path: root/tools/addon-sdk-1.5/packages/api-utils/docs/api-utils.md
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diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.5/packages/api-utils/docs/api-utils.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.5/packages/api-utils/docs/api-utils.md
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index aee88da..0000000
--- a/tools/addon-sdk-1.5/packages/api-utils/docs/api-utils.md
+++ /dev/null
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-<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->
-<!-- contributed by Drew Willcoxon [adw@mozilla.com] -->
-<!-- edited by Noelle Murata [fiveinchpixie@gmail.com] -->
-The `api-utils` module provides some helpers useful to the SDK's high-level API
-The SDK high-level API design guidelines make a number of recommendations.
-This module implements some of those patterns so that your own implementations
-don't need to reinvent them.
-For example, public constructors should be callable both with and without the
-`new` keyword. Your module can implement this recommendation using the
-`publicConstructor` function.
-Options objects or "dictionaries" are also common throughout the high-level
-APIs. The guidelines recommend that public constructors should generally define
-a single `options` parameter rather than defining many parameters. Since one of
-the SDK's principles is to be friendly to developers, ideally all properties on
-options dictionaries should be checked for correct type, and informative error
-messages should be generated when clients make mistakes. With the
-`validateOptions` function, your module can easily do so.
-And objects are sometimes iterable over a custom set of key/value pairs.
-Such objects should have custom iterators that let consumers iterate keys,
-values, or [key, value] pairs. The `addIterator` function makes it easy to do
-so in a way that is consistent with the behavior of default iterators during
-`for...in`, `for each...in`, and `for...in Iterator()` loops.
-<api name="publicConstructor">
-Returns a function *C* that creates an instance of `privateConstructor`. *C*
-may be called with or without the `new` keyword.
-The prototype of each instance returned from *C* is *C*.`prototype`, and
-*C*.`prototype` is an object whose prototype is
-`privateConstructor.prototype`. Instances returned from *C* are therefore
-instances of both *C* and `privateConstructor`.
-Additionally, the constructor of each instance returned from *C* is *C*.
-Instances returned from *C* are automatically memory tracked using
-`memory.track` under the bin name `privateConstructor.name`.
- function MyObject() {}
- exports.MyObject = apiUtils.publicConstructor(MyObject);
-@returns {function}
-A function that makes new instances of `privateConstructor`.
-@param privateConstructor {constructor}
-<api name="validateOptions">
-A function to validate an options dictionary according to the specified
-`map`, `is`, and `ok` are used in that order.
-The return value is an object whose keys are those keys in `requirements` that
-are also in `options` and whose values are the corresponding return values of
-`map` or the corresponding values in `options`. Note that any keys not shared
-by both `requirements` and `options` are not in the returned object.
-A typical use:
- var opts = { foo: 1337 };
- var requirements = {
- foo: {
- map: function (val) val.toString(),
- is: ["string"],
- ok: function (val) val.length > 0,
- msg: "foo must be a non-empty string."
- }
- };
- var validatedOpts = apiUtils.validateOptions(opts, requirements);
- // validatedOpts == { foo: "1337" }
-If the key `foo` is optional and doesn't need to be mapped:
- var opts = { foo: 1337 };
- var validatedOpts = apiUtils.validateOptions(opts, { foo: {} });
- // validatedOpts == { foo: 1337 }
- opts = {};
- validatedOpts = apiUtils.validateOptions(opts, { foo: {} });
- // validatedOpts == {}
-@returns {object}
-A validated options dictionary given some requirements. If any of the
-requirements are not met, an exception is thrown.
-@param options {object}
-The options dictionary to validate. It's not modified. If it's null or
-otherwise falsey, an empty object is assumed.
-@param requirements {object}
-An object whose keys are the expected keys in `options`. Any key in
-`options` that is not present in `requirements` is ignored. Each
-value in `requirements` is itself an object describing the requirements
-of its key. The keys of that object are the following, and each is optional:
-@prop [map] {function}
-A function that's passed the value of the key in the `options`. `map`'s
-return value is taken as the key's value in the final validated options,
-`is`, and `ok`. If `map` throws an exception it is caught and discarded,
-and the key's value is its value in `options`.
-@prop [is] {array}
-An array containing the number of `typeof` type names. If the key's value is
-none of these types it fails validation. Arrays and nulls are identified by
-the special type names "array" and "null"; "object" will not match either.
-No type coercion is done.
-@prop [ok] {function}
-A function that is passed the key's value. If it returns false, the value
-fails validation.
-@prop [msg] {string}
-If the key's value fails validation, an exception is thrown. This string
-will be used as its message. If undefined, a generic message is used, unless
-`is` is defined, in which case the message will state that the value needs to
-be one of the given types.
-<api name="addIterator">
-Adds an iterator to the specified object that iterates keys, values,
-or [key, value] pairs depending on how it is invoked, i.e.:
- for (var key in obj) { ... } // iterate keys
- for each (var val in obj) { ... } // iterate values
- for (var [key, val] in Iterator(obj)) { ... } // iterate pairs
-If your object only iterates either keys or values, you don't need this
-function. Simply assign a generator function that iterates the keys/values
-to your object's `__iterator__` property instead, f.e.:
- obj.__iterator__ = function () { for each (var i in items) yield i; }
-@param obj {object}
-the object to which to add the iterator
-@param keysValsGen {function}
-a generator function that yields [key, value] pairs