//<var>packagename</var>:<var>filename</var></code> instead.
- Filenames must be relative pathnames in normal form, which means
- they must neither start nor end with a slash
- (e.g. <code>/foo</code> and <code>foo/</code> are forbidden) nor
- contain multiple consecutive slashes as path separators
- (e.g. <code>foo//bar</code>). Similarly, up-level references
- (<code>..</code>) and current-directory references
- (<code>./</code>) are forbidden. The sole exception to this
- rule is that a target name may consist of exactly
- '<code>.</code>'.
-<p>While it is common to use <code>/</code> in the name of a file
- target, we recommend that you avoid the use of <code>/</code> in the
- names of rules. Especially when the shorthand form of a label is
- used, it may confuse the reader. The
- label <code>//foo/bar/wiz</code> is always a shorthand
- for <code>//foo/bar/wiz:wiz</code>, even if there is no such package
- <code>foo/bar/wiz</code>; it never refers to <code>//foo:bar/wiz</code>,
- even if that target exists.</p>
-<p>However, there are some situations where use of a slash is
- convenient, or sometimes even necessary. For example, the name of
- certain rules must match their principal source file, which may
- reside in a subdirectory of the package.</p>
-<h4>Package names, <code>//<b>package-name</b>:...</code></h4>
- The name of a package is the name of the directory containing its
- BUILD file, relative to the top-level directory of the source tree.
- For example: <code>my/app</code>.
- Package names must be composed entirely of characters drawn from
- the set <code>A</code>-<code>Z</code>, <code>a</code>–<code>z</code>,
- <code>0</code>–<code>9</code>, '<code>/</code>', '<code>-</code>',
- '<code>.</code>', and '<code>_</code>', and cannot start with
- a slash.
- For a language with a directory structure that is significant
- to its module system (e.g. Java), it is important to choose directory names
- that are valid identifiers in the language.
- Although Bazel allows a package at the build root (e.g. <code>//:foo</code>), this
- is not advised and projects should attempt to use more descriptively named
- packages.
- Package names may not contain the substring <code>//</code>, nor
- end with a slash.
-<h3 id="rules">Rules</h3>
- A rule specifies the relationship between inputs and outputs, and the
- steps to build the outputs. Rules can be of one of many different
- kinds or <i>classes</i>, which produce compiled
- executables and libraries, test executables and other supported
- outputs as described in the
- <a href="be/overview.html">Build Encyclopedia</a>.
- Every rule has a name, specified by the <code>name</code> attribute,
- of type string. The name must be a syntactically valid target name,
- as specified <a href='#name'>above</a>. In some cases, the name is
- somewhat arbitrary, and more interesting are the names of the files
- generated by the rule; this is true of genrules. In other
- cases, the name is significant: for <code>*_binary</code>
- and <code>*_test</code> rules, for example, the rule name determines
- the name of the executable produced by the build.
- Every rule has a set of <i>attributes</i>; the applicable attributes
- for a given rule, and the significance and semantics of each
- attribute are a function of the rule's class; see
- the <a href='be/overview.html'>Build
- Encyclopedia</a> for the full list of supported rules and their
- corresponding attributes. Each attribute has a name and a
- type. The full set of types that an attribute can have is: integer,
- label, list of labels, string, list of strings, output label,
- list of output labels. Not all attributes need to be specified in
- every rule. Attributes thus form a dictionary from keys (names) to
- optional, typed values.
- The <code>srcs</code> attribute present in many rules has type "list
- of label"; its value, if present, is a list of labels, each being
- the name of a target that is an input to this rule.
- The <code>outs</code> attribute present in many rules has type "list
- of output labels"; this is similar to the type of
- the <code>srcs</code> attribute, but differs in two significant
- ways. Firstly, due to the invariant that the outputs of a rule
- belong to the same package as the rule itself, output labels cannot
- include a package component; they must be in one of the "relative"
- forms shown above. Secondly, the relationship implied by an
- (ordinary) label attribute is inverse to that implied by an output
- label: a rule <i>depends on</i> its <code>srcs</code>, whereas a rule <i>is
- depended on by</i> its <code>outs</code>. The two types of label attributes
- thus assign direction to the edges between targets, giving rise to a
- dependency graph.
- The figure below represents an example fragment of the build
- dependency graph, and illustrates: files (circles) and rules
- (boxes); dependencies from generated files to rules; dependencies
- from rules to files, and from rules to other rules. Conventionally,
- dependency arrows are represented as pointing from a target towards
- its prerequisites.
-<div style="margin:auto; text-align:center">
-<div class='graphviz dot'><!--
-digraph G1 {
- graph [rankdir=BT];
- node [fontname="Courier-Bold",fontsize=10,fontcolor="#006000"];
- node [shape=box,label="rule"]; r1; r2;
- node [shape=circle,width=.4,fixedsize=1];
- node [label="in"]; s1; s2; s3; s4;
- node [label="out"]; o1; o2;
- r1 -> s1;
- r1 -> s2;
- r1 -> s3;
- r2 -> s4;
- r2 -> r1;
- o1 -> r1;
- o2 -> r2;
-<p><i>Source files, rules, and generated files.</i></p>
- This directed acyclic graph over targets is called the
- "target graph" or "build dependency graph", and is the domain over
- which the
- <a href="query.html">Bazel Query tool</a></li>
- operates.
-<h2 id="BUILD_files">BUILD Files</h2>
- The previous section described packages, targets and labels, and the
- build dependency graph abstractly. In this section, we'll look at
- the concrete syntax used to define a package.
- By definition, every package contains a BUILD file, which is a short
- program written in the Build Language. Most BUILD files
- appear to be little more than a series of declarations of build
- rules; indeed, the declarative style is strongly encouraged when
- writing BUILD files.
- However, the build language is in fact an imperative language, and
- BUILD files are interpreted as a sequential list of statements.
- Build rule functions, such as <code>cc_library</code>, are procedures whose
- side-effect is to create an abstract build rule inside the build tool.
- The concrete syntax of BUILD files is a subset of Python.
- Originally, the syntax <i>was</i> that of Python, but experience
- showed that users rarely used more than a tiny subset of Python's
- features, and when they did, it often resulted in complex and
- fragile BUILD files. In many cases, the use of such features was
- unnecessary, and the same result could be achieved by using an
- external program, e.g. via a <code>genrule</code> build rule.
- Crucially, programs in the build language are unable to perform
- arbitrary I/O (though many users try!). This invariant makes the
- interpretation of BUILD files hermetic, i.e. dependent only on a
- known set of inputs, which is essential for ensuring that builds are
- reproducible.
-<h3 id="core_build_language">The Core Build Language</h3>
- <b>Lexemes</b>: the lexical syntax of the core language is a strict
- subset of Python 2.6, and we refer the reader to the <a
- href='http://docs.python.org/reference/lexical_analysis.html'>Python
- specification</a> for details.
- Lexical features of Python that are not
- supported include: floating-point literals, hexadecimal and Unicode
- escapes within string literals.
- BUILD files should be written using only ASCII characters,
- although technically they are interpreted using the Latin-1
- character set. The use
- of <a href='http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0263/'><code>coding:</code></a>
- declarations is forbidden.
- <b>Grammar</b>: the grammar of the core language is shown below,
- using EBNF notation. Ambiguity is resolved using precedence, which
- is defined as for Python.
-file_input ::= (simple_stmt? '\n')*
-simple_stmt ::= small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* ';'?
-small_stmt ::= expr
- | assign_stmt
-assign_stmt ::= IDENTIFIER '=' expr
-expr ::= INTEGER
- | IDENTIFIER '(' arg_list? ')'
- | expr '.' IDENTIFIER
- | expr '.' IDENTIFIER '(' arg_list? ')'
- | '[' expr_list? ']'
- | '[' expr ('for' IDENTIFIER 'in' expr)+ ']'
- | '(' expr_list? ')'
- | '{' dict_entry_list? '}'
- | '{' dict_entry ('for' IDENTIFIER 'in' expr)+ '}'
- | expr '+' expr
- | expr '-' expr
- | expr '%' expr
- | '-' expr
- | expr '[' expr? ':' expr? ']'
- | expr '[' expr ']'
-expr_list ::= (expr ',')* expr ','?
-dict_entry_list ::= (dict_entry ',')* dict_entry ','?
-dict_entry ::= expr ':' expr
-arg_list ::= (arg ',')* arg ','?
-arg ::= IDENTIFIER '=' expr
- | expr
- For each expression of the core language, the semantics are
- identical to the corresponding Python semantics, except in the
- following cases:
- <li>certain overloads of the binary <code>%</code> operator are not
- supported. Only the <code>int % int</code> and <code>str %
- tuple</code> forms are supported. Only the <code>%s</code>
- and <code>%d</code> format specifiers may be
- used; <code>%(var)s</code> is illegal.</li>
- Many Python features are missing: control-flow constructs (loops,
- conditionals, exceptions), basic datatypes (floating-point numbers, big
- integers), <code>import</code> and the module system, support for
- definition of classes, some Python's built-in functions. Function
- definitions and <code>for</code> statements are allowed only in
- extension files (<code>.bzl</code>).
- Available functions are documented in
- the <a href="skylark/lib/globals.html">library section</a>.
-<h3 id="declaring_build_rules">Declaring build rules</h3>
- The build language is an imperative language, so in general, order
- does matter: variables must be defined before they are used, for
- example. However, most BUILD files consist only of declarations of
- build rules, and the relative order of these statements is
- immaterial; all that matters is <em>which</em> rules were declared,
- and with what values, by the time package evaluation completes.
- So, in simple BUILD files, rule declarations can be re-ordered
- freely without changing the behavior.
- BUILD file authors are encouraged to use comments liberally to
- document the role of each build target, whether it is intended for
- public use, and anything else that would help users and future
- maintainers, including a <code># Description:</code> comment at the
- top, explaining the role of the package.
- The Python comment syntax of <code>#...</code> is supported.
- Triple-quoted string literals may span multiple lines, and can be used
- for multi-line comments.
-<h2 id="funcs">Types of build rule</h2>
- The majority of build rules come in families, grouped together by
- language. For
- example, <code>cc_binary</code>, <code>cc_library</code>
- and <code>cc_test</code> are the build rules for C++ binaries,
- libraries, and tests, respectively. Other languages use the same
- naming scheme, with a different prefix, e.g. <code>java_*</code> for
- Java. These functions are all documented in the
- <a href="be/overview.html">Build Encyclopedia</a>.
- <li><p><code>*_binary</code>
- rules build executable programs in a given language. After a
- build, the executable will reside in the build tool's binary
- output tree at the corresponding name for the rule's label,
- so <code>//my:program</code> would appear at
- (e.g.) <code>$(BINDIR)/my/program</code>. </p>
- <p>Such rules also create a runfiles directory
- containing all the files mentioned in a <code>data</code>
- attribute belonging to the rule, or any rule in its transitive
- closure of dependencies; this set of files is gathered together in
- one place for ease of deployment to production.</p>
- </li>
- <li><p><code>*_test</code>
- rules are a specialization of a <code>*_binary</code> rule, used for automated
- testing. Tests are simply programs that return zero on success.
- </p>
- <p>
- Like binaries, tests also have runfiles trees, and the files
- beneath it are the only files that a test may legitimately open
- at runtime. For example, a program <code>cc_test(name='x',
- data=['//foo:bar'])</code> may open and
- read <code>$TEST_SRCDIR/workspace/foo/bar</code> during execution.
- (Each programming language has its own utility function for
- accessing the value of <code>$TEST_SRCDIR</code>, but they are all
- equivalent to using the environment variable directly.)
- Failure to observe the rule will cause the test to fail when it is
- executed on a remote testing host.
- </p>
- </li>
- <li><code>*_library</code>
- rules specify separately-compiled modules in the given
- programming language. Libraries can depend on other libraries,
- and binaries and tests can depend on libraries, with the expected
- separate-compilation behavior.
- </li>
-<h2 id="dependencies">Dependencies</h2>
- A target <code>A</code> <i>depends upon</i> a target
- <code>B</code> if <code>B</code> is needed by <code>A</code> at
- build or execution time. The <i>depends upon</i> relation induces a
- directed acyclic graph (DAG) over targets, and we call this a
- <em>dependency graph</em>.
- A target's <em>direct</em> dependencies are those other targets
- reachable by a path of length 1 in the dependency graph. A target's
- <em>transitive</em> dependencies are those targets upon which it
- depends via a path of any length through the graph.
- In fact, in the context of builds, there are two dependency graphs,
- the graph of <em>actual dependencies</em> and the graph of
- <em>declared dependencies</em>. Most of the time, the two graphs
- are so similar that this distinction need not be made, but it is
- useful for the discussion below.
-<h3 id="actual_and_declared_dependencies">Actual and declared dependencies</h3>
- A target <code>X</code> is <i>actually dependent</i> on target
- <code>Y</code> iff <code>Y</code> must be present, built and
- up-to-date in order for <code>X</code> to be built correctly.
- "Built" could mean generated, processed, compiled, linked,
- archived, compressed, executed, or any of the other kinds of tasks
- that routinely occur during a build.
- A target <code>X</code> has a <i>declared dependency</i> on target
- <code>Y</code> iff there is a dependency edge from <code>X</code> to
- <code>Y</code> in the package of <code>X</code>.
- For correct builds, the graph of actual dependencies <i>A</i> must
- be a subgraph of the graph of declared dependencies <i>D</i>. That
- is, every pair of directly-connected nodes <code>x --&gt; y</code>
- in <i>A</i> must also be directly connected in <i>D</i>. We say
- <i>D</i> is an <em>overapproximation</em> of <i>A</i>.
- It is important that it not be too much of an overapproximation,
- though, since redundant declared dependencies can make builds slower and
- binaries larger.
- What this means for BUILD file writers is that every rule must
- explicitly declare all of its actual direct dependencies to the
- build system, and no more.
- Failure to observe this principle causes undefined behavior: the
- build may fail, but worse, the build may depend on some prior
- operations, or upon which transitive declared dependencies the target
- happens to have. The build tool attempts aggressively to check for
- missing dependencies and report errors, but it is not possible for
- this checking to be complete in all cases.
- You need not (and should not) attempt to list everything indirectly imported,
- even if it is "needed" by A at execution time.
- During a build of target <code>X</code>, the build tool inspects the
- entire transitive closure of dependencies of <code>X</code> to ensure that
- any changes in those targets are reflected in the final result,
- rebuilding intermediates as needed.
- The transitive nature of dependencies leads to a common mistake.
- Through careless programming, code in one file may use code provided
- by an <em>indirect</em> dependency, i.e. a transitive but not direct
- edge in the declared dependency graph. Indirect dependencies do not
- appear in the BUILD file. Since the rule doesn't
- directly depend on the provider, there is no way to track changes,
- as shown in the following example timeline:
-<div class="greenbox">
-<p><b>1. At first, everything works</b></p>
-<p>The code in package <code>a</code> uses code in package <code>b</code>.
-The code in package <code>b</code> uses code in package <code>c</code>,
-and thus <code>a</code> transitively depends on <code>c</code>.</p>
-<div style="float:left; width: 49%; margin-top: -20px;">
-<pre class="code">
- name = "a",
- srcs = "a.in",
- deps = "//b:b",
-<pre class="code">
-<b>import b;
-<div style="float:right; width: 49%; margin-top: -20px; ">
-<pre class="code">
- name = "b",
- srcs = "b.in",
- deps = "//c:c",
-<pre class="code">
-<b>import c;
-function foo() {
- c.bar();
-<pre style="clear: both;">
-Declared dependency graph: a --&gt; b --&gt; c
-Actual dependency graph: a --&gt; b --&gt; c
-The declared dependencies overapproximate the actual dependencies.
-All is well.
-<div class="greenbox">
-<p><b>2. A latent hazard is introduced.</b></p>
- Someone carelessly adds code to <code>a</code> that creates a direct
- actual dependency on <code>c</code>, but forgets to declare it.
-<div style="float:left; width: 49%; margin-top: -20px; ">
-<pre class="code">
-import b;
-<b>import c;</b>
-<pre style="clear: both;">
-Declared dependency graph: a --&gt; b --&gt; c
-Actual dependency graph: a --&gt; b --&gt;_c
- \_________/|
-The declared dependencies no longer overapproximate the actual
-dependencies. This may build ok, because the transitive closures of
-the two graphs are equal, but masks a problem: <code>a</code> has an
-actual but undeclared dependency on <code>c</code>.
-<div class="greenbox">
-<p><b>3. The hazard is revealed</b> </p>
- Someone refactors <code>b</code> so that it no longer depends on
- <code>c</code>, inadvertently breaking <code>a</code> through no
- fault of their own.
-<div style="float:right; width: 49%; margin-top: -20px; ">
-<pre class="code">
- name = "b",
- srcs = "b.in",
- <b>deps = "//d:d"</b>,
-<pre class="code">
-<b>import d;</b>
-function foo() {
- <b>d.baz();</b>
-<pre style="clear: both;">
-Declared dependency graph: a --&gt; b c
-Actual dependency graph: a --&gt; b _c
- \_________/|
- The declared dependency graph is now an underapproximation of the
- actual dependencies, even when transitively closed; the build is
- likely to fail.
- The problem could have been averted by ensuring that the actual
- dependency from <code>a</code> to <code>c</code> introduced in Step
- 2 was properly declared in the BUILD file.
-<h3 id="types_of_dependencies">Types of dependencies</h3>
- Most build rules have three attributes for specifying different kinds
- of generic dependencies: <code>srcs</code>, <code>deps</code> and
- <code>data</code>. These are explained below. See also
- <a href='be/common-definitions.html'>Attributes common
- to all rules</a> in the Build Encyclopedia.)
- Many rules also have additional attributes for rule-specific kinds
- of dependency, e.g. <code>compiler</code>, <code>resources</code>,
- etc. These are detailed in the Build Encyclopedia.
-<h4 id="srcs"><code>srcs</code> dependencies</h4>
- Files consumed directly by the rule or rules that output source files.
-<h4 id="deps"><code>deps</code> dependencies</h4>
- Rule pointing to separately-compiled modules providing header files,
- symbols, libraries, data, etc.
-<h4 id="data"><code>data</code> dependencies</h4>
-<p>A build target might need some data files to run correctly. These
- data files aren't source code: they don't affect how the target is
- built. For example, a unit test might compare a function's output
- to the contents of a file. When we build the unit test, we
- don't need the file; but we do need it when we run the test. The
- same applies to tools that are launched during execution.
-<p>The build system runs tests in an isolated directory where only files
- listed as "data" are available. Thus, if a binary/library/test
- needs some files to run, specify them (or a build rule containing
- them) in data. For example:
-# I need a config file from a directory named env:
- name = "setenv",
- ...
- data = [":env/default_env.txt"],
-# I need test data from another directory
- name = "regtest",
- srcs = ["regtest.sh"],
- data = [
- "//data:file1.txt",
- "//data:file2.txt",
- ...
- ],
-<p>These files are available using the relative path
-<code>path/to/data/file</code>. In tests, it is also possible to refer to
-them by joining the paths of the test's source directory and the workspace-relative
-path, e.g.
- <h3 id="label_directory">Using Labels to Reference Directories</h3>
- <p>As you look over our <code>BUILD</code> files, you might notice
- that some <code>data</code> labels refer to directories.
- These labels end with <code>/.</code> or <code>/</code> like so:
-<span style="text-decoration: line-through">data = ["//data/regression:unittest/."]</span> # don't use this
-or like so:
-<span style="text-decoration: line-through">data = ["testdata/."]</span> # don't use this
-or like so:
-<span style="text-decoration: line-through">data = ["testdata/"]</span> # don't use this
- <p>This seems convenient, particularly for tests (since it allows a test to
- use all the data files in the directory).
- </p>
- <p>But try not to do this. In order to ensure correct incremental rebuilds (and
- re-execution of tests) after a change, the build system must be
- aware of the complete set of files that are inputs to the build (or
- test). When you specify a directory, the build system will perform
- a rebuild only when the directory itself changes (due to addition or
- deletion of files), but won't be able to detect edits to individual
- files as those changes do not affect the enclosing directory.
- Rather than specifying directories as inputs to the build system,
- you should enumerate the set of files contained within them, either
- explicitly or using the
- <a href='be/functions.html#glob'><code>glob()</code></a> function.
- (Use <code>**</code> to force the <a href='be/functions.html#glob'>
- <code>glob()</code></a> to be recursive.)
- </p>
-data = glob(["testdata/**"]) # use this instead
- <p>Unfortunately, there are some scenarios where directory labels must be used.
- For example, if the <code>testdata</code> directory contains files whose
- names do not conform to the strict <a href='#lexi'>label syntax</a>
- (e.g. they contain certain punctuation symbols), then explicit
- enumeration of files, or use of the
- <a href='be/functions.html#glob'><code>glob()</code></a> function will
- produce an invalid labels error. You must use directory labels in this case,
- but beware of the concomitant risk of incorrect rebuilds described above.
- </p>
- <p>If you must use directory labels, keep in mind that you can't refer to the parent
- package with a relative "<code>../</code>" path; instead, use an absolute path like
- "<code>//data/regression:unittest/.</code>".
- </p>
- <p>Note that directory labels are only valid for data dependencies. If you try to use
- a directory as a label in an argument other than <code>data</code>, it
- will fail and you will get a (probably cryptic) error message.
- </p>
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-layout: documentation
-title: External Dependencies
-# Working with external dependencies
-External dependencies can be specified in the `WORKSPACE` file of the
-[workspace directory](/docs/build-ref.html#workspace). This `WORKSPACE` file
-uses the same syntax as BUILD files, but allows a different set of
-rules. The full list of rules are in the Build Encyclopedia's
-[Workspace Rules](/docs/be/workspace.html).
-External dependencies are all downloaded and symlinked under a directory named
-`external`. You can see this directory by running:
-ls $(bazel info output_base)/external
-Note that running `bazel clean` will not actually delete the external
-directory. To remove all external artifacts, use `bazel clean --expunge`.
-## Supported types of external dependencies
-A few basic types of external dependencies can be used:
-- [Dependencies on other Bazel projects](#bazel-projects)
-- [Dependencies on non-Bazel projects](#non-bazel-projects)
-- [Dependencies on external packages](#external-packages)
-<a name="bazel-projects"></a>
-### Depending on other Bazel projects
-If you want to use targets from a second Bazel project, you can
-or [`http_archive`](http://bazel.build/docs/be/workspace.html#http_archive)
-to symlink it from the local filesystem, reference a git repository or download
-it (respectively).
-For example, suppose you are working on a project, `my-project/`, and you want
-to depend on targets from your coworker's project, `coworkers-project/`. Both
-projects use Bazel, so you can add your coworker's project as an external
-dependency and then use any targets your coworker has defined from your own
-BUILD files. You would add the following to `my_project/WORKSPACE`:
- name = "coworkers-project",
- path = "/path/to/coworkers-project",
-If your coworker has a target `//foo:bar`, your project can refer to it as
-<a name="non-bazel-projects"></a>
-### Depending on non-Bazel projects
-Rules prefixed with `new_` (e.g.,
-and [`new_http_archive`](http://bazel.build/docs/be/workspace.html#new_http_archive)
-) allow you to create targets from projects that do not use Bazel.
-For example, suppose you are working on a project, `my-project/`, and you want
-to depend on your coworker's project, `coworkers-project/`. Your coworker's
-project uses `make` to build, but you'd like to depend on one of the .so files
-it generates. To do so, add the following to `my_project/WORKSPACE`:
- name = "coworkers-project",
- path = "/path/to/coworkers-project",
- build_file = "coworker.BUILD",
-`build_file` specifies a BUILD file to overlay on the existing project, for
- name = "some-lib",
- srcs = glob(["**"]),
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-You can then depend on `@coworkers-project//:some-lib` from your project's BUILD
-<a name="external-packages"></a>
-### Depending on external packages
-#### Maven repositories
-Use the rule [`maven_jar`](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/be/workspace.html#maven_jar)
-(and optionally the rule [`maven_server`](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/be/workspace.html#maven_server))
-to download a jar from a Maven repository and make it available as a Java
-## Fetching dependencies
-By default, external dependencies are fetched as needed during `bazel build`. If
-you would like to disable this behavior or prefetch dependencies, use
-[`bazel fetch`](http://bazel.build/docs/bazel-user-manual.html#fetch).
-## Using Proxies
-Bazel will pick up proxy addresses from the `HTTPS_PROXY` and `HTTP_PROXY`
-environment variables and use these to download HTTP/HTTPS files (if specified).
-<a name="transitive-dependencies"></a>
-## Transitive dependencies
-Bazel only reads dependencies listed in your `WORKSPACE` file. If your project
-(`A`) depends on another project (`B`) which list a dependency on a third
-project (`C`) in its `WORKSPACE` file, you'll have to add both `B`
-and `C` to your project's `WORKSPACE` file. This requirement can balloon the
-`WORKSPACE` file size, but hopefully limits the chances of having one library
-include `C` at version 1.0 and another include `C` at 2.0.
-## Generate a `WORKSPACE` file
-Bazel provides a tool to help generate these expansive `WORKSPACE` files, called
-`generate_workspace`. This tool is not included with the binary installer, so
-you'll need to clone the [GitHub repo](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel) to
-use it. We recommend using the tag corresponding to your current version of
-bazel, which you can check by running `bazel version`.
-`cd` to the GitHub clone, `git checkout` the appropriate tag, and run the
-following to build the tool and see usage:
-bazel run //src/tools/generate_workspace
-Note that you need run this command from your Bazel source folder even if you
-build your binary from source.
-You can specify directories containing Bazel projects (i.e., directories
-containing a `WORKSPACE` file), Maven projects (i.e., directories containing a
-`pom.xml` file), or Maven artifact coordinates directly. For example:
-$ bazel run //src/tools/generate_workspace -- \
-> --maven_project=/path/to/my/project \
-> --bazel_project=/path/to/skunkworks \
-> --bazel_project=/path/to/teleporter/project \
-> --artifact=groupId:artifactId:version \
-> --artifact=groupId:artifactId:version
-The `WORKSPACE` file will contain the transitive dependencies of the given
-projects and artifacts. The `BUILD` file will contain a single target,
-`transitive-deps`, that contains all of the dependencies. You can copy these
-files to your project and add `transitive-deps` as a dependency of your `java_`
-targets in `BUILD` files.
-If you specify multiple Bazel projects, Maven projects, or artifacts, they will
-all be combined into one `WORKSPACE` file (e.g., if the Bazel project depends on
-junit and the Maven project also depends on junit, junit will only appear once
-as a dependency in the output).
-You may wish to curate the generated `WORKSPACE` file to ensure it is using the
-correct version of each dependency. If several different versions of an artifact
-are requested (by different libraries that depend on it), then
-`generate_workspace` chooses a version and annotates the `maven_jar` with the
-other versions requested, for example:
-# org.springframework:spring:2.5.6
-# javax.mail:mail:1.4
-# httpunit:httpunit:1.6 wanted version 1.0.2
-# org.springframework:spring-support:2.0.2 wanted version 1.0.2
-# org.slf4j:nlog4j:1.2.24 wanted version 1.0.2
- name = "javax_activation_activation",
- artifact = "javax.activation:activation:1.1",
-The example above indicates that `org.springframework:spring:2.5.6`,
-`javax.mail:mail:1.4`, `httpunit:httpunit:1.6`,
-`org.springframework:spring-support:2.0.2`, and `org.slf4j:nlog4j:1.2.24`
-all depend on javax.activation. However, two of these libraries wanted
-version 1.1 and three of them wanted 1.0.2. The `WORKSPACE` file is using
-version 1.1, but that might not be the right version to use.
-You may also want to break `transitive-deps` into smaller targets, as it is
-unlikely that all of your targets depend on the transitive closure of your
-maven jars.
-## Caching of external dependencies
-Bazel caches external dependencies and re-downloads or updates them when
-the `WORKSPACE` file changes.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Getting Started
-# Getting Started with Bazel
-## Setup
-Use the [installation instructions](/docs/install.html) to install a copy of
-Bazel on your machine.
-## Using a Workspace
-All Bazel builds take place in a [_workspace_](/docs/build-ref.html#workspaces),
-a directory on your filesystem that contains source code for the software you
-want to build, as well symbolic links to directories that contain the build
-outputs (for example, `bazel-bin` and `bazel-out`). The location of the
-workspace directory is not significant, but it must contain a file called
-`WORKSPACE` in the top-level directory; an empty file is a valid workspace.
-The `WORKSPACE` file can be used to reference
-[external dependencies](/docs/external.html) required to build the outputs.
-One workspace can be shared among multiple projects if desired.
-## Creating a Build File
-To know which targets can be built in your project, Bazel inspects `BUILD`
-files. They are written in Bazel's build language which is syntactically
-similar to Python. Usually they are just a sequence of declarations of rules.
-Each rule specifies its inputs, outputs, and a way to compute the outputs from
-the inputs.
-The rule probably most familiar to people who have used `Makefile`s before (as
-it is the only rule available there) is the
-[genrule](/docs/be/general.html#genrule), which specifies how the output can
-be generated by invoking a shell command.
- name = "hello",
- outs = ["hello_world.txt"],
- cmd = "echo Hello World > $@",
-The shell command may contain [Make variables](/docs/be/make-variables.html).
-Using the above `BUILD` file, you can ask Bazel to generate the target.
-$ bazel build :hello
-INFO: Found 1 target...
-Target //:hello up-to-date:
- bazel-genfiles/hello_world.txt
-INFO: Elapsed time: 2.255s, Critical Path: 0.07s
-We note two things. First, targets are normally referred to by their
-[label](/docs/build-ref.html#labels), which is specified by the
-[name](/docs/be/general.html#genrule.name) attribute of the rule. (Referencing
-them by the output file name is also possible, but this is not the preferred
-way.) Second, Bazel puts the generated files into a separate directory (the
-`bazel-genfiles` directory is actually a symbolic link) so as not to pollute
-your source tree.
-Rules may use the output of other rules as input, as in the following
-example. Again, the generated sources are referred to by their label.
- name = "hello",
- outs = ["hello_world.txt"],
- cmd = "echo Hello World > $@",
- name = "double",
- srcs = [":hello"],
- outs = ["double_hello.txt"],
- cmd = "cat $< $< > $@",
-Finally, note that, while the [genrule](/docs/be/general.html#genrule) might
-seem familiar, it usually is _not_ the best rule to use. It is preferrable to
-use one of the specialized [rules](/docs/be/overview.html#rules) for various
-# Next Steps
-Next, check out the tutorial on building [Java](/docs/tutorial/java.html)
-or [C++](/docs/tutorial/cpp.html) programs.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Compile Bazel from Source
-# <a name="compiling-from-source"></a>Compile Bazel from source
-1. Ensure that you have OpenJDK 8 installed on your system.
- For a system based on debian packages (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu), install
- OpenJDK 8 by running the command `sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk`.
-2. The standard way of compiling a release version of Bazel from source is to
- use a distribution archive. Download `bazel-<VERSION>-dist.zip` from the
- [release page](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases) for the desired
- version. We recommend to also verify the signature made by our
- [release key](https://bazel.build/bazel-release.pub.gpg) 48457EE0.
- The distribution archive also contains generated files in addition to the
- versioned sources, so this step _cannot_ be short cut by using a checkout
- of the source tree.
-3. Unzip the archive and call `bash ./compile.sh`; this will create a bazel
- binary in `output/bazel`. This binary is self-contained, so it can be copied
- to a directory on the PATH (such as `/usr/local/bin`) or used in-place.
-## <a name="compiling-from-source-issues"></a>Known issues when compiling from source
-### On Windows:
-* version 0.4.4 and below: `compile.sh` may fail right after start with an error
- like this:
- ```
- File not found - *.jar
- no error prone jar
- ```
- Workaround is to run this (and add it to your `~/.bashrc`):
- ```
- export PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH"
- ```
-* version 0.4.3 and below: `compile.sh` may fail fairly early with many Java
- compilation errors. The errors look similar to:
- ```
- C:\...\bazel_VR1HFY7x\src\com\google\devtools\build\lib\remote\ExecuteServiceGrpc.java:11: error: package io.grpc.stub does not exist
- import static io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncUnaryCall;
- ^
- ```
- This is caused by a bug in one of the bootstrap scripts
- (`scripts/bootstrap/compile.sh`). Manually apply this one-line fix if you
- want to build Bazel purely from source (without using an existing Bazel
- binary): [5402993a5e9065984a42eca2132ec56ca3aa456f]( https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/commit/5402993a5e9065984a42eca2132ec56ca3aa456f).
-* version 0.3.2 and below:
- [github issue #1919](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/1919)
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-title: Installing Bazel on macOS
-# <a name="mac-os-x"></a>Install Bazel on macOS (OS X)
-> Note: Bazel release 0.5.0 contains a bug in the compiler detection on macOS which
-> requires Xcode and the iOS tooling to be installed
-> ([corresponding issue #3063](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/3063)).
-> If you had Command Line Tools installed, you also need to switch to Xcode using
-> `sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer`.
-Install Bazel on macOS (OS X) using one of the following methods:
-* [Use Homebrew (recommended)](#install-on-mac-os-x-homebrew)
-* [Use the binary installer](#install-with-installer-mac-os-x)
-* [Compile Bazel from source](install-compile-source.md)
-Bazel comes with two completion scripts. After installing Bazel, you can:
-* access the [bash completion script](install.md)
-* install the [zsh completion script](install.md)
-## <a name="install-on-mac-os-x-homebrew"></a>Install using Homebrew
-### 1. Install JDK 8
-JDK 8 can be downloaded from [Oracle's JDK
-Look for "Mac OS X" under "Java SE Development Kit". This will download a DMG
-image with an install wizard.
-### 2. Install Homebrew on macOS (OS X)
-Installing Homebrew is a one-time setup:
-/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL
-### 3. Install Bazel Homebrew Package
-brew install bazel
-You are all set. You can confirm Bazel is installed successfully by running
-`bazel version`.
-You can later upgrade to newer version of Bazel with `brew upgrade bazel`.
-## <a name="install-with-installer-mac-os-x"></a>Install using binary installer
-The binary installers are on Bazel's [GitHub releases page](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases).
-The installer contains the Bazel binary and the required JDK. Some additional
-libraries must also be installed for Bazel to work.
-### 1. Install XCode command line tools
-Xcode can be downloaded from the [Apple Developer
-Site](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/downloads/) (this link redirects to
-their App Store).
-For `objc_*` and `ios_*` rule support, you must have Xcode 6.1 or later with iOS
-SDK 8.1 installed on your system.
-Once XCode is installed you can trigger signing the license with the following
-sudo gcc --version
-### 2. Download the Bazel installer
-Go to Bazel's [GitHub releases page](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases).
-Download the binary installer `bazel-0.5.0-installer-darwin-x86_64.sh`. This
-installer contains the Bazel binary and the required JDK, and can be used even
-if a JDK is already installed.
-Note that `bazel-0.5.0-without-jdk-installer-darwin-x86_64.sh` is a version of
-the installer without embedded JDK 8. Only use this installer if you already
-have JDK 8 installed.
-Note that two other versions of the installer exist:
-* `bazel-0.5.0-without-jdk-installer-darwin-x86_64.sh`: version without
- embedded JDK 8. Only use this installer if you already have JDK 8 installed.
-* `bazel-0.5.0-jdk7-installer-darwin-x86_64.sh`: last release compatible
- with JDK 7.
-### 3. Run the installer
-Run the installer:
-chmod +x bazel-0.5.0-installer-darwin-x86_64.sh
-./bazel-0.5.0-installer-darwin-x86_64.sh --user
-The `--user` flag installs Bazel to the `$HOME/bin` directory on your system and
-sets the `.bazelrc` path to `$HOME/.bazelrc`. Use the `--help` command to see
-additional installation options.
-### 4. Set up your environment
-If you ran the Bazel installer with the `--user` flag as above, the Bazel
-executable is installed in your `$HOME/bin` directory. It's a good idea to add
-this directory to your default paths, as follows:
-export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"
-You can also add this command to your `~/.bashrc` file.
-You are all set. You can confirm Bazel is installed successfully by running
-bazel version
-Once installed, you can upgrade to a newer version of Bazel with:
-sudo apt-get upgrade bazel
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-layout: documentation
-title: Installing Bazel on Ubuntu
-# <a name="ubuntu"></a>Install Bazel on Ubuntu
-Supported Ubuntu Linux platforms:
-* 16.04 (LTS)
-* 15.10
-* 14.04 (LTS)
-Install Bazel on Ubuntu using one of the following methods:
-* [Use our custom APT repository (recommended)](#install-on-ubuntu)
-* [Use the binary installer](#install-with-installer-ubuntu)
-* [Compile Bazel from source](install-compile-source.md)
-Bazel comes with two completion scripts. After installing Bazel, you can:
-* access the [bash completion script](install.md)
-* install the [zsh completion script](install.md)
-## <a name="install-on-ubuntu"></a> Using Bazel custom APT repository (recommended)
-### 1. Add Bazel distribution URI as a package source (one time setup)
-echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://storage.googleapis.com/bazel-apt stable jdk1.8" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bazel.list
-curl https://bazel.build/bazel-release.pub.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
-If you want to install the testing version of Bazel, replace `stable` with
-### 2. Install and update Bazel
-sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install bazel
-Once installed, you can upgrade to a newer version of Bazel with:
-sudo apt-get upgrade bazel
-## <a name="install-with-installer-ubuntu"></a>Install using binary installer
-The binary installers are on Bazel's [GitHub releases page](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases).
-The installer contains the Bazel binary and the required JDK. Some additional
-libraries must also be installed for Bazel to work.
-### 1. Install required packages
-sudo apt-get install pkg-config zip g++ zlib1g-dev unzip
-### 2. Download Bazel
-Go to Bazel's [GitHub releases page](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases).
-Download the binary installer `bazel-0.5.0-installer-linux-x86_64.sh`. This
-installer contains the Bazel binary and the required JDK, and can be used even
-if JDK is already installed.
-Note that two other versions of the installer exist:
-* `bazel-0.5.0-without-jdk-installer-linux-x86_64.sh`: version without
- embedded JDK 8. Only use this installer if you already have JDK 8 installed.
-* `bazel-0.5.0-jdk7-installer-linux-x86_64.sh`: last release compatible
- with JDK 7.
-### 3. Run the installer
-Run the installer:
-chmod +x bazel-0.5.0-installer-linux-x86_64.sh
-./bazel-0.5.0-installer-linux-x86_64.sh --user
-The `--user` flag installs Bazel to the `$HOME/bin` directory on your system and
-sets the `.bazelrc` path to `$HOME/.bazelrc`. Use the `--help` command to see
-additional installation options.
-### 4. Set up your environment
-If you ran the Bazel installer with the `--user` flag as above, the Bazel
-executable is installed in your `$HOME/bin` directory. It's a good idea to add
-this directory to your default paths, as follows:
-export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"
-You can also add this command to your `~/.bashrc` file.
-Once installed, you can upgrade to a newer version of Bazel with:
-sudo apt-get upgrade bazel
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-layout: documentation
-title: Installing Bazel on Windows
-# <a name="windows"></a>Install Bazel on Windows
-Windows support is highly experimental. Known issues are [marked with
-label "Windows"](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22category%3A+multi-platform+%3E+windows%22)
-on GitHub issues.
-We currently support only 64 bit Windows 7 or higher and we compile Bazel as a
-MSYS2 binary.
-Install Bazel on Windows using one of the following methods:
- * [Use Chocolatey](#install-on-windows-chocolatey)
- * [Use the binary distribution](#download-binary-windows)
- * [Compile Bazel from source](install-compile-source.md) -- make sure
- your machine meets the [requirements](windows.md#requirements)
-## <a name="install-on-windows-chocolatey"></a>Install using Chocolatey
-You can install the unofficial package using the
-[chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org) package manager:
-choco install bazel
-This will install the latest available version of Bazel, and dependencies.
-This package is experimental. Please provide feedback to `@petemounce` in GitHub
-issue tracker. See the [Chocolatey installation and package
-maintenance](windows-chocolatey-maintenance.md) guide for more information.
-## <a name="download-binary-windows"></a>Install using the binary distribution
-We provide binary versions on our
-<a href="https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases">GitHub releases page</a>
-The installer contains only the Bazel binary. You'll need additional software
-(e.g. msys2 shell of the right version) and some setup in your environment to
-run Bazel. See these requirements on our
-[Windows page](windows.md#requirements).
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-layout: documentation
-title: Installing Bazel
-# Installing Bazel
-See the instructions for installing Bazel on:
-* [Ubuntu Linux (16.04, 15.10, and 14.04)](install-ubuntu.md)
-* [Mac OS X](install-os-x.md)
-* [Windows (experimental)](install-windows.md)
-For other platforms, you can try to [compile from source](install-compile-source.md).
-Required Java version:
-Java JDK 8 or later is required. To address the problem of JDK 8 not being
-available on some machines, Bazel's binary installer embeds a JDK by default.
-**Note:** Homebrew and Debian packages do not contain the embedded JDK. The
-shell installers are the only ones with an embedded JDK.
-* [Bash completion](#bash)
-* [zsh completion](#zsh)
-For more information on using Bazel, see
-[Getting Started with Bazel](getting-started.html).
-## <a name="jdk7"></a>Using Bazel with JDK 7
-Bazel version _0.5.0_ does run with JDK 7. However, starting with version
-_0.5.1_ Bazel must use JDK 8.
-The installers available for _0.5.0_ are:
-* `bazel-0.5.0-installer.sh`: default version with embedded JDK
-* `bazel-0.5.0-without-jdk-installer.sh`: version without embedded JDK
-* `bazel-0.5.0-jdk7-installer.sh`: version compatible with JDK 7, will not be
- available in later releases
-## <a name="bash"></a>Getting bash completion
-Bazel comes with a bash completion script, which the installer copies into the
-`bin` directory. If you ran the installer with `--user`, this will be
-`$HOME/.bazel/bin`. If you ran the installer as root, this will be
-Copy the `bazel-complete.bash` script to your completion folder
-(`/etc/bash_completion.d` directory under Ubuntu). If you don't have a
-completion folder, you can copy it wherever suits you and insert
-`source /path/to/bazel-complete.bash` in your `~/.bashrc` file (under OS X, put
-it in your `~/.bash_profile` file).
-If you built Bazel from source, the bash completion target is in the `//scripts`
-1. Build it with Bazel: `bazel build //scripts:bazel-complete.bash`.
-2. Copy the script `bazel-bin/scripts/bazel-complete.bash` to one of the
- locations described above.
-## <a name="zsh"></a>Getting zsh completion
-Bazel also comes with a zsh completion script. To install it:
-1. Add this script to a directory on your $fpath:
- ```
- fpath[1,0]=~/.zsh/completion/
- mkdir -p ~/.zsh/completion/
- cp scripts/zsh_completion/_bazel ~/.zsh/completion
- ```
- You may have to call `rm -f ~/.zcompdump; compinit`
- the first time to make it work.
-2. Optionally, add the following to your .zshrc.
- ```
- # This way the completion script does not have to parse Bazel's options
- # repeatedly. The directory in cache-path must be created manually.
- zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache on
- zstyle ':completion:*' cache-path ~/.zsh/cache
- ```
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-layout: documentation
-title: mobile-install
-# bazel mobile-install
-<p class="lead">Fast iterative development for Android</p>
-## TL;DR
-To install small changes to an Android app very quickly, do the following:
- 1. Find the `android_binary` rule of the app you want to install.
- 2. Disable Proguard by removing the `proguard_specs` attribute.
- 3. Set the `multidex` attribute to `native`.
- 4. Set the `dex_shards` attribute to `10`.
- 5. Connect your device running ART (not Dalvik) over USB and enable USB
- debugging on it.
- 6. Run `bazel mobile-install :your_target`. App startup will be a little
- slower than usual.
- 7. Edit the code or Android resources.
- 8. Run `bazel mobile-install --incremental :your_target`.
- 9. Enjoy not having to wait a lot.
-Some command line options to Bazel that may be useful:
- - `--adb` tells Bazel which adb binary to use
- - `--adb_arg` can be used to add extra arguments to the command line of `adb`.
- One useful application of this is to select which device you want to install
- to if you have multiple devices connected to your workstation:
- `bazel mobile-install --adb_arg=-s --adb_arg=<SERIAL> :your_target`
- - `--start_app` automatically starts the app
-When in doubt, look at the
-or [contact us](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss).
-## Introduction
-One of the most important attributes of a developer's toolchain is speed: there
-is a world of difference between changing the code and seeing it run within a
-second and having to wait minutes, sometimes hours, before you get any feedback
-on whether your changes do what you expect them to.
-Unfortunately, the traditional Android toolchain for building an .apk entails
-many monolithic, sequential steps and all of these have to be done in order to
-build an Android app. At Google, waiting five minutes to build a single-line
-change was not unusual on larger projects like Google Maps.
-`bazel mobile-install` makes iterative development for Android much faster by
-using a combination of change pruning, work sharding, and clever manipulation of
-Android internals, all without changing any of your app's code.
-## Problems with traditional app installation
-We identified the following bottlenecks of building an Android app:
-- Dexing. By default, "dx" is invoked exactly once in the build and it does not
-know how to reuse work from previous builds: it dexes every method again, even
-though only one method was changed.
-- Uploading data to the device. adb does not use the full bandwidth of a USB 2.0
-connection, and larger apps can take a lot of time to upload. The entire app is
-uploaded, even if only small parts have changed, for example, a resource or a
-single method, so this can be a major bottleneck.
-- Compilation to native code. Android L introduced ART, a new Android runtime,
-which compiles apps ahead-of-time rather than compiling them just-in-time like
-Dalvik. This makes apps much faster at the cost of longer installation
-time. This is a good tradeoff for users because they typically install an app
-once and use it many times, but results in slower development where an app is
-installed many times and each version is run at most a handful of times.
-## The approach of `bazel mobile-install`
-`bazel mobile-install `makes the following improvements:
- - Sharded dexing. After building the app's Java code, Bazel shards the class
- files into approximately equal-sized parts and invokes `dx` separately on
- them. `dx` is not invoked on shards that did not change since the last build.
- - Incremental file transfer. Android resources, .dex files, and native
- libraries are removed from the main .apk and are stored in under a separate
- mobile-install directory. This makes it possible to update code and Android
- resources independently without reinstalling the whole app. Thus,
- transferring the files takes less time and only the .dex files that have
- changed are recompiled on-device.
- - Loading parts of the app from outside the .apk. A tiny stub application is
- put into the .apk that loads Android resources, Java code and native code
- from the on-device mobile-install directory, then transfers control to the
- actual app. This is all transparent to the app, except in a few corner cases
- described below.
-### Sharded Dexing
-Sharded dexing is reasonably straightforward: once the .jar files are built, a
-shards them into separate .jar files of approximately equal size, then invokes
-`dx` on those that were changed since the previous build. The logic that
-determines which shards to dex is not specific to Android: it just uses the
-general change pruning algorithm of Bazel.
-The first version of the sharding algorithm simply ordered the .class files
-alphabetically, then cut the list up into equal-sized parts, but this proved to
-be suboptimal: if a class was added or removed (even a nested or an anonymous
-one), it would cause all the classes alphabetically after it to shift by one,
-resulting in dexing those shards again. Thus, we settled upon sharding not
-individual classes, but Java packages instead. Of course, this still results in
-dexing many shards if a new package is added or removed, but that is much less
-frequent than adding or removing a single class.
-The number of shards is controlled by the BUILD file (using the
-`android_binary.dex_shards` attribute). In an ideal world, Bazel would
-automatically determine how many shards are best, but Bazel currently must know
-the set of actions (i.e. commands to be executed during the build) before
-executing any of them, so it cannot determine the optimal number of shards
-because it doesn't know how many Java classes there will eventually be in the
-app. Generally speaking, the more shards, the faster the build and the
-installation will be, but the slower app startup becomes, because the dynamic
-linker has to do more work. The sweet spot is usually between 10 and 50 shards.
-### Incremental File Transfer
-After building the app, the next step is to install it, preferably with the
-least effort possible. Installation consists of the following steps:
- 1. Installing the .apk (i.e. `adb install`)
- 2. Uploading the .dex files, Android resources, and native libraries to the
- mobile-install directory
-There is not much incrementality in the first step: the app is either installed
-or not. Bazel currently relies on the user to indicate if it should do this step
-through the `--incremental` command line option because it cannot determine in
-all cases if it is necessary.
-In the second step, the app's files from the build are compared to an on-device
-manifest file that lists which app files are on the device and their
-checksums. Any new files are uploaded to the device, any files that have changed
-are updated, and any files that have been removed are deleted from the
-device. If the manifest is not present, it is assumed that every file needs to
-be uploaded.
-Note that it is possible to fool the incremental installation algorithm by
-changing a file on the device, but not its checksum in the manifest. We could
-have safeguarded against this by computing the checksum of the files on the
-device, but this was deemed to be not worth the increase in installation time.
-### The Stub Application
-The stub application is where the magic to load the dexes, native code and
-Android resources from the on-device `mobile-install` directory happens.
-The actual loading is implemented by subclassing `BaseDexClassLoader` and is a
-reasonably well-documented technique. This happens before any of the app's
-classes are loaded, so that any application classes that are in the apk can be
-placed in the on-device `mobile-install` directory so that they can be updated
-without `adb install`.
-This needs to happen before any of the
-classes of the app are loaded, so that no application class needs to be in the
-.apk which would mean that changes to those classes would require a full
-This is accomplished by replacing the `Application` class specified in
-`AndroidManifest.xml` with the
-[stub application](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/src/tools/android/java/com/google/devtools/build/android/incrementaldeployment/StubApplication.java). This
-takes control when the app is started, and tweaks the class loader and the
-resource manager appropriately at the earliest moment (its constructor) using
-Java reflection on the internals of the Android framework.
-Another thing the stub application does is to copy the native libraries
-installed by mobile-install to another location. This is necessary because the
-dynamic linker needs the `X` bit to be set on the files, which is not possible to
-do for any location accessible by a non-root `adb`.
-Once all these things are done, the stub application then instantiates the
-actual `Application` class, changing all references to itself to the actual
-application within the Android framework.
-## Results
-### Performance
-In general, `bazel mobile-install` results in a 4x to 10x speedup of building
-and installing large apps after a small change. We computed the following
-numbers for a few Google products:
-<img src="/assets/mobile-install-performance.svg"/>
-This, of course, depends on the nature of the change: recompilation after
-changing a base library takes more time.
-### Limitations
-The tricks the stub application plays don't work in every case. We have
-identified the following cases where it does not work as expected:
- - When `Context` is cast to the `Application` class in
- `ContentProvider#onCreate()`. This method is called during application
- startup before we have a chance to replace the instance of the `Application`
- class, therefore, `ContentProvider` will still reference the stub application
- instead of the real one. Arguably, this is not a bug since you are not
- supposed to downcast `Context` like this, but this seems to happen in a few
- apps at Google.
- - Resources installed by `bazel mobile-install` are only available from within
- the app. If resources are accessed by other apps via
- `PackageManager#getApplicationResources()`, these resources will be from the
- last non-incremental install.
- - Devices that aren't running ART. While the stub application works well on
- Froyo and later, Dalvik has a bug that makes it think that the app is
- incorrect if its code is distributed over multiple .dex files in certain
- cases, for example, when Java annotations are used in a
- [specific](https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=78144) way. As
- long as your app doesn't tickle these bugs, it should work with Dalvik, too
- (note, however, that support for old Android versions isn't exactly our
- focus)
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/output_directories.md b/site/versions/master/docs/output_directories.md
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+++ /dev/null
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-layout: documentation
-title: Output Directory Layout
-# Output Directory Layout
-## Requirements
-Requirements for an output directory layout:
-* Don't collide if multiple users are building on the same box.
-* Support building in multiple workspaces at the same time.
-* Support building for multiple target configurations in the same workspace.
-* Don't collide with any other tools.
-* Be easy to access.
-* Be easy to clean, even selectively.
-* Is unambiguous, even if the user relies on symbolic links when changing into
- his/her client directory.
-* All the build state per user should be underneath one directory ("I'd like to
- clean all the .o files from all my clients.")
-## Documentation of the current Bazel output directory layout
-The solution that's currently implemented:
-* Bazel must be invoked from a directory containing a WORKSPACE file. It reports
- an error if it is not. We call this the _workspace directory_.
-* The _outputRoot_ directory is ~/.cache/bazel. (Unless `$TEST_TMPDIR` is
- set, as in a test of bazel itself, in which case this directory is used
- instead.)
-* We stick the Bazel user's build state beneath `outputRoot/_bazel_$USER`. This
- is called the _outputUserRoot_ directory.
-* Beneath the `outputUserRoot` directory, we create an `installBase` directory
- whose name is "install" plus the MD5 hash of the Bazel installation manifest.
-* Beneath the `outputUserRoot` directory, we also create an `outputBase`
- directory whose name is the MD5 hash of the path name of the workspace
- directory. So, for example, if Bazel is running in the workspace directory
- `/home/user/src/my-project` (or in a directory symlinked to that one), then we
- create an output base directory called:
- `/home/.cache/bazel/_bazel_user/7ffd56a6e4cb724ea575aba15733d113`.
-* Users can use Bazel's `--output_base` startup option to override the default
- output base directory. For example,
- `bazel --output_base=/tmp/bazel/output build x/y:z`.
-* Users can also use Bazel's `--output_user_root` startup option to override the
- default install base and output base directories. For example:
- `bazel --output_user_root=/tmp/bazel build x/y:z`.
-We put symlinks "bazel-&lt;workspace-name&gt;" and "bazel-out", as well as
-"bazel-bin", "bazel-genfiles", and "bazel-includes" in the workspace directory;
-these symlinks points to some directories inside a target-specific directory
-inside the output directory. These symlinks are only for the user's convenience,
-as Bazel itself does not use them. Also, we only do this if the workspace
-directory is writable. The names of the "bazel-bin", "bazel-genfiles", and
-"bazel-include" symlinks are affected by the `--symlink_prefix` option to bazel,
-but "bazel-&lt;workspace-name&gt;" and "bazel-out" are not.
-## Bazel internals: Directory layout
-The directories are laid out as follows:
-&lt;workspace-name&gt;/ <== The workspace directory
- bazel-my-project => <...my-project> <== Symlink to execRoot
- bazel-out => <...bin> <== Convenience symlink to outputPath
- bazel-bin => <...bin> <== Convenience symlink to most recent written bin dir $(BINDIR)
- bazel-genfiles => <...genfiles> <== Convenience symlink to most recent written genfiles dir $(GENDIR)
-/home/user/.cache/bazel/ <== Root for all Bazel output on a machine: outputRoot
- _bazel_$USER/ <== Top level directory for a given user depends on the user name:
- outputUserRoot
- install/
- fba9a2c87ee9589d72889caf082f1029/ <== Hash of the Bazel install manifest: installBase
- _embedded_binaries/ <== Contains binaries and scripts unpacked from the data section of
- the bazel executable on first run (e.g. helper scripts and the
- main Java file BazelServer_deploy.jar)
- 7ffd56a6e4cb724ea575aba15733d113/ <== Hash of the client's workspace directory (e.g.
- /home/some-user/src/my-project): outputBase
- action_cache/ <== Action cache directory hierarchy
- This contains the persistent record of the file metadata
- (timestamps, and perhaps eventually also MD5 sums) used by the
- FilesystemValueChecker.
- action_outs/ <== Action output directory. This contains a file with the
- stdout/stderr for every action from the most recent bazel run
- that produced output.
- command.log <== A copy of the stdout/stderr output from the most recent bazel
- command.
- external/ <== The directory that remote repositories are downloaded/symlinked
- into.
- server/ <== The Bazel server puts all server-related files (such as socket
- file, logs, etc) here.
- jvm.out <== The debugging output for the server.
- &lt;workspace-name&gt;/ <== Working tree for the Bazel build & root of symlink forest: execRoot
- _bin/ <== Helper tools are linked from or copied to here.
- bazel-out/ <== All actual output of the build is under here: outputPath
- local_linux-fastbuild/ <== one subdirectory per unique target BuildConfiguration instance;
- this is currently encoded
- bin/ <== Bazel outputs binaries for target configuration here: $(BINDIR)
- foo/bar/_objs/baz/ <== Object files for a cc_* rule named //foo/bar:baz
- foo/bar/baz1.o <== Object files from source //foo/bar:baz1.cc
- other_package/other.o <== Object files from source //other_package:other.cc
- foo/bar/baz <== foo/bar/baz might be the artifact generated by a cc_binary named
- //foo/bar:baz
- foo/bar/baz.runfiles/ <== The runfiles symlink farm for the //foo/bar:baz executable.
- &lt;workspace-name&gt;/
- ...
- genfiles/ <== Bazel puts generated source for the target configuration here:
- foo/bar.h e.g. foo/bar.h might be a headerfile generated by //foo:bargen
- testlogs/ <== Bazel internal test runner puts test log files here
- foo/bartest.log e.g. foo/bar.log might be an output of the //foo:bartest test with
- foo/bartest.status foo/bartest.status containing exit status of the test (e.g.
- PASSED or FAILED (Exit 1), etc)
- include/ <== a tree with include symlinks, generated as needed. The
- bazel-include symlinks point to here. This is used for
- linkstamp stuff, etc.
- host/ <== BuildConfiguration for build host (user's workstation), for
- building prerequisite tools, that will be used in later stages
- of the build (ex: Protocol Compiler)
- &lt;packages&gt;/ <== Packages referenced in the build appear as if under a regular workspace
-The layout of the *.runfiles directories is documented in more detail in the places pointed to by RunfilesSupport.
-## `bazel clean`
-`bazel clean` does an `rm -rf` on the `outputPath` and the `action_cache`
-directory. It also removes the workspace symlinks. The `--expunge` option
-will clean the entire outputBase.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Query how-to
-<a name="_Bazel_Query_How_To"> </a>
-# Bazel query how-to
-This is a quick tutorial to get you started using Bazel's query language to
-trace dependencies in your code.
-For a language details and `--output` flag details, please see the reference
-manual, [Bazel query reference](query.html). You can get help for Bazel query
-by typing `bazel help query`.
-To execute a query while ignoring errors such as missing targets, use the
-`--keep_going` flag.
-<a name="_Contents"></a>
-## Contents
-* [Finding the Dependencies of a Rule](#Finding_the_Dependencies_of_a_Ru)
-* [Tracing the Dependency Chain between Two
- Packages](#Tracing_the_Dependency_Chain_bet)
- * [Aside: implicit dependencies](#Aside_implicit_dependencies)
-* [Reverse Dependencies](#Reverse_Dependencies)
-* [Miscellaneous Uses](#Miscellaneous_Uses)
- * [What exists ...](#What_exists_)
- * [What packages exist beneath
- `foo`?](#What_packages_exist_beneath_foo_)
- * [What rules are defined in the `foo`
- package?](#What_rules_are_defined_in_the_foo)
- * [What files are generated by rules in the `foo`
- package?](#What_files_are_generated_by_rule)
- * [What's the set of BUILD files needed to build
- `//foo`?](#What_s_the_set_of_BUILD_files_ne)
- * [What are the individual tests that a `test_suite` expands
- to?](#What_are_the_individual_tests_th)
- * [Which of those are C++ tests?](#Which_of_those_are_C_tests_)
- * [Which of those are small? Medium?
- Large?](#Which_of_those_are_small_Medium_)
- * [What are the tests beneath `foo` that match a
- pattern?](#What_are_the_tests_beneath_foo_t)
- * [What package contains file
- `src/main/java/com/example/cache/LRUCache.java`?
- ](#What_package_contains_file_java_)
- * [What is the build label for
- `src/main/java/com/example/cache/LRUCache.java`?
- ](#What_is_the_build_label_for_java)
- * [What build rule contains file
- `src/main/java/com/example/cache/LRUCache.java` as a
- source?](#What_build_rule_contains_file_ja)
- * [What package dependencies exist ...](#What_package_dependencies_exist_)
- * [What packages does `foo` depend on? (What do I need to check out
- to build `foo`)](#What_packages_does_foo_depend_on)
- * [What packages does the `foo` tree depend on, excluding
- `foo/contrib`?](#What_packages_does_the_foo_)
- * [What rule dependencies exist ...](#What_rule_dependencies_exist_)
- * [What genproto rules does bar depend
- upon?](#What_genproto_rules_does_bar_)
- * [Find the definition of some JNI (C++) library that is transitively
- depended upon by a Java binary rule in the servlet
- tree.](#Find_the_definition_of_some_JNI_)
- * [...Now find the definitions of all the Java binaries that
- depend on them](#_Now_find_the_definitions_of_all)
- * [What file dependencies exist ...](#What_file_dependencies_exist_)
- * [What's the complete set of Java source files required to build
- QUX?](#What_s_the_complete_set_of_Java_)
- * [What is the complete set of Java source files required to build
- QUX's tests?](#What_is_the_complete_set_of_Java)
- * [What differences in dependencies between X and Y exist
- ...](#What_differences_in_dependencies)
- * [What targets does `//foo` depend on that `//foo:foolib` does
- not?](#What_targets_does_foo_depend_on_)
- * [What C++ libraries do the `foo` tests depend on that the `//foo`
- production binary does _not_ depend
- on?](#What_C_libraries_do_the_foo_test)
- * [Why does this dependency exist ...](#Why_does_this_dependency_exist_)
- * [Why does `bar` depend on
- `groups2`?](#Why_does_bar_depend_on_groups)
- * [Show me a path from `docker/updater:updater_systest` (a `py_test`)
- to some `cc_library` that it depends
- upon:](#Show_me_a_path_from_docker_updater)
- * [Why does library `//photos/frontend:lib` depend on two variants of
- the same library `//third_party/jpeglib` and
- `//third_party/jpeg`?](#Why_does_library_photos_fronten)
- * [What depends on ...](#What_depends_on_)
- * [What rules under bar depend on Y?](#What_rules_under_bar_depend_o)
- * [How do I break a dependency ...](#How_do_I_break_a_dependency_)
- * [What dependency paths do I have to break to make `bar` no longer
- depend on X?](#What_dependency_paths_do_I_have_)
- * [Misc ...](#Misc_)
- * [How many sequential steps are there in the `ServletSmokeTests`
- build?](#How_many_sequential_steps_are_th)
-<a name="Finding_the_Dependencies_of_a_Ru"></a>
-## Finding the Dependencies of a Rule
-To see the dependencies of `//src/main/java/com/example/base:base`, use the
-`deps` function in bazel query:
-$ bazel query "deps(src/main/java/com/example/base:base)"
-This is the set of all targets required to build <code>//src/main/java/com/example/base:base</code>.
-<a name="Tracing_the_Dependency_Chain_bet"></a>
-## Tracing the Dependency Chain between Two Packages
-The library `//third_party/zlib:zlibonly` isn't in the BUILD file for
-`//src/main/java/com/example/base`, but it is an indirect dependency. How can
-we trace this dependency path? There are two useful functions here:
-`allpaths` and `somepath`
-$ bazel query "somepath(src/main/java/com/example/base:base, third_party/zlib:zlibonly)"
-$ bazel query "allpaths(src/main/java/com/example/common/base:base, third_party/...)"
- ...many errors detected in BUILD files...
-<a name="Aside_implicit_dependencies"></a>
-### Aside: implicit dependencies
-The BUILD file for `src/main/java/com/example/common/base` never references
-`//translations/tools:aggregator`. So, where's the direct dependency?
-Certain rules include implicit dependencies on additional libraries or tools.
-For example, to build a `genproto` rule, you need first to build the Protocol
-Compiler, so every `genproto` rule carries an implicit dependency on the
-protocol compiler. These dependencies are not mentioned in the build file,
-but added in by the build tool. The full set of implicit dependencies is
-currently undocumented; read the source code of
-<a name="Reverse_Dependencies"></a>
-## Reverse Dependencies
-You might want to know the set of targets that depends on some target. e.g.,
-if you're going to change some code, you might want to know what other code
-you're about to break. You can use `rdeps(u, x)` to find the reverse
-dependencies of the targets in `x` within the transitive closure of `u`.
-Unfortunately, invoking, e.g., `rdeps(..., daffie/annotations2:constants-lib)`
-is not practical for a large tree, because it requires parsing every BUILD file
-and building a very large dependency graph (Bazel may run out of memory). If
-you would like to execute this query across a large repository, you may have to
-query subtrees and then combine the results.
-<a name="Miscellaneous_Uses"></a>
-## Miscellaneous Uses
-You can use `bazel query` to analyze many dependency relationships.
-<a name="What_exists_"></a>
-### What exists ...
-<a name="What_packages_exist_beneath_foo_"></a>
-#### What packages exist beneath `foo`?
-bazel query 'foo/...' --output package
-<a name="What_rules_are_defined_in_the_gw"></a>
-#### What rules are defined in the `foo` package?
-bazel query 'kind(rule, foo:all)' --output label_kind
-<a name="What_files_are_generated_by_rule"></a>
-#### What files are generated by rules in the `foo` package?
-bazel query 'kind("generated file", //foo:*)'
-<a name="What_s_the_set_of_BUILD_files_ne"></a>
-#### What's the set of BUILD files needed to build `//foo`?
-bazel query 'buildfiles(deps(//foo))' --output location | cut -f1 -d:
-<a name="What_are_the_individual_tests_th"></a>
-#### What are the individual tests that a `test_suite` expands to?
-bazel query 'tests(//foo:smoke_tests)'
-<a name="Which_of_those_are_C_tests_"></a>
-##### Which of those are C++ tests?
-bazel query 'kind(cc_.*, tests(//foo:smoke_tests))'
-<a name="Which_of_those_are_small_Medium_"></a>
-#### Which of those are small? Medium? Large?
-bazel query 'attr(size, small, tests(//foo:smoke_tests))'
-bazel query 'attr(size, medium, tests(//foo:smoke_tests))'
-bazel query 'attr(size, large, tests(//foo:smoke_tests))'
-<a name="What_are_the_tests_beneath_foo_t"></a>
-#### What are the tests beneath `foo` that match a pattern?
-bazel query 'filter("pa?t", kind(".*_test rule", //foo/...))'
-The pattern is a regex and is applied to the full name of the rule. It's similar to doing
-bazel query 'kind(".*_test rule", //foo/...)' | grep -E 'pa?t'
-<a name="What_package_contains_file_java_"></a>
-#### What package contains file src/main/java/com/example/cache/LRUCache.java`?
-bazel query 'buildfiles(src/main/java/com/example/cache/LRUCache.java)' --output=package
-<a name="What_is_the_build_label_for_java"></a>
-#### What is the build label for src/main/java/com/example/cache/LRUCache.java?
-bazel query src/main/java/com/example/cache/LRUCache.java
-<a name="What_build_rule_contains_file_ja"></a>
-#### What build rule contains file `src/main/java/com/example/cache/LRUCache.java` as a source?
-fullname=$(bazel query src/main/java/com/example/cache/LRUCache.java)
-bazel query "attr('srcs', $fullname, ${fullname//:*/}:*)"
-<a name="What_package_dependencies_exist_"></a>
-### What package dependencies exist ...
-<a name="What_packages_does_foo_depend_on"></a>
-#### What packages does `foo` depend on? (What do I need to check out to build `foo`)
-bazel query 'buildfiles(deps(//foo:foo))' --output package
-Note, `buildfiles` is required in order to correctly obtain all files
-referenced by `subinclude`; see the reference manual for details.
-<a name="What_packages_does_the_foo_"></a>
-#### What packages does the `foo` tree depend on, excluding `foo/contrib`?
-bazel query 'deps(foo/... except foo/contrib/...)' --output package
-<a name="What_rule_dependencies_exist_"></a>
-### What rule dependencies exist ...
-<a name="What_genproto_rules_does_bar_"></a>
-#### What genproto rules does bar depend upon?
-bazel query 'kind(genproto, deps(bar/...))'
-<a name="Find_the_definition_of_some_JNI_"></a>
-#### Find the definition of some JNI (C++) library that is transitively depended upon by a Java binary rule in the servlet tree.
-bazel query 'some(kind(cc_.*library, deps(kind(java_binary, src/main/java/com/example/frontend/...))))' --output location
-<a name="_Now_find_the_definitions_of_all"></a>
-##### ...Now find the definitions of all the Java binaries that depend on them
-bazel query 'let jbs = kind(java_binary, src/main/java/com/example/frontend/...) in
- let cls = kind(cc_.*library, deps($jbs)) in
- $jbs intersect allpaths($jbs, $cls)'
-<a name="What_file_dependencies_exist_"></a>
-### What file dependencies exist ...
-<a name="What_s_the_complete_set_of_Java_"></a>
-#### What's the complete set of Java source files required to build QUX?
-Source files:
-bazel query 'kind("source file", deps(src/main/java/com/example/qux/...))' | grep java$
-Generated files:
-bazel query 'kind("generated file", deps(src/main/java/com/example/qux/...))' | grep java$
-<a name="What_is_the_complete_set_of_Java"></a>
-#### What is the complete set of Java source files required to build QUX's tests?
-Source files:
-bazel query 'kind("source file", deps(kind(".*_test rule", javatests/com/example/qux/...)))' | grep java$
-Generated files:
-bazel query 'kind("generated file", deps(kind(".*_test rule", javatests/com/example/qux/...)))' | grep java$
-<a name="What_differences_in_dependencies"></a>
-### What differences in dependencies between X and Y exist ...
-<a name="What_targets_does_foo_depend_on_"></a>
-#### What targets does `//foo` depend on that `//foo:foolib` does not?
-bazel query 'deps(//foo) except deps(//foo:foolib)'
-<a name="What_C_libraries_do_the_foo_test"></a>
-#### What C++ libraries do the `foo` tests depend on that the `//foo` production binary does _not_ depend on?
-bazel query 'kind("cc_library", deps(kind(".*test rule", foo/...)) except deps(//foo))'
-<a name="Why_does_this_dependency_exist_"></a>
-### Why does this dependency exist ...
-<a name="Why_does_bar_depend_on_groups"></a>
-#### Why does <code>bar</code> depend on <code>groups2</code>?
-bazel query 'somepath(bar/...,groups2/...:*)'
-Once you have the results of this query, you will often find that a single
-target stands out as being an unexpected or egregious and undesirable
-dependency of `bar`. The query can then be further refined to:
-<a name="Show_me_a_path_from_docker_updater"></a>
-#### Show me a path from `docker/updater:updater_systest` (a `py_test`) to some `cc_library` that it depends upon:
-bazel query 'let cc = kind(cc_library, deps(docker/updater:updater_systest)) in
- somepath(docker/updater:updater_systest, $cc)'
-<a name="Why_does_library_photos_fronten"></a>
-#### Why does library `//photos/frontend:lib` depend on two variants of the same library `//third_party/jpeglib` and `//third_party/jpeg`?
-This query boils down to: "show me the subgraph of `//photos/frontend:lib` that
-depends on both libraries". When shown in topological order, the last element
-of the result is the most likely culprit.
-% bazel query 'allpaths(//photos/frontend:lib, //third_party/jpeglib)
- intersect
- allpaths(//photos/frontend:lib, //third_party/jpeg)'
-<a name="What_depends_on_"></a>
-### What depends on ...
-<a name="What_rules_under_bar_depend_o"></a>
-#### What rules under bar depend on Y?
-bazel query 'bar/... intersect allpaths(bar/..., Y)'
-Note: `X intersect allpaths(X, Y)` is the general idiom for the query "which X
-depend on Y?" If expression X is non-trivial, it may be convenient to bind a
-name to it using `let` to avoid duplication.
-<a name="How_do_I_break_a_dependency_"></a>
-### How do I break a dependency ...
-<!-- TODO find a convincing value of X to plug in here -->
-<a name="What_dependency_paths_do_I_have_"></a>
-#### What dependency paths do I have to break to make `bar` no longer depend on X?
-To output the graph to a `png` file:
-bazel query 'allpaths(bar/...,X)' --output graph | dot -Tpng > /tmp/dep.png
-<a name="Misc_"></a>
-### Misc ...
-<a name="How_many_sequential_steps_are_th"></a>
-#### How many sequential steps are there in the `ServletSmokeTests` build?
-Unfortunately, the query language can't currently give you the longest path
-from x to y, but it can find the (or rather _a_) most distant node from the
-starting point, or show you the _lengths_ of the longest path from x to every
-y that it depends on. Use `maxrank`:
-% bazel query 'deps(//src/test/java/com/example/servlet:ServletSmokeTests)' --output maxrank | tail -1
-85 //third_party/zlib:zutil.c
-The result indicates that there exist paths of length 85 that must occur in
-order in this build.
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/rule-challenges.md b/site/versions/master/docs/rule-challenges.md
deleted file mode 100644
index fece635b5a..0000000000
--- a/site/versions/master/docs/rule-challenges.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Challenges of Writing Rules.
-# Challenges of Writing Rules.
-We have heard feedback from various people that they have
-difficulty to write efficient Bazel rules. There is no single root cause, but
-it’s due to a combination of historical circumstances and intrinsic complexity
-in the problem domain. This document attempts to give a high level overview of
-the specific issues that we believe to be the main contributors.
-* Assumption: Aim for Correctness, Throughput, Ease of Use & Latency
-* Assumption: Large Scale Repositories
-* Assumption: BUILD-like Description Language
-* Intrinsic: Remote Execution and Caching are Hard
-* Historic: Hard Separation between Loading, Analysis, and Execution is
- Outdated, but still affects the API
-* Intrinsic: Using Change Information for Correct and Fast Incremental Builds
- requires Unusual Coding Patterns
-* Intrinsic: Avoiding Quadratic Time and Memory Consumption is Hard
-## Assumption: Aim for Correctness, Throughput, Ease of Use & Latency
-We assume that the build system needs to be first and foremost correct with
-respect to incremental builds, i.e., for a given source tree, the output of the
-same build should always be the same, regardless of what the output tree looks
-like. In the first approximation, this means Bazel needs to know every single
-input that goes into a given build step, such that it can rerun that step if any
-of the inputs change. There are limits to how correct Bazel can get, as it leaks
-some information such as date / time of the build, and ignores certain types of
-changes such as changes to file attributes. Sandboxing helps ensure correctness
-by preventing reads to undeclared input files. Besides the intrinsic limits of
-the system, there are a few known correctness issues, most of which are related
-to Fileset or the C++ rules, which are both hard problems. We have long-term
-efforts to fix these.
-The second goal of the build system is to have high throughput; we are
-permanently pushing the boundaries of what can be done within the current
-machine allocation for a remote execution service. If the remote execution
-service gets overloaded, nobody can get work done.
-Ease of use comes next, i.e., of multiple correct approaches with the same (or
-similar) footprint of the remote execution service, we choose the one that is
-easier to use.
-For the purpose of this document, latency denotes the time it takes from
-starting a build to getting the intended result, whether that is a test log from
-a passing or failing test, or an error message that a BUILD file has a
-Note that these goals often overlap; latency is as much a function of throughput
-of the remote execution service as is correctness relevant for ease of use.
-## Assumption: Large Scale Repositories
-The build system needs to operate at the scale of large repositories where large
-scale means that it does not fit on a single hard drive, so it is impossible to
-do a full checkout on virtually all developer machines. A medium-sized build
-will need to read and parse tens of thousands of BUILD files, and evaluate
-hundreds of thousands of globs. While it is theoretically possible to read all
-BUILD files on a single machine, we have not yet been able to do so within a
-reasonable amount of time and memory. As such, it is critical that BUILD files
-can be loaded and parsed independently.
-## Assumption: BUILD-like Description Language
-For the purpose of this document, we assume a configuration language that is
-roughly similar to BUILD files, i.e., declaration of library and binary rules
-and their interdependencies. BUILD files can be read and parsed independently,
-and we avoid even looking at source files whenever we can (except for
-## Intrinsic: Remote Execution and Caching are Hard
-Remote execution and caching improve build times in large repositories by
-roughly two orders of magnitude compared to running the build on a single
-machine. However, the scale at which it needs to perform is staggering: Google's
-remote execution service is designed to handle a huge number of requests per
-second, and the protocol carefully avoids unnecessary roundtrips as well as
-unnecessary work on the service side.
-At this time, the protocol requires that the build system knows all inputs to a
-given action ahead of time; the build system then computes a unique action
-fingerprint, and asks the scheduler for a cache hit. If a cache hit is found,
-the scheduler replies with the digests of the output files; the files itself are
-addressed by digest later on. However, this imposes restrictions on the Bazel
-rules, which need to declare all input files ahead of time.
-## Historic: Hard Separation between Loading, Analysis, and Execution is Outdated, but still affects the API
-Technically, it is sufficient for a rule to know the input and output files of
-an action just before the action is sent to remote execution. However, the
-original Bazel code base had a strict separation of loading packages, then
-analyzing rules using a configuration (command-line flags, essentially), and
-only then running any actions. This distinction is still part of the rules API
-today, even though the core of Bazel no longer requires it (more details below).
-That means that the rules API requires a declarative description of the rule
-interface (what attributes it has, types of attributes). There are some
-exceptions where the API allows custom code to run during the loading phase to
-compute implicit names of output files and implicit values of attributes. For
-example, a java_library rule named ‘foo’ implicitly generates an output named
-‘libfoo.jar’, which can be referenced from other rules in the build graph.
-Furthermore, the analysis of a rule cannot read any source files or inspect the
-output of an action; instead, it needs to generate a partial directed bipartite
-graph of build steps and output file names that is only determined from the rule
-itself and its dependencies.
-## Intrinsic: Using Change Information for Correct and Fast Incremental Builds requires Unusual Coding Patterns
-Above, we argued that in order to be correct, Bazel needs to know all the input
-files that go into a build step in order to detect whether that build step is
-still up-to-date. The same is true for package loading and rule analysis, and we
-have designed [Skyframe] (http://www.bazel.build/docs/skyframe.html) to handle this
-in general. Skyframe is a graph library and evaluation framework that takes a
-goal node (such as ‘build //foo with these options’), and breaks it down into
-its constituent parts, which are then evaluated and combined to yield this
-result. As part of this process, Skyframe reads packages, analyzes rules, and
-executes actions.
-At each node, Skyframe tracks exactly which nodes any given node used to compute
-its own output, all the way from the goal node down to the input files (which
-are also Skyframe nodes). Having this graph explicitly represented in memory
-allows the build system to identify exactly which nodes are affected by a given
-change to an input file (including creation or deletion of an input file), doing
-the minimal amount of work to restore the output tree to its intended state.
-As part of this, each node performs a dependency discovery process; i.e., each
-node can declare dependencies, and then use the contents of those dependencies
-to declare even further dependencies. In principle, this maps well to a
-thread-per-node model. However, medium-sized builds contain hundreds of
-thousands of Skyframe nodes, which isn’t easily possible with current Java
-technology (and for historical reasons, we’re currently tied to using Java, so
-no lightweight threads and no continuations).
-Instead, Bazel uses a fixed-size thread pool. However, that means that if a node
-declares a dependency that isn’t available yet, we may have to abort that
-evaluation and restart it (possibly in another thread), when the dependency is
-available. This, in turn, means that nodes should not do this excessively; a
-node that declares N dependencies serially can potentially be restarted N times,
-costing O(N^2) time. Instead, we aim for up-front bulk declaration of
-dependencies, which sometimes requires reorganizing the code, or even splitting
-a node into multiple nodes to limit the number of restarts.
-Note that this technology isn’t currently available in the rules API; instead,
-the rules API is still defined using the legacy concepts of loading, analysis,
-and execution phases. However, a fundamental restriction is that all accesses to
-other nodes have to go through the framework so that it can track the
-corresponding dependencies. Regardless of the language in which the build system
-is implemented or in which the rules are written (they don’t have to be the
-same), rule authors must not use standard libraries or patterns that bypass
-Skyframe. For Java, that means avoiding java.io.File as well as any form of
-reflection, and any library that does either. Libraries that support dependency
-injection of these low-level interfaces still need to be setup correctly for
-This strongly suggests to avoid exposing rule authors to a full language runtime
-in the first place. The danger of accidental use of such APIs is just too big -
-several Bazel bugs in the past were caused by rules using unsafe APIs, even
-though the rules were written by the Bazel team, i.e., by the domain experts.
-## Intrinsic: Avoiding Quadratic Time and Memory Consumption is Hard
-To make matters worse, apart from the requirements imposed by Skyframe, the
-historical constraints of using Java, and the outdatedness of the rules API,
-accidentally introducing quadratic time or memory consumption is a fundamental
-problem in any build system based on library and binary rules. There are two
-very common patterns that introduce quadratic memory consumption (and therefore
-quadratic time consumption).
-1. Chains of Library Rules -
-Consider the case of a chain of library rules A depends on B, depends on C, and
-so on. Then, we want to compute some property over the transitive closure of
-these rules, such as the Java runtime classpath, or the C++ linker command for
-each library. Naively, we might take a standard list implementation; however,
-this already introduces quadratic memory consumption: the first library
-contains one entry on the classpath, the second two, the third three, and so
-on, for a total of 1+2+3+...+N = O(N^2) entries.
-2. Binary Rules Depending on the Same Library Rules -
-Consider the case where a set of binaries that depend on the same library
-rules; for example, you might have a number of test rules that test the same
-library code. Let’s say out of N rules, half the rules are binary rules, and
-the other half library rules. Now consider that each binary makes a copy of
-some property computed over the transitive closure of library rules, such as
-the Java runtime classpath, or the C++ linker command line. For example, it
-could expand the command line string representation of the C++ link action. N/2
-copies of N/2 elements is O(N^2) memory.
-### Custom Collections Classes to Avoid Quadratic Complexity
-Bazel is heavily affected by both of these scenarios, so we introduced a set of
-custom collection classes that effectively compress the information in memory by
-avoiding the copy at each step. Almost all of these data structures have set
-semantics, so we called the class NestedSet. The majority of changes to reduce
-Bazel’s memory consumption over the past several years were changes to use
-NestedSet instead of whatever was previously used.
-Unfortunately, usage of NestedSet does not automatically solve all the issues;
-in particular, even just iterating over a NestedSet in each rule re-introduces
-quadratic time consumption. NestedSet also has some helper methods to facilitate
-interoperability with normal collections classes; unfortunately, accidentally
-passing a NestedSet to one of these methods leads to copying behavior, and
-reintroduces quadratic memory consumption.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Aspects
-# Aspects
-**Status: Experimental**. We may make breaking changes to the API, but we will
- help you update your code.
-Aspects allow augmenting build dependency graphs with additional information
-and actions. Some typical scenarios when aspects can be useful:
-* IDEs that integrate Bazel can use aspects to collect information about the
- project
-* Code generation tools can leverage aspects to execute on their inputs in
- "target-agnostic" manner. As an example, BUILD files can specify a hierarchy
- of [protobuf](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/) library
- definitions, and language-specific rules can use aspects to attach
- actions generating protobuf support code for a particular language
-## Aspect basics
-Bazel BUILD files provide a description of a project’s source code: what source
-files are part of the project, what artifacts (_targets_) should be built from
-those files, what the dependencies between those files are, etc. Bazel uses
-this information to perform a build, that is, it figures out the set of actions
-needed to produce the artifacts (such as running compiler or linker) and
-executes those actions. Bazel accomplishes this by constructing a _dependency
-graph_ between targets and visiting this graph to collect those actions.
-Consider the following BUILD file:
-java_library(name = 'W', ...)
-java_library(name = 'Y', deps = [':W'], ...)
-java_library(name = 'Z', deps = [':W'], ...)
-java_library(name = 'Q', ...)
-java_library(name = 'T', deps = [':Q'], ...)
-java_library(name = 'X', deps = [':Y',':Z'], runtime_deps = [':T'], ...)
-This BUILD file defines a dependency graph shown in Fig 1.
-<img src="build-graph.png" alt="Build Graph" width="250px" />
-Bazel analyzes this dependency graph by calling implementations of
-[rules](rules.md) (in this case "java_library" starting from leaves of
-the dependency graph). These implementations generate actions that build
-artifacts (such as Jar files), and provide information (such as locations
-and names of those artifacts) to their dependencies in providers that
-they return. Their dependencies can access those providers through the
-[Target object](lib/Target.html). In other words, every target
-defined in the BUILD file generates a node in the dependency graph, and
-the appropriate rule implementation function is called for every node.
-Aspects are similar to rules in that they have an implementation function that
-generates actions and returns providers. However, their power comes from
-the way the dependency graph is built for them. An aspect has an implementation
-and a list of all attributes it propagates along. Consider an aspect A that
-propagates along attributes named "deps". This aspect can be applied to
-a target X, yielding an aspect application node A(X). During its application,
-aspect A is applied recursively to all targets that X refers to in its "deps"
-attribute (all attributes in A's propagation list). Thus a single act of
-applying aspect A to a target X yields a "shadow graph" of the original
-dependency graph of targets (see Fig.2).
-![Build Graph with Aspect](build-graph-aspects.png)
-The only edges that are shadowed are the edges along the attributes in
-the propagation set, thus the `runtime_deps` edge is not shadowed in this
-example. An aspect implementation function is then invoked on all nodes in
-the shadow graph similar to how rule implementations are invoked on the nodes
-of the original graph.
-## Defining aspects
-Aspect definitions are similiar to rule definitions. Let's take a look at
-the example:
-metal_proto_aspect = aspect(implementation = _metal_proto_aspect_impl,
- attr_aspects = ["deps"],
- attrs = {
- "_protoc" : attr.label(
- default=Label("//tools:metal_protoc"),
- executable = True
- )
- }
-Just like a rule, an aspect has an implementation function. ``attr_aspects``
-specify the aspect's propagation set: a list of attributes of rules along which
-the aspect propagates.
-``attrs`` defines a set of attributes for aspects. Aspects are only allowed
-to have private attributes of types ``label`` or ``label_list``. Attributes
-can be used to specify dependencies on tools or libraries that are needed
-for actions generated by aspects.
-### Implementation functions
-Aspect implementation functions are similiar to the rule implementation
-functions. They return [providers](rules.md#providers), can generate
-[actions](rules.md#actions) and take two arguments:
-* `target`: the [target](lib/Target.html) the aspect is being applied to.
-* `ctx`: [`ctx`](lib/ctx.html) object that can be used to access attributes and
- generate outputs and actions.
-def _metal_proto_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
- # For every `src` in proto_library, generate an output file
- proto_sources = [f for src in ctx.rule.attr.srcs
- for f in src.files]
- outputs = [ctx.new_file(f.short_path + ".metal")
- for f in proto_sources]
- ctx.action(
- executable = ctx.executable._protoc,
- argument = ...
- inputs = proto_sources
- outputs = outputs)
- transitive_outputs = depset(outputs)
- for dep in ctx.rule.attr.deps:
- transitive_outputs = transitive_outputs | dep.metal_proto.transitive_outputs
- return struct(
- metal_proto = struct(direct_outputs = outputs,
- transitive_outputs = transitive_outputs))
-The implementation function can access the attributes of the target rule via
-[`ctx.rule.attr`](lib/ctx.html#rule). It can examine providers that are
-provided by the target to which it is applied (via the `target` argument).
-Just like a rule implementation function, an aspect implementation function
-returns a struct of providers that are accessible to its dependencies.
-* The set of providers for an aspect application A(X) is the union of providers
- that come from the implementation of a rule for target X and from
- the implementation of aspect A. It is an error if a target and an aspect that
- is applied to it each provide a provider with the same name.
-* For the aspect implementation, the values of attributes along which
- the aspect is propagated (from the `attr_aspect` list) are replaced with
- the results of an application of the aspect to them. For example, if target
- X has Y and Z in its deps, `ctx.rule.attr.deps` for A(X) will be [A(Y), A(Z)].
- In the `_metal_proto_aspect_impl` function above, ctx.rule.attr.deps will be
- Target objects that are the results of applying the aspect to the 'deps'
- of the original target to which the aspect has been applied.
- That allows the aspect to examine `metal_proto` provider on them.
-## Applying aspects
-Aspect propagation can be initiated either from a rule or from the command line.
-### Applying aspects to rule attributes
-Rules can specify that they want to apply aspects to their dependencies.
-The aspects to be applied to a particular attribute can be specified
-using the `aspects` parameter to `attr.label` or `attr.label_list` function:
-metal_proto_library = rule(implementation = _impl,
- attrs = {
- 'proto_deps' : attr.label_list(aspects = [metal_proto_aspect]),
- },
-If a rule specifies an aspect on its attributes, the values of that attribute
-will be replaced by the result of aspect application to them (similar to
-what happens during aspect propagation). Thus implementation of
-`metal_proto_library` will have access to `metal_proto` providers
-on the target objects representing its `proto_deps` attribute values.
-### Applying aspects from command line.
-Aspects can also be applied on the command line, using the `--aspects` flag:
-bazel build //java/com/company/example:main \
- --aspects path/to/extension.bzl%metal_proto_aspect
-`--aspects` flag takes one argument, which is a specification of the aspect in
-the format `<extension file path>%<aspect top-level name>`.
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fill-opacity="0.0" d="m53.480316 55.42551l0 49.165356l-29.984253 0l0 -49.165356z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#000000" d="m34.240314 68.84738l0.71875 0q-0.84375 -0.53125 -0.84375 -1.59375q0 -0.671875 0.375 -1.25q0.375 -0.578125 1.046875 -0.890625q0.671875 -0.3125 1.546875 -0.3125q0.859375 0 1.546875 0.28125q0.703125 0.296875 1.0625 0.859375q0.375 0.5625 0.375 1.265625q0 0.515625 -0.21875 0.921875q-0.21875 0.40625 -0.5625 0.65625l2.828125 0l0 0.96875l-7.875 0l0 -0.90625zm2.84375 -3.046875q-1.09375 0 -1.640625 0.453125q-0.53125 0.46875 -0.53125 1.09375q0 0.640625 0.515625 1.078125q0.515625 0.4375 1.578125 0.4375q1.171875 0 1.71875 -0.453125q0.546875 -0.4375 0.546875 -1.109375q0 -0.640625 -0.53125 -1.078125q-0.515625 -0.421875 -1.65625 -0.421875zm-1.0 9.176498l-0.125 1.0q-0.875 -0.234375 -1.359375 -0.875q-0.484375 -0.640625 -0.484375 -1.625q0 -1.25 0.765625 -1.984375q0.765625 -0.734375 2.15625 -0.734375q1.453125 0 2.234375 0.734375q0.796875 0.75 0.796875 1.921875q0 1.15625 -0.78125 1.875q-0.765625 0.71875 -2.1875 0.71875q-0.078125 0 -0.25 0l0 -4.25q-0.9375 0.046875 -1.4375 0.515625q-0.5 0.484375 -0.5 1.203125q0 0.53125 0.265625 0.90625q0.28125 0.375 0.90625 0.59375zm1.5625 -3.171875l0 3.1875q0.71875 -0.0625 1.078125 -0.359375q0.546875 -0.46875 0.546875 -1.203125q0 -0.671875 -0.453125 -1.125q-0.4375 -0.453125 -1.171875 -0.5zm-5.59375 5.1921234l7.890625 0l0 0.890625l-0.734375 0q0.421875 0.3125 0.640625 0.703125q0.21875 0.390625 0.21875 0.953125q0 0.71875 -0.375 1.28125q-0.375 0.5625 -1.0625 0.84375q-0.671875 0.28125 -1.5 0.28125q-0.875 0 -1.578125 -0.3125q-0.6875 -0.3125 -1.0625 -0.921875q-0.375 -0.59375 -0.375 -1.25q0 -0.484375 0.203125 -0.875q0.203125 -0.375 0.515625 -0.625l-2.78125 0l0 -0.96875zm5.0 0.875q-1.09375 0 -1.625 0.453125q-0.515625 0.453125 -0.515625 1.078125q0 0.640625 0.53125 1.09375q0.546875 0.46875 1.703125 0.46875q1.078125 0 1.625 -0.453125q0.546875 -0.4375 0.546875 -1.0625q0 -0.625 -0.578125 -1.109375q-0.578125 -0.46875 -1.6875 -0.46875zm-1.109375 4.6764984l0.15625 0.953125q-0.578125 0.078125 -0.890625 0.4375q-0.296875 0.375 -0.296875 1.03125q0 0.671875 0.265625 0.984375q0.265625 0.328125 0.640625 0.328125q0.328125 0 0.515625 -0.28125q0.125 -0.203125 0.328125 -0.984375q0.265625 -1.0625 0.453125 -1.484375q0.203125 -0.40625 0.546875 -0.625q0.34375 -0.203125 0.765625 -0.203125q0.390625 0 0.703125 0.171875q0.328125 0.171875 0.546875 0.484375q0.171875 0.21875 0.28125 0.609375q0.109375 0.390625 0.109375 0.828125q0 0.671875 -0.1875 1.171875q-0.1875 0.515625 -0.53125 0.75q-0.328125 0.25 -0.875 0.34375l-0.125 -0.9375q0.4375 -0.078125 0.671875 -0.390625q0.25 -0.296875 0.25 -0.859375q0 -0.671875 -0.21875 -0.953125q-0.21875 -0.28125 -0.515625 -0.28125q-0.1875 0 -0.328125 0.109375q-0.15625 0.125 -0.265625 0.375q-0.046875 0.140625 -0.25 0.859375q-0.265625 1.015625 -0.4375 1.421875q-0.171875 0.40625 -0.515625 0.640625q-0.328125 0.234375 -0.828125 0.234375q-0.484375 0 -0.90625 -0.28125q-0.421875 -0.28125 -0.65625 -0.8125q-0.234375 -0.53125 -0.234375 -1.203125q0 -1.109375 0.453125 -1.703125q0.46875 -0.578125 1.375 -0.734375z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg>
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-layout: documentation
-title: Style guide for BUILD files
-# BUILD file style guide
-In `BUILD` files, we take the same approach as in Go: We let the machine take care
-of most formatting issues.
-[Buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildifier) is a tool that parses and
-emits the source code in a standard style. Every `BUILD` file is therefore
-formatted in the same automated way, which makes formatting a non-issue during
-code reviews. It also makes it easier for tools to understand, edit, and
-generate `BUILD` files.
-`BUILD` file formatting must match the output of `buildifier`.
-## Formatting example
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
- name = "foo_test",
- srcs = glob(["*.py"]),
- data = [
- "//data/production/foo:startfoo",
- "//foo",
- "//third_party/java/jdk:jdk-k8",
- ],
- flaky = 1,
- deps = [
- ":check_bar_lib",
- ":foo_data_check",
- ":pick_foo_port",
- "//pyglib",
- "//testing/pybase",
- ],
-## File structure
-We recommend to use the following order (every element is optional):
- * Package description (a comment)
- * All `load()` statements
- * The `package()` function.
- * Calls to rules and macros
-Buildifier makes a distinction between a standalone comment and a comment
-attached to an element. If a comment is not attached to a specific element, use
-an empty line after it. The distinction is important when doing automated
-changes (e.g. to decide if we keep or remove a comment when we delete a rule).
-# Standalone comment (e.g. to make a section in a file)
-# Comment for the cc_library below
-cc_library(name = "cc")
-## Conventions
- * Use uppercase and underscores to declare constants (e.g. `GLOBAL_CONSTANT`),
- use lowercase and underscores to declare variables (e.g. `my_variable`).
- * Labels should be canonicalized. Use `//foo/bar` instead of `//foo/bar:bar`.
- Use `:bar` if it is defined in the same package. *Rationale*: It makes clear
- if a label is local to a package. Sorting a list of labels is messy if all
- labels do not use the same conventions.
- * Labels should never be split, even if they are longer than 79 characters.
- Labels should be string literals whenever possible. Rationale: It makes
- find and replace easy. It also improves readability.
- * The value of the name attribute should be a literal constant string (except
- in macros). *Rationale*: External tools use the name attribute to refer a
- rule. They need to find rules without having to interpret code.
-## Differences with Python style guide
-Although compatibility with
-[Python style guide](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/) is a goal, there
-are a few differences:
- * No strict line length limit. Long comments and long strings are often split
- to 79 columns, but it is not required. It should not be enforced in code
- reviews or presubmit scripts. *Rationale*: Labels can be long and exceed this
- limit. It is common for `BUILD` files to be generated or edited by tools, which
- does not go well with a line length limit.
- * Implicit string concatenation is not supported. Use the `+` operator.
- *Rationale*: `BUILD` files contain many string lists. It is easy to forget a
- comma, which leads to a complete different result. This has created many bugs
- in the past. [See also this discussion.](https://lwn.net/Articles/551438/)
- * Use spaces around the `=` sign for keywords arguments in rules. *Rationale*:
- Named arguments are much more frequent than in Python and are always on a
- separate line. Spaces improve readability. This convention has been around
- for a long time, and we don't think it is worth modifying all existing
- `BUILD` files.
- * By default, use double quotation marks for strings. *Rationale*: This is not
- specified in the Python style guide, but it recommends consistency. So we
- decided to use only double-quoted strings. Many languages use double-quotes
- for string literals.
- * Use a single blank line between two top-level definitions. *Rationale*: The
- structure of a `BUILD` file is not like a typical Python file. It has only
- top-level statements. Using a single-blank line makes `BUILD` files shorter.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Style guide for bzl files
-# .bzl file style guide
-## Style
-* When in doubt, follow the
- [Python style guide](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/).
-* Code should be documented using
- [docstrings](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/). Use a docstring at
- the top of the file, and a docstring for each public function.
-* Variables and function names use lowercase with words separated by underscores
- (`[a-z][a-z0-9_]*`), e.g. `cc_library`. Top-level private values start with
- one underscore. Bazel enforces that private values cannot be used from other
- files.
-* As in BUILD files, there is no strict line length limit as labels can be long.
- When possible, try to use at most 79 characters per line.
-* In keyword arguments, spaces around the equal sign are optional. In general,
- we follow the BUILD file convention when calling macros and native rules, and
- the Python convention for other functions, e.g.
-def fct(name, srcs):
- filtered_srcs = my_filter(source=srcs)
- native.cc_library(
- name = name,
- srcs = filtered_srcs,
- )
-## Macros
-A [macro](macros.md) is a function which instantiates one or many rules during
-the loading phase.
-* Macros must accept a name attribute and each invocation should specify a name.
- The generated name attribute of rules should include the name attribute as a
- prefix. For example, `my_macro(name = "foo")` can generate a rule `foo` and a
- rule `foo_gen`. *Rationale*: Users should be able to find easily which macro
- generated a rule. Also, automated refactoring tools need a way to identify a
- specific rule to edit.
-* When calling a macro, use only keyword arguments. *Rationale*: This is for
- consistency with rules, it greatly improves readability.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Extensions - Overview
-# Overview
-## Loading an extension
-Extensions are files with the `.bzl` extension. Use the `load` statement to
-import a symbol from an extension.
-load("//build_tools/rules:maprule.bzl", "maprule")
-This code will load the file `build_tools/rules/maprule.bzl` and add the
-`maprule` symbol to the environment. This can be used to load new rules,
-functions or constants (e.g. a string, a list, etc.). Multiple symbols can be
-imported by using additional arguments to the call to `load`. Arguments must
-be string literals (no variable) and `load` statements must appear at
-top-level, i.e. they cannot be in a function body.
-`load` also supports aliases, i.e. you can assign different names to the
-imported symbols.
-load("//build_tools/rules:maprule.bzl", maprule_alias = "maprule")
-You can define multiple aliases within one `load` statement. Moreover, the
-argument list can contain both aliases and regular symbol names. The following
-example is perfectly legal (please note when to use quotation marks).
-load(":my_rules.bzl", "some_rule", nice_alias = "some_other_rule")
-In a `.bzl` file, symbols starting with `_` are private and cannot be loaded
-from another file. Visibility doesn't affect loading (yet): you don't need to
-use `exports_files` to make a `.bzl` file visible.
-## Macros and rules
-A [macro](macros.md) is a function that instantiates rules. It is useful when a
-BUILD file is getting too repetitive or too complex, as it allows you to reuse
-some code. The function is evaluated as soon as the BUILD file is read. After
-the evaluation of the BUILD file, Bazel has little information about macros: if
-your macro generates a `genrule`, Bazel will behave as if you wrote the
-`genrule`. As a result, `bazel query` will only list the generated `genrule`.
-A [rule](rules.md) is more powerful than a macro. It can access Bazel internals
-and have full control over what is going on. It may for example pass information
-to other rules.
-If you want to reuse simple logic, start with a macro. If a macro becomes
-complex, it is often a good idea to make it a rule. Support for a new language
-is typically done with a rule. Rules are for advanced users: we expect that most
-people will never have to write one, they will only load and call existing
-## Evaluation model
-A build consists of three phases.
-* **Loading phase**. First, we load and evaluate all extensions and all BUILD
- files that are needed for the build. The execution of the BUILD files simply
- instantiates rules (each time a rule is called, it gets added to a graph).
- This is where macros are evaluated.
-* **Analysis phase**. The code of the rules is executed (their `implementation`
- function), and actions are instantiated. An action describes how to generate
- a set of outputs from a set of inputs, e.g. "run gcc on hello.c and get
- hello.o". It is important to note that we have to list explicitly which
- files will be generated before executing the actual commands. In other words,
- the analysis phase takes the graph generated by the loading phase and
- generates an action graph.
-* **Execution phase**. Actions are executed, when at least one of their outputs is
- required. If a file is missing or if a command fails to generate one output,
- the build fails. Tests are also run during this phase.
-Bazel uses parallelism to read, parse and evaluate the `.bzl` files and `BUILD`
-files. A file is read at most once per build and the result of the evaluation is
-cached and reused. A file is evaluated only once all its dependencies (`load()`
-statements) have been resolved. By design, loading a `.bzl` file has no visible
-side-effect, it only defines values and functions.
-Bazel tries to be clever: it uses dependency analysis to know which files must
-be loaded, which rules must be analyzed, and which actions must be executed. For
-example, if a rule generates actions that we don't need for the current build,
-they will not be executed.
-## Backward-incompatible changes
-As we make changes and polish the extension mechanism, old features may be
-removed and new features that are not backwards-compatible may be added.
-Each release, new incompatible changes will be behind a flag with its default
-value set to `false`. In later releases, the flag will be enabled by default, or
-the flag will be removed entirely.
-To check if your code will be compatible with future releases:
-* build your code with the flag `--all_incompatible_changes`, or
-* use boolean flags to enable/disable specific incompatible changes.
-This following are the planned incompatible changes that are implemented and
-guarded behind flags.
-### Set constructor
-We are removing the `set` constructor. Use `depset` instead. `set` and `depset`
-are equivalent, you just need to do search and replace to update the old code.
-We are doing this to reduce confusion between the specialized
-[depset](depsets.md) data structure and Python's set datatype.
-* Flag: `--incompatible_disallow_set_constructor=true`
-* Introduced in: 0.5.1
-### Keyword-only arguments
-Keyword-only parameters are parameters that can be called only using their name.
-``` python
-def foo(arg1, *, arg2): pass
-foo(3, arg2=3)
-``` python
-def bar(arg1, *rest, arg2): pass
-bar(3, arg2=3)
-In both examples, `arg2` must be named at the call site. To preserve syntactic
-compatibility with Python 2, we are removing this feature (which we have never
-* Flag: `--incompatible_disallow_keyword_only_args=true`
-* Introduced in: 0.5.1
-### Mutating `+=`
-We are changing `left += right` when `left` is a list. The old behavior is
-equivalent to `left = left + right`, which creates a new list and assigns it to
-`left`. The new behavior does not rebind `left`, but instead just mutates the
-list in-place.
-``` python
-def fct():
- li = [1]
- alias = li
- li += [2]
- # Old behavior: alias == [1]
- # New behavior: alias == [1, 2]
-This change makes Skylark more compatible with Python and avoids performance
-issues. The `+=` operator for tuples is unaffected.
-* Flag: `--incompatible_list_plus_equals_inplace=true`
-* Introduced in: 0.5.1
-### Dictionary concatenation
-We are removing the `+` operator on dictionaries. This includes the `+=` form
-where the left-hand side is a dictionary. This is done to improve compatibility
-with Python. A possible workaround is to use the `.update` method instead.
-* Flag: `--incompatible_disallow_dict_plus=true`
-* Introduced in: 0.5.1
-## Upcoming changes
-The following items are upcoming changes.
-* Comprehensions currently "leak" the values of their loop variables into the
- surrounding scope (Python 2 semantics). This will be changed so that
- comprehension variables are local (Python 3 semantics).
-* Previously dictionaries were guaranteed to use sorted order for their keys.
- Going forward, there is no guarantee on order besides that it is
- deterministic. As an implementation matter, some kinds of dictionaries may
- continue to use sorted order while others may use insertion order.
-These changes concern the `load()` syntax in particular.
-* Currently a `load()` statement can appear anywhere in a file so long as it is
- at the top-level (not in an indented block of code). In the future they will
- be required to appear at the beginning of the file, i.e., before any
- non-`load()` statement.
-* In BUILD files, `load()` can overwrite an existing variable with the loaded
- symbol. This will be disallowed in order to improve consistency with .bzl
- files. Use load aliases to avoid name clashes.
-* The .bzl file can be specified as either a path or a label. In the future only
- the label form will be allowed.
-* Cross-package visibility restrictions do not yet apply to loaded .bzl files.
- At some point this will change. In order to load a .bzl from another package
- it will need to be exported, such as by using an `exports_files` declaration.
- The exact syntax has not yet been decided.
-## Profiling the code
-To profile your code and analyze the performance, use the `--profile` flag:
-$ bazel build --nobuild --profile=/tmp/prof //path/to:target
-$ bazel analyze-profile /tmp/prof --html --html_details
-Then, open the generated HTML file (`/tmp/prof.html` in the example).
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@@ -1,950 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Extensions examples
-# Extensions examples
-## <a name="macro"></a>Macro creating a rule
-An example of a macro creating a rule.
-def _impl(ctx):
- print("This rule does nothing")
-empty = rule(implementation=_impl)
-# Loading the rule. The rule doesn't have to be in a separate file.
-load("//pkg:empty.bzl", "empty")
-def macro(name, visibility=None):
- # Creating the rule.
- empty(name = name, visibility = visibility)
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "macro")
-macro(name = "myrule")
-## <a name="macro_native"></a>Macro creating a native rule
-An example of a macro creating a native rule. Native rules are special rules
-that are automatically available (without <code>load</code>). They are
-accessed using the <a href="lib/native.html">native</a> module.
-def macro(name, visibility=None):
- # Creating a native genrule.
- native.genrule(
- name = name,
- outs = [name + '.txt'],
- cmd = 'echo hello > $@',
- visibility = visibility,
- )
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "macro")
-macro(name = "myrule")
-## <a name="macro_compound"></a>Macro multiple rules
-There's currently no easy way to create a rule that directly uses the
-action of a native rule. You can work around this using macros:
-def _impl(ctx):
- return struct([...],
- # When instrumenting this rule, again hide implementation from
- # users.
- instrumented_files(
- source_attributes = ["srcs", "csrcs"],
- dependency_attributes = ["deps", "cdeps"]))
-# This rule is private and can only be accessed from the current file.
-_cc_and_something_else_binary = rule(implementation=_impl)
-# This macro is public, it's the public interface to instantiate the rule.
-def cc_and_something_else_binary(name, srcs, deps, csrcs, cdeps):
- cc_binary_name = "%s.cc_binary" % name
- native.cc_binary(
- name = cc_binary_name,
- srcs = csrcs,
- deps = cdeps,
- visibility = ["//visibility:private"]
- )
- _cc_and_something_else_binary(
- name = name,
- srcs = srcs,
- deps = deps,
- # A label attribute so that this depends on the internal rule.
- cc_binary = cc_binary_name,
- # Redundant labels attributes so that the rule with this target name knows
- # about everything it would know about if cc_and_something_else_binary
- # were an actual rule instead of a macro.
- csrcs = csrcs,
- cdeps = cdeps)
-## <a name="conditional-instantiation"></a>Conditional instantiation
-Macros can look at previously instantiated rules. This is done with
-`native.existing_rule`, which returns information on a single rule defined in the same
-`BUILD` file, eg.,
-This is useful to avoid instantiating the same rule twice, which is an
-error. For example, the following macro will simulate a test suite,
-instantiating tests for diverse flavors of the same test.
-def system_test(name, test_file, flavor):
- n = "system_test_%s_%s_test" % (test_file, flavor)
- if native.existing_rule(n) == None:
- native.py_test(
- name = n,
- srcs = [
- "test_driver.py",
- test_file,
- ],
- args = ["--flavor=" + flavor],
- )
- return n
-def system_test_suite(name, flavors=["default"], test_files=[]):
- ts = []
- for flavor in flavors:
- for test in test_files:
- ts.append(system_test(name, test, flavor))
- native.test_suite(name = name, tests = ts)
-In the following BUILD file, note how `(basic_test.py, fast)` is emitted for
-both the `smoke` test suite and the `thorough` test suite.
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "system_test_suite")
-# Run all files through the 'fast' flavor.
- name = "smoke",
- flavors = ["fast"],
- test_files = glob(["*_test.py"]),
-# Run the basic test through all flavors.
- name = "thorough",
- flavors = [
- "fast",
- "debug",
- "opt",
- ],
- test_files = ["basic_test.py"],
-## <a name="aggregation"></a>Aggregating over the BUILD file
-Macros can collect information from the BUILD file as processed so far. We call
-this aggregation. The typical example is collecting data from all rules of a
-certain kind. This is done by calling
-<a href="lib/native.html#existing_rules">native.existing\_rules</a>, which
-returns a dictionary representing all rules defined so far in the current BUILD
-file. The dictionary has entries of the form `name` => `rule`, with the values
-using the same format as `native.existing_rule`.
-def archive_cc_src_files(tag):
- """Create an archive of all C++ sources that have the given tag."""
- all_src = []
- for r in native.existing_rules().values():
- if tag in r["tags"] and r["kind"] == "cc_library":
- all_src.append(r["srcs"])
- native.genrule(cmd = "zip $@ $^", srcs = all_src, outs = ["out.zip"])
-Since `native.existing_rules` constructs a potentially large dictionary, you should avoid
-calling it repeatedly within BUILD file.
-## <a name="empty"></a>Empty rule
-Minimalist example of a rule that does nothing. If you build it, the target will
-succeed (with no generated file).
-def _impl(ctx):
- # You may use print for debugging.
- print("This rule does nothing")
-empty = rule(implementation=_impl)
-load("//pkg:empty.bzl", "empty")
-empty(name = "nothing")
-## <a name="attr"></a>Rule with attributes
-Example of a rule that shows how to declare attributes and access them.
-def _impl(ctx):
- # You may use print for debugging.
- print("Rule name = %s, package = %s" % (ctx.label.name, ctx.label.package))
- # This prints the labels of the deps attribute.
- print("There are %d deps" % len(ctx.attr.deps))
- for i in ctx.attr.deps:
- print("- %s" % i.label)
- # A label can represent any number of files (possibly 0).
- print(" files = %s" % [f.path for f in i.files])
-printer = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- # Do not declare "name": It is added automatically.
- "number": attr.int(default = 1),
- "deps": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
- })
-load("//pkg:printer.bzl", "printer")
- name = "nothing",
- deps = [
- "BUILD",
- ":other",
- ],
-printer(name = "other")
-If you execute this file, some information is printed as a warning by the
-rule. No file is generated.
-## <a name="shell"></a>Simple shell command
-Example of a rule that runs a shell command on an input file specified by
-the user. The output has the same name as the rule, with a `.size` suffix.
-While convenient, Shell commands should be used carefully. Generating the
-command-line can lead to escaping and injection issues. It can also create
-portability problems. It is often better to declare a binary target in a
-BUILD file and execute it. See the example [executing a binary](#execute-bin).
-def _impl(ctx):
- output = ctx.outputs.out
- input = ctx.file.file
- # The command may only access files declared in inputs.
- ctx.action(
- inputs=[input],
- outputs=[output],
- progress_message="Getting size of %s" % input.short_path,
- command="stat -L -c%%s %s > %s" % (input.path, output.path))
-size = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={"file": attr.label(mandatory=True, allow_files=True, single_file=True)},
- outputs={"out": "%{name}.size"},
-load("//pkg:size.bzl", "size")
- name = "foo_size",
- file = "foo.txt",
-## <a name="file"></a>Write string to a file
-Example of a rule that writes a string to a file.
-def _impl(ctx):
- output = ctx.outputs.out
- ctx.file_action(output=output, content=ctx.attr.content)
-file = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={"content": attr.string()},
- outputs={"out": "%{name}.txt"},
-load("//pkg:file.bzl", "file")
- name = "hello",
- content = "Hello world",
-## <a name="execute-bin"></a>Execute a binary
-This rule executes an existing binary. In this particular example, the
-binary is a tool that merges files. During the analysis phase, we cannot
-access any arbitrary label: the dependency must have been previously
-declared. To do so, the rule needs a label attribute. In this example, we
-will give the label a default value and make it private (so that it is not
-visible to end users). Keeping the label private can simplify maintenance,
-since you can easily change the arguments and flags you pass to the tool.
-def _impl(ctx):
- # The list of arguments we pass to the script.
- args = [ctx.outputs.out.path] + [f.path for f in ctx.files.srcs]
- # Action to call the script.
- ctx.action(
- inputs=ctx.files.srcs,
- outputs=[ctx.outputs.out],
- arguments=args,
- progress_message="Merging into %s" % ctx.outputs.out.short_path,
- executable=ctx.executable._merge_tool)
-concat = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
- "out": attr.output(mandatory=True),
- "_merge_tool": attr.label(executable=True, cfg="host", allow_files=True,
- default=Label("//pkg:merge"))
- }
-Any executable target can be used. In this example, we will use a
-`sh_binary` rule that concatenates all the inputs.
-load("execute", "concat")
- name = "sh",
- srcs = [
- "header.html",
- "body.html",
- "footer.html",
- ],
- out = "page.html",
-# This target is used by the shell rule.
- name = "merge",
- srcs = ["merge.sh"],
-cat $* > $out
-## <a name="execute"></a>Execute an input binary
-This rule has a mandatory `binary` attribute. It is a label that can refer
-only to executable rules or files.
-def _impl(ctx):
- # ctx.new_file is used for temporary files.
- # If it should be visible for user, declare it in rule.outputs instead.
- f = ctx.new_file(ctx.configuration.bin_dir, "hello")
- # As with outputs, each time you declare a file,
- # you need an action to generate it.
- ctx.file_action(output=f, content=ctx.attr.input_content)
- ctx.action(
- inputs=[f],
- outputs=[ctx.outputs.out],
- executable=ctx.executable.binary,
- progress_message="Executing %s" % ctx.executable.binary.short_path,
- arguments=[
- f.path,
- ctx.outputs.out.path, # Access the output file using
- # ctx.outputs.<attribute name>
- ]
- )
-execute = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "binary": attr.label(cfg="host", mandatory=True, allow_files=True,
- executable=True),
- "input_content": attr.string(),
- "out": attr.output(mandatory=True),
- },
-tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' < $1 > $2
-load("//pkg:execute.bzl", "execute")
- name = "e",
- input_content = "some text",
- binary = "a.sh",
- out = "foo",
-## <a name="runfiles"></a>Runfiles and location substitution
-def _impl(ctx):
- executable = ctx.outputs.executable
- command = ctx.attr.command
- # Expand the label in the command string to a runfiles-relative path.
- # The second arg is the list of labels that may be expanded.
- command = ctx.expand_location(command, ctx.attr.data)
- # Create the output executable file with command as its content.
- ctx.file_action(
- output=executable,
- content=command,
- executable=True)
- return [DefaultInfo(
- # Create runfiles from the files specified in the data attribute.
- # The shell executable - the output of this rule - can use them at runtime.
- # It is also possible to define data_runfiles and default_runfiles.
- # However if runfiles is specified it's not possible to define the above
- # ones since runfiles sets them both.
- # Remember, that the struct returned by the implementation function needs
- # to have a field named "runfiles" in order to create the actual runfiles
- # symlink tree.
- runfiles=ctx.runfiles(files=ctx.files.data)
- )]
-execute = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- executable=True,
- attrs={
- "command": attr.string(),
- "data": attr.label_list(cfg="data", allow_files=True),
- },
-Hello World!
-load("//pkg:execute.bzl", "execute")
- name = "e",
- # The location will be expanded to "pkg/data.txt", and it will reference
- # the data.txt file in runfiles when this target is invoked as
- # "bazel run //pkg:e".
- command = "cat $(location :data.txt)",
- data = [':data.txt']
-## <a name="late-bound"></a>Computed dependencies
-Bazel needs to know about all dependencies before doing the analysis phase and
-calling the implementation function. Dependencies can be computed based on the
-rule attributes: to do so, use a function as the default
-value of an attribute (the attribute must be private and have type `label` or
-`list of labels`). The parameters of this function must correspond to the
-attributes that are accessed in the function body.
-Note: For legacy reasons, the function takes the configuration as an additional
-parameter. Please do not rely on the configuration since it will be removed in
-the future.
-The example below computes the md5 sum of a file. The file can be preprocessed
-using a filter. The exact dependencies depend on the filter chosen by the user.
-_filters = {
- "comments": Label("//pkg:comments"),
- "spaces": Label("//pkg:spaces"),
- "none": None,
-def _get_filter(filter, cfg=None): # requires attribute "filter"
- # Return the value for the attribute "_filter_bin"
- # It can be a label or None.
- return _filters[filter]
-def _impl(ctx):
- src = ctx.file.src
- if not ctx.attr._filter_bin:
- # Skip the processing
- processed = src
- else:
- processed = ctx.new_file(ctx.label.name + "_processed")
- # Run the selected binary
- ctx.action(
- outputs = [processed],
- inputs = [ctx.file.src],
- progress_message="Apply filter '%s'" % ctx.attr.filter,
- arguments = [ctx.file.src.path, processed.path],
- executable = ctx.executable._filter_bin)
- # Compute the hash
- out = ctx.outputs.text
- ctx.action(
- outputs = [out],
- inputs = [processed],
- command = "md5sum < %s > %s" % (processed.path, out.path))
-md5_sum = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "filter": attr.string(values=_filters.keys(), default="none"),
- "src": attr.label(mandatory=True, single_file=True, allow_files=True),
- "_filter_bin": attr.label(default=_get_filter, executable=True),
- },
- outputs = {"text": "%{name}.txt"})
-load("//pkg:hash.bzl", "md5_sum")
- name = "hash",
- src = "hello.txt",
- filter = "spaces",
- name = "comments",
- srcs = ["comments.sh"],
- name = "spaces",
- srcs = ["spaces.sh"],
-Hello World!
-grep -v '^ *#' $1 > $2 # Remove lines with only a Python-style comment
-tr -d ' ' < $1 > $2 # Remove spaces
-## <a name="mandatory-providers"></a>Mandatory providers
-In this example, rules have a `number` attribute. Each rule adds its
-number with the numbers of its transitive dependencies, and write the
-result in a file. This shows how to transfer information from a dependency
-to its dependents.
-NumberInfo = provider()
-def _impl(ctx):
- result = ctx.attr.number
- for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
- result += dep[NumberInfo].number
- ctx.file_action(output=ctx.outputs.out, content=str(result))
- # Return the provider with result, visible to other rules.
- return [NumberInfo(number=result)]
-sum = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "number": attr.int(default=1),
- # All deps must provide all listed providers.
- "deps": attr.label_list(providers=[NumberInfo]),
- },
- outputs = {"out": "%{name}.sum"}
-load("//pkg:sum.bzl", "sum")
- name = "n",
- deps = ["n2", "n5"],
- name = "n2",
- number = 2,
- name = "n5",
- number = 5,
-## <a name="optional-providers"></a>Optional providers
-This is a similar example, but dependencies may not provide a number.
-NumberInfo = provider()
-def _impl(ctx):
- result = ctx.attr.number
- for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
- if NumberInfo in dep:
- result += dep[NumberInfo].number
- ctx.file_action(output=ctx.outputs.out, content=str(result))
- # Return the provider with result, visible to other rules.
- return [NumberInfo(number=result)]
-sum = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "number": attr.int(default=1),
- "deps": attr.label_list(),
- },
- outputs = {"out": "%{name}.sum"}
-load("//pkg:sum.bzl", "sum")
- name = "n",
- deps = ["n2", "n5"],
- name = "n2",
- number = 2,
- name = "n5",
- number = 5,
-## <a name="outputs-executable"></a>Default executable output
-This example shows how to create a default executable output.
-def _impl(ctx):
- ctx.file_action(
- # Access the executable output file using ctx.outputs.executable.
- output=ctx.outputs.executable,
- content="#!/bin/bash\necho Hello!",
- executable=True
- )
- # The executable output is added automatically to this target.
-executable_rule = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- executable=True
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "executable_rule")
-executable_rule(name = "my_rule")
-## <a name="outputs-default"></a>Default outputs
-This example shows how to create default outputs for a rule.
-def _impl(ctx):
- ctx.file_action(
- # Access the default outputs using ctx.outputs.<output name>.
- output=ctx.outputs.my_output,
- content="Hello World!"
- )
- # The default outputs are added automatically to this target.
-rule_with_outputs = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- outputs = {
- # %{name} is substituted with the rule's name
- "my_output": "%{name}.txt"
- }
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "rule_with_outputs")
-rule_with_outputs(name = "my_rule")
-## <a name="outputs-custom"></a>Custom outputs
-This example shows how to create custom (user defined) outputs for a rule.
-This rule takes a list of output file name templates from the user and
-creates each of them containing a "Hello World!" message.
-def _impl(ctx):
- # Access the custom outputs using ctx.outputs.<attribute name>.
- for output in ctx.outputs.outs:
- ctx.file_action(
- output=output,
- content="Hello World!"
- )
- # The custom outputs are added automatically to this target.
-rule_with_outputs = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "outs": attr.output_list()
- }
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "rule_with_outputs")
- name = "my_rule",
- outs = ["my_output.txt"]
-## <a name="master-rule"></a>Master rules
-This example shows how to create master rules to bind other rules together. The
-code below uses genrules for simplicity, but this technique is more useful with
-other rules. For example, if you need to compile C++ files, you can reuse
-def _impl(ctx):
- # Aggregate the output files from the depending rules
- files = depset()
- files += ctx.attr.dep_rule_1.files
- files += ctx.attr.dep_rule_2.files
- return [DefaultInfo(files=files)]
-# This rule binds the depending rules together
-master_rule = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "dep_rule_1": attr.label(),
- "dep_rule_2": attr.label()
- }
-def macro(name, cmd, input):
- # Create the depending rules
- name_1 = name + "_dep_1"
- name_2 = name + "_dep_2"
- native.genrule(
- name = name_1,
- cmd = cmd,
- outs = [name_1 + ".txt"]
- )
- native.genrule(
- name = name_2,
- cmd = "echo " + input + " >$@",
- outs = [name_2 + ".txt"]
- )
- # Create the master rule
- master_rule(
- name = name,
- dep_rule_1 = ":" + name_1,
- dep_rule_2 = ":" + name_2
- )
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "macro")
-# This creates the target :my_rule
- name = "my_rule",
- cmd = "echo something > $@",
- input = "Hello World"
-## <a name="debugging-tips"></a>Debugging tips
-Here are some examples on how to debug macros and rules using
-<a href="lib/globals.html#print">print</a>.
-print("print something when the module is loaded")
-def _impl(ctx):
- print("print something when the rule implementation is executed")
- print(type("abc")) # prints string, the type of "abc"
- print(dir(ctx)) # prints all the fields and methods of ctx
- print(dir(ctx.attr)) # prints all the attributes of the rule
- # prints the objects each separated with new line
- print("object1", "object2", sep="\n")
-debug = rule(implementation=_impl)
-load("//pkg:debug.bzl", "debug")
- name = "printing_rule"
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/deploying.md b/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/deploying.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 658445175e..0000000000
--- a/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/deploying.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Deploying new Skylark rules
-# Deploying new Skylark rules
-This documentation is for Skylark rule writers who are planning to make their
-rules available to others.
-## Where to put new rules
-In general, new rules should go into their own GitHub repository under your
-organization. Contact the [bazel-dev mailing
-list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-dev) if you feel like your
-rules belong in the bazelbuild organization.
-You can see lots of examples of what your repository should look like on GitHub:
-see all of the repositories named `rules_whatever`. In particular,
-[rules_scala](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala) is a nice example of
-how to set up your repo.
-Rules can be grouped either by language (e.g., Scala) or some notion of platform
-(e.g., Android).
-## What a rule repository should contain
-Every rule repository should have a certain layout so that users can quickly
-understand new rules.
-For example, suppose we are writing new Skylark rules for the (make-believe)
-chaiscript language. We would have the following structure:
- chaiscript.bzl
- some_test.sh
- another_test.py
- bin.chai
- lib.chai
- test.chai
-### README.md
-At the top level, there should be a README.md that contains (at least) what
-users will need to copy-paste into their WORKSPACE file to use your rule.
-In general, this will be a `git_repository` pointing to your GitHub repo and
-a macro call that downloads/configures any tools your rule needs. For example,
-for the [Go
-rules](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/blob/master/README.md#setup), this
-looks like:
- name = "io_bazel_rules_go",
- remote = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go.git",
- tag = "0.0.2",
-load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_repositories")
-If your rules depend on another repository's rules, specify both in the
-`README.md` (see the [Skydoc rules](https://github.com/bazelbuild/skydoc#setup),
-which depend on the Sass rules, for an example of this).
-### Tests
-There should be tests that verify that the rules are working as expected. This
-can either be in the standard location for the language the rules are for or a
-`tests/` directory at the top level.
-### Optional: Examples
-It is useful to users to have an `examples/` directory that shows users a couple
-of basic ways that the rules can be used.
-## Testing
-Set up Travis as described in their [getting started
-docs](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/getting-started/). Then add a
-`.travis.yml` file to your repository with the following content:
- - java
- - oraclejdk8 # Building Bazel requires JDK8.
- - wget https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/archive/0.3.0.zip # Replace with desired version
- - unzip 0.3.0.zip
- - cd bazel-0.3.0
- - ./compile.sh
- - sudo cp output/bazel /usr/bin/bazel
- - cd ..
- - rm -rf bazel-0.3.0
- - bazel build //...
- - bazel test //...
-Right now Bazel has to be compiled from source, as Travis does not support a
-version of GCC that works with the precompiled Bazel binaries. Thus, the
-`before_install` steps download the Bazel source, compile it, and "install" the
-Bazel binary in /usr/bin.
-If your repository is under the [bazelbuild organization](https://github.com/bazelbuild),
-contact the [bazel-dev](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-dev) list
-to have it added to [ci.bazel.build](http://ci.bazel.build).
-## Documentation
-See the [Skydoc documentation](https://github.com/bazelbuild/skydoc) for
-instructions on how to comment your rules so that documentation can be generated
-## FAQs
-### Why can't we add our rule to the Bazel GitHub repository?
-We want to decouple rules from Bazel releases as much as possible. It's clearer
-who owns individual rules, reducing the load on Bazel developers. For our users,
-decoupling makes it easier to modify, upgrade, downgrade, and replace rules.
-Contributing to rules can be lighter weight than contributing to Bazel -
-depending on the rules -, including full submit access to the corresponding
-GitHub repository. Getting submit access to Bazel itself is a much more involved
-The downside is a more complicated one-time installation process for our users:
-they have to copy-paste a rule into their WORKSPACE file, as shown in the
-README section above.
-We used to have all of the Skylark rules in the Bazel repository (under
-`//tools/build_rules` or `//tools/build_defs`). We still have a couple rules
-there, but we are working on moving the remaining rules out.
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/depsets.md b/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/depsets.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 24114b3200..0000000000
--- a/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/depsets.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Depsets
-# Depsets
-Depsets are a specialized data structure for efficiently collecting data across
-a target’s transitive dependencies. Since this use case concerns the [analysis
-phase](concepts.md#evaluation-model), depsets are useful for authors of rules
-and aspects, but probably not macros.
-The main feature of depsets is that they support a time- and space-efficient
-merge operation, whose cost is independent of the size of the existing contents.
-Depsets also have well-defined ordering semantics.
-Example uses of depsets include:
-* storing the paths of all object files for a program’s libraries, which can
- then be passed to a linker action
-* for an interpreted language, storing the transitive source files that will
- be included in an executable's runfiles
-## Full example
-Suppose we have a hypothetical interpreted language Foo. In order to build each
-`foo_binary` we need to know all the \*.foo files that it directly or indirectly
-depends on.
-# //mypackage:BUILD
-load(":foo.bzl", "foo_library", "foo_binary")
-# Our hypothetical Foo compiler.
- name = "foocc",
- srcs = ["foocc.py"],
- name = "a",
- srcs = ["a.foo", "a_impl.foo"],
- name = "b",
- srcs = ["b.foo", "b_impl.foo"],
- deps = [":a"],
- name = "c",
- srcs = ["c.foo", "c_impl.foo"],
- deps = [":a"],
- name = "d",
- srcs = ["d.foo"],
- deps = [":b", ":c"],
-# //mypackage:foocc.py
-# "Foo compiler" that just concatenates its inputs to form its output.
-import sys
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- assert len(sys.argv) >= 1
- output = open(sys.argv[1], "wt")
- for path in sys.argv[2:]:
- input = open(path, "rt")
- output.write(input.read())
-Here, the transitive sources of the binary `d` are all of the \*.foo files in
-the `srcs` fields of `a`, `b`, `c`, and `d`. In order for the `foo_binary`
-target to know about any file besides `d.foo`, the `foo_library` targets need to
-pass them along in a provider. Each library receives the providers from its own
-dependencies, adds its own immediate sources, and passes on a new provider with
-the augmented contents. The `foo_binary` rule does the same, except that instead
-of returning a provider, it uses the complete list of sources to construct a
-command line for an action.
-Here’s a complete implementation of the `foo_library` and `foo_binary` rules.
-# //mypackage/foo.bzl
-# A provider with one field, transitive_sources.
-FooFiles = provider()
-def get_transitive_srcs(srcs, deps):
- """Obtain the source files for a target and its transitive dependencies.
- Args:
- srcs: a list of source files
- deps: a list of targets that are direct dependencies
- Returns:
- a collection of the transitive sources
- """
- trans_srcs = depset()
- for dep in deps:
- trans_srcs += dep[FooFiles].transitive_sources
- trans_srcs += srcs
- return trans_srcs
-def _foo_library_impl(ctx):
- trans_srcs = get_transitive_srcs(ctx.files.srcs, ctx.attr.deps)
- return [FooFiles(transitive_sources=trans_srcs)]
-foo_library = rule(
- implementation = _foo_library_impl,
- attrs = {
- "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
- "deps": attr.label_list(),
- },
-def _foo_binary_impl(ctx):
- foocc = ctx.executable._foocc
- out = ctx.outputs.out
- trans_srcs = get_transitive_srcs(ctx.files.srcs, ctx.attr.deps)
- srcs_list = trans_srcs.to_list()
- cmd_string = (foocc.path + " " + out.path + " " +
- " ".join([src.path for src in srcs_list]))
- ctx.action(command=cmd_string,
- inputs=srcs_list + [foocc],
- outputs=[out])
-foo_binary = rule(
- implementation = _foo_binary_impl,
- attrs = {
- "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
- "deps": attr.label_list(),
- "_foocc": attr.label(default=Label("//mypackage:foocc"),
- allow_files=True, executable=True, cfg="host")
- },
- outputs = {"out": "%{name}.out"},
-You can test this by copying these files into a fresh package, renaming the
-labels appropriately, creating the source \*.foo files with dummy content, and
-building the `d` target.
-## Description and operations
-Conceptually, a depset is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) that typically looks
-similar to the target graph. It is constructed from the leaves up to the root.
-Each target in a dependency chain can add its own contents on top of the
-previous without having to read or copy them.
-Each node in the DAG holds a list of direct elements and a list of child nodes.
-The contents of the depset are the transitive elements, i.e. the direct elements
-of all the nodes. A new depset with direct elements but no children can be
-created using the [depset](lib/globals.html#depset) constructor. Given an
-existing depset, the `+` operator can be used to form a new depset that has
-additional contents. Specifically, for the operation `a + b` where `a` is a
-depset, the result is a copy of `a` where:
-* if `b` is a depset, then `b` is appended to `a`’s list of children; and
- otherwise,
-* if `b` is an iterable, then `b`’s elements are appended to `a`’s list of
- direct elements.
-In all cases, the original depset is left unmodified because depsets are
-immutable. The returned value shares most of its internal structure with the old
-depset. As with other immutable types, `s += t` is shorthand for `s = s + t`.
-s = depset(["a", "b", "c"])
-t = s
-s += depset(["d", "e"])
-print(s) # depset(["d", "e", "a", "b", "c"])
-print(t) # depset(["a", "b", "c"])
-To retrieve the contents of a depset, use the
-[to_list()](lib/depset.html#to_list) method. It returns a list of all transitive
-elements, not including duplicates. There is no way to directly inspect the
-precise structure of the DAG, although this structure does affect the order in
-which the elements are returned.
-s = depset(["a", "b", "c"])
-print("c" in s.to_list()) # True
-print(s.to_list() == ["a", "b", "c"]) # True
-The allowed items in a depset are restricted, just as the allowed keys in
-dictionaries are restricted. In particular, depset contents may not be mutable.
-Depsets use reference equality: a depset is equal to itself, but unequal to any
-other depset, even if they have the same contents and same internal structure.
-s = depset(["a", "b", "c"])
-t = s
-print(s == t) # True
-t = depset(["a", "b", "c"])
-print(s == t) # False
-t = s
-# Trivial modification that adds no elements
-t += []
-print(s == t) # False
-d = {}
-d[s] = None
-d[t] = None
-print(len(d)) # 2
-To compare depsets by their contents, convert them to sorted lists.
-s = depset(["a", "b", "c"])
-t = depset(["c", "b", "a"])
-print(sorted(s.to_list()) == sorted(t.to_list())) # True
-There is no ability to remove elements from a depset. If this is needed, you
-must read out the entire contents of the depset, filter the elements you want to
-remove, and reconstruct a new depset. This is not particularly efficient.
-s = depset(["a", "b", "c"])
-t = depset(["b", "c"])
-# Compute set difference s - t. Precompute t.to_list() so it's not done
-# in a loop, and convert it to a dictionary for fast membership tests.
-t_items = {e: None for e in t.to_list()}
-diff_items = [x for x in s.to_list() if x not in t_items]
-# Convert back to depset if it's still going to be used for merge operations.
-s = depset(diff_items)
-print(s) # depset(["a"])
-## Order
-The `to_list` operation performs a traversal over the DAG. The kind of traversal
-depends on the *order* that was specified at the time the depset was
-constructed. It is useful for Bazel to support multiple orders because sometimes
-tools care about the order of their inputs. For example, a linker action may
-need to ensure that if `B` depends on `A`, then `A.o` comes before `B.o` on the
-linker’s command line. Other tools might have the opposite requirement.
-Three traversal orders are supported: `postorder`, `preorder`, and
-`topological`. The first two work exactly like [tree
-except that they operate on DAGs and skip already visited nodes. The third order
-works as a topological sort from root to leaves, essentially the same as
-preorder except that shared children are listed only after all of their parents.
-Preorder and postorder operate as left-to-right traversals, but note that within
-each node direct elements have no order relative to children. For topological
-order, there is no left-to-right guarantee, and even the
-all-parents-before-child guarantee does not apply in the case that there are
-duplicate elements in different nodes of the DAG.
-# This demonstrates how the + operator interacts with traversal orders.
-def create(order):
- # Create s with "a" and "b" as direct elements.
- s = depset(["a", "b"], order=order)
- # Add a new child with contents "c" and "d".
- s += depset(["c", "d"], order=order)
- # Append "e" and "f" as direct elements.
- s += ["e", "f"]
- # Add a new child with contents "g" and "h"
- s += depset(["g", "h"], order=order)
- # During postorder traversal, all contents of children are emitted first,
- # then the direct contents.
- return s
-print(create("postorder").to_list()) # ["c", "d", "g", "h", "a", "b", "e", "f"]
-print(create("preorder").to_list()) # ["a", "b", "e", "f", "c", "d", "g", "h"]
-# This demonstrates different orders on a diamond graph.
-def create(order):
- a = depset(["a"], order=order)
- b = depset(["b"], order=order)
- b += a
- c = depset(["c"], order=order)
- c += a
- d = depset(["d"], order=order)
- d = d + b + c
- return d
-print(create("postorder").to_list()) # ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
-print(create("preorder").to_list()) # ["d", "b", "a", "c"]
-print(create("topological").to_list()) # ["d", "b", "c", "a"]
-Due to how traversals are implemented, the order must be specified at the time
-the depset is created with the constructor’s `order` keyword argument. If this
-argument is omitted, the depset has the special `default` order, in which case
-there are no guarantees about the order of any of its elements.
-For safety, depsets with different orders cannot be merged with the `+` operator
-unless one of them uses the default order; the resulting depset’s order is the
-same as the left operand. Note that when two depsets of different order are
-merged in this way, the child may appear to have had its elements rearranged
-when it is traversed via the parent.
-## Performance
-To see the motivation for using depsets, consider what would have happened if we
-had implemented `get_transitive_srcs()` without them. A naive way of writing
-this function would be to collect the sources in a list.
-def get_transitive_srcs(srcs, deps):
- trans_srcs = []
- for dep in deps:
- trans_srcs += dep[FooFiles].transitive_sources
- trans_srcs += srcs
- return trans_srcs
-However, this does not take into account duplicates, so the source files for `a`
-will appear twice on the command line and twice in the contents of the output
-The next alternative is using a general set, which can be simulated by a
-dictionary where the keys are the elements and all the keys map to `None`.
-def get_transitive_srcs(srcs, deps):
- trans_srcs = {}
- for dep in deps:
- for file in dep[FooFiles].transitive_sources:
- trans_srcs[file] = None
- for file in srcs:
- trans_srcs[file] = None
- return trans_srcs
-This gets rid of the duplicates, but it makes the order of the command line
-arguments (and therefore the contents of the files) unspecified, although still
-Moreover, both this approach and the list-based one are asymptotically worse
-than the depset-based approach. Consider the case where there is a long chain of
-dependencies on Foo libraries. Processing every rule requires copying all of the
-transitive sources that came before it into a new data structure. This means
-that the time and space cost for analyzing an individual library or binary
-target is proportional to its own height in the chain. For a chain of length n,
-foolib_1 ← foolib_2 ← … ← foolib_n, the overall cost is effectively the
-[triangle sum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangular_number) 1 + 2 + … + n,
-which is O(n^2). This cost is wasteful because the library rule’s behavior is
-not actually affected by the transitive sources.
-Generally speaking, depsets should be used whenever you are accumulating more
-and more information through your transitive dependencies. This helps ensure
-that your build scales well as your target graph grows deeper. The exact
-advantage will depend on how deep the target graph is and how many elements per
-target are added.
-To actually get the performance advantage, it’s important to not retrieve the
-contents of the depset unnecessarily in library rules. One call to `to_list()`
-at the end in a binary rule is fine, since the overall cost is just O(n). It’s
-when many non-terminal targets try to call `to_list()` that we start to get into
-quadratic behavior.
-## Upcoming changes
-The API for depsets is being updated to be more consistent. Here are some recent
-and/or upcoming changes.
-* The name “set” has been replaced by “depset”. Do not use the `set`
- constructor in new code; it is deprecated and will be removed. The traversal
- orders have undergone a similar renaming; their old names will be removed as
- well.
-* Depset contents should be retrieved using `to_list()`, not by iterating over
- the depset itself. Direct iteration over depsets is deprecated and will be
- removed.
-* Depset elements currently must have the same type, e.g. all ints or all
- strings. This restriction will be lifted.
-* The `|` operator is defined for depsets as a synonym for `+`. This will be
- going away; use `+` instead.
-* (Pending approval) The `+` operator will be deprecated in favor of a new
- syntax based on function calls. This avoids confusion regarding how `+`
- treats direct elements vs children.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Variable x is read only
-# Error: Variable x is read only
-A global variable cannot be reassigned. It will always point to the same object.
-However, its content might change, if the value is mutable (for example, the
-content of a list). Local variables don't have this restriction.
-a = [1, 2]
-a[1] = 3
-b = 3
-b = 4 # forbidden
-`ERROR: /path/ext.bzl:7:1: Variable b is read only`
-You will get a similar error if you try to redefine a function (function
-overloading is not supported), for example:
-def foo(x): return x + 1
-def foo(x, y): return x + y # forbidden
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-layout: documentation
-title: Extensions
-# Extensions
-Skylark is the name of the extension mechanism in Bazel. It lets you add support
-for new languages and tools by writing [custom build rules](rules.md). You can
-also compose existing rules into [macros](macros.md).
-## Getting started
-Read the [concepts](concepts.md) behind Skylark and try the
-[cookbook examples](cookbook.md). To go further, read about the
-[standard library](lib/globals.html).
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-layout: documentation
-title: Extensions - Overview
-# Language
-## Syntax
-The extension language, Skylark, is a superset of the
-[Core Build Language](/docs/build-ref.html#core_build_language)
-and its syntax is a subset of Python.
-It is designed to be simple, thread-safe and integrated with the
-BUILD language. It is not a general-purpose language and most Python
-features are not included.
-The following constructs have been added to the Core Build Language: `if`
-statements, `for` loops, and function definitions. They behave like in Python.
-Here is an example to show the syntax:
-def fizz_buzz(n):
- """Print Fizz Buzz numbers from 1 to n."""
- for i in range(1, n + 1):
- s = ""
- if i % 3 == 0:
- s += "Fizz"
- if i % 5 == 0:
- s += "Buzz"
- print(s if s else i)
-The following basic types are supported: [None](lib/globals.html#None),
-[bool](lib/bool.html), [dict](lib/dict.html), function, [int](lib/int.html),
-[list](lib/list.html), [string](lib/string.html). On top of that, two new
-types are specific to Bazel: [depset](lib/depset.html) and
-Skylark is syntactically a subset of both Python 2 and Python 3, and will remain
-so through at least the 1.x release lifecycle. This ensures that Python-based
-tooling can at least parse Skylark code. Although Skylark is not *semantically*
-a subset of Python, behavioral differences are rare (excluding cases where
-Skylark raises an error).
-## Mutability
-Because evaluation of BUILD and .bzl files is performed in parallel, there are
-some restrictions in order to guarantee thread-safety and determinism. Two
-mutable data structures are available: [lists](lib/list.html) and
-In a build, there are many "evaluation contexts": each `.bzl` file and each
-`BUILD` file is loaded in a different context. Each rule is also analyzed in a
-separate context. We allow side-effects (e.g. appending a value to a list or
-deleting an entry in a dictionary) only on objects created during the current
-evaluation context. Once the code in that context is done executing, all of its
-values are frozen.
-For example, here is the content of the file `foo.bzl`:
-var = []
-def fct():
- var.append(5)
-The variable `var` is created when `foo.bzl` is loaded. `fct()` is called during
-the same context, so it is safe. At the end of the evaluation, the environment
-contains an entry mapping the identifier `var` to a list `[5]`; this list is
-then frozen.
-It is possible for multiple other files to load symbols from `foo.bzl` at the
-same time. For this reason, the following code is not legal:
-load(":foo.bzl", "var", "fct")
-var.append(6) # runtime error, the list stored in var is frozen
-fct() # runtime error, fct() attempts to modify a frozen list
-Evaluation contexts are also created for the analysis of each custom rule. This
-means that any values that are returned from the rule's analysis are frozen.
-Note that by the time a custom rule's analysis begins, the .bzl file in which
-it is defined has already been loaded, and so the global variables are already
-## Differences with Python
-In addition to the mutability restrictions, there are also differences with
-* Global variables cannot be reassigned.
-* `for` statements are not allowed at the top-level; factor them into functions
- instead.
-* Dictionaries have a deterministic order of iteration.
-* Recursion is not allowed.
-* Int type is limited to 32-bit signed integers.
-* Lists and other mutable types may be stored in dictionary
- keys once they are frozen.
-* Modifying a collection during iteration is an error. You can avoid the error
- by iterating over a copy of the collection, e.g.
- `for x in list(my_list): ...`. You can still modify its deep contents
- regardless.
-* Global (non-function) variables must be declared before they can be used in
- a function, even if the function is not called until after the global variable
- declaration. However, it is fine to define `f()` before `g()`, even if `f()`
- calls `g()`.
-* The order comparison operators (<, <=, >=, >) are not defined across different
- types of values, e.g., you can't compare `5 < 'foo'` (however you still can
- compare them using == or !=). This is a difference with Python 2, but
- consistent with Python 3. Note that this means you are unable to sort lists
- that contain mixed types of values.
-* Tuple syntax is more restrictive. You may use a trailing comma only when the
- tuple is between parentheses, e.g. write `(1,)` instead of `1,`.
-* Strings are represented with double-quotes (e.g. when you
- call [repr](lib/globals.html#repr)).
-The following Python features are not supported:
-* implicit string concatenation (use explicit `+` operator)
-* `class` (see [`struct`](lib/globals.html#struct) function)
-* `import` (see [`load`](concepts.md#loading-an-extension) statement)
-* `while`, `yield`
-* float and set types
-* generators and generator expressions
-* `lambda` and nested functions
-* `is` (use `==` instead)
-* `try`, `raise`, `except`, `finally` (see [`fail`](lib/globals.html#fail) for
- fatal errors)
-* `global`, `nonlocal`
-* most builtin functions, most methods
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-layout: documentation
-title: Macros
-# Macros
-## Macro creation
-A macro is a function called from the BUILD file that can instantiate rules.
-Macros don't give additional power, they are just used for encapsulation and
-code reuse. By the end of the [loading phase](concepts.md#evaluation-model),
-macros don't exist anymore, and Bazel sees only the set of rules they created.
-Native rules (i.e. rules that don't need a `load()` statement) can be
-instantiated from the [native](lib/native.html) module, e.g.
-def my_macro(name, visibility=None):
- native.cc_library(
- name = name,
- srcs = ["main.cc"],
- visibility = visibility,
- )
-If you need to know the package name (i.e. which BUILD file is calling the
-macro), use the constant [PACKAGE_NAME](lib/globals.html#PACKAGE_NAME).
-## Examples
-* [Macro creating rules](cookbook.md#macro).
-* [Macro creating native rules](cookbook.md#macro_native).
-* [Macro combining multiple rules](cookbook.md#macro_compound).
-## Debugging
-* `bazel query --output=build //my/path:all` will show you how the BUILD file
- looks after evaluation. All macros, globs, loops are expanded. Known
- limitation: `select` expressions are currently not shown in the output.
-* You may filter the output based on `generator_function` (which function
- generated the rules) or `generator_name` (the name attribute of the macro),
- e.g.
- ```bash
- $ bazel query --output=build 'attr(generator_function, my_macro, //my/path:all)'
- ```
-* To find out where exactly the rule `foo` is generated in a BUILD file, you
- can try the following trick. Insert this line near the top of the BUILD
- file: `cc_library(name = "foo")`. Run Bazel. You will get an exception when
- the rule `foo` is created (due to a name conflict), which will show you the
- full stack trace.
-* You can also use [print](lib/globals.html#print) for debugging. It displays
- the message as a warning during the loading phase. Except in rare cases,
- either remove `print` calls, or make them conditional under a `debugging`
- parameter that defaults to `False` before submitting the code to the depot.
-## Errors
-If you want to throw an error, use the [fail](lib/globals.html#fail) function.
-Explain clearly to the user what went wrong and how to fix their BUILD file. It
-is not possible to catch an error.
-def my_macro(name, deps, visibility=None):
- if len(deps) < 2:
- fail("Expected at least two values in deps")
- # ...
-## Conventions
-* All public functions (functions that don't start with underscore) that
- instantiate rules must have a `name` argument. This argument should not be
- optional (don't give a default value).
-* Public functions should use a docstring following [Python
- conventions](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/#one-line-docstrings).
-* In BUILD files, the `name` argument of the macros must be a keyword argument
- (not a positional argument).
-* The `name` attribute of rules generated by a macro should include the name
- argument as a prefix. For example, `macro(name = "foo")` can generate a
- `cc_library` `foo` and a genrule `foo_gen`.
-* In most cases, optional parameters should have a default value of `None`.
- `None` can be passed directly to native rules, which treat it the same as if
- you had not passed in any argument. Thus, there is no need to replace it
- with `0`, `False`, or `[]` for this purpose. Instead, the macro should defer
- to the rules it creates, as their defaults may be complex or may change over
- time. Additionally, a parameter that is explicitly set to its default value
- looks different than one that is never set (or set to `None`) when accessed
- through the query language or build-system internals.
-* Macros should have an optional `visibility` argument.
-## Full example
-The typical use-case for a macro is when you want to reuse a genrule, e.g.
- name = "file",
- outs = ["file.txt"],
- cmd = "$(location generator) some_arg > $@",
- tools = [":generator"],
-If you want to generate another file with different arguments, you may want to
-extract this code to a function.
-The BUILD file will become simply:
-load("//path:generator.bzl", "file_generator")
- name = "file",
- arg = "some_arg",
-In order to keep BUILD files clean and declarative, you must put the function in
-a separate `.bzl` file. For example, write the definition of the macro in
-def file_generator(name, arg, visibility=None):
- native.genrule(
- name = name,
- outs = [name + ".txt"],
- cmd = "$(location generator) %s > $@" % arg,
- tools = ["//test:generator"],
- visibility = visibility,
- )
-When you want to investigate what a macro does, use the following command to
-see the expanded form:
-$ bazel query --output=build :file
-# /absolute/path/test/ext.bzl:42:3
- name = "file",
- tools = ["//test:generator"],
- outs = ["//test:file.txt"],
- cmd = "$(location generator) some_arg > $@",
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-layout: documentation
-title: Repository Rules
-# Repository Rules
-**Status: Experimental**. We may make breaking changes to the API, but we will
- announce them and help you update your code.
-An [external repository](/docs/external.md) is a rule that can be used only
-in the `WORKSPACE` file and enable non-hermetic operation at the loading phase
-of Bazel. Each external repository rule creates its own workspace, with its
-own BUILD files and artifacts. They can be used to depend on third-party
-libraries (such as Maven packaged libraries) but also to generate BUILD files
-specific to the host Bazel is running on.
-## Repository Rule creation
-In a `.bzl` file, use the
-[repository_rule](lib/globals.html#repository_rule) function to create a new
-repository rule and store it in a global variable.
-A custom repository rule can be used just like a native repository rule. It
-has a mandatory `name` attribute and every target present in its build files
-can be referred as `@<name>//package:target` where `<name>` is the value of the
-`name` attribute.
-The rule is loaded when you explicitly build it, or if it is a dependency of
-the build. In this case, Bazel will execute its `implementation` function. This
-function describe how to creates the repository, its content and BUILD files.
-## Attributes
-An attribute is a rule argument, such as `url` or `sha256`. You must list
-the attributes and their types when you define a repository rule.
-local_repository = repository_rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- local=True,
- attrs={"path": attr.string(mandatory=True)})
-`name` attributes are implicitly defined for all `repository_rule`s.
-To access an attribute, use `repository_ctx.attr.<attribute_name>`.
-The name of a repository rule is accessible with `repository_ctx.name`.
-If an attribute name starts with `_` it is private and users cannot set it.
-## Implementation function
-Every repository rule requires an `implementation` function. It contains the
-actual logic of the rule and is executed strictly in the Loading Phase.
-The function has exactly one input parameter, `repository_ctx`, and should
-always returns `None`. The input parameter `repository_ctx` can be used to
-access attribute values, and non-hermetic functions (finding a binary,
-executing a binary, creating a file in the repository or downloading a file
-from the Internet). See [the library](lib/repository_ctx.html) for more
-context. Example:
-def _impl(repository_ctx):
- repository_ctx.symlink(repository_ctx.attr.path, "")
-local_repository = repository_rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- ...)
-## When is the implementation function executed?
-If the repository is declared as `local` then change in a dependency
-in the dependency graph (including the WORKSPACE file itself) will
-cause an execution of the implementation function.
-The implementation function can be _restarted_ if a dependency it
-request is _missing_. The beginning of the implementation function
-will be re-executed after the dependency has been resolved.
-File given as a label are declared as dependencies, so requesting it
-might interrupt the function and restart it later, re-executing the
-part up till there.
-Finally, for non-`local` repositories, only a change in the following
-dependencies might cause a restart:
-- Skylark files needed to define the repository rule.
-- Declaration of the repository rule in the `WORKSPACE` file.
-- Value of any environment variable declared with the `environ`
-attribute of the
-function. The value of those environment variable can be enforced from
-the command line with the
-flag (but this flag will invalidate every action of the build).
-- Content of any file used and referred to by a label (e.g.,
- `//mypkg:label.txt` not `mypkg/label.txt`).
-## Examples
-- [C++ auto-configured toolchain](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/ac29b78000afdb95afc7e97efd2b1299ebea4dac/tools/cpp/cc_configure.bzl#L288):
-it uses a repository rule to automatically create the
-C++ configuration files for Bazel by looking for the local C++ compiler, the
-environment and the flags the C++ compiler supports.
- [Go repositories](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/blob/67bc217b6210a0922d76d252472b87e9a6118fdf/go/private/go_repositories.bzl#L195)
- uses several `repository_rule` to defines the list of dependencies
- needed to use the Go rules.
- [maven_jar](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/a110ac400190c90a45856f15482c8d0952c542f5/master/tools/build_defs/repo/maven_rules.bzl#L276)
- is a reimplementation of the native `maven_jar` rule using the
- `maven` tool.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Rules
-# Rules
-**Status: Experimental**. We may make breaking changes to the API, but we will
- help you update your code.
-A rule defines a series of [actions](#actions) that Bazel should perform on
-inputs to get a set of outputs. For example, a C++ binary rule might take a set
-of `.cpp` files (the inputs), run `g++` on them (the action), and return an
-executable file (the output).
-Note that, from Bazel's perspective, `g++` and the standard C++ libraries are
-also inputs to this rule. As a rule writer, you must consider not only the
-user-provided inputs to a rule, but also all of the tools and libraries required
-to execute the actions (called _implicit inputs_).
-Before creating or modifying any rule, make sure you are familiar with the
-[extensibility model](concepts.md) (understand the three phases and the
-differences between macros and rules).
-## Rule creation
-In a `.bzl` file, use the [rule](lib/globals.html#rule)
-function to create a new rule and store it in a global variable:
-my_rule = rule(...)
-See [the cookbook](cookbook.md#empty) for examples. The rule can then be
-loaded by BUILD files:
-load('//some/pkg:whatever.bzl', 'my_rule')
-A custom rule can be used just like a native rule. It has a mandatory `name`
-attribute, you can refer to it with a label, and you can see it in
-`bazel query`.
-The rule is analyzed when you explicitly build it, or if it is a dependency of
-the build. In this case, Bazel will execute its `implementation` function. This
-function decides what the outputs of the rule are and how to build them (using
-[actions](#actions)). During the [analysis phase](concepts.md#evaluation-model),
-no external command can be executed. Instead, actions are registered and
-will be run in the execution phase, if their output is needed for the build.
-## Attributes
-An attribute is a rule argument, such as `srcs` or `deps`. You must list
-the attributes and their types when you define a rule.
-sum = rule(
- implementation = _impl,
- attrs = {
- "number": attr.int(default = 1),
- "deps": attr.label_list(),
- },
-The following attributes are implicitly added to every rule: `deprecation`,
-`features`, `name`, `tags`, `testonly`, `visibility`. Test rules also have the
-following attributes: `args`, `flaky`, `local`, `shard_count`, `size`,
-Labels listed in `attr` will be inputs to the rule.
-To access an attribute in a rule's implementation, use
-`ctx.attr.<attribute_name>`. The name and the package of a rule are available
-with `ctx.label.name` and `ctx.label.package`.
-See [an example](cookbook.md#attr) of using `attr` in a rule.
-### <a name="private-attributes"></a> Private Attributes
-In Python, we use one leading underscore(`_`) for non-public methods and
-instance variables (see [PEP-8][1]).
-Similarly, if an attribute name starts with `_` it is private and users cannot
-set it.
-It is useful in particular for label attributes (your rule will have an
-implicit dependency on this label).
-metal_compile = rule(
- implementation = _impl,
- attrs = {
- "srcs": attr.label_list(),
- "_compiler": attr.label(
- default = Label("//tools:metalc"),
- allow_single_file = True,
- executable = True,
- ),
- },
-## Implementation function
-Every rule requires an `implementation` function. It contains the actual logic
-of the rule and is executed strictly in the
-[analysis phase](concepts.md#evaluation-model). The function has exactly one
-input parameter, `ctx`, and it may return the [runfiles](#runfiles)
-and [providers](#providers) of the rule. The input parameter `ctx` can be used
-to access attribute values, outputs and dependent targets, and files. It also
-has some helper functions. See [the library](lib/ctx.html) for more context.
-def _impl(ctx):
- ...
- return [DefaultInfo(runfiles=...), MyInfo(...)]
-my_rule = rule(
- implementation = _impl,
- ...
-## Files
-There are two kinds of files: files stored in the file system and generated
-files. For each generated file, there must be one and only one generating
-action, and each action must generate one or more output files. Bazel will throw
-an error otherwise.
-## Targets
-Every build rule corresponds to exactly one target. A target can create
-[actions](#actions), can have dependencies (which can be files or
-other build rules), [output files](#output-files) (generated by
-its actions), and [providers](#providers).
-A target `y` depends on target `x` if `y` has a label or label list type
-attribute where `x` is declared:
- name = "x",
- name = "y",
- deps = [":x"],
-In the above case, it's possible to access targets declared in `my_rule.deps`:
-def _impl(ctx):
- for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
- # Do something with dep
- ...
-my_rule = rule(
- implementation = _impl,
- attrs = {
- "deps": attr.label_list(),
- },
- ...
-## <a name="output-files"></a> Output files
-A target can declare output files, which must be generated by the target's
-actions. There are three ways to create output files:
-* If the rule is marked `executable`, it creates an output file of the same name
- as the rule's. [See example](cookbook.md#outputs-executable)
-* The rule can declare default `outputs`, which are always generated.
- [See example](cookbook.md#outputs-default)
-* The rule can have output or output list type attributes. In that case the
- output files come from the actual attribute values.
- [See example](cookbook.md#outputs-custom)
-Each output file must have exactly one generating action. See the
-[library](lib/ctx.html#outputs) for more context.
-## Default outputs
-Every rule has a set of default outputs. This is used:
-* When the user runs `bazel build` on your target. Bazel will build the default
- outputs of the rule.
-* When the target is used as a dependency of another rule. A rule can access
- the default outputs by using [target.files](lib/Target.html#files).
- This is the case, for example, if you use a rule in the `srcs` attribute of a
- `genrule`.
-Use the `files` provider to specify the default outputs of a rule.
-If left unspecified, it will contain all the declared outputs.
-def _impl(ctx):
- # ...
- return DefaultInfo(files=depset([file1, file2]))
-This can be useful for exposing files generated with
-[ctx.new_file](lib/ctx.html#new_file). You can also have "implicit
-outputs", i.e., files that are declared in the rule, but not in the default
-outputs (like `_deploy.jar` in `java_binary`).
-## Actions
-An action describes how to generate a set of outputs from a set of inputs, for
-example "run gcc on hello.c and get hello.o". When an action is created, Bazel
-doesn't run the command immediately. It registers it in a graph of dependencies,
-because an action can depend on the output of another action (e.g. in C,
-the linker must be called after compilation). In the execution phase, Bazel
-decides which actions must be run and in which order.
-There are three ways to create actions:
-* [ctx.action](lib/ctx.html#action), to run a command.
-* [ctx.file_action](lib/ctx.html#file_action), to write a string to a file.
-* [ctx.template_action](lib/ctx.html#template_action), to generate a file from a template.
-Actions take a set (which can be empty) of input files and generate a (non-empty)
-set of output files.
-The set of input and output files must be known during the
-[analysis phase](concepts.md#evaluation-model). It might depend on the value
-of attributes and information from dependencies, but it cannot depend on the
-result of the execution. For example, if your action runs the unzip command, you
-must specify which files you expect to be inflated (before running unzip).
-Actions are comparable to pure functions: They should depend only on the
-provided inputs, and avoid accessing computer information, username, clock,
-network, or I/O devices (except for reading inputs and writing outputs). This is
-important because the output will be cached and reused.
-**If an action generates a file that is not listed in its outputs**: This is
-fine, but the file will be ignored and cannot be used by other rules.
-**If an action does not generate a file that is listed in its outputs**: This is
-an execution error and the build will fail. This happens for instance when a
-compilation fails.
-**If an action generates an unknown number of outputs and you want to keep them
-all**, you must group them in a single file (e.g., a zip, tar, or other
-archive format). This way, you will be able to deterministically declare your
-**If an action does not list a file it uses as an input**, the action execution
-will most likely result in an error. The file is not guaranteed to be available
-to the action, so if it **is** there, it's due to coincidence or error.
-**If an action lists a file as an input, but does not use it**: This is fine.
-However, it can affect action execution order, resulting in sub-optimal
-Dependencies are resolved by Bazel, which will decide which actions are
-executed. It is an error if there is a cycle in the dependency graph. Creating
-an action does not guarantee that it will be executed: It depends on whether
-its outputs are needed for the build.
-## Configurations
-Imagine that you want to build a C++ binary and target a different architecture.
-The build can be complex and involve multiple steps. Some of the intermediate
-binaries, like the compilers and code generators, have to run on your machine
-(the host); some of the binaries such the final output must be built for the
-target architecture.
-For this reason, Bazel has a concept of "configurations" and transitions. The
-topmost targets (the ones requested on the command line) are built in the
-"target" configuration, while tools that should run locally on the host are
-built in the "host" configuration. Rules may generate different actions based on
-the configuration, for instance to change the cpu architecture that is passed to
-the compiler. In some cases, the same library may be needed for different
-configurations. If this happens, it will be analyzed and potentially built
-multiple times.
-By default, Bazel builds the dependencies of a target in the same configuration
-as the target itself, i.e. without transitioning. When a target depends on a
-tool, the label attribute will specify a transition to the host configuration.
-This causes the tool and all of its dependencies to be built for the host
-machine, assuming those dependencies do not themselves have transitions.
-For each [label attribute](lib/attr.html#label), you can decide whether the
-dependency should be built in the same configuration, or transition to the host
-configuration (using `cfg`). If a label attribute has the flag
-`executable=True`, the configuration must be set explicitly.
-[See example](cookbook.html#execute-a-binary)
-In general, sources, dependent libraries, and executables that will be needed at
-runtime can use the same configuration.
-Tools that are executed as part of the build (e.g., compilers, code generators)
-should be built for the host configuration. In this case, specify `cfg="host"`
-in the attribute.
-Otherwise, executables that are used at runtime (e.g. as part of a test) should
-be built for the target configuration. In this case, specify `cfg="target"` in
-the attribute.
-The configuration `"data"` is present for legacy reasons and should be used for
-the `data` attributes.
-## <a name="fragments"></a> Configuration Fragments
-Rules may access [configuration fragments](lib/skylark-configuration-fragment.html)
-such as `cpp`, `java` and `jvm`. However, all required fragments must be
-declared in order to avoid access errors:
-def _impl(ctx):
- # Using ctx.fragments.cpp would lead to an error since it was not declared.
- x = ctx.fragments.java
- ...
-my_rule = rule(
- implementation = _impl,
- fragments = ["java"], # Required fragments of the target configuration
- host_fragments = ["java"], # Required fragments of the host configuration
- ...
-`ctx.fragments` only provides configuration fragments for the target
-configuration. If you want to access fragments for the host configuration,
-use `ctx.host_fragments` instead.
-## Providers
-Providers are pieces of information that a rule exposes to other rules that
-depend on it. This data can include output files, libraries, parameters to pass
-on a tool's command line, or anything else the depending rule should know about.
-Providers are the only mechanism to exchange data between rules, and can be
-thought of as part of a rule's public interface (loosely analogous to a
-function's return value).
-A rule can only see the providers of its direct dependencies. If there is a rule
-`top` that depends on `middle`, and `middle` depends on `bottom`, then we say
-that `middle` is a direct dependency of `top`, while `bottom` is a transitive
-dependency of `top`. In this case, `top` can see the providers of `middle`. The
-only way for `top` to see any information from `bottom` is if `middle`
-re-exports this information in its own providers; this is how transitive
-information can be accumulated from all dependencies. In such cases, consider
-using [depsets](depsets.md) to hold the data more efficiently without excessive
-Providers can be declared using the [provider()](lib/globals.html#provider) function:
-TransitiveDataInfo = provider()
-Rule implementation function can then construct and return provider instances:
-def rule_implementation(ctx):
- ...
- return [TransitiveDataInfo(value = ["a", "b", "c"])]
-`TransitiveDataInfo` acts both as a constructor for provider instances and as a key to access them.
-A [target](lib/Target.html) serves as a map from each provider that the target supports, to the
-target's corresponding instance of that provider.
-A rule can access the providers of its dependencies using the square bracket notation (`[]`):
-def dependent_rule_implementation(ctx):
- ...
- s = depset()
- for dep_target in ctx.attr.deps:
- s += dep_target[TransitiveDataInfo].value
- ...
-All targets have a [`DefaultInfo`](lib/globals.html#DefaultInfo) provider that can be used to access
-some information relevant to all targets.
-Providers are only available during the analysis phase. Examples of usage:
-* [mandatory providers](cookbook.md#mandatory-providers)
-* [optional providers](cookbook.md#optional-providers)
-> *Note:*
-> Historically, Bazel also supported provider instances that are identified by strings and
-> accessed as fields on the `target` object instead of as keys. This style is deprecated
-> but still supported. Return legacy providers as follows:
-def rule_implementation(ctx):
- ...
- modern_provider = TransitiveDataInfo(value = ["a", "b", "c"])
- # Legacy style.
- return struct(legacy_provider = struct(...),
- another_legacy_provider = struct(...),
- # The `providers` field contains provider instances that can be accessed
- # the "modern" way.
- providers = [modern_provider])
-> To access legacy providers, use the dot notation.
-> Note that the same target can define both modern and legacy providers:
-def dependent_rule_implementation(ctx):
- ...
- s = depset()
- for dep_target in ctx.attr.deps:
- x = dep_target.legacy_provider # legacy style
- s += dep_target[TransitiveDataInfo].value # modern style
- ...
-> **We recommend using modern providers for all future code.**
-## Runfiles
-Runfiles are a set of files used by the (often executable) output of a rule
-during runtime (as opposed to build time, i.e. when the binary itself is
-During the [execution phase](concepts.md#evaluation-model), Bazel creates a
-directory tree containing symlinks pointing to the runfiles. This stages the
-environment for the binary so it can access the runfiles during runtime.
-Runfiles can be added manually during rule creation and/or collected
-transitively from the rule's dependencies:
-def _rule_implementation(ctx):
- ...
- transitive_runfiles = depset()
- for dep in ctx.attr.special_dependencies:
- transitive_runfiles += dep.transitive_runtime_files
- runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
- # Add some files manually.
- files = [ctx.file.some_data_file],
- # Add transitive files from dependencies manually.
- transitive_files = transitive_runfiles,
- # Collect runfiles from the common locations: transitively from srcs,
- # deps and data attributes.
- collect_default = True,
- )
- # Add a field named "runfiles" to the DefaultInfo provider in order to actually
- # create the symlink tree.
- return [DefaultInfo(runfiles=runfiles)]
-Note that non-executable rule outputs can also have runfiles. For example, a
-library might need some external files during runtime, and every dependent
-binary should know about them.
-Also note that if an action uses an executable, the executable's runfiles can
-be used when the action executes.
-Normally, the relative path of a file in the runfiles tree is the same as the
-relative path of that file in the source tree or generated output tree. If these
-need to be different for some reason, you can specify the `root_symlinks` or
-`symlinks` arguments. The `root_symlinks` is a dictionary mapping paths to
-files, where the paths are relative to the root of the runfiles directory. The
-`symlinks` dictionary is the same, but paths are implicitly prefixed with the
-name of the workspace.
- ...
- runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
- root_symlinks = {"some/path/here.foo": ctx.file.some_data_file2}
- symlinks = {"some/path/here.bar": ctx.file.some_data_file3}
- )
- # Creates something like:
- # sometarget.runfiles/
- # some/
- # path/
- # here.foo -> some_data_file2
- # <workspace_name>/
- # some/
- # path/
- # here.bar -> some_data_file3
-If `symlinks` or `root_symlinks` is used, be careful not to map two different
-files to the same path in the runfiles tree. This will cause the build to fail
-with an error describing the conflict. To fix, you will need to modify your
-`ctx.runfiles` arguments to remove the collision. This checking will be done for
-any targets using your rule, as well as targets of any kind that depend on those
-## Output groups
-By default Bazel builds a target's
-[default outputs](#default-outputs). However, a rule can also create
- other outputs that are not part of a typical build but might still be useful,
- such as debug information files. The facility for this is _output groups_.
-A rule can declare that a certain file belongs to a certain output group by returning
-the [OutputGroupInfo](lib/globals.html#OutputGroupInfo) provider. Fields of
-that provider are output group names:
-def _impl(ctx):
- name = ...
- binary = ctx.new_file(name)
- debug_file = ctx.new_file(name + ".pdb")
- # ... add actions to generate these files
- return [DefaultInfo(files = depset([binary])),
- OutputGroupInfo(debug_files = depset([debug_file]),
- all_files = depset([binary, debug_file]))]
-By default, only the `binary` file will be built.
-The user can specify an [`--output_groups=debug_files`](../command-line-reference.html#build)
-flag on the command line. In that case, only `debug_file` will be built. If the user
-specifies `--output_groups=all_files`, both `binary` and `debug_file` will be build.
-> Note: [OutputGroupInfo](skylark/lib/globals.html#OutputGroupInfo) is a regular
-> [provider](#providers), and dependencies of a target can examine it using
-> the `target[OutputGroupInfo]` syntax.
-## Code coverage instrumentation
-A rule can use the `instrumented_files` provider to provide information about
-which files should be measured when code coverage data collection is enabled:
-def _rule_implementation(ctx):
- ...
- return struct(instrumented_files = struct(
- # Optional: File extensions used to filter files from source_attributes.
- # If not provided, then all files from source_attributes will be
- # added to instrumented files, if an empty list is provided, then
- # no files from source attributes will be added.
- extensions = ["ext1", "ext2"],
- # Optional: Attributes that contain source files for this rule.
- source_attributes = ["srcs"],
- # Optional: Attributes for dependencies that could include instrumented
- # files.
- dependency_attributes = ["data", "deps"]))
-[ctx.config.coverage_enabled](lib/configuration.html#coverage_enabled) notes
-whether coverage data collection is enabled for the current run in general
-(but says nothing about which files specifically should be instrumented).
-If a rule implementation needs to add coverage instrumentation at
-compile-time, it can determine if its sources should be instrumented with
-# Are this rule's sources instrumented?
-if ctx.coverage_instrumented():
- # Do something to turn on coverage for this compile action
-Note that function will always return false if `ctx.config.coverage_enabled` is
-false, so you don't need to check both.
-If the rule directly includes sources from its dependencies before compilation
-(e.g. header files), it may also need to turn on compile-time instrumentation
-if the dependencies' sources should be instrumented. In this case, it may
-also be worth checking `ctx.config.coverage_enabled` so you can avoid looping
-over dependencies unnecessarily:
-# Are this rule's sources or any of the sources for its direct dependencies
-# in deps instrumented?
-if ctx.config.coverage_enabled:
- if (ctx.coverage_instrumented() or
- any(ctx.coverage_instrumented(dep) for dep in ctx.attr.deps):
- # Do something to turn on coverage for this compile action
-## Executable rules
-An executable rule is a rule that users can run using `bazel run`.
-To make a rule executable, set `executable=True` in the
-[rule function](lib/globals.html#rule). The `implementation` function of the
-rule must generate the output file `ctx.outputs.executable`.
-[See example](cookbook.md#outputs-executable)
-## Test rules
-Test rules are run using `bazel test`.
-To create a test rule, set `test=True` in the
-[rule function](lib/globals.html#rule). The name of the rule must
-also end with `_test`. Test rules are implicitly executable, which means that
-the `implementation` function of the rule must generate the output file
-Test rules inherit the following attributes: `args`, `flaky`, `local`,
-`shard_count`, `size`, `timeout`.
-[1]: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#id46
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-layout: documentation
-title: Get Support
-# Get Support
-* Ask questions on [Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/bazel) using the
-`bazel` tag.
-* Discuss on the [User mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss).
-* Report bugs or feature requests in our [GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues).
-* Find other Bazel contributors on [IRC](http://webchat.freenode.net)
-# Support Policy
-We generally avoid making backwards-incompatible changes. We have several years of experience with
-supporting a huge code base that is concurrently worked on by thousands of engineers every day,
-and have successfully made significant changes to the core as well as to the rules without missing
-a beat. We run hundreds of thousands of tests at Google before every single release to ensure that
-it stays that way.
-That said, we occasionally have to make incompatible changes in order to fix bugs, to make further
-improvements to the system, such as improving performance or usability, or to lock down APIs that
-are known to be brittle.
-This document gives an overview of features that are widely used and that we consider stable. By
-stable, we mean that the changes we make will be backwards compatible, or that we will provide a
-migration path.
-It also covers features that are unstable. Either they are not yet widely used, or we are already
-planning to change them significantly, possibly in ways that are not backwards compatible.
-We cannot cover everything that might change, but you can reasonably expect that we provide
-advance notice on the mailing list before a major change happens. We're also happy to provide more
-details, just ask on [bazel-discuss](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss).
-All undocumented features (attributes, rules, "Make" variables, and flags) are subject to change
-at any time without prior notice. Features that are documented but marked *experimental* are also
-subject to change at any time without prior notice.
-Bazel's extension language Skylark (anything you write in a `.bzl` file) is still subject to change.
-We are in the process of migrating Google to Skylark, and expect the language part to extend macros
-to stabilize as part of that process. Adding rules with skylark is still somewhat experimental.
-Help keep us honest: report bugs and regressions in the
-[GitHub bugtracker](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues). We will make an effort to triage all
-reported issues within 2 business days.
-## Releases
-We regularly publish [binary releases of Bazel](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases). To
-that end, we announce release candidates on
-[bazel-discuss](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss); these are binaries that have
-passed all of our unit tests. Over the next few days, we regression test all applicable build
-targets at Google. If you have a critical project using Bazel, we recommend that you establish an
-automated testing process that tracks the current release candidate, and report any regressions.
-If no regressions are discovered, we officially release the candidate after a week. However,
-regressions can delay the release of a release candidate. If regressions are found, we apply
-corresponding cherry-picks to the release candidate to fix those regressions. If no further
-regressions are found for two business days, but not before a week has elapsed since the first
-release candidate, we release it.
-### Release versioning
-Version 0.1 is our first release marking the start of our beta phase. Until version 1.0.0, we
-increase the MINOR version every time we reach a [new milestone](http://bazel.build/roadmap.html).
-Version 1.0.0 marks the end of our beta phase; afterwards, we will label each release with a
-version number of the form MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH according to the
-[semantic version 2.0.0 document](http://semver.org).
-## Current Status
-### Built-In Rules and the Internal API For Rules ###
-We are planning a number of changes to the APIs between the core of Bazel and the built-in rules,
-in order to make it easier for us to develop openly. This has the added benefit of also making it
-easier for users to maintain their own rules (if written in Java instead of Skylark), if they don't
-want to or cannot check this code into our repository. However, it also means our internal API is
-not stable yet. In the long term, we want to move to Skylark wholesale, so we encourage contributors
-to use Skylark instead of Java when writing new rules. Rewriting all of our built-in rules is going
-to be a lengthy process however.
-1. We will fix the friction points that we know about, as well as those that we discover every time
- we make changes that span both the internal and external depots.
-2. We will drive a number of pending API cleanups to completion, as well as run anticipated cleanups
- to the APIs, such as disallowing access to the file system from rule implementations (because
- it's not hermetic).
-3. We will enumerate the internal rule APIs, and make sure that they are appropriately marked (for
- example with annotations) and documented. Just collecting a list will likely give us good
- suggestions for further improvements, as well as opportunities for a more principled API review
- process.
-4. We will automatically check rule implementations against an API whitelist, with the intention
- that API changes are implicitly flagged during code review.
-5. We will work on removing (legacy) Google-internal features to reduce the amount of differences
- between the internal and external rule sets.
-6. We will encourage our engineers to make changes in the external depot first, and migrate them to
- to the internal one afterwards.
-7. We will move more of our rule implementations into the open source repository (Android, Go,
- Python, the remaining C++ rules), even if we don't consider the code to be *ready* or if they are
- still missing tools to work properly.
-8. In order to be able to accept external contributions, our highest priority item for Skylark is a
- testing framework. We encourage to write new rules in Skylark rather than in Java.
-### Stable
-We expect the following rules and features to be stable. They are widely used within Google, so
-our internal testing should ensure that there are no major breakages.
-<table class="table table-condensed table-striped table-bordered">
- <colgroup>
- <col class="support-col-rules" />
- <col class="support-col-notes" />
- </colgroup>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th>Rules</th>
- <th>Notes</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td>C/C++ rules except <code>cc_toolchain</code> and <code>cc_toolchain_suite</code></td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Java rules except <code>java_toolchain</code></td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Android rules except <code>android_ndk_repository</code> and
- <code>android_sdk_repository</code></td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>genrule</code></td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>genquery</code></td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>test_suite</code></td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>filegroup</code></td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>config_setting</code></td>
- <td>
- <ul>
- <li>This rule is used in <code>select()</code> expressions. We have hundreds of uses, so
- we expect the basic functionality to be stable. That said, there are some common use
- cases that are not covered yet, or that require workarounds. For example, it's not
- easily possible to select on information specified in a CROSSTOOL file, such as the
- target abi. Another example is that it's not possible to OR multiple conditions,
- leading to duplicated entries in the select.
- </li>
- </ul>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-### Unstable
-These rules and features have known limitations that we will likely address in future releases.
-<table class="table table-condensed table-striped table-bordered">
- <colgroup>
- <col class="support-col-rules" />
- <col class="support-col-notes" />
- </colgroup>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th>Feature</th>
- <th>Notes</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td><code>cc_toolchain</code> and <code>cc_toolchain_suite</code></td>
- <td>
- <ul>
- <li>We intend to make significant changes to the way C/C++ toolchains are defined; we will
- keep our published C/C++ toolchain definition(s) up to date, but we make no guarantees for
- custom ones.</li>
- </ul>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>iOS/Objective C rules</td>
- <td>
- <ul>
- <li>We cannot vouch for changes made by Apple &reg; to the underlying tools and
- infrastructure.</li>
- <li>The rules are fairly new and still subject to change; we try to avoid breaking changes,
- but this may not always be possible.</li>
- <li>No testing support yet.</li>
- </ul>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Python rules</td>
- <td>
- <ul>
- <li>The rules support neither Python 3, C/C++ extensions, nor packaging.
- </li>
- </ul>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Extra actions (<code>extra_action</code>, <code>action_listener</code>)</td>
- <td>
- <ul>
- <li>Extra actions expose information about Bazel that we consider to be implementation
- details, such as the exact interface between Bazel and the tools we provide; as such,
- users will need to keep up with changes to tools to avoid breakage.</li>
- </ul>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>environment_group</code></td>
- <td>
- <ul>
- <li>We're planning to use it more extensively, replacing several machine-enforceable
- constraint mechanism, but there's only a handful of uses so far. We fully expect it to
- work, but there's a small chance that we have to go back to the drawing board.</li>
- </ul>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>android_ndk_repository</code> and <code>android_sdk_repository</code></td>
- <td>
- <ul>
- <li>We don't support pre-release NDKs or SDKs at this time. Furthermore, we may still
- make backwards-incompatible changes to the attributes or the semantics.</li>
- </ul>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>Fileset</code></td>
- <td>
- <ul>
- <li>There are vestiges of Fileset / FilesetEntry in the source code, but we do not intend to
- support them in Bazel, ever.</li>
- <li>They're still widely used internally, and are therefore unlikely to go away in the near
- future.</li>
- </ul>
- </td>
- </tbody>
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/test-encyclopedia.html b/site/versions/master/docs/test-encyclopedia.html
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--- a/site/versions/master/docs/test-encyclopedia.html
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@@ -1,490 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Test Encyclopedia
-<h1>Writing tests</h1>
-<p class="lead">An Exhaustive Specification of the Test Execution Environment</p>
-<p>The Bazel BUILD language includes rules which can be used to define
-automated test programs in many languages.</p>
-<p>Tests are run using <code><a href="bazel-user-manual.html#test">bazel test</a></code>.
-Users may also execute test binaries directly. This is allowed but not endorsed, as such
-an invocation will not adhere to the mandates described below.</p>
-<p>Tests should be <i>hermetic</i>: that is, they ought to access only those
-resources on which they have a declared dependency. If tests are not properly
-hermetic then they do not give historically reproducible results. This could be a
-significant problem for culprit finding (determining which change broke a test),
-release engineering auditability, and resource isolation of tests (automated
-testing frameworks ought not DDOS a server because some tests happen to
-talk to it).<p>
-<p>The goal of this document is to formally establish the runtime environment
-for and expected behavior of Bazel tests. It will also impose requirements on
-the test runner and the build system.
-Our intent is to help test authors avoid relying on unspecified
-behavior, and thus give the testing infrastructure more freedom to make
-implementation changes. We will also take the opportunity to tighten up some
-holes which currently allow many tests to pass despite not being
-properly hermetic, deterministic, and reentrant.</p>
-<p>This document is intended to be both normative and authoritative. If
-this specification and the implemented behavior of test runner disagree, the
-specification takes precedence.</p>
-<h3>Purpose of Tests</h3>
-<p>The purpose of Bazel tests is to confirm some property of the source files
-checked into the repository. (In this document, "source files" includes test data,
-golden outputs, and anything else kept under version control.) One
-user writes a test to assert an invariant which they expect to be maintained.
-Other users execute the test later to check whether the invariant has been
-broken. If the test depends on any variables other than source files
-(non-hermetic), its value is diminished, because the later users cannot be sure
-their changes are at fault when the test stops passing.</p>
-<p>Therefore the outcome of a test must depend only on:</p>
- <li>source files on which the test has a declared dependency</li>
- <li>products of the build system on which the test has a declared dependency</li>
- <li>resources whose behavior is guaranteed by the test runner to remain constant</li>
-<p>Currently, such behavior is not enforced. However, test runners reserve the
-right to add such enforcement in the future.</p>
-<h3>Role of the Build System</h3>
-<p>Test rules are analogous to binary rules in that each must yield an
-executable program. For some languages, this is a stub program which combines
-a language-specific harness with the test code. Test rules must produce other
-outputs as well. In addition to the primary test executable, the test runner
-will need a manifest of <b>runfiles</b>, input files which should be made
-available to the test at runtime, and it may need information about the type,
-size, and tags of a test.</p>
-<p>The build system may use the runfiles to deliver code as well as data. (This
-might be used as an optimization to make each test binary smaller by sharing
-files across tests, e.g. through the use of dynamic linking.) The build system
-should ensure that the generated executable loads these files via the runfiles
-image provided by the test runner, rather than hardcoded references to absolute
-locations in the source or output tree.</p>
-<h3>Role of the Test Runner</h3>
-<p>From the point of view of the test runner, each test is a program which can
-be invoked with <code>execve()</code>. There may be other ways to execute
-tests; for example, an IDE might allow the execution of Java tests in-process.
-However, the result of running the test as a standalone process must be
-considered authoritative. If a test process runs to completion and terminates
-normally with an exit code of zero, the test has passed. Any other result is
-considered a test failure. In particular, writing any of the strings
-<code>PASS</code> or <code>FAIL</code> to stdout has no significance to the test
-<p>If a test takes too long to execute, exceeds some resource limit, or the test
-runner otherwise detects prohibited behavior, it may choose to kill the test
-and treat the run as a failure. The runner must not report the test as passing
-after sending a signal to the test process or any children thereof.</p>
-<p id="timeout">The whole test target (not individual methods or tests) is given a
-limited amount of time to run to completion. The time limit for a test is based
-on its timeout attribute according to the following table:</p>
-<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed">
- <thead>
- <tr><th>timeout</th><th>Time Limit (sec.)</th></tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr><td><code>short</code></td><td>60</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>moderate</code></td><td>300</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>long</code></td><td>900</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>eternal</code></td><td>3600</td></tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="size">Tests which do not explicitly specify a timeout have one implied based on the
-test's <code>size</code> as follows:</p>
-<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed">
- <thead>
- <tr><th>size</th><th>Implied timeout label</th></tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr><td><code>small</code></td><td>short</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>medium</code></td><td>moderate</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>large</code></td><td>long</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>enormous</code></td><td>eternal</td></tr>
- </tbody>
-<p>For example a "large" test with no explicit timeout setting will be allotted
-900 seconds to run. A "medium" test with a timeout of "short" will be allotted
-60 seconds.</p>
-<p>All combinations of <code>size</code> and <code>timeout</code> labels are
-legal, so an "enormous" test may be declared to have a timeout of "short".
-Presumably it would do some really horrible things very quickly.</p>
-<p>Tests may return arbitrarily fast regardless of timeout. A test is not
-penalized for an overgenerous timeout, although a warning may be issued: you
-should generally set your timeout as tight as you can without incurring any
-<p>There is also a recommended lower bound for test timeouts as follows: </p>
-<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed">
- <thead>
- <tr><th>size</th><th>Time minimum (sec.)</th></tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr><td><code>short</code></td><td>0</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>moderate</code></td><td>30</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>long</code></td><td>300</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>eternal</code></td><td>900</td></tr>
- </tbody>
-<p>For example, if a "moderate" test completes in 5.5s, consider setting
-<code>timeout</code>="short" or <code>size</code>="small". Using the bazel
-<code>--test_verbose_timeout_warnings</code> command line option will show the
-tests whose specified size is too big.</p>
-<p>Test sizes and timeouts are specified in the BUILD file according to the specification
-<a href="be/common-definitions.html#common-attributes-tests">here</a>.
-Any test that does not specify a recognized size will default to being a medium
-<p>If the main process of a test exits, but some of its children are still
-running, the test runner should consider the run complete and count it as a
-success or failure based on the exit code observed from the main process. The
-test runner may kill any stray processes. Tests should not leak processes in
-this fashion.</p>
-<p>When executing a test, the test runner must establish certain initial
-<h3>Initial Conditions</h3>
-<p>The test runner must invoke each test with the path to the test
-executable in <code>argv[0]</code>. This path must be relative and
-beneath the test's current directory (which is in the runfiles tree,
-see below).
-The test runner should not pass any other arguments to a
-test unless the user explicitly requests it.</p>
-<p>The initial environment block shall be composed as follows:</p>
-<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed">
- <thead>
- <tr><th>Variable</th><th>Value</th><th>Status</th></tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr><td><code>HOME</code></td><td>value of <code>$TEST_TMPDIR</code></td><td>recommended</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>LANG</code></td><td><i>unset</i></td><td>required</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>LANGUAGE</code></td><td><i>unset</i></td><td>required</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>LC_ALL</code></td><td><i>unset</i></td><td>required</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>LC_COLLATE</code></td><td><i>unset</i></td><td>required</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>LC_CTYPE</code></td><td><i>unset</i></td><td>required</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>LC_MESSAGES</code></td><td><i>unset</i></td><td>required</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>LC_MONETARY</code></td><td><i>unset</i></td><td>required</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>LC_NUMERIC</code></td><td><i>unset</i></td><td>required</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>LC_TIME</code></td><td><i>unset</i></td><td>required</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</code></td><td>colon-separated list of directories containing shared libraries</td><td>optional</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>JAVA_RUNFILES</code></td><td>value of <code>$TEST_SRCDIR</code></td><td>deprecated</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>LOGNAME</code></td><td>value of <code>$USER</code></td><td>required</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>PATH</code></td><td><code>/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:.</code></td><td>recommended</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>PWD</code></td><td><code>$TEST_SRCDIR/<i>workspace-name</i></code></td><td>recommended</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>SHLVL</code></td><td><code>2</code></td><td>recommended</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>TEST_PREMATURE_EXIT_FILE</code></td><td>absolute path to a private file in a writable directory (used for catching calls to exit())</td><td>optional</td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>TEST_RANDOM_SEED</code></td>
- <td colspan="2">If the <code class='flag'>--runs_per_test</code> option is used, TEST_RANDOM_SEED
- is set to the <var>run number</var> (starting with 1) for each individual test run.</td>
- <td>optional</td>
- </tr>
- <tr><td><code>TEST_SIZE</code></td><td>The test <a href="#size"><code>size</code></a></td><td>optional</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>TEST_TIMEOUT</code></td><td>The test <a href="#timeout"><code>timeout</code></a></td><td>optional</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>TEST_SRCDIR</code></td><td>absolute path to the base of the runfiles tree</td><td>required</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>TEST_TMPDIR</code></td><td>absolute path to a private writable directory</td><td>required</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_DIR</code></td><td>absolute path to a private writable directory (used to write undeclared test outputs)</td><td>optional</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_ANNOTATIONS_DIR</code></td><td>absolute path to a private writable directory (used to write undeclared test output annotation .part files).
- </td><td>optional</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>TEST_WARNINGS_OUTPUT_FILE</code></td><td>absolute path to a private file in a writable directory (used to write test target warnings)</td><td>optional</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>TZ</code></td><td><code>UTC</code></td><td>required</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>USER</code></td><td>value of <code>getpwuid(getuid())-&gt;pw_name</code></td><td>required</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>XML_OUTPUT_FILE</code></td><td>Location of the <code>ANT</code>-like XML output file</td><td>optional</td></tr>
- <tr><td><code>TEST_WORKSPACE</code></td><td>the local repository's workspace name</td><td>optional</td></tr>
- </tbody>
-<p>The environment may contain additional entries. Tests should not depend on the
-presence, absence, or value of any environment variable not listed above.</p>
-<p>The initial working directory shall be <code>$TEST_SRCDIR/$TEST_WORKSPACE</code>.</p>
-<p> The current process id, process group id, session id, and parent process
-id are unspecified. The process may or may not be a process group leader or a
-session leader. The process may or may not have a controlling terminal. The
-process may have zero or more running or unreaped child processes. The process
-should not have multiple threads when the test code gains control.</p>
-<p>File descriptor 0 (stdin) shall be open for reading, but what it is attached
-to is unspecified. Tests must not read from it. File descriptors 1 (stdout)
-and 2 (stderr) shall be open for writing, but what they are attached to is
-unspecified. It could be a terminal, a pipe, a regular file, or anything else
-to which characters can be written. They may share an entry in the open file
-table (meaning that they cannot seek independently). Tests should not inherit
-any other open file descriptors.</p>
-<p>The initial umask shall be 022 or 027.</p>
-<p>No alarm or interval timer shall be pending.</p>
-<p>The initial mask of blocked signals shall be empty. All signals shall be set
-to their default action.</p>
-<p>The initial resource limits, both soft and hard, should be set as follows:</p>
-<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed">
- <thead>
- <tr><th>Resource</th><th>Limit</th></tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr><td>RLIMIT_AS</td><td>unlimited</td></tr>
- <tr><td>RLIMIT_CORE</td><td>unspecified</td></tr>
- <tr><td>RLIMIT_CPU</td><td>unlimited</td></tr>
- <tr><td>RLIMIT_DATA</td><td>unlimited</td></tr>
- <tr><td>RLIMIT_FSIZE</td><td>unlimited</td></tr>
- <tr><td>RLIMIT_LOCKS</td><td>unlimited</td></tr>
- <tr><td>RLIMIT_MEMLOCK</td><td>unlimited</td></tr>
- <tr><td>RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE</td><td>unspecified</td></tr>
- <tr><td>RLIMIT_NICE</td><td>unspecified</td></tr>
- <tr><td>RLIMIT_NOFILE</td><td>at least 1024</td></tr>
- <tr><td>RLIMIT_NPROC</td><td>unspecified</td></tr>
- <tr><td>RLIMIT_RSS</td><td>unlimited</td></tr>
- <tr><td>RLIMIT_RTPRIO</td><td>unspecified</td></tr>
- <tr><td>RLIMIT_SIGPENDING</td><td>unspecified</td></tr>
- <tr><td>RLIMIT_STACK</td><td>unlimited, or 2044KB &lt;= rlim &lt;= 8192KB</td></tr>
- </tbody>
-<p>The initial process times (as returned by <code>times()</code>) and resource
-utilization (as returned by <code>getrusage()</code>) are unspecified.</p>
-<p>The initial scheduling policy and priority are unspecified.</p>
-<h3>Role of the Host System</h3>
-<p>In addition to the aspects of user context under direct control of the
-test runner, the operating system on which tests execute must satisfy certain
-properties for a test run to be valid.</p>
-The root directory observed by a test may or may not be the real root directory.<br>
-<code>/proc</code> shall be mounted.<br>
-All build tools shall be present at the absolute paths under <code>/usr</code> used by a local installation.<br>
-Paths starting with <code>/home</code> may not be available. Tests should not access any such paths.<br>
-<code>/tmp</code> and <code>/export/hda3/tmp</code> shall be writable, but tests should avoid using these paths.<br>
-Tests must not assume that any constant path is available for their exclusive use.<br>
-Tests must not assume that atimes are enabled for any mounted filesystem.<br>
-<h4>Users and groups</h4>
-<p>The users root, nobody, and unittest must exist. The groups root, nobody,
-and eng must exist.</p>
-<p>Tests must be executed as a non-root user. The real and effective user ids
-must be equal; likewise for group ids. Beyond this, the current user id, group
-id, user name, and group name are unspecified. The set of supplementary group
-ids is unspecified.</p>
-<p>The current user id and group id must have corresponding names which can be
-retrieved with <code>getpwuid()</code> and <code>getgrgid()</code>. The same
-may not be true for supplementary group ids.</p>
-<p>The current user must have a home directory. It may not be writable. Tests
-must not attempt to write to it.</p>
-<p>The hostname is unspecified. It may or may not contain a dot. Resolving
-the hostname must give an IP address of the current host. Resolving the
-hostname cut after the first dot must also work. The hostname localhost must
-<h4>Other resources</h4>
-<p>Tests are granted at least one CPU core. Others may be available but this
-is not guaranteed. Other performance aspects of this core are not specified.
-You can increase the reservation to a higher number of CPU cores by adding the
-tag "cpu:n" (where n is a positive number) to a test rule. If a machine has
-less total CPU cores than requested, Bazel will still run the test. If a test
-uses sharding, each individual shard will reserve the number of CPU cores
-specified here.</p>
-<p>Tests may create subprocesses, but not process groups or sessions.</p>
-<p>There is a limit on both the number of input files a test may consume, and
-their aggregate size. Such limits are subject to change, but are currently in
-the range of tens of thousands of inputs and several GB of aggregate size.</p>
-<h4>Time and date</h4>
-<p>The current time and date are unspecified. The system timezone is unspecified.
-<p>X Windows may or may not be available. Tests that need an X server should
-start Xvfb.</p>
-<h3>Test interaction with the filesystem</h3>
-<p>All file paths specified in test environment variables point to
-somewhere on the local filesystem, unless otherwise specified.</p>
-Tests should create files only within the directories specified by
-<code>$TEST_TMPDIR</code> and <code>$TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_DIR</code>
-(if set).<br>
-These directories will be initially empty.<br>
-Tests must not attempt to remove, chmod, or otherwise alter these directories.<br>
-These directories may be a symbolic links.<br>
-The filesystem type of <code>$TEST_TMPDIR/.</code> remains unspecified.<br>
-Tests may also write .part files to the <code>$TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_ANNOTATIONS_DIR</code>
-to annotate undeclared output files.</p>
-<p>Tests must access inputs through the <b>runfiles</b> mechanism, or other
-parts of the execution environment which are specifically intended to make
-input files available.
-Tests must not access other outputs of the
-build system at paths inferred from the location of their own executable.</p>
-<p>It is unspecified whether the runfiles tree contains regular files, symbolic
-links, or a mixture. The runfiles tree may contain symlinks to directories.
-Tests should avoid using paths containing <code>..</code> components within the
-runfiles tree.</p>
-<p>No directory, file, or symlink within the runfiles tree (including paths
-which traverse symlinks) should be writable. (It follows that the initial
-working directory should not be writable.) Tests must not assume that any part
-of the runfiles is writable, or owned by the current user (i.e. chmod and chgrp
-may fail).</p>
-<p>The runfiles tree (including paths which traverse symlinks) must not change
-during test execution. Parent directories and filesystem mounts must not change
-in any way which affects the result of resolving a path within the runfiles
-<p>In order to catch early exit, a test may create a file at the path specified by
-<code>TEST_PREMATURE_EXIT_FILE</code> upon start and remove it upon exit. If
-Bazel sees the file when the test finishes, it will assume that the test exited
-prematurely and mark it as having failed.</p>
-<h3>Tag conventions</h3>
- Some tags in the test rules have a special
- meaning.
-<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed">
- <thead>
- <tr><th>Tag</th><th>Meaning</th></tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th><code>exclusive</code></th>
- <td>run no other test at the same time</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th><code>external</code></th>
- <td>test has an external dependency; disable test caching</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th><code>large</code></th>
- <td><code>test_suite</code> convention; suite of large tests<br/>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th><code>manual</code></th>
- <td>don't include test target in wildcard target patterns like <code>:...</code>, <code>:*</code>, or <code>:all</code>)</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th><code>medium</code></th>
- <td><code>test_suite</code> convention; suite of medium tests
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th><code>small</code></th>
- <td><code>test_suite</code> convention; suite of small tests</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th><code>smoke</code></th>
- <td>
- <code>test_suite</code> convention; means it should be run before committing code changes
- into the version control system
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p>In the following, assume there is a *_binary() rule labeled <code>//foo/bar:unittest</code>,
-with a run-time dependency on the rule labeled <code>//deps/server:server</code>.</p>
-<p>The runfiles directory for a target <code>//foo/bar:unittest</code> is the directory
-<code>$(WORKSPACE)/$(BINDIR)/foo/bar/unittest.runfiles</code>. This path is referred to as the
-<p>The runfiles directory is declared as a compile-time dependency of the *_binary() rule.
-The runfiles directory itself depends on the set of BUILD files that affect the *_binary() rule
-or any of its compile-time or run-time dependencies. Modifying source files does not affect the
-structure of the runfiles directory, and thus does not trigger any rebuilding.</p>
-<p>The runfiles directory contains the following:</p>
- <li><b>Symlinks to run-time dependencies</b>: each OutputFile and CommandRule that is a run-time
-dependency of the *_binary() rule is represented by one symlink in the runfiles directory.
-The name of the symlink is <code>$(WORKSPACE)/package_name/rule_name</code>. For example, the
-symlink for server would be named <code>$(WORKSPACE)/deps/server/server</code>, and the full path
-would be <code>$(WORKSPACE)/foo/bar/unittest.runfiles/$(WORKSPACE)/deps/server/server</code>.
-The destination of the symlink is the OutputFileName() of the OutputFile or CommandRule,
-expressed as an absolute path. Thus, the destination of the symlink might be
- <li><b>Symlinks to sub-runfiles</b>: for every *_binary() Z that is a run-time depdendency of
-*_binary() C, there is a second link in the runfiles directory of C to the runfiles of Z.
-The name of the symlink is <code>$(WORKSPACE)/package_name/rule_name.runfiles</code>.
-The target of the symlink is the runfiles directory. I.e. all subprograms share a common
-runfiles directory.</li>
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-layout: documentation
-title: Tutorial - Build an Android App
-# Tutorial - Build an Android App
-The sample Android app in this tutorial is a very simple application that makes
-an HTTP connection to the [backend server](backend-server.md) and displays the
-resulting response.
-Here, you'll do the following:
-* Review the source files for the app
-* Update the `WORKSPACE` file
-* Create a `BUILD` file
-* Run the build
-* Find the build outputs
-* Run the app
-## Review the source files
-Let's take a look at the source files for the app. These are located in
-The key files and directories are:
-<table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
-<td>Manifest file</td>
-<td>Activity source file</td>
-<td>Resource file directory</td>
-Note that you're just looking at these files now to become familiar with the
-structure of the app. You don't have to edit any of the source files to complete
-this tutorial.
-## Update the WORKSPACE file
-Bazel needs to run the Android SDK
-[build tools](https://developer.android.com/tools/revisions/build-tools.html)
-and uses the SDK libraries to build the app. This means that you need to add
-some information to your `WORKSPACE` file so that Bazel knows where to find
-them. Note that this step is not required when you build for other platforms.
-For example, Bazel automatically detects the location of Java, C++ and
-Objective-C compilers from settings in your environment.
-Add the following lines to your `WORKSPACE` file:
- name = "androidsdk",
- # Replace with your installed Android SDK API level
- api_level = 25
-This will use the Android SDK specified referenced by the `ANDROID_HOME`
-environment variable, and automatically detect the latest build tools
-version installed within that location.
-Alternatively, you can explicitly specify the location of the Android
-SDK and build tools version to use by including the `path` and
-`build_tools_version` attributes:
- name = "androidsdk",
- path = "/path/to/Android/sdk",
- api_level = 25,
- build_tools_version = "25.0.1"
-**Optional:** This is not required by this tutorial, but if you want to compile
-native code into your Android app, you also need to download the
-[Android NDK](https://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads/index.html) and
-tell Bazel where to find it by adding the following rule to your `WORKSPACE`
- name = "androidndk",
- # Replace with the Android NDK API level
- api_level = 21
-`api_level` is the version of the Android API the SDK and the NDK target
-(for example, 19 for Android K and 21 for Android L). It's not necessary to set
-the API levels to the same value for the SDK and NDK.
-[This web page](https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/stable_apis.html)
-contains a map from Android releases to NDK-supported API levels.
-Similar to `android_sdk_repository`, the path to the Android NDK is inferred from
-the `ANDROID_NDK_HOME` environment variable by default. The path can also be
-explicitly specified with a `path` attribute on `android_ndk_repository`.
-## Create a BUILD file
-A [`BUILD` file](/docs/build-ref.html#BUILD_files) is a text file that describes
-the relationship between a set of build outputs -- for example, compiled
-software libraries or executables -- and their dependencies. These dependencies
-may be source files in your workspace or other build outputs. `BUILD` files are
-written in the Bazel *build language*.
-`BUILD` files are part of concept in Bazel known as the *package hierarchy*.
-The package hierarchy is a logical structure that overlays the directory
-structure in your workspace. Each [package](/docs/build-ref.html#packages) is a
-directory (and its subdirectories) that contains a related set of source files
-and a `BUILD` file. The package also includes any subdirectories, excluding
-those that contain their own `BUILD` file. The *package name* is the name of the
-directory where the `BUILD` file is located.
-Note that this package hierarchy is distinct from, but coexists with, the Java
-package hierarchy for your Android app.
-For the simple Android app in this tutorial, we'll consider all the source files
-in `$WORKSPACE/android/` to comprise a single Bazel package. A more complex
-project may have many nested packages.
-At a command-line prompt, open your new `BUILD` file for editing:
-vi $WORKSPACE/android/BUILD
-### Add an android_library rule
-A `BUILD` file contains several different types of instructions for Bazel. The
-most important type is the [build rule](/docs/build-ref.html#funcs), which tells
-Bazel how to build an intermediate or final software output from a set of source
-files or other dependencies.
-Bazel provides two build rules, `android_library` and `android_binary`, that you
-can use to build an Android app. For this tutorial, you'll first use the
-[`android_library`](/docs/be/android.html#android_library) rule to tell
-Bazel how to build an
-[Android library module](http://developer.android.com/tools/projects/index.html#LibraryProjects)
-from the app source code and resource files. Then you'll use the
-`android_binary` rule to tell it how to build the Android application package.
-Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
- name = "activities",
- srcs = glob(["src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/activities/*.java"]),
- custom_package = "com.google.bazel.example.android.activities",
- manifest = "src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/activities/AndroidManifest.xml",
- resource_files = glob(["src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/activities/res/**"]),
-As you can see, the `android_library` build rule contains a set of attributes
-that specify the information that Bazel needs to build a library module from the
-source files. Note also that the name of the rule is `activities`. You'll
-reference the rule using this name as a dependency in the `android_binary` rule.
-### Add an android_binary rule
-The [`android_binary`](/docs/be/android.html#android_binary) rule builds
-the Android application package (`.apk` file) for your app.
-Add the following to your build file:
- name = "android",
- custom_package = "com.google.bazel.example.android",
- manifest = "src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/AndroidManifest.xml",
- resource_files = glob(["src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/res/**"]),
- deps = [":activities"],
-Here, the `deps` attribute references the output of the `activities` rule you
-added to the `BUILD` file above. This means that, when Bazel builds the output
-of this rule, it checks first to see if the output of the `activities` library
-rule has been built and is up-to-date. If not, it builds it and then uses that
-output to build the application package file.
-Now, save and close the file. You can compare your `BUILD` file to the
-[completed example](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/blob/master/tutorial/android/BUILD)
-in the `master` branch of the GitHub repo.
-## Run the build
-You use the
-[`bazel`](/docs/bazel-user-manual.html) command-line tool to run builds, execute
-unit tests and perform other operations in Bazel. This tool is located in the
-`output` subdirectory of the location where you installed Bazel. During
-[installation](/docs/install.md), you probably added this location to your
-Before you build the sample app, make sure that your current working directory
-is inside your Bazel workspace:
-Now, enter the following to build the sample app:
-bazel build //android:android
-The [`build`](/docs/bazel-user-manual.html#build) subcommand instructs Bazel to
-build the target that follows. The target is specified as the name of a build
-rule inside a `BUILD` file, with along with the package path relative to
-your workspace directory. Note that you can sometimes omit the package path
-or target name, depending on your current working directory at the command
-line and the name of the target. See [Labels](/docs/build-ref.html#labels) in
-*Bazel Concepts and Terminology* page for more information about target labels
-and paths.
-Bazel now launches and builds the sample app. During the build process, its
-output will appear similar to the following:
-INFO: Found 1 target...
-Target //android:android up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/android/android_deploy.jar
- bazel-bin/android/android_unsigned.apk
- bazel-bin/android/android.apk
-INFO: Elapsed time: 7.237s, Critical Path: 5.81s
-## Find the build outputs
-Bazel stores the outputs of both intermediate and final build operations in
-a set of per-user, per-workspace output directories. These directories are
-symlinked from the following locations:
-* `$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin`, which stores binary executables and other runnable
- build outputs
-* `$WORKSPACE/bazel-genfiles`, which stores intermediary source files that are
- generated by Bazel rules
-* `$WORKSPACE/bazel-out`, which stores other types of build outputs
-Bazel stores the Android `.apk` file generated using the `android_binary` rule
-in the `bazel-bin/android/` directory, where the subdirectory name `android` is
-derived from the name of the Bazel package.
-At a command prompt, list the contents of this directory and find the
-`android.apk` file:
-ls $WORKSPACE/bazel-bin/android
-## Run the app
-You can now deploy the app to a connected Android device or emulator from the
-command line using the
-[`bazel mobile-install`](http://bazel.build/docs/bazel-user-manual.html#mobile-install)
-command. This command uses the Android Debug Bridge (`adb`) to communicate with
-the device. You must set up your device to use `adb` following the instructions
-[Android Debug Bridge](http://developer.android.com/tools/help/adb.html) before
-Enter the following:
-bazel mobile-install //android:android
-Note that the `mobile-install` subcommand also supports the
-flag that can be used to deploy only those parts of the app that have changed
-since the last deployment.
-## What's next
-Now that you've built a sample app for Android, it's time to do the same for
-the [iOS app](ios-app.md).
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-layout: documentation
-title: Build Mobile Application
-# Build Mobile Application
-You can use Bazel to build a variety of software outputs, including
-Linux and macOS (OS X) applications written in Java, C++ and Objective-C. You can
-also use Bazel to build software for other platforms or written in other
-This tutorial shows how to use Bazel to build the following:
-* An Android app
-* An iOS app
-* A mobile backend server running on App Engine
-In this tutorial, you'll learn how to:
-* Set up a Bazel workspace and create a `WORKSPACE` file
-* Create `BUILD` files that contain the instructions used by Bazel to build
- the software
-* Run builds using the Bazel command line tool
-## Requirements
-You can follow the steps in this tutorial on either a Linux or Mac OS X system.
-However, you can only build the iOS app if you are running Bazel on OS X. If
-you are using Linux, you can skip the iOS instructions and still complete
-the rest of the tutorial steps.
-## Sample project
-You don't have to write your own mobile apps and backend server to use this
-tutorial. Instead, you'll use a sample project hosted on GitHub. The sample
-project is hosted at the following location:
-You'll grab the sample project files in the next step in this tutorial.
-## What's next
-Let's start off by [setting up](environment.md) the tutorial environment.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Tutorial - Build the Backend Server
-# Tutorial - Build the Backend Server
-The backend server is a simple web application that runs on Google App Engine
-and responds to incoming HTTP requests from the sample Android and iOS apps.
-Here, you'll do the following:
-* Review the source files for the app
-* Update the `WORKSPACE` file
-* Create a `BUILD` file
-* Run the build
-* Find the build outputs
-* Run the application on a local development server
-* Deploy to Google App Engine
-Bazel provides a set of [App Engine build rules](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_appengine)
-written using the [Skylark](/docs/skylark/index.html) framework. You'll use
-these in the steps below to build the application.
-## Review the source files
-The source files for the backend server are located in `$WORKSPACE/backend/`.
-The key files and directories are:
-<table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
-<td>Source file directory</td>
-<td>Web application metadata directory</td>
-## Update the WORKSPACE file
-As with the Android app, you must add references to
-[external dependencies](http://bazel.build/docs/external.html) to your `WORKSPACE`
-file. For the backend server, these are references to the App Engine SDK,
-the Java Servlet SDK and other libraries needed to build the App Engine
-### Add the App Engine rule
-When you built the Android app, you added a reference to the location on your
-filesystem where you downloaded and installed the Android SDK. For the
-backend server, however, you'll give Bazel instructions for downloading the
-required App Engine SDK package from a remote server. This is optional. You
-can also download and install the SDK manually on your filesystem and reference
-it from that location as described in the
-[App Engine rule documentation](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_appengine).
-Add the following to your `WORKSPACE` file:
- name = "io_bazel_rules_appengine",
- sha256 = "f4fb98f31248fca5822a9aec37dc362105e57bc28e17c5611a8b99f1d94b37a4",
- strip_prefix = "rules_appengine-0.0.6",
- url = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_appengine/archive/0.0.6.tar.gz",
-load("@io_bazel_rules_appengine//appengine:appengine.bzl", "appengine_repositories")
-[`http_archive`](/docs/be/workspace.html#http_archive) downloads the
-AppEngine rules from a GitHub archive. We could also have used
-[`git_repository`](/docs/be/workspace.html#git_repository) to fetch the rules
-directly from the Git repository.
-Then the next two lines use the `appengine_repositories` function defined in
-these rules to download the libraries and SDK needed to build AppEngine
-Now, save and close the file. You can compare your `WORKSPACE` file to the
-[completed example](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples//blob/master/tutorial/WORKSPACE)
-in the `master` branch of the GitHub repo.
-## Create a BUILD file
-Now that you have set up the external dependencies, you can go ahead and create
-the `BUILD` file for the backend server, as you did previously for the sample
-Android and iOS apps.
-Open your new `BUILD` file for editing:
-vi $WORKSPACE/backend/BUILD
-### Add a java_binary rule
-Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
- name = "app",
- srcs = glob(["src/main/java/**/*.java"]),
- main_class = "does.not.exist",
- deps = [
- "@io_bazel_rules_appengine//appengine:javax.servlet.api",
- ],
-The [`java_binary`](/docs/be/java.html#java_binary) tells Bazel
-how to build a Java `.jar` library for your application, plus a wrapper shell
-script that launches the application code from the specified main class. Here,
-we're using this rule instead of the
-[`java_library`](/docs/be/java.html#java_library) because we need
-the `.jar` file to contain all the dependencies required to build the final
-App Engine `.war` file. For this reason, we specify a bogus class name
-for the `main_class` attribute.
-### Add an appengine_war rule
-Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
-load("@io_bazel_rules_appengine//appengine:appengine.bzl", "appengine_war")
- name = "backend",
- data = [":webapp"],
- data_path = "/backend/webapp",
- jars = [":app_deploy.jar"],
- name = "webapp",
- srcs = glob(["webapp/**/*"]),
-The [`appengine_war`](/docs/be/appengine.html#appengine_war)
-rule builds the final App Engine `war` file from the library `.jar` file and web
-application metadata files in the `webapp` directory.
-Save and close the file. Again, the
-[completed example](https://github.com/google/bazel-examples/blob/master/tutorial/backend/BUILD)
-is in the `master` branch of the GitHub repo.
-## Run the build
-Make sure that your current working directory is inside your Bazel workspace:
-Now, enter the following to build the sample app:
-bazel build //backend:backend
-Bazel now launches and builds the sample app. During the build process, its
-output will appear similar to the following:
-INFO: Found 1 target...
-Target //backend:backend up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/backend/backend.war
- bazel-bin/backend/backend.deploy
- bazel-bin/backend/backend
-INFO: Elapsed time: 56.867s, Critical Path: 2.72s
-## Find the build outputs
-The `.war` file and other outputs are located in the
-`$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin/backend` directory.
-In particular, the `appengine_war` rule generates scripts that you can use to
-run your backend locally or deploy it to Google App Engine:
-## Run the application on a local development server
-Here, you'll start a local App Engine development server in your environment and
-run your application on it.
-To run the application, enter the following:
-bazel-bin/backend/backend --port=12345
-Your application will be available at `http://localhost:12345`
-## Deploy to Google App Engine
-You can also deploy the application to the live App Engine serving
-environment on Google Cloud Platform. For this scenario, you must first create
-a new Cloud Platform project and App Engine application using the Google Cloud
-Platform Console.
-Follow [this link](https://console.cloud.google.com/projectselector/appengine/create?lang=java&st=true)
-to perform these actions.
-Build the target that allows to deploy to App Engine:
-bazel build --java_toolchain=@io_bazel_rules_appengine//appengine:jdk7 //backend:backend.deploy
-Then, to deploy the application, enter the following:
-bazel-bin/backend/backend.deploy <project-id>
-The deployment script prompts you to authorize access to Google Cloud Platform.
-After you have authorized access the first time, you can deploy the application
-using the `bazel` command and the following rule target:
-bazel run //backend:backend.deploy <project-id>
-Your application URL will be `http://<project-id>.appspot.com`.
-## What's next
-Now let's [review](review.md) the tutorial steps.
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deleted file mode 100644
index 23362010ef..0000000000
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-layout: documentation
-title: Build C++
-Build C++
-You can use Bazel to build your C++ application. In this tutorial you'll learn how to:
-* Build your first C++ target
-* Use external libraries
-* Write and run C++ tests
-* Use precompiled libraries
-## Setting up your workspace
-Suppose that you have an existing project in a directory, say,
-`~/gitroot/my-project/`. Create an empty file at
-`~/gitroot/my-project/WORKSPACE` to show Bazel where your project's root is.
-We are going to create a small hello world project with the following directory structure:
-{% highlight bash %}
-└── my-project
- ├── lib
- │   ├── BUILD
- │   ├── hello-greet.cc
- │   └── hello-greet.h
- ├── main
- │   ├── BUILD
- │   ├── hello-time.cc
- │   ├── hello-time.h
- │   └── hello-world.cc
-{% endhighlight %}
-## Creating source files
-Using the following commands to create the necessary source files:
-{% highlight bash %}
-# If you're not already there, move to your workspace directory.
-cd ~/gitroot/my-project
-mkdir ./main
-cat > main/hello-world.cc <<'EOF'
-#include "lib/hello-greet.h"
-#include "main/hello-time.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- std::string who = "world";
- if (argc > 1) {
- who = argv[1];
- }
- std::cout << get_greet(who) <<std::endl;
- print_localtime();
- return 0;
-cat > main/hello-time.h <<'EOF'
-void print_localtime();
-cat > main/hello-time.cc <<'EOF'
-#include "main/hello-time.h"
-#include <ctime>
-#include <iostream>
-void print_localtime() {
- std::time_t result = std::time(nullptr);
- std::cout << std::asctime(std::localtime(&result));
-mkdir ./lib
-cat > lib/hello-greet.h <<'EOF'
-#include <string>
-std::string get_greet(const std::string &thing);
-cat > lib/hello-greet.cc <<'EOF'
-#include "lib/hello-greet.h"
-#include <string>
-std::string get_greet(const std::string& who) {
- return "Hello " + who;
-{% endhighlight %}
-## Adding BUILD files
-As you can see from the source code, `main/hello-world.cc` needs to include both `lib/hello-greet.h` and `main/hello-time.h`.
-First we create `lib/BUILD` for hello-greet.cc:
-{% highlight python %}
- name = "hello-greet",
- srcs = ["hello-greet.cc"],
- hdrs = ["hello-greet.h"],
- visibility = ["//main:__pkg__"],
-{% endhighlight %}
-Note that `visibility = ["//main:__pkg__"]` indicates `hello-greet` is visible from `main/BUILD`.
-Then we'd create the following `main/BUILD` file:
-{% highlight python %}
- name = "hello-time",
- srcs = ["hello-time.cc"],
- hdrs = ["hello-time.h"],
- name = "hello-world",
- srcs = ["hello-world.cc"],
- deps = [
- ":hello-time",
- "//lib:hello-greet",
- ],
-{% endhighlight %}
-Note when depending on a target in the same package, we can just use `:hello-time`.
-When the target is in other package, a full path from root should be used, like `//lib:hello-greet`.
-Now you are ready to build your hello world C++ binary:
-{% highlight bash %}
-bazel build main:hello-world
-{% endhighlight %}
-This produces the following output:
-{% highlight bash %}
-INFO: Found 1 target...
-Target //main:hello-world up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/main/hello-world
-INFO: Elapsed time: 2.869s, Critical Path: 1.00s
-{% endhighlight %}
-{% highlight bash %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-This produces the following output:
-{% highlight bash %}
-Hello world
-Thu Jun 23 18:51:46 2016
-{% endhighlight %}
-{% highlight bash %}
-./bazel-bin/main/hello-world Bazel
-{% endhighlight %}
-This produces the following output:
-{% highlight bash %}
-Hello Bazel
-Thu Jun 23 18:52:10 2016
-{% endhighlight %}
-Congratulations, you've just built your first Bazel target!
-## Transitive includes
-If a file includes a header, then the file's rule should depend on that header's
-library. Conversely, only direct dependencies need to be specified as
-dependencies. For example, suppose `sandwich.h` includes `bread.h` and
-`bread.h` includes `flour.h`. `sandwich.h` doesn't include `flour.h` (who wants
-flour in their sandwich?), so the BUILD file would look like:
- name = "sandwich",
- srcs = ["sandwich.cc"],
- hdrs = ["sandwich.h"],
- deps = [":bread"],
- name = "bread",
- srcs = ["bread.cc"],
- hdrs = ["bread.h"],
- deps = [":flour"],
- name = "flour",
- srcs = ["flour.cc"],
- hdrs = ["flour.h"],
-Here, the `sandwich` library depends on the `bread` library, which depends
-on the `flour` library.
-## Adding include paths
-Sometimes you cannot (or do not want to) base include paths at the workspace
-root. Existing libraries might already have a include directory that doesn't
-match its path in your workspace. For example, suppose you have the following
-directory structure:
-└── my-project
- ├── third_party
- │   └── some_lib
- │   ├── BUILD
- │   ├── include
- │   │   └── some_lib.h
- │   └── some_lib.cc
-Bazel will expect `some_lib.h` to be included as
-`third_party/some_lib/include/some_lib.h`, but suppose `some_lib.cc` includes
-`"include/some_lib.h"`. To make that include path valid,
-`third_party/some_lib/BUILD` will need to specify that the `some_lib/`
-directory is an include directory:
- name = "some_lib",
- srcs = ["some_lib.cc"],
- hdrs = ["some_lib.h"],
- copts = ["-Ithird_party/some_lib"],
-This is especially useful for external dependencies, as their header files
-must otherwise be included with an `external/[repository-name]/` prefix.
-## Including external libraries
-Suppose you are using [Google Test](https://github.com/google/googletest). You
-can use one of the `new_` repository functions in the `WORKSPACE` file to
-download Google Test and make it available in your repository:
- name = "gtest",
- url = "https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/release-1.7.0.zip",
- sha256 = "b58cb7547a28b2c718d1e38aee18a3659c9e3ff52440297e965f5edffe34b6d0",
- build_file = "gtest.BUILD",
-Then create `gtest.BUILD`, a BUILD file to use to compile Google Test.
-Google Test has several "special" requirements that make its `cc_library` rule
-more complicated:
-* `googletest-release-1.7.0/src/gtest-all.cc` `#include`s all of the other files in
- `googletest-release-1.7.0/src/`, so we need to exclude it from the compile or we'll get
- link errors for duplicate symbols.
-* It uses header files that are relative to the `googletest-release-1.7.0/include/` directory
- (`"gtest/gtest.h"`), so we must add that directory to the include paths.
-* It needs to link in pthread, so we add that as a `linkopt`.
-The final rule looks like this:
- name = "main",
- srcs = glob(
- ["googletest-release-1.7.0/src/*.cc"],
- exclude = ["googletest-release-1.7.0/src/gtest-all.cc"]
- ),
- hdrs = glob([
- "googletest-release-1.7.0/include/**/*.h",
- "googletest-release-1.7.0/src/*.h"
- ]),
- copts = [
- "-Iexternal/gtest/googletest-release-1.7.0/include"
- ],
- linkopts = ["-pthread"],
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-This is somewhat messy: everything is prefixed with googletest-release-1.7.0 as a byproduct
-of the archive's structure. You can make `new_http_archive` strip this prefix by
-adding the `strip_prefix` attribute:
- name = "gtest",
- url = "https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/release-1.7.0.zip",
- sha256 = "b58cb7547a28b2c718d1e38aee18a3659c9e3ff52440297e965f5edffe34b6d0",
- build_file = "gtest.BUILD",
- strip_prefix = "googletest-release-1.7.0",
-Then `gtest.BUILD` would look like this:
- name = "main",
- srcs = glob(
- ["src/*.cc"],
- exclude = ["src/gtest-all.cc"]
- ),
- hdrs = glob([
- "include/**/*.h",
- "src/*.h"
- ]),
- copts = ["-Iexternal/gtest/include"],
- linkopts = ["-pthread"],
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-Now `cc_` rules can depend on `@gtest//:main`.
-## Writing and running C++ tests
-For example, we could create a test `./test/hello-test.cc` such as:
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "lib/hello-greet.h"
-TEST(HelloTest, GetGreet) {
- EXPECT_EQ(get_greet("Bazel"), "Hello Bazel");
-Then create `./test/BUILD` file for your tests:
- name = "hello-test",
- srcs = ["hello-test.cc"],
- copts = ["-Iexternal/gtest/include"],
- deps = [
- "@gtest//:main",
- "//lib:hello-greet",
- ],
-Note in order to make `hello-greet` visible to `hello-test`, we have to add `"//test:__pkg__",` to `visibility` attribute in `./lib/BUILD`.
-Now you can use `bazel test` to run the test.
-{% highlight bash %}
-bazel test test:hello-test
-{% endhighlight %}
-This produces the following output:
-{% highlight bash %}
-INFO: Found 1 test target...
-Target //test:hello-test up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/test/hello-test
-INFO: Elapsed time: 4.497s, Critical Path: 2.53s
-//test:hello-test PASSED in 0.3s
-Executed 1 out of 1 tests: 1 test passes.
-{% endhighlight %}
-## Adding dependencies on precompiled libraries
-If you want to use a library that you only have a compiled version of (e.g.,
-headers and a .so) wrap it in a `cc_library` rule:
- name = "mylib",
- srcs = ["mylib.so"],
- hdrs = ["mylib.h"],
-Then other C++ targets in your workspace can depend on this rule.
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/environment.md b/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/environment.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 68548dfdfc..0000000000
--- a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/environment.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Tutorial - Set Up Your Environment
-# Tutorial - Set Up Your Environment
-The first step in this tutorial is to set up your environment.
-Here, you'll do the following:
-* Install Bazel
-* Install Android Studio and the Android SDK
-* Install Xcode (macOS (OS X) only)
-* Get the sample project from the GitHub repo
-## Install Bazel
-Follow the [installation instructions](/docs/install.md) to install Bazel and
-its dependencies.
-## Install the Android SDK tools
-Do the following:
-1. Download and install the
- [Android SDK Tools](https://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html#Other).
-2. Run the Android SDK Manager and install the following packages:
- <table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td>Package</td>
- <td>SDK directory</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td>Android SDK Platform Tools</td>
- <td><code>platform-tools</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Android SDK Build Tools</td>
- <td><code>build-tools</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Android SDK Platform</td>
- <td><code>platform</code></td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- The SDK Manager is an executable named `android` located in the `tools`
- directory.
-## Install Xcode (OS X only)
-If you are following the steps in this tutorial on Mac OS X, download and
-install [Xcode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/downloads/). The Xcode
-download contains the iOS libraries, Objective-C compiler other tools
-required by Bazel to build the iOS app.
-## Get the sample project
-You also need to get the sample project for the tutorial from GitHub:
-The GitHub repo has two branches: `source-only` and `master`. The `source-only`
-branch contains the source files for the project only. You'll use the files in
-this branch in this tutorial. The `master` branch contains both the source files
-and completed Bazel `WORKSPACE` and `BUILD` files. You can use the files in this
-branch to check your work when you've completed the tutorial steps.
-Enter the following at the command line to get the files in the `source-only`
-cd $HOME
-git clone -b source-only https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples
-The `git clone` command creates a directory named `$HOME/examples/`. This
-directory contains several sample projects for Bazel. The project files for this
-tutorial are in `$HOME/examples/tutorial`.
-## What's next
-Now that you have set up your environment, you can
-[set up a Bazel workspace](workspace.md).
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/ios-app.md b/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/ios-app.md
deleted file mode 100644
index abf49d27c4..0000000000
--- a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/ios-app.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Tutorial - Build an iOS App
-# Tutorial - Build an iOS App
-Like the [Android app](android-app.md) you built in the previous step, the iOS
-app is a simple mobile app that communicates with the
-[backend server](backend-server.md).
-Here, you'll do the following:
-* Review the source files for the app
-* Create a `BUILD` file
-* Build the app for the simulator
-* Find the build outputs
-* Run/Debug the app on the simulator
-* Build the app for a device
-* Install the app on a device
-Note that, unlike with the Android app, you don't have to modify your
-`WORKSPACE` file to add iOS-specific external dependencies.
-If you're following the steps in this tutorial on macOS (OS X), you can go ahead
-and build the sample iOS app as described below. If you are on Linux, skip ahead
-to the [next step](backend-server.md).
-## Review the source files
-Let's take a look at the source files for the app. These are located in
-`$WORKSPACE/ios-app/UrlGet`. Again, you're just looking at these files now to
-become familiar with the structure of the app. You don't have to edit any of the
-source files to complete this tutorial.
-## Create a BUILD file
-At a command-line prompt, open your new `BUILD` file for editing:
-vi $WORKSPACE/ios-app/BUILD
-## Add an objc_library rule
-Bazel provides several build rules that you can use to build an app for the
-iOS platform. For this tutorial, you'll first use the
-[`objc_library`](/docs/be/objective-c.html#objc_library) rule to tell Bazel
-how to build an
-[static library](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/technotes/iOSStaticLibraries/Introduction.html)
-from the app source code and Xib files. Then you'll use the
-`objc_binary` rule to tell it how to bundle the iOS application. (Note that
-this is a minimal use case of the Objective-C rules in Bazel. For example, you
-have to use the `ios_application` rule to build multi-architecture iOS
-Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
- name = "UrlGetClasses",
- srcs = [
- "UrlGet/AppDelegate.m",
- "UrlGet/UrlGetViewController.m",
- ],
- hdrs = glob(["UrlGet/*.h"]),
- xibs = ["UrlGet/UrlGetViewController.xib"],
-Note the name of the rule, `UrlGetClasses`.
-## Add an objc_binary rule
-The [`objc_binary`](/docs/be/objective-c.html#objc_binary) rule creates a
-binary to be bundled in the application.
-Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
- name = "ios-app-binary",
- srcs = [
- "UrlGet/main.m",
- ],
- deps = [
- ":UrlGetClasses",
- ],
-Note how the `deps` attribute references the output of the
-`UrlGetClasses` rule you added to the `BUILD` file above.
-## Add an ios_application rule
-The [`ios_application`](/docs/be/objective-c.html#ios_application) rule
-creates the bundled `.ipa` archive file for the application and also generates
-an Xcode project file.
-Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
- name = "ios-app",
- binary = ":ios-app-binary",
- infoplist = "UrlGet/UrlGet-Info.plist",
-Now, save and close the file. You can compare your `BUILD` file to the
-[completed example](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/blob/master/tutorial/ios-app/BUILD)
-in the `master` branch of the GitHub repo.
-## Build the app for the simulator
-Make sure that your current working directory is inside your Bazel workspace:
-Now, enter the following to build the sample app:
-bazel build //ios-app:ios-app
-Bazel now launches and builds the sample app. During the build process, its
-output will appear similar to the following:
-INFO: Found 1 target...
-Target //ios-app:ios-app up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/ios-app/ios-app.ipa
- bazel-bin/ios-app/ios-app.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
-INFO: Elapsed time: 3.765s, Critical Path: 3.44s
-## Find the build outputs
-The `.ipa` file and other outputs are located in the
-`$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin/ios-app` directory.
-## Run/Debug the app on the simulator
-You can now run the app from Xcode using the iOS Simulator. To run the app,
-open the project directory `$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin/ios-app/ios-app.xcodeproj` in
-Xcode, choose an iOS Simulator as the runtime scheme and then click the **Run**
-**Note:** If you change anything about the project file set in Xcode (for
-example, if you add or remove a file, or add or change a dependency), you must
-rebuild the app using Bazel and then re-open the project.
-## Build the app for a device
-You need to set up bazel so that it can find the appropriate provisioning
-profile for the device you want to build for. To set up the "default"
-provisioning profile for all bazel builds:
- 1. Go to [Apple Profiles](https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/profile/profileList.action)
- and download the appropriate provisioning profile for your device.
- If this is confusing, please refer to [Apple's documentation](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/MaintainingProfiles/MaintainingProfiles.html).
- 1. Move your profile into `$WORKSPACE/tools/objc`.
- 1. Optional - You may want to add your profile to your `.gitignore`.
- 1. Edit `$WORKSPACE/tools/objc/BUILD` and add:
- ```python
- filegroup(
- name = "default_provisioning_profile",
- srcs = ["<NAME OF YOUR PROFILE>.mobileprovision"],
- )
- ```
-Now you should be able to build the app for your device:
-bazel build //ios-app:ios-app --ios_multi_cpus=armv7,arm64
-This will build the app "fat". If you would prefer just to build for
-your specific device architecture you can designate a single architecture.
-If you would like to select a specific Xcode version you can do so
-with the `--xcode_version=7.2` option. If for some reason you need to specify
-a specific SDK version you can use the `--ios_sdk_version=9.2` option, but the
-`--xcode_version` should be sufficient in most circumstances.
-If you would like to specify a minimum version of iOS to run against, you can
-do so with the `--ios_minimum_os=7.0` option.
-## Install the app on a device
-The easiest way to install the app on the device is to launch Xcode and use the
-`Windows > Devices` command. Select your plugged in device from the list on the
-left, and then add the app by clicking on the "plus" sign under installed apps
-and selecting the `.ipa` that you built.
-If your app does not launch, please make sure that your device was on your
-provisioning profile. The `View Device Logs` button on the `Devices` screen in
-Xcode may provide other information as to what has gone wrong.
-## What's next
-The next step is to build a [backend server](backend-server.md) for the two
-mobile apps you built in this tutorial.
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/java.md b/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/java.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a916aeb5be..0000000000
--- a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/java.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,576 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Introduction to Bazel
-Introduction to Bazel: Build Java
-This tutorial is an introduction for anyone getting started with Bazel. It
-focuses on the concepts, setup, and use of Bazel using a Java sample project.
-Estimated time: 30 min
-## What you will learn
-In this tutorial you'll learn how to:
-* Build a target from source files
-* Produce a visual representation of the dependency graph
-* Break a monolithic binary into smaller libraries
-* Use multiple Bazel packages
-* Control the visibility of a target between packages
-* Use labels to reference a target
-* Deploy your target
-## Before you begin
-* [Install Bazel](/docs/install.md)
-## Create the sample Java project
-The first step in this tutorial is to create a small Java project. Even though
-the project is in Java, this tutorial will focus on concepts that are helpful
-for using Bazel in any language.
-1. Create the directory `~/my-project/`
-2. Move to this directory:
- ```
- cd ~/my-project
- ```
-3. Create the following directories under `my-project`:
- ```
- mkdir -p src/main/java/com/example
- ```
- Note that path uses conventions specific to Java programs. Programs written
- in other languages may have a different workspace path and directory
- structure.
-4. In the directory you created, add a file called `Greeting.java` with the
- following contents:
- ```java
- package com.example;
- public class Greeting {
- public static void sayHi() {
- System.out.println("Hi!");
- }
- }
- ```
-5. Add a second file `ProjectRunner.java` with the following contents:
- ```java
- package com.example;
- public class ProjectRunner {
- public static void main(String args[]) {
- Greeting.sayHi();
- }
- }
- ```
-You’ve now created a small Java project. It contains one file that will be
-compiled into a library, and another which will be an executable that uses the
-The rest of this tutorial focuses on setting up and using Bazel to build these
-source files.
-## Build with Bazel
-### Set up the workspace
-Workspaces are directories that contain the source files for one or more
-software projects, as well as a WORKSPACE file and BUILD files that contain
-the instructions that Bazel uses to build the software. The workspace may also
-contain symbolic links to output directories.
-To define the workspace, create an empty text file at the root of the project
-and name it `WORKSPACE`. You now have: `~/my-project/WORKSPACE`.
-This directory and its subdirectories are now part of the same workspace. When
-Bazel builds an output, all inputs and dependencies must be in the same
-workspace. Anything in different workspaces are independent of each other,
-though there are ways to link workspaces that are beyond the scope of this
-introduction tutorial.
-If you also do the [C++ tutorial](/docs/tutorial/cpp.md), you’ll notice it uses
-the same workspace. Bazel can understand multiple targets in multiple languages
-in a single workspace.
-### Create a BUILD file
-Bazel looks for files named `BUILD` which describe how to build the project.
-1. In the `~/my-project` directory, create a file and name it BUILD. This BUILD
- file is a sibling of the WORKSPACE file.
- In the BUILD file, you use a declarative language similar to Python to
- create instances of Bazel rules. These instances are called *rule targets*.
- In Bazel, *targets* are either files or rule targets and they are the
- elements in a workspace that you can ask Bazel to build.
- For this project, you’ll use the built-in rule `java_binary`. Bazel's
- built-in rules are all documented in the
- [Build Encyclopedia](/docs/be/overview.html). You can also create your own
- rules using the [Bazel rule extension framework](/docs/skylark/concepts.md).
-2. Add this text to the BUILD file:
- ```
- java_binary(
- name = "my-runner",
- srcs = glob(["src/main/java/com/example/*.java"]),
- main_class = "com.example.ProjectRunner",
- )
- ```
-As you can see, the text in the BUILD file doesn’t describe what Bazel does
-when it executes this rule target. The rule’s implementation handles the
-complexity of how it works (such as the compiler used).
-You can treat the rule as a black box, focusing on what inputs it needs, and
-the outputs it produces. This rule builds a Java archive ("jar file") as well
-as a wrapper shell script with the same name as the rule target.
-When you’re writing your own BUILD file, go to the
-[Build Encyclopedia](/docs/be/overview.html) for a description of what a rule
-does and for its list of possible attributes you can define. For example,
-here’s the entry for the [java_binary](/docs/be/java.html#java_binary) rule in
-the Build Encyclopedia. The Build Encyclopedia has information about all of the
-rules that are compiled into Bazel.
-Let’s take a look at the rule target that you added to the BUILD file.
-Each rule instantiation in the BUILD file creates one rule target. Here, you’ve
-instantiated the rule `java_binary`, creating the target `my-runner`.
-Different rules will require different attributes, though all must include a
-“name” attribute. You use these attributes to explicitly list all of the
-target’s dependencies and options. In the target above:
-* `my-runner` is the name of the rule target created
-* `glob(["src/main/java/com/example/*.java"])` includes every file in that
- directory that ends with .java (see the Build Encyclopedia for more
- information about [globbing](/docs/be/functions.html#glob))
-* `"com.example.ProjectRunner"` specifies the class that contains the main
- method.
-### Build with Bazel
-Now you’re ready to build the Java binary. To do so, you’ll use the command
-`bazel build` with the target label `//:my-runner`. You reference targets by
-using their label. Label syntax is described later in this tutorial.
-1. Build my-runner by using this command:
- ```
- bazel build //:my-runner
- ```
- You’ll see output similar to:
- ```
- INFO: Found 1 target...
- Target //:my-runner up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/my-runner.jar
- bazel-bin/my-runner
- INFO: Elapsed time: 1.021s, Critical Path: 0.83s
- ```
-2. Now execute the file by using this command:
- ```
- bazel-bin/my-runner
- ```
-Congratulations, you've built your first Bazel target!
-Let’s take a look at what you built. In `~/my-project`, Bazel created the
-directory `bazel-bin` as well as other directories to store information about
-the build. Open this directory to look at the files created during the build
-process. These output directories keep the outputs separate from your source
-### Review the dependency graph
-Bazel requires build dependencies to be explicitly declared in BUILD
-files. The build will fail if dependencies are missing, so when a build works
-the declared dependencies are accurate. With this explicit information about
-dependencies, Bazel creates a build graph and uses it to accurately perform
-incremental builds. Our small Java project isn’t too exciting, but let’s check
-out its build graph.
-The command `bazel query` retrieves information about the graph and the
-relationships between targets. Let’s use it to produce a visual representation
-of the build graph.
-1. From the root of the workspace (`my-project`), produce a text description
- of the graph by using the command:
- ```
- bazel query --noimplicit_deps 'deps(//:my-runner)' --output graph
- ```
-2. Then, paste the output into Graphviz
- ([http://www.webgraphviz.com/](http://www.webgraphviz.com/)) to see the
- visual representation.
- The graph for the target my-runner will look like this:
- ![Dependency graph of the target 'my-runner'](/assets/tutorial_java_01.svg)
-You can see that `my-runner` depends on the two source files in your Java
-You have now set up the workspace and BUILD file, and used Bazel to build your
-project. You have also created a visual representation of the build graph to
-see the structure of your build.
-## Refine your Bazel build
-### Add dependencies
-Creating one rule target to build your entire project may be sufficient for
-small projects. As projects get larger it's important to break up the build
-into self-contained libraries that can be assembled into a final product.
-Self-contained libraries mean that everything doesn't need to be rebuilt after
-small changes and that Bazel can parallelize more of the build steps. These
-self-contained libraries also encourages good code hygiene.
-To break up a project, create a separate rule target for the each subcomponent
-and then add the subcomponents as dependencies. For the project in this
-tutorial, create a rule target to compile the library, and make the executable
-depend on it.
-1. Replace the text in the BUILD file with the text below:
- ```
- java_binary(
- name = "my-runner",
- srcs = ["src/main/java/com/example/ProjectRunner.java"],
- main_class = "com.example.ProjectRunner",
- deps = [":greeter"],
- )
- java_library(
- name = "greeter",
- srcs = ["src/main/java/com/example/Greeting.java"],
- )
- ```
-The new `deps` attribute in `java_binary` tells Bazel that the `greeter` library
-will be needed to compile the binary. Rules for many languages support the
-`deps` attribute, though the exact semantics of the attribute will vary based
-on the language and the type of target. The rule
-[java_library](/docs/be/java.html#java_library) compiles sources into
-a .jar file. Remember to go to the [Build Encyclopedia](/docs/be/overview.html)
-for details about specific rules.
-This BUILD file builds the same files as before, but in a different way: now
-Bazel will first build the `greeter` library and then build `my-runner`.
-2. Try building //:my-runner using the command:
- ```
- bazel build //:my-runner
- ```
- You’ll see output similar to:
- ```
- INFO: Found 1 target...
- Target //:my-runner up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/my-runner.jar
- bazel-bin/my-runner
- INFO: Elapsed time: 2.454s, Critical Path: 1.58s
- ```
- 3. Execute the file by using this command::
- ```
- bazel-bin/my-runner
- ```
-If you now edit `ProjectRunner.java` and rebuild `my-runner`, the source file
-`Greeting.java` will not be recompiled. When the BUILD file had only the one
-target, both source files would be recompiled after any change.
-Looking at the dependency graph, you can see that `my-runner` depends on the
-same inputs as it did before, but the structure of the build is different.
-The original dependency graph for `my-runner` looked link this:
-![Original dependency graph of the target 'my-runner'](/assets/tutorial_java_01.svg)
-The dependency graph for `my-runner` after adding a dependency looks like this:
-![Dependency graph of the target 'my-runner' after adding a dependency](/assets/tutorial_java_02.svg)
-### Use multiple packages
-For larger projects, you will often be dealing with several directories in your
-workspace. You can organize your build process by adding a BUILD file to the
-top directory of source files that you want to organize together. A directory
-containing a BUILD file is called a package.
-Note that Bazel and Java both have the concept of a package. These are
-unrelated to each other, though both are related to the structure of the
-Let’s build the java project using multiple packages.
-1. First, let’s make the Java project a bit more complex.
- 1. Add the following directory and file:
- ```
- mkdir -p src/main/java/com/example/cmdline
- ```
- 2. In the directory cmdline, add the file Runner.java with the following
- contents:
- ```java
- package com.example.cmdline;
- import com.example.Greeting;
- public class Runner {
- public static void main(String args[]) {
- Greeting.sayHi();
- }
- }
- ```
- Now you have a slightly larger Java project that you can organize with
- multiple packages.
-2. In the directory `src/main/java/com/example/cmdline`, add an empty text
- file and name it BUILD. The structure of the Java project is now:
- ```
- ├── BUILD
- ├── src
- │ └── main
- │ └── java
- │ └── com
- │ └── example
- │ ├── cmdline
- │ │ ├── BUILD
- │ │ └── Runner.java
- │ ├── Greeting.java
- │ └── ProjectRunner.java
- ```
- Each directory in the workspace can be part of only one package. The
- workspace now has two BUILD files, and so has two packages:
- 1. The directory `my-project` and its subdirectories (but not including
- subdirectories with their own BUILD file, such as `cmdline`), and
- 2. The directory `cmdline` and any subdirectories.
-3. In the new BUILD file, add the following text:
- ```
- java_binary(
- name = "runner",
- srcs = ["Runner.java"],
- main_class = "com.example.cmdline.Runner",
- deps = ["//:greeter"]
- )
- ```
- The file `Runner.java` depends on `com.example.Greeting`. In the BUILD file
- this dependency is shown by listing the rule target `greeter` (with the
- label `//:greeter`).
- Below is what the dependency graph for runner will look like. You can see
- how `//:greeter` gives the dependency on `Greeting.java`.
- ![Dependency graph of the target 'runner'](/assets/tutorial_java_03.svg)
-4. However, if you try to build runner right now you'll get a permissions
- error. You can see the permission error by trying to build the target using
- the command:
- ```
- bazel build //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner
- ```
- By default, rule targets are private, which means that they can only be
- depended on by targets in the same BUILD file. This privacy prevents
- libraries that are implementation details from leaking into public APIs,
- but it also means that you must explicitly allow `runner` to depend on
- `//:greeter`.
-5. Make a rule target visible to rule targets in other BUILD files by adding
- a `visibility` attribute. To make the `greeter` rule target in
- `~/my-project/BUILD` visible to any rule target in the new package, add the
- following visibility attribute:
- ```
- java_library(
- name = "greeter",
- srcs = ["src/main/java/com/example/Greeting.java"],
- visibility = ["//src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:__pkg__"],
- )
- ```
- The target `//:greeter` is now visible to any target in the
- `//src/main/java/com/example/cmdline` package.
- See the Build Encyclopedia for more
- [visibility options](/docs/be/common-definitions.html#common.visibility).
-6. Now you can build the runner binary by using the command:
- ```
- bazel build //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner
- ```
- You’ll see output similar to:
- ```
- INFO: Found 1 target...
- Target //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner.jar
- bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner
- INFO: Elapsed time: 1.576s, Critical Path: 0.81s
- ```
-7. Execute the file by using this command:
- ```
- bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner
- ```
-You’ve now refined your build so that it is broken down into smaller
-self-contained libraries, and so that the explicit dependencies are more
-granular. You’ve also built the Java project using multiple packages.
-## Use labels to reference targets
-In the BUILD files and in the command line, you have been using target labels
-to reference targets. The label’s syntax is: `//path/to/package:target-name`,
-where “`//`” is the workspace’s root, and “`:`” separates the package name and
-the target name. If the target is a rule target and so defined in a BUILD file,
-“`path/to/package`” would be the path of the BUILD file itself. “`Target-name`”
-would be the same as the “`name`” attribute in the target in the BUILD file.
-The first BUILD file you created in this tutorial is in the same directory as
-the WORKSPACE file. When referencing rule targets defined in that file, nothing
-is needed for the path to the package because the workspace root and the package
-root are the same directory. Here are the labels of the two targets defined
-in that first BUILD file:
-The second BUILD file has a longer path from the workspace root to the package
-root. The label for the target in that BUILD file is:
-Target labels can be shortened in a variety of ways. Within a BUILD file, if
-you’re referencing a target from the same package, you can write the label
-starting at “`:`”. For example, the rule target `greeter` can always be written
-as `//:greeter`, and in the BUILD file where it’s defined, it can also be
-written as `:greeter`. This shortened label in a BUILD file makes it immediately
-clear which targets are in the current package.
-A rule target’s name will always be defined by its name attribute. A target’s
-name is a bit more complex when it’s in a directory other than the root
-of the package. In that case, the target’s label is:
-## Package a Java target for deployment
-To understand what you’ve built and what else can be built with Bazel, you need
-to understand the capabilities of the rules used in your BUILD files. Always go
-to the [Build Encyclopedia](/docs/be/overview.html) for this information.
-Let’s look at packaging a Java target for deployment, which requires you to
-know the capabilities of the rule `java_binary`.
-You’re able to run the Java binaries you created in this tutorial, but you
-can’t simply run it on a server, because it relies on the greeting library jar
-to actually run. "Packaging an artifact so it can be run reliably outside the
-development environment involves bundling it with all of its runtime
-dependencies. Let's see now what’s needed to package the binaries.
-The rule [java_binary](/docs/be/java.html#java_binary) produces a Java archive
-(“jar file”) and a wrapper shell script. The file `<target-name>_deploy.jar`
-is suitable for deployment, but it’s only built by this rule if explicitly
-requested. Let’s investigate.
-1. Look at the contents of the output `runner.jar` by using this command:
- ```
- jar tf bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner.jar
- ```
- You’ll see output similar to:
- ```
- com/
- com/example/
- com/example/cmdline/
- com/example/cmdline/Runner.class
- ```
- You can see that `runner.jar` contains `Runner.class`, but not its
- dependency `Greeting.class`. The `runner` script that Bazel generates adds
- the greeter jar to the classpath, so running this program works locally. It
- will not work if you want to copy `runner.jar` to another machine and use
- it as a standalone binary.
-2. The rule `java_binary` allows you to build a self-contained binary that can
- be deployed. To create this binary, build `runner_deploy.jar` (or, more
- generally, `<target-name>_deploy.jar`) by using this command:
- ```
- bazel build //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner_deploy.jar
- ```
- You’ll see output similar to:
- ```
- INFO: Found 1 target...
- Target //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner_deploy.jar up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner_deploy.jar
- INFO: Elapsed time: 1.700s, Critical Path: 0.23s
- ```
- The file runner_deploy.jar will contain all of its dependencies, and so can
- be used as a standalone binary.
-You’ve now created a Java target that you can distribute and deploy. To do so,
-you had to be aware of what outputs the Bazel Java rule `java_binary` is able to
-## Further topics
-* Try the tutorial [Build C++](/docs/tutorial/cpp.md).
-* Try the tutorial [Build Mobile Application](/docs/tutorial/app.md).
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--- a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/review.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Tutorial - Review
-# Tutorial - Review
-In this tutorial, you used Bazel to build an [Android app](android-app.md),
-an [iOS app](ios-app.md) and a [backend server](backend-server.md) that runs on
-Google App Engine.
-To build these software outputs, you:
-* Set up a Bazel [workspace](workspace.md) that contained the source code
- for the components and a `WORKSPACE` that identifies the top level of the
- workspace directory
-* Created a `BUILD` file for each component
-* Updated the `WORKSPACE` file to contain references to the required
- external dependencies
-* Ran Bazel to build the software components
-The built mobile apps and backend server application files are located in the
-`$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin` directory.
-Note that completed `WORKSPACE` and `BUILD` files for this tutorial are located
-in the
-[master branch](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/tree/master/tutorial)
-of the GitHub repo. You can compare your work to the completed files for
-additional help or troubleshooting.
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/workspace.md b/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/workspace.md
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--- a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/workspace.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Tutorial - Set Up a Workspace
-# Tutorial - Set Up a Workspace
-A [workspace](/docs/build-ref.html#workspaces) is a directory that contains the
-source files for one or more software projects, as well as a `WORKSPACE` file
-and `BUILD` files that contain the instructions that Bazel uses to build
-the software. The workspace may also contain symbolic links to output
-A workspace directory can be located anywhere on your filesystem. In this
-tutorial, your workspace directory is `$HOME/examples/tutorial/`, which
-contains the sample project files you cloned from the GitHub repo in the
-previous step.
-Note that Bazel itself doesn't make any requirements about how you organize
-source files in your workspace. The sample source files in this tutorial are
-organized according to common conventions for Android apps, iOS apps and App
-Engine applications.
-For your convenience, set the `$WORKSPACE` environment variable now to refer to
-your workspace directory. At the command line, enter:
-export WORKSPACE=$HOME/examples/tutorial
-## Create a WORKSPACE file
-Every workspace must have a text file named `WORKSPACE` located in the top-level
-workspace directory. This file may be empty or it may contain references
-to [external dependencies](/docs/external.html) required to build the
-For now, you'll create an empty `WORKSPACE` file, which simply serves to
-identify the workspace directory. In later steps, you'll update the file to add
-external dependency information.
-Enter the following at the command line:
-This creates the empty `WORKSPACE` file.
-## What's next
-Now that you've set up your workspace, you can
-[build the Android app](android-app.md).
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-layout: documentation
-title: Windows
-# Using Bazel on Windows
-Windows support is experimental. Known issues are [marked with label
-on github issues.
-We currently support only 64 bit Windows 7 or higher and we compile Bazel as a
-msys2 binary.
-## <a name="install"></a>Installation
-See instructions on the [installation page](install-windows.md).
-## <a name="requirements"></a>Requirements
-Before you can compile or run Bazel, you will need to set some environment
-export JAVA_HOME="$(ls -d C:/Program\ Files/Java/jdk* | sort | tail -n 1)"
-export BAZEL_SH=c:/tools/msys64/usr/bin/bash.exe
-If you run outside of `bash`, ensure that ``msys-2.0.dll`` is in your ``PATH``
-(if you install msys2 to ``c:\tools\msys64``, just add
-``c:\tools\msys64\usr\bin`` to ``PATH``).
-If you have another tool that vendors msys2 (such as msysgit), then
-``c:\tools\msys64\usr\bin`` must appear in your ``PATH`` *before* entries for
-those tools.
-Similarly, if you have [bash on Ubuntu on
-Windows](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/commandline/wsl/about) installed, you
-should make sure ``c:\tools\msys64\usr\bin`` appears in ``PATH`` *before*
-``c:\windows\system32``, because otherwise Windows' ``bash.exe`` is used before
-Use ``where msys-2.0.dll`` to ensure your ``PATH`` is set up correctly.
-To **run** Bazel (even pre-built binaries), you will need:
-* Java JDK 8 or later
-* [msys2 shell](https://msys2.github.io/) (need to be installed at
- ``C:\tools\msys64\``).
- * We build against version
- [20160205](https://sourceforge.net/projects/msys2/files/Base/x86_64/msys2-x86_64-20160205.exe/download),
- you will need this version in order to run the pre-built
- [release Bazel binaries](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases).
- * You can also use newer versions or the
- [latest version](https://sourceforge.net/projects/msys2/files/latest/download?source=files),
- but then you will need to compile Bazel from the distribution archive (the
- source zip file) so that it's linked against the right version of
- ``msys-2.0.dll``. See also the
- [known issues](install-compile-source.md#known-issues-when-compiling-from-source).
-* Several msys2 packages. Use the ``pacman`` command to install them:
- ```
- pacman -Syuu gcc git curl zip unzip zlib-devel
- ```
-To **compile** Bazel, in addition to the above you will need:
-* [Visual C++ Build Tools](http://landinghub.visualstudio.com/visual-cpp-build-tools)
- or the full [Visual C++](https://www.visualstudio.com/) (as part of Visual
- Studio; Community Edition is fine) with Windows SDK installed.
-* You may need to apply some patches/workarounds, see the
- [known issues](install-compile-source.md#known-issues-when-compiling-from-source).
-## <a name="compiling"></a>Compiling Bazel on Windows
-Ensure you have the [requirements](#requirements).
-To build Bazel:
-* Open the msys2 shell.
-* Clone the Bazel git repository as normal.
-* Set the environment variables (see above)
-* Run ``compile.sh`` in Bazel directory.
-* If all works fine, bazel will be built at ``output\bazel.exe``.
-## <a name="using"></a>Using Bazel on Windows
-Bazel now supports building C++, Java and Python targets on Windows.
-### Build C++
-To build C++ targets, you will need:
-* [Visual Studio](https://www.visualstudio.com/)
-<br/>We are using MSVC as the native C++ toolchain, so please ensure you have Visual
-Studio installed with the `Visual C++ > Common Tools for Visual C++` and
-`Visual C++ > Microsoft Foundation Classes for C++` features.
-(which is NOT the default installation type of Visual Studio).
-You can set `BAZEL_VS` environment variable to tell Bazel
-where Visual Studio is, otherwise Bazel will try to find the latest version installed.
-<br/>For example: `export BAZEL_VS="C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0"`
-* [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/)
-<br/>Both Python 2 and Python 3 are supported.
-Currently, we use Python wrapper scripts to call the actual MSVC compiler, so
-please make sure Python is installed and its location is added into PATH.
-It's also a good idea to set `BAZEL_PYTHON` environment variable to tell Bazel
-where Python is.
-<br/>For example: `export BAZEL_PYTHON=C:/Python27/python.exe`
-Bazel will auto-configure the location of Visual Studio and Python at the first
-time you build any target.
-If you need to auto-configure again, just run `bazel clean` then build a target.
-If everything is set up, you can build C++ target now!
-bazel build examples/cpp:hello-world
-bazel run examples/cpp:hello-world
-However, with Bazel version prior to 0.5.0, MSVC
-toolchain is not default on Windows, you should use flag
-`--cpu=x64_windows_msvc` to enable it like this:
-bazel build --cpu=x64_windows_msvc examples/cpp:hello-world
-### Build Java
-Building Java targets works well on Windows, no special configuration is needed.
-Just try:
-bazel build examples/java-native/src/main/java/com/example/myproject:hello-world
-bazel run examples/java-native/src/main/java/com/example/myproject:hello-world
-### Build Python
-On Windows, we build a self-extracting zip file for executable Python targets, you can even use
-`python ./bazel-bin/path/to/target` to run it in native Windows command line (cmd.exe).
-See more details in this [design doc](/designs/2016/09/05/build-python-on-windows.html).
-bazel build examples/py_native:bin
-python ./bazel-bin/examples/py_native/bin # This works in both msys and cmd.exe
-bazel run examples/py_native:bin