diff options
4 files changed, 669 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/release/BUILD b/scripts/release/BUILD
index b2fb039097..7ccd9d5596 100644
--- a/scripts/release/BUILD
+++ b/scripts/release/BUILD
@@ -20,3 +20,24 @@ sh_test(
+ name = "release",
+ srcs = [
+ "common.sh",
+ "release.sh",
+ ],
+ deps = [":relnotes"],
+ name = "release_test",
+ srcs = ["release_test.sh"],
+ data = [
+ "testenv.sh",
+ "//:git",
+ "//src/test/shell:bashunit",
+ ],
+ tags = ["need_git"],
+ deps = [":release"],
diff --git a/scripts/release/common.sh b/scripts/release/common.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f1afd809d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/release/common.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#!/bin/bash -eu
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Some common method for release scripts
+# A release candidate is created from a branch named "release-%name%"
+# where %name% is the name of the release. Once promoted to a release,
+# A tag %name% will be created from this branch and the corresponding
+# branch removed.
+# The last commit of the release branch is always a commit containing
+# the release notes in the commit message and updating the CHANGELOG.md.
+# This last commit will be cherry-picked back in the master branch
+# when the release candidate is promoted to a release.
+# To follow tracks and to support how CI systems fetch the refs, we
+# store two commit notes: the release name and the candidate number.
+# Returns the branch name of the current git repository
+function git_get_branch() {
+ git symbolic-ref --short HEAD
+# Show the commit message of the ref specified in argument
+function git_commit_msg() {
+ git show -s --pretty=format:%B "$@"
+# Extract the release candidate number from the git notes
+function get_release_candidate() {
+ git notes --ref=release-candidate show "$@" 2>/dev/null | xargs echo || true
+# Extract the release name from the git notes
+function get_release_name() {
+ git notes --ref=release show "$@" 2>/dev/null | xargs echo || true
+# Returns the info from the branch of the release. It is the current branch
+# but it errors out if the current branch is not a release branch. This
+# method returns the tag of the release and the number of the current
+# candidate in this release.
+function get_release_branch() {
+ local branch_name=$(git_get_branch)
+ if [ -z "$(get_release_name)" -o -z "$(get_release_candidate)" ]; then
+ echo "Not a release branch: ${branch_name}." >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "${branch_name}"
diff --git a/scripts/release/release.sh b/scripts/release/release.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..bebc2114d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/release/release.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+#!/bin/bash -eu
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generate the release branches and handle the release tags.
+set -eu
+# Repositories to push the release branch and the release tag.
+: ${RELEASE_REPOSITORIES:="https://github.com/google/bazel"}
+# Repositories to push the master branch
+: ${MASTER_REPOSITORIES:="https://github.com/google/bazel https://bazel.googlesource.com/bazel"}
+# Name of the default editor
+: ${EDITOR=vi}
+# Author of the release commits
+: ${RELEASE_AUTHOR="Bazel Release System <noreply@google.com>"}
+# Load relnotes.sh
+SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)
+source ${SCRIPT_DIR}/relnotes.sh
+# Load common.sh
+source ${SCRIPT_DIR}/common.sh
+# Editing release notes info for the user
+RELEASE_NOTE_MESSAGE='# Editing release notes
+# Modify the release notes to make them suitable for the release.
+# Every line starting with a # will be removed as well as every
+# empty line at the start and at the end.
+# Set the release name $1 (and eventually the candidate number $2).
+function set_release_name() {
+ git notes --ref=release remove 2>/dev/null || true
+ git notes --ref=release-candidate remove 2>/dev/null || true
+ git notes --ref=release append -m "$1"
+ [ -z "${2-}" ] || git notes --ref=release-candidate append -m "$2"
+# Trim empty lines at the beginning and the end of the buffer.
+function trim_empty_lines() {
+ local f="$(echo $'\f')" # linefeed because OSX sed does not support \f
+ # Replace all new line by a linefeed, then using sed, remove the leading
+ # and trailing linefeeds and convert them back to newline
+ tr '\n' '\f' | sed -e "s/^$f*//" -e "s/$f*$//" | tr '\f' '\n'
+# Launch the editor and return the edited release notes
+function release_note_editor() {
+ local tmpfile="$1"
+ local origin_branch="$2"
+ local branch_name="${3-}"
+ $EDITOR ${tmpfile} || {
+ echo "Editor failed, cancelling release creation..." >&2
+ git checkout -q ${origin_branch} >/dev/null
+ [ -z "${branch_name}" ] || git branch -D ${branch_name}
+ exit 1
+ }
+ # Stripping the release notes
+ local relnotes="$(cat ${tmpfile} | grep -v '^#' | trim_empty_lines)"
+ if [ -z "${relnotes}" ]; then
+ echo "Release notes are empty, cancelling release creation..." >&2
+ git checkout -q ${origin_branch} >/dev/null
+ [ -z "${branch_name}" ] || git branch -D ${branch_name}
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "${relnotes}" >${tmpfile}
+# Create the release commit by changing the CHANGELOG file
+function create_release_commit() {
+ local release_title="$1"
+ local release_name="$2"
+ local relnotes="$3"
+ local tmpfile="$4"
+ local baseline="$5"
+ shift 5
+ local cherrypicks=$@
+ local changelog_path="$PWD/CHANGELOG.md"
+ version_info=$(create_revision_information $baseline $cherrypicks)
+ cat >${tmpfile} <<EOF
+## ${release_title}
+ if [ -n "${version_info}" ]; then
+ cat >>${tmpfile} <<EOF
+ fi
+ cat >>${tmpfile} <<EOF
+ if [ -f "${changelog_path}" ]; then
+ cat "${changelog_path}" >>${tmpfile}
+ fi
+ cat ${tmpfile} > ${changelog_path}
+ git add ${changelog_path}
+ # Commit message
+ cat >${tmpfile} <<EOF
+ git commit -F ${tmpfile} --no-edit --author "${RELEASE_AUTHOR}"
+function apply_cherry_picks() {
+ echo "Applying cherry-picks"
+ # Apply cherry-picks
+ for i in $@; do
+ local previous_head="$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
+ echo " Cherry-picking $i"
+ git cherry-pick $i >/dev/null || {
+ echo "Failed to cherry-pick $i. please resolve the conflict and exit." >&2
+ echo " Use 'git cherry-pick --abort; exit' to abort the cherry-picks." >&2
+ echo " Use 'git cherry-pick --continue; exit' to resolve the conflict." >&2
+ bash
+ if [ "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" == "${previous_head}" ]; then
+ echo "Cherry-pick aborted, aborting the whole command..." >&2
+ return 1
+ fi
+ }
+ done
+ return 0
+# Execute the create command:
+# Create a new release named "$1" with "$2" as the baseline commit.
+function create_release() {
+ local release_name="$1"
+ local baseline="$2"
+ shift 2
+ local origin_branch=$(git_get_branch)
+ local branch_name="release-${release_name}"
+ local release_title="Release ${release_name} ($(date +%Y-%m-%d))"
+ local tmpfile=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/relnotes-XXXXXXXX)
+ local tmpfile2=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/relnotes-XXXXXXXX)
+ trap 'rm -f ${tmpfile} ${tmpfile2}' EXIT
+ # Get the rc number (1 by default)
+ local rc=1
+ if [ -n "$(git branch --list --column ${branch_name})" ]; then
+ rc=$(($(get_release_candidate "${branch_name}")+1))
+ fi
+ # Save the changelog so we compute the relnotes against HEAD.
+ git show master:CHANGELOG.md >${tmpfile2} 2>/dev/null || echo >${tmpfile2}
+ echo "Creating new release branch ${branch_name} for release ${release_name}"
+ git checkout -B ${branch_name} ${baseline}
+ apply_cherry_picks $@ || {
+ git checkout ${origin_branch}
+ git branch -D ${branch_name}
+ exit 1
+ }
+ echo "Creating release notes"
+ echo "${RELEASE_NOTE_MESSAGE}" > ${tmpfile}
+ echo "# ${release_title}" >> ${tmpfile}
+ echo >> ${tmpfile}
+ create_release_notes "${tmpfile2}" >> ${tmpfile}
+ release_note_editor ${tmpfile} "${origin_branch}" "${branch_name}"
+ local relnotes="$(cat ${tmpfile})"
+ echo "Creating the release commit"
+ create_release_commit "${release_title}" "${release_name}" \
+ "${relnotes}" "${tmpfile}" "${baseline}" $@
+ set_release_name "${release_name}" "${rc}"
+ rm -f ${tmpfile} ${tmpfile2}
+ trap - EXIT
+# Push the release branch to the release repositories so a release
+# candidate can be created.
+function push_release_candidate() {
+ local branch="$(get_release_branch)"
+ for repo in ${RELEASE_REPOSITORIES}; do
+ git push -f ${repo} +${branch}
+ git push -f ${repo} +refs/notes/release
+ git push -f ${repo} +refs/notes/release-candidate
+ done
+# Deletes the release branch after a release or abandoning the release
+function cleanup_branches() {
+ local tag_name=$1
+ local i
+ echo "Destroying the release branches for release ${tag_name}"
+ # Destroy branch, ignoring if it doesn't exists.
+ git branch -D release-${tag_name} &>/dev/null || true
+ git push -f $i :release-${tag_name} &>/dev/null || true
+ done
+# Releases the current release branch, creating the necessary tag,
+# destroying the release branch, updating the master's CHANGELOG.md
+# and pushing everything to GitHub.
+function do_release() {
+ local branch=$(get_release_branch)
+ local tag_name=$(get_release_name)
+ echo -n "You are about to release branch ${branch} in tag ${tag_name}, confirm? [y/N] "
+ read answer
+ if [ "$answer" = "y" -o "$answer" = "Y" ]; then
+ # Remove release "candidate"
+ set_release_name "${tag_name}"
+ echo "Creating the tag"
+ git tag ${tag_name}
+ echo "Cherry-picking CHANGELOG.md modification into master"
+ git checkout master
+ # Ensuring we are up to date for master
+ git pull --rebase $(echo "$MASTER_REPOSITORIES" | cut -d " " -f 1) master
+ # We do not cherry-pick because we might have conflict if the baseline
+ # does not contains the latest CHANGELOG.md file, so trick it.
+ local changelog_path="$PWD/CHANGELOG.md"
+ git show ${branch}:CHANGELOG.md >${changelog_path}
+ local tmpfile=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/relnotes-XXXXXXXX)
+ trap 'rm -f ${tmpfile}' EXIT
+ git_commit_msg ${branch} >${tmpfile}
+ git add ${changelog_path}
+ git commit -F ${tmpfile} --no-edit --author "${RELEASE_AUTHOR}"
+ rm -f ${tmpfile}
+ trap - EXIT
+ echo "Pushing the change to remote repositories"
+ git push $i +master
+ done
+ git push $i +refs/tags/${tag_name}
+ git push $i +refs/notes/release-candidate
+ git push $i +refs/notes/release
+ done
+ cleanup_branches ${tag_name}
+ fi
+# Abandon the current release, deleting the branch on the local
+# repository and on GitHub, discarding all changes
+function abandon_release() {
+ local branch_info=$(get_release_branch)
+ local tag_name=$(get_release_name)
+ echo -n "You are about to abandon release ${tag_name}, confirm? [y/N] "
+ read answer
+ if [ "$answer" = "y" -o "$answer" = "Y" ]; then
+ git checkout -q master >/dev/null
+ cleanup_branches ${tag_name}
+ fi
+function usage() {
+ cat >&2 <<EOF
+Usage: $1 command [arguments]
+Available commands are:
+ - create RELEASE_NAME BASELINE [COMMIT1 ... COMMITN]: creates a new
+ release branch for release named RELEASE_NAME, cutting it at
+ the commit BASELINE and cherry-picking COMMIT1 ... COMMITN.
+ - push: push the current release branch to release repositories.
+ - release: do the actual release of the current release branch.
+ - abandon: abandon the current release branch.
+The typical workflow for the release manager is:
+1. Create the release branch using the decided name for the release
+ (usually a version number). The BASELINE is generally a baseline
+ that has been tested extensively including inside Google.
+2. Push to the repository and wait for the continuous integration
+ to rebuild and deploy the various artifacts and send the annoucement
+ mails about a new release candidate being available.
+3. If necessary, creates a new release branch with the same name to
+ address return from the users and go back to 2.
+4. Either abandon or release the branch depending on if too much
+ problems are reported or if the release is considered viable. The
+ CI system should then rebuild from the tag and deploy the artifact
+ to GitHub and sends the announcement mails about the new release.
+ exit 1
+git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- || {
+ echo "There are pending changes in this git repository." >&2
+ echo "Please commit or stash them before using that script." >&2
+ exit 1
+[ "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" == "$PWD" ] || {
+ echo "You should run this script from the root of the git repository." >&2
+ exit 1
+shift || usage $progname
+case $cmd in
+ create)
+ (( $# >= 2 )) || usage $progname
+ create_release "$@"
+ ;;
+ push)
+ push_release_candidate
+ ;;
+ release)
+ do_release
+ ;;
+ abandon)
+ abandon_release
+ ;;
+ *)
+ usage $progname
+ ;;
diff --git a/scripts/release/release_test.sh b/scripts/release/release_test.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..dc3b2c5956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/release/release_test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Tests release notes generation (relnotes.sh)
+set -eu
+SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)
+source ${SCRIPT_DIR}/testenv.sh || { echo "testenv.sh not found!" >&2; exit 1; }
+source ${SCRIPT_DIR}/common.sh || { echo "common.sh not found!" >&2; exit 1; }
+function set_up() {
+ # Clean previous clones
+ # Now creates the clones
+ git clone -l --bare -q ${MASTER_ROOT} ${GERRIT_ROOT}
+ git clone -l --bare -q ${MASTER_ROOT} ${GITHUB_ROOT}
+ # And the working copy
+ git clone -l -q ${GERRIT_ROOT} ${WORKSPACE}
+ # Avoid committer message
+ cat >>.git/config <<EOF
+ name = Bazel tests
+ email = noreply@google.com
+function create() {
+ ${RELEASE_SCRIPT} create $@ \
+ || fail "Failed to cut release $1 at commit $2"
+ local branch=$(git_get_branch)
+ assert_equals "release-$1" "$branch"
+ git show -s --pretty=format:%B >$TEST_log
+function push() {
+ local branch=$(git_get_branch)
+ ${RELEASE_SCRIPT} push || fail "Failed to push release branch $branch"
+ git --git-dir=${GITHUB_ROOT} branch >$TEST_log
+ expect_log "$branch"
+ git --git-dir=${GERRIT_ROOT} branch >$TEST_log
+ expect_not_log "$branch"
+ assert_equals "$(git show -s --pretty=format:%B $branch)" \
+ "$(git --git-dir=${GITHUB_ROOT} show -s --pretty=format:%B $branch)"
+function release() {
+ local tag=$1
+ local branch=$(git_get_branch)
+ local changelog=$(cat CHANGELOG.md)
+ local commit=$(git show -s --pretty=format:%B $branch)
+ echo y | ${RELEASE_SCRIPT} release || fail "Failed to release ${branch}"
+ assert_equals master "$(git_get_branch)"
+ git tag >$TEST_log
+ expect_log $tag
+ git --git-dir=${GITHUB_ROOT} tag >$TEST_log
+ expect_log $tag
+ git --git-dir=${GERRIT_ROOT} tag >$TEST_log
+ expect_not_log $tag
+ # Test commit is everywhere
+ assert_equals "$commit" "$(git show -s --pretty=format:%B $tag)"
+ assert_equals "$commit" "$(git show -s --pretty=format:%B master)"
+ assert_equals "$commit" \
+ "$(git --git-dir=${GITHUB_ROOT} show -s --pretty=format:%B $tag)"
+ assert_equals "$commit" \
+ "$(git --git-dir=${GITHUB_ROOT} show -s --pretty=format:%B master)"
+ assert_equals "$commit" \
+ "$(git --git-dir=${GERRIT_ROOT} show -s --pretty=format:%B master)"
+ # Now test for CHANGELOG.md file in master branch
+ assert_equals "$changelog" "$(git show $tag:CHANGELOG.md)"
+ assert_equals "$changelog" "$(git show master:CHANGELOG.md)"
+ assert_equals "$changelog" \
+ "$(git --git-dir=${GITHUB_ROOT} show $tag:CHANGELOG.md)"
+ assert_equals "$changelog" \
+ "$(git --git-dir=${GITHUB_ROOT} show master:CHANGELOG.md)"
+ assert_equals "$changelog" \
+ "$(git --git-dir=${GERRIT_ROOT} show master:CHANGELOG.md)"
+function abandon() {
+ local tag="$1"
+ local branch=$(git_get_branch)
+ local changelog="$(git show master:CHANGELOG.md)"
+ local master_sha1=$(git rev-parse master)
+ echo y | ${RELEASE_SCRIPT} abandon || fail "Failed to abandon release ${branch}"
+ assert_equals master "$(git_get_branch)"
+ # test release was not tagged
+ git tag >$TEST_log
+ expect_not_log $tag
+ git --git-dir=${GITHUB_ROOT} tag >$TEST_log
+ expect_not_log $tag
+ git --git-dir=${GERRIT_ROOT} tag >$TEST_log
+ expect_not_log $tag
+ # Test branch was deleted
+ git branch >$TEST_log
+ expect_not_log $branch
+ git --git-dir=${GITHUB_ROOT} branch >$TEST_log
+ expect_not_log $branch
+ # Test the master branch commit hasn't changed
+ assert_equals "$(git rev-parse master)" "${master_sha1}"
+ # Now test for CHANGELOG.md file in master branch hasn't changed
+ assert_equals "$changelog" "$(git show master:CHANGELOG.md)"
+ assert_equals "$changelog" \
+ "$(git --git-dir=${GITHUB_ROOT} show master:CHANGELOG.md)"
+ assert_equals "$changelog" \
+ "$(git --git-dir=${GERRIT_ROOT} show master:CHANGELOG.md)"
+function test_release_workflow() {
+ export EDITOR=true
+ # Initial release
+ create v0 965c392
+ expect_log "Release v0"
+ expect_log "Initial release"
+ # Push the release branch
+ push
+ # Do the initial release
+ release v0
+ # Second release.
+ # First we need to edit the logs
+ export EDITOR=${TEST_TMPDIR}/editor.sh
+ local RELNOTES='Incompatible changes:
+ - Remove deprecated "make var" INCDIR
+Important changes:
+ - Use a default implementation of a progress message, rather than
+ defaulting to null for all SpawnActions.'
+ cat >${TEST_TMPDIR}/expected.log <<EOF
+# Editing release notes
+# Modify the release notes to make them suitable for the release.
+# Every line starting with a # will be removed as well as every
+# empty line at the start and at the end.
+# Release v1 ($(date +%Y-%m-%d))
+ echo "Test replacement" >${TEST_TMPDIR}/replacement.log
+ cat >${EDITOR} <<EOF
+# 1. Assert the file is correct
+if [ "\$(cat \$1)" != "\$(cat ${TEST_TMPDIR}/expected.log)" ]; then
+ echo "Expected:" >&2
+ cat ${TEST_TMPDIR}/expected.log >&2
+ echo "Got:" >&2
+ cat \$1 >&2
+ exit 1
+# 2. write the replacement in the input file
+cat ${TEST_TMPDIR}/replacement.log >\$1
+ chmod +x ${EDITOR}
+ create v1 1170dc6 0540fde
+ local header='Release v1 ('$(date +%Y-%m-%d)')
+Baseline: 1170dc6
+ + 0540fde: Extract version numbers that look like "..._1.2.3_..."
+ from BUILD_EMBED_LABEL into Info.plist.
+ assert_equals "${header}Test replacement" "$(cat ${TEST_log})"
+ push
+ # Test creating a second candidate
+ echo "#!/usr/bin/true" >${EDITOR}
+ create v1 1170dc6 0540fde cef25c4
+ header='Release v1 ('$(date +%Y-%m-%d)')
+Baseline: 1170dc6
+ + 0540fde: Extract version numbers that look like "..._1.2.3_..."
+ from BUILD_EMBED_LABEL into Info.plist.
+ + cef25c4: RELNOTES: Attribute error messages related to Android
+ resources are easier to understand now.
+ - Attribute error messages related to Android resources are easier
+ to understand now.'
+ assert_equals "${header}${RELNOTES}" "$(cat ${TEST_log})"
+ assert_equals 2 "$(get_release_candidate)"
+ # Push the release
+ push
+ release v1
+ # Third release to test abandon
+ cat >${EDITOR} <<EOF
+# Make sure we have release notes or the release will be cancelled.
+echo 'Dummy release' >\$1
+ # Create release
+ create v2 2464526
+ expect_log "Release v2"
+ expect_log "Baseline: 2464526"
+ # Abandon it
+ abandon v2
+ # Re-create release
+ create v2 2464526
+ expect_log "Release v2"
+ expect_log "Baseline: 2464526"
+ # Push
+ push
+ # Abandon it
+ abandon v2
+run_suite "Release tests"