path: root/site/versions/master/docs/skylark
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authorGravatar Damien Martin-Guillerez <dmarting@google.com>2016-07-28 12:47:11 +0000
committerGravatar Damien Martin-Guillerez <dmarting@google.com>2016-07-29 10:09:06 +0000
commit95a54b98368a1c680c14e13d841b14a27aba01ca (patch)
tree4a4f51e0d40ac2231b27054207ff838ef574a4fd /site/versions/master/docs/skylark
parentadc2d75bfb4bc7000b69183b6053a8ce6578748e (diff)
*** Reason for rollback *** Breaks design docs links *** Original change description *** Move Bazel docs into versioned directory. * Move all Bazel docs (excluding main page, search page, and blog) into versions/master directory. * Replace all original pages with redirects. * Add Jekyll config with default_version setting to specify the default version to redirect docs to. * Add Jekyll config with version_prefix setting specific to pages under each version directory. * Update layouts to generate links to pages for the same version with the version_prefix. * Update Blaze rel... *** -- MOS_MIGRATED_REVID=128690580
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-rw-r--r--site/versions/master/docs/skylark/build-graph.pngbin11582 -> 0 bytes
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-layout: documentation
-title: Aspects
-# Aspects
-**Status: Experimental**. We may make breaking changes to the API, but we will
- help you update your code.
-Aspects allow augmenting build dependency graphs with additional information
-and actions. Some typical scenarios when aspects can be useful:
-* IDEs that integrate Bazel can use aspects to collect information about the
- project
-* Code generation tools can leverage aspects to execute on their inputs in
- "target-agnostic" manner. As an example, BUILD files can specify a hierarchy
- of [protobuf](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/) library
- definitions, and language-specific rules can use aspects to attach
- actions generating protobuf support code for a particular language
-## Aspect basics
-Bazel BUILD files provide a description of a project’s source code: what source
-files are part of the project, what artifacts (_targets_) should be built from
-those files, what the dependencies between those files are, etc. Bazel uses
-this information to perform a build, that is, it figures out the set of actions
-needed to produce the artifacts (such as running compiler or linker) and
-executes those actions. Bazel accomplishes this by constructing a _dependency
-graph_ between targets and visiting this graph to collect those actions.
-Consider the following BUILD file:
-java_library(name = 'W', ...)
-java_library(name = 'Y', deps = [':W'], ...)
-java_library(name = 'Z', deps = [':W'], ...)
-java_library(name = 'Q', ...)
-java_library(name = 'T', deps = [':Q'], ...)
-java_library(name = 'X', deps = [':Y',':Z'], runtime_deps = [':T'], ...)
-This BUILD file defines a dependency graph shown in Fig 1.
-<img src="build-graph.png" alt="Build Graph" width="250px" />
-Bazel analyzes this dependency graph by calling implementations of
-[rules](rules.md) (in this case "java_library" starting from leaves of
-the dependency graph). These implementations generate actions that build
-artifacts (such as Jar files), and provide information (such as locations
-and names of those artifacts) to their dependencies in providers that
-they return. Their dependencies can access those providers through the
-[Target object](lib/Target.html). In other words, every target
-defined in the BUILD file generates a node in the dependency graph, and
-the appropriate rule implementation function is called for every node.
-Aspects are similar to rules in that they have an implementation function that
-generates actions and returns providers. However, their power comes from
-the way the dependency graph is built for them. An aspect has an implementation
-and a list of all attributes it propagates along. Consider an aspect A that
-propagates along attributes named "deps". This aspect can be applied to
-a target X, yielding an aspect application node A(X). During its application,
-aspect A is applied recursively to all targets that X refers to in its "deps"
-attribute (all attributes in A's propagation list). Thus a single act of
-applying aspect A to a target X yields a "shadow graph" of the original
-dependency graph of targets (see Fig.2).
-![Build Graph with Aspect](build-graph-aspects.png)
-The only edges that are shadowed are the edges along the attributes in
-the propagation set, thus the `runtime_deps` edge is not shadowed in this
-example. An aspect implementation function is then invoked on all nodes in
-the shadow graph similar to how rule implementations are invoked on the nodes
-of the original graph.
-## Defining aspects
-Aspect defintions are similiar to rule definitions. Let's take a look at
-the example:
-metal_proto_aspect = aspect(implementation = _metal_proto_aspect_impl,
- attr_aspects = ["deps"],
- attrs = {
- "_protoc" : attr.label(
- default=Label("//tools:metal_protoc"),
- executable = True
- )
- }
-Just like a rule, an aspect has an implementation function. ``attr_aspects``
-specify the aspect's propagation set: a list of attributes of rules along which
-the aspect propagates.
-``attrs`` defines a set of attributes for aspects. Aspects are only allowed
-to have private attributes of types ``label`` or ``label_list``. Attributes
-can be used to specify dependencies on tools or libraries that are needed
-for actions generated by aspects.
-### Implementation functions
-Aspect implementation functions are similiar to the rule implementation
-functions. They return [providers](rules.md#providers), can generate
-[actions](rules.md#actions) and take two arguments:
-* `target`: the target the aspect is being applied to.
-* [`ctx`](lib/ctx.html): `ctx` object that can be used to access attributes and
- generate outputs and actions.
-def _metal_proto_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
- # For every `src` in proto_library, generate an output file
- proto_sources = [f for src in ctx.rule.attr.src
- for f in src.files]
- outputs = [ctx.new_file(f.short_path + ".metal")
- for f in proto_sources]
- ctx.action(
- executable = ctx.executable._protoc,
- argument = ...
- inputs = proto_sources
- outputs = outputs)
- transitive_outputs = set(outputs)
- for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
- transitive_outputs = transitive_outputs | dep.metal_proto.transitive_outputs
- return struct(
- metal_proto = struct(direct_outputs = outputs,
- transitive_outputs = transitive_outputs))
-The implementation function can access the attributes of the target rule via
-[`ctx.rule.attr`](lib/ctx.html#rule). It can examine providers that are
-provided by the target to which it is applied (via the `target` argument).
-Just like a rule implementation function, an aspect implementation function
-returns a struct of providers that are accessible to its dependencies.
-* The set of providers for an aspect application A(X) is the union of providers
- that come from the implementation of a rule for target X and from
- the implementation of aspect A. It is an error if a target and an aspect that
- is applied to it each provide a provider with the same name.
-* For the aspect implementation, the values of attributes along which
- the aspect is propagated (from the `attr_aspect` list) are replaced with
- the results of an application of the aspect to them. For example, if target
- X has Y and Z in its deps, `ctx.rule.attr.deps` for A(X) will be [A(Y), A(Z)].
- In the `_metal_proto_aspect_impl` function above, ctx.rule.attr.deps will be
- Target objects that are the results of applying the aspect to the 'deps'
- of the original target to which the aspect has been applied.
- That allows the aspect to examine `metal_proto` provider on them.
-## Applying aspects
-Aspect propagation can be initiated either from a rule or from the command line.
-### Applying aspects to rule attributes
-Rules can specify that they want to apply aspects to their depenedencies.
-The aspects to be applied to a particular attribute can be specified
-using the `aspects` parameter to `attr.label` or `attr.label_list` function:
-metal_proto_library = rule(implementation = _impl,
- attrs = {
- 'proto_deps' : attr.label_list(aspects = [metal_proto_aspect]),
- },
-If a rule specifies an aspect on its attributes, the values of that attribute
-will be replaced by the result of aspect application to them (similiar to
-what happens during aspect propagation). Thus implementaion of
-`metal_proto_library` will have access to `metal_proto` providers
-on the target objects representing its `proto_deps` attribute values.
-### Applying aspects from command line.
-Aspects can also be applied on the command line, using the `--aspects` flag:
-bazel build //java/com/company/example:main \
- --aspects path/to/extension.bzl%metal_proto_aspect
-`--aspects` flag takes one argument, which is a specification of the aspect in
-the format `<extension file path>%<aspect top-level name>`.
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-0.38546753 -0.36821747 -0.81936646q-0.065452576 -0.421463 0.031814575 -0.8096924l-2.2130356 1.6845856l-0.5866165 -0.77093506zm4.5083313 -2.332138q-0.87029266 0.6624756 -1.0186157 1.3448486q-0.13589478 0.6729126 0.24256897 1.1703033q0.3879242 0.5098114 1.085022 0.548645q0.71899414 0.041793823 1.6390152 -0.6585388q0.8578644 -0.65301514 1.0186234 -1.3448639q0.17022705 -0.6793976 -0.2082367 -1.1767883q-0.37846375 -0.4973755 -1.1317902 -0.5326843q-0.74385834 -0.022872925 -1.6265869 0.64907837zm1.949089 4.3935547l0.7014847 0.6638794q-0.41270447 0.41233826 -0.44374084 0.88760376q-0.009140015 0.47825623 0.38824463 1.0005035q0.4068451 0.5346832 0.8074341 0.62249756q0.41004944 0.100234985 0.70843506 -0.12690735q0.26109314 -0.19874573 0.23997498 -0.5361328q-0.023536682 -0.23736572 -0.33499146 -0.9821167q-0.43202972 -1.0064392 -0.53829956 -1.4557495q-0.084373474 -0.44631958 0.056678772 -0.8286133q0.15052032 -0.3698578 0.48620605 -0.6253967q0.31082153 -0.23658752 0.66355133 -0.28909302q0.3651657 -0.061965942 0.7284546 0.054229736q0.26922607 0.06997681 0.5927963 0.3146057q0.32357025 0.24461365 0.58849335 0.59277344q0.4068451 0.5346985 0.5604248 1.0461731q0.16304016 0.5239105 0.031440735 0.9186249q-0.109703064 0.39770508 -0.48807526 0.8035431l-0.66716003 -0.6703491q0.30081177 -0.32717896 0.2980652 -0.7178192q0.01915741 -0.38768005 -0.3214569 -0.83532715q-0.40685272 -0.5346832 -0.7512207 -0.62602234q-0.34436798 -0.09132385 -0.5805893 0.08850098q-0.14919281 0.11355591 -0.19485474 0.28578186q-0.04863739 0.19410706 0.015724182 0.45932007q0.047851562 0.14030457 0.3214569 0.83532715q0.40364838 0.96913147 0.5128937 1.3965302q0.10923767 0.42741394 -0.022361755 0.8221283q-0.11916351 0.38526917 -0.51701355 0.68811035q-0.38541412 0.29338074 -0.8914032 0.3250885q-0.5059967 0.031707764 -1.014183 -0.24909973q-0.50818634 -0.28082275 -0.91503143 -0.815506q-0.6717758 -0.8828583 -0.6707611 -1.6298218q0.022903442 -0.7440033 0.64938354 -1.4172668z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#000000" fill-opacity="0.0" d="m53.480316 55.42551l0 49.165356l-29.984253 0l0 -49.165356z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#000000" d="m34.240314 68.84738l0.71875 0q-0.84375 -0.53125 -0.84375 -1.59375q0 -0.671875 0.375 -1.25q0.375 -0.578125 1.046875 -0.890625q0.671875 -0.3125 1.546875 -0.3125q0.859375 0 1.546875 0.28125q0.703125 0.296875 1.0625 0.859375q0.375 0.5625 0.375 1.265625q0 0.515625 -0.21875 0.921875q-0.21875 0.40625 -0.5625 0.65625l2.828125 0l0 0.96875l-7.875 0l0 -0.90625zm2.84375 -3.046875q-1.09375 0 -1.640625 0.453125q-0.53125 0.46875 -0.53125 1.09375q0 0.640625 0.515625 1.078125q0.515625 0.4375 1.578125 0.4375q1.171875 0 1.71875 -0.453125q0.546875 -0.4375 0.546875 -1.109375q0 -0.640625 -0.53125 -1.078125q-0.515625 -0.421875 -1.65625 -0.421875zm-1.0 9.176498l-0.125 1.0q-0.875 -0.234375 -1.359375 -0.875q-0.484375 -0.640625 -0.484375 -1.625q0 -1.25 0.765625 -1.984375q0.765625 -0.734375 2.15625 -0.734375q1.453125 0 2.234375 0.734375q0.796875 0.75 0.796875 1.921875q0 1.15625 -0.78125 1.875q-0.765625 0.71875 -2.1875 0.71875q-0.078125 0 -0.25 0l0 -4.25q-0.9375 0.046875 -1.4375 0.515625q-0.5 0.484375 -0.5 1.203125q0 0.53125 0.265625 0.90625q0.28125 0.375 0.90625 0.59375zm1.5625 -3.171875l0 3.1875q0.71875 -0.0625 1.078125 -0.359375q0.546875 -0.46875 0.546875 -1.203125q0 -0.671875 -0.453125 -1.125q-0.4375 -0.453125 -1.171875 -0.5zm-5.59375 5.1921234l7.890625 0l0 0.890625l-0.734375 0q0.421875 0.3125 0.640625 0.703125q0.21875 0.390625 0.21875 0.953125q0 0.71875 -0.375 1.28125q-0.375 0.5625 -1.0625 0.84375q-0.671875 0.28125 -1.5 0.28125q-0.875 0 -1.578125 -0.3125q-0.6875 -0.3125 -1.0625 -0.921875q-0.375 -0.59375 -0.375 -1.25q0 -0.484375 0.203125 -0.875q0.203125 -0.375 0.515625 -0.625l-2.78125 0l0 -0.96875zm5.0 0.875q-1.09375 0 -1.625 0.453125q-0.515625 0.453125 -0.515625 1.078125q0 0.640625 0.53125 1.09375q0.546875 0.46875 1.703125 0.46875q1.078125 0 1.625 -0.453125q0.546875 -0.4375 0.546875 -1.0625q0 -0.625 -0.578125 -1.109375q-0.578125 -0.46875 -1.6875 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-0.8125q-0.234375 -0.53125 -0.234375 -1.203125q0 -1.109375 0.453125 -1.703125q0.46875 -0.578125 1.375 -0.734375z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg>
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--- a/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/build-style.md
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-# BUILD file style guide
-In `BUILD` files, we take the same approach as in Go: We let the machine take care
-of most formatting issues.
-[Buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildifier) is a tool that parses and
-emits the source code in a standard style. Every `BUILD` file is therefore
-formatted in the same automated way, which makes formatting a non-issue during
-code reviews. It also makes it easier for tools to understand, edit, and
-generate `BUILD` files.
-`BUILD` file formatting must match the output of `buildifier`.
-## Formatting example
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
- name = "foo_test",
- srcs = glob(["*.py"]),
- data = [
- "//data/production/foo:startfoo",
- "//foo",
- "//third_party/java/jdk:jdk-k8",
- ],
- flaky = 1,
- deps = [
- ":check_bar_lib",
- ":foo_data_check",
- ":pick_foo_port",
- "//pyglib",
- "//testing/pybase",
- ],
-## File structure
-We recommend to use the following order (every element is optional):
- * Package description (a comment)
- * All `load()` statements
- * The `package()` function.
- * Calls to rules and macros
-Buildifier makes a distinction between a standalone comment and a comment
-attached to an element. If a comment is not attached to a specific element, use
-an empty line after it. The distinction is important when doing automated
-changes (e.g. to decide if we keep or remove a comment when we delete a rule).
-# Standalone comment (e.g. to make a section in a file)
-# Comment for the cc_library below
-cc_library(name = "cc")
-## Conventions
- * Use uppercase and underscores to declare constants (e.g. `GLOBAL_CONSTANT`),
- use lowercase and underscores to declare variables (e.g. `my_variable`).
- * Labels should be canonicalized. Use `//foo/bar` instead of `//foo/bar:bar`.
- Use `:bar` if it is defined in the same package. *Rationale*: It makes clear
- if a label is local to a package. Sorting a list of labels is messy if all
- labels do not use the same conventions.
- * Labels should never be split, even if they are longer than 79 characters.
- Labels should be string literals whenever possible. Rationale: It makes
- find and replace easy. It also improves readability.
- * The value of the name attribute should be a literal constant string (except
- in macros). *Rationale*: External tools use the name attribute to refer a
- rule. They need to find rules without having to interpret code.
-## Differences with Python style guide
-Although compatibility with
-[Python style guide](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/) is a goal, there
-are a few differences:
- * No strict line length limit. Long comments and long strings are often split
- to 79 columns, but it is not required. It should not be enforced in code
- reviews or presubmit scripts. *Rationale*: Labels can be long and exceed this
- limit. It is common for `BUILD` files to be generated or edited by tools, which
- does not go well with a line length limit.
- * Implicit string concatenation is not supported. Use the `+` operator.
- *Rationale*: `BUILD` files contain many string lists. It is easy to forget a
- comma, which leads to a complete different result. This has created many bugs
- in the past. See also this discussion.
- * Use spaces around the `=` sign for keywords arguments in rules. *Rationale*:
- Named arguments are much more frequent than in Python and are always on a
- separate line. Spaces improve readability. This convention has been around
- for a long time, and we don't think it is worth modifying all existing
- `BUILD` files.
- * By default, use double quotation marks for strings. *Rationale*: This is not
- specified in the Python style guide, but it recommends consistency. So we
- decided to use only double-quoted strings. Many languages use double-quotes
- for string literals.
- * Use a single blank line between two top-level definitions. *Rationale*: The
- structure of a `BUILD` file is not like a typical Python file. It has only
- top-level statements. Using a single-blank line makes `BUILD` files shorter.
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-# .bzl file style guide
-## Style
-* When in doubt, follow the
- [Python style guide](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/).
-* Code should be documented using
- [docstrings](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/). Use a docstring at
- the top of the file, and a docstring for each public function.
-* Variables and function names use lowercase with words separated by underscores
- (`[a-z][a-z0-9_]*`), e.g. `cc_library`. Top-level private values start with
- one underscore. Bazel enforces that private values cannot be used from other
- files.
-* As in BUILD files, there is no strict line length limit as labels can be long.
- When possible, try to use at most 79 characters per line.
-* In keyword arguments, spaces around the equal sign are optional. In general,
- we follow the BUILD file convention when calling macros and native rules, and
- the Python convention for other functions, e.g.
-def fct(name, srcs):
- filtered_srcs = my_filter(source=srcs)
- native.cc_library(
- name = name,
- srcs = filtered_srcs,
- )
-## Macros
-A [macro](macros.md) is a function which instantiates one or many rules during
-the loading phase.
-* Macros must accept a name attribute and each invocation should specify a name.
- The generated name attribute of rules should include the name attribute as a
- prefix. For example, `my_macro(name = "foo")` can generate a rule `foo` and a
- rule `foo_gen`. *Rationale*: Users should be able to find easily which macro
- generated a rule. Also, automated refactoring tools need a way to identify a
- specific rule to edit.
-* When calling a macro, use only keyword arguments. *Rationale*: This is for
- consistency with rules, it greatly improves readability.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Extensions - Overview
-# Overview
-## Loading an extension
-Extensions are files with the `.bzl` extension. Use the `load` statement to
-import a symbol from an extension.
-load("//build_tools/rules:maprule.bzl", "maprule")
-This code will load the file `build_tools/rules/maprule.bzl` and add the
-`maprule` symbol to the environment. This can be used to load new rules,
-functions or constants (e.g. a string, a list, etc.). Multiple symbols can be
-imported by using additional arguments to the call to `load`. Arguments must
-be string literals (no variable) and `load` statements must appear at
-top-level, i.e. they cannot be in a function body.
-`load` also supports aliases, i.e. you can assign different names to the
-imported symbols.
-load("//build_tools/rules:maprule.bzl", maprule_alias = "maprule")
-You define multiple aliases within one `load` statement. Moreover, the argument
-list can contain both aliases and regular symbol names. The following example is
-perfectly legal (please note when to use quotation marks).
-load("/path/to:my_rules.bzl", "some_rule", nice_alias = "some_other_rule")
-Symbols starting with `_` are private and cannot be loaded from other files.
-Visibility doesn't affect loading: you don't need to use `exports_files` to make
-a `.bzl` file visible.
-## Macros and rules
-A [macro](macros.md) is a function that instantiates rules. The
-function is evaluated as soon as the BUILD file is read. Bazel has little
-information about macros: if your macro generates a `genrule`, Bazel will behave
-as if you wrote the `genrule`. As a result, `bazel query` will only list the
-generated genrule.
-A [rule](rules.md) is more powerful than a macro, as it can access
-Bazel internals and have full control over what is going on. It may for example
-pass information to other rules.
-If a macro becomes complex, it is often a good idea to make it a rule.
-## Evaluation model
-A build consists of three phases.
-* **Loading phase**. First, we load and evaluate all extensions and all BUILD
- files that are needed for the build. The execution of the BUILD files simply
- instantiates rules. This is where macros are evaluated.
-* **Analysis phase**. The code of the rules is executed (their `implementation`
- function), and actions are instantiated. An action describes how to generate
- a set of outputs from a set of inputs, e.g. "run gcc on hello.c and get
- hello.o". It is important to note that we have to list explicitly which
- files will be generated before executing the actual commands.
-* **Execution phase**. Actions are executed, when at least one of their outputs is
- required. If a file is missing or if a command fails to generate one output,
- the build fails. Tests are run during this phase, as they are actions.
-Bazel uses parallelism to read, parse and evaluate the `.bzl` files and `BUILD`
-files. A file is read at most once per build and the result of the evaluation is
-cached and reused. A file is evaluated only once all its dependencies (`load()`
-statements) have been resolved. By design, loading a `.bzl` file has no visible
-side-effect, it only defines values and functions.
-## Syntax
-The extension language (sometimes referred as "Skylark") is a superset of the
-[Core Build Language](/docs/build-ref.html#core_build_language)
-and its syntax is a subset of Python.
-It is designed to be simple, thread-safe and integrated with the
-BUILD language. It is not a general-purpose language and most Python
-features are not included.
-The following constructs have been added to the Core Build Language: `if`
-statements, `for` loops, and function definitions. They behave like in Python.
-Here is an example to show the syntax:
-def fizz_buzz(n):
- """Print Fizz Buzz numbers from 1 to n."""
- for i in range(1, n + 1):
- s = ""
- if i % 3 == 0:
- s += "Fizz"
- if i % 5 == 0:
- s += "Buzz"
- print(s if s else i)
-## Mutability
-Because evaluation of BUILD and .bzl files is performed in parallel, there are
-some restrictions in order to guarantee thread-safety and determinism. Two
-mutable data structures are available: [lists](lib/list.html) and
-[dicts](lib/dict.html). Unlike in Python, [sets](lib/set.html) are not mutable.
-In a build, there are many "evaluation contexts": each `.bzl` file and each
-`BUILD` file is loaded in a different context. Each rule is also analyzed in a
-separate context. We allow side-effects (e.g. appending a value to a list or
-deleting an entry in a dictionary) only on objects created during the current
-evaluation context.
-For example, here is the content of the file `foo.bzl`:
-var = []
-def fct():
- var.append(5)
-The variable `var` is created when `foo.bzl` is loaded. `fct()` is called during
-the same context, so it is safe. At the end of the evaluation, the definition
-`var = [5]` is exported. Any other file can load it, and it is possible that
-multiple files will load it at the same time. For this reason, the following
-code is not legal:
-load(":foo.bzl", "var", "fct")
-var.append(6) # not allowed
-fct() # not allowed
-Since the call to `fct()` attempts to mutate the shared variable `var`, it will
-fail. `fct()` can only be called during the evaluation of `foo.bzl`. It cannot
-be called from another file. It is also forbidden to call it during the analysis
-phase (i.e. when a custom rule is analyzed).
-## Differences with Python
-In addition to the mutability restrictions, there are also differences with
-* All global values are constant (they cannot be reassigned).
-* `x += y` is syntactic sugar for `x = x + y`. Even if `x` and `y` are lists,
- dicts or sets, the original value is not mutated, so references to `x`
- that were assigned before the operation will see the old value. This behavior
- is temporary, and will follow Python semantics in the future.
-* The `+` operator is defined for dictionaries, returning an immutable
- concatenated dictionary created from the entries of the original
- dictionaries. In case of duplicate keys, we use values from the second
- operand. If you need compatibility with Python, we suggest this syntax:
- `dict(a.items() + b.items())`.
-* Dictionaries have deterministic order when iterating (sorted by key).
-* Sets use a custom order when iterating (see [documentation](lib/globals.html#set)).
-* Recursion is not allowed.
-* Loops iterate on a shallow copy of the elements. If the list is modified
- during the iteration, you will only see the old values.
-The following Python features are not supported:
-* `class` (see [`struct`](lib/globals.html#struct) function)
-* `import` (see [`load`](#loading-a-skylark-extension) statement)
-* `while`, `yield`
-* `lambda` and nested functions
-* `is` (use `==` instead)
-* `try`, `raise`, `except`, `finally` (see [`fail`](lib/globals.html#fail)
- for fatal errors).
-* most builtin functions, most methods
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-layout: documentation
-title: Extensions examples
-# Extensions examples
-## <a name="macro"></a>Macro creating a rule
-An example of a macro creating a rule.
-def _impl(ctx):
- print("This rule does nothing")
-empty = rule(implementation=_impl)
-# Loading the rule. The rule doesn't have to be in a separate file.
-load("//pkg:empty.bzl", "empty")
-def macro(name, visibility=None):
- # Creating the rule.
- empty(name = name, visibility = visibility)
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "macro")
-macro(name = "myrule")
-## <a name="macro_native"></a>Macro creating a native rule
-An example of a macro creating a native rule. Native rules are special rules
-that are automatically available (without <code>load</code>). They are
-accessed using the <a href="lib/native.html">native</a> module.
-def macro(name, visibility=None):
- # Creating a native genrule.
- native.genrule(
- name = name,
- outs = [name + '.txt'],
- cmd = 'echo hello > $@',
- visibility = visibility,
- )
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "macro")
-macro(name = "myrule")
-## <a name="macro_compound"></a>Macro multiple rules
-There's currently no easy way to create a rule that directly uses the
-action of a native rule. You can work around this using macros:
-def cc_and_something_else_binary(name, srcs, deps, csrcs, cdeps)
- cc_binary_name = "%s.cc_binary" % name
- native.cc_binary(
- name = cc_binary_name,
- srcs = csrcs,
- deps = cdeps
- )
- _cc_and_something_else_binary(
- name = name,
- srcs = srcs,
- deps = deps,
- # A label attribute so that this depends on the internal rule
- cc_binary = cc_binary,
- # Redundant labels attributes so that the rule with this target name knows
- # about everything it would know about if cc_and_something_else_binary
- # were an actual rule instead of a macro.
- csrcs = csrcs,
- cdeps = cdeps)
-def _impl(ctx):
- return struct([...],
- # When instrumenting this rule, again hide implementation from
- # users.
- instrumented_files(
- source_attributes = ["srcs", "csrcs"],
- dependency_attributes = ["deps", "cdeps"]))
-_cc_and_something_else_binary = rule(implementation=_impl)
-## <a name="conditional-instantiation"></a>Conditional instantiation
-Macros can look at previously instantiated rules. This is done with
-`native.existing_rule`, which returns information on a single rule defined in the same
-`BUILD` file, eg.,
-This is useful to avoid instantiating the same rule twice, which is an
-error. For example, the following macro will simulate a test suite,
-instantiating tests for diverse flavors of the same test.
-def system_test(name, test_file, flavor):
- n = "system_test_%s_%s_test" % (test_file, flavor)
- if native.existing_rule(n) == None:
- native.py_test(
- name = n,
- srcs = [ "test_driver.py", test_file ],
- args = [ "--flavor=" + flavor])
- return n
-def system_test_suite(name, flavors=["default"], test_files):
- ts = []
- for flavor in flavors:
- for test in test_files:
- ts.append(system_test(name, test, flavor))
- native.test_suite(name = name, tests = ts)
-In the following BUILD file, note how `(basic_test.py, fast)` is emitted for
-both the `smoke` test suite and the `thorough` test suite.
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "system_test_suite")
-# Run all files through the 'fast' flavor.
-system_test_suite("smoke", flavors=["fast"], glob(["*_test.py"]))
-# Run the basic test through all flavors.
-system_test_suite("thorough", flavors=["fast", "debug", "opt"], ["basic_test.py"])
-## <a name="aggregation"></a>Aggregating over the BUILD file
-Macros can collect information from the BUILD file as processed so far. We call
-this aggregation. The typical example is collecting data from all rules of a
-certain kind. This is done by calling
-<a href="lib/native.html#existing_rules">native.existing\_rules</a>, which
-returns a dictionary representing all rules defined so far in the current BUILD
-file. The dictionary has entries of the form `name` => `rule`, with the values
-using the same format as `native.existing_rule`.
-def archive_cc_src_files(tag):
- """Create an archive of all C++ sources that have the given tag."""
- all_src = []
- for r in native.existing_rules().values():
- if tag in r["tags"] and r["kind"] == "cc_library":
- all_src.append(r["srcs"])
- native.genrule(cmd = "zip $@ $^", srcs = all_src, outs = ["out.zip"])
-Since `native.existing_rules` constructs a potentially large dictionary, you should avoid
-calling it repeatedly within BUILD file.
-## <a name="empty"></a>Empty rule
-Minimalist example of a rule that does nothing. If you build it, the target will
-succeed (with no generated file).
-def _impl(ctx):
- # You may use print for debugging.
- print("This rule does nothing")
-empty = rule(implementation=_impl)
-load("//pkg:empty.bzl", "empty")
-empty(name = "nothing")
-## <a name="attr"></a>Rule with attributes
-Example of a rule that shows how to declare attributes and access them.
-def _impl(ctx):
- # You may use print for debugging.
- print("Rule name = %s, package = %s" % (ctx.label.name, ctx.label.package))
- # This prints the labels of the deps attribute.
- print("There are %d deps" % len(ctx.attr.deps))
- for i in ctx.attr.deps:
- print("- %s" % i.label)
- # A label can represent any number of files (possibly 0).
- print(" files = %s" % [f.path for f in i.files])
-printer = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- # Do not declare "name": It is added automatically.
- "number": attr.int(default = 1),
- "deps": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
- })
-load("//pkg:printer.bzl", "printer")
- name = "nothing",
- deps = [
- "BUILD",
- ":other",
- ],
-printer(name = "other")
-If you execute this file, some information is printed as a warning by the
-rule. No file is generated.
-## <a name="shell"></a>Simple shell command
-Example of a rule that runs a shell command on an input file specified by
-the user. The output has the same name as the rule, with a `.size` suffix.
-While convenient, Shell commands should be used carefully. Generating the
-command-line can lead to escaping and injection issues. It can also create
-portability problems. It is often better to declare a binary target in a
-BUILD file and execute it. See the example [executing a binary](#execute-bin).
-def _impl(ctx):
- output = ctx.outputs.out
- input = ctx.file.file
- # The command may only access files declared in inputs.
- ctx.action(
- inputs=[input],
- outputs=[output],
- progress_message="Getting size of %s" % input.short_path,
- command="stat -L -c%%s %s > %s" % (input.path, output.path))
-size = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={"file": attr.label(mandatory=True, allow_files=True, single_file=True)},
- outputs={"out": "%{name}.size"},
-load("//pkg:size.bzl", "size")
- name = "foo_size",
- file = "foo.txt",
-## <a name="file"></a>Write string to a file
-Example of a rule that writes a string to a file.
-def _impl(ctx):
- output = ctx.outputs.out
- ctx.file_action(output=output, content=ctx.attr.content)
-file = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={"content": attr.string()},
- outputs={"out": "%{name}.txt"},
-load("//pkg:file.bzl", "file")
- name = "hello",
- content = "Hello world",
-## <a name="execute-bin"></a>Execute a binary
-This rule executes an existing binary. In this particular example, the
-binary is a tool that merges files. During the analysis phase, we cannot
-access any arbitrary label: the dependency must have been previously
-declared. To do so, the rule needs a label attribute. In this example, we
-will give the label a default value and make it private (so that it is not
-visible to end users). Keeping the label private can simplify maintenance,
-since you can easily change the arguments and flags you pass to the tool.
-def _impl(ctx):
- # The list of arguments we pass to the script.
- args = [ctx.outputs.out.path] + [f.path for f in ctx.files.srcs]
- # Action to call the script.
- ctx.action(
- inputs=ctx.files.srcs,
- outputs=[ctx.outputs.out],
- arguments=args,
- progress_message="Merging into %s" % ctx.outputs.out.short_path,
- executable=ctx.executable._merge_tool)
-concat = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
- "out": attr.output(mandatory=True),
- "_merge_tool": attr.label(executable=True, allow_files=True,
- default=Label("//pkg:merge"))
- }
-Any executable target can be used. In this example, we will use a
-`sh_binary` rule that concatenates all the inputs.
-load("execute", "concat")
- name = "sh",
- srcs = [
- "header.html",
- "body.html",
- "footer.html",
- ],
- out = "page.html",
-# This target is used by the shell rule.
- name = "merge",
- srcs = ["merge.sh"],
-cat $* > $out
-## <a name="execute"></a>Execute an input binary
-This rule has a mandatory `binary` attribute. It is a label that can refer
-only to executable rules or files.
-def _impl(ctx):
- # ctx.new_file is used for temporary files.
- # If it should be visible for user, declare it in rule.outputs instead.
- f = ctx.new_file(ctx.configuration.bin_dir, "hello")
- # As with outputs, each time you declare a file,
- # you need an action to generate it.
- ctx.file_action(output=f, content=ctx.attr.input_content)
- ctx.action(
- inputs=[f],
- outputs=[ctx.outputs.out],
- executable=ctx.executable.binary,
- progress_message="Executing %s" % ctx.executable.binary.short_path,
- arguments=[
- f.path,
- ctx.outputs.out.path, # Access the output file using
- # ctx.outputs.<attribute name>
- ]
- )
-execute = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "binary": attr.label(cfg="host", mandatory=True, allow_files=True,
- executable=True),
- "input_content": attr.string(),
- "out": attr.output(mandatory=True),
- },
-tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' < $1 > $2
-load("//pkg:execute.bzl", "execute")
- name = "e",
- input_content = "some text",
- binary = "a.sh",
- out = "foo",
-## <a name="runfiles"></a>Define simple runfiles
-def _impl(ctx):
- executable = ctx.outputs.executable
- # Create the output executable file with command as its content.
- ctx.file_action(
- output=executable,
- content=ctx.attr.command,
- executable=True)
- return struct(
- # Create runfiles from the files specified in the data attribute.
- # The shell executable - the output of this rule - can use them at runtime.
- # It is also possible to define data_runfiles and default_runfiles.
- # However if runfiles is specified it's not possible to define the above
- # ones since runfiles sets them both.
- # Remember, that the struct returned by the implementation function needs
- # to have a field named "runfiles" in order to create the actual runfiles
- # symlink tree.
- runfiles=ctx.runfiles(files=ctx.files.data)
- )
-execute = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- executable=True,
- attrs={
- "command": attr.string(),
- "data": attr.label_list(cfg="data", allow_files=True),
- },
-Hello World!
-load("//pkg:execute.bzl", "execute")
- name = "e",
- # The path to data.txt has to include the package directories as well. I.e.
- # if the BUILD file is under foo/BUILD and the data file is foo/data.txt
- # then it needs to be referred as foo/data.txt in the command.
- command = "cat data.txt",
- data = [':data.txt']
-## <a name="late-bound"></a>Computed dependencies
-Bazel needs to know about all dependencies before doing the analysis phase and
-calling the implementation function. Dependencies can be computed based on the
-rule attributes: to do so, use a function as the default
-value of an attribute (the attribute must be private and have type `label` or
-`list of labels`). The parameters of this function must correspond to the
-attributes that are accessed in the function body.
-Note: For legacy reasons, the function takes the configuration as an additional
-parameter. Please do not rely on the configuration since it will be removed in
-the future.
-The example below computes the md5 sum of a file. The file can be preprocessed
-using a filter. The exact dependencies depend on the filter chosen by the user.
-_filters = {
- "comments": Label("//pkg:comments"),
- "spaces": Label("//pkg:spaces"),
- "none": None,
-def _get_filter(filter, cfg=None): # requires attribute "filter"
- # Return the value for the attribute "_filter_bin"
- # It can be a label or None.
- return _filters[filter]
-def _impl(ctx):
- src = ctx.file.src
- if not ctx.attr._filter_bin:
- # Skip the processing
- processed = src
- else:
- processed = ctx.new_file(ctx.label.name + "_processed")
- # Run the selected binary
- ctx.action(
- outputs = [processed],
- inputs = [ctx.file.src],
- progress_message="Apply filter '%s'" % ctx.attr.filter,
- arguments = [ctx.file.src.path, processed.path],
- executable = ctx.executable._filter_bin)
- # Compute the hash
- out = ctx.outputs.text
- ctx.action(
- outputs = [out],
- inputs = [processed],
- command = "md5sum < %s > %s" % (processed.path, out.path))
-hash = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "filter": attr.string(values=_filters.keys(), default="none"),
- "src": attr.label(mandatory=True, single_file=True, allow_files=True),
- "_filter_bin": attr.label(default=_get_filter, executable=True),
- },
- outputs = {"text": "%{name}.txt"})
-load("//pkg:hash.bzl", "hash")
- name = "hash",
- src = "hello.txt",
- filter = "spaces",
- name = "comments",
- srcs = ["comments.sh"],
- name = "spaces",
- srcs = ["spaces.sh"],
-Hello World!
-grep -v '^ *#' $1 > $2 # Remove lines with only a Python-style comment
-tr -d ' ' < $1 > $2 # Remove spaces
-## <a name="mandatory-providers"></a>Mandatory providers
-In this example, rules have a `number` attribute. Each rule adds its
-number with the numbers of its transitive dependencies, and write the
-result in a file. This shows how to transfer information from a dependency
-to its dependents.
-def _impl(ctx):
- result = ctx.attr.number
- for i in ctx.attr.deps:
- result += i.number
- ctx.file_action(output=ctx.outputs.out, content=str(result))
- # Fields in the struct will be visible by other rules.
- return struct(number=result)
-sum = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "number": attr.int(default=1),
- # All deps must provide all listed providers.
- "deps": attr.label_list(providers=["number"]),
- },
- outputs = {"out": "%{name}.sum"}
-load("//pkg:sum.bzl", "sum")
- name = "n",
- deps = ["n2", "n5"],
- name = "n2",
- number = 2,
- name = "n5",
- number = 5,
-## <a name="optional-providers"></a>Optional providers
-This is a similar example, but dependencies may not provide a number.
-def _impl(ctx):
- result = ctx.attr.number
- for i in ctx.attr.deps:
- if hasattr(i, "number"):
- result += i.number
- ctx.file_action(output=ctx.outputs.out, content=str(result))
- # Fields in the struct will be visible by other rules.
- return struct(number=result)
-sum = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "number": attr.int(default=1),
- "deps": attr.label_list(),
- },
- outputs = {"out": "%{name}.sum"}
-load("//pkg:sum.bzl", "sum")
- name = "n",
- deps = ["n2", "n5"],
- name = "n2",
- number = 2,
- name = "n5",
- number = 5,
-## <a name="outputs-executable"></a>Default executable output
-This example shows how to create a default executable output.
-def _impl(ctx):
- ctx.file_action(
- # Access the executable output file using ctx.outputs.executable.
- output=ctx.outputs.executable,
- content="#!/bin/bash\necho Hello!",
- executable=True
- )
- # The executable output is added automatically to this target.
-executable_rule = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- executable=True
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "executable_rule")
-executable_rule(name = "my_rule")
-## <a name="outputs-default"></a>Default outputs
-This example shows how to create default outputs for a rule.
-def _impl(ctx):
- ctx.file_action(
- # Access the default outputs using ctx.outputs.<output name>.
- output=ctx.outputs.my_output,
- content="Hello World!"
- )
- # The default outputs are added automatically to this target.
-rule_with_outputs = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- outputs = {
- # %{name} is substituted with the rule's name
- "my_output": "%{name}.txt"
- }
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "rule_with_outputs")
-rule_with_outputs(name = "my_rule")
-## <a name="outputs-custom"></a>Custom outputs
-This example shows how to create custom (user defined) outputs for a rule.
-This rule takes a list of output file name templates from the user and
-creates each of them containing a "Hello World!" message.
-def _impl(ctx):
- # Access the custom outputs using ctx.outputs.<attribute name>.
- for output in ctx.outputs.outs:
- ctx.file_action(
- output=output,
- content="Hello World!"
- )
- # The custom outputs are added automatically to this target.
-rule_with_outputs = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "outs": attr.output_list()
- }
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "rule_with_outputs")
- name = "my_rule",
- outs = ["my_output.txt"]
-## <a name="master-rule"></a>Master rules
-This example shows how to create master rules to bind other rules together. The
-code below uses genrules for simplicity, but this technique is more useful with
-other rules. For example, if you need to compile C++ files, you can reuse
-def _impl(ctx):
- # Aggregate the output files from the depending rules
- files = set()
- files += ctx.attr.dep_rule_1.files
- files += ctx.attr.dep_rule_2.files
- return struct(files=files)
-# This rule binds the depending rules together
-master_rule = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "dep_rule_1": attr.label(),
- "dep_rule_2": attr.label()
- }
-def macro(name, cmd, input):
- # Create the depending rules
- name_1 = name + "_dep_1"
- name_2 = name + "_dep_2"
- native.genrule(
- name = name_1,
- cmd = cmd,
- outs = [name_1 + ".txt"]
- )
- native.genrule(
- name = name_2,
- cmd = "echo " + input + " >$@",
- outs = [name_2 + ".txt"]
- )
- # Create the master rule
- master_rule(
- name = name,
- dep_rule_1 = ":" + name_1,
- dep_rule_2 = ":" + name_2
- )
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "macro")
-# This creates the target :my_rule
- name = "my_rule",
- cmd = "echo something > $@",
- input = "Hello World"
-## <a name="debugging-tips"></a>Debugging tips
-Here are some examples on how to debug macros and rules using
-<a href="lib/globals.html#print">print</a>.
-print("print something when the module is loaded")
-def _impl(ctx):
- print("print something when the rule implementation is executed")
- print(type("abc")) # prints string, the type of "abc"
- print(dir(ctx)) # prints all the fields and methods of ctx
- print(dir(ctx.attr)) # prints all the attributes of the rule
- # prints the objects each separated with new line
- print("object1", "object2", sep="\n")
-debug = rule(implementation=_impl)
-load("//pkg:debug.bzl", "debug")
- name = "printing_rule"
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-layout: documentation
-title: Deploying new Skylark rules
-# Deploying new Skylark rules
-This documentation is for Skylark rule writers who are planning to make their
-rules available to others.
-## Where to put new rules
-In general, new rules should go into their own GitHub repository under your
-organization. Contact the [bazel-dev mailing
-list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-dev) if you feel like your
-rules belong in the bazelbuild organization.
-You can see lots of examples of what your repository should look like on GitHub:
-see all of the repositories named `rules_whatever`. In particular,
-[rules_scala](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala) is a nice example of
-how to set up your repo.
-Rules can be grouped either by language (e.g., Scala) or some notion of platform
-(e.g., Android).
-## What a rule repository should contain
-Every rule repository should have a certain layout so that users can quickly
-understand new rules.
-For example, suppose we are writing new Skylark rules for the (make-believe)
-chaiscript language. We would have the following structure:
- chaiscript.bzl
- some_test.sh
- another_test.py
- bin.chai
- lib.chai
- test.chai
-### README.md
-At the top level, there should be a README.md that contains (at least) what
-users will need to copy-paste into their WORKSPACE file to use your rule.
-In general, this will be a `git_repository` pointing to your GitHub repo and
-a macro call that downloads/configures any tools your rule needs. For example,
-for the [Go
-rules](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/blob/master/README.md#setup), this
-looks like:
- name = "io_bazel_rules_go",
- remote = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go.git",
- tag = "0.0.2",
-load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_repositories")
-If your rules depend on another repository's rules, specify both in the
-`README.md` (see the [Skydoc rules](https://github.com/bazelbuild/skydoc#setup),
-which depend on the Sass rules, for an example of this).
-### Tests
-There should be tests that verify that the rules are working as expected. This
-can either be in the standard location for the language the rules are for or a
-`tests/` directory at the top level.
-### Optional: Examples
-It is useful to users to have an `examples/` directory that shows users a couple
-of basic ways that the rules can be used.
-## Testing
-Set up Travis as described in their [getting started
-docs](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/getting-started/). Then add a
-`.travis.yml` file to your repository with the following content:
- - java
- - oraclejdk8 # Building Bazel requires JDK8.
- - wget https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/archive/0.3.0.zip # Replace with desired version
- - unzip 0.3.0.zip
- - cd bazel-0.3.0
- - ./compile.sh
- - sudo cp output/bazel /usr/bin/bazel
- - cd ..
- - rm -rf bazel-0.3.0
- - bazel build //...
- - bazel test //...
-Right now Bazel has to be compiled from source, as Travis does not support a
-version of GCC that works with the precompiled Bazel binaries. Thus, the
-`before_install` steps download the Bazel source, compile it, and "install" the
-Bazel binary in /usr/bin.
-If your repository is under the [bazelbuild organization](https://github.com/bazelbuild),
-contact the [bazel-dev](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-dev) list
-to have it added to [ci.bazel.io](http://ci.bazel.io).
-## Documentation
-See the [Skydoc documentation](https://github.com/bazelbuild/skydoc) for
-instructions on how to comment your rules so that documentation can be generated
-## FAQs
-### Why can't we add our rule to the Bazel GitHub repository?
-We want to decouple rules from Bazel releases as much as possible. It's clearer
-who owns individual rules, reducing the load on Bazel developers. For our users,
-decoupling makes it easier to modify, upgrade, downgrade, and replace rules.
-Contributing to rules can be lighter weight than contributing to Bazel -
-depending on the rules -, including full submit access to the corresponding
-GitHub repository. Getting submit access to Bazel itself is a much more involved
-The downside is a more complicated one-time installation process for our users:
-they have to copy-paste a rule into their WORKSPACE file, as shown in the
-README section above.
-We used to have all of the Skylark rules in the Bazel repository (under
-`//tools/build_rules` or `//tools/build_defs`). We still have a couple rules
-there, but we are working on moving the remaining rules out.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Extensions
-# Extensions
-Skylark is the name of the extension mechanism in Bazel. It lets you add support
-for new languages and tools by writing [custom build rules](rules.md). You can
-also compose existing rules into [macros](macros.md).
-## Getting started
-Read the [concepts](concepts.md) behind Skylark and try the
-[cookbook examples](cookbook.md). To go further, read about the
-[standard library](lib/globals.html).
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-layout: documentation
-title: Macros
-# Macros
-## Macro creation
-A macro is a function called from the BUILD file that can instantiate rules.
-Macros don't give additional power, they are just used for encapsulation and
-code reuse. By the end of the loading phase, macros don't exist anymore, and
-Bazel sees only the set of rules they created.
-Native rules can be instantiated from the `native` module, e.g.
-def my_macro(name, visibility=None):
- native.cc_library(
- name = name,
- srcs = ["main.cc"],
- visibility = visibility,
- )
-If you need to know the package name (i.e. which BUILD file is calling the
-macro), use the constant [PACKAGE_NAME](lib/globals.html#PACKAGE_NAME).
-## Examples
-* [Macro creating rules](cookbook.md#macro).
-* [Macro creating native rules](cookbook.md#macro_native).
-* [Macro combining multiple rules](cookbook.md#macro_compound).
-## Debugging
-* `bazel query --output=build //my/path:all` will show you how the BUILD
-file looks like after evaluation. All macros, globs, loops are expanded.
-* You can also use [print](lib/globals.html#print) for debugging. It displays
-the message as a warning during the loading phase. Except in rare cases, remove
-your `print` calls before submitting the code to the depot.
-## Errors
-If you want to throw an error, use the [fail](lib/globals.html#fail) function.
-Explain clearly to the user what went wrong and how to fix their BUILD file. It
-is not possible to catch an error.
-def my_macro(name, deps, visibility=None):
- if len(deps) < 2:
- fail("Expected at least two values in deps")
- # ...
-## Conventions
-* All public functions (functions that don't start with underscore) that
-instantiate rules must have a `name` argument. This argument should not be
-optional (don't give a default value).
-* Public functions should use a docstring following [Python
- conventions](https://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/pyguide.html?showone=Comments#Comments).
-* In BUILD files, the `name` argument of the macros must be a keyword
- argument (not a positional argument).
-* The `name` attribute of rules generated by a macro should include the name
- argument as a prefix. For example, `macro(name = "foo")` can generate a
- `cc_library` `foo` and a genrule `foo_gen`.
-* In most cases, optional parameters should have a default value of `None`.
- `None` can be passed directly to native rules, which treat it the same as if
- you had not passed in any argument. Thus, there is no need to replace it with
- `0`, `False`, or `[]` for this purpose. Instead, the macro should defer to the
- rules it creates, as their defaults may be complex or may change over time.
- Additionally, a parameter that is explicitly set to its default value looks
- different than one that is never set (or set to `None`) when accessed through
- the query language or build-system internals.
-* Macros should have an optional `visibility` argument.
-## Full example
-The typical use-case for a macro is when you want to reuse a genrule, e.g.
- name = "file",
- outs = ["file.txt"],
- cmd = "$(location generator) some_arg > $@",
- tools = [":generator"],
-If you want to generate another file with different arguments, you may want to
-extract this code to a function.
-The BUILD file will become simply:
-load("//path:generator.bzl", "file_generator")
- name = "file",
- arg = "some_arg",
-In order to keep BUILD files clean and declarative, you must put the function in
-a separate `.bzl` file. For example, write the definition of the macro in
-def file_generator(name, arg, visibility=None):
- native.genrule(
- name = name,
- outs = [name + ".txt"],
- cmd = "$(location generator) %s > $@" % arg,
- tools = ["//test:generator"],
- visibility = visibility,
- )
-When you want to investigate what a macro does, use the following command to
-see the expanded form:
-$ bazel query --output=build :file
-# /absolute/path/test/ext.bzl:42:3
- name = "file",
- tools = ["//test:generator"],
- outs = ["//test:file.txt"],
- cmd = "$(location generator) some_arg > $@",
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-layout: documentation
-title: Repository Rules
-# Repository Rules
-**Status: Experimental**. We may make breaking changes to the API, but we will
- announce them and help you update your code.
-An [external repository](/docs/external.md) is a rule that can be used only
-in the `WORKSPACE` file and enable non-hermetic operation at the loading phase
-of Bazel. Each external repository rule creates its own workspace, with its
-own BUILD files and artifacts. They can be used to depend on third-party
-libraries (such as Maven packaged libraries) but also to generate BUILD files
-specific to the host Bazel is running on.
-## Repository Rule creation
-In a `.bzl` file, use the
-[repository_rule](lib/globals.html#repository_rule) function to create a new
-repository rule and store it in a global variable.
-A custom repository rule can be used just like a native repository rule. It
-has a mandatory `name` attribute and every target present in its build files
-can be refered as `@<name>//package:target` where `<name>` is the value of the
-`name` attribute.
-The rule is loaded when you explictly build it, or if it is a dependency of
-the build. In this case, Bazel will execute its `implementation` function. This
-function describe how to creates the repository, its content and BUILD files.
-## Attributes
-An attribute is a rule argument, such as `url` or `sha256`. You must list
-the attributes and their types when you define a repository rule.
-local_repository = repository_rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- local=True,
- attrs={"path": attr.string(mandatory=True)})
-`name` attributes are implicitely defined for all `repository_rule`s.
-To access an attribute, use `repository_ctx.attr.<attribute_name>`.
-The name of a repository rule is accessible with `repository_ctx.name`.
-If an attribute name starts with `_` it is private and users cannot set it.
-## Implementation function
-Every repository rule requires an `implementation` function. It contains the
-actual logic of the rule and is executed strictly in the Loading Phase.
-The function has exactly one input parameter, `repository_ctx`, and should
-always returns `None`. The input parameter `repository_ctx` can be used to
-access attribute values, and non-hermetic functions (finding a binary,
-exuting a binary, creating a file in the repository or downloading a file
-from the Internet). See [the library](lib/repository_ctx.html) for more
-context. Example:
-def _impl(repository_ctx):
- repository_ctx.symlink(repository_ctx.attr.path, "")
-local_repository = repository_rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- ...)
-## Examples
-For now, we only have one full example of usage of the `repository_rule`:
-[C++ auto-configured toolchain](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/9116b3e99af2fd31d92c9bb7c37905a1675456c1/tools/cpp/cc_configure.bzl#L288).
-This example uses a repository rule to automatically create the
-C++ configuration files for Bazel by looking for the local C++ compiler, the
-environment and the flags the C++ compiler supports.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Rules
-# Rules
-**Status: Experimental**. We may make breaking changes to the API, but we will
- help you update your code.
-A rule defines a series of actions that Bazel should perform on inputs to get a
-set of outputs. For example, a C++ binary rule might take a set of .cpp
-files (the inputs), run `g++` on them (the action), and return an executable
-file (the output).
-Note that, from Bazel's perspective, `g++` and the standard C++ libraries are
-also inputs to this rule. As a rule writer, you must consider not only the
-user-provided inputs to a rule, but also all of the tools and libraries required
-to execute the actions (called _implicit inputs_).
-## Rule creation
-In a `.bzl` file, use the [rule](lib/globals.html#rule)
-function to create a new rule and store it in a global variable:
-my_rule = rule(...)
-See [the cookbook](cookbook.md#empty) for examples. The rule can then be
-loaded by BUILD files:
-load('//some/pkg:whatever.bzl', 'my_rule')
-A custom rule can be used just like a native rule. It has a mandatory `name`
-attribute, you can refer to it with a label, and you can see it in
-`bazel query`.
-The rule is analyzed when you explictly build it, or if it is a dependency of
-the build. In this case, Bazel will execute its `implementation` function. This
-function decides what the outputs of the rule are and how to build them (using
-`actions`). During analysis, no external command can be executed: actions will
-be run in the execution phase.
-## Attributes
-An attribute is a rule argument, such as `srcs` or `deps`. You must list
-the attributes and their types when you define a rule.
-sum = rule(
- implementation = impl,
- attrs = {
- "number": attr.int(default = 1),
- "deps": attr.label_list(),
- },
-The following attributes are implicitly added to every rule: `deprecation`,
-`features`, `name`, `tags`, `testonly`, `visibility`. Test rules also have the
-following attributes: `args`, `flaky`, `local`, `shard_count`, `size`,
-Labels listed in `attr` will be inputs to the rule.
-To access an attribute in a rule's implementation, use
-`ctx.attr.<attribute_name>`. The name and the package of a rule are available
-with `ctx.label.name` and `ctx.label.package`.
-See [an example](cookbook.md#attr) of using `attr` in a rule.
-### <a name="private-attributes"></a> Private Attributes
-If an attribute name starts with `_` it is private and users cannot set it. It
-is useful in particular for label attributes (your rule will have an
-implicit dependency on this label).
-metal_compile = rule(
- implementation=impl,
- attrs={
- "srcs": attr.label_list(),
- "_compiler": attr.label(
- default=Label("//tools:metalc"),
- allow_single_file=True,
- executable=True,
- ),
- },
-## Implementation function
-Every rule requires an `implementation` function. It contains the actual
-logic of the rule and is executed strictly in the Analysis Phase. The function
-has exactly one input parameter, `ctx`, and it may return
-the [runfiles](#runfiles) and [providers](#providers)
-of the rule. The input parameter `ctx` can be used to access attribute values,
-outputs and dependent targets, and files. It also has some helper functions.
-See [the library](lib/ctx.html) for more context. Example:
-def impl(ctx):
- ...
- return struct(
- runfiles=...,
- my_provider=...,
- ...
- )
-my_rule = rule(
- implementation=impl,
- ...
-## Files
-There are two kinds of files: files stored in the file system and generated
-files. For each generated file, there must be one and only one generating
-action, and each action must generate one or more output files. Bazel will throw
-an error otherwise.
-## Targets
-Every build rule corresponds to exactly one target. A target can create
-[actions](#actions), can have dependencies (which can be files or
-other build rules), [output files](#output-files) (generated by
-its actions), and [providers](#providers).
-A target `y` depends on target `x` if `y` has a label or label list type
-attribute where `x` is declared:
- name = "x",
- name = "y",
- deps = [":x"],
-In the above case, it's possible to access targets declared in `my_rule.deps`:
-def impl(ctx):
- for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
- # Do something with dep
- ...
-my_rule = rule(
- implementation=impl,
- attrs={
- "deps": attr.label_list(),
- },
- ...
-## <a name="output-files"></a> Output files
-A target can declare output files, which must be generated by the target's
-actions. There are three ways to create output files:
-* If the rule is marked `executable`, it creates an output file of the same name
- as the rule's. [See example](cookbook.md#outputs-executable)
-* The rule can declare default `outputs`, which are always generated.
- [See example](cookbook.md#outputs-default)
-* The rule can have output or output list type attributes. In that case the
- output files come from the actual attribute values.
- [See example](cookbook.md#outputs-custom)
-Each output file must have exactly one generating action. See the
-[library](lib/ctx.html#outputs) for more context.
-## Default outputs
-Every rule has a set of default outputs. This is used:
-* When the user runs `bazel build` on your target. Bazel will build the default
- outputs of the rule.
-* When the target is used as a dependency of another rule. A rule can access
- the default outputs by using [target.files](lib/Target.html#files).
- This is the case, for example, if you use a rule in the `srcs` attribute of a
- `genrule`.
-Use the `files` provider to specify the default outputs of a rule.
-If left unspecified, it will contain all the declared outputs.
-def _impl(ctx):
- # ...
- return struct(files=set([file1, file2]))
-This can be useful for exposing files generated with
-[ctx.new_file](lib/ctx.html#new_file). You can also have "implicit
-outputs", i.e., files that are declared in the rule, but not in the default
-outputs (like `_deploy.jar` in `java_binary`).
-## Actions
-There are three ways to create actions:
-* [ctx.action](lib/ctx.html#action), to run a command.
-* [ctx.file_action](lib/ctx.html#file_action), to write a string to a file.
-* [ctx.template_action](lib/ctx.html#template_action), to generate a file from a template.
-Actions take a set (which can be empty) of input files and generate a (non-empty)
-set of output files.
-The set of input and output files must be known during the analysis phase. It
-might depend on the value of attributes and information from dependencies, but
-it cannot depend on the result of the execution. For example, if your action
-runs the unzip command, you must specify which files you expect to be inflated
-(before running unzip).
-Actions are comparable to pure functions: They should depend only on the
-provided inputs, and avoid accessing computer information, username, clock,
-network, or I/O devices (except for reading inputs and writing outputs).
-**If an action generates a file that is not listed in its outputs**: This is
-fine, but the file will be ignored and cannot be used by other rules.
-**If an action does not generate a file that is listed in its outputs**: This is
-an execution error and the build will fail. This happens for instance when a
-compilation fails.
-**If an action generates an unknown number of outputs and you want to keep them
-all**, you must group them in a single file (e.g., a zip, tar, or other
-archive format). This way, you will be able to deterministically declare your
-**If an action does not list a file it uses as an input**, the action execution
-will most likely result in an error. The file is not guaranteed to be available
-to the action, so if it **is** there, it's due to coincidence or error.
-**If an action lists a file as an input, but does not use it**: This is fine.
-However, it can affect action execution order, resulting in sub-optimal
-Dependencies are resolved by Bazel, which will decide which actions are
-executed. It is an error if there is a cycle in the dependency graph. Creating
-an action does not guarantee that it will be executed: It depends on whether
-its outputs are needed for the build.
-## Configurations
-By default, a target is built in the target configuration. For each label
-attribute, you can decide whether the dependency should be built in the same
-configuration, or in the host configuration.
-In general, sources, dependent libraries, and executables that will be needed at
-runtime can use the same configuration.
-Tools that are executed as part of the build (e.g., compilers, code generators)
-should be built for the host configuration. In this case, specify `cfg="host"`
-in the attribute.
-The configuration `"data"` is present for legacy reasons and should be used for
-the `data` attributes.
-## <a name="fragments"></a> Configuration Fragments
-Rules may access configuration fragments such as `cpp`, `java` and `jvm`.
-However, all required fragments must be declared in order to avoid access
-def impl(ctx):
- # Using ctx.fragments.cpp would lead to an error since it was not declared.
- x = ctx.fragments.java
- ...
-my_rule = rule(
- implementation=impl,
- fragments=["java"], # Required fragments of the target configuration
- host_fragments=["java"], # Required fragments of the host configuration
- ...
-`ctx.fragments` only provides configuration fragments for the target
-configuration. If you want to access fragments for the host configuration,
-use `ctx.host_fragments` instead.
-## Providers
-Providers are used to access information from other rules. A rule depending on
-another rule has access to the data the latter provides. These data can be e.g.
-output files, the libraries the dependent rule is using to link or compile, or
-anything the depending rule should know about. Using providers is the only way
-to exchange data between rules.
-A rule can only access data provided by its direct dependencies, not that of
-transitive dependencies: if rule `top` depends on `middle`, and `middle` depends
-on `bottom`, then `middle` is a direct dependency of `top` and `bottom` is a
-transitive dependency of `top`. In this scenario `top` can only access data
-provided by `middle`. If `middle` also provides the data that `bottom` provided
-to it, then and only then can `top` access it.
-The following data types can be passed using providers:
-* `bool`
-* `integer`
-* `string`
-* `file`
-* `label`
-* `None`
-* anything composed of these types and `lists`, `dicts`, `sets` or `structs`
-Providers are created from the return value of the rule implementation function:
-def rule_implementation(ctx):
- ...
- return struct(
- transitive_data=set(["a", "b", "c"])
- )
-A dependent rule might access these data as struct fields of the `target` being
-dependened upon:
-def dependent_rule_implementation(ctx):
- ...
- s = set()
- for dep_target in ctx.attr.deps:
- # Use `print(dir(dep_target))` to see the list of providers.
- s += dep_target.transitive_data
- ...
-Providers are only available during the analysis phase. Examples of usage:
-* [mandatory providers](cookbook.md#mandatory-providers)
-* [optional providers](cookbook.md#optional-providers)
-## Runfiles
-Runfiles are a set of files used by the (often executable) output of a rule
-during runtime (as opposed to build time, i.e. when the binary itself is
-During execution, Bazel creates a directory tree containing symlinks pointing to
-the runfiles, staging the environment for the binary so it can access the
-runfiles during runtime.
-Runfiles can be added manually during rule creation and/or collected
-transitively from the rule's dependencies:
-def rule_implementation(ctx):
- ...
- transitive_runfiles = set()
- for dep in ctx.attr.special_dependencies:
- transitive_runfiles += dep.transitive_runtime_files
- runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
- # Add some files manually.
- files=[ctx.file.some_data_file],
- # Add transitive files from dependencies manually.
- transitive_files=transitive_runfiles,
- # Collect runfiles from the common locations: transitively from srcs,
- # deps and data attributes.
- collect_default=True,
- )
- # Add a field named "runfiles" to the return struct in order to actually
- # create the symlink tree.
- return struct(runfiles=runfiles)
-Note that non-executable rule outputs can also have runfiles. For example, a
-library might need some external files during runtime, and every dependent
-binary should know about them.
-Also note that if an action uses an executable, the executable's runfiles can
-be used when the action executes.
-Normally, the relative path of a file in the runfiles tree is the same as the
-relative path of that file in the source tree or generated output tree. If these
-need to be different for some reason, you can specify the `root_symlinks` or
-`symlinks` arguments. The `root_symlinks` is a dictionary mapping paths to
-files, where the paths are relative to the root of the runfiles directory. The
-`symlinks` dictionary is the same, but paths are implicitly prefixed with the
-name of the workspace.
- ...
- runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
- root_symlinks={"some/path/here.foo": ctx.file.some_data_file2}
- symlinks={"some/path/here.bar": ctx.file.some_data_file3}
- )
- # Creates something like:
- # sometarget.runfiles/
- # some/
- # path/
- # here.foo -> some_data_file2
- # <workspace_name>/
- # some/
- # path/
- # here.bar -> some_data_file3
-If `symlinks` or `root_symlinks` is used, be careful not to map two different
-files to the same path in the runfiles tree. This will cause the build to fail
-with an error describing the conflict. To fix, you will need to modify your
-`ctx.runfiles` arguments to remove the collision. This checking will be done for
-any targets using your rule, as well as targets of any kind that depend on those
-## Instrumented files
-Instrumented files are a set of files used by the coverage command. A rule can
-use the `instrumented_files` provider to provide information about which files
-should be used for measuring coverage.
-def rule_implementation(ctx):
- ...
- return struct(instrumented_files=struct(
- # Optional: File extensions used to filter files from source_attributes.
- # If not provided, then all files from source_attributes will be
- # added to instrumented files, if an empty list is provided, then
- # no files from source attributes will be added.
- extensions=["ext1", "ext2"],
- # Optional: Attributes that contain source files for this rule.
- source_attributes=["srcs"],
- # Optional: Attributes for dependencies that could include instrumented
- # files.
- dependency_attributes=["data", "deps"]))
-## Executable rules
-An executable rule is a rule that users can run using `bazel run`.
-To make a rule executable, set `executable=True` in the
-[rule function](lib/globals.html#rule). During the analysis
-phase, the rule must generate the output file `ctx.outputs.executable`.
-[See example](cookbook.md#outputs-executable)
-## Test rules
-Test rules are run using `bazel test`.
-To create a test rule, set `test=True` in the
-[rule function](lib/globals.html#rule). The name of the rule must
-also end with `_test`. Test rules are implicitly executable, which means they
-must generate the output file `ctx.outputs.executable`.
-Test rules inherit the following attributes: `args`, `flaky`, `local`,
-`shard_count`, `size`, `timeout`.