path: root/site/docs
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+layout: documentation
+## title: Bazel Vision
+# Bazel Vision
+<font size='+1'>Any software developer can efficiently build, test, and package
+any project, of any size or complexity, with tooling that's easy to adopt and
+* **Engineers can take build fundamentals for granted.** Software developers
+ focus on the creative process of authoring code because the mechanical
+ process of build and test is solved. When customizing the build system to
+ support new languages or unique organizational needs, users focus on the
+ aspects of extensibility that are unique to their use case, without having
+ to reinvent the basic plumbing.
+* **Engineers can easily contribute to any project.** A developer who wants to
+ start working on a new project can simply clone the project and run the
+ build. There’s no need for local configuration - it just works. With
+ cross-platform remote execution, they can work on any machine anywhere and
+ fully test their changes against all platforms the project targets.
+ Engineers can quickly configure the build for a new project or incrementally
+ migrate an existing build.
+* **Projects can scale to any size codebase, any size team.** Fast,
+ incremental testing allows teams to fully validate every change before it is
+ committed. This remains true even as repos grow, projects span multiple
+ repos, and multiple languages are introduced. Infrastructure does not force
+ developers to trade test coverage for build speed.
+**We believe Bazel has the potential to fulfill this vision.** Bazel was built
+from the ground up to enable builds that are reproducible (a given set of inputs
+will always produce the same outputs) and portable (a build can be run on any
+machine without affecting the output). These characteristics support safe
+incrementality (rebuilding only changed inputs doesn't introduce the risk of
+corruption) and distributability (build actions are isolated and can be
+offloaded). By minimizing the work needed to do a correct build and
+parallelizing that work across multiple cores and remote systems, Bazel can make
+any build fast. Bazel’s abstraction layer—instructions specific to languages,
+platforms, and toolchains implemented in a simple extensibility language —
+allows it to be easily applied to any context.
+## Bazel Core Competencies
+1. Bazel supports **multi-language, multi-platform** builds and tests. You can
+ run a single command to build and test your entire source tree, no matter
+ which combination of languages and platforms you target.
+1. Bazel builds are **fast and correct**. Every build and test run is
+ incremental, on your developers' machines and on CI.
+1. Bazel provides a **uniform, extensible language** to define builds for any
+ language or platform.
+1. Bazel allows your builds **to scale** by connecting to remote execution and
+ caching services.
+1. Bazel works across **all major development platforms** (Linux, MacOS, and
+ Windows).
+1. We accept that adopting Bazel requires effort, but **gradual adoption** is
+ possible. Bazel interfaces with de-facto standard tools for a given
+ language/platform.
+## Serving language communities
+Software engineering evolves in the context of language communities — typically,
+self-organizing groups of people who use common tools and practices. To be of
+use to members of a language community, high-quality Bazel rules must be
+available that integrate with the workflows and conventions of that community.
+Bazel is committed to be extensible and open, and to support good rulesets for
+any language.
+### So what is a good ruleset?
+1. The rules need to support efficient **building and testing** for the
+ language, including code coverage.
+1. The rules need to **interface with a widely-used "package manager"** for the
+ language (such as Maven for Java), and support incremental migration paths
+ from other widely-used build systems.
+1. The rules need to be **extensible and interoperable**, following
+ ["Bazel sandwich"](https://bazel.build/designs/2016/08/04/extensibility-for-native-rules.html)
+ principles.
+1. The rules need to be **remote-execution ready**. In practice, this means
+ **configurable using the
+ [toolchains](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/toolchains.html)
+ mechanism**.
+1. The rules (and Bazel) need to interface with a **widely-used IDE** for the
+ language, if there is one.
+1. The rules need to have **thorough, usable documentation,** with introductory
+ material for new users, comprehensive docs for expert users.
+Each of these items is essential and only together do they deliver on Bazel's
+competencies for their particular ecosystem. They are also, by and large,
+sufficient - once all are fulfilled, Bazel fully delivers its value to members
+of that language community.