path: root/tools/addon-sdk-1.12/lib/sdk/core/promise.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/addon-sdk-1.12/lib/sdk/core/promise.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.12/lib/sdk/core/promise.js b/tools/addon-sdk-1.12/lib/sdk/core/promise.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2506c80..0000000
--- a/tools/addon-sdk-1.12/lib/sdk/core/promise.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab */
-/*jshint asi: true undef: true es5: true node: true browser: true devel: true
- forin: true latedef: false */
-/*global define: true, Cu: true, __URI__: true */
-;(function(id, factory) { // Module boilerplate :(
- if (typeof(define) === 'function') { // RequireJS
- define(factory);
- } else if (typeof(require) === 'function') { // CommonJS
- factory.call(this, require, exports, module);
- } else if (~String(this).indexOf('BackstagePass')) { // JSM
- factory(function require(uri) {
- var imports = {};
- this['Components'].utils.import(uri, imports);
- return imports;
- }, this, { uri: __URI__, id: id });
- this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = Object.keys(this);
- } else { // Browser or alike
- var globals = this
- factory(function require(id) {
- return globals[id];
- }, (globals[id] = {}), { uri: document.location.href + '#' + id, id: id });
- }
-}).call(this, 'loader', function(require, exports, module) {
-'use strict';
-module.metadata = {
- "stability": "unstable"
-function resolution(value) {
- /**
- Returns non-standard compliant (`then` does not returns a promise) promise
- that resolves to a given `value`. Used just internally only.
- **/
- return { then: function then(resolve) { resolve(value) } }
-function rejection(reason) {
- /**
- Returns non-standard compliant promise (`then` does not returns a promise)
- that rejects with a given `reason`. This is used internally only.
- **/
- return { then: function then(resolve, reject) { reject(reason) } }
-function attempt(f) {
- /**
- Returns wrapper function that delegates to `f`. If `f` throws then captures
- error and returns promise that rejects with a thrown error. Otherwise returns
- return value. (Internal utility)
- **/
- return function effort(options) {
- try { return f(options) }
- catch(error) { return rejection(error) }
- }
-function isPromise(value) {
- /**
- Returns true if given `value` is promise. Value is assumed to be promise if
- it implements `then` method.
- **/
- return value && typeof(value.then) === 'function'
-function defer(prototype) {
- /**
- Returns object containing following properties:
- - `promise` Eventual value representation implementing CommonJS [Promises/A]
- (http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Promises/A) API.
- - `resolve` Single shot function that resolves returned `promise` with a given
- `value` argument.
- - `reject` Single shot function that rejects returned `promise` with a given
- `reason` argument.
- Given `prototype` argument is used as a prototype of the returned `promise`
- allowing one to implement additional API. If prototype is not passed then
- it falls back to `Object.prototype`.
- ## Examples
- // Simple usage.
- var deferred = defer()
- deferred.promise.then(console.log, console.error)
- deferred.resolve(value)
- // Advanced usage
- var prototype = {
- get: function get(name) {
- return this.then(function(value) {
- return value[name];
- })
- }
- }
- var foo = defer(prototype)
- deferred.promise.get('name').then(console.log)
- deferred.resolve({ name: 'Foo' })
- //=> 'Foo'
- */
- var pending = [], result
- prototype = (prototype || prototype === null) ? prototype : Object.prototype
- // Create an object implementing promise API.
- var promise = Object.create(prototype, {
- then: { value: function then(resolve, reject) {
- // create a new deferred using a same `prototype`.
- var deferred = defer(prototype)
- // If `resolve / reject` callbacks are not provided.
- resolve = resolve ? attempt(resolve) : resolution
- reject = reject ? attempt(reject) : rejection
- // Create a listeners for a enclosed promise resolution / rejection that
- // delegate to an actual callbacks and resolve / reject returned promise.
- function resolved(value) { deferred.resolve(resolve(value)) }
- function rejected(reason) { deferred.resolve(reject(reason)) }
- // If promise is pending register listeners. Otherwise forward them to
- // resulting resolution.
- if (pending) pending.push([ resolved, rejected ])
- else result.then(resolved, rejected)
- return deferred.promise
- }}
- })
- var deferred = {
- promise: promise,
- resolve: function resolve(value) {
- /**
- Resolves associated `promise` to a given `value`, unless it's already
- resolved or rejected.
- **/
- if (pending) {
- // store resolution `value` as a promise (`value` itself may be a
- // promise), so that all subsequent listeners can be forwarded to it,
- // which either resolves immediately or forwards if `value` is
- // a promise.
- result = isPromise(value) ? value : resolution(value)
- // forward all pending observers.
- while (pending.length) result.then.apply(result, pending.shift())
- // mark promise as resolved.
- pending = null
- }
- },
- reject: function reject(reason) {
- /**
- Rejects associated `promise` with a given `reason`, unless it's already
- resolved / rejected.
- **/
- deferred.resolve(rejection(reason))
- }
- }
- return deferred
-exports.defer = defer
-function resolve(value, prototype) {
- /**
- Returns a promise resolved to a given `value`. Optionally second `prototype`
- arguments my be provided to be used as a prototype for a returned promise.
- **/
- var deferred = defer(prototype)
- deferred.resolve(value)
- return deferred.promise
-exports.resolve = resolve
-function reject(reason, prototype) {
- /**
- Returns a promise that is rejected with a given `reason`. Optionally second
- `prototype` arguments my be provided to be used as a prototype for a returned
- promise.
- **/
- var deferred = defer(prototype)
- deferred.reject(reason)
- return deferred.promise
-exports.reject = reject
-var promised = (function() {
- // Note: Define shortcuts and utility functions here in order to avoid
- // slower property accesses and unnecessary closure creations on each
- // call of this popular function.
- var call = Function.call
- var concat = Array.prototype.concat
- // Utility function that does following:
- // execute([ f, self, args...]) => f.apply(self, args)
- function execute(args) { return call.apply(call, args) }
- // Utility function that takes promise of `a` array and maybe promise `b`
- // as arguments and returns promise for `a.concat(b)`.
- function promisedConcat(promises, unknown) {
- return promises.then(function(values) {
- return resolve(unknown).then(function(value) {
- return values.concat([ value ])
- })
- })
- }
- return function promised(f, prototype) {
- /**
- Returns a wrapped `f`, which when called returns a promise that resolves to
- `f(...)` passing all the given arguments to it, which by the way may be
- promises. Optionally second `prototype` argument may be provided to be used
- a prototype for a returned promise.
- ## Example
- var promise = promised(Array)(1, promise(2), promise(3))
- promise.then(console.log) // => [ 1, 2, 3 ]
- **/
- return function promised() {
- // create array of [ f, this, args... ]
- return concat.apply([ f, this ], arguments).
- // reduce it via `promisedConcat` to get promised array of fulfillments
- reduce(promisedConcat, resolve([], prototype)).
- // finally map that to promise of `f.apply(this, args...)`
- then(execute)
- }
- }
-exports.promised = promised