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3 files changed, 59 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/site/docs/skylark/rules.md b/site/docs/skylark/rules.md
index 2c7e696e68..61aa86c8e3 100644
--- a/site/docs/skylark/rules.md
+++ b/site/docs/skylark/rules.md
@@ -225,13 +225,13 @@ output*. There are multiple ways for a rule to introduce a predeclared output:
automatically, usually by substituting into a template.
[See example](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/blob/master/rules/default_outputs/extension.bzl)
-* If the rule is marked [`executable`](lib/globals.html#rule.executable), an
- output is created with the same name as the rule instance itself.
- (Technically, the file has no label since it would clash with the rule
- instance's own label, but it is still considered a predeclared output.) By
- default, this file serves as the binary to run if the target appears on the
- command line of a `bazel run` or `bazel test` command. Use the `executable`
- argument of `DefaultInfo` to override this behavior.
+* If the rule is marked [`executable`](lib/globals.html#rule.executable) or
+ [`test`](lib/globals.html#rule.test), an output is created with the same name
+ as the rule instance itself. (Technically, the file has no label since it
+ would clash with the rule instance's own label, but it is still considered a
+ predeclared output.) By default, this file serves as the binary to run if the
+ target appears on the command line of a `bazel run` or `bazel test` command.
+ See [Executable rules](#executable-rules-and-test-rules) below.
[See example](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/blob/master/rules/executable/executable.bzl)
All predeclared outputs can be accessed within the rule's implementation
@@ -636,27 +636,34 @@ if ctx.configuration.coverage_enabled:
# Do something to turn on coverage for this compile action
-## Executable rules
-An executable rule is a rule that users can run using `bazel run`.
-To make a rule executable, set `executable=True` in the
-[rule function](lib/globals.html#rule). The `implementation` function of the
-rule must generate the output file `ctx.outputs.executable`.
-[See example](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/blob/master/rules/executable/executable.bzl)
-## Test rules
-Test rules are run using `bazel test`.
-To create a test rule, set `test=True` in the
-[rule function](lib/globals.html#rule). The name of the rule must
-also end with `_test`. Test rules are implicitly executable, which means that
-the `implementation` function of the rule must generate the output file
-[See example](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/blob/master/rules/test_rule/line_length.bzl)
+## Executable rules and test rules
+Executable rules define targets that can be invoked by a `bazel run` command.
+Test rules are a special kind of executable rule whose targets can also be
+invoked by a `bazel test` command. Executable and test rules are created by
+setting the respective [`executable`](lib/globals.html#rule.executable) or
+[`test`](lib/globals.html#rule.test) argument to true when defining the rule.
+Test rules (but not necessarily their targets) must have names that end in
+`_test`. Non-test rules must not have this suffix.
+Both kinds of rules automatically predeclare an output file, which is made
+available to the rule implementation function under the name
+`ctx.outputs.executable`. The rule implementation function should produce an
+action that will generate a corresponding executable file on the file system.
+This means that if you use `ctx.actions.write()` to produce the file, then you
+should pass `is_executable=True`; and if you use `ctx.actions.run()` or
+`ctx.actions.run_shell()` instead, then you should ensure that the binary or
+script being invoked sets the executable bit when it creates the file.
+By default, this executable is what will be invoked by the `run` or `test`
+commands. Alternatively, you can override this behavior by passing a different
+file to the `executable` argument of a returned `DefaultInfo` provider. In that
+case, you should not attempt to create an action that has
+`ctx.outputs.executable` as an input or output.
+See examples of an [executable rule](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/blob/master/rules/executable/executable.bzl)
+and a [test rule](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/blob/master/rules/test_rule/line_length.bzl).
Test rules inherit the following attributes: `args`, `flaky`, `local`,
`shard_count`, `size`, `timeout`. The defaults of inherited attributes cannot be
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/actions/AbstractAction.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/actions/AbstractAction.java
index 7e264670b8..dcc5080ca6 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/actions/AbstractAction.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/actions/AbstractAction.java
@@ -63,10 +63,16 @@ import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;
name = "Action",
category = SkylarkModuleCategory.BUILTIN,
doc =
- "An action created on a <a href=\"ctx.html\">ctx</a> object. You can retrieve these "
- + "using the <a href=\"globals.html#Actions\">Actions</a> provider. Some fields are only "
- + "applicable for certain kinds of actions. Fields that are inapplicable are set to "
- + "<code>None</code>."
+ "An action created during rule analysis."
+ + "<p>This object is visible for the purpose of testing, and may be obtained from an "
+ + "<a href=\"globals.html#Actions\">Actions</a> provider. It is normally not necessary "
+ + "to access `Action` objects or their fields within a rule's implementation function. "
+ + "You may instead want to see the "
+ + "<a href='../rules.$DOC_EXT#actions'>Rules page</a> for a general discussion of how to "
+ + "use actions when defining custom rules, or the <a href='actions.html'>API reference"
+ + "</a> for creating actions."
+ + "<p>Some fields of this object are only applicable for certain kinds of actions. "
+ + "Fields that are inapplicable are set to <code>None</code>."
public abstract class AbstractAction implements Action, SkylarkValue {
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/analysis/skylark/SkylarkRuleClassFunctions.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/analysis/skylark/SkylarkRuleClassFunctions.java
index b58432c1ef..c5096c9c6b 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/analysis/skylark/SkylarkRuleClassFunctions.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/analysis/skylark/SkylarkRuleClassFunctions.java
@@ -359,8 +359,12 @@ public class SkylarkRuleClassFunctions {
name = "rule",
doc =
- "Creates a new rule. Store it in a global value, so that it can be loaded and called "
- + "from BUILD files.",
+ "Creates a new rule, which can be called from a BUILD file or a macro to create targets."
+ + "<p>Rules must be assigned to global variables in a .bzl file; the name of the "
+ + "global variable is the rule's name."
+ + "<p>Test rules are required to have a name ending in <code>_test</code>, while all "
+ + "other rules must not have this suffix. (This restriction applies only to rules, not "
+ + "to their targets.)",
returnType = BaseFunction.class,
parameters = {
@@ -379,13 +383,11 @@ public class SkylarkRuleClassFunctions {
defaultValue = "False",
doc =
"Whether this rule is a test rule, that is, whether it may be the subject of a "
- + "<code>blaze test</code> or <code>blaze run</code> command. All test rules are "
- + "automatically considered <a href='#rule.executable'>executable</a>; it is "
- + "unnecessary (and discouraged) to explicitly set <code>executable = True</code> "
- + "for a test rule."
- + "<p>Test rules must have names ending in the suffix <code>\"_test\"</code>; "
- + "non-test rules must not use this suffix. (Note that this applies only to the "
- + "name of the rule, not its targets.)"
+ + "<code>blaze test</code> command. All test rules are automatically considered "
+ + "<a href='#rule.executable'>executable</a>; it is unnecessary (and discouraged) "
+ + "to explicitly set <code>executable = True</code> for a test rule. See the "
+ + "<a href='../rules.$DOC_EXT#executable-rules-and-test-rules'>Rules page</a> for "
+ + "more information."
name = "attrs",
@@ -427,10 +429,9 @@ public class SkylarkRuleClassFunctions {
defaultValue = "False",
doc =
"Whether this rule is considered executable, that is, whether it may be the subject of "
- + "a <code>blaze run</code> command. Executable rules automatically get a "
- + "predeclared output that is addressable as <code>ctx.outputs.executable</code>. "
- + "See the <a href='../rules.$DOC_EXT#output-files'>Rules page</a> for more "
- + "information."
+ + "a <code>blaze run</code> command. See the "
+ + "<a href='../rules.$DOC_EXT#executable-rules-and-test-rules'>Rules page</a> for "
+ + "more information."
name = "output_to_genfiles",