path: root/docs/getting-started.md
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+Getting Started with Bazel
+Every Bazel project is contained in a directory called a _build root_,
+which holds the inputs, outputs, and build rules for the project. To create a
+Bazel project, first clone the [Github repo](https://github.com/google/bazel)
+and build Bazel (follow the instructions in the
+[README](https://github.com/google/bazel/README.md) to install prerequisites):
+$ git clone https://github.com/google/bazel.git
+$ cd bazel
+$ ./compile.sh
+`./compile.sh` populates the _base_workspace_ subdirectory
+with the tools Bazel needs to do builds.
+Suppose that you have an existing project in a directory, say,
+_~/gitroot/my-project/_. Recursively copy _base_workspace/_ and
+all of its contents to wherever you'd like your build root and then move
+_my-project/_ to be a subdirectory of _base_workspace/_:
+$ cp -R ~/gitroot/bazel/base_workspace ~/gitroot
+$ mv ~/gitroot/my-project ~/gitroot/base_workspace
+At this point, you should have the following directory structure:
+ examples/
+ my-project/
+ tools/
+You can rename _base_workspace/_ to something more descriptive, if you prefer.
+Sanity Check: Building an Example
+To make sure everything is set up correctly in your build root, build one of the
+examples from the _examples/_ directory.
+$ cd ~/gitroot/base_workspace
+$ bazel build examples/java:hello-world
+Extracting Blaze installation...
+INFO: Found 1 target...
+Target //examples/java:hello-world up-to-date:
+ bazel-bin/examples/java/hello-world.jar
+ bazel-bin/examples/java/hello-world
+INFO: Elapsed time: 3.040s, Critical Path: 1.14s
+$ bazel-bin/examples/java/hello-world
+Hello world
+Bazel puts binaries it has built under _bazel-bin/_. Note that you can
+always look at the `build` command's output to find output file paths.
+Writing Your Own Build Rules
+Now you can start adding your own build rules. This example assumes that
+_my-project/_ is a Java project. See the
+[build encyclopedia](https://github.com/google/bazel/blob/master/docs/historical/build-encyclopedia.html)
+for advice on writing rules for other languages.
+Note that when we ran "bazel build" above, the third argument started with a
+filesystem path ("examples/java"), followed by a colon. When you run
+`bazel build examples/java:hello-world`, Bazel will look for a
+special file named BUILD in the _examples/java/_ subdirectory. This
+BUILD file defines rules about how Bazel should build things in this
+Thus, to add build rules to my-project, add a BUILD file in the
+_my-project/_ directory. Add the following lines to this BUILD file:
+# ~/gitroot/base_workspace/my-project/BUILD
+ name = "my-runner",
+ srcs = glob(["**/*.java"]),
+ main_class = "com.example.ProjectRunner",
+BUILD files are Python-like scripts. BUILD files cannot contain arbitrary
+Python, but each build rule looks like a Python function call and you can use
+"#" to start a single-line comment.
+`java_binary` is the type of thing this rule will build.
+`name` is how you'll refer to the rule when you run "bazel build"
+(in the "examples/java:hello-world" build above the `name` was
+"hello-world"). `srcs` lists the Java source files Bazel should
+compile into a Java binary. `glob(["**/*.java"])` is a handy
+shorthand for "recursively include every file that ends with .java" (see the
+[user manual](https://github.com/google/bazel/blob/master/docs/historical/bazel-user-manual.html)
+for more information about globbing). Replace `com.example.ProjectRunner` with
+the class that contains the main method.
+If you have no actual Java project you're using, you can use the following
+commands to make a fake project for this example:
+$ # If you're not already there, move to your build root directory.
+$ cd ~/gitroot/base_workspace
+$ mkdir -p my-project/java/com/example
+$ cat > my-project/java/com/example/ProjectRunner.java <<EOF
+package com.example;
+public class ProjectRunner {
+ public static void main(String args[]) {
+ Greeting.sayHi();
+ }
+$ cat > my-project/java/com/example/Greeting.java <<EOF
+package com.example;
+public class Greeting {
+ public static void sayHi() {
+ System.out.println("Hi!");
+ }
+Now build your project:
+$ bazel build my-project:my-runner
+INFO: Found 1 target...
+Target //my-project:my-runner up-to-date:
+ bazel-bin/my-project/my-runner.jar
+ bazel-bin/my-project/my-runner
+INFO: Elapsed time: 1.021s, Critical Path: 0.83s
+$ bazel-bin/my-project/my-runner
+Congratulations, you've written your first Bazel rule!
+Adding Dependencies
+Creating one rule to build your entire project may be sufficient for small
+projects, but as projects get larger it's important to break up the build into
+self-contained libraries that can be assembled into a final product. This way
+the entire world doesn't need to be rebuilt on small changes and Bazel can
+parallelize more of the build steps.
+To break up a project, create separate rules for each subcomponent and then
+make them depend on each other. For the example above, add the following rules
+to the _my-project/BUILD_ file:
+ name = "my-other-runner",
+ srcs = ["java/com/example/ProjectRunner.java"],
+ main_class = "com.example.ProjectRunner",
+ deps = [":greeter"],
+ name = "greeter",
+ srcs = ["java/com/example/Greeting.java"],
+Now you can build and run `my-project:my-other-runner`:
+$ bazel run my-project:my-other-runner
+INFO: Found 1 target...
+Target //my-project:my-other-runner up-to-date:
+ bazel-bin/my-project/my-other-runner.jar
+ bazel-bin/my-project/my-other-runner
+INFO: Elapsed time: 2.454s, Critical Path: 1.58s
+INFO: Running command line: bazel-bin/my-project/my-other-runner
+If you edit _ProjectRunner.java_ and rebuild `my-other-runner`, only
+_ProjectRunner.java_ needs to be rebuilt (<code>greeter</code> is unchanged).
+Using Multiple Packages
+For larger projects, you will often be dealing with several directories. You
+can refer to targets defined in other BUILD files using the syntax
+`//package-name:target-name`. For example, suppose
+_my-project/java/com/example/_ has a _cmdline/_ subdirectory with the following
+$ mkdir my-project/java/com/example/cmdline
+$ cat > my-project/java/com/example/cmdline/Runner.java &lt;&lt;EOF
+package com.example.cmdline;
+import com.example.Greeting;
+public class Runner {
+ public static void main(String args[]) {
+ Greeting.sayHi();
+ }
+We could add a BUILD file at _my-project/java/com/example/cmdline/BUILD_
+that contained the following rule:
+# ~/gitroot/base_workspace/my-project/java/com/example/cmdline/BUILD
+ name = "runner",
+ srcs = ["Runner.java"],
+ main_class = "com.example.cmdline.Runner",
+ deps = ["//my-project:greeter"]
+However, by default, build rules are _private_. This means that they can only be
+referred to by rules in the same BUILD file. This prevents libraries that are
+implementation details from leaking into public APIs, but it also means that you
+must explicitly allow `runner` to depend on `my-project:greeter`. As is, if we
+build `runner` we'll get a permissions error:
+$ bazel build my-project/java/com/example/cmdline:runner
+ERROR: /usr/local/google/home/kchodorow/gitroot/base_workspace/my-project/java/com/example/cmdline/BUILD:2:1:
+ Target '//my-project:greeter' is not visible from target '//my-project/java/com/example/cmdline:runner'.
+ Check the visibility declaration of the former target if you think the dependency is legitimate.
+ERROR: Analysis of target '//my-project/java/com/example/cmdline:runner' failed; build aborted.
+INFO: Elapsed time: 0.091s
+You can make a rule visibile to rules in other BUILD files by adding a
+`visibility = level` attribute. Change the `greeter` rule in
+_my-project/BUILD_ to be visible to our new rule:
+ name = "greeter",
+ srcs = ["java/com/example/Greeting.java"],
+ visibility = ["//my-project/java/com/example/cmdline:__pkg__"],
+This makes `//my-project:greeter` visible to any rule in the
+`//my-project/java/com/example/cmdline` package. Now we can build and
+run the binary:
+$ bazel run my-project/java/com/example/cmdline:runner
+INFO: Found 1 target...
+Target //my-project/java/com/example/cmdline:runner up-to-date:
+ bazel-bin/my-project/java/com/example/cmdline/runner.jar
+ bazel-bin/my-project/java/com/example/cmdline/runner
+INFO: Elapsed time: 1.576s, Critical Path: 0.81s
+INFO: Running command line: bazel-bin/my-project/java/com/example/cmdline/runner
+See the [build encyclopedia](https://github.com/google/bazel/blob/master/docs/historical/build-encyclopedia.html) for more visibility options.
+If you look at the contents of
+_bazel-bin/my-project/java/com/example/cmdline/runner.jar_, you can see that it
+only contains `Runner.class`, not its dependencies (`Greeting.class`):
+$ jar tf bazel-bin/my-project/java/com/example/cmdline/runner.jar
+To deploy a `runner` binary, we need a self-contained jar. To build this, build
+runner_deploy.jar (or, more generally, _&lt;target-name&gt;_deploy.jar_):
+$ bazel build my-project/java/com/example/cmdline:runner_deploy.jar
+INFO: Found 1 target...
+Target //my-project/java/com/example/cmdline:runner_deploy.jar up-to-date:
+ bazel-bin/my-project/java/com/example/cmdline/runner_deploy.jar
+INFO: Elapsed time: 1.700s, Critical Path: 0.23s
+`runner_deploy.jar` will contain all of its dependencies.
+Next Steps
+You can now create your own targets and compose them. See the [build
+and Bazel
+[user manual](https://github.com/google/bazel/blob/master/docs/historical/bazel-user-manual.html)
+for more information.
+[Let us know](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss)
+if you have any questions!