diff options
9 files changed, 875 insertions, 537 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/ExpansionFunction.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/ExpansionFunction.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffab6e70fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/ExpansionFunction.java
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package com.google.devtools.common.options;
+ * A function from an option parser's static setup (what flags it knows about) to an expansion
+ * String[] to use for one of its options.
+ */
+public interface ExpansionFunction {
+ /**
+ * Compute the expansion for an option. May be called at any time during or after the {@link
+ * OptionsParser}'s construction, or not at all.
+ *
+ * @param optionsData the parser's indexed information about its own options, before expansion
+ * information is computed
+ * @return An expansion to use for all occurrences of this option in this parser
+ */
+ public String[] getExpansion(IsolatedOptionsData optionsData);
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/IsolatedOptionsData.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/IsolatedOptionsData.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27f42f48b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/IsolatedOptionsData.java
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package com.google.devtools.common.options;
+import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
+import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
+import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
+import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
+import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
+import java.lang.reflect.Field;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
+import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
+import java.lang.reflect.Type;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
+ * An immutable selection of options data corresponding to a set of options classes. The data is
+ * collected using reflection, which can be expensive. Therefore this class can be used internally
+ * to cache the results.
+ *
+ * <p>The data is isolated in the sense that it has not yet been processed to add inter-option-
+ * dependent information -- namely, the results of evaluating expansion functions. The {@link
+ * OptionsData} subclass stores this added information. The reason for the split is so that we can
+ * avoid exposing to expansion functions the effects of evaluating other expansion functions, to
+ * ensure that the order in which they run is not significant.
+ */
+// TODO(brandjon): This class is technically not necessarily immutable due to optionsDefault
+// accepting Object values, and the List in allOptionsField should be ImmutableList. Either fix
+// this or remove @Immutable.
+class IsolatedOptionsData extends OpaqueOptionsData {
+ /**
+ * These are the options-declaring classes which are annotated with {@link Option} annotations.
+ */
+ private final ImmutableMap<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, Constructor<?>> optionsClasses;
+ /** Maps option name to Option-annotated Field. */
+ private final ImmutableMap<String, Field> nameToField;
+ /** Maps option abbreviation to Option-annotated Field. */
+ private final ImmutableMap<Character, Field> abbrevToField;
+ /** For each options class, contains a list of all Option-annotated fields in that class. */
+ private final ImmutableMap<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, List<Field>> allOptionsFields;
+ /** Mapping from each Option-annotated field to the default value for that field. */
+ // Immutable like the others, but uses Collections.unmodifiableMap because of null values.
+ private final Map<Field, Object> optionDefaults;
+ /**
+ * Mapping from each Option-annotated field to the proper converter.
+ *
+ * @see #findConverter
+ */
+ private final ImmutableMap<Field, Converter<?>> converters;
+ /**
+ * Mapping from each Option-annotated field to a boolean for whether that field allows multiple
+ * values.
+ */
+ private final ImmutableMap<Field, Boolean> allowMultiple;
+ private IsolatedOptionsData(
+ Map<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, Constructor<?>> optionsClasses,
+ Map<String, Field> nameToField,
+ Map<Character, Field> abbrevToField,
+ Map<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, List<Field>> allOptionsFields,
+ Map<Field, Object> optionDefaults,
+ Map<Field, Converter<?>> converters,
+ Map<Field, Boolean> allowMultiple) {
+ this.optionsClasses = ImmutableMap.copyOf(optionsClasses);
+ this.nameToField = ImmutableMap.copyOf(nameToField);
+ this.abbrevToField = ImmutableMap.copyOf(abbrevToField);
+ this.allOptionsFields = ImmutableMap.copyOf(allOptionsFields);
+ // Can't use an ImmutableMap here because of null values.
+ this.optionDefaults = Collections.unmodifiableMap(optionDefaults);
+ this.converters = ImmutableMap.copyOf(converters);
+ this.allowMultiple = ImmutableMap.copyOf(allowMultiple);
+ }
+ protected IsolatedOptionsData(IsolatedOptionsData other) {
+ this(
+ other.optionsClasses,
+ other.nameToField,
+ other.abbrevToField,
+ other.allOptionsFields,
+ other.optionDefaults,
+ other.converters,
+ other.allowMultiple);
+ }
+ public Collection<Class<? extends OptionsBase>> getOptionsClasses() {
+ return optionsClasses.keySet();
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // The construction ensures that the case is always valid.
+ public <T extends OptionsBase> Constructor<T> getConstructor(Class<T> clazz) {
+ return (Constructor<T>) optionsClasses.get(clazz);
+ }
+ public Field getFieldFromName(String name) {
+ return nameToField.get(name);
+ }
+ public Iterable<Map.Entry<String, Field>> getAllNamedFields() {
+ return nameToField.entrySet();
+ }
+ public Field getFieldForAbbrev(char abbrev) {
+ return abbrevToField.get(abbrev);
+ }
+ public List<Field> getFieldsForClass(Class<? extends OptionsBase> optionsClass) {
+ return allOptionsFields.get(optionsClass);
+ }
+ public Object getDefaultValue(Field field) {
+ return optionDefaults.get(field);
+ }
+ public Converter<?> getConverter(Field field) {
+ return converters.get(field);
+ }
+ public boolean getAllowMultiple(Field field) {
+ return allowMultiple.get(field);
+ }
+ /**
+ * For an option that does not use {@link Option#allowMultiple}, returns its type. For an option
+ * that does use it, asserts that the type is a {@code List<T>} and returns its element type
+ * {@code T}.
+ */
+ private static Type getFieldSingularType(Field field, Option annotation) {
+ Type fieldType = field.getGenericType();
+ if (annotation.allowMultiple()) {
+ // If the type isn't a List<T>, this is an error in the option's declaration.
+ if (!(fieldType instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
+ throw new AssertionError("Type of multiple occurrence option must be a List<...>");
+ }
+ ParameterizedType pfieldType = (ParameterizedType) fieldType;
+ if (pfieldType.getRawType() != List.class) {
+ throw new AssertionError("Type of multiple occurrence option must be a List<...>");
+ }
+ fieldType = pfieldType.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
+ }
+ return fieldType;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns whether a field should be considered as boolean.
+ *
+ * <p>Can be used for usage help and controlling whether the "no" prefix is allowed.
+ */
+ static boolean isBooleanField(Field field) {
+ return field.getType().equals(boolean.class)
+ || field.getType().equals(TriState.class)
+ || findConverter(field) instanceof BoolOrEnumConverter;
+ }
+ /** Returns whether a field has Void type. */
+ static boolean isVoidField(Field field) {
+ return field.getType().equals(Void.class);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns whether the arg is an expansion option defined by an expansion function (and not a
+ * constant expansion value).
+ */
+ static boolean usesExpansionFunction(Option annotation) {
+ return annotation.expansionFunction() != ExpansionFunction.class;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Given an {@code @Option}-annotated field, retrieves the {@link Converter} that will be used,
+ * taking into account the default converters if an explicit one is not specified.
+ */
+ static Converter<?> findConverter(Field optionField) {
+ Option annotation = optionField.getAnnotation(Option.class);
+ if (annotation.converter() == Converter.class) {
+ // No converter provided, use the default one.
+ Type type = getFieldSingularType(optionField, annotation);
+ Converter<?> converter = Converters.DEFAULT_CONVERTERS.get(type);
+ if (converter == null) {
+ throw new AssertionError(
+ "No converter found for "
+ + type
+ + "; possible fix: add "
+ + "converter=... to @Option annotation for "
+ + optionField.getName());
+ }
+ return converter;
+ }
+ try {
+ // Instantiate the given Converter class.
+ Class<?> converter = annotation.converter();
+ Constructor<?> constructor = converter.getConstructor();
+ return (Converter<?>) constructor.newInstance();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ // This indicates an error in the Converter, and should be discovered the first time it is
+ // used.
+ throw new AssertionError(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private static List<Field> getAllAnnotatedFields(Class<? extends OptionsBase> optionsClass) {
+ List<Field> allFields = Lists.newArrayList();
+ for (Field field : optionsClass.getFields()) {
+ if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Option.class)) {
+ allFields.add(field);
+ }
+ }
+ if (allFields.isEmpty()) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException(optionsClass + " has no public @Option-annotated fields");
+ }
+ return ImmutableList.copyOf(allFields);
+ }
+ private static Object retrieveDefaultFromAnnotation(Field optionField) {
+ Converter<?> converter = findConverter(optionField);
+ String defaultValueAsString = OptionsParserImpl.getDefaultOptionString(optionField);
+ // Special case for "null"
+ if (OptionsParserImpl.isSpecialNullDefault(defaultValueAsString, optionField)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ boolean allowsMultiple = optionField.getAnnotation(Option.class).allowMultiple();
+ // If the option allows multiple values then we intentionally return the empty list as
+ // the default value of this option since it is not always the case that an option
+ // that allows multiple values will have a converter that returns a list value.
+ if (allowsMultiple) {
+ return Collections.emptyList();
+ }
+ // Otherwise try to convert the default value using the converter
+ Object convertedValue;
+ try {
+ convertedValue = converter.convert(defaultValueAsString);
+ } catch (OptionsParsingException e) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("OptionsParsingException while "
+ + "retrieving default for " + optionField.getName() + ": "
+ + e.getMessage());
+ }
+ return convertedValue;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs an {@link IsolatedOptionsData} object for a parser that knows about the given
+ * {@link OptionsBase} classes. No inter-option analysis is done. Performs basic sanity checking
+ * on each option in isolation.
+ */
+ static IsolatedOptionsData from(Collection<Class<? extends OptionsBase>> classes) {
+ Map<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, Constructor<?>> constructorBuilder = Maps.newHashMap();
+ Map<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, List<Field>> allOptionsFieldsBuilder = Maps.newHashMap();
+ Map<String, Field> nameToFieldBuilder = Maps.newHashMap();
+ Map<Character, Field> abbrevToFieldBuilder = Maps.newHashMap();
+ Map<Field, Object> optionDefaultsBuilder = Maps.newHashMap();
+ Map<Field, Converter<?>> convertersBuilder = Maps.newHashMap();
+ Map<Field, Boolean> allowMultipleBuilder = Maps.newHashMap();
+ // Read all Option annotations:
+ for (Class<? extends OptionsBase> parsedOptionsClass : classes) {
+ try {
+ Constructor<? extends OptionsBase> constructor =
+ parsedOptionsClass.getConstructor();
+ constructorBuilder.put(parsedOptionsClass, constructor);
+ } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(parsedOptionsClass
+ + " lacks an accessible default constructor");
+ }
+ List<Field> fields = getAllAnnotatedFields(parsedOptionsClass);
+ allOptionsFieldsBuilder.put(parsedOptionsClass, fields);
+ for (Field field : fields) {
+ Option annotation = field.getAnnotation(Option.class);
+ if (annotation.name() == null) {
+ throw new AssertionError("Option cannot have a null name");
+ }
+ Type fieldType = getFieldSingularType(field, annotation);
+ // Get the converter return type.
+ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
+ Class<? extends Converter> converter = annotation.converter();
+ if (converter == Converter.class) {
+ Converter<?> actualConverter = Converters.DEFAULT_CONVERTERS.get(fieldType);
+ if (actualConverter == null) {
+ throw new AssertionError("Cannot find converter for field of type "
+ + field.getType() + " named " + field.getName()
+ + " in class " + field.getDeclaringClass().getName());
+ }
+ converter = actualConverter.getClass();
+ }
+ if (Modifier.isAbstract(converter.getModifiers())) {
+ throw new AssertionError("The converter type " + converter
+ + " must be a concrete type");
+ }
+ Type converterResultType;
+ try {
+ Method convertMethod = converter.getMethod("convert", String.class);
+ converterResultType = GenericTypeHelper.getActualReturnType(converter, convertMethod);
+ } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
+ throw new AssertionError("A known converter object doesn't implement the convert"
+ + " method");
+ }
+ if (annotation.allowMultiple()) {
+ if (GenericTypeHelper.getRawType(converterResultType) == List.class) {
+ Type elementType =
+ ((ParameterizedType) converterResultType).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
+ if (!GenericTypeHelper.isAssignableFrom(fieldType, elementType)) {
+ throw new AssertionError("If the converter return type of a multiple occurance " +
+ "option is a list, then the type of list elements (" + fieldType + ") must be " +
+ "assignable from the converter list element type (" + elementType + ")");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!GenericTypeHelper.isAssignableFrom(fieldType, converterResultType)) {
+ throw new AssertionError("Type of list elements (" + fieldType +
+ ") for multiple occurrence option must be assignable from the converter " +
+ "return type (" + converterResultType + ")");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!GenericTypeHelper.isAssignableFrom(fieldType, converterResultType)) {
+ throw new AssertionError("Type of field (" + fieldType +
+ ") must be assignable from the converter " +
+ "return type (" + converterResultType + ")");
+ }
+ }
+ if (nameToFieldBuilder.put(annotation.name(), field) != null) {
+ throw new DuplicateOptionDeclarationException(
+ "Duplicate option name: --" + annotation.name());
+ }
+ if (!annotation.oldName().isEmpty()) {
+ if (nameToFieldBuilder.put(annotation.oldName(), field) != null) {
+ throw new DuplicateOptionDeclarationException(
+ "Old option name duplicates option name: --" + annotation.oldName());
+ }
+ }
+ if (annotation.abbrev() != '\0') {
+ if (abbrevToFieldBuilder.put(annotation.abbrev(), field) != null) {
+ throw new DuplicateOptionDeclarationException(
+ "Duplicate option abbrev: -" + annotation.abbrev());
+ }
+ }
+ optionDefaultsBuilder.put(field, retrieveDefaultFromAnnotation(field));
+ convertersBuilder.put(field, findConverter(field));
+ allowMultipleBuilder.put(field, annotation.allowMultiple());
+ }
+ }
+ return new IsolatedOptionsData(
+ constructorBuilder,
+ nameToFieldBuilder,
+ abbrevToFieldBuilder,
+ allOptionsFieldsBuilder,
+ optionDefaultsBuilder,
+ convertersBuilder,
+ allowMultipleBuilder);
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/Option.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/Option.java
index 1b2fb93f1b..249ee70fd0 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/Option.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/Option.java
@@ -47,143 +47,147 @@ public @interface Option {
String valueHelp() default "";
- * The default value for the option. This method should only be invoked
- * directly by the parser implementation. Any access to default values
- * should go via the parser to allow for application specific defaults.
+ * The default value for the option. This method should only be invoked directly by the parser
+ * implementation. Any access to default values should go via the parser to allow for application
+ * specific defaults.
- * <p>There are two reasons this is a string. Firstly, it ensures that
- * explicitly specifying this option at its default value (as printed in the
- * usage message) has the same behavior as not specifying the option at all;
- * this would be very hard to achieve if the default value was an instance of
- * type T, since we'd need to ensure that {@link #toString()} and {@link
- * #converter} were dual to each other. The second reason is more mundane
- * but also more restrictive: annotation values must be compile-time
- * constants.
+ * <p>There are two reasons this is a string. Firstly, it ensures that explicitly specifying this
+ * option at its default value (as printed in the usage message) has the same behavior as not
+ * specifying the option at all; this would be very hard to achieve if the default value was an
+ * instance of type T, since we'd need to ensure that {@link #toString()} and {@link #converter}
+ * were dual to each other. The second reason is more mundane but also more restrictive:
+ * annotation values must be compile-time constants.
- * <p>If an option's defaultValue() is the string "null", the option's
- * converter will not be invoked to interpret it; a null reference will be
- * used instead. (It would be nice if defaultValue could simply return null,
- * but bizarrely, the Java Language Specification does not consider null to
- * be a compile-time constant.) This special interpretation of the string
- * "null" is only applicable when computing the default value; if specified
- * on the command-line, this string will have its usual literal meaning.
+ * <p>If an option's defaultValue() is the string "null", the option's converter will not be
+ * invoked to interpret it; a null reference will be used instead. (It would be nice if
+ * defaultValue could simply return null, but bizarrely, the Java Language Specification does not
+ * consider null to be a compile-time constant.) This special interpretation of the string "null"
+ * is only applicable when computing the default value; if specified on the command-line, this
+ * string will have its usual literal meaning.
- * <p>The default value for flags that set allowMultiple is always the empty
- * list and its default value is ignored.
+ * <p>The default value for flags that set allowMultiple is always the empty list and its default
+ * value is ignored.
String defaultValue();
* A string describing the category of options that this belongs to. {@link
- * OptionsParser#describeOptions} prints options of the same category grouped
- * together.
+ * OptionsParser#describeOptions} prints options of the same category grouped together.
* <p>There are three special category values:
+ *
* <ul>
- * <li>{@code "undocumented"}: options which are useful for (some subset of) users, but not meant
- * to be publicly advertised. For example, experimental options which are only meant to be
- * used by specific testers or team members, but which should otherwise be treated normally.
- * These options will not be listed in the usage info displayed for the {@code --help} option.
- * They are otherwise normal - {@link OptionsParser.UnparsedOptionValueDescription#isHidden()}
- * returns {@code false} for them, and they can be parsed normally from the command line or
- * RC files.
- * <li>{@code "hidden"}: options which users should not pass or know about, but which are used
- * by the program (e.g., communication between a command-line client and a backend server).
- * Like {@code "undocumented"} options, these options will not be listed in the usage info
- * displayed for the {@code --help} option. However, in addition to this, calling
- * {@link OptionsParser.UnparsedOptionValueDescription#isHidden()} on these options will
- * return {@code true} - for example, this can be checked to strip out such secret options
- * when logging or otherwise reporting the command line to the user. This category does not
- * affect the option in any other way; it can still be parsed normally from the command line
- * or an RC file.
- * <li>{@code "internal"}: options which are purely for internal use within the JVM, and should
- * never be shown to the user, nor ever need to be parsed by the options parser.
- * Like {@code "hidden"} options, these options will not be listed in the usage info displayed
- * for the --help option, and are considered hidden by
- * {@link OptionsParser.UnparsedOptionValueDescription#isHidden()}. Unlike those, this type of
- * option cannot be parsed by any call to {@link OptionsParser#parse} - it will be treated as
- * if it was not defined.
+ * <li>{@code "undocumented"}: options which are useful for (some subset of) users, but not
+ * meant to be publicly advertised. For example, experimental options which are only meant
+ * to be used by specific testers or team members, but which should otherwise be treated
+ * normally. These options will not be listed in the usage info displayed for the {@code
+ * --help} option. They are otherwise normal - {@link
+ * OptionsParser.UnparsedOptionValueDescription#isHidden()} returns {@code false} for them,
+ * and they can be parsed normally from the command line or RC files.
+ * <li>{@code "hidden"}: options which users should not pass or know about, but which are used
+ * by the program (e.g., communication between a command-line client and a backend server).
+ * Like {@code "undocumented"} options, these options will not be listed in the usage info
+ * displayed for the {@code --help} option. However, in addition to this, calling {@link
+ * OptionsParser.UnparsedOptionValueDescription#isHidden()} on these options will return
+ * {@code true} - for example, this can be checked to strip out such secret options when
+ * logging or otherwise reporting the command line to the user. This category does not
+ * affect the option in any other way; it can still be parsed normally from the command line
+ * or an RC file.
+ * <li>{@code "internal"}: options which are purely for internal use within the JVM, and should
+ * never be shown to the user, nor ever need to be parsed by the options parser. Like {@code
+ * "hidden"} options, these options will not be listed in the usage info displayed for the
+ * --help option, and are considered hidden by {@link
+ * OptionsParser.UnparsedOptionValueDescription#isHidden()}. Unlike those, this type of
+ * option cannot be parsed by any call to {@link OptionsParser#parse} - it will be treated
+ * as if it was not defined.
* </ul>
String category() default "misc";
- * The converter that we'll use to convert this option into an object or
- * a simple type. The default is to use the builtin converters.
- * Custom converters must implement the {@link Converter} interface.
+ * The converter that we'll use to convert the string representation of this option's value into
+ * an object or a simple type. The default is to use the builtin converters ({@link
+ * Converters#DEFAULT_CONVERTERS}). Custom converters must implement the {@link Converter}
+ * interface.
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
// Can't figure out how to coerce Converter.class into Class<? extends Converter<?>>
Class<? extends Converter> converter() default Converter.class;
- * A flag indicating whether the option type should be allowed to occur
- * multiple times in a single option list.
+ * A flag indicating whether the option type should be allowed to occur multiple times in a single
+ * option list.
- * <p>If the command can occur multiple times, then the attribute value
- * <em>must</em> be a list type {@code List<T>}, and the result type of the
- * converter for this option must either match the parameter {@code T} or
- * {@code List<T>}. In the latter case the individual lists are concatenated
- * to form the full options value.
+ * <p>If the command can occur multiple times, then the attribute value <em>must</em> be a list
+ * type {@code List<T>}, and the result type of the converter for this option must either match
+ * the parameter {@code T} or {@code List<T>}. In the latter case the individual lists are
+ * concatenated to form the full options value.
- * <p>The {@link #defaultValue()} field of the annotation is ignored for repeatable
- * flags and the default value will be the empty list.
+ * <p>The {@link #defaultValue()} field of the annotation is ignored for repeatable flags and the
+ * default value will be the empty list.
boolean allowMultiple() default false;
- * If the option is actually an abbreviation for other options, this field will
- * contain the strings to expand this option into. The original option is dropped
- * and the replacement used in its stead. It is recommended that such an option be
- * of type {@link Void}.
+ * If the option is actually an abbreviation for other options, this field will contain the
+ * strings to expand this option into. The original option is dropped and the replacement used in
+ * its stead. It is recommended that such an option be of type {@link Void}.
- * An expanded option overrides previously specified options of the same name,
- * even if it is explicitly specified. This is the original behavior and can
- * be surprising if the user is not aware of it, which has led to several
- * requests to change this behavior. This was discussed in the blaze team and
- * it was decided that it is not a strong enough case to change the behavior.
+ * <p>An expanded option overrides previously specified options of the same name, even if it is
+ * explicitly specified. This is the original behavior and can be surprising if the user is not
+ * aware of it, which has led to several requests to change this behavior. This was discussed in
+ * the blaze team and it was decided that it is not a strong enough case to change the behavior.
String[] expansion() default {};
- * If the option requires that additional options be implicitly appended, this field
- * will contain the additional options. Implicit dependencies are parsed at the end
- * of each {@link OptionsParser#parse} invocation, and override options specified in
- * the same call. However, they can be overridden by options specified in a later
- * call or by options with a higher priority.
+ * A mechanism for specifying an expansion that is a function of the parser's {@link
+ * IsolatedOptionsData}. This can be used to create an option that expands to different strings
+ * depending on what other options the parser knows about.
+ *
+ * <p>If provided (i.e. not {@link ExpansionFunction}{@code .class}), the {@code expansion} field
+ * must not be set. The mechanism of expansion is as if the {@code expansion} field were set to
+ * whatever the return value of this function is.
+ */
+ Class<? extends ExpansionFunction> expansionFunction() default ExpansionFunction.class;
+ /**
+ * If the option requires that additional options be implicitly appended, this field will contain
+ * the additional options. Implicit dependencies are parsed at the end of each {@link
+ * OptionsParser#parse} invocation, and override options specified in the same call. However, they
+ * can be overridden by options specified in a later call or by options with a higher priority.
* @see OptionPriority
String[] implicitRequirements() default {};
- * If this field is a non-empty string, the option is deprecated, and a
- * deprecation warning is added to the list of warnings when such an option
- * is used.
+ * If this field is a non-empty string, the option is deprecated, and a deprecation warning is
+ * added to the list of warnings when such an option is used.
String deprecationWarning() default "";
- * The old name for this option. If an option has a name "foo" and an old name "bar",
- * --foo=baz and --bar=baz will be equivalent. If the old name is used, a warning will be printed
- * indicating that the old name is deprecated and the new name should be used.
+ * The old name for this option. If an option has a name "foo" and an old name "bar", --foo=baz
+ * and --bar=baz will be equivalent. If the old name is used, a warning will be printed indicating
+ * that the old name is deprecated and the new name should be used.
String oldName() default "";
- * Indicates that this option is a wrapper for other options, and will be unwrapped
- * when parsed. For example, if foo is a wrapper option, then "--foo=--bar=baz"
- * will be parsed as the flag "--bar=baz" (rather than --foo taking the value
- * "--bar=baz"). A wrapper option should have the type {@link Void} (if it is something other
- * than Void, the parser will not assign a value to it). The
- * {@link Option#implicitRequirements()}, {@link Option#expansion()}, {@link Option#converter()}
- * attributes will not be processed. Wrapper options are implicitly repeatable (i.e., as though
- * {@link Option#allowMultiple()} is true regardless of its value in the annotation).
+ * Indicates that this option is a wrapper for other options, and will be unwrapped when parsed.
+ * For example, if foo is a wrapper option, then "--foo=--bar=baz" will be parsed as the flag
+ * "--bar=baz" (rather than --foo taking the value "--bar=baz"). A wrapper option should have the
+ * type {@link Void} (if it is something other than Void, the parser will not assign a value to
+ * it). The {@link Option#implicitRequirements()}, {@link Option#expansion()}, {@link
+ * Option#converter()} attributes will not be processed. Wrapper options are implicitly repeatable
+ * (i.e., as though {@link Option#allowMultiple()} is true regardless of its value in the
+ * annotation).
* <p>Wrapper options are provided only for transitioning flags which appear as values to other
* flags, to top-level flags. Wrapper options should not be used in Invocation Policy, as
- * expansion flags to other flags, or as implicit requirements to other flags. Use the inner
- * flags instead.
+ * expansion flags to other flags, or as implicit requirements to other flags. Use the inner flags
+ * instead.
boolean wrapperOption() default false;
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsData.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsData.java
index ae315a4682..e71321c23f 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsData.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsData.java
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -14,332 +14,89 @@
package com.google.devtools.common.options;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
-import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
-import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
- * An immutable selection of options data corresponding to a set of options
- * classes. The data is collected using reflection, which can be expensive.
- * Therefore this class can be used internally to cache the results.
+ * This extends IsolatedOptionsData with information that can only be determined once all the {@link
+ * OptionsBase} subclasses for a parser are known. In particular, this includes expansion
+ * information.
-final class OptionsData extends OpaqueOptionsData {
+final class OptionsData extends IsolatedOptionsData {
- * These are the options-declaring classes which are annotated with
- * {@link Option} annotations.
+ * Mapping from each Option-annotated field with a {@code String[]} expansion to that expansion.
- private final Map<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, Constructor<?>> optionsClasses;
+ // TODO(brandjon): This is technically not necessarily immutable due to String[], and should use
+ // ImmutableList. Either fix this or remove @Immutable.
+ private final ImmutableMap<Field, String[]> evaluatedExpansions;
- /** Maps option name to Option-annotated Field. */
- private final Map<String, Field> nameToField;
- /** Maps option abbreviation to Option-annotated Field. */
- private final Map<Character, Field> abbrevToField;
- /**
- * For each options class, contains a list of all Option-annotated fields in
- * that class.
- */
- private final Map<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, List<Field>> allOptionsFields;
- /**
- * Mapping from each Option-annotated field to the default value for that
- * field.
- */
- private final Map<Field, Object> optionDefaults;
- /**
- * Mapping from each Option-annotated field to the proper converter.
- *
- * @see #findConverter
- */
- private final Map<Field, Converter<?>> converters;
- /**
- * Mapping from each Option-annotated field to a boolean for whether that field allows multiple
- * values.
- */
- private final Map<Field, Boolean> allowMultiple;
- private OptionsData(Map<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, Constructor<?>> optionsClasses,
- Map<String, Field> nameToField,
- Map<Character, Field> abbrevToField,
- Map<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, List<Field>> allOptionsFields,
- Map<Field, Object> optionDefaults,
- Map<Field, Converter<?>> converters,
- Map<Field, Boolean> allowMultiple) {
- this.optionsClasses = ImmutableMap.copyOf(optionsClasses);
- this.allOptionsFields = ImmutableMap.copyOf(allOptionsFields);
- this.nameToField = ImmutableMap.copyOf(nameToField);
- this.abbrevToField = ImmutableMap.copyOf(abbrevToField);
- // Can't use an ImmutableMap here because of null values.
- this.optionDefaults = Collections.unmodifiableMap(optionDefaults);
- this.converters = ImmutableMap.copyOf(converters);
- this.allowMultiple = ImmutableMap.copyOf(allowMultiple);
+ /** Construct {@link OptionsData} by extending an {@link IsolatedOptionsData} with new info. */
+ private OptionsData(IsolatedOptionsData base, Map<Field, String[]> evaluatedExpansions) {
+ super(base);
+ this.evaluatedExpansions = ImmutableMap.copyOf(evaluatedExpansions);
- public Collection<Class<? extends OptionsBase>> getOptionsClasses() {
- return optionsClasses.keySet();
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // The construction ensures that the case is always valid.
- public <T extends OptionsBase> Constructor<T> getConstructor(Class<T> clazz) {
- return (Constructor<T>) optionsClasses.get(clazz);
- }
- public Field getFieldFromName(String name) {
- return nameToField.get(name);
- }
- public Iterable<Map.Entry<String, Field>> getAllNamedFields() {
- return nameToField.entrySet();
- }
- public Field getFieldForAbbrev(char abbrev) {
- return abbrevToField.get(abbrev);
- }
- public List<Field> getFieldsForClass(Class<? extends OptionsBase> optionsClass) {
- return allOptionsFields.get(optionsClass);
- }
- public Object getDefaultValue(Field field) {
- return optionDefaults.get(field);
- }
- public Converter<?> getConverter(Field field) {
- return converters.get(field);
- }
- public boolean getAllowMultiple(Field field) {
- return allowMultiple.get(field);
- }
- /**
- * For an option that does not use {@link Option#allowMultiple}, returns its type. For an option
- * that does use it, asserts that the type is a {@code List<T>} and returns its element type
- * {@code T}.
- */
- private static Type getFieldSingularType(Field field, Option annotation) {
- Type fieldType = field.getGenericType();
- if (annotation.allowMultiple()) {
- // If the type isn't a List<T>, this is an error in the option's declaration.
- if (!(fieldType instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
- throw new AssertionError("Type of multiple occurrence option must be a List<...>");
- }
- ParameterizedType pfieldType = (ParameterizedType) fieldType;
- if (pfieldType.getRawType() != List.class) {
- throw new AssertionError("Type of multiple occurrence option must be a List<...>");
- }
- fieldType = pfieldType.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
- }
- return fieldType;
- }
+ private static final String[] EMPTY_EXPANSION = new String[] {};
- * Returns whether a field should be considered as boolean.
- *
- * <p>Can be used for usage help and controlling whether the "no" prefix is allowed.
+ * Returns the expansion of an options field, regardless of whether it was defined using {@link
+ * Option#expansion} or {@link Option#expansionFunction}. If the field is not an expansion option,
+ * returns an empty array.
- static boolean isBooleanField(Field field) {
- return field.getType().equals(boolean.class)
- || field.getType().equals(TriState.class)
- || findConverter(field) instanceof BoolOrEnumConverter;
- }
- /** Returns whether a field has Void type. */
- static boolean isVoidField(Field field) {
- return field.getType().equals(Void.class);
+ public String[] getEvaluatedExpansion(Field field) {
+ String[] result = evaluatedExpansions.get(field);
+ return result != null ? result : EMPTY_EXPANSION;
- * Given an {@code @Option}-annotated field, retrieves the {@link Converter} that will be used,
- * taking into account the default converters if an explicit one is not specified.
+ * Constructs an {@link OptionsData} object for a parser that knows about the given {@link
+ * OptionsBase} classes. In addition to the work done to construct the {@link
+ * IsolatedOptionsData}, this also computes expansion information.
- static Converter<?> findConverter(Field optionField) {
- Option annotation = optionField.getAnnotation(Option.class);
- if (annotation.converter() == Converter.class) {
- // No converter provided, use the default one.
- Type type = getFieldSingularType(optionField, annotation);
- Converter<?> converter = Converters.DEFAULT_CONVERTERS.get(type);
- if (converter == null) {
+ public static OptionsData from(Collection<Class<? extends OptionsBase>> classes) {
+ IsolatedOptionsData isolatedData = IsolatedOptionsData.from(classes);
+ // All that's left is to compute expansions.
+ Map<Field, String[]> evaluatedExpansionsBuilder = Maps.newHashMap();
+ for (Map.Entry<String, Field> entry : isolatedData.getAllNamedFields()) {
+ Field field = entry.getValue();
+ Option annotation = field.getAnnotation(Option.class);
+ // Determine either the hard-coded expansion, or the ExpansionFunction class.
+ String[] constExpansion = annotation.expansion();
+ Class<? extends ExpansionFunction> expansionFunctionClass = annotation.expansionFunction();
+ if (constExpansion.length > 0 && usesExpansionFunction(annotation)) {
throw new AssertionError(
- "No converter found for "
- + type
- + "; possible fix: add "
- + "converter=... to @Option annotation for "
- + optionField.getName());
- }
- return converter;
- }
- try {
- // Instantiate the given Converter class.
- Class<?> converter = annotation.converter();
- Constructor<?> constructor = converter.getConstructor(new Class<?>[0]);
- return (Converter<?>) constructor.newInstance(new Object[0]);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new AssertionError(e);
- }
- }
- private static List<Field> getAllAnnotatedFields(Class<? extends OptionsBase> optionsClass) {
- List<Field> allFields = Lists.newArrayList();
- for (Field field : optionsClass.getFields()) {
- if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Option.class)) {
- allFields.add(field);
- }
- }
- if (allFields.isEmpty()) {
- throw new IllegalStateException(optionsClass + " has no public @Option-annotated fields");
- }
- return ImmutableList.copyOf(allFields);
- }
- private static Object retrieveDefaultFromAnnotation(Field optionField) {
- Converter<?> converter = findConverter(optionField);
- String defaultValueAsString = OptionsParserImpl.getDefaultOptionString(optionField);
- // Special case for "null"
- if (OptionsParserImpl.isSpecialNullDefault(defaultValueAsString, optionField)) {
- return null;
- }
- boolean allowsMultiple = optionField.getAnnotation(Option.class).allowMultiple();
- // If the option allows multiple values then we intentionally return the empty list as
- // the default value of this option since it is not always the case that an option
- // that allows multiple values will have a converter that returns a list value.
- if (allowsMultiple) {
- return Collections.emptyList();
- }
- // Otherwise try to convert the default value using the converter
- Object convertedValue;
- try {
- convertedValue = converter.convert(defaultValueAsString);
- } catch (OptionsParsingException e) {
- throw new IllegalStateException("OptionsParsingException while "
- + "retrieving default for " + optionField.getName() + ": "
- + e.getMessage());
- }
- return convertedValue;
- }
- static OptionsData of(Collection<Class<? extends OptionsBase>> classes) {
- Map<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, Constructor<?>> constructorBuilder = Maps.newHashMap();
- Map<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, List<Field>> allOptionsFieldsBuilder = Maps.newHashMap();
- Map<String, Field> nameToFieldBuilder = Maps.newHashMap();
- Map<Character, Field> abbrevToFieldBuilder = Maps.newHashMap();
- Map<Field, Object> optionDefaultsBuilder = Maps.newHashMap();
- Map<Field, Converter<?>> convertersBuilder = Maps.newHashMap();
- Map<Field, Boolean> allowMultipleBuilder = Maps.newHashMap();
- // Read all Option annotations:
- for (Class<? extends OptionsBase> parsedOptionsClass : classes) {
- try {
- Constructor<? extends OptionsBase> constructor =
- parsedOptionsClass.getConstructor(new Class[0]);
- constructorBuilder.put(parsedOptionsClass, constructor);
- } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(parsedOptionsClass
- + " lacks an accessible default constructor");
- }
- List<Field> fields = getAllAnnotatedFields(parsedOptionsClass);
- allOptionsFieldsBuilder.put(parsedOptionsClass, fields);
- for (Field field : fields) {
- Option annotation = field.getAnnotation(Option.class);
- Type fieldType = getFieldSingularType(field, annotation);
- // Get the converter return type.
- @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
- Class<? extends Converter> converter = annotation.converter();
- if (converter == Converter.class) {
- Converter<?> actualConverter = Converters.DEFAULT_CONVERTERS.get(fieldType);
- if (actualConverter == null) {
- throw new AssertionError("Cannot find converter for field of type "
- + field.getType() + " named " + field.getName()
- + " in class " + field.getDeclaringClass().getName());
- }
- converter = actualConverter.getClass();
- }
- if (Modifier.isAbstract(converter.getModifiers())) {
- throw new AssertionError("The converter type (" + converter
- + ") must be a concrete type");
- }
- Type converterResultType;
- try {
- Method convertMethod = converter.getMethod("convert", String.class);
- converterResultType = GenericTypeHelper.getActualReturnType(converter, convertMethod);
- } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
- throw new AssertionError("A known converter object doesn't implement the convert"
- + " method");
- }
- if (annotation.allowMultiple()) {
- if (GenericTypeHelper.getRawType(converterResultType) == List.class) {
- Type elementType =
- ((ParameterizedType) converterResultType).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
- if (!GenericTypeHelper.isAssignableFrom(fieldType, elementType)) {
- throw new AssertionError("If the converter return type of a multiple occurance " +
- "option is a list, then the type of list elements (" + fieldType + ") must be " +
- "assignable from the converter list element type (" + elementType + ")");
- }
- } else {
- if (!GenericTypeHelper.isAssignableFrom(fieldType, converterResultType)) {
- throw new AssertionError("Type of list elements (" + fieldType +
- ") for multiple occurrence option must be assignable from the converter " +
- "return type (" + converterResultType + ")");
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (!GenericTypeHelper.isAssignableFrom(fieldType, converterResultType)) {
- throw new AssertionError("Type of field (" + fieldType +
- ") must be assignable from the converter " +
- "return type (" + converterResultType + ")");
- }
- }
- if (annotation.name() == null) {
+ "Cannot set both expansion and expansionFunction for option --" + annotation.name());
+ } else if (constExpansion.length > 0) {
+ evaluatedExpansionsBuilder.put(field, constExpansion);
+ } else if (usesExpansionFunction(annotation)) {
+ if (Modifier.isAbstract(expansionFunctionClass.getModifiers())) {
throw new AssertionError(
- "Option cannot have a null name");
- }
- if (nameToFieldBuilder.put(annotation.name(), field) != null) {
- throw new DuplicateOptionDeclarationException(
- "Duplicate option name: --" + annotation.name());
+ "The expansionFunction type " + expansionFunctionClass + " must be a concrete type");
- if (!annotation.oldName().isEmpty()) {
- if (nameToFieldBuilder.put(annotation.oldName(), field) != null) {
- throw new DuplicateOptionDeclarationException(
- "Old option name duplicates option name: --" + annotation.oldName());
- }
- }
- if (annotation.abbrev() != '\0') {
- if (abbrevToFieldBuilder.put(annotation.abbrev(), field) != null) {
- throw new DuplicateOptionDeclarationException(
- "Duplicate option abbrev: -" + annotation.abbrev());
- }
+ // Evaluate the ExpansionFunction.
+ ExpansionFunction instance;
+ try {
+ Constructor<?> constructor = expansionFunctionClass.getConstructor();
+ instance = (ExpansionFunction) constructor.newInstance();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ // This indicates an error in the ExpansionFunction, and should be discovered the first
+ // time it is used.
+ throw new AssertionError(e);
- optionDefaultsBuilder.put(field, retrieveDefaultFromAnnotation(field));
- convertersBuilder.put(field, findConverter(field));
- allowMultipleBuilder.put(field, annotation.allowMultiple());
+ String[] expansion = instance.getExpansion(isolatedData);
+ evaluatedExpansionsBuilder.put(field, expansion);
- return new OptionsData(constructorBuilder, nameToFieldBuilder, abbrevToFieldBuilder,
- allOptionsFieldsBuilder, optionDefaultsBuilder, convertersBuilder, allowMultipleBuilder);
+ return new OptionsData(isolatedData, evaluatedExpansionsBuilder);
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsParser.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsParser.java
index 354e00a96e..1c4b2780a0 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsParser.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsParser.java
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public class OptionsParser implements OptionsProvider {
ImmutableList<Class<? extends OptionsBase>> optionsClasses) {
OptionsData result = optionsData.get(optionsClasses);
if (result == null) {
- result = OptionsData.of(optionsClasses);
+ result = OptionsData.from(optionsClasses);
optionsData.put(optionsClasses, result);
return result;
@@ -140,10 +140,6 @@ public class OptionsParser implements OptionsProvider {
private final List<String> residue = new ArrayList<String>();
private boolean allowResidue = true;
- OptionsParser(Collection<Class<? extends OptionsBase>> optionsClasses) {
- this(OptionsData.of(optionsClasses));
- }
OptionsParser(OptionsData optionsData) {
impl = new OptionsParserImpl(optionsData);
@@ -401,7 +397,8 @@ public class OptionsParser implements OptionsProvider {
boolean isExpansion() {
Option option = field.getAnnotation(Option.class);
- return option.expansion().length > 0;
+ return (option.expansion().length > 0
+ || OptionsData.usesExpansionFunction(option));
boolean isImplicitRequirement() {
@@ -464,22 +461,19 @@ public class OptionsParser implements OptionsProvider {
- * Returns a description of all the options this parser can digest.
- * In addition to {@link Option} annotations, this method also
- * interprets {@link OptionsUsage} annotations which give an intuitive short
- * description for the options.
+ * Returns a description of all the options this parser can digest. In addition to {@link Option}
+ * annotations, this method also interprets {@link OptionsUsage} annotations which give an
+ * intuitive short description for the options. Options of the same category (see {@link
+ * Option#category}) will be grouped together.
- * @param categoryDescriptions a mapping from category names to category
- * descriptions. Options of the same category (see {@link
- * Option#category}) will be grouped together, preceded by the description
- * of the category.
- * @param helpVerbosity if {@code long}, the options will be described
- * verbosely, including their types, defaults and descriptions. If {@code
- * medium}, the descriptions are omitted, and if {@code short}, the options
- * are just enumerated.
+ * @param categoryDescriptions a mapping from category names to category descriptions.
+ * Descriptions are optional; if omitted, a string based on the category name will be used.
+ * @param helpVerbosity if {@code long}, the options will be described verbosely, including their
+ * types, defaults and descriptions. If {@code medium}, the descriptions are omitted, and if
+ * {@code short}, the options are just enumerated.
- public String describeOptions(Map<String, String> categoryDescriptions,
- HelpVerbosity helpVerbosity) {
+ public String describeOptions(
+ Map<String, String> categoryDescriptions, HelpVerbosity helpVerbosity) {
StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder();
if (!impl.getOptionsClasses().isEmpty()) {
List<Field> allFields = Lists.newArrayList();
@@ -503,7 +497,7 @@ public class OptionsParser implements OptionsProvider {
if (documentationLevel(prevCategory) == DocumentationLevel.DOCUMENTED) {
- OptionsUsage.getUsage(optionField, desc, helpVerbosity);
+ OptionsUsage.getUsage(optionField, desc, helpVerbosity, impl.getOptionsData());
@@ -548,7 +542,7 @@ public class OptionsParser implements OptionsProvider {
if (level == DocumentationLevel.DOCUMENTED) {
- OptionsUsage.getUsageHtml(optionField, desc, escaper);
+ OptionsUsage.getUsageHtml(optionField, desc, escaper, impl.getOptionsData());
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsParserImpl.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsParserImpl.java
index adf875bf65..5c6498a36f 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsParserImpl.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsParserImpl.java
@@ -100,6 +100,10 @@ class OptionsParserImpl {
this.optionsData = optionsData;
+ OptionsData getOptionsData() {
+ return optionsData;
+ }
* Indicates whether or not the parser will allow long options with a
* single-dash, instead of the usual double-dash, too, eg. -example instead of just --example.
@@ -344,7 +348,8 @@ class OptionsParserImpl {
// Recurse to remove any implicit or expansion flags that this flag may have added when
// originally parsed.
- for (String[] args : new String[][] {option.implicitRequirements(), option.expansion()}) {
+ String[] expansion = optionsData.getEvaluatedExpansion(field);
+ for (String[] args : new String[][] {option.implicitRequirements(), expansion}) {
Iterator<String> argsIterator = Iterators.forArray(args);
while (argsIterator.hasNext()) {
String arg = argsIterator.next();
@@ -482,7 +487,8 @@ class OptionsParserImpl {
// Handle expansion options.
- if (option.expansion().length > 0) {
+ String[] expansion = optionsData.getEvaluatedExpansion(field);
+ if (expansion.length > 0) {
Function<Object, String> expansionSourceFunction =
"expanded from option --"
@@ -491,7 +497,7 @@ class OptionsParserImpl {
+ sourceFunction.apply(originalName));
List<String> unparsed = parse(priority, expansionSourceFunction, null, originalName,
- ImmutableList.copyOf(option.expansion()));
+ ImmutableList.copyOf(expansion));
if (!unparsed.isEmpty()) {
// Throw an assertion, because this indicates an error in the code that specified the
// expansion for the current option.
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsUsage.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsUsage.java
index f3ee4d3536..aa48cb722f 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsUsage.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsUsage.java
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import java.text.BreakIterator;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
+import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A renderer for usage messages. For now this is very simple.
@@ -33,15 +34,17 @@ class OptionsUsage {
private static final Joiner COMMA_JOINER = Joiner.on(",");
- * Given an options class, render the usage string into the usage,
- * which is passed in as an argument.
+ * Given an options class, render the usage string into the usage, which is passed in as an
+ * argument. This will not include information about expansions for options using expansion
+ * functions (it would be unsafe to report this as we cannot know what options from other {@link
+ * OptionsBase} subclasses they depend on until a complete parser is constructed).
static void getUsage(Class<? extends OptionsBase> optionsClass, StringBuilder usage) {
List<Field> optionFields =
Collections.sort(optionFields, BY_NAME);
for (Field optionField : optionFields) {
- getUsage(optionField, usage, OptionsParser.HelpVerbosity.LONG);
+ getUsage(optionField, usage, OptionsParser.HelpVerbosity.LONG, null);
@@ -76,10 +79,35 @@ class OptionsUsage {
- * Append the usage message for a single option-field message to 'usage'.
+ * Returns the expansion for an option, to the extent known. Precisely, if an {@link OptionsData}
+ * object is supplied, the expansion is read from that. Otherwise, the annotation is inspected: If
+ * the annotation uses {@link Option#expansion} it is returned, and if it uses {@link
+ * Option#expansionFunction} null is returned, indicating a lack of definite information. In all
+ * cases, when the option is not an expansion option, an empty array is returned.
- static void getUsage(Field optionField, StringBuilder usage,
- OptionsParser.HelpVerbosity helpVerbosity) {
+ private static @Nullable String[] getExpansionIfKnown(
+ Field optionField, Option annotation, @Nullable OptionsData optionsData) {
+ if (optionsData != null) {
+ return optionsData.getEvaluatedExpansion(optionField);
+ } else {
+ if (OptionsData.usesExpansionFunction(annotation)) {
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ // Empty array if it's not an expansion option.
+ return annotation.expansion();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Appends the usage message for a single option-field message to 'usage'. If {@code optionsData}
+ * is not supplied, options that use expansion functions won't be fully described.
+ */
+ static void getUsage(
+ Field optionField,
+ StringBuilder usage,
+ OptionsParser.HelpVerbosity helpVerbosity,
+ @Nullable OptionsData optionsData) {
String flagName = getFlagName(optionField);
String typeDescription = getTypeDescription(optionField);
Option annotation = optionField.getAnnotation(Option.class);
@@ -114,9 +142,12 @@ class OptionsUsage {
usage.append(paragraphFill(annotation.help(), 4, 80)); // (indent, width)
- if (annotation.expansion().length > 0) {
+ String[] expansion = getExpansionIfKnown(optionField, annotation, optionsData);
+ if (expansion == null) {
+ usage.append(" Expands to unknown options.\n");
+ } else if (expansion.length > 0) {
StringBuilder expandsMsg = new StringBuilder("Expands to: ");
- for (String exp : annotation.expansion()) {
+ for (String exp : expansion) {
expandsMsg.append(exp).append(" ");
usage.append(paragraphFill(expandsMsg.toString(), 4, 80)); // (indent, width)
@@ -125,9 +156,11 @@ class OptionsUsage {
- * Append the usage message for a single option-field message to 'usage'.
+ * Append the usage message for a single option-field message to 'usage'. If {@code optionsData}
+ * is not supplied, options that use expansion functions won't be fully described.
- static void getUsageHtml(Field optionField, StringBuilder usage, Escaper escaper) {
+ static void getUsageHtml(
+ Field optionField, StringBuilder usage, Escaper escaper, @Nullable OptionsData optionsData) {
String plainFlagName = optionField.getAnnotation(Option.class).name();
String flagName = getFlagName(optionField);
String valueDescription = optionField.getAnnotation(Option.class).valueHelp();
@@ -167,10 +200,13 @@ class OptionsUsage {
usage.append(paragraphFill(escaper.escape(annotation.help()), 0, 80)); // (indent, width)
- if (annotation.expansion().length > 0) {
+ String[] expansion = getExpansionIfKnown(optionField, annotation, optionsData);
+ if (expansion == null) {
+ usage.append(" Expands to unknown options.<br>\n");
+ } else if (expansion.length > 0) {
StringBuilder expandsMsg = new StringBuilder("Expands to:<br/>\n");
- for (String exp : annotation.expansion()) {
+ for (String exp : expansion) {
// TODO(ulfjack): Can we link to the expanded flags here?
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsParserTest.java b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsParserTest.java
index f8bcebd598..b8f669e1d5 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsParserTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsParserTest.java
@@ -838,32 +838,116 @@ public class OptionsParserTest {
+ /** ConflictingExpansionOptions */
+ public static class ConflictingExpansionsOptions extends OptionsBase {
+ /** ExpFunc */
+ public static class ExpFunc implements ExpansionFunction {
+ @Override
+ public String[] getExpansion(IsolatedOptionsData optionsData) {
+ return new String[] {"--yyy"};
+ }
+ }
+ @Option(
+ name = "badness",
+ expansion = {"--xxx"},
+ expansionFunction = ExpFunc.class,
+ defaultValue = "null"
+ )
+ public Void badness;
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void conflictingExpansions() throws Exception {
+ try {
+ OptionsParser.newOptionsParser(ConflictingExpansionsOptions.class);
+ fail("Should have failed due to specifying both expansion and expansionFunction");
+ } catch (AssertionError e) {
+ assertThat(e.getMessage())
+ .contains("Cannot set both expansion and expansionFunction for " + "option --badness");
+ }
+ }
+ /** NullExpansionOptions */
+ public static class NullExpansionsOptions extends OptionsBase {
+ /** ExpFunc */
+ public static class ExpFunc implements ExpansionFunction {
+ @Override
+ public String[] getExpansion(IsolatedOptionsData optionsData) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ @Option(name = "badness", expansionFunction = ExpFunc.class, defaultValue = "null")
+ public Void badness;
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void nullExpansions() throws Exception {
+ // Ensure that we get the NPE at the time of parser construction, not later when actually
+ // parsing.
+ try {
+ OptionsParser.newOptionsParser(NullExpansionsOptions.class);
+ fail("Should have failed due to null expansion function result");
+ } catch (NullPointerException e) {
+ assertThat(e.getMessage()).contains("null value in entry");
+ }
+ }
+ /** ExpansionOptions */
public static class ExpansionOptions extends OptionsBase {
- @Option(name = "first",
- expansion = { "--second=first" },
- defaultValue = "null")
- public Void first;
+ @Option(name = "underlying", defaultValue = "null")
+ public String underlying;
+ @Option(
+ name = "expands",
+ expansion = {"--underlying=from_expansion"},
+ defaultValue = "null"
+ )
+ public Void expands;
+ /** ExpFunc */
+ public static class ExpFunc implements ExpansionFunction {
+ @Override
+ public String[] getExpansion(IsolatedOptionsData optionsData) {
+ return new String[] {"--expands"};
+ }
+ }
- @Option(name = "second",
- defaultValue = "null")
- public String second;
+ @Option(name = "expands_by_function", defaultValue = "null", expansionFunction = ExpFunc.class)
+ public Void expandsByFunction;
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void describeOptionsWithExpansion() throws Exception {
+ // We have to test this here rather than in OptionsTest because expansion functions require
+ // that an options parser be constructed.
+ OptionsParser parser = OptionsParser.newOptionsParser(ExpansionOptions.class);
+ String usage =
+ parser.describeOptions(ImmutableMap.<String, String>of(), OptionsParser.HelpVerbosity.LONG);
+ assertThat(usage).contains(" --expands\n Expands to: --underlying=from_expansion");
+ assertThat(usage).contains(" --expands_by_function\n Expands to: --expands");
public void overrideExpansionWithExplicit() throws Exception {
OptionsParser parser = OptionsParser.newOptionsParser(ExpansionOptions.class);
- parser.parse(OptionPriority.COMMAND_LINE, null, Arrays.asList("--first", "--second=second"));
+ parser.parse(
+ OptionPriority.COMMAND_LINE, null, Arrays.asList("--expands", "--underlying=direct_value"));
ExpansionOptions options = parser.getOptions(ExpansionOptions.class);
- assertEquals("second", options.second);
+ assertEquals("direct_value", options.underlying);
assertEquals(0, parser.getWarnings().size());
public void overrideExplicitWithExpansion() throws Exception {
OptionsParser parser = OptionsParser.newOptionsParser(ExpansionOptions.class);
- parser.parse(OptionPriority.COMMAND_LINE, null, Arrays.asList("--second=second", "--first"));
+ parser.parse(
+ OptionPriority.COMMAND_LINE, null, Arrays.asList("--underlying=direct_value", "--expands"));
ExpansionOptions options = parser.getOptions(ExpansionOptions.class);
- assertEquals("first", options.second);
+ assertEquals("from_expansion", options.underlying);
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsTest.java b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsTest.java
index fccc011ffb..21a8a067b3 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/common/options/OptionsTest.java
@@ -16,15 +16,14 @@ package com.google.devtools.common.options;
import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
+import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.testing.EqualsTester;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
@@ -66,6 +65,31 @@ public class OptionsTest {
defaultValue = "null",
expansion = { "--host=special.google.com", "--port=8080"})
public Void special;
+ // Interestingly, the class needs to be public, or else the default constructor ends up not
+ // being public and the expander can't be instantiated.
+ /** SpecialExpansion */
+ public static class SpecialExpansion implements ExpansionFunction {
+ @Override
+ public String[] getExpansion(IsolatedOptionsData optionsData) {
+ TreeSet<String> flags = new TreeSet<>();
+ for (Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : optionsData.getAllNamedFields()) {
+ if (entry.getKey().startsWith("specialexp_")) {
+ flags.add("--" + entry.getKey());
+ }
+ }
+ return Iterables.toArray(flags, String.class);
+ }
+ }
+ @Option(name = "specialexp_foo", defaultValue = "false")
+ public boolean specialExpFoo;
+ @Option(name = "specialexp_bar", defaultValue = "false")
+ public boolean specialExpBar;
+ @Option(name = "specialexp", defaultValue = "null", expansionFunction = SpecialExpansion.class)
+ public Void specialExp;
@@ -73,15 +97,14 @@ public class OptionsTest {
// TODO(bazel-team): don't include trailing space after last word in line.
String input = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
- assertEquals(" The quick \n brown fox \n jumps over \n the lazy \n"
- + " dog.",
- OptionsUsage.paragraphFill(input, 2, 13));
- assertEquals(" The quick brown \n fox jumps over \n the lazy dog.",
- OptionsUsage.paragraphFill(input, 3, 19));
+ assertThat(OptionsUsage.paragraphFill(input, 2, 13))
+ .isEqualTo(" The quick \n brown fox \n jumps over \n the lazy \n" + " dog.");
+ assertThat(OptionsUsage.paragraphFill(input, 3, 19))
+ .isEqualTo(" The quick brown \n fox jumps over \n the lazy dog.");
String input2 = "The quick brown fox jumps\nAnother paragraph.";
- assertEquals(" The quick brown fox \n jumps\n Another paragraph.",
- OptionsUsage.paragraphFill(input2, 2, 23));
+ assertThat(OptionsUsage.paragraphFill(input2, 2, 23))
+ .isEqualTo(" The quick brown fox \n jumps\n Another paragraph.");
@@ -90,11 +113,11 @@ public class OptionsTest {
String[] remainingArgs = options.getRemainingArgs();
HttpOptions webFlags = options.getOptions();
- assertEquals("www.google.com", webFlags.host);
- assertEquals(80, webFlags.port);
- assertEquals(false, webFlags.isDebugging);
- assertEquals(TriState.AUTO, webFlags.triState);
- assertEquals(0, remainingArgs.length);
+ assertThat(webFlags.host).isEqualTo("www.google.com");
+ assertThat(webFlags.port).isEqualTo(80);
+ assertThat(webFlags.isDebugging).isEqualTo(false);
+ assertThat(webFlags.triState).isEqualTo(TriState.AUTO);
+ assertThat(remainingArgs.length).isEqualTo(0);
@@ -110,28 +133,27 @@ public class OptionsTest {
String toString = left.toString();
// Don't rely on Set.toString iteration order:
- assertTrue(toString.startsWith(
- "com.google.devtools.common.options.OptionsTest"
- + "$HttpOptions{"));
- assertTrue(toString.contains("host=foo"));
- assertTrue(toString.contains("port=80"));
- assertTrue(toString.endsWith("}"));
+ assertThat(toString)
+ .startsWith("com.google.devtools.common.options.OptionsTest" + "$HttpOptions{");
+ assertThat(toString).contains("host=foo");
+ assertThat(toString).contains("port=80");
+ assertThat(toString).endsWith("}");
new EqualsTester().addEqualityGroup(left).testEquals();
- assertTrue(left.toString().equals(likeLeft.toString()));
- assertTrue(left.equals(likeLeft));
- assertTrue(likeLeft.equals(left));
- assertFalse(left.equals(right));
- assertFalse(right.equals(left));
- assertFalse(left.equals(null));
- assertFalse(likeLeft.equals(null));
- assertEquals(likeLeft.hashCode(), likeLeft.hashCode());
- assertEquals(left.hashCode(), likeLeft.hashCode());
+ assertThat(left.toString()).isEqualTo(likeLeft.toString());
+ assertThat(left).isEqualTo(likeLeft);
+ assertThat(likeLeft).isEqualTo(left);
+ assertThat(left).isNotEqualTo(right);
+ assertThat(right).isNotEqualTo(left);
+ assertThat(left).isNotEqualTo(null);
+ assertThat(likeLeft).isNotEqualTo(null);
+ assertThat(likeLeft.hashCode()).isEqualTo(likeLeft.hashCode());
+ assertThat(likeLeft.hashCode()).isEqualTo(left.hashCode());
// Strictly speaking this is not required for hashCode to be correct,
// but a good hashCode should be different at least for some values. So,
// we're making sure that at least this particular pair of inputs yields
// different values.
- assertFalse(left.hashCode() == right.hashCode());
+ assertThat(left.hashCode()).isNotEqualTo(right.hashCode());
@@ -141,11 +163,12 @@ public class OptionsTest {
String[] args2 = { "-p", "80", "--host", "foo" };
HttpOptions options2 = Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, args2).getOptions();
- assertEquals("order/abbreviations shouldn't matter", options1, options2);
+ // Order/abbreviations shouldn't matter.
+ assertThat(options1).isEqualTo(options2);
- assertEquals("explicitly setting a default shouldn't matter",
- Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, "--port", "80").getOptions(),
- Options.parse(HttpOptions.class).getOptions());
+ // Explicitly setting a default shouldn't matter.
+ assertThat(Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, "--port", "80").getOptions())
+ .isEqualTo(Options.parse(HttpOptions.class).getOptions());
assertThat(Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, "--port", "3").getOptions())
@@ -161,10 +184,10 @@ public class OptionsTest {
String[] remainingArgs = options.getRemainingArgs();
HttpOptions webFlags = options.getOptions();
- assertEquals("google.com", webFlags.host);
- assertEquals(8080, webFlags.port);
- assertEquals(true, webFlags.isDebugging);
- assertEquals(0, remainingArgs.length);
+ assertThat(webFlags.host).isEqualTo("google.com");
+ assertThat(webFlags.port).isEqualTo(8080);
+ assertThat(webFlags.isDebugging).isEqualTo(true);
+ assertThat(remainingArgs.length).isEqualTo(0);
@@ -176,10 +199,10 @@ public class OptionsTest {
String[] remainingArgs = options.getRemainingArgs();
HttpOptions webFlags = options.getOptions();
- assertEquals("google.com", webFlags.host);
- assertEquals(8080, webFlags.port);
- assertEquals(true, webFlags.isDebugging);
- assertEquals(0, remainingArgs.length);
+ assertThat(webFlags.host).isEqualTo("google.com");
+ assertThat(webFlags.port).isEqualTo(8080);
+ assertThat(webFlags.isDebugging).isEqualTo(true);
+ assertThat(remainingArgs.length).isEqualTo(0);
@@ -187,8 +210,8 @@ public class OptionsTest {
Options<HttpOptions> options =
Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, new String[]{"--nodebug", "--notristate"});
HttpOptions webFlags = options.getOptions();
- assertEquals(false, webFlags.isDebugging);
- assertEquals(TriState.NO, webFlags.triState);
+ assertThat(webFlags.isDebugging).isEqualTo(false);
+ assertThat(webFlags.triState).isEqualTo(TriState.NO);
@@ -196,8 +219,8 @@ public class OptionsTest {
Options<HttpOptions> options =
Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, new String[]{"--no_debug", "--no_tristate"});
HttpOptions webFlags = options.getOptions();
- assertEquals(false, webFlags.isDebugging);
- assertEquals(TriState.NO, webFlags.triState);
+ assertThat(webFlags.isDebugging).isEqualTo(false);
+ assertThat(webFlags.triState).isEqualTo(TriState.NO);
@@ -205,8 +228,8 @@ public class OptionsTest {
Options<HttpOptions> options =
Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, new String[]{"-d-", "-t-"});
HttpOptions webFlags = options.getOptions();
- assertEquals(false, webFlags.isDebugging);
- assertEquals(TriState.NO, webFlags.triState);
+ assertThat(webFlags.isDebugging).isEqualTo(false);
+ assertThat(webFlags.triState).isEqualTo(TriState.NO);
@@ -214,8 +237,8 @@ public class OptionsTest {
Options<HttpOptions> options =
Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, new String[]{"--debug=0", "--tristate=0"});
HttpOptions webFlags = options.getOptions();
- assertEquals(false, webFlags.isDebugging);
- assertEquals(TriState.NO, webFlags.triState);
+ assertThat(webFlags.isDebugging).isEqualTo(false);
+ assertThat(webFlags.triState).isEqualTo(TriState.NO);
@@ -223,8 +246,8 @@ public class OptionsTest {
Options<HttpOptions> options =
Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, new String[]{"--debug=1", "--tristate=1"});
HttpOptions webFlags = options.getOptions();
- assertEquals(true, webFlags.isDebugging);
- assertEquals(TriState.YES, webFlags.triState);
+ assertThat(webFlags.isDebugging).isEqualTo(true);
+ assertThat(webFlags.triState).isEqualTo(TriState.YES);
@@ -232,7 +255,7 @@ public class OptionsTest {
String[] args = {"these", "aint", "options"};
Options<HttpOptions> options = Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, args);
String[] remainingArgs = options.getRemainingArgs();
- assertEquals(asList(args), asList(remainingArgs));
+ assertThat(asList(remainingArgs)).isEqualTo(asList(args));
@@ -246,7 +269,7 @@ public class OptionsTest {
String[] notoptions = {"notta", "option" };
Options<HttpOptions> options = Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, args);
String[] remainingArgs = options.getRemainingArgs();
- assertEquals(asList(notoptions), asList(remainingArgs));
+ assertThat(asList(remainingArgs)).isEqualTo(asList(notoptions));
@@ -256,7 +279,7 @@ public class OptionsTest {
Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, args);
} catch (OptionsParsingException e) {
- assertEquals("Unrecognized option: --unknown", e.getMessage());
+ assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo("Unrecognized option: --unknown");
@@ -267,7 +290,7 @@ public class OptionsTest {
Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, args);
} catch (OptionsParsingException e) {
- assertEquals("Expected value after --port", e.getMessage());
+ assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo("Expected value after --port");
@@ -276,7 +299,7 @@ public class OptionsTest {
String[] args = {"--port=80", "--port", "81"};
Options<HttpOptions> options = Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, args);
HttpOptions webFlags = options.getOptions();
- assertEquals(81, webFlags.port);
+ assertThat(webFlags.port).isEqualTo(81);
@@ -284,7 +307,7 @@ public class OptionsTest {
String[] args = {"--port=80", "-p", "81"};
Options<HttpOptions> options = Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, args);
HttpOptions webFlags = options.getOptions();
- assertEquals(81, webFlags.port);
+ assertThat(webFlags.port).isEqualTo(81);
@@ -300,8 +323,10 @@ public class OptionsTest {
Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, new String[]{"--debug=not_a_boolean"});
} catch (OptionsParsingException e) {
- assertEquals("While parsing option --debug=not_a_boolean: "
- + "\'not_a_boolean\' is not a boolean", e.getMessage());
+ assertThat(e.getMessage())
+ .isEqualTo(
+ "While parsing option --debug=not_a_boolean: "
+ + "\'not_a_boolean\' is not a boolean");
@@ -311,29 +336,38 @@ public class OptionsTest {
Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, new String[]{"--nodebug=1"});
} catch (OptionsParsingException e) {
- assertEquals("Unexpected value after boolean option: --nodebug=1", e.getMessage());
+ assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo("Unexpected value after boolean option: --nodebug=1");
- public void usageForBuiltinTypes() {
+ public void usageForBuiltinTypesNoExpansion() {
String usage = Options.getUsage(HttpOptions.class);
// We can't rely on the option ordering.
- assertTrue(usage.contains(
- " --[no]debug [-d] (a boolean; default: \"false\")\n" +
- " debug"));
- assertTrue(usage.contains(
- " --host (a string; default: \"www.google.com\")\n" +
- " The URL at which the server will be running."));
- assertTrue(usage.contains(
- " --port [-p] (an integer; default: \"80\")\n" +
- " The port at which the server will be running."));
- assertTrue(usage.contains(
- " --special\n" +
- " Expands to: --host=special.google.com --port=8080"));
- assertTrue(usage.contains(
- " --[no]tristate [-t] (a tri-state (auto, yes, no); default: \"auto\")\n" +
- " tri-state option returning auto by default"));
+ assertThat(usage)
+ .contains(" --[no]debug [-d] (a boolean; default: \"false\")\n" + " debug");
+ assertThat(usage)
+ .contains(
+ " --host (a string; default: \"www.google.com\")\n"
+ + " The URL at which the server will be running.");
+ assertThat(usage)
+ .contains(
+ " --port [-p] (an integer; default: \"80\")\n"
+ + " The port at which the server will be running.");
+ assertThat(usage)
+ .contains(
+ " --[no]tristate [-t] (a tri-state (auto, yes, no); default: \"auto\")\n"
+ + " tri-state option returning auto by default");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void usageForExpansion() {
+ String usage = Options.getUsage(HttpOptions.class);
+ assertThat(usage)
+ .contains(" --special\n Expands to: --host=special.google.com --port=8080");
+ // Expansion functions aren't evaluated since we're just grabbing the usage for an OptionsBase
+ // subclass and not for a completed parser. The completed case is covered in OptionsParserTest.
+ assertThat(usage).contains(" --specialexp\n Expands to unknown options.");
public static class NullTestOptions extends OptionsBase {
@@ -352,13 +386,13 @@ public class OptionsTest {
public void usageForNullDefault() {
String usage = Options.getUsage(NullTestOptions.class);
- assertTrue(usage.contains(
- " --host (a string; default: see description)\n" +
- " The URL at which the server will be running."));
- assertTrue(usage.contains(
- " --none\n" +
- " An expanded option.\n" +
- " Expands to: --host=www.google.com"));
+ assertThat(usage)
+ .contains(
+ " --host (a string; default: see description)\n"
+ + " The URL at which the server will be running.");
+ assertThat(usage)
+ .contains(
+ " --none\n" + " An expanded option.\n" + " Expands to: --host=www.google.com");
public static class MyURLConverter implements Converter<URL> {
@@ -394,7 +428,7 @@ public class OptionsTest {
Options<UsesCustomConverter> options =
Options.parse(UsesCustomConverter.class, new String[0]);
URL expected = new URL("http://www.google.com/");
- assertEquals(expected, options.getOptions().url);
+ assertThat(options.getOptions().url).isEqualTo(expected);
@@ -404,17 +438,18 @@ public class OptionsTest {
Options.parse(UsesCustomConverter.class, args);
} catch (OptionsParsingException e) {
- assertEquals("While parsing option --url=a_malformed:url: "
- + "Could not convert 'a_malformed:url': "
- + "no protocol: a_malformed:url", e.getMessage());
+ assertThat(e.getMessage())
+ .isEqualTo(
+ "While parsing option --url=a_malformed:url: "
+ + "Could not convert 'a_malformed:url': "
+ + "no protocol: a_malformed:url");
public void usageWithCustomConverter() {
- assertEquals(
- " --url (a url; default: \"http://www.google.com/\")\n",
- Options.getUsage(UsesCustomConverter.class));
+ assertThat(Options.getUsage(UsesCustomConverter.class))
+ .isEqualTo(" --url (a url; default: \"http://www.google.com/\")\n");
@@ -423,7 +458,7 @@ public class OptionsTest {
Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, new String[]{"--no-debug"});
} catch (OptionsParsingException e) {
- assertEquals("Unrecognized option: --no-debug", e.getMessage());
+ assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo("Unrecognized option: --no-debug");
@@ -434,7 +469,7 @@ public class OptionsTest {
public void nullDefaultForReferenceTypeOption() throws Exception {
J options = Options.parse(J.class, NO_ARGS).getOptions();
- assertNull(options.string);
+ assertThat(options.string).isNull();
public static class K extends OptionsBase {
@@ -451,9 +486,10 @@ public class OptionsTest {
Options.parse(K.class, NO_ARGS).getOptions();
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
- assertEquals("OptionsParsingException while retrieving default for "
- + "int1: 'null' is not an int",
- e.getMessage());
+ assertThat(e.getMessage())
+ .isEqualTo(
+ "OptionsParsingException while retrieving default for "
+ + "int1: 'null' is not an int");
@@ -463,30 +499,30 @@ public class OptionsTest {
HttpOptions options =
new String[] { "--host", "null" }).getOptions();
- assertEquals("null", options.host);
+ assertThat(options.host).isEqualTo("null");
public void nonDecimalRadicesForIntegerOptions() throws Exception {
Options<HttpOptions> options =
Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, new String[] { "--port", "0x51"});
- assertEquals(81, options.getOptions().port);
+ assertThat(options.getOptions().port).isEqualTo(81);
public void expansionOptionSimple() throws Exception {
Options<HttpOptions> options =
Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, new String[] {"--special"});
- assertEquals("special.google.com", options.getOptions().host);
- assertEquals(8080, options.getOptions().port);
+ assertThat(options.getOptions().host).isEqualTo("special.google.com");
+ assertThat(options.getOptions().port).isEqualTo(8080);
public void expansionOptionOverride() throws Exception {
Options<HttpOptions> options =
Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, new String[] {"--port=90", "--special", "--host=foo"});
- assertEquals("foo", options.getOptions().host);
- assertEquals(8080, options.getOptions().port);
+ assertThat(options.getOptions().host).isEqualTo("foo");
+ assertThat(options.getOptions().port).isEqualTo(8080);
@@ -495,6 +531,14 @@ public class OptionsTest {
Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, new String[] { "--host=special.google.com", "--port=8080"});
Options<HttpOptions> options2 =
Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, new String[] { "--special" });
- assertEquals(options1.getOptions(), options2.getOptions());
+ assertThat(options1.getOptions()).isEqualTo(options2.getOptions());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void expansionFunction() throws Exception {
+ Options<HttpOptions> options1 = Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, new String[] {"--specialexp"});
+ Options<HttpOptions> options2 =
+ Options.parse(HttpOptions.class, new String[] {"--specialexp_foo", "--specialexp_bar"});
+ assertThat(options1.getOptions()).isEqualTo(options2.getOptions());