diff options
authorGravatar Yun Peng <pcloudy@google.com>2016-09-13 10:20:04 +0000
committerGravatar Dmitry Lomov <dslomov@google.com>2016-09-13 12:32:11 +0000
commiteaa5730fbc71fe142fd0c753dd056a2f3f16d5ee (patch)
parent402dae7602e8e7db0915915637969440c70c01fc (diff)
Open source bazel_query_test
2 files changed, 270 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/shell/integration/BUILD b/src/test/shell/integration/BUILD
index 9654fb53b5..1b34fa4295 100644
--- a/src/test/shell/integration/BUILD
+++ b/src/test/shell/integration/BUILD
@@ -69,6 +69,13 @@ sh_test(
+ name = "bazel_query_test",
+ size = "medium",
+ srcs = ["bazel_query_test.sh"],
+ data = [":test-deps"],
name = "ui_test",
size = "medium",
srcs = ["ui_test.sh"],
diff --git a/src/test/shell/integration/bazel_query_test.sh b/src/test/shell/integration/bazel_query_test.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..9138b683dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/shell/integration/bazel_query_test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# bazel_query_test.sh: integration tests for bazel query
+# Load test environment
+source $(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)/testenv.sh \
+ || { echo "testenv.sh not found!" >&2; exit 1; }
+add_to_bazelrc "build --package_path=%workspace%"
+#### TESTS #############################################################
+function test_does_not_fail_horribly() {
+ mkdir -p peach
+ cat > peach/BUILD <<EOF
+sh_library(name='brighton', deps=[':harken'])
+ bazel query 'deps(//peach:brighton)' > $TEST_log
+ expect_log "//peach:brighton"
+ expect_log "//peach:harken"
+function test_visibility_affects_xml_output() {
+ mkdir -p kiwi
+ cat > kiwi/BUILD <<EOF
+sh_library(name='kiwi', visibility=['//visibility:private'])
+ bazel query --output=xml '//kiwi:kiwi' > output_private
+ cat > kiwi/BUILD <<EOF
+sh_library(name='kiwi', visibility=['//visibility:public'])
+ bazel query --output=xml '//kiwi:kiwi' > output_public
+ cat > kiwi/BUILD <<EOF
+ bazel query --output=xml '//kiwi:kiwi' > output_none
+ cmp output_private output_public && fail "visibility does not affect XML output"
+ cmp output_none output_private && fail "visibility does not affect XML output"
+ cmp output_none output_public && fail "visibility does not affect XML output"
+ assert_contains "//kiwi:kiwi" output_private
+ assert_contains "//kiwi:kiwi" output_public
+ assert_contains "//kiwi:kiwi" output_none
+ assert_contains "//visibility:private" output_private
+ assert_contains "//visibility:public" output_public
+ assert_not_contains "//visibility:private" output_none
+ assert_not_contains "//visibility:public" output_none
+function test_visibility_affects_proto_output() {
+ mkdir -p kiwi
+ cat > kiwi/BUILD <<EOF
+sh_library(name='kiwi', visibility=['//visibility:private'])
+ bazel query --output=proto '//kiwi:kiwi' > output_private
+ cat > kiwi/BUILD <<EOF
+sh_library(name='kiwi', visibility=['//visibility:public'])
+ bazel query --output=proto '//kiwi:kiwi' > output_public
+ # There is no check for unspecified visibility because proto output format
+ # adds every attribute to the output, regardless of whether they are specified
+ # or have the default value
+ cmp output_private output_public && fail "visibility does not affect proto output"
+ assert_contains "//kiwi:kiwi" output_private
+ assert_contains "//kiwi:kiwi" output_public
+ assert_contains "//visibility:private" output_private
+ assert_contains "//visibility:public" output_public
+function make_depth_tests() {
+ mkdir -p depth depth2 || die "Could not create test directory"
+ cat > "depth/BUILD" <<EOF
+sh_binary(name = 'one', srcs = ['one.sh'], deps = [':two'])
+sh_library(name = 'two', srcs = ['two.sh'],
+ deps = [':div2', ':three', '//depth2:three'])
+sh_library(name = 'three', srcs = ['three.sh'], deps = [':four'])
+sh_library(name = 'four', srcs = ['four.sh'], deps = [':div2', ':five'])
+sh_library(name = 'five', srcs = ['five.sh'])
+sh_library(name = 'div2', srcs = ['two.sh'])
+ echo "sh_library(name = 'three', srcs = ['three.sh'])" > depth2/BUILD
+ touch depth/{one,two,three,four,five}.sh depth2/three.sh
+ chmod a+x depth/*.sh depth2/*.sh
+# Running a deps query twice should return results in the same order
+# if output is sorted, otherwise just the same results.
+function assert_depth_query_idempotence() {
+ order_results="$1"
+ if $order_results ; then
+ add_to_bazelrc "query --order_output=auto"
+ universe_arg=""
+ else
+ add_to_bazelrc "query --order_output=no"
+ universe_arg=--universe_scope=//depth:*
+ fi
+ make_depth_tests
+ last_log="$TEST_log.last"
+ for run in {1..5}; do
+ # Only compare the output stream with the query results.
+ mv -f $TEST_log $last_log
+ bazel query 'deps(//depth:one, 4)' $universe_arg > $TEST_log \
+ || fail "Expected success"
+ if [ $run -gt 1 ]; then
+ if $order_results ; then
+ diff $TEST_log $last_log || \
+ fail "Lines differed between query results: $last_log"
+ else
+ diff <(sort $TEST_log) <(sort $last_log) || \
+ fail "Lines differed between sorted query results"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ rm -f $last_log || die "Could not remove $last_log"
+function test_depth_query_idempotence_ordered() {
+ assert_depth_query_idempotence true
+function test_depth_query_idempotence_unordered() {
+ assert_depth_query_idempotence false
+function test_universe_scope_with_without_star() {
+ mkdir -p foo || fail "Couldn't mkdir"
+ echo "sh_library(name = 'foo')" > foo/BUILD || fail "Couldn't write BUILD"
+ bazel query --order_output=no \
+ --universe_scope=//foo/... '//foo:BUILD' >& $TEST_log ||
+ fail "Expected success"
+ # This is documenting current behavior, rather than enforcing a contract. For
+ # performance and code simplicity, we return targets if their package was
+ # loaded, so //foo:BUILD exists as a target (although its deps and rdeps are
+ # unknown).
+ expect_log "//foo:BUILD"
+ bazel query --order_output=no \
+ --universe_scope=//foo/...:* '//foo:BUILD' >& $TEST_log ||
+ fail "Expected success"
+ expect_log "//foo:BUILD"
+function test_outside_universe_ok() {
+ mkdir -p foo bar || fail "Couldn't mkdir"
+ echo "sh_library(name = 'foo', deps = ['//bar:bar'])" > foo/BUILD ||
+ fail "Couldn't write BUILD"
+ cat <<'EOF' > bar/BUILD || fail "Couldn't write BUILD"
+sh_library(name = 'bar')
+sh_library(name = 'dep')
+sh_library(name = 'top', deps = [':dep'])
+ bazel query --order_output=no \
+ --universe_scope=//foo/...:* 'allrdeps(//bar:BUILD)' >& $TEST_log ||
+ fail "Expected success"
+ # This is documenting current behavior, rather than enforcing a contract. See
+ # corresponding comment in test_universe_scope_with_without_star.
+ expect_log "//bar:BUILD"
+ bazel query --order_output=no \
+ --universe_scope=//foo/...:* 'allrdeps(//bar:dep)' >& $TEST_log ||
+ fail "Expected success"
+ # This is documenting current behavior, rather than enforcing a contract. See
+ # corresponding comment in test_universe_scope_with_without_star. In this
+ # case, even though we return //bar:dep, we do not see its rdep //bar:top.
+ expect_log "//bar:dep"
+ expect_not_log "//bar:top"
+# Since all targets in deps(..., n) are accessible n steps away, none should
+# have a minrank greater than n.
+function test_minrank_le_depth_bound() {
+ make_depth_tests
+ for depth in {5..0}; do
+ bazel query "deps(//depth:one, $depth)" --output=minrank > $TEST_log \
+ || fail "Expected success"
+ for rank in $(cut -d' ' -f 1 $TEST_log); do
+ [ $rank -le $depth ] || fail "Expected max minrank of $depth, was $rank"
+ done
+ done
+function test_skylark_dep_in_sky_query() {
+ mkdir -p foo bar || fail "Couldn't make directories"
+ echo 'load("/bar/fakerule", "const")' > foo/BUILD || fail "Couldn't write"
+ touch bar/BUILD || fail "Couldn't touch bar/BUILD"
+ echo 'const = 2' > bar/fakerule.bzl || fail "Couldn't write fakerule"
+ bazel query --universe_scope=//foo/...:* --order_output=no \
+ 'rbuildfiles(bar/fakerule.bzl)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
+ expect_log_once "//foo:BUILD"
+ expect_not_log "//bar:BUILD"
+ expect_not_log "fakerule\.bzl"
+function test_skylark_subdir_dep_in_sky_query() {
+ mkdir -p foo bar/baz || fail "Couldn't make directories"
+ echo 'load("/bar/baz/fakerule", "const")' > foo/BUILD || fail "Couldn't write"
+ touch bar/BUILD || fail "Couldn't touch bar/BUILD"
+ echo 'const = 2' > bar/baz/fakerule.bzl || fail "Couldn't write fakerule"
+ bazel query --universe_scope=//foo/...:* --order_output=no \
+ 'rbuildfiles(bar/baz/fakerule.bzl)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
+ expect_log_once "//foo:BUILD"
+ expect_not_log "//bar:BUILD"
+ expect_not_log "fakerule\.bzl"
+function test_parent_independent_of_child() {
+ mkdir -p foo/subdir || fail "Couldn't make directories"
+ echo 'sh_library(name = "sh", data = glob(["**"]))' > foo/BUILD ||
+ fail "Couldn't write"
+ touch foo/subdir/BUILD || fail "Couldn't touch foo/subdir/BUILD"
+ bazel query --universe_scope=//foo/...:* --order_output=no \
+ 'rbuildfiles(foo/subdir/BUILD)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
+ expect_log_once "//foo/subdir:BUILD"
+ expect_not_log "//foo:BUILD"
+function test_does_not_fail_horribly_with_file() {
+ mkdir -p peach
+ cat > peach/BUILD <<EOF
+sh_library(name='brighton', deps=[':harken'])
+ echo "deps(//peach:brighton)" > query_file
+ bazel query --query_file=query_file > $TEST_log
+ expect_log "//peach:brighton"
+ expect_log "//peach:harken"
+run_suite "bazel query tests"