path: root/tools/build_defs/repo/maven_rules.bzl
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authorGravatar Adam Michael <ajmichael@google.com>2016-11-08 23:47:29 +0000
committerGravatar Klaus Aehlig <aehlig@google.com>2016-11-09 09:15:15 +0000
commit26de97ba7c2725680e8e9a424362e31935c647f4 (patch)
treeafdabca5c9b92b7d2eb1b438a4af3bbba84be22e /tools/build_defs/repo/maven_rules.bzl
parentdf9e5e16c370391098c4432779ad4d1c9dd693ca (diff)
Creates maven_aar rule to generate aar_import for AARs from Maven.
See https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/561. To use this rule, you will need to include the following line in your WORKSPACE file: load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:maven_rules.bzl", "maven_aar") After that, you can use the maven_aar repository rule in your WORKSPACE file as such: maven_aar( name = "facebook_android_sdk", artifact = "com.facebook.android:facebook-android-sdk:3.19.0", ) Then in your BUILD files, your android_library and android_binary targets can depend on the AAR with the following syntax: android_binary( name = "my_app", ... deps = [ "@facebook_android_sdk//aar", ... ], ) The resources, classes and native libs from the AAR will be provided. Note however that some features of AAR files are not yet supported, including assets, Proguard maps and lint jars. -- MOS_MIGRATED_REVID=138575421
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/build_defs/repo/maven_rules.bzl')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/tools/build_defs/repo/maven_rules.bzl b/tools/build_defs/repo/maven_rules.bzl
index 0c6e264f00..1e05954ba0 100644
--- a/tools/build_defs/repo/maven_rules.bzl
+++ b/tools/build_defs/repo/maven_rules.bzl
@@ -13,10 +13,15 @@
# limitations under the License.
# Implementations of Maven rules in Skylark:
-# 1) maven_jar(name, artifact, repository, sha1)
+# 1) maven_jar(name, artifact, repository, sha1, settings)
# The API of this is largely the same as the native maven_jar rule,
-# except for the server attribute, which is not implemented.
-# 2) maven_dependency_plugin()
+# except for the server attribute, which is not implemented. The optional
+# settings supports passing a custom Maven settings.xml to download the JAR.
+# 2) maven_aar(name, artifact, repository, sha1)
+# The API of this rule is the same as maven_jar except that the artifact must
+# be the Maven coordinate of an AAR and it does not support the historical
+# repository and server attributes.
+# 3) maven_dependency_plugin()
# This rule downloads the maven-dependency-plugin used internally
# for testing and the implementation for the fetching of artifacts.
@@ -47,11 +52,11 @@ set -ex
def _check_dependencies(ctx):
for dep in DEPS:
if ctx.which(dep) == None:
- fail("maven_jar requires %s as a dependency. Please check your PATH." % dep)
+ fail("%s requires %s as a dependency. Please check your PATH." % (ctx.name, dep))
def _validate_attr(ctx):
- if (ctx.attr.server != None):
+ if hasattr(ctx.attr, "server") and (ctx.attr.server != None):
fail("%s specifies a 'server' attribute which is currently not supported." % ctx.name)
@@ -60,14 +65,18 @@ def _artifact_dir(coordinates):
[coordinates.artifact_id, coordinates.version])
-# Creates a struct containing the different parts of an artifact's FQN
-def _create_coordinates(fully_qualified_name):
+# Creates a struct containing the different parts of an artifact's FQN.
+# If the fully_qualified_name does not specify a packaging and the rule does
+# not set a default packaging then JAR is assumed.
+def _create_coordinates(fully_qualified_name, packaging="jar"):
parts = fully_qualified_name.split(":")
- packaging = None
classifier = None
if len(parts) == 3:
group_id, artifact_id, version = parts
+ # Updates the FQN with the default packaging so that the Maven plugin
+ # downloads the correct artifact.
+ fully_qualified_name = "%s:%s" % (fully_qualified_name, packaging)
elif len(parts) == 4:
group_id, artifact_id, packaging, version = parts
elif len(parts) == 5:
@@ -85,118 +94,82 @@ def _create_coordinates(fully_qualified_name):
-# NOTE: Please use this method to define ALL paths that the maven_jar
-# rule uses. Doing otherwise will lead to inconsistencies and/or errors.
+# NOTE: Please use this method to define ALL paths that the maven_*
+# rules use. Doing otherwise will lead to inconsistencies and/or errors.
# CONVENTION: *_path refers to files, *_dir refers to directories.
def _create_paths(ctx, coordinates):
"""Creates a struct that contains the paths to create the cache WORKSPACE"""
# e.g. guava-18.0.jar
- # TODO(jingwen): Make the filename conditional on package type (jar, war, etc.)
- jar_filename = "%s-%s.jar" % (coordinates.artifact_id, coordinates.version)
- sha1_filename = "%s.sha1" % jar_filename
+ artifact_filename = "%s-%s.%s" % (coordinates.artifact_id,
+ coordinates.version,
+ coordinates.packaging)
+ sha1_filename = "%s.sha1" % artifact_filename
# e.g. com/google/guava/guava/18.0
- relative_jar_dir = _artifact_dir(coordinates)
+ relative_artifact_dir = _artifact_dir(coordinates)
- # The symlink to the actual .jar is stored in this dir, along with the
- # BUILD file.
- symlink_dir = "jar"
+ # The symlink to the actual artifact is stored in this dir, along with the
+ # BUILD file. The dir has the same name as the packaging to support syntax
+ # like @guava//jar and @google_play_services//aar.
+ symlink_dir = coordinates.packaging
m2 = ".m2"
m2_repo = "/".join([m2, "repository"]) # .m2/repository
- m2_plugin_coordinates = _create_coordinates(MVN_PLUGIN)
- m2_plugin_filename = "%s-%s.jar" % (m2_plugin_coordinates.artifact_id,
- m2_plugin_coordinates.version)
- m2_plugin_dir = "/".join([m2_repo, _artifact_dir(m2_plugin_coordinates)])
- if (ctx.attr.local_repository):
- bazel_m2_dir = ctx.path("%s" % (ctx.path(ctx.attr.local_repository).dirname))
- else:
- bazel_m2_dir = None
return struct(
- jar_filename = jar_filename,
+ artifact_filename = artifact_filename,
sha1_filename = sha1_filename,
symlink_dir = ctx.path(symlink_dir),
# e.g. external/com_google_guava_guava/ \
# .m2/repository/com/google/guava/guava/18.0/guava-18.0.jar
- jar_path = ctx.path("/".join([m2_repo, relative_jar_dir, jar_filename])),
- jar_dir = ctx.path("/".join([m2_repo, relative_jar_dir])),
+ artifact_path = ctx.path("/".join([m2_repo, relative_artifact_dir, artifact_filename])),
+ artifact_dir = ctx.path("/".join([m2_repo, relative_artifact_dir])),
- sha1_path = ctx.path("/".join([m2_repo, relative_jar_dir, sha1_filename])),
+ sha1_path = ctx.path("/".join([m2_repo, relative_artifact_dir, sha1_filename])),
# e.g. external/com_google_guava_guava/jar/guava-18.0.jar
- symlink_jar_path = ctx.path("/".join([symlink_dir, jar_filename])),
- # maven directories and filepaths
- m2_dir = ctx.path(m2),
- m2_repo_dir = ctx.path(m2_repo),
- m2_settings_path = ctx.path("settings.xml"),
- m2_plugin_dir = ctx.path(m2_plugin_dir),
- m2_plugin_path = ctx.path("/".join([m2_plugin_dir, m2_plugin_filename])),
- bazel_m2_dir = bazel_m2_dir,
+ symlink_artifact_path = ctx.path("/".join([symlink_dir, artifact_filename])),
-# Provides the syntax "@jar_name//jar" for dependencies
-def _generate_build_file(ctx, paths):
- contents = """
+_maven_jar_build_file_template = """
# DO NOT EDIT: automatically generated BUILD file for maven_jar rule {rule_name}
name = 'jar',
- jars = ['{jar_filename}'],
+ jars = ['{artifact_filename}'],
visibility = ['//visibility:public']
name = 'file',
- srcs = ['{jar_filename}'],
+ srcs = ['{artifact_filename}'],
visibility = ['//visibility:public']
-)\n""".format(rule_name = ctx.name, jar_filename = paths.jar_filename)
- ctx.file('%s/BUILD' % paths.symlink_dir, contents, False)
-# Used for integration tests within bazel.
-def _mvn_init(ctx, paths, repository):
- if repository == "":
- repository = MAVEN_CENTRAL_URL
+_maven_aar_build_file_template = """
+# DO NOT EDIT: automatically generated BUILD file for maven_aar rule {rule_name}
- # Symlink the m2 cache to the local m2 in //external
- ctx.symlink(paths.bazel_m2_dir, paths.m2_dir)
+ name = 'aar',
+ aar = '{artifact_filename}',
+ visibility = ['//visibility:public'],
- # Having a custom settings.xml and setting a mirror is the only way to
- # force the Maven binary to download from the specified repository
- # directly, and skip the default configured repositories.
-<!-- # DO NOT EDIT: automatically generated settings.xml for maven_jar rule {rule_name} -->
-<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
- xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0
- https://maven.apache.org/xsd/settings-1.0.0.xsd">
- <localRepository>{localRepository}</localRepository>
- <mirrors>
- <mirror>
- <id>central</id>
- <url>{mirror}</url>
- <mirrorOf>*,default</mirrorOf>
- </mirror>
- </mirrors>
- rule_name = ctx.name,
- mirror = repository, # Required because the Bazel test environment has no internet access
- localRepository = paths.m2_repo_dir,
- )
+ name = 'file',
+ srcs = ['{artifact_filename}'],
+ visibility = ['//visibility:public']
- # Overwrite default settings file
- ctx.file("%s" % paths.m2_settings_path, _SETTINGS_XML)
+# Provides the syntax "@jar_name//jar" for dependencies
+def _generate_build_file(ctx, template, paths):
+ contents = template.format(
+ rule_name = ctx.name, artifact_filename = paths.artifact_filename)
+ ctx.file('%s/BUILD' % paths.symlink_dir, contents, False)
def _file_exists(ctx, filename):
@@ -206,28 +179,25 @@ def _file_exists(ctx, filename):
# Constructs the maven command to retrieve the dependencies from remote
# repositories using the dependency plugin, and executes it.
def _mvn_download(ctx, paths, fully_qualified_name):
- repository = ctx.attr.repository
- if repository == "":
- repository = MAVEN_CENTRAL_URL
# If a custom settings file exists, we'll use that. If not, Maven will use the default settings.
mvn_flags = ""
- if _file_exists(ctx, paths.m2_settings_path):
- mvn_flags += "-s %s" % paths.m2_settings_path
+ if hasattr(ctx.attr, "settings") and ctx.attr.settings != "":
+ mvn_flags += "-s %s " % ctx.attr.settings
# dependency:get step. Downloads the artifact into the local repository.
mvn_get = MVN_PLUGIN + ":get"
mvn_artifact = "-Dartifact=%s" % fully_qualified_name
mvn_transitive = "-Dtransitive=false"
- mvn_remote_repo = "-Dmaven.repo.remote=%s" % repository
- command = " ".join(["mvn", mvn_flags, mvn_get, mvn_transitive, mvn_remote_repo, mvn_artifact])
+ if hasattr(ctx.attr, "repository") and ctx.attr.repository != "":
+ mvn_flags += "-Dmaven.repo.remote=%s " % ctx.attr.repository
+ command = " ".join(["mvn", mvn_flags, mvn_get, mvn_transitive, mvn_artifact])
exec_result = _execute(ctx, command)
if exec_result.return_code != 0:
fail("%s\n%s\nFailed to fetch Maven dependency" % (exec_result.stdout, exec_result.stderr))
# dependency:copy step. Moves the artifact from the local repository into //external.
mvn_copy = MVN_PLUGIN + ":copy"
- mvn_output_dir = "-DoutputDirectory=%s" % paths.jar_dir
+ mvn_output_dir = "-DoutputDirectory=%s" % paths.artifact_dir
command = " ".join(["mvn", mvn_flags, mvn_copy, mvn_artifact, mvn_output_dir])
exec_result = _execute(ctx, command)
if exec_result.return_code != 0:
@@ -235,7 +205,7 @@ def _mvn_download(ctx, paths, fully_qualified_name):
def _check_sha1(ctx, paths, sha1):
- actual_sha1 = _execute(ctx, "openssl sha1 %s | awk '{printf $2}'" % paths.jar_path).stdout
+ actual_sha1 = _execute(ctx, "openssl sha1 %s | awk '{printf $2}'" % paths.artifact_path).stdout
if sha1.lower() != actual_sha1.lower():
fail(("{rule_name} has SHA-1 of {actual_sha1}, " +
@@ -244,10 +214,10 @@ def _check_sha1(ctx, paths, sha1):
expected_sha1 = sha1,
actual_sha1 = actual_sha1))
- _execute(ctx, "echo %s %s > %s" % (sha1, paths.jar_path, paths.sha1_path))
+ _execute(ctx, "echo %s %s > %s" % (sha1, paths.artifact_path, paths.sha1_path))
-def _maven_jar_impl(ctx):
+def _maven_artifact_impl(ctx, default_rule_packaging, build_file_template):
# Ensure that we have all of the dependencies installed
@@ -255,25 +225,17 @@ def _maven_jar_impl(ctx):
# Create a struct to contain the different parts of the artifact FQN
- coordinates = _create_coordinates(ctx.attr.artifact)
+ coordinates = _create_coordinates(ctx.attr.artifact, default_rule_packaging)
# Create a struct to store the relative and absolute paths needed for this rule
paths = _create_paths(ctx, coordinates)
ctx = ctx,
+ template = build_file_template,
paths = paths,
- # Initialize local settings.xml files and symlink the dependency plugin
- # artifact to the local repository
- if ctx.attr.local_repository:
- _mvn_init(
- ctx = ctx,
- paths = paths,
- repository = ctx.attr.repository
- )
if _execute(ctx, "mkdir -p %s" % paths.symlink_dir).return_code != 0:
fail("%s: Failed to create dirs in execution root.\n" % ctx.name)
@@ -291,27 +253,38 @@ def _maven_jar_impl(ctx):
sha1 = ctx.attr.sha1,
- ctx.symlink(paths.jar_path, paths.symlink_jar_path)
+ ctx.symlink(paths.artifact_path, paths.symlink_artifact_path)
-_maven_jar_attrs = {
+_common_maven_rule_attrs = {
"artifact": attr.string(
default = "",
mandatory = True,
- "repository": attr.string(default = ""),
- "server": attr.label(default = None),
"sha1": attr.string(default = ""),
- "local_repository": attr.label(
- default = None,
- allow_single_file = True,
- )
+ "settings": attr.string(default = "")
+def _maven_jar_impl(ctx):
+ _maven_artifact_impl(ctx, "jar", _maven_jar_build_file_template)
+def _maven_aar_impl(ctx):
+ _maven_artifact_impl(ctx, "aar", _maven_aar_build_file_template)
maven_jar = repository_rule(
- attrs=_maven_jar_attrs,
+ attrs=_common_maven_rule_attrs + {
+ # Needed for compatability reasons with the native maven_jar rule.
+ "repository": attr.string(default = ""),
+ "server": attr.label(default = None),
+ },
+ local=False,
+maven_aar = repository_rule(
+ implementation=_maven_aar_impl,
+ attrs=_common_maven_rule_attrs,