path: root/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/python-lib/cuddlefish/manifest.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/addon-sdk-1.3/python-lib/cuddlefish/manifest.py')
1 files changed, 725 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/python-lib/cuddlefish/manifest.py b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/python-lib/cuddlefish/manifest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03ca0aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/python-lib/cuddlefish/manifest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,725 @@
+import os, sys, re, hashlib
+import simplejson as json
+SEP = os.path.sep
+from cuddlefish.util import filter_filenames, filter_dirnames
+def js_zipname(packagename, modulename):
+ return "%s-lib/%s.js" % (packagename, modulename)
+def docs_zipname(packagename, modulename):
+ return "%s-docs/%s.md" % (packagename, modulename)
+def datamap_zipname(packagename):
+ return "%s-data.json" % packagename
+def datafile_zipname(packagename, datapath):
+ return "%s-data/%s" % (packagename, datapath)
+def to_json(o):
+ return json.dumps(o, indent=1).encode("utf-8")+"\n"
+class ModuleNotFoundError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, requirement_type, requirement_name,
+ used_by, line_number, looked_in):
+ Exception.__init__(self)
+ self.requirement_type = requirement_type # "require" or "define"
+ self.requirement_name = requirement_name # string, what they require()d
+ self.used_by = used_by # string, full path to module which did require()
+ self.line_number = line_number # int, 1-indexed line number of first require()
+ self.looked_in = looked_in # list of full paths to potential .js files
+ def __str__(self):
+ what = "%s(%s)" % (self.requirement_type, self.requirement_name)
+ where = self.used_by
+ if self.line_number is not None:
+ where = "%s:%d" % (self.used_by, self.line_number)
+ searched = "Looked for it in:\n %s\n" % "\n ".join(self.looked_in)
+ return ("ModuleNotFoundError: unable to satisfy: %s from\n"
+ " %s:\n" % (what, where)) + searched
+class BadModuleIdentifier(Exception):
+ pass
+class BadSection(Exception):
+ pass
+class UnreachablePrefixError(Exception):
+ pass
+class ManifestEntry:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.docs_filename = None
+ self.docs_hash = None
+ self.requirements = {}
+ self.datamap = None
+ def get_uri(self, prefix):
+ uri = "%s%s-%s/%s" % \
+ (prefix, self.packageName, self.sectionName, self.moduleName)
+ if not uri.endswith(".js"):
+ uri += ".js"
+ return uri
+ def get_entry_for_manifest(self, prefix):
+ entry = { "packageName": self.packageName,
+ "sectionName": self.sectionName,
+ "moduleName": self.moduleName,
+ "jsSHA256": self.js_hash,
+ "docsSHA256": self.docs_hash,
+ "requirements": {},
+ }
+ for req in self.requirements:
+ if self.requirements[req]:
+ them = self.requirements[req] # this is another ManifestEntry
+ them_uri = them.get_uri(prefix)
+ entry["requirements"][req] = {"uri": them_uri}
+ else:
+ # something magic. The manifest entry indicates that they're
+ # allowed to require() it
+ entry["requirements"][req] = {}
+ if self.datamap:
+ entry["requirements"]["self"] = {
+ "mapSHA256": self.datamap.data_manifest_hash,
+ "mapName": self.packageName+"-data",
+ "dataURIPrefix": "%s%s-data/" % (prefix, self.packageName),
+ }
+ return entry
+ def add_js(self, js_filename):
+ self.js_filename = js_filename
+ self.js_hash = hash_file(js_filename)
+ def add_docs(self, docs_filename):
+ self.docs_filename = docs_filename
+ self.docs_hash = hash_file(docs_filename)
+ def add_requirement(self, reqname, reqdata):
+ self.requirements[reqname] = reqdata
+ def add_data(self, datamap):
+ self.datamap = datamap
+ def get_js_zipname(self):
+ return js_zipname(self.packagename, self.modulename)
+ def get_docs_zipname(self):
+ if self.docs_hash:
+ return docs_zipname(self.packagename, self.modulename)
+ return None
+ # self.js_filename
+ # self.docs_filename
+def hash_file(fn):
+ return hashlib.sha256(open(fn,"rb").read()).hexdigest()
+def get_datafiles(datadir):
+ # yields pathnames relative to DATADIR, ignoring some files
+ for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(datadir):
+ filenames = list(filter_filenames(filenames))
+ # this tells os.walk to prune the search
+ dirnames[:] = filter_dirnames(dirnames)
+ for filename in filenames:
+ fullname = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
+ assert fullname.startswith(datadir+SEP), "%s%s not in %s" % (datadir, SEP, fullname)
+ yield fullname[len(datadir+SEP):]
+class DataMap:
+ # one per package
+ def __init__(self, pkg, uri_prefix):
+ self.pkg = pkg
+ self.name = pkg.name
+ self.files_to_copy = []
+ datamap = {}
+ datadir = os.path.join(pkg.root_dir, "data")
+ for dataname in get_datafiles(datadir):
+ absname = os.path.join(datadir, dataname)
+ zipname = datafile_zipname(pkg.name, dataname)
+ datamap[dataname] = hash_file(absname)
+ self.files_to_copy.append( (zipname, absname) )
+ self.data_manifest = to_json(datamap)
+ self.data_manifest_hash = hashlib.sha256(self.data_manifest).hexdigest()
+ self.data_manifest_zipname = datamap_zipname(pkg.name)
+ self.data_uri_prefix = "%s%s-data/" % (uri_prefix, self.name)
+class BadChromeMarkerError(Exception):
+ pass
+class ModuleInfo:
+ def __init__(self, package, section, name, js, docs):
+ self.package = package
+ self.section = section
+ self.name = name
+ self.js = js
+ self.docs = docs
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash( (self.package.name, self.section, self.name,
+ self.js, self.docs) )
+ def __eq__(self, them):
+ if them.__class__ is not self.__class__:
+ return False
+ if ((them.package.name, them.section, them.name, them.js, them.docs) !=
+ (self.package.name, self.section, self.name, self.js, self.docs) ):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "ModuleInfo [%s %s %s] (%s, %s)" % (self.package.name,
+ self.section,
+ self.name,
+ self.js, self.docs)
+class ManifestBuilder:
+ def __init__(self, target_cfg, pkg_cfg, deps, uri_prefix, extra_modules,
+ stderr=sys.stderr):
+ self.manifest = {} # maps (package,section,module) to ManifestEntry
+ self.target_cfg = target_cfg # the entry point
+ self.pkg_cfg = pkg_cfg # all known packages
+ self.deps = deps # list of package names to search
+ self.used_packagenames = set()
+ self.stderr = stderr
+ self.uri_prefix = uri_prefix
+ self.extra_modules = extra_modules
+ self.modules = {} # maps ModuleInfo to URI in self.manifest
+ self.datamaps = {} # maps package name to DataMap instance
+ self.files = [] # maps manifest index to (absfn,absfn) js/docs pair
+ def build(self, scan_tests):
+ # process the top module, which recurses to process everything it
+ # reaches
+ if "main" in self.target_cfg:
+ self.top_uri = self.process_module(self.find_top(self.target_cfg))
+ if scan_tests:
+ mi = self._find_module_in_package("test-harness", "lib", "run-tests", [])
+ self.process_module(mi)
+ # also scan all test files in all packages that we use. By making
+ # a copy of self.used_packagenames first, we refrain from
+ # processing tests in packages that our own tests depend upon. If
+ # we're running tests for package A, and either modules in A or
+ # tests in A depend upon modules from package B, we *don't* want
+ # to run tests for package B.
+ dirnames = self.target_cfg["tests"]
+ if isinstance(dirnames, basestring):
+ dirnames = [dirnames]
+ dirnames = [os.path.join(self.target_cfg.root_dir, d)
+ for d in dirnames]
+ for d in dirnames:
+ for tname in os.listdir(d):
+ if tname.startswith("test-") and tname.endswith(".js"):
+ #re.search(r'^test-.*\.js$', tname):
+ tmi = ModuleInfo(self.target_cfg, "tests", tname[:-3],
+ os.path.join(d, tname), None)
+ self.process_module(tmi)
+ # include files used by the loader
+ for em in self.extra_modules:
+ (pkgname, section, modname, js) = em
+ mi = ModuleInfo(self.pkg_cfg.packages[pkgname], section, modname,
+ js, None)
+ self.process_module(mi)
+ def get_module_entries(self):
+ return frozenset(self.manifest.values())
+ def get_data_entries(self):
+ return frozenset(self.datamaps.values())
+ def get_used_packages(self):
+ used = set()
+ for index in self.manifest:
+ (package, section, module) = index
+ used.add(package)
+ return sorted(used)
+ def get_used_files(self):
+ # returns all .js files that we reference, plus data/ files. You will
+ # need to add the loader, off-manifest files that it needs, and
+ # generated metadata.
+ for me in self.get_module_entries():
+ yield me.js_filename
+ if me.datamap:
+ for (zipname, absname) in me.datamap.files_to_copy:
+ yield absname
+ def get_harness_options_manifest(self, uri_prefix):
+ manifest = {}
+ for me in self.get_module_entries():
+ uri = me.get_uri(uri_prefix)
+ manifest[uri] = me.get_entry_for_manifest(uri_prefix)
+ return manifest
+ def get_manifest_entry(self, package, section, module):
+ index = (package, section, module)
+ if index not in self.manifest:
+ m = self.manifest[index] = ManifestEntry()
+ m.packageName = package
+ m.sectionName = section
+ m.moduleName = module
+ self.used_packagenames.add(package)
+ return self.manifest[index]
+ def uri_name_from_path(self, pkg, fn):
+ # given a filename like .../pkg1/lib/bar/foo.js, and a package
+ # specification (with a .root_dir like ".../pkg1" and a .lib list of
+ # paths where .lib[0] is like "lib"), return the appropriate NAME
+ # that can be put into a URI like resource://JID-pkg1-lib/NAME . This
+ # will throw an exception if the file is outside of the lib/
+ # directory, since that means we can't construct a URI that points to
+ # it.
+ #
+ # This should be a lot easier, and shouldn't fail when the file is in
+ # the root of the package. Both should become possible when the XPI
+ # is rearranged and our URI scheme is simplified.
+ fn = os.path.abspath(fn)
+ pkglib = pkg.lib[0]
+ libdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pkg.root_dir, pkglib))
+ # AARGH, section and name! we need to reverse-engineer a
+ # ModuleInfo instance that will produce a URI (in the form
+ # PREFIX/PKGNAME-SECTION/JS) that will map to the existing file.
+ # Until we fix URI generation to get rid of "sections", this is
+ # limited to files in the same .directories.lib as the rest of
+ # the package uses. So if the package's main files are in lib/,
+ # but the main.js is in the package root, there is no URI we can
+ # construct that will point to it, and we must fail.
+ #
+ # This will become much easier (and the failure case removed)
+ # when we get rid of sections and change the URIs to look like
+ # AARGH 2, allowing .lib to be a list is really getting in the
+ # way. That needs to go away eventually too.
+ if not fn.startswith(libdir):
+ raise UnreachablePrefixError("Sorry, but the 'main' file (%s) in package %s is outside that package's 'lib' directory (%s), so I cannot construct a URI to reach it."
+ % (fn, pkg.name, pkglib))
+ name = fn[len(libdir):].lstrip(SEP)[:-len(".js")]
+ return name
+ def parse_main(self, root_dir, main, check_lib_dir=None):
+ # 'main' can be like one of the following:
+ # a: ./lib/main.js b: ./lib/main c: lib/main
+ # we require it to be a path to the file, though, and ignore the
+ # .directories stuff. So just "main" is insufficient if you really
+ # want something in a "lib/" subdirectory.
+ if main.endswith(".js"):
+ main = main[:-len(".js")]
+ if main.startswith("./"):
+ main = main[len("./"):]
+ # package.json must always use "/", but on windows we'll replace that
+ # with "\" before using it as an actual filename
+ main = os.sep.join(main.split("/"))
+ paths = [os.path.join(root_dir, main+".js")]
+ if check_lib_dir is not None:
+ paths.append(os.path.join(root_dir, check_lib_dir, main+".js"))
+ return paths
+ def find_top_js(self, target_cfg):
+ for libdir in target_cfg.lib:
+ for n in self.parse_main(target_cfg.root_dir, target_cfg.main,
+ libdir):
+ if os.path.exists(n):
+ return n
+ raise KeyError("unable to find main module '%s.js' in top-level package" % target_cfg.main)
+ def find_top(self, target_cfg):
+ top_js = self.find_top_js(target_cfg)
+ n = os.path.join(target_cfg.root_dir, "README.md")
+ if os.path.exists(n):
+ top_docs = n
+ else:
+ top_docs = None
+ name = self.uri_name_from_path(target_cfg, top_js)
+ return ModuleInfo(target_cfg, "lib", name, top_js, top_docs)
+ def process_module(self, mi):
+ pkg = mi.package
+ #print "ENTERING", pkg.name, mi.name
+ # mi.name must be fully-qualified
+ assert (not mi.name.startswith("./") and
+ not mi.name.startswith("../"))
+ # create and claim the manifest row first
+ me = self.get_manifest_entry(pkg.name, mi.section, mi.name)
+ me.add_js(mi.js)
+ if mi.docs:
+ me.add_docs(mi.docs)
+ js_lines = open(mi.js,"r").readlines()
+ requires, problems, locations = scan_module(mi.js,js_lines,self.stderr)
+ if mi.section == "tests":
+ requires["chrome"] = {}
+ if problems:
+ # the relevant instructions have already been written to stderr
+ raise BadChromeMarkerError()
+ # We update our requirements on the way out of the depth-first
+ # traversal of the module graph
+ for reqname in sorted(requires.keys()):
+ if reqname in ("chrome", "loader", "manifest"):
+ me.add_requirement(reqname, None)
+ elif reqname == "self":
+ # this might reference bundled data, so:
+ # 1: hash that data, add the hash as a dependency
+ # 2: arrange for the data to be copied into the XPI later
+ if pkg.name not in self.datamaps:
+ self.datamaps[pkg.name] = DataMap(pkg, self.uri_prefix)
+ dm = self.datamaps[pkg.name]
+ me.add_data(dm) # 'self' is implicit
+ else:
+ # when two modules require() the same name, do they get a
+ # shared instance? This is a deep question. For now say yes.
+ # find_req_for() returns an entry to put in our
+ # 'requirements' dict, and will recursively process
+ # everything transitively required from here. It will also
+ # populate the self.modules[] cache. Note that we must
+ # tolerate cycles in the reference graph.
+ looked_in = [] # populated by subroutines
+ them_me = self.find_req_for(mi, reqname, looked_in)
+ if them_me is None:
+ if mi.section == "tests":
+ # tolerate missing modules in tests, because
+ # test-securable-module.js, and the modules/red.js
+ # that it imports, both do that intentionally
+ continue
+ lineno = locations.get(reqname) # None means define()
+ if lineno is None:
+ reqtype = "define"
+ else:
+ reqtype = "require"
+ err = ModuleNotFoundError(reqtype, reqname,
+ mi.js, lineno, looked_in)
+ raise err
+ else:
+ me.add_requirement(reqname, them_me)
+ return me
+ #print "LEAVING", pkg.name, mi.name
+ def find_req_for(self, from_module, reqname, looked_in):
+ # handle a single require(reqname) statement from from_module .
+ # Return a uri that exists in self.manifest
+ # Populate looked_in with places we looked.
+ def BAD(msg):
+ return BadModuleIdentifier(msg + " in require(%s) from %s" %
+ (reqname, from_module))
+ if not reqname:
+ raise BAD("no actual modulename")
+ # Allow things in tests/*.js to require both test code and real code.
+ # But things in lib/*.js can only require real code.
+ if from_module.section == "tests":
+ lookfor_sections = ["tests", "lib"]
+ elif from_module.section == "lib":
+ lookfor_sections = ["lib"]
+ else:
+ raise BadSection(from_module.section)
+ modulename = from_module.name
+ #print " %s require(%s))" % (from_module, reqname)
+ bits = reqname.split("/")
+ if reqname.startswith("./") or reqname.startswith("../"):
+ # 1: they want something relative to themselves, always from
+ # their own package
+ them = modulename.split("/")[:-1]
+ while bits[0] in (".", ".."):
+ if not bits:
+ raise BAD("no actual modulename")
+ if bits[0] == "..":
+ if not them:
+ raise BAD("too many ..")
+ them.pop()
+ bits.pop(0)
+ bits = them+bits
+ lookfor_pkg = from_module.package.name
+ lookfor_mod = "/".join(bits)
+ return self._get_module_from_package(lookfor_pkg,
+ lookfor_sections, lookfor_mod,
+ looked_in)
+ # non-relative import. Might be a short name (requiring a search
+ # through "library" packages), or a fully-qualified one.
+ if "/" in reqname:
+ # 2: PKG/MOD: find PKG, look inside for MOD
+ lookfor_pkg = bits[0]
+ lookfor_mod = "/".join(bits[1:])
+ mi = self._get_module_from_package(lookfor_pkg,
+ lookfor_sections, lookfor_mod,
+ looked_in)
+ if mi: # caution, 0==None
+ return mi
+ else:
+ # 3: try finding PKG, if found, use its main.js entry point
+ lookfor_pkg = reqname
+ mi = self._get_entrypoint_from_package(lookfor_pkg, looked_in)
+ if mi:
+ return mi
+ # 4: search packages for MOD or MODPARENT/MODCHILD. We always search
+ # their own package first, then the list of packages defined by their
+ # .dependencies list
+ from_pkg = from_module.package.name
+ return self._search_packages_for_module(from_pkg,
+ lookfor_sections, reqname,
+ looked_in)
+ def _handle_module(self, mi):
+ if not mi:
+ return None
+ # we tolerate cycles in the reference graph, which means we need to
+ # populate the self.modules cache before recursing into
+ # process_module() . We must also check the cache first, so recursion
+ # can terminate.
+ if mi in self.modules:
+ return self.modules[mi]
+ # this creates the entry
+ new_entry = self.get_manifest_entry(mi.package.name, mi.section, mi.name)
+ # and populates the cache
+ self.modules[mi] = new_entry
+ self.process_module(mi)
+ return new_entry
+ def _get_module_from_package(self, pkgname, sections, modname, looked_in):
+ if pkgname not in self.pkg_cfg.packages:
+ return None
+ mi = self._find_module_in_package(pkgname, sections, modname,
+ looked_in)
+ return self._handle_module(mi)
+ def _get_entrypoint_from_package(self, pkgname, looked_in):
+ if pkgname not in self.pkg_cfg.packages:
+ return None
+ pkg = self.pkg_cfg.packages[pkgname]
+ main = pkg.get("main", None)
+ if not main:
+ return None
+ for js in self.parse_main(pkg.root_dir, main):
+ looked_in.append(js)
+ if os.path.exists(js):
+ section = "lib"
+ name = self.uri_name_from_path(pkg, js)
+ docs = None
+ mi = ModuleInfo(pkg, section, name, js, docs)
+ return self._handle_module(mi)
+ return None
+ def _search_packages_for_module(self, from_pkg, sections, reqname,
+ looked_in):
+ searchpath = [] # list of package names
+ searchpath.append(from_pkg) # search self first
+ us = self.pkg_cfg.packages[from_pkg]
+ if 'dependencies' in us:
+ # only look in dependencies
+ searchpath.extend(us['dependencies'])
+ else:
+ # they didn't declare any dependencies (or they declared an empty
+ # list, but we'll treat that as not declaring one, because it's
+ # easier), so look in all deps, sorted alphabetically, so
+ # addon-kit comes first. Note that self.deps includes all
+ # packages found by traversing the ".dependencies" lists in each
+ # package.json, starting from the main addon package, plus
+ # everything added by --extra-packages
+ searchpath.extend(sorted(self.deps))
+ for pkgname in searchpath:
+ mi = self._find_module_in_package(pkgname, sections, reqname,
+ looked_in)
+ if mi:
+ return self._handle_module(mi)
+ return None
+ def _find_module_in_package(self, pkgname, sections, name, looked_in):
+ # require("a/b/c") should look at ...\a\b\c.js on windows
+ filename = os.sep.join(name.split("/"))
+ # normalize filename, make sure that we do not add .js if it already has
+ # it.
+ if not filename.endswith(".js"):
+ filename += ".js"
+ basename = filename[:-3]
+ pkg = self.pkg_cfg.packages[pkgname]
+ if isinstance(sections, basestring):
+ sections = [sections]
+ for section in sections:
+ for sdir in pkg.get(section, []):
+ js = os.path.join(pkg.root_dir, sdir, filename)
+ looked_in.append(js)
+ if os.path.exists(js):
+ docs = None
+ maybe_docs = os.path.join(pkg.root_dir, "docs",
+ basename+".md")
+ if section == "lib" and os.path.exists(maybe_docs):
+ docs = maybe_docs
+ return ModuleInfo(pkg, section, name, js, docs)
+ return None
+def build_manifest(target_cfg, pkg_cfg, deps, uri_prefix, scan_tests,
+ extra_modules=[]):
+ """
+ Perform recursive dependency analysis starting from entry_point,
+ building up a manifest of modules that need to be included in the XPI.
+ Each entry will map require() names to the URL of the module that will
+ be used to satisfy that dependency. The manifest will be used by the
+ runtime's require() code.
+ This returns a ManifestBuilder object, with two public methods. The
+ first, get_module_entries(), returns a set of ManifestEntry objects, each
+ of which can be asked for the following:
+ * its contribution to the harness-options.json '.manifest'
+ * the local disk name
+ * the name in the XPI at which it should be placed
+ The second is get_data_entries(), which returns a set of DataEntry
+ objects, each of which has:
+ * local disk name
+ * name in the XPI
+ note: we don't build the XPI here, but our manifest is passed to the
+ code which does, so it knows what to copy into the XPI.
+ """
+ mxt = ManifestBuilder(target_cfg, pkg_cfg, deps, uri_prefix, extra_modules)
+ mxt.build(scan_tests)
+ return mxt
+COMMENT_PREFIXES = ["//", "/*", "*", "dump("]
+REQUIRE_RE = r"(?<![\'\"])require\s*\(\s*[\'\"]([^\'\"]+?)[\'\"]\s*\)"
+# detect the define idiom of the form:
+# define("module name", ["dep1", "dep2", "dep3"], function() {})
+# by capturing the contents of the list in a group.
+DEF_RE = re.compile(r"(require|define)\s*\(\s*([\'\"][^\'\"]+[\'\"]\s*,)?\s*\[([^\]]+)\]")
+# Out of the async dependencies, do not allow quotes in them.
+DEF_RE_ALLOWED = re.compile(r"^[\'\"][^\'\"]+[\'\"]$")
+def scan_requirements_with_grep(fn, lines):
+ requires = {}
+ first_location = {}
+ for (lineno0, line) in enumerate(lines):
+ for clause in line.split(";"):
+ clause = clause.strip()
+ iscomment = False
+ for commentprefix in COMMENT_PREFIXES:
+ if clause.startswith(commentprefix):
+ iscomment = True
+ if iscomment:
+ continue
+ mo = re.search(REQUIRE_RE, clause)
+ if mo:
+ modname = mo.group(1)
+ requires[modname] = {}
+ if modname not in first_location:
+ first_location[modname] = lineno0+1
+ # define() can happen across multiple lines, so join everyone up.
+ wholeshebang = "\n".join(lines)
+ for match in DEF_RE.finditer(wholeshebang):
+ # this should net us a list of string literals separated by commas
+ for strbit in match.group(3).split(","):
+ strbit = strbit.strip()
+ # There could be a trailing comma netting us just whitespace, so
+ # filter that out. Make sure that only string values with
+ # quotes around them are allowed, and no quotes are inside
+ # the quoted value.
+ if strbit and DEF_RE_ALLOWED.match(strbit):
+ modname = strbit[1:-1]
+ if modname not in ["exports"]:
+ requires[modname] = {}
+ # joining all the lines means we lose line numbers, so we
+ # can't fill first_location[]
+ return requires, first_location
+ (re.compile(r"Components\.classes"), "Cc"),
+ (re.compile(r"Components\.interfaces"), "Ci"),
+ (re.compile(r"Components\.utils"), "Cu"),
+ (re.compile(r"Components\.results"), "Cr"),
+ (re.compile(r"Components\.manager"), "Cm"),
+ ]
+OTHER_CHROME = re.compile(r"Components\.[a-zA-Z]")
+def scan_for_bad_chrome(fn, lines, stderr):
+ problems = False
+ old_chrome = set() # i.e. "Cc" when we see "Components.classes"
+ old_chrome_lines = [] # list of (lineno, line.strip()) tuples
+ for lineno,line in enumerate(lines):
+ # note: this scanner is not obligated to spot all possible forms of
+ # chrome access. The scanner is detecting voluntary requests for
+ # chrome. Runtime tools will enforce allowance or denial of access.
+ line = line.strip()
+ iscomment = False
+ for commentprefix in COMMENT_PREFIXES:
+ if line.startswith(commentprefix):
+ iscomment = True
+ break
+ if iscomment:
+ continue
+ old_chrome_in_this_line = set()
+ for (regexp,alias) in CHROME_ALIASES:
+ if regexp.search(line):
+ old_chrome_in_this_line.add(alias)
+ if not old_chrome_in_this_line:
+ if OTHER_CHROME.search(line):
+ old_chrome_in_this_line.add("components")
+ old_chrome.update(old_chrome_in_this_line)
+ if old_chrome_in_this_line:
+ old_chrome_lines.append( (lineno+1, line) )
+ if old_chrome:
+ print >>stderr, """
+The following lines from file %(fn)s:
+use 'Components' to access chrome authority. To do so, you need to add a
+line somewhat like the following:
+ const {%(needs)s} = require("chrome");
+Then you can use 'Components' as well as any shortcuts to its properties
+that you import from the 'chrome' module ('Cc', 'Ci', 'Cm', 'Cr', and
+'Cu' for the 'classes', 'interfaces', 'manager', 'results', and 'utils'
+properties, respectively).
+(Note: once bug 636145 is fixed, to access 'Components' directly you'll
+need to retrieve it from the 'chrome' module by adding it to the list of
+symbols you import from the module. To avoid having to make this change
+in the future, replace all occurrences of 'Components' in your code with
+the equivalent shortcuts now.)
+""" % { "fn": fn, "needs": ",".join(sorted(old_chrome)),
+ "lines": "\n".join([" %3d: %s" % (lineno,line)
+ for (lineno, line) in old_chrome_lines]),
+ }
+ problems = True
+ return problems
+def scan_module(fn, lines, stderr=sys.stderr):
+ filename = os.path.basename(fn)
+ requires, locations = scan_requirements_with_grep(fn, lines)
+ if filename == "cuddlefish.js" or filename == "securable-module.js":
+ # these are the loader: don't scan for chrome
+ problems = False
+ elif "chrome" in requires:
+ # if they declare require("chrome"), we tolerate the use of
+ # Components (see bug 663541 for rationale)
+ problems = False
+ else:
+ problems = scan_for_bad_chrome(fn, lines, stderr)
+ return requires, problems, locations
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ for fn in sys.argv[1:]:
+ requires, problems, locations = scan_module(fn, open(fn).readlines())
+ print
+ print "---", fn
+ if problems:
+ print "PROBLEMS"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print "requires: %s" % (",".join(sorted(requires.keys())))
+ print "locations: %s" % locations