path: root/tools
diff options
authorGravatar thomasvl <thomasvl@google.com>2017-09-08 21:44:06 +0200
committerGravatar Philipp Wollermann <philwo@google.com>2017-09-11 13:07:19 +0200
commite9c788a9711e8f780de7eb5bd3e1bed7994eb88c (patch)
tree7315d141dd6149e53f53f07701ffed04838ddbb9 /tools
parentdd8bfab0bc3d2e663c38ec3df4b078d294078449 (diff)
Remove swift_library and tests, lives in the apple rules repo now.
RELNOTES: The swift_library rule that is distributed with Bazel has been deleted. Users who wish to compile Swift should use the rules in https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_apple instead. PiperOrigin-RevId: 168032330
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 501 deletions
diff --git a/tools/build_defs/apple/swift.bzl b/tools/build_defs/apple/swift.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index a8f1a16908..0000000000
--- a/tools/build_defs/apple/swift.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,501 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Skylark rules for Swift.
-NOTE: This file is deprecated and will be removed soon. If you depend on it,
-please start using the version from the rules_apple repository
-(https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_apple) instead.
- "xcrun_action",
- "module_cache_path",
- "label_scoped_path")
-def _parent_dirs(dirs):
- """Returns a depset of parent directories for each directory in dirs."""
- return depset([f.rpartition("/")[0] for f in dirs])
-def _framework_names(dirs):
- """Returns the framework name for each directory in dir."""
- return depset([f.rpartition("/")[2].partition(".")[0] for f in dirs])
-def _intersperse(separator, iterable):
- """Inserts separator before each item in iterable."""
- result = []
- for x in iterable:
- result.append(separator)
- result.append(x)
- return result
-def _swift_target(cpu, platform, sdk_version):
- """Returns a target triplet for Swift compiler."""
- platform_string = str(platform.platform_type)
- if platform_string not in ["ios", "watchos", "tvos"]:
- fail("Platform '%s' is not supported" % platform_string)
- return "%s-apple-%s%s" % (cpu, platform_string, sdk_version)
-def _swift_compilation_mode_flags(ctx):
- """Returns additional swiftc flags for the current compilation mode."""
- mode = ctx.var["COMPILATION_MODE"]
- flags = []
- if mode == "dbg" or mode == "fastbuild":
- # TODO(dmishe): Find a way to test -serialize-debugging-options
- flags += [
- "-Onone", "-DDEBUG", "-enable-testing", "-Xfrontend",
- "-serialize-debugging-options"
- ]
- elif mode == "opt":
- flags += ["-O", "-DNDEBUG"]
- if mode == "dbg" or ctx.fragments.objc.generate_dsym:
- flags.append("-g")
- return flags
-def _clang_compilation_mode_flags(ctx):
- """Returns additional clang flags for the current compilation mode."""
- # In general, every compilation mode flag from native objc_ rules should be
- # passed, but -g seems to break Clang module compilation. Since this flag does
- # not make much sense for module compilation and only touches headers,
- # it's ok to omit.
- native_clang_flags = ctx.fragments.objc.copts_for_current_compilation_mode
- return [x for x in native_clang_flags if x != "-g"]
-def _swift_bitcode_flags(ctx):
- """Returns bitcode flags based on selected mode."""
- mode = str(ctx.fragments.apple.bitcode_mode)
- if mode == "embedded":
- return ["-embed-bitcode"]
- elif mode == "embedded_markers":
- return ["-embed-bitcode-marker"]
- return []
-def swift_module_name(label):
- """Returns a module name for the given label."""
- return label.package.lstrip("//").replace("/", "_") + "_" + label.name
-def _swift_lib_dir(ctx):
- """Returns the location of swift runtime directory to link against."""
- platform_str = ctx.fragments.apple.single_arch_platform.name_in_plist.lower()
- toolchain_name = "XcodeDefault"
- if hasattr(ctx.fragments.apple, "xcode_toolchain"):
- toolchain = ctx.fragments.apple.xcode_toolchain
- # We cannot use non Xcode-packaged toolchains, and the only one non-default
- # toolchain known to exist (as of Xcode 8.1) is this one.
- if toolchain == "com.apple.dt.toolchain.Swift_2_3":
- toolchain_name = "Swift_2.3"
- return "{0}/Toolchains/{1}.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/{2}".format(
- apple_common.apple_toolchain().developer_dir(), toolchain_name, platform_str)
-def _swift_linkopts(ctx):
- """Returns additional linker arguments for the given rule context."""
- return depset(["-L" + _swift_lib_dir(ctx)])
-def _swift_xcrun_args(ctx):
- """Returns additional arguments that should be passed to xcrun."""
- if ctx.fragments.apple.xcode_toolchain:
- return ["--toolchain", ctx.fragments.apple.xcode_toolchain]
- return []
-def _swift_parsing_flags(ctx):
- """Returns additional parsing flags for swiftc."""
- srcs = ctx.files.srcs
- # swiftc has two different parsing modes: script and library.
- # The difference is that in script mode top-level expressions are allowed.
- # This mode is triggered when the file compiled is called main.swift.
- # Additionally, script mode is used when there's just one file in the
- # compilation. we would like to avoid that and therefore force library mode
- # when there's only one source and it's not called main.
- if len(srcs) == 1 and srcs[0].basename != "main.swift":
- return ["-parse-as-library"]
- return []
-def _is_valid_swift_module_name(string):
- """Returns True if the string is a valid Swift module name."""
- if not string:
- return False
- for char in string:
- # Check that the character is in [a-zA-Z0-9_]
- if not (char.isalnum() or char == "_"):
- return False
- return True
-def _validate_rule_and_deps(ctx):
- """Validates the target and its dependencies."""
- name_error_str = ("Error in target '%s', Swift target and its dependencies' "+
- "names can only contain characters in [a-zA-Z0-9_].")
- # Validate the name of the target
- if not _is_valid_swift_module_name(ctx.label.name):
- fail(name_error_str % ctx.label)
- # Validate names of the dependencies
- for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
- if not _is_valid_swift_module_name(dep.label.name):
- fail(name_error_str % dep.label)
-def swiftc_inputs(ctx):
- """Determine the list of inputs required for the compile action.
- Args:
- ctx: rule context.
- Returns:
- A list of files needed by swiftc.
- """
- swift_providers = [x.swift for x in ctx.attr.deps if hasattr(x, "swift")]
- objc_providers = [x.objc for x in ctx.attr.deps if hasattr(x, "objc")]
- dep_modules = []
- for swift in swift_providers:
- dep_modules += swift.transitive_modules
- objc_files = depset()
- for objc in objc_providers:
- objc_files += objc.header
- objc_files += objc.module_map
- objc_files += depset(objc.static_framework_file)
- objc_files += depset(objc.dynamic_framework_file)
- return ctx.files.srcs + dep_modules + list(objc_files)
-def swiftc_args(ctx):
- """Returns an almost compelete array of arguments to be passed to swiftc.
- This macro is intended to be used by the swift_library rule implementation
- below but it also may be used by other rules outside this file. It has no
- side effects and does not modify ctx. It expects ctx to contain the same
- fragments and attributes as swift_library (you're encouraged to depend on
- SWIFT_LIBRARY_ATTRS in your rule definition).
- Args:
- ctx: rule context
- Returns:
- A list of command line arguments for swiftc. The returned arguments
- include everything except the arguments generation of which would require
- adding new files or actions.
- """
- apple_fragment = ctx.fragments.apple
- cpu = apple_fragment.single_arch_cpu
- platform = apple_fragment.single_arch_platform
- target_os = apple_fragment.minimum_os_for_platform_type(
- platform.platform_type)
- target = _swift_target(cpu, platform, target_os)
- apple_toolchain = apple_common.apple_toolchain()
- module_name = ctx.attr.module_name or swift_module_name(ctx.label)
- # A list of paths to pass with -F flag.
- framework_dirs = depset([
- apple_toolchain.platform_developer_framework_dir(apple_fragment)])
- # Collect transitive dependecies.
- dep_modules = []
- swiftc_defines = ctx.attr.defines
- swift_providers = [x.swift for x in ctx.attr.deps if hasattr(x, "swift")]
- objc_providers = [x.objc for x in ctx.attr.deps if hasattr(x, "objc")]
- for swift in swift_providers:
- dep_modules += swift.transitive_modules
- swiftc_defines += swift.transitive_defines
- objc_includes = depset() # Everything that needs to be included with -I
- objc_module_maps = depset() # Module maps for dependent targets
- objc_defines = depset()
- static_frameworks = depset()
- for objc in objc_providers:
- objc_includes += objc.include
- objc_module_maps += objc.module_map
- static_frameworks += _framework_names(objc.framework_dir)
- framework_dirs += _parent_dirs(objc.framework_dir)
- framework_dirs += _parent_dirs(objc.dynamic_framework_dir)
- # objc_library#copts is not propagated to its dependencies and so it is not
- # collected here. In theory this may lead to un-importable targets (since
- # their module cannot be compiled by clang), but did not occur in practice.
- objc_defines += objc.define
- srcs_args = [f.path for f in ctx.files.srcs]
- # Include each swift module's parent directory for imports to work.
- include_dirs = depset([x.dirname for x in dep_modules])
- # Include the genfiles root so full-path imports can work for generated protos.
- include_dirs += depset([ctx.genfiles_dir.path])
- include_args = ["-I%s" % d for d in include_dirs + objc_includes]
- framework_args = ["-F%s" % x for x in framework_dirs]
- define_args = ["-D%s" % x for x in swiftc_defines]
- # Disable the LC_LINKER_OPTION load commands for static frameworks automatic
- # linking. This is needed to correctly deduplicate static frameworks from also
- # being linked into test binaries where it is also linked into the app binary.
- autolink_args =_intersperse(
- "-Xfrontend",
- _intersperse("-disable-autolink-framework", static_frameworks))
- clang_args = _intersperse(
- "-Xcc",
- # Add the current directory to clang's search path.
- # This instance of clang is spawned by swiftc to compile module maps and
- # is not passed the current directory as a search path by default.
- ["-iquote", "."]
- # Pass DEFINE or copt values from objc configuration and rules to clang
- + ["-D" + x for x in objc_defines] + ctx.fragments.objc.copts
- + _clang_compilation_mode_flags(ctx)
- # Load module maps explicitly instead of letting Clang discover them on
- # search paths. This is needed to avoid a case where Clang may load the
- # same header both in modular and non-modular contexts, leading to
- # duplicate definitions in the same file.
- # https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=19501
- + ["-fmodule-map-file=%s" % x.path for x in objc_module_maps])
- args = [
- "-emit-object",
- "-module-name",
- module_name,
- "-target",
- target,
- "-sdk",
- apple_toolchain.sdk_dir(),
- "-module-cache-path",
- module_cache_path(ctx),
- ]
- if ctx.configuration.coverage_enabled:
- args.extend(["-profile-generate", "-profile-coverage-mapping"])
- args.extend(_swift_compilation_mode_flags(ctx))
- args.extend(_swift_bitcode_flags(ctx))
- args.extend(_swift_parsing_flags(ctx))
- args.extend(srcs_args)
- args.extend(include_args)
- args.extend(framework_args)
- args.extend(clang_args)
- args.extend(define_args)
- args.extend(autolink_args)
- args.extend(ctx.fragments.swift.copts())
- args.extend(ctx.attr.copts)
- return args
-def _swift_library_impl(ctx):
- """Implementation for swift_library Skylark rule."""
- print("This file is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please start " +
- "using the version from the rules_apple repository " +
- "(https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_apple) instead.")
- _validate_rule_and_deps(ctx)
- # Collect transitive dependecies.
- dep_modules = []
- dep_libs = []
- swiftc_defines = ctx.attr.defines
- swift_providers = [x.swift for x in ctx.attr.deps if hasattr(x, "swift")]
- objc_providers = [x.objc for x in ctx.attr.deps if hasattr(x, "objc")]
- for swift in swift_providers:
- dep_libs += swift.transitive_libs
- dep_modules += swift.transitive_modules
- swiftc_defines += swift.transitive_defines
- # A unique path for rule's outputs.
- objs_outputs_path = label_scoped_path(ctx, "_objs/")
- module_name = ctx.attr.module_name or swift_module_name(ctx.label)
- output_lib = ctx.new_file(objs_outputs_path + module_name + ".a")
- output_module = ctx.new_file(objs_outputs_path + module_name + ".swiftmodule")
- # These filenames are guaranteed to be unique, no need to scope.
- output_header = ctx.new_file(ctx.label.name + "-Swift.h")
- swiftc_output_map_file = ctx.new_file(ctx.label.name + ".output_file_map.json")
- swiftc_output_map = struct() # Maps output types to paths.
- output_objs = [] # Object file outputs, used in archive action.
- swiftc_outputs = [] # Other swiftc outputs that aren't processed further.
- # Check if the user enabled Whole Module Optimization (WMO)
- # This is highly experimental and tracked in b/29465250
- has_wmo = ("-wmo" in ctx.attr.copts) or ("-whole-module-optimization" in ctx.attr.copts)
- for source in ctx.files.srcs:
- basename = source.basename
- output_map_entry = {}
- # Output an object file
- obj = ctx.new_file(objs_outputs_path + basename + ".o")
- output_objs.append(obj)
- output_map_entry["object"] = obj.path
- # Output a partial module file, unless WMO is enabled in which case only
- # the final, complete module will be generated.
- if not has_wmo:
- partial_module = ctx.new_file(objs_outputs_path + basename +
- ".partial_swiftmodule")
- swiftc_outputs.append(partial_module)
- output_map_entry["swiftmodule"] = partial_module.path
- swiftc_output_map += struct(**{source.path: struct(**output_map_entry)})
- # Write down the intermediate outputs map for this compilation, to be used
- # with -output-file-map flag.
- # It's a JSON file that maps each source input (.swift) to its outputs
- # (.o, .bc, .d, ...)
- # Example:
- # {'foo.swift':
- # {'object': 'foo.o', 'bitcode': 'foo.bc', 'dependencies': 'foo.d'}}
- # There's currently no documentation on this option, however all of the keys
- # are listed here https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/swift-2.2.1-RELEASE/include/swift/Driver/Types.def
- ctx.file_action(output=swiftc_output_map_file, content=swiftc_output_map.to_json())
- args = _swift_xcrun_args(ctx) + ["swiftc"] + swiftc_args(ctx)
- args += [
- "-I" + output_module.dirname,
- "-emit-module-path",
- output_module.path,
- "-emit-objc-header-path",
- output_header.path,
- "-output-file-map",
- swiftc_output_map_file.path,
- ]
- if has_wmo:
- # WMO has two modes: threaded and not. We want the threaded mode because it
- # will use the output map we generate. This leads to a better debug
- # experience in lldb and Xcode.
- # TODO(b/32571265): 12 has been chosen as the best option for a Mac Pro,
- # we should get an interface in Bazel to get core count.
- args.extend(["-num-threads", "12"])
- xcrun_action(
- ctx,
- inputs=swiftc_inputs(ctx) + [swiftc_output_map_file],
- outputs=[output_module, output_header] + output_objs + swiftc_outputs,
- mnemonic="SwiftCompile",
- arguments=args,
- use_default_shell_env=False,
- progress_message=("Compiling Swift module %s (%d files)" %
- (ctx.label.name, len(ctx.files.srcs))))
- xcrun_action(ctx,
- inputs=output_objs,
- outputs=(output_lib,),
- mnemonic="SwiftArchive",
- arguments=[
- "libtool", "-static", "-o", output_lib.path
- ] + [x.path for x in output_objs],
- progress_message=("Archiving Swift objects %s" % ctx.label.name))
- # This tells the linker to write a reference to .swiftmodule as an AST symbol
- # in the final binary.
- # With dSYM enabled, this results in a __DWARF,__swift_ast section added to
- # the dSYM binary, from where LLDB is able deserialize module information.
- # Without dSYM, LLDB will follow the AST references, however there is a bug
- # where it follows only the first one https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-2637
- # This means that dSYM is required for debugging until that is resolved.
- extra_linker_args = ["-Xlinker -add_ast_path -Xlinker " + output_module.path]
- objc_provider = apple_common.new_objc_provider(
- library=depset([output_lib] + dep_libs),
- header=depset([output_header]),
- providers=objc_providers,
- linkopt=_swift_linkopts(ctx) + extra_linker_args,
- link_inputs=depset([output_module]),
- uses_swift=True,)
- return struct(
- swift=struct(
- transitive_libs=[output_lib] + dep_libs,
- transitive_modules=[output_module] + dep_modules,
- transitive_defines=swiftc_defines),
- objc=objc_provider,
- files=depset([output_lib, output_module, output_header]))
- "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = [".swift"], allow_empty=False),
- "deps": attr.label_list(providers=[["swift"], ["objc"]]),
- "module_name": attr.string(mandatory=False),
- "defines": attr.string_list(mandatory=False, allow_empty=True),
- "copts": attr.string_list(mandatory=False, allow_empty=True),
- "_xcrunwrapper": attr.label(
- executable=True,
- cfg="host",
- default=Label(XCRUNWRAPPER_LABEL))
-swift_library = rule(
- _swift_library_impl,
- fragments = ["apple", "objc", "swift"],
- output_to_genfiles=True,
-Builds a Swift module.
-A module is a pair of static library (.a) + module header (.swiftmodule).
-Dependant targets can import this module as "import RuleName".
- srcs: Swift sources that comprise this module.
- deps: Other Swift modules.
- module_name: Optional. Sets the Swift module name for this target. By default
- the module name is the target path with all special symbols replaced
- by "_", e.g. //foo:bar can be imported as "foo_bar".
- copts: A list of flags passed to swiftc command line.
- defines: Each VALUE in this attribute is passed as -DVALUE to the compiler for
- this and dependent targets.