path: root/src/test/shell
diff options
authorGravatar ahumesky <ahumesky@google.com>2018-02-21 15:48:03 -0800
committerGravatar Copybara-Service <copybara-piper@google.com>2018-02-21 15:50:10 -0800
commitcfb8a74908459d839c755abcc1c68bfa2ed25f2a (patch)
treeeb086f1c09d4a5d41d8d851e034a8c2229a7a0ec /src/test/shell
parentae24bfef708540b0e34744f98528d8e485052714 (diff)
PiperOrigin-RevId: 186532302
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/shell')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 423 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/shell/bazel/bazel_proto_library_test.sh b/src/test/shell/bazel/bazel_proto_library_test.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 0446d49639..0000000000
--- a/src/test/shell/bazel/bazel_proto_library_test.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Tests the examples provided in Bazel
-# Load the test setup defined in the parent directory
-CURRENT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
-source "${CURRENT_DIR}/../integration_test_setup.sh" \
- || { echo "integration_test_setup.sh not found!" >&2; exit 1; }
-# Appends to "WORKSPACE" the declaration of 2 local repositories.
-# Assumes the main content of WORKSPACE was created previously.
-function add_local_repos_to_workspace() {
- cat >> WORKSPACE <<EOF
- name = "repo",
- path = "a/b"
- name = "main_repo",
- path = "c/d"
-# Appends to the WORKSPACE file under a given path (the first argument) the dependencies needed
-# for proto_library.
-function write_workspace() {
- workspace=""
- if [ ! -z "$1" ];
- then
- workspace=$1
- mkdir -p "$workspace"
- fi
- cat >> "$workspace"WORKSPACE << EOF
-# proto_library, cc_proto_library, and java_proto_library rules implicitly
-# depend on @com_google_protobuf for protoc and proto runtimes.
-# This statement defines the @com_google_protobuf repo.
- name = "com_google_protobuf",
- sha256 = "cef7f1b5a7c5fba672bec2a319246e8feba471f04dcebfe362d55930ee7c1c30",
- strip_prefix = "protobuf-3.5.0",
- urls = ["https://github.com/google/protobuf/archive/v3.5.0.zip"],
-# java_lite_proto_library rules implicitly depend on @com_google_protobuf_javalite//:javalite_toolchain,
-# which is the JavaLite proto runtime (base classes and common utilities).
- name = "com_google_protobuf_javalite",
- sha256 = "d8a2fed3708781196f92e1e7e7e713cf66804bd2944894401057214aff4f468e",
- strip_prefix = "protobuf-5e8916e881c573c5d83980197a6f783c132d4276",
- urls = ["https://github.com/google/protobuf/archive/5e8916e881c573c5d83980197a6f783c132d4276.zip"],
-# Creates directories and files with the structure:
-# x/
-# person/
-# person.proto (imports "bar/bar.proto", has proto_source_root = "x/person")
-# phonenumber/
-# phonenumber.proto
-# phonebook/
-# phonebook.proto (imports "person.proto" & "phonenumber/phonenumber.proto")
-# The BUILD files could use directly "proto_library" rules or a macro called
-# "proto_library_macro" that should be created beforehand using write_macro().
-# Expected arguments:
-# 1. The name of the proto library rule. Can be "proto_library" or
-# "proto_library_macro".
-# 2. A row in the BUILD file that specifies the proto_source_root attribute on
-# proto_library. Should be left empty if a macro is used.
-# 3. A load statement that includes a macro containing a wrapper around
-# proto_library.
-function write_setup() {
- mkdir -p x/person/phonenumber
- proto_library_name=$1
- proto_source_root=$2
- include_macro=$3
- cat > x/person/BUILD << EOF
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
- name = "person_proto",
- srcs = ["person.proto"],
- deps = [":phonenumber_proto"],
- $proto_source_root
- name = "phonenumber_proto",
- srcs = ["phonenumber/phonenumber.proto"],
- cat > x/person/person.proto << EOF
-syntax = "proto2";
-option java_package = "person";
-option java_outer_classname = "Person";
-import "phonenumber/phonenumber.proto";
-message PersonProto {
- optional string name = 1;
- optional PhoneNumberProto phone = 2;
- cat > x/person/phonenumber/phonenumber.proto << EOF
-syntax = "proto2";
-option java_package = "person.phonenumber";
-option java_outer_classname = "PhoneNumber";
-message PhoneNumberProto {
- required string number = 1;
- mkdir -p x/phonebook
- cat > x/phonebook/BUILD << EOF
- name = "phonebook",
- srcs = ["phonebook.proto"],
- deps = ["//x/person:person_proto"],
- cat > x/phonebook/phonebook.proto << EOF
-import "person.proto";
-import "phonenumber/phonenumber.proto";
-message Agenda {
- required PersonProto person = 1;
- required PhoneNumberProto number = 2;
-# Creates the files in the following directory structure:
-# proto_library/
-# BUILD <- empty
-# src/
-# BUILD <- has target "all" for all .proto
-# address.proto <- imports "person.proto"
-# person.proto <- imports "address.proto"
-# zip_code.proto
-function write_regression_setup() {
- mkdir -p proto_library/src
- touch proto_library/BUILD
- cat > proto_library/src/BUILD << EOF
- name = "all",
- srcs = glob(["*.proto"]),
- proto_source_root = package_name(),
- cat > proto_library/src/address.proto <<EOF
-syntax = "proto3";
-package demo; // Required to generate valid code.
-// Always import protos with a full path relative to the WORKSPACE file.
-import "zip_code.proto";
-message Address {
- string city = 1;
- ZipCode zip_code = 2;
- cat > proto_library/src/person.proto <<EOF
-syntax = "proto3";
-package demo; // Required to generate valid code.
-// Always import protos with a full path relative to the WORKSPACE file.
-import "address.proto";
-message Person {
- string name = 1;
- int32 id = 2;
- string email = 3;
- Address address = 4;
- cat > proto_library/src/zip_code.proto <<EOF
-syntax = "proto3";
-package demo; // Requried to generate valid code.
-message ZipCode {
- string code = 1;
-# Creates the directories and files in following the structure:
-# a/b/
-# WORKSPACE <- workspace referenced as "repo"
-# BUILD <- empty
-# src/
-# BUILD <- "all_protos" with proto_source_root
-# address.proto <- imports "zip_code.proto"
-# zip_code.proto
-# c/d/
-# WORKSPACE <- workspace referenced as "main_repo"
-# BUILD <- empty
-# src/
-# BUILD <- "all_protos" with proto_source_root
-# person.proto <- imports "address.proto" and depends on @repo//src:all_protos
-function write_workspaces_setup() {
- mkdir -p a/b/src
- touch a/b/BUILD
- cat > a/b/src/BUILD <<EOF
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
- name = "all_protos",
- srcs = glob(["*.proto"]),
- proto_source_root = package_name()
- cat > a/b/src/address.proto <<EOF
-syntax = "proto3";
-package demo; // Required to generate valid code.
-// Always import protos with a full path relative to the WORKSPACE file.
-import "zip_code.proto";
-message Address {
- string city = 1;
- ZipCode zip_code = 2;
- cat > a/b/src/zip_code.proto <<EOF
-syntax = "proto3";
-package demo; // Requried to generate valid code.
-message ZipCode {
- string code = 1;
- #### WORKSPACE(c/d) ####
- mkdir -p c/d/src
- touch c/d/BUILD
- cat > c/d/src/BUILD <<EOF
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
- name = "all_protos",
- srcs = glob(["*.proto"]),
- proto_source_root = package_name(),
- deps = ["@repo//src:all_protos"]
- cat > c/d/src/person.proto <<EOF
-syntax = "proto3";
-package demo; // Required to generate valid code.
-// Always import protos with a full path relative to the WORKSPACE file.
-import "address.proto";
-message Person {
- string name = 1;
- int32 id = 2;
- string email = 3;
- Address address = 4;
-# Creates macros/BUILD and macros/proto_library_macro.bzl, which contains a
-# macro that wraps the proto_library rule. The macro passes to proto_library the
-# same "name", "srcs", "deps" and adds "proto_source_root = native.package_name()".
-# This will be a common use case for the "proto_source_root" attribute.
-function write_macro() {
- mkdir macros
- cat > macros/BUILD << EOF
- cat > macros/proto_library_macro.bzl << EOF
-def proto_library_macro(name, srcs, deps = []):
- native.proto_library(
- name = name,
- srcs = srcs,
- deps = deps,
- proto_source_root = native.package_name()
- )
-# Creates the directories and files from the following structure
-# java/com/google/src/
-# A.java
-function write_java_library() {
- # should depend on x/foo:foo
- mkdir -p java/com/google/src
- cat > java/com/google/src/BUILD << EOF
- name = "top",
- srcs = ["A.java"],
- deps = [":jpl"]
- name = "jpl",
- deps = ["//x/person:person_proto"]
- cat > java/com/google/src/A.java << EOF
-import person.Person.PersonProto;
-import person.phonenumber.PhoneNumber.PhoneNumberProto;
-public class A {
- private PersonProto person;
- public A(PersonProto person) {
- this.person = person;
- PhoneNumberProto number = person.getPhone();
- }
-############# TESTS #############
-function test_proto_source_root() {
- write_workspace ""
- write_setup "proto_library" "proto_source_root = 'x/person'" ""
- bazel build //x/person:person_proto > "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success"
-function test_proto_source_root_fails() {
- write_workspace ""
- # Don't specify the "proto_source_root" attribute and expect failure.
- write_setup "proto_library" "" ""
- bazel build //x/person:person_proto >& "$TEST_log" && fail "Expected failure"
- expect_log "phonenumber/phonenumber.proto: File not found."
-function test_proto_source_root_macro() {
- write_workspace ""
- write_macro
- write_setup "proto_library_macro" "" "load('//macros:proto_library_macro.bzl', 'proto_library_macro')"
- bazel build //x/person:person_proto > "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success"
-function test_proto_source_root_with_java_library() {
- write_workspace ""
- write_setup "proto_library" "proto_source_root = 'x/person'" ""
- write_java_library
- bazel build //java/com/google/src:top \
- --strict_java_deps=off > "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success"
-function test_proto_source_root_glob() {
- write_workspace ""
- write_regression_setup
- bazel build //proto_library/src:all >& "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success"
-function test_proto_source_root_glob() {
- write_workspace ""
- write_regression_setup
- bazel build //proto_library/src:all --strict_proto_deps=off >& "$TEST_log" \
- || fail "Expected success"
-# TODO(elenairina): Enable this after #4665 is fixed.
-function DISABLED_test_proto_source_root_multiple_workspaces() {
- write_workspace "a/b/"
- write_workspace "c/d/"
- write_workspace ""
- add_local_repos_to_workspace
- write_workspaces_setup
- bazel build @main_repo//src:all_protos >& "$TEST_log" || fail "Expected success"
-run_suite "Integration tests for proto_library" \ No newline at end of file