path: root/src/main/native/windows_processes.cc
diff options
authorGravatar Laszlo Csomor <laszlocsomor@google.com>2017-06-28 16:05:23 +0200
committerGravatar Marcel Hlopko <hlopko@google.com>2017-06-29 09:25:27 +0200
commitf07023471d261abbefee65adb2ca769b1da0ba42 (patch)
tree5450696a88dacabfcfa65a008e9edb0a4b1450ff /src/main/native/windows_processes.cc
parent1e0628d18c2e3defaddd935ffb41edbf3ef40339 (diff)
Windows, JNI: move around sources
Move the Windows JNI C++ sources to a separate package and separate namespace. This no-op refactoring allows other build rules than Bazel's client library to depend on file I/O and/or JNI functionality. A follow-up commit will split the //src/main/native/windows:processes library into :jni-processes and :jni-file. Change-Id: I33c5f8ebd8961cc440db3b4a95ff78024d7c1d74 PiperOrigin-RevId: 160404298
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/native/windows_processes.cc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 647 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/native/windows_processes.cc b/src/main/native/windows_processes.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index cf0b677c93..0000000000
--- a/src/main/native/windows_processes.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,647 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#define WINVER 0x0601
-#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0601
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <jni.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <wchar.h>
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <atomic>
-#include <functional>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <type_traits> // static_assert
-#include "src/main/native/windows_file_operations.h"
-#include "src/main/native/windows_util.h"
-// Ensure we can safely cast (const) jchar* to (const) WCHAR* and LP(C)WSTR.
-// This is true with MSVC but not always with GCC.
-static_assert(sizeof(jchar) == sizeof(WCHAR),
- "jchar and WCHAR should be the same size");
-extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL
- JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) {
- return GetCurrentProcessId();
-struct NativeOutputStream {
- HANDLE handle_;
- std::string error_;
- std::atomic<bool> closed_;
- NativeOutputStream()
- error_(""),
- closed_(false) {}
- void close() {
- closed_.store(true);
- if (handle_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- return;
- }
- CancelIoEx(handle_, NULL);
- CloseHandle(handle_);
- }
-struct NativeProcess {
- HANDLE stdin_;
- NativeOutputStream stdout_;
- NativeOutputStream stderr_;
- HANDLE process_;
- HANDLE job_;
- DWORD pid_;
- std::string error_;
- NativeProcess()
- stdout_(),
- stderr_(),
- error_("") {}
-class JavaByteArray {
- public:
- JavaByteArray(JNIEnv* env, jbyteArray java_array)
- : env_(env),
- array_(java_array),
- size_(java_array != nullptr ? env->GetArrayLength(java_array) : 0),
- ptr_(java_array != nullptr ? env->GetByteArrayElements(java_array, NULL)
- : nullptr) {}
- ~JavaByteArray() {
- if (array_ != nullptr) {
- env_->ReleaseByteArrayElements(array_, ptr_, 0);
- array_ = nullptr;
- size_ = 0;
- ptr_ = nullptr;
- }
- }
- jsize size() { return size_; }
- jbyte* ptr() { return ptr_; }
- private:
- JNIEnv* env_;
- jbyteArray array_;
- jsize size_;
- jbyte* ptr_;
-static bool NestedJobsSupported() {
- OSVERSIONINFOEX version_info;
- version_info.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(version_info);
- if (!GetVersionEx(reinterpret_cast<OSVERSIONINFO*>(&version_info))) {
- return false;
- }
- return version_info.dwMajorVersion > 6 ||
- version_info.dwMajorVersion == 6 && version_info.dwMinorVersion >= 2;
-static void MaybeReportLastError(const std::string& reason, JNIEnv* env,
- jobjectArray error_msg_holder) {
- if (error_msg_holder != nullptr &&
- env->GetArrayLength(error_msg_holder) > 0) {
- std::string error_str = windows_util::GetLastErrorString(reason);
- jstring error_msg = env->NewStringUTF(error_str.c_str());
- env->SetObjectArrayElement(error_msg_holder, 0, error_msg);
- }
-static std::string GetJavaUTFString(JNIEnv* env, jstring str) {
- std::string result;
- if (str != nullptr) {
- const char* jstr = env->GetStringUTFChars(str, nullptr);
- result.assign(jstr);
- env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(str, jstr);
- }
- return result;
-static std::wstring GetJavaWstring(JNIEnv* env, jstring str) {
- std::wstring result;
- if (str != nullptr) {
- const jchar* jstr = env->GetStringChars(str, nullptr);
- // We can safely reinterpret_cast because of the static_assert checking that
- // sizeof(jchar) = sizeof(WCHAR).
- result.assign(reinterpret_cast<const WCHAR*>(jstr));
- env->ReleaseStringChars(str, jstr);
- }
- return result;
-static std::wstring AddUncPrefixMaybe(const std::wstring& path) {
- return (path.size() >= MAX_PATH) ? (std::wstring(L"\\\\?\\") + path) : path;
-static jlong PtrAsJlong(void* p) { return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(p); }
-static std::string AsExecutableForCreateProcess(JNIEnv* env, jstring path,
- std::string* result) {
- return windows_util::AsExecutablePathForCreateProcess(
- GetJavaUTFString(env, path),
- [env, path]() { return GetJavaWstring(env, path); }, result);
-extern "C" JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL
- JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jstring java_argv0, jstring java_argv_rest,
- jbyteArray java_env, jstring java_cwd, jstring java_stdout_redirect,
- jstring java_stderr_redirect) {
- NativeProcess* result = new NativeProcess();
- std::string argv0;
- std::string error_msg(AsExecutableForCreateProcess(env, java_argv0, &argv0));
- if (!error_msg.empty()) {
- result->error_ = error_msg;
- return PtrAsJlong(result);
- }
- std::string commandline = argv0 + " " + GetJavaUTFString(env, java_argv_rest);
- std::wstring stdout_redirect =
- AddUncPrefixMaybe(GetJavaWstring(env, java_stdout_redirect));
- std::wstring stderr_redirect =
- AddUncPrefixMaybe(GetJavaWstring(env, java_stderr_redirect));
- std::string cwd;
- error_msg = windows_util::AsShortPath(
- GetJavaUTFString(env, java_cwd),
- [env, java_cwd]() { return GetJavaWstring(env, java_cwd); },
- &cwd);
- if (!error_msg.empty()) {
- result->error_ = error_msg;
- return PtrAsJlong(result);
- }
- std::unique_ptr<char[]> mutable_commandline(new char[commandline.size() + 1]);
- strncpy(mutable_commandline.get(), commandline.c_str(),
- commandline.size() + 1);
- sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
- sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
- // Standard file handles are closed even if the process was successfully
- // created. If this was not so, operations on these file handles would not
- // return immediately if the process is terminated.
- // Therefore we make these handles auto-closing (by using AutoHandle).
- windows_util::AutoHandle stdin_process;
- windows_util::AutoHandle stdout_process;
- windows_util::AutoHandle stderr_process;
- windows_util::AutoHandle thread;
- PROCESS_INFORMATION process_info = {0};
- STARTUPINFOA startup_info = {0};
- JavaByteArray env_map(env, java_env);
- if (env_map.ptr() != nullptr) {
- if (env_map.size() < 2) {
- result->error_ = "The environment must be at least two bytes long";
- return PtrAsJlong(result);
- } else if (env_map.ptr()[env_map.size() - 1] != 0 ||
- env_map.ptr()[env_map.size() - 2] != 0) {
- result->error_ = "Environment array must end with two null bytes";
- return PtrAsJlong(result);
- }
- }
- if (!CreatePipe(&stdin_process.handle, &result->stdin_, &sa, 0)) {
- result->error_ = windows_util::GetLastErrorString("CreatePipe(stdin)");
- return PtrAsJlong(result);
- }
- if (!stdout_redirect.empty()) {
- result->stdout_.close();
- stdout_process.handle = CreateFileW(
- /* lpFileName */ stdout_redirect.c_str(),
- /* dwDesiredAccess */ FILE_APPEND_DATA,
- /* dwShareMode */ 0,
- /* lpSecurityAttributes */ &sa,
- /* dwCreationDisposition */ OPEN_ALWAYS,
- /* dwFlagsAndAttributes */ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,
- /* hTemplateFile */ NULL);
- if (!stdout_process.IsValid()) {
- result->error_ = windows_util::GetLastErrorString("CreateFile(stdout)");
- return PtrAsJlong(result);
- }
- } else {
- if (!CreatePipe(&result->stdout_.handle_, &stdout_process.handle, &sa, 0)) {
- result->error_ = windows_util::GetLastErrorString("CreatePipe(stdout)");
- return PtrAsJlong(result);
- }
- }
- // The value of the stderr HANDLE.
- // If stdout and stderr are redirected to the same file, this will be equal to
- // stdout_process.handle and stderr_process.handle will be
- // INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, so the two AutoHandle objects' d'tors will not
- // attempt to close stdout's handle twice.
- // If stdout != stderr, then stderr_handle = stderr_process.handle, and these
- // are distinct from stdout_process.handle, so again the d'tors will do the
- // right thing, closing the handles.
- // In both cases, we DO NOT close stderr_handle, since it's either
- // stdout_process's or stderr_process's d'tor doing so.
- if (!stderr_redirect.empty()) {
- result->stderr_.close();
- if (stdout_redirect == stderr_redirect) {
- stderr_handle = stdout_process.handle;
- // do not set stderr_process.handle; it equals stdout_process.handle and
- // the AutoHandle d'tor would attempt to close it again
- } else {
- stderr_handle = CreateFileW(
- /* lpFileName */ stderr_redirect.c_str(),
- /* dwDesiredAccess */ FILE_APPEND_DATA,
- /* dwShareMode */ 0,
- /* lpSecurityAttributes */ &sa,
- /* dwCreationDisposition */ OPEN_ALWAYS,
- /* dwFlagsAndAttributes */ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,
- /* hTemplateFile */ NULL);
- if (stderr_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- result->error_ = windows_util::GetLastErrorString("CreateFile(stderr)");
- return PtrAsJlong(result);
- }
- // stderr_process != stdout_process, so set its handle, so the AutoHandle
- // d'tor will close it
- stderr_process.handle = stderr_handle;
- }
- } else {
- if (!CreatePipe(&result->stderr_.handle_, &stderr_handle, &sa, 0)) {
- result->error_ = windows_util::GetLastErrorString("CreatePipe(stderr)");
- return PtrAsJlong(result);
- }
- stderr_process.handle = stderr_handle;
- }
- // MDSN says that the default for job objects is that breakaway is not
- // allowed. Thus, we don't need to do any more setup here.
- HANDLE job = CreateJobObject(NULL, NULL);
- if (job == NULL) {
- result->error_ = windows_util::GetLastErrorString("CreateJobObject()");
- return PtrAsJlong(result);
- }
- result->job_ = job;
- job_info.BasicLimitInformation.LimitFlags =
- if (!SetInformationJobObject(
- job,
- JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation,
- &job_info,
- sizeof(job_info))) {
- result->error_ =
- windows_util::GetLastErrorString("SetInformationJobObject()");
- return PtrAsJlong(result);
- }
- startup_info.hStdInput = stdin_process.handle;
- startup_info.hStdOutput = stdout_process.handle;
- startup_info.hStdError = stderr_handle;
- startup_info.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
- BOOL ok = CreateProcessA(
- /* lpApplicationName */ NULL,
- /* lpCommandLine */ mutable_commandline.get(),
- /* lpProcessAttributes */ NULL,
- /* lpThreadAttributes */ NULL,
- /* bInheritHandles */ TRUE,
- /* dwCreationFlags */ CREATE_NO_WINDOW // Don't create a console window
- | CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP // So that Ctrl-Break is not propagated
- | CREATE_SUSPENDED, // So that it doesn't start a new job itself
- /* lpEnvironment */ env_map.ptr(),
- /* lpCurrentDirectory */ cwd.empty() ? nullptr : cwd.c_str(),
- /* lpStartupInfo */ &startup_info,
- /* lpProcessInformation */ &process_info);
- if (!ok) {
- result->error_ = windows_util::GetLastErrorString("CreateProcess()");
- return PtrAsJlong(result);
- }
- result->pid_ = process_info.dwProcessId;
- result->process_ = process_info.hProcess;
- thread.handle = process_info.hThread;
- if (!AssignProcessToJobObject(result->job_, result->process_)) {
- BOOL is_in_job = false;
- if (IsProcessInJob(result->process_, NULL, &is_in_job)
- && is_in_job
- && !NestedJobsSupported()) {
- // We are on a pre-Windows 8 system and the Bazel is already in a job.
- // We can't create nested jobs, so just revert to TerminateProcess() and
- // hope for the best. In batch mode, the launcher puts Bazel in a job so
- // that will take care of cleanup once the command finishes.
- CloseHandle(result->job_);
- result->job_ = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
- } else {
- result->error_ =
- windows_util::GetLastErrorString("AssignProcessToJobObject()");
- return PtrAsJlong(result);
- }
- }
- // Now that we put the process in a new job object, we can start executing it
- if (ResumeThread(thread) == -1) {
- result->error_ = windows_util::GetLastErrorString("ResumeThread()");
- return PtrAsJlong(result);
- }
- result->error_ = "";
- return PtrAsJlong(result);
-extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL
- JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong process_long, jbyteArray java_bytes,
- jint offset, jint length) {
- NativeProcess* process = reinterpret_cast<NativeProcess*>(process_long);
- JavaByteArray bytes(env, java_bytes);
- if (offset < 0 || length <= 0 || offset > bytes.size() - length) {
- process->error_ = "Array index out of bounds";
- return -1;
- }
- DWORD bytes_written;
- if (!::WriteFile(process->stdin_, bytes.ptr() + offset, length,
- &bytes_written, NULL)) {
- process->error_ = windows_util::GetLastErrorString("WriteFile()");
- bytes_written = -1;
- }
- process->error_ = "";
- return bytes_written;
-extern "C" JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL
- JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong process_long) {
- NativeProcess* process = reinterpret_cast<NativeProcess*>(process_long);
- return PtrAsJlong(&process->stdout_);
-extern "C" JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL
- JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong process_long) {
- NativeProcess* process = reinterpret_cast<NativeProcess*>(process_long);
- return PtrAsJlong(&process->stderr_);
-extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL
- JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong stream_long, jbyteArray java_bytes,
- jint offset, jint length) {
- NativeOutputStream* stream =
- reinterpret_cast<NativeOutputStream*>(stream_long);
- JavaByteArray bytes(env, java_bytes);
- if (offset < 0 || length <= 0 || offset > bytes.size() - length) {
- stream->error_ = "Array index out of bounds";
- return -1;
- }
- if (stream->handle_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || stream->closed_.load()) {
- stream->error_ = "";
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD bytes_read;
- if (!::ReadFile(stream->handle_, bytes.ptr() + offset, length, &bytes_read,
- NULL)) {
- // Check if either the other end closed the pipe or we did it with
- // NativeOutputStream.close() . In the latter case, we'll get a "system
- // call interrupted" error.
- if (GetLastError() == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE || stream->closed_.load()) {
- // End of file.
- stream->error_ = "";
- bytes_read = 0;
- } else {
- stream->error_ = windows_util::GetLastErrorString("ReadFile()");
- bytes_read = -1;
- }
- } else {
- stream->error_ = "";
- }
- return bytes_read;
-extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL
- JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong process_long) {
- NativeProcess* process = reinterpret_cast<NativeProcess*>(process_long);
- DWORD exit_code;
- if (!GetExitCodeProcess(process->process_, &exit_code)) {
- process->error_ = windows_util::GetLastErrorString("GetExitCodeProcess()");
- return -1;
- }
- return exit_code;
-// return values:
-// 0: Wait completed successfully
-// 1: Timeout
-// 2: Wait returned with an error
-extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL
- JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong process_long, jlong java_timeout) {
- NativeProcess* process = reinterpret_cast<NativeProcess*>(process_long);
- HANDLE handles[1] = { process->process_ };
- DWORD win32_timeout = java_timeout < 0 ? INFINITE : java_timeout;
- jint result;
- switch (WaitForMultipleObjects(1, handles, FALSE, win32_timeout)) {
- case 0:
- result = 0;
- break;
- result = 1;
- break;
- result = 2;
- break;
- default:
- process->error_ = "WaitForMultipleObjects() returned unknown result";
- result = 2;
- break;
- }
- // Close the pipe handles so that any pending nativeReadStream() calls
- // return. This will call CancelIoEx() on the file handles in order to make
- // ReadFile() in nativeReadStream() return; otherwise, CloseHandle() would
- // hang.
- //
- // This protects against a subprocess being created, it passing the write
- // side of the stdout/stderr pipes to a subprocess, then dying. In that case,
- // if we didn't do this, the Java side of the code would hang waiting for the
- // streams to finish.
- //
- // An alternative implementation would be to rely on job control terminating
- // the subprocesses, but we don't want to assume that it's always available.
- process->stdout_.close();
- process->stderr_.close();
- if (process->stdin_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- CloseHandle(process->stdin_);
- process->stdin_ = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
- }
- return result;
-extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL
- JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong process_long) {
- NativeProcess* process = reinterpret_cast<NativeProcess*>(process_long);
- process->error_ = "";
- return GetProcessId(process->process_); // MSDN says that this cannot fail
-extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL
- JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong process_long) {
- static const UINT exit_code = 130; // 128 + SIGINT, like on Linux
- NativeProcess* process = reinterpret_cast<NativeProcess*>(process_long);
- if (process->job_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- if (!TerminateJobObject(process->job_, exit_code)) {
- process->error_ =
- windows_util::GetLastErrorString("TerminateJobObject()");
- return JNI_FALSE;
- }
- } else if (process->process_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- if (!TerminateProcess(process->process_, exit_code)) {
- process->error_ = windows_util::GetLastErrorString("TerminateProcess()");
- return JNI_FALSE;
- }
- }
- process->error_ = "";
- return JNI_TRUE;
-extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL
- JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong process_long) {
- NativeProcess* process = reinterpret_cast<NativeProcess*>(process_long);
- if (process->stdin_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- CloseHandle(process->stdin_);
- }
- process->stdout_.close();
- process->stderr_.close();
- if (process->process_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- CloseHandle(process->process_);
- }
- if (process->job_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- CloseHandle(process->job_);
- }
- delete process;
-extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL
- JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong stream_long) {
- NativeOutputStream* stream =
- reinterpret_cast<NativeOutputStream*>(stream_long);
- stream->close();
-extern "C" JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL
- JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong process_long) {
- NativeProcess* process = reinterpret_cast<NativeProcess*>(process_long);
- jstring result = env->NewStringUTF(process->error_.c_str());
- process->error_ = "";
- return result;
-extern "C" JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL
- JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong stream_long) {
- NativeOutputStream* stream =
- reinterpret_cast<NativeOutputStream*>(stream_long);
- jstring result = env->NewStringUTF(stream->error_.c_str());
- stream->error_ = "";
- return result;
-extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL
- JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jstring path, jobjectArray error_msg_holder) {
- int result = windows_util::IsJunctionOrDirectorySymlink(
- GetJavaWstring(env, path).c_str());
- if (result == windows_util::IS_JUNCTION_ERROR) {
- MaybeReportLastError(
- std::string("GetFileAttributes(") + GetJavaUTFString(env, path) + ")",
- env, error_msg_holder);
- }
- return result;
-extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL
- JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jstring path, jobjectArray result_holder,
- jobjectArray error_msg_holder) {
- std::unique_ptr<WCHAR[]> result;
- bool success =
- windows_util::GetLongPath(GetJavaWstring(env, path).c_str(), &result);
- if (!success) {
- MaybeReportLastError(
- std::string("GetLongPathName(") + GetJavaUTFString(env, path) + ")",
- env, error_msg_holder);
- return JNI_FALSE;
- }
- env->SetObjectArrayElement(
- result_holder, 0,
- env->NewString(reinterpret_cast<const jchar*>(result.get()),
- wcslen(result.get())));
- return JNI_TRUE;
-extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL
- JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jstring name, jstring target,
- jobjectArray error_msg_holder) {
- std::string error = windows_util::CreateJunction(GetJavaWstring(env, name),
- GetJavaWstring(env, target));
- if (!error.empty()) {
- MaybeReportLastError(error, env, error_msg_holder);
- return JNI_FALSE;
- }
- return JNI_TRUE;