path: root/exampleData/ruleSets/language-processing/jspos/sample.html
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+<title>Untitled Document</title>
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+<script type="text/javascript" src="POSTagger.js"></script>
+The below text is taken from <a href="http://www.archive.org/stream/cm56b10/cm56b10.txt">Memoirs of the Court of St. Cloud</a>
+<h3>Sample Text</h3>
+<div id="input_text">
+Bonaparte has been as profuse in his disposal of the Imperial
+diadem of Germany, as in his promises of the papal tiara of Rome. The
+Houses of Austria and Brandenburgh, the Electors of Bavaria and Baden,
+have by turns been cajoled into a belief of his exclusive support towards
+obtaining it at the first vacancy. Those, however, who have paid
+attention to his machinations, and studied his actions; who remember his
+pedantic affectation of being considered a modern, or rather a second
+Charlemagne; and who have traced his steps through the labyrinth of folly
+and wickedness, of meanness and greatness, of art, corruption, and
+policy, which have seated him on the present throne, can entertain little
+doubt but that he is seriously bent on seizing and adding the sceptre of
+Germany to the crowns of France and Italy.
+During his stay last autumn at Mentz, all those German Electors who had
+spirit and dignity enough to refuse to attend on him there in person were
+obliged to send Extraordinary Ambassadors to wait on him, and to
+compliment him on their part. Though hardly one corner of the veil that
+covered the intrigues going forward there is yet lifted up, enough is
+already seen to warn Europe and alarm the world. The secret treaties he
+concluded there with most of the petty Princes of Germany, against the
+Chief of the German Empire which not only entirely detached them from
+their country and its legitimate Sovereign, but made their individual
+interests hostile and totally opposite to that of the German
+Commonwealth, transforming them also from independent Princes into
+vassals of France, both directly increased has already gigantic power,
+and indirectly encouraged him to extend it beyond what his most sanguine
+expectation had induced him to hope. I do not make this assertion from a
+mere supposition in consequence of ulterior occurrences. At a supper
+with Madame Talleyrand last March, I heard her husband, in a gay,
+unguarded, or perhaps premeditated moment, say, when mentioning his
+proposed journey to Italy:
+"I prepared myself to pass the Alps last October at Mentz. The first
+ground-stone of the throne of Italy was, strange as it may seem, laid on
+the banks of the Rhine: with such an extensive foundation, it must be
+difficult to shake, and impossible to overturn it."
+We were, in the whole, twenty-five persons at table when he spoke thus,
+many of whom, he well knew, were intimately acquainted both with the
+Austrian and Prussian Ambassadors, who by the bye, both on the next day
+sent couriers to their respective Courts.
+The French Revolution is neither seen in Germany in that dangerous light
+which might naturally be expected from the sufferings in which it has
+involved both Princes and subjects, nor are its future effects dreaded
+from its past enormities. The cause of this impolitic and anti-patriotic
+apathy is to be looked for in the palaces of Sovereigns, and not in the
+dwellings of their people. There exists hardly a single German Prince
+whose Ministers, courtiers and counsellors are not numbered, and have
+long been notorious among the anti-social conspirators, the Illuminati:
+most of them are knaves of abilities, who have usurped the easy direction
+of ignorance, or forced themselves as guides on weakness or folly, which
+bow to their charlatanism as if it was sublimity, and hail their
+sophistry and imposture as inspiration.
+Among Princes thus encompassed, the Elector of Bavaria must be allowed
+the first place. A younger brother of a younger branch, and a colonel in
+the service of Louis XVI., he neither acquired by education, nor
+inherited from nature, any talent to reign, nor possessed any one quality
+that fitted him for a higher situation than the head of a regiment or a
+lady's drawing-room. He made himself justly suspected of a moral
+corruption, as well as of a natural incapacity, when he announced his
+approbation of the Revolution against his benefactor, the late King of
+France, who, besides a regiment, had also given him a yearly pension of
+one hundred thousand livres. Immediately after his unexpected accession
+to the Electorate of Bavaria, he concluded a subsidiary treaty with your
+country, and his troops were ordered to combat rebellion, under the
+standard of Austrian loyalty. For some months it was believed that the
+Elector wished by his conduct to obliterate the memory of the errors,
+vices, and principles of the Duc de Deux-Ponts (his former title). But
+placing all his confidence in a political adventurer and revolutionary
+fanatic, Montgelas, without either consistency or firmness, without being
+either bent upon information or anxious about popularity, he threw the
+whole burden of State on the shoulders of this dangerous man, who soon
+showed the world that his master, by his first treaties, intended only to
+pocket your money without serving your cause or interest.
+This Montgelas is, on account of his cunning and long standing among
+them, worshipped by the gang of German Illuminati as an idol rather than
+revered as an apostle. He is their Baal, before whom they hope to oblige
+all nations upon earth to prostrate themselves as soon as infidelity has
+entirely banished Christianity; for the Illuminati do not expect to reign
+till the last Christian is buried under the rubbish of the last altar of
+Christ. It is not the fault of Montgelas if such an event has not
+already occurred in the Electorate of Bavaria.
+Within six months after the Treaty of Lundville, Montgelas began in that
+country his political and religious innovations. The nobility and the
+clergy were equally attacked; the privileges of the former were invaded,
+and the property of the latter confiscated; and had not his zeal carried
+him too far, so as to alarm our new nobles, our new men of property, and
+new Christians, it is very probable that atheism would have already,
+without opposition, reared its head in the midst of Germany, and
+proclaimed there the rights of man, and the code of liberty and equality.
+The inhabitants of Bavaria are, as you know, all Roman Catholics, and the
+most superstitious and ignorant Catholics of Germany. The step is but
+short from superstition to infidelity; and ignorance has furnished in
+France more sectaries of atheism than perversity. The Illuminati,
+brothers and friends of Montgelas, have not been idle in that country.
+Their writings have perverted those who had no opportunity to hear their
+speeches, or to witness their example; and I am assured by Count von
+Beust, who travelled in Bavaria last year, that their progress among the
+lower classes is astonishing, considering the short period these
+emissaries have laboured. To any one looking on the map of the
+Continent, and acquainted with the spirit of our times, this impious
+focus of illumination must be ominous.
+Among the members of the foreign diplomatic corps, there exists not the
+least doubt but that this Montgelas, as well as Bonaparte's Minister at
+Munich, Otto, was acquainted with the treacherous part Mehde de la Touche
+played against your Minister, Drake; and that it was planned between him
+and Talleyrand as the surest means to break off all political connections
+between your country and Bavaria. Mr. Drake was personally liked by the
+Elector, and was not inattentive either to the plans and views of
+Montgelas or to the intrigues of Otto. They were, therefore, both doubly
+interested to remove such a troublesome witness.
+M. de Montgelas is now a grand officer of Bonaparte's Legion of Honour,
+and he is one of the few foreigners nominated the most worthy of such a
+distinction. In France he would have been an acquisition either to the
+factions of a Murat, of a Brissot, or of a Robespierre; and the Goddess
+of Reason, as well as the God of the Theophilanthropists, might have been
+sure of counting him among their adorers. At the clubs of the Jacobins
+or Cordeliers, in the fraternal societies, or in a revolutionary
+tribunal; in the Committee of Public Safety, or in the council chamber of
+the Directory, he would equally have made himself notorious and been
+equally in his place. A stoic sans-culotte under Du Clots, a stanch
+republican under Robespierre, he would now have been the most pliant and
+brilliant courtier of Bonaparte.
+<h3>Tagged Sample Text</h3>
+<div id="tagged_text"></div>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+// Note the \ at the end of the first line
+var words = new Lexer().lex(document.getElementById("input_text").innerHTML);
+var taggedWords = new POSTagger().tag(words);
+var result = "";
+for (i in taggedWords) {
+ var taggedWord = taggedWords[i];
+ var word = taggedWord[0];
+ var tag = taggedWord[1];
+ // Note the use of document.writeln instead of print
+ result += (word + " /" + tag + "<br/>");
+document.getElementById("tagged_text").innerHTML = result;
+</html> \ No newline at end of file