path: root/site/docs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'site/docs')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/site/docs/user-manual.html b/site/docs/user-manual.html
index 1773f45ba5..dafb24fa47 100644
--- a/site/docs/user-manual.html
+++ b/site/docs/user-manual.html
@@ -3200,6 +3200,108 @@ adb -s deadbeef install ...
printed to the console.
+ By default, command will just print help message outlining possible
+ options to dump specific areas of the Bazel state. In order to dump
+ internal state, at least one of the options must be specified.
+ Following options are supported:
+ <li><code class='flag'>--action_cache</code> dumps action cache content.</li>
+ <li><code class='flag'>--packages</code> dumps package cache content.</li>
+ <li><code class='flag'>--vfs</code> dumps VFS state.</li>
+ <li><code class='flag'>--skyframe</code> dumps state of internal Bazel dependency graph.</li>
+ <li><code class='flag'>--rules</code> dumps rule summary for each rule and aspect class,
+ including counts and action counts. This includes both native and Skylark rules.
+ If memory tracking is enabled, then the rules' memory consumption is also printed.</li>
+ <li><code class='flag'>--skylark_memory</code> dumps a
+ <href a=https://github.com/google/pprof>pprof</href> compatible .gz file to the specified path.
+ You must enable memory tracking for this to work.</li>
+ -->
+<h4 id='memory-tracking'>Memory tracking</h4>
+ Some <code>dump</code> commands require memory tracking. To turn this on, you have to pass
+ startup flags to Bazel:
+ <li><code>--host_jvm_args=-javaagent:$BAZEL/third_party/allocation_instrumenter/java-allocation-instrumenter-3.0.1.jar</code></li>
+ <li><code>--host_jvm_args=-DBLAZE_MEMORY_TRACKER=1</code></li>
+ The java-agent is checked into bazel at
+ third_party/allocation_instrumenter/java-allocation-instrumenter-3.0.1.jar, so make
+ sure you adjust <code>$BAZEL</code> for where you keep your bazel repository.
+ Do not forget to keep passing these options to Bazel for every command or the server will
+ restart.
+ % bazel --host_jvm_args=-javaagent:$BAZEL/third_party/allocation_instrumenter/java-allocation-instrumenter-3.0.1.jar \
+ --host_jvm_args=-DRULE_MEMORY_TRACKER=1 \
+ build --nobuild &lt;targets&gt;
+ # Dump rules
+ % bazel --host_jvm_args=-javaagent:$BAZEL/third_party/allocation_instrumenter/java-allocation-instrumenter-3.0.1.jar \
+ --host_jvm_args=-DRULE_MEMORY_TRACKER=1 \
+ dump --rules
+ # Dump Skylark heap and analyze it with pprof
+ % bazel --host_jvm_args=-javaagent:$BAZEL/third_party/allocation_instrumenter/java-allocation-instrumenter-3.0.1.jar \
+ --host_jvm_args=-DRULE_MEMORY_TRACKER=1 \
+ dump --skylark_memory=$HOME/prof.gz
+ % pprof -flame $HOME/prof.gz
+<h3 id='analyze-profile'>The <code>analyze-profile</code> command</h3>
+ The <code>analyze-profile</code> command analyzes data previously gathered
+ during the build using <code class='flag'>--profile</code> option. It provides several
+ options to either perform analysis of the build execution or export data in
+ the specified format.
+ The following options are supported:
+ <li><code id='flag--dump'>--dump=text</code> displays all gathered data in a
+ <a href='#dump-text-format'>human-readable format</a></li>
+ <li><code>--dump=raw</code> displays all gathered data in a
+ <a href='#dump-raw-format'>script-friendly format</a></li>
+ <li><code id='flag--html'>--html</code> generates an <a href='#dump-html-format'>HTML file</a> visualizing the
+ actions and rules executed in the build, as well as summary statistics for the build
+ <ul>
+ <li><code id='flag--html_details'>--html_details</code> adds more fine-grained
+ information on actions and rules to the HTML visualization</li>
+ <ul>
+ <li><code id='flag--html_histograms'>--html_histograms</code> adds histograms for Skylark
+ functions clicked in the statistics table. This will increase file size massively</li>
+ <li><code id='flag--nochart'>--nochart</code> hides the task chart from generated HTML
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li><code id='flag--combine'>--combine</code> combines multiple profile data files into a single
+ report. Does not generate HTML task charts</li>
+ <li><code id='flag--task_tree'>--task_tree</code> prints the tree of tasks matching the given
+ regular expression
+ <ul>
+ <li><code id='flag--task_tree_threshold'>--task_tree_threshold</code> skip tasks with duration
+ less than threshhold, in milliseconds. Default is 50ms</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ See the section on <a href='#profiling'>Troubleshooting performance by profiling</a> for
+ format details and usage help.
<h3 id='canonicalize'>The <code>canonicalize-flags</code> command</h3>