path: root/site/users.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'site/users.md')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/site/users.md b/site/users.md
index cc96d5895b..c280fbc10a 100644
--- a/site/users.md
+++ b/site/users.md
@@ -1,126 +1,4 @@
-layout: contribute
-title: Bazel Users
+layout: redirect
+redirect: users.html
-# Corporate users of Bazel
-## [Ascend.io](https://ascend.io)
-Ascend is a Palo Alto startup that offers solutions for large data sets
-analysis. Their motto is _Big data is hard. We make it easy_.
-## [Beeswax](https://www.beeswax.com/) (_in their own words_)
-"_Beeswax is a New York based startup that provides real time bidding as
-service. Bazel powers their Jenkins based continuous integration and deployment
-framework. Beeswax loves Bazel because it is blazingly fast, correct and well
-supported across many languages and platforms._"
-## [Braintree](https://www.braintreepayments.com)
-Braintree, a PayPal subsidiary, develops payment solutions for websites and
-applications. They use Bazel for parts of their internal build and Paul Gross
-even posted a [nice piece about how their switch to
-Bazel went](https://www.pgrs.net/2015/09/01/migrating-from-gradle-to-bazel/).
-## [Databricks](https://databricks.com)
-Databricks provides cloud-based integrated workspaces based on Apache Sparkā„¢.
-## [Interaxon](https://www.choosemuse.com/)
-InteraXon is a thought-controlled computing firm that creates hardware and
-software platforms to convert brainwaves into digital signals.
-## [Improbable.io](https://improbable.io/)
-Improbable.io develops SpatialOS, a distributed operating system that enables
-creating huge simulations inhabited by millions of complex entities.
-## [Makani](https://www.google.com/makani)
-Makani, now a Google subsidiary, develops energy kites and uses
-Bazel to build their software (including their embedded C++ software).
-## [Peloton Technology](http://www.peloton-tech.com)
-Peloton Technology is an automated vehicle technology company that tackles
-truck accidents and fuel use. They use Bazel to _enable reliable builds for
-automotive safety systems_.
-## [Stripe](https://stripe.com)
-Stripe provides mobile payment solutions. They are the main maintainers of the
-[Bazel Scala rules](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala).
-# Open-source projects using Bazel
-If you'd like your project listed here, please
-[let us know](mailto:kchodorow@google.com?subject=My project uses Bazel)!
-## [CallBuilder](https://github.com/google/CallBuilder)
-A Java code generator that allows you to create a builder by writing one
-## [Error Prone](https://github.com/google/error-prone)
-Catches common Java mistakes as compile-time errors. (Migration to Bazel is
-in progress.)
-## [FFruit](https://gitlab.com/perezd/ffruit/)
-FFruit is a free & open source Android application to the popular service
-[Falling Fruit](https://fallingfruit.org).
-## [GRPC](http://www.grpc.io)
-A language-and-platform-neutral remote procedure call system. (Bazel is a
-supported, although not primary, build system.)
-## [Gulava](http://www.github.com/google/gulava/)
-A Java code generator that lets you write Prolog-style predicates and use them
-seamlessly from normal Java code.
-## [Heron](http://twitter.github.io/heron/)
-Heron is a realtime, distributed, fault-tolerant stream processing engine
-from Twitter.
-## [Jsonnet](http://google.github.io/jsonnet/doc/)
-An elegant, formally-specified config generation language for JSON. (Bazel is a
-supported build system.)
-## [Kythe](https://github.com/google/kythe)
-An ecosystem for building tools that work with code.
-## [PetitParser for Java](https://github.com/petitparser/java-petitparser)
-Grammars for programming languages are traditionally specified statically. They
-are hard to compose and reuse due to ambiguities that inevitably arise.
-PetitParser combines ideas from scannnerless parsing, parser combinators,
-parsing expression grammars and packrat parsers to model grammars and parsers
-as objects that can be reconfigured dynamically.
-## [TensorFlow](http://tensorflow.org)
-An open source software library for machine intelligence.
-## [Trunk](https://github.com/mzhaom/trunk)
-A collection of C++/Java opensource projects with BUILD files so they
-can be built with Bazel with out of box support for protobuf and
-grpc (maybe thrift).
-## [Turbo Santa](https://github.com/turbo-santa/turbo-santa-common)
-A platform-independent GameBoy emulator.
-## [XIOSim](https://github.com/s-kanev/XIOSim)
-XIOSim is a detailed user-mode microarchitectural simulator for the x86 architecture.