path: root/tools
diff options
authorGravatar Michael Staib <mstaib@google.com>2016-03-25 00:24:22 +0000
committerGravatar Kristina Chodorow <kchodorow@google.com>2016-03-25 22:00:38 +0000
commitffec352154ac1660c9a933756bfc750d1367ad64 (patch)
tree6944f6a4a554daad36045b34ff6aa3113c8eceb2 /tools
parentc6fa901ff50ba98a7f1d6324f8c234d374c77e6d (diff)
Change android_sdk_repository to use a Skylark-based template.
This moves logic out of the Java repository function and closer to where it's actually used, while also downplaying the basic templating a bit and allowing the logic to interact better with the build file. The existing logic regarding Apache's HTTP client is migrated as part of this. -- MOS_MIGRATED_REVID=118084016
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/android/android_sdk_repository_template.bzl b/tools/android/android_sdk_repository_template.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6cf9745112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/android/android_sdk_repository_template.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+"""Template for the build file used in android_sdk_repository."""
+# Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+def create_android_sdk_rules(name, build_tools_version, api_level):
+ """Generate the contents of the android_sdk_repository.
+ Args:
+ name: string, the name of the repository being generated.
+ build_tools: string, the version of Android's build tools to work with.
+ api_level: int, the API level from which to get android.jar et al.
+ """
+ native.filegroup(
+ name = "files",
+ srcs = ["."],
+ )
+ native.java_import(
+ name = "appcompat_v7_import",
+ jars = ["extras/android/support/v7/appcompat/libs/android-support-v7-appcompat.jar"]
+ )
+ native.android_library(
+ name = "appcompat_v7",
+ custom_package = "android.support.v7.appcompat",
+ manifest = "extras/android/support/v7/appcompat/AndroidManifest.xml",
+ resource_files = native.glob(["extras/android/support/v7/appcompat/res/**"]),
+ deps = [":appcompat_v7_import"]
+ )
+ native.java_import(
+ name = "design_import",
+ jars = ["extras/android/support/design/libs/android-support-design.jar"],
+ )
+ native.android_library(
+ name = "design",
+ custom_package = "android.support.design",
+ manifest = "extras/android/support/design/AndroidManifest.xml",
+ resource_files = native.glob(["extras/android/support/design/res/**"]),
+ deps = [":design_import", ":appcompat_v7"]
+ )
+ native.java_import(
+ name = "mediarouter_v7_import",
+ jars = ["extras/android/support/v7/mediarouter/libs/android-support-v7-mediarouter.jar"]
+ )
+ native.android_library(
+ name = "mediarouter_v7",
+ custom_package = "android.support.v7.mediarouter",
+ manifest = "extras/android/support/v7/mediarouter/AndroidManifest.xml",
+ resource_files = native.glob(["extras/android/support/v7/mediarouter/res/**"]),
+ deps = [
+ ":appcompat_v7",
+ ":mediarouter_v7_import",
+ ]
+ )
+ native.java_import(
+ name = "cardview_v7_import",
+ jars = ["extras/android/support/v7/cardview/libs/android-support-v7-cardview.jar"]
+ )
+ native.android_library(
+ name = "cardview_v7",
+ custom_package = "android.support.v7.cardview",
+ manifest = "extras/android/support/v7/cardview/AndroidManifest.xml",
+ resource_files = native.glob(["extras/android/support/v7/cardview/res/**"]),
+ deps = [":cardview_v7_import"]
+ )
+ native.java_import(
+ name = "gridlayout_v7_import",
+ jars = ["extras/android/support/v7/gridlayout/libs/android-support-v7-gridlayout.jar"]
+ )
+ native.android_library(
+ name = "gridlayout_v7",
+ custom_package = "android.support.v7.gridlayout",
+ manifest = "extras/android/support/v7/gridlayout/AndroidManifest.xml",
+ resource_files = native.glob(["extras/android/support/v7/gridlayout/res/**"]),
+ deps = [":gridlayout_v7_import"]
+ )
+ native.java_import(
+ name = "palette_v7_import",
+ jars = ["extras/android/support/v7/palette/libs/android-support-v7-palette.jar"]
+ )
+ native.android_library(
+ name = "palette_v7",
+ custom_package = "android.support.v7.palette",
+ manifest = "extras/android/support/v7/palette/AndroidManifest.xml",
+ resource_files = native.glob(["extras/android/support/v7/palette/res/**"]),
+ deps = [":palette_v7_import"]
+ )
+ native.java_import(
+ name = "recyclerview_v7_import",
+ jars = ["extras/android/support/v7/recyclerview/libs/android-support-v7-recyclerview.jar"]
+ )
+ native.android_library(
+ name = "recyclerview_v7",
+ custom_package = "android.support.v7.recyclerview",
+ manifest = "extras/android/support/v7/recyclerview/AndroidManifest.xml",
+ resource_files = native.glob(["extras/android/support/v7/recyclerview/res/**"]),
+ deps = [":recyclerview_v7_import"]
+ )
+ if api_level >= 23:
+ # Android 23 removed most of org.apache.http from android.jar and moved it
+ # to a separate jar.
+ native.java_import(
+ name = "org_apache_http_legacy",
+ jars = ["platforms/android-%d/optional/org.apache.http.legacy.jar" % api_level]
+ )
+ native.java_import(
+ name = "appcompat_v4",
+ jars = ["extras/android/support/v4/android-support-v4.jar"]
+ )
+ native.java_import(
+ name = "appcompat_v13",
+ jars = ["extras/android/support/v13/android-support-v13.jar"]
+ )
+ native.android_sdk(
+ name = "sdk",
+ build_tools_version = build_tools_version,
+ proguard = ":proguard_binary",
+ aapt = ":aapt_binary",
+ dx = ":dx_binary",
+ main_dex_list_creator = ":main_dex_list_creator",
+ adb = "platform-tools/adb",
+ framework_aidl = "platforms/android-%d/framework.aidl" % api_level,
+ aidl = ":aidl_binary",
+ android_jar = "platforms/android-%d/android.jar" % api_level,
+ shrinked_android_jar = "platforms/android-%d/android.jar" % api_level,
+ annotations_jar = "tools/support/annotations.jar",
+ main_dex_classes = "build-tools/%s/mainDexClasses.rules" % build_tools_version,
+ apkbuilder = "@bazel_tools//third_party/java/apkbuilder:embedded_apkbuilder",
+ zipalign = ":zipalign_binary",
+ android_jack = ":empty",
+ jack = ":fail",
+ jill = ":fail",
+ resource_extractor = ":fail"
+ )
+ native.java_import(
+ name = "proguard_import",
+ jars = ["tools/proguard/lib/proguard.jar"]
+ )
+ native.java_binary(
+ name = "proguard_binary",
+ main_class = "proguard.ProGuard",
+ runtime_deps = [":proguard_import"]
+ )
+ native.filegroup(
+ name = "build_tools_libs",
+ srcs = native.glob(["build-tools/%s/lib/**" % build_tools_version])
+ )
+ [native.genrule(
+ name = tool + "_runner",
+ outs = [tool + "_runner.sh"],
+ srcs = [],
+ cmd = "\n".join(["cat > $@ << 'EOF'",
+ "#!/bin/bash -eu",
+ # The tools under build-tools/VERSION require the libraries under build-tools/VERSION/lib,
+ # so we can't simply depend on them as a file like we do with aapt.
+ "SDK=$${0}.runfiles/external/%s" % name,
+ "exec $${SDK}/build-tools/%s/%s $$*" % (build_tools_version, tool),
+ "EOF\n"]),
+ ) for tool in ["aapt", "aidl", "zipalign"]]
+ [native.sh_binary(
+ name = tool + "_binary",
+ srcs = [tool + "_runner.sh"],
+ data = [
+ ":build_tools_libs",
+ "build-tools/%s/%s" % (build_tools_version, tool)
+ ],
+ ) for tool in ["aapt", "aidl", "zipalign"]]
+ native.sh_binary(
+ name = "fail",
+ srcs = ["fail.sh"])
+ native.genrule(
+ name = "generate_fail_sh",
+ srcs = [],
+ outs = ["fail.sh"],
+ cmd = "echo -e '#!/bin/bash\\nexit 1' >> $@; chmod +x $@",
+ )
+ native.genrule(
+ name = "main_dex_list_creator_source",
+ srcs = [],
+ outs = ["main_dex_list_creator.sh"],
+ cmd = "\n".join(["cat > $@ <<'EOF'",
+ "#!/bin/bash",
+ "",
+ "MAIN_DEX_LIST=$$1",
+ "JAR=$$3",
+ "" +
+ "DIRNAME=$$(dirname $$0)",
+ "JAVA_BINARY=TBD/main_dex_list_creator_java", # Proper runfiles path comes here
+ "exit $$?",
+ "",
+ "EOF\n"]),
+ )
+ native.sh_binary(
+ name = "main_dex_list_creator",
+ srcs = ["main_dex_list_creator.sh"],
+ data = [":main_dex_list_creator_java"],
+ )
+ native.java_binary(
+ name = "main_dex_list_creator_java",
+ main_class = "com.android.multidex.ClassReferenceListBuilder",
+ runtime_deps = [":dx_jar_import"],
+ )
+ native.java_binary(
+ name = "dx_binary",
+ main_class = "com.android.dx.command.Main",
+ runtime_deps = [":dx_jar_import"],
+ )
+ native.filegroup(
+ name = "dx_jar",
+ srcs = ["build-tools/%s/lib/dx.jar" % build_tools_version],
+ )
+ native.java_import(
+ name = "dx_jar_import",
+ jars = [":dx_jar"],
+ )
+ GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES_DIR = "extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib"
+ native.java_import(
+ name = "google_play_services_lib",
+ jars = [GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES_DIR + "/libs/google-play-services.jar"])
+ native.android_library(
+ name = "google_play_services",
+ custom_package = "google.bazel",
+ manifest = GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES_DIR + "/AndroidManifest.xml",
+ exports_manifest = 1,
+ resource_files = native.glob([GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES_DIR + "/res/**"]),
+ proguard_specs = [GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES_DIR + "/proguard.txt"],
+ deps = [":google_play_services_lib"])