path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/third_party/closure/goog/dojo/dom/.svn/text-base/query.js.svn-base
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Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/third_party/closure/goog/dojo/dom/.svn/text-base/query.js.svn-base')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1535 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/third_party/closure/goog/dojo/dom/.svn/text-base/query.js.svn-base b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/third_party/closure/goog/dojo/dom/.svn/text-base/query.js.svn-base
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index d6406df..0000000
--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/third_party/closure/goog/dojo/dom/.svn/text-base/query.js.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1535 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2005-2009, The Dojo Foundation
-// Modifications Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors.
-// All Rights Reserved.
- * @license Portions of this code are from the Dojo Toolkit, received by
- * The Closure Library Authors under the BSD license. All other code is
- * Copyright 2005-2009 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-The "New" BSD License:
-Copyright (c) 2005-2009, The Dojo Foundation
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * Neither the name of the Dojo Foundation nor the names of its contributors
- may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- without specific prior written permission.
- * @fileoverview This code was ported from the Dojo Toolkit
- http://dojotoolkit.org and modified slightly for Closure.
- *
- * goog.dom.query is a relatively full-featured CSS3 query function. It is
- * designed to take any valid CSS3 selector and return the nodes matching
- * the selector. To do this quickly, it processes queries in several
- * steps, applying caching where profitable.
- * The steps (roughly in reverse order of the way they appear in the code):
- * 1.) check to see if we already have a "query dispatcher"
- * - if so, use that with the given parameterization. Skip to step 4.
- * 2.) attempt to determine which branch to dispatch the query to:
- * - JS (optimized DOM iteration)
- * - native (FF3.1, Safari 3.2+, Chrome, some IE 8 doctypes). If native,
- * skip to step 4, using a stub dispatcher for QSA queries.
- * 3.) tokenize and convert to executable "query dispatcher"
- * assembled as a chain of "yes/no" test functions pertaining to
- * a section of a simple query statement (".blah:nth-child(odd)"
- * but not "div div", which is 2 simple statements).
- * 4.) the resulting query dispatcher is called in the passed scope
- * (by default the top-level document)
- * - for DOM queries, this results in a recursive, top-down
- * evaluation of nodes based on each simple query section
- * - querySelectorAll is used instead of DOM where possible. If a query
- * fails in this mode, it is re-run against the DOM evaluator and all
- * future queries using the same selector evaluate against the DOM branch
- * too.
- * 5.) matched nodes are pruned to ensure they are unique
- */
- /**
- * Returns nodes which match the given CSS3 selector, searching the
- * entire document by default but optionally taking a node to scope
- * the search by.
- *
- * dojo.query() is the swiss army knife of DOM node manipulation in
- * Dojo. Much like Prototype's "$$" (bling-bling) function or JQuery's
- * "$" function, dojo.query provides robust, high-performance
- * CSS-based node selector support with the option of scoping searches
- * to a particular sub-tree of a document.
- *
- * Supported Selectors:
- * --------------------
- *
- * dojo.query() supports a rich set of CSS3 selectors, including:
- *
- * * class selectors (e.g., `.foo`)
- * * node type selectors like `span`
- * * ` ` descendant selectors
- * * `>` child element selectors
- * * `#foo` style ID selectors
- * * `*` universal selector
- * * `~`, the immediately preceeded-by sibling selector
- * * `+`, the preceeded-by sibling selector
- * * attribute queries:
- * | * `[foo]` attribute presence selector
- * | * `[foo='bar']` attribute value exact match
- * | * `[foo~='bar']` attribute value list item match
- * | * `[foo^='bar']` attribute start match
- * | * `[foo$='bar']` attribute end match
- * | * `[foo*='bar']` attribute substring match
- * * `:first-child`, `:last-child` positional selectors
- * * `:empty` content emtpy selector
- * * `:empty` content emtpy selector
- * * `:nth-child(n)`, `:nth-child(2n+1)` style positional calculations
- * * `:nth-child(even)`, `:nth-child(odd)` positional selectors
- * * `:not(...)` negation pseudo selectors
- *
- * Any legal combination of these selectors will work with
- * `dojo.query()`, including compound selectors ("," delimited).
- * Very complex and useful searches can be constructed with this
- * palette of selectors.
- *
- * Unsupported Selectors:
- * ----------------------
- *
- * While dojo.query handles many CSS3 selectors, some fall outside of
- * what's resaonable for a programmatic node querying engine to
- * handle. Currently unsupported selectors include:
- *
- * * namespace-differentiated selectors of any form
- * * all `::` pseduo-element selectors
- * * certain pseudo-selectors which don't get a lot of day-to-day use:
- * | * `:root`, `:lang()`, `:target`, `:focus`
- * * all visual and state selectors:
- * | * `:root`, `:active`, `:hover`, `:visisted`, `:link`,
- * `:enabled`, `:disabled`, `:checked`
- * * `:*-of-type` pseudo selectors
- *
- * dojo.query and XML Documents:
- * -----------------------------
- *
- * `dojo.query` currently only supports searching XML documents
- * whose tags and attributes are 100% lower-case. This is a known
- * limitation and will [be addressed soon]
- * (http://trac.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/3866)
- *
- * Non-selector Queries:
- * ---------------------
- *
- * If something other than a String is passed for the query,
- * `dojo.query` will return a new array constructed from
- * that parameter alone and all further processing will stop. This
- * means that if you have a reference to a node or array or nodes, you
- * can quickly construct a new array of nodes from the original by
- * calling `dojo.query(node)` or `dojo.query(array)`.
- *
- * example:
- * search the entire document for elements with the class "foo":
- * | dojo.query(".foo");
- * these elements will match:
- * | <span class="foo"></span>
- * | <span class="foo bar"></span>
- * | <p class="thud foo"></p>
- * example:
- * search the entire document for elements with the classes "foo" *and*
- * "bar":
- * | dojo.query(".foo.bar");
- * these elements will match:
- * | <span class="foo bar"></span>
- * while these will not:
- * | <span class="foo"></span>
- * | <p class="thud foo"></p>
- * example:
- * find `<span>` elements which are descendants of paragraphs and
- * which have a "highlighted" class:
- * | dojo.query("p span.highlighted");
- * the innermost span in this fragment matches:
- * | <p class="foo">
- * | <span>...
- * | <span class="highlighted foo bar">...</span>
- * | </span>
- * | </p>
- * example:
- * find all odd table rows inside of the table
- * `#tabular_data`, using the `>` (direct child) selector to avoid
- * affecting any nested tables:
- * | dojo.query("#tabular_data > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd)");
- *
- * @param {string|Array} query The CSS3 expression to match against.
- * For details on the syntax of CSS3 selectors, see
- * http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#selectors.
- * @param {(string|Node)=} opt_root A Node (or node id) to scope the search
- * from (optional).
- * @return { {length: number} } The elements that matched the query.
- */
-goog.dom.query = (function() {
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Global utilities
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- var cssCaseBug = (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT &&
- ((goog.dom.getDocument().compatMode) == 'BackCompat')
- );
- // On browsers that support the "children" collection we can avoid a lot of
- // iteration on chaff (non-element) nodes.
- var childNodesName = !!goog.dom.getDocument().firstChild['children'] ?
- 'children' :
- 'childNodes';
- var specials = '>~+';
- // Global thunk to determine whether we should treat the current query as
- // case sensitive or not. This switch is flipped by the query evaluator based
- // on the document passed as the context to search.
- var caseSensitive = false;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Tokenizer
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- var getQueryParts = function(query) {
- // summary:
- // state machine for query tokenization
- // description:
- // instead of using a brittle and slow regex-based CSS parser,
- // dojo.query implements an AST-style query representation. This
- // representation is only generated once per query. For example,
- // the same query run multiple times or under different root nodes
- // does not re-parse the selector expression but instead uses the
- // cached data structure. The state machine implemented here
- // terminates on the last " " (space) charachter and returns an
- // ordered array of query component structures (or "parts"). Each
- // part represents an operator or a simple CSS filtering
- // expression. The structure for parts is documented in the code
- // below.
- // NOTE:
- // this code is designed to run fast and compress well. Sacrifices
- // to readibility and maintainability have been made.
- if (specials.indexOf(query.slice(-1)) >= 0) {
- // If we end with a ">", "+", or "~", that means we're implicitly
- // searching all children, so make it explicit.
- query += ' * '
- } else {
- // if you have not provided a terminator, one will be provided for
- // you...
- query += ' ';
- }
- var ts = function(/*Integer*/ s, /*Integer*/ e) {
- // trim and slice.
- // take an index to start a string slice from and an end position
- // and return a trimmed copy of that sub-string
- return goog.string.trim(query.slice(s, e));
- };
- // The overall data graph of the full query, as represented by queryPart
- // objects.
- var queryParts = [];
- // state keeping vars
- var inBrackets = -1,
- inParens = -1,
- inMatchFor = -1,
- inPseudo = -1,
- inClass = -1,
- inId = -1,
- inTag = -1,
- lc = '',
- cc = '',
- pStart;
- // iteration vars
- var x = 0, // index in the query
- ql = query.length,
- currentPart = null, // data structure representing the entire clause
- cp = null; // the current pseudo or attr matcher
- // several temporary variables are assigned to this structure durring a
- // potential sub-expression match:
- // attr:
- // a string representing the current full attribute match in a
- // bracket expression
- // type:
- // if there's an operator in a bracket expression, this is
- // used to keep track of it
- // value:
- // the internals of parenthetical expression for a pseudo. for
- // :nth-child(2n+1), value might be '2n+1'
- var endTag = function() {
- // called when the tokenizer hits the end of a particular tag name.
- // Re-sets state variables for tag matching and sets up the matcher
- // to handle the next type of token (tag or operator).
- if (inTag >= 0) {
- var tv = (inTag == x) ? null : ts(inTag, x);
- if (specials.indexOf(tv) < 0) {
- currentPart.tag = tv;
- } else {
- currentPart.oper = tv;
- }
- inTag = -1;
- }
- };
- var endId = function() {
- // Called when the tokenizer might be at the end of an ID portion of a
- // match.
- if (inId >= 0) {
- currentPart.id = ts(inId, x).replace(/\\/g, '');
- inId = -1;
- }
- };
- var endClass = function() {
- // Called when the tokenizer might be at the end of a class name
- // match. CSS allows for multiple classes, so we augment the
- // current item with another class in its list.
- if (inClass >= 0) {
- currentPart.classes.push(ts(inClass + 1, x).replace(/\\/g, ''));
- inClass = -1;
- }
- };
- var endAll = function() {
- // at the end of a simple fragment, so wall off the matches
- endId(); endTag(); endClass();
- };
- var endPart = function() {
- endAll();
- if (inPseudo >= 0) {
- currentPart.pseudos.push({ name: ts(inPseudo + 1, x) });
- }
- // Hint to the selector engine to tell it whether or not it
- // needs to do any iteration. Many simple selectors don't, and
- // we can avoid significant construction-time work by advising
- // the system to skip them.
- currentPart.loops = currentPart.pseudos.length ||
- currentPart.attrs.length ||
- currentPart.classes.length;
- // save the full expression as a string
- currentPart.oquery = currentPart.query = ts(pStart, x);
- // otag/tag are hints to suggest to the system whether or not
- // it's an operator or a tag. We save a copy of otag since the
- // tag name is cast to upper-case in regular HTML matches. The
- // system has a global switch to figure out if the current
- // expression needs to be case sensitive or not and it will use
- // otag or tag accordingly
- currentPart.otag = currentPart.tag = (currentPart.oper) ?
- null :
- (currentPart.tag || '*');
- if (currentPart.tag) {
- // if we're in a case-insensitive HTML doc, we likely want
- // the toUpperCase when matching on element.tagName. If we
- // do it here, we can skip the string op per node
- // comparison
- currentPart.tag = currentPart.tag.toUpperCase();
- }
- // add the part to the list
- if (queryParts.length && (queryParts[queryParts.length - 1].oper)) {
- // operators are always infix, so we remove them from the
- // list and attach them to the next match. The evaluator is
- // responsible for sorting out how to handle them.
- currentPart.infixOper = queryParts.pop();
- currentPart.query = currentPart.infixOper.query + ' ' +
- currentPart.query;
- }
- queryParts.push(currentPart);
- currentPart = null;
- }
- // iterate over the query, charachter by charachter, building up a
- // list of query part objects
- for (; lc = cc, cc = query.charAt(x), x < ql; x++) {
- // cc: the current character in the match
- // lc: the last charachter (if any)
- // someone is trying to escape something, so don't try to match any
- // fragments. We assume we're inside a literal.
- if (lc == '\\') {
- continue;
- }
- if (!currentPart) { // a part was just ended or none has yet been created
- // NOTE: I hate all this alloc, but it's shorter than writing tons of
- // if's
- pStart = x;
- // rules describe full CSS sub-expressions, like:
- // #someId
- // .className:first-child
- // but not:
- // thinger > div.howdy[type=thinger]
- // the indidual components of the previous query would be
- // split into 3 parts that would be represented a structure
- // like:
- // [
- // {
- // query: 'thinger',
- // tag: 'thinger',
- // },
- // {
- // query: 'div.howdy[type=thinger]',
- // classes: ['howdy'],
- // infixOper: {
- // query: '>',
- // oper: '>',
- // }
- // },
- // ]
- currentPart = {
- query: null, // the full text of the part's rule
- pseudos: [], // CSS supports multiple pseud-class matches in a single
- // rule
- attrs: [], // CSS supports multi-attribute match, so we need an array
- classes: [], // class matches may be additive,
- // e.g.: .thinger.blah.howdy
- tag: null, // only one tag...
- oper: null, // ...or operator per component. Note that these wind up
- // being exclusive.
- id: null, // the id component of a rule
- getTag: function() {
- return (caseSensitive) ? this.otag : this.tag;
- }
- };
- // if we don't have a part, we assume we're going to start at
- // the beginning of a match, which should be a tag name. This
- // might fault a little later on, but we detect that and this
- // iteration will still be fine.
- inTag = x;
- }
- if (inBrackets >= 0) {
- // look for a the close first
- if (cc == ']') { // if we're in a [...] clause and we end, do assignment
- if (!cp.attr) {
- // no attribute match was previously begun, so we
- // assume this is an attribute existance match in the
- // form of [someAttributeName]
- cp.attr = ts(inBrackets + 1, x);
- } else {
- // we had an attribute already, so we know that we're
- // matching some sort of value, as in [attrName=howdy]
- cp.matchFor = ts((inMatchFor || inBrackets + 1), x);
- }
- var cmf = cp.matchFor;
- if (cmf) {
- // try to strip quotes from the matchFor value. We want
- // [attrName=howdy] to match the same
- // as [attrName = 'howdy' ]
- if ((cmf.charAt(0) == '"') || (cmf.charAt(0) == "'")) {
- cp.matchFor = cmf.slice(1, -1);
- }
- }
- // end the attribute by adding it to the list of attributes.
- currentPart.attrs.push(cp);
- cp = null; // necessary?
- inBrackets = inMatchFor = -1;
- } else if (cc == '=') {
- // if the last char was an operator prefix, make sure we
- // record it along with the '=' operator.
- var addToCc = ('|~^$*'.indexOf(lc) >= 0) ? lc : '';
- cp.type = addToCc + cc;
- cp.attr = ts(inBrackets + 1, x - addToCc.length);
- inMatchFor = x + 1;
- }
- // now look for other clause parts
- } else if (inParens >= 0) {
- // if we're in a parenthetical expression, we need to figure
- // out if it's attached to a pseduo-selector rule like
- // :nth-child(1)
- if (cc == ')') {
- if (inPseudo >= 0) {
- cp.value = ts(inParens + 1, x);
- }
- inPseudo = inParens = -1;
- }
- } else if (cc == '#') {
- // start of an ID match
- endAll();
- inId = x + 1;
- } else if (cc == '.') {
- // start of a class match
- endAll();
- inClass = x;
- } else if (cc == ':') {
- // start of a pseudo-selector match
- endAll();
- inPseudo = x;
- } else if (cc == '[') {
- // start of an attribute match.
- endAll();
- inBrackets = x;
- // provide a new structure for the attribute match to fill-in
- cp = {
- /*=====
- attr: null, type: null, matchFor: null
- =====*/
- };
- } else if (cc == '(') {
- // we really only care if we've entered a parenthetical
- // expression if we're already inside a pseudo-selector match
- if (inPseudo >= 0) {
- // provide a new structure for the pseudo match to fill-in
- cp = {
- name: ts(inPseudo + 1, x),
- value: null
- }
- currentPart.pseudos.push(cp);
- }
- inParens = x;
- } else if (
- (cc == ' ') &&
- // if it's a space char and the last char is too, consume the
- // current one without doing more work
- (lc != cc)
- ) {
- endPart();
- }
- }
- return queryParts;
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // DOM query infrastructure
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- var agree = function(first, second) {
- // the basic building block of the yes/no chaining system. agree(f1,
- // f2) generates a new function which returns the boolean results of
- // both of the passed functions to a single logical-anded result. If
- // either are not possed, the other is used exclusively.
- if (!first) {
- return second;
- }
- if (!second) {
- return first;
- }
- return function() {
- return first.apply(window, arguments) && second.apply(window, arguments);
- }
- };
- /**
- * @param {Array=} opt_arr
- */
- function getArr(i, opt_arr) {
- // helps us avoid array alloc when we don't need it
- var r = opt_arr || [];
- if (i) {
- r.push(i);
- }
- return r;
- };
- var isElement = function(n) {
- return (1 == n.nodeType);
- };
- // FIXME: need to coalesce getAttr with defaultGetter
- var blank = '';
- var getAttr = function(elem, attr) {
- if (!elem) {
- return blank;
- }
- if (attr == 'class') {
- return elem.className || blank;
- }
- if (attr == 'for') {
- return elem.htmlFor || blank;
- }
- if (attr == 'style') {
- return elem.style.cssText || blank;
- }
- return (caseSensitive ? elem.getAttribute(attr) :
- elem.getAttribute(attr, 2)) || blank;
- };
- var attrs = {
- '*=': function(attr, value) {
- return function(elem) {
- // E[foo*="bar"]
- // an E element whose "foo" attribute value contains
- // the substring "bar"
- return (getAttr(elem, attr).indexOf(value) >= 0);
- }
- },
- '^=': function(attr, value) {
- // E[foo^="bar"]
- // an E element whose "foo" attribute value begins exactly
- // with the string "bar"
- return function(elem) {
- return (getAttr(elem, attr).indexOf(value) == 0);
- }
- },
- '$=': function(attr, value) {
- // E[foo$="bar"]
- // an E element whose "foo" attribute value ends exactly
- // with the string "bar"
- var tval = ' ' + value;
- return function(elem) {
- var ea = ' ' + getAttr(elem, attr);
- return (ea.lastIndexOf(value) == (ea.length - value.length));
- }
- },
- '~=': function(attr, value) {
- // E[foo~="bar"]
- // an E element whose "foo" attribute value is a list of
- // space-separated values, one of which is exactly equal
- // to "bar"
- var tval = ' ' + value + ' ';
- return function(elem) {
- var ea = ' ' + getAttr(elem, attr) + ' ';
- return (ea.indexOf(tval) >= 0);
- }
- },
- '|=': function(attr, value) {
- // E[hreflang|="en"]
- // an E element whose "hreflang" attribute has a
- // hyphen-separated list of values beginning (from the
- // left) with "en"
- value = ' ' + value;
- return function(elem) {
- var ea = ' ' + getAttr(elem, attr);
- return (
- (ea == value) ||
- (ea.indexOf(value + '-') == 0)
- );
- }
- },
- '=': function(attr, value) {
- return function(elem) {
- return (getAttr(elem, attr) == value);
- }
- }
- };
- // avoid testing for node type if we can. Defining this in the negative
- // here to avoid negation in the fast path.
- var noNextElementSibling = (
- typeof goog.dom.getDocument().firstChild.nextElementSibling == 'undefined'
- );
- var nSibling = !noNextElementSibling ? 'nextElementSibling' : 'nextSibling';
- var pSibling = !noNextElementSibling ?
- 'previousElementSibling' :
- 'previousSibling';
- var simpleNodeTest = (noNextElementSibling ? isElement : goog.functions.TRUE);
- var _lookLeft = function(node) {
- while (node = node[pSibling]) {
- if (simpleNodeTest(node)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- };
- var _lookRight = function(node) {
- while (node = node[nSibling]) {
- if (simpleNodeTest(node)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- };
- var getNodeIndex = function(node) {
- var root = node.parentNode;
- var i = 0,
- tret = root[childNodesName],
- ci = (node['_i'] || -1),
- cl = (root['_l'] || -1);
- if (!tret) {
- return -1;
- }
- var l = tret.length;
- // we calcuate the parent length as a cheap way to invalidate the
- // cache. It's not 100% accurate, but it's much more honest than what
- // other libraries do
- if (cl == l && ci >= 0 && cl >= 0) {
- // if it's legit, tag and release
- return ci;
- }
- // else re-key things
- root['_l'] = l;
- ci = -1;
- var te = root['firstElementChild'] || root['firstChild'];
- for (; te; te = te[nSibling]) {
- if (simpleNodeTest(te)) {
- te['_i'] = ++i;
- if (node === te) {
- // NOTE:
- // shortcuting the return at this step in indexing works
- // very well for benchmarking but we avoid it here since
- // it leads to potential O(n^2) behavior in sequential
- // getNodexIndex operations on a previously un-indexed
- // parent. We may revisit this at a later time, but for
- // now we just want to get the right answer more often
- // than not.
- ci = i;
- }
- }
- }
- return ci;
- };
- var isEven = function(elem) {
- return !((getNodeIndex(elem)) % 2);
- };
- var isOdd = function(elem) {
- return (getNodeIndex(elem)) % 2;
- };
- var pseudos = {
- 'checked': function(name, condition) {
- return function(elem) {
- return elem.checked || elem.attributes['checked'];
- }
- },
- 'first-child': function() {
- return _lookLeft;
- },
- 'last-child': function() {
- return _lookRight;
- },
- 'only-child': function(name, condition) {
- return function(node) {
- if (!_lookLeft(node)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!_lookRight(node)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- };
- },
- 'empty': function(name, condition) {
- return function(elem) {
- // DomQuery and jQuery get this wrong, oddly enough.
- // The CSS 3 selectors spec is pretty explicit about it, too.
- var cn = elem.childNodes;
- var cnl = elem.childNodes.length;
- // if(!cnl) { return true; }
- for (var x = cnl - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
- var nt = cn[x].nodeType;
- if ((nt === 1) || (nt == 3)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- },
- 'contains': function(name, condition) {
- var cz = condition.charAt(0);
- if (cz == '"' || cz == "'") { // Remove quotes.
- condition = condition.slice(1, -1);
- }
- return function(elem) {
- return (elem.innerHTML.indexOf(condition) >= 0);
- }
- },
- 'not': function(name, condition) {
- var p = getQueryParts(condition)[0];
- var ignores = { el: 1 };
- if (p.tag != '*') {
- ignores.tag = 1;
- }
- if (!p.classes.length) {
- ignores.classes = 1;
- }
- var ntf = getSimpleFilterFunc(p, ignores);
- return function(elem) {
- return !ntf(elem);
- }
- },
- 'nth-child': function(name, condition) {
- function pi(n) {
- return parseInt(n, 10);
- }
- // avoid re-defining function objects if we can
- if (condition == 'odd') {
- return isOdd;
- } else if (condition == 'even') {
- return isEven;
- }
- // FIXME: can we shorten this?
- if (condition.indexOf('n') != -1) {
- var tparts = condition.split('n', 2);
- var pred = tparts[0] ? ((tparts[0] == '-') ? -1 : pi(tparts[0])) : 1;
- var idx = tparts[1] ? pi(tparts[1]) : 0;
- var lb = 0, ub = -1;
- if (pred > 0) {
- if (idx < 0) {
- idx = (idx % pred) && (pred + (idx % pred));
- } else if (idx > 0) {
- if (idx >= pred) {
- lb = idx - idx % pred;
- }
- idx = idx % pred;
- }
- } else if (pred < 0) {
- pred *= -1;
- // idx has to be greater than 0 when pred is negative;
- // shall we throw an error here?
- if (idx > 0) {
- ub = idx;
- idx = idx % pred;
- }
- }
- if (pred > 0) {
- return function(elem) {
- var i = getNodeIndex(elem);
- return (i >= lb) && (ub < 0 || i <= ub) && ((i % pred) == idx);
- }
- } else {
- condition = idx;
- }
- }
- var ncount = pi(condition);
- return function(elem) {
- return (getNodeIndex(elem) == ncount);
- }
- }
- };
- var defaultGetter = (goog.userAgent.IE) ? function(cond) {
- var clc = cond.toLowerCase();
- if (clc == 'class') {
- cond = 'className';
- }
- return function(elem) {
- return caseSensitive ? elem.getAttribute(cond) : elem[cond] || elem[clc];
- }
- } : function(cond) {
- return function(elem) {
- return elem && elem.getAttribute && elem.hasAttribute(cond);
- }
- };
- var getSimpleFilterFunc = function(query, ignores) {
- // Generates a node tester function based on the passed query part. The
- // query part is one of the structures generatd by the query parser when it
- // creates the query AST. The 'ignores' object specifies which (if any)
- // tests to skip, allowing the system to avoid duplicating work where it
- // may have already been taken into account by other factors such as how
- // the nodes to test were fetched in the first place.
- if (!query) {
- return goog.functions.TRUE;
- }
- ignores = ignores || {};
- var ff = null;
- if (!ignores.el) {
- ff = agree(ff, isElement);
- }
- if (!ignores.tag) {
- if (query.tag != '*') {
- ff = agree(ff, function(elem) {
- return (elem && (elem.tagName == query.getTag()));
- });
- }
- }
- if (!ignores.classes) {
- goog.array.forEach(query.classes, function(cname, idx, arr) {
- // Get the class name.
- var re = new RegExp('(?:^|\\s)' + cname + '(?:\\s|$)');
- ff = agree(ff, function(elem) {
- return re.test(elem.className);
- });
- ff.count = idx;
- });
- }
- if (!ignores.pseudos) {
- goog.array.forEach(query.pseudos, function(pseudo) {
- var pn = pseudo.name;
- if (pseudos[pn]) {
- ff = agree(ff, pseudos[pn](pn, pseudo.value));
- }
- });
- }
- if (!ignores.attrs) {
- goog.array.forEach(query.attrs, function(attr) {
- var matcher;
- var a = attr.attr;
- // type, attr, matchFor
- if (attr.type && attrs[attr.type]) {
- matcher = attrs[attr.type](a, attr.matchFor);
- } else if (a.length) {
- matcher = defaultGetter(a);
- }
- if (matcher) {
- ff = agree(ff, matcher);
- }
- });
- }
- if (!ignores.id) {
- if (query.id) {
- ff = agree(ff, function(elem) {
- return (!!elem && (elem.id == query.id));
- });
- }
- }
- if (!ff) {
- if (!('default' in ignores)) {
- ff = goog.functions.TRUE;
- }
- }
- return ff;
- };
- var nextSiblingIterator = function(filterFunc) {
- return function(node, ret, bag) {
- while (node = node[nSibling]) {
- if (noNextElementSibling && (!isElement(node))) {
- continue;
- }
- if (
- (!bag || _isUnique(node, bag)) &&
- filterFunc(node)
- ) {
- ret.push(node);
- }
- break;
- }
- return ret;
- };
- };
- var nextSiblingsIterator = function(filterFunc) {
- return function(root, ret, bag) {
- var te = root[nSibling];
- while (te) {
- if (simpleNodeTest(te)) {
- if (bag && !_isUnique(te, bag)) {
- break;
- }
- if (filterFunc(te)) {
- ret.push(te);
- }
- }
- te = te[nSibling];
- }
- return ret;
- };
- };
- // Get an array of child *elements*, skipping text and comment nodes
- var _childElements = function(filterFunc) {
- filterFunc = filterFunc || goog.functions.TRUE;
- return function(root, ret, bag) {
- var te, x = 0, tret = root[childNodesName];
- while (te = tret[x++]) {
- if (
- simpleNodeTest(te) &&
- (!bag || _isUnique(te, bag)) &&
- (filterFunc(te, x))
- ) {
- ret.push(te);
- }
- }
- return ret;
- };
- };
- // test to see if node is below root
- var _isDescendant = function(node, root) {
- var pn = node.parentNode;
- while (pn) {
- if (pn == root) {
- break;
- }
- pn = pn.parentNode;
- }
- return !!pn;
- };
- var _getElementsFuncCache = {};
- var getElementsFunc = function(query) {
- var retFunc = _getElementsFuncCache[query.query];
- // If we've got a cached dispatcher, just use that.
- if (retFunc) {
- return retFunc;
- }
- // Else, generate a new one.
- // NOTE:
- // This function returns a function that searches for nodes and
- // filters them. The search may be specialized by infix operators
- // (">", "~", or "+") else it will default to searching all
- // descendants (the " " selector). Once a group of children is
- // founde, a test function is applied to weed out the ones we
- // don't want. Many common cases can be fast-pathed. We spend a
- // lot of cycles to create a dispatcher that doesn't do more work
- // than necessary at any point since, unlike this function, the
- // dispatchers will be called every time. The logic of generating
- // efficient dispatchers looks like this in pseudo code:
- //
- // # if it's a purely descendant query (no ">", "+", or "~" modifiers)
- // if infixOperator == " ":
- // if only(id):
- // return def(root):
- // return d.byId(id, root);
- //
- // elif id:
- // return def(root):
- // return filter(d.byId(id, root));
- //
- // elif cssClass && getElementsByClassName:
- // return def(root):
- // return filter(root.getElementsByClassName(cssClass));
- //
- // elif only(tag):
- // return def(root):
- // return root.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
- //
- // else:
- // # search by tag name, then filter
- // return def(root):
- // return filter(root.getElementsByTagName(tagName||"*"));
- //
- // elif infixOperator == ">":
- // # search direct children
- // return def(root):
- // return filter(root.children);
- //
- // elif infixOperator == "+":
- // # search next sibling
- // return def(root):
- // return filter(root.nextElementSibling);
- //
- // elif infixOperator == "~":
- // # search rightward siblings
- // return def(root):
- // return filter(nextSiblings(root));
- var io = query.infixOper;
- var oper = (io ? io.oper : '');
- // The default filter func which tests for all conditions in the query
- // part. This is potentially inefficient, so some optimized paths may
- // re-define it to test fewer things.
- var filterFunc = getSimpleFilterFunc(query, { el: 1 });
- var qt = query.tag;
- var wildcardTag = ('*' == qt);
- var ecs = goog.dom.getDocument()['getElementsByClassName'];
- if (!oper) {
- // If there's no infix operator, then it's a descendant query. ID
- // and "elements by class name" variants can be accelerated so we
- // call them out explicitly:
- if (query.id) {
- // Testing shows that the overhead of goog.functions.TRUE() is
- // acceptable and can save us some bytes vs. re-defining the function
- // everywhere.
- filterFunc = (!query.loops && wildcardTag) ?
- goog.functions.TRUE :
- getSimpleFilterFunc(query, { el: 1, id: 1 });
- retFunc = function(root, arr) {
- var te = goog.dom.getDomHelper(root).getElement(query.id);
- if (!te || !filterFunc(te)) {
- return;
- }
- if (9 == root.nodeType) { // If root's a doc, we just return directly.
- return getArr(te, arr);
- } else { // otherwise check ancestry
- if (_isDescendant(te, root)) {
- return getArr(te, arr);
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (
- ecs &&
- // isAlien check. Workaround for Prototype.js being totally evil/dumb.
- /\{\s*\[native code\]\s*\}/.test(String(ecs)) &&
- query.classes.length &&
- // WebKit bug where quirks-mode docs select by class w/o case
- // sensitivity.
- !cssCaseBug
- ) {
- // it's a class-based query and we've got a fast way to run it.
- // ignore class and ID filters since we will have handled both
- filterFunc = getSimpleFilterFunc(query, { el: 1, classes: 1, id: 1 });
- var classesString = query.classes.join(' ');
- retFunc = function(root, arr) {
- var ret = getArr(0, arr), te, x = 0;
- var tret = root.getElementsByClassName(classesString);
- while ((te = tret[x++])) {
- if (filterFunc(te, root)) {
- ret.push(te);
- }
- }
- return ret;
- };
- } else if (!wildcardTag && !query.loops) {
- // it's tag only. Fast-path it.
- retFunc = function(root, arr) {
- var ret = getArr(0, arr), te, x = 0;
- var tret = root.getElementsByTagName(query.getTag());
- while ((te = tret[x++])) {
- ret.push(te);
- }
- return ret;
- };
- } else {
- // the common case:
- // a descendant selector without a fast path. By now it's got
- // to have a tag selector, even if it's just "*" so we query
- // by that and filter
- filterFunc = getSimpleFilterFunc(query, { el: 1, tag: 1, id: 1 });
- retFunc = function(root, arr) {
- var ret = getArr(0, arr), te, x = 0;
- // we use getTag() to avoid case sensitivity issues
- var tret = root.getElementsByTagName(query.getTag());
- while (te = tret[x++]) {
- if (filterFunc(te, root)) {
- ret.push(te);
- }
- }
- return ret;
- };
- }
- } else {
- // the query is scoped in some way. Instead of querying by tag we
- // use some other collection to find candidate nodes
- var skipFilters = { el: 1 };
- if (wildcardTag) {
- skipFilters.tag = 1;
- }
- filterFunc = getSimpleFilterFunc(query, skipFilters);
- if ('+' == oper) {
- retFunc = nextSiblingIterator(filterFunc);
- } else if ('~' == oper) {
- retFunc = nextSiblingsIterator(filterFunc);
- } else if ('>' == oper) {
- retFunc = _childElements(filterFunc);
- }
- }
- // cache it and return
- return _getElementsFuncCache[query.query] = retFunc;
- };
- var filterDown = function(root, queryParts) {
- // NOTE:
- // this is the guts of the DOM query system. It takes a list of
- // parsed query parts and a root and finds children which match
- // the selector represented by the parts
- var candidates = getArr(root), qp, x, te, qpl = queryParts.length, bag, ret;
- for (var i = 0; i < qpl; i++) {
- ret = [];
- qp = queryParts[i];
- x = candidates.length - 1;
- if (x > 0) {
- // if we have more than one root at this level, provide a new
- // hash to use for checking group membership but tell the
- // system not to post-filter us since we will already have been
- // gauranteed to be unique
- bag = {};
- ret.nozip = true;
- }
- var gef = getElementsFunc(qp);
- for (var j = 0; te = candidates[j]; j++) {
- // for every root, get the elements that match the descendant
- // selector, adding them to the 'ret' array and filtering them
- // via membership in this level's bag. If there are more query
- // parts, then this level's return will be used as the next
- // level's candidates
- gef(te, ret, bag);
- }
- if (!ret.length) { break; }
- candidates = ret;
- }
- return ret;
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // the query runner
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // these are the primary caches for full-query results. The query
- // dispatcher functions are generated then stored here for hash lookup in
- // the future
- var _queryFuncCacheDOM = {},
- _queryFuncCacheQSA = {};
- // this is the second level of spliting, from full-length queries (e.g.,
- // 'div.foo .bar') into simple query expressions (e.g., ['div.foo',
- // '.bar'])
- var getStepQueryFunc = function(query) {
- var qparts = getQueryParts(goog.string.trim(query));
- // if it's trivial, avoid iteration and zipping costs
- if (qparts.length == 1) {
- // We optimize this case here to prevent dispatch further down the
- // chain, potentially slowing things down. We could more elegantly
- // handle this in filterDown(), but it's slower for simple things
- // that need to be fast (e.g., '#someId').
- var tef = getElementsFunc(qparts[0]);
- return function(root) {
- var r = tef(root, []);
- if (r) { r.nozip = true; }
- return r;
- }
- }
- // otherwise, break it up and return a runner that iterates over the parts
- // recursively
- return function(root) {
- return filterDown(root, qparts);
- }
- };
- // NOTES:
- // * we can't trust QSA for anything but document-rooted queries, so
- // caching is split into DOM query evaluators and QSA query evaluators
- // * caching query results is dirty and leak-prone (or, at a minimum,
- // prone to unbounded growth). Other toolkits may go this route, but
- // they totally destroy their own ability to manage their memory
- // footprint. If we implement it, it should only ever be with a fixed
- // total element reference # limit and an LRU-style algorithm since JS
- // has no weakref support. Caching compiled query evaluators is also
- // potentially problematic, but even on large documents the size of the
- // query evaluators is often < 100 function objects per evaluator (and
- // LRU can be applied if it's ever shown to be an issue).
- // * since IE's QSA support is currently only for HTML documents and even
- // then only in IE 8's 'standards mode', we have to detect our dispatch
- // route at query time and keep 2 separate caches. Ugg.
- var qsa = 'querySelectorAll';
- // some versions of Safari provided QSA, but it was buggy and crash-prone.
- // We need te detect the right 'internal' webkit version to make this work.
- var qsaAvail = (
- !!goog.dom.getDocument()[qsa] &&
- // see #5832
- (!goog.userAgent.WEBKIT || goog.userAgent.isVersion('526'))
- );
- /** @param {boolean=} opt_forceDOM */
- var getQueryFunc = function(query, opt_forceDOM) {
- if (qsaAvail) {
- // if we've got a cached variant and we think we can do it, run it!
- var qsaCached = _queryFuncCacheQSA[query];
- if (qsaCached && !opt_forceDOM) {
- return qsaCached;
- }
- }
- // else if we've got a DOM cached variant, assume that we already know
- // all we need to and use it
- var domCached = _queryFuncCacheDOM[query];
- if (domCached) {
- return domCached;
- }
- // TODO:
- // today we're caching DOM and QSA branches separately so we
- // recalc useQSA every time. If we had a way to tag root+query
- // efficiently, we'd be in good shape to do a global cache.
- var qcz = query.charAt(0);
- var nospace = (-1 == query.indexOf(' '));
- // byId searches are wicked fast compared to QSA, even when filtering
- // is required
- if ((query.indexOf('#') >= 0) && (nospace)) {
- opt_forceDOM = true;
- }
- var useQSA = (
- qsaAvail && (!opt_forceDOM) &&
- // as per CSS 3, we can't currently start w/ combinator:
- // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#w3cselgrammar
- (specials.indexOf(qcz) == -1) &&
- // IE's QSA impl sucks on pseudos
- (!goog.userAgent.IE || (query.indexOf(':') == -1)) &&
- (!(cssCaseBug && (query.indexOf('.') >= 0))) &&
- // FIXME:
- // need to tighten up browser rules on ':contains' and '|=' to
- // figure out which aren't good
- (query.indexOf(':contains') == -1) &&
- (query.indexOf('|=') == -1)
- );
- // TODO:
- // if we've got a descendant query (e.g., '> .thinger' instead of
- // just '.thinger') in a QSA-able doc, but are passed a child as a
- // root, it should be possible to give the item a synthetic ID and
- // trivially rewrite the query to the form '#synid > .thinger' to
- // use the QSA branch
- if (useQSA) {
- var tq = (specials.indexOf(query.charAt(query.length - 1)) >= 0) ?
- (query + ' *') : query;
- return _queryFuncCacheQSA[query] = function(root) {
- try {
- // the QSA system contains an egregious spec bug which
- // limits us, effectively, to only running QSA queries over
- // entire documents. See:
- // http://ejohn.org/blog/thoughts-on-queryselectorall/
- // despite this, we can also handle QSA runs on simple
- // selectors, but we don't want detection to be expensive
- // so we're just checking for the presence of a space char
- // right now. Not elegant, but it's cheaper than running
- // the query parser when we might not need to
- if (!((9 == root.nodeType) || nospace)) {
- throw '';
- }
- var r = root[qsa](tq);
- // IE QSA queries may incorrectly include comment nodes, so we throw
- // the zipping function into 'remove' comments mode instead of the
- // normal 'skip it' which every other QSA-clued browser enjoys
- // skip expensive duplication checks and just wrap in an array.
- if (goog.userAgent.IE) {
- r.commentStrip = true;
- } else {
- r.nozip = true;
- }
- return r;
- } catch (e) {
- // else run the DOM branch on this query, ensuring that we
- // default that way in the future
- return getQueryFunc(query, true)(root);
- }
- }
- } else {
- // DOM branch
- var parts = query.split(/\s*,\s*/);
- return _queryFuncCacheDOM[query] = ((parts.length < 2) ?
- // if not a compound query (e.g., '.foo, .bar'), cache and return a
- // dispatcher
- getStepQueryFunc(query) :
- // if it *is* a complex query, break it up into its
- // constituent parts and return a dispatcher that will
- // merge the parts when run
- function(root) {
- var pindex = 0, // avoid array alloc for every invocation
- ret = [],
- tp;
- while (tp = parts[pindex++]) {
- ret = ret.concat(getStepQueryFunc(tp)(root));
- }
- return ret;
- }
- );
- }
- };
- var _zipIdx = 0;
- // NOTE:
- // this function is Moo inspired, but our own impl to deal correctly
- // with XML in IE
- var _nodeUID = goog.userAgent.IE ? function(node) {
- if (caseSensitive) {
- // XML docs don't have uniqueID on their nodes
- return node.getAttribute('_uid') ||
- node.setAttribute('_uid', ++_zipIdx) || _zipIdx;
- } else {
- return node.uniqueID;
- }
- } :
- function(node) {
- return (node['_uid'] || (node['_uid'] = ++_zipIdx));
- };
- // determine if a node in is unique in a 'bag'. In this case we don't want
- // to flatten a list of unique items, but rather just tell if the item in
- // question is already in the bag. Normally we'd just use hash lookup to do
- // this for us but IE's DOM is busted so we can't really count on that. On
- // the upside, it gives us a built in unique ID function.
- var _isUnique = function(node, bag) {
- if (!bag) {
- return 1;
- }
- var id = _nodeUID(node);
- if (!bag[id]) {
- return bag[id] = 1;
- }
- return 0;
- };
- // attempt to efficiently determine if an item in a list is a dupe,
- // returning a list of 'uniques', hopefully in doucment order
- var _zipIdxName = '_zipIdx';
- var _zip = function(arr) {
- if (arr && arr.nozip) {
- return arr;
- }
- var ret = [];
- if (!arr || !arr.length) {
- return ret;
- }
- if (arr[0]) {
- ret.push(arr[0]);
- }
- if (arr.length < 2) {
- return ret;
- }
- _zipIdx++;
- // we have to fork here for IE and XML docs because we can't set
- // expandos on their nodes (apparently). *sigh*
- if (goog.userAgent.IE && caseSensitive) {
- var szidx = _zipIdx + '';
- arr[0].setAttribute(_zipIdxName, szidx);
- for (var x = 1, te; te = arr[x]; x++) {
- if (arr[x].getAttribute(_zipIdxName) != szidx) {
- ret.push(te);
- }
- te.setAttribute(_zipIdxName, szidx);
- }
- } else if (goog.userAgent.IE && arr.commentStrip) {
- try {
- for (var x = 1, te; te = arr[x]; x++) {
- if (isElement(te)) {
- ret.push(te);
- }
- }
- } catch (e) { /* squelch */ }
- } else {
- if (arr[0]) {
- arr[0][_zipIdxName] = _zipIdx;
- }
- for (var x = 1, te; te = arr[x]; x++) {
- if (arr[x][_zipIdxName] != _zipIdx) {
- ret.push(te);
- }
- te[_zipIdxName] = _zipIdx;
- }
- }
- return ret;
- };
- /**
- * The main executor. Type specification from above.
- * @param {string|Array} query The query.
- * @param {(string|Node)=} root The root.
- * @return {!Array} The elements that matched the query.
- */
- var query = function(query, root) {
- // NOTE: elementsById is not currently supported
- // NOTE: ignores xpath-ish queries for now
- //Set list constructor to desired value. This can change
- //between calls, so always re-assign here.
- if (!query) {
- return [];
- }
- if (query.constructor == Array) {
- return /** @type {!Array} */ (query);
- }
- if (!goog.isString(query)) {
- return [query];
- }
- if (goog.isString(root)) {
- root = goog.dom.getElement(root);
- if (!root) {
- return [];
- }
- }
- root = root || goog.dom.getDocument();
- var od = root.ownerDocument || root.documentElement;
- // throw the big case sensitivity switch
- // NOTE:
- // Opera in XHTML mode doesn't detect case-sensitivity correctly
- // and it's not clear that there's any way to test for it
- caseSensitive =
- root.contentType && root.contentType == 'application/xml' ||
- goog.userAgent.OPERA &&
- (root.doctype || od.toString() == '[object XMLDocument]') ||
- !!od &&
- (goog.userAgent.IE ? od.xml : (root.xmlVersion || od.xmlVersion));
- // NOTE:
- // adding 'true' as the 2nd argument to getQueryFunc is useful for
- // testing the DOM branch without worrying about the
- // behavior/performance of the QSA branch.
- var r = getQueryFunc(query)(root);
- // FIXME(slightlyoff):
- // need to investigate this branch WRT dojo:#8074 and dojo:#8075
- if (r && r.nozip) {
- return r;
- }
- return _zip(r);
- }
- // FIXME: need to add infrastructure for post-filtering pseudos, ala :last
- query.pseudos = pseudos;
- return query;
-// TODO(arv): Please don't export here since it clobbers dead code elimination.
-goog.exportSymbol('goog.dom.query', goog.dom.query);
-goog.exportSymbol('goog.dom.query.pseudos', goog.dom.query.pseudos);