path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/offlineinstalldialog.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/offlineinstalldialog.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1091 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/offlineinstalldialog.js b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/offlineinstalldialog.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 68e04ca..0000000
--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/offlineinstalldialog.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1091 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
- * @fileoverview A dialog for presenting the offline (Gears) install flow. It
- * show information on how to install Gears if Gears is not already installed,
- * or will offer the option to enable the application for Gears support.
- *
- * @see ../demos/offline.html
- */
- * An offline install dialog.
- * @param {string=} opt_class CSS class name for the dialog element, also used
- * as a class name prefix for related elements; defaults to modal-dialog.
- * @param {boolean=} opt_useIframeMask Work around windowed controls z-index
- * issue by using an iframe instead of a div for bg element.
- * @param {goog.dom.DomHelper=} opt_domHelper Optional DOM helper.
- * @constructor
- * @extends {goog.ui.Dialog}
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog = function(
- opt_class, opt_useIframeMask, opt_domHelper) {
- goog.ui.Dialog.call(this, opt_class, opt_useIframeMask, opt_domHelper);
- /**
- * This is used to allow more screens to be added programatically. It is a
- * map from screen type to a constructor that extends
- * goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.
- * @type {Object}
- * @private
- */
- this.screenConstructors_ = {};
- /**
- * This is a map of constructed screens. It uses the constructors in the
- * screenConstructors_ map.
- * @type {Object}
- * @private
- */
- this.screens_ = {};
- this.currentScreenType_ = goog.gears.hasFactory() ?
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.ScreenType.ENABLE :
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.ScreenType.INSTALL;
- this.registerScreenType(goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.EnableScreen.TYPE,
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.EnableScreen);
- this.registerScreenType(goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen.TYPE,
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen);
- this.registerScreenType(goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.UpgradeScreen.TYPE,
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.UpgradeScreen);
- this.registerScreenType(
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallingGearsScreen.TYPE,
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallingGearsScreen);
-goog.inherits(goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog, goog.ui.Dialog);
- * Buttons keys of the dialog.
- * @enum {string}
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.ButtonKeyType = {
- INSTALL: 'io',
- UPGRADE: 'u',
- ENABLE: 'eo',
- CANCEL: 'ca',
- CLOSE: 'cl',
- OK: 'ok'
- * The various types of screens the dialog can display.
- * @enum {string}
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.ScreenType = {
- INSTALL: 'i',
- ENABLE: 'e',
- UPGRADE: 'u'
- * Whether the dialog is dirty and requires an upate to its display.
- * @type {boolean}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.dirty_ = false;
- * The type of the current screen of the dialog.
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
- * The url of the application.
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.appUrl_ = '';
- * The url of the page to download Gears from.
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.gearsDownloadPageUrl_ = '';
- * Marks as dirty and calls update if needed.
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.invalidateAndUpdate_ = function() {
- this.dirty_ = true;
- if (this.getElement() && this.isVisible()) {
- this.update();
- }
- * Sets the URL of the appliction to show in the dialog.
- * @param {string} url The application URL.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.setAppUrl = function(url) {
- this.appUrl_ = url;
- this.invalidateAndUpdate_();
- * @return {string} The application URL.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.getAppUrl = function() {
- return this.appUrl_;
- * Sets the Gears download page URL.
- * @param {string} url The Gears download page URL.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.setGearsDownloadPageUrl = function(url) {
- this.gearsDownloadPageUrl_ = url;
- this.invalidateAndUpdate_();
- * @return {string} The Gears download page URL.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.getGearsDownloadPageUrl = function() {
- return this.gearsDownloadPageUrl_;
- * This allows you to provide a shorter and more user friendly URL to the Gears
- * download page since the Gears download URL can get quite ugly with all its
- * params.
- * @return {string} The Gears download page friendly URL.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.getGearsDownloadPageFriendlyUrl =
- function() {
- return this.gearsDownloadPageFriendlyUrl_ || this.gearsDownloadPageUrl_;
- * Sets the Gears download page friendly URL.
- * @see #getGearsDownloadPageFriendlyUrl
- * @param {string} url The Gears download page friendly URL.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.setGearsDownloadPageFriendlyUrl =
- function(url) {
- this.gearsDownloadPageFriendlyUrl_ = url;
- this.invalidateAndUpdate_();
- * Sets the screen type.
- * @param {string} screenType The screen type.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.setCurrentScreenType = function(
- screenType) {
- if (screenType != this.currentScreenType_) {
- // If we have a current screen object then call deactivate on it
- var currentScreen = this.getCurrentScreen();
- if (currentScreen && this.isInDocument()) {
- currentScreen.deactivate();
- }
- this.currentScreenType_ = screenType;
- this.invalidateAndUpdate_();
- }
- * @return {string} The screen type.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.getCurrentScreenType = function() {
- return this.currentScreenType_;
- * @return {goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen?} The current screen object.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.getCurrentScreen = function() {
- return this.getScreen(this.currentScreenType_);
- * Returns the screen object for a given registered type or null if no such type
- * exists. This will create a screen object for a registered type as needed.
- * @param {string} type The type of screen to get.
- * @return {goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen?} The screen object.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.getScreen = function(type) {
- if (this.screens_[type]) {
- return this.screens_[type];
- }
- // Construct lazily as needed
- if (this.screenConstructors_[type]) {
- return this.screens_[type] = new this.screenConstructors_[type](this);
- }
- return null;
- * Registers a screen constructor to be usable with the dialog.
- * @param {string} type The type of this screen.
- * @param {Function} constr A function that represents a constructor that
- * extends goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.registerScreenType = function(type,
- constr) {
- this.screenConstructors_[type] = constr;
- // Remove screen in case it already exists.
- if (this.screens_[type]) {
- var isCurrenScreenType = this.currentScreenType_ == type;
- this.screens_[type].dispose();
- delete this.screens_[type];
- if (isCurrenScreenType) {
- this.invalidateAndUpdate_();
- }
- }
- * Registers an instance of a screen to be usable with the dialog.
- * @param {goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen} screen The screen to register.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.registerScreen = function(screen) {
- this.screens_[screen.getType()] = screen;
-/** @override */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.setVisible = function(visible) {
- if (this.isInDocument() && visible) {
- if (this.dirty_) {
- this.update();
- }
- }
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.superClass_.setVisible.call(this, visible);
-/** @override */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.createDom = function() {
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.superClass_.createDom.call(this);
- this.update();
-/** @override */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.enterDocument = function() {
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.superClass_.enterDocument.call(this);
- this.getHandler().listen(
- this, goog.ui.Dialog.EventType.SELECT, this.handleSelect_);
- if (this.dirty_) {
- this.update();
- }
- * Updates the dialog. This will ensure the correct screen is shown.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.update = function() {
- if (this.getElement()) {
- var screen = this.getCurrentScreen();
- if (screen) {
- screen.activate();
- }
- // Clear the dirty state.
- this.dirty_ = false;
- }
- * Handles the SELECT_EVENT for the current dialog. Forward the event to the
- * correct screen object and let the screen decide where to go next.
- * @param {goog.ui.Dialog.Event} e The event.
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.handleSelect_ = function(e) {
- var screen = this.getCurrentScreen();
- if (screen) {
- screen.handleSelect(e);
- }
- * Opens a new browser window with the Gears download page and changes
- * the screen to the installing gears page.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.goToGearsDownloadPage = function() {
- goog.window.open(this.gearsDownloadPageUrl_);
-/** @override */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.prototype.disposeInternal = function() {
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.superClass_.disposeInternal.call(this);
- delete this.screenConstructors_;
- for (var type in this.screens_) {
- this.screens_[type].dispose();
- }
- delete this.screens_;
- * Represents a screen on the dialog. You can create new screens and add them
- * to the offline install dialog by calling registerScreenType and
- * setCurrentScreenType.
- * @param {goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog} dialog The dialog this screen should
- * work with.
- * @param {string} type The screen type name.
- * @constructor
- * @extends {goog.Disposable}
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen = function(dialog, type) {
- goog.Disposable.call(this);
- /**
- * @type {goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog}
- * @protected
- * @suppress {underscore}
- */
- this.dialog_ = dialog;
- /**
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
- this.type_ = type;
- /**
- * @type {goog.dom.DomHelper}
- * @private
- */
- this.dom_ = dialog.getDomHelper();
-goog.inherits(goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen, goog.Disposable);
- * The HTML content to show on the screen.
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.prototype.content_ = '';
- * The title to show on the dialog.
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.prototype.title_ = '';
- * The button set to use with this screen.
- * @type {goog.ui.Dialog.ButtonSet}
- * @private
- */
- * @return {goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog} The dialog the screen will be
- * displayed in.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.prototype.getDialog = function() {
- return this.dialog_;
- * Returns the type of the screen. This is used to identify the screen type this
- * reflects.
- * @return {string} The type of the screen.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.prototype.getType = function() {
- return this.type_;
- * @return {goog.ui.Dialog.ButtonSet} The button set to use with this screen.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.prototype.getButtonSet = function() {
- return this.buttonSet_;
- * Sets the button set to use with this screen.
- * @param {goog.ui.Dialog.ButtonSet} bs The button set to use.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.prototype.setButtonSet = function(bs) {
- this.buttonSet_ = bs;
- * @return {string} The HTML content to used for this screen.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.prototype.getContent = function() {
- return this.content_;
- * Sets the HTML content to use for this screen.
- * @param {string} html The HTML text to use as content for the screen.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.prototype.setContent = function(html) {
- this.content_ = html;
- * @return {string} The text title to used for the dialog when this screen is
- * shown.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.prototype.getTitle = function() {
- return this.title_ || this.dialog_.getTitle();
- * Sets the plain text title to use for this screen.
- * @param {string} title The plain text to use as a title on the dialog.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.prototype.setTitle = function(title) {
- this.title_ = title;
- * @return {string} A custom class name that should be added to the dialog when
- * this screen is active.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.prototype.getCustomClassName = function() {
- return this.customClassName_;
- * Sets the custom class name that should be added to the dialog when this
- * screen is active.
- * @param {string} customClassName The custom class name.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.prototype.setCustomClassName = function(
- customClassName) {
- this.customClassName_ = customClassName;
- * Called when the screen is shown. At this point the dialog is in the document.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.prototype.activate = function() {
- var d = this.dialog_;
- // Add custom class.
- var customClassName = this.getCustomClassName();
- if (customClassName) {
- goog.dom.classes.add(d.getElement(), customClassName);
- }
- d.setTitle(this.getTitle());
- d.setContent(this.getContent());
- d.setButtonSet(this.getButtonSet());
- * Called when the screen is hidden. At this point the dialog is in the
- * document.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.prototype.deactivate = function() {
- // Remove custom class name
- var customClassName = this.getCustomClassName();
- if (customClassName) {
- goog.dom.classes.remove(this.dialog_.getElement(), customClassName);
- }
- * Called when the user clicks any of the buttons for this dialog screen.
- * @param {goog.ui.Dialog.Event} e The dialog event.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.prototype.handleSelect = function(e) {
-// Classes for some of the standard screens
- * This screen is shown to users that do have Gears installed but have
- * not enabled the current application for offline access.
- * @param {goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog} dialog The dialog this is a screen
- * for.
- * @constructor
- * @extends {goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen}
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.EnableScreen = function(dialog) {
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.call(this, dialog,
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.EnableScreen.TYPE);
- /**
- * @desc Text of button that enables offline functionality for the app.
- * @hidden
- */
- var MSG_OFFLINE_DIALOG_ENABLE_GEARS = goog.getMsg('Enable offline access');
- /**
- * @type {string}
- * @protected
- * @suppress {underscore}
- */
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen);
- * The type of this screen.
- * @type {string}
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.EnableScreen.TYPE =
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.ScreenType.ENABLE;
- * Should enable button action be performed immediately when the user presses
- * the enter key anywhere on the dialog. This should be set to false if there
- * are other action handlers on the dialog that may stop propagation.
- * @type {boolean}
- * @protected
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.EnableScreen.prototype.enableOnEnter = true;
- * @return {goog.ui.Dialog.ButtonSet} The button set for the enable screen.
- * @override
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.EnableScreen.prototype.getButtonSet = function() {
- if (!this.buttonSet_) {
- /**
- * @desc Text of button that cancels setting up Offline.
- * @hidden
- */
- var MSG_OFFLINE_DIALOG_CANCEL = goog.getMsg('Cancel');
- var buttonSet = this.buttonSet_ = new goog.ui.Dialog.ButtonSet(this.dom_);
- buttonSet.set(goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.ButtonKeyType.ENABLE,
- this.enableMsg_, this.enableOnEnter, false);
- buttonSet.set(goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.ButtonKeyType.CANCEL,
- }
- return this.buttonSet_;
- * This screen is shown to users that do have Gears installed but have
- * not enabled the current application for offline access.
- * @param {goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog} dialog The dialog this is a screen
- * for.
- * @param {string=} opt_type An optional type, for specifying a more specific
- * type of dialog. Only for use by subclasses.
- * @constructor
- * @extends {goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen}
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen = function(dialog, opt_type) {
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.call(this, dialog,
- opt_type || goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen.TYPE);
- /**
- * @desc The description of the the install step to perform in order to
- * enable offline access.
- * @hidden
- */
- var MSG_OFFLINE_DIALOG_INSTALL_GEARS = goog.getMsg('Install Gears');
- /**
- * @type {string}
- * @protected
- * @suppress {underscore}
- */
- /**
- * @desc Text of button that opens the download page for Gears.
- * @hidden
- */
- var MSG_INSTALL_GEARS = goog.getMsg('Get Gears now');
- /**
- * @type {string}
- * @protected
- * @suppress {underscore}
- */
- this.enableMsg_ = MSG_INSTALL_GEARS;
- /**
- * @desc Text of button that cancels setting up Offline.
- * @hidden
- */
- var MSG_OFFLINE_DIALOG_CANCEL_2 = goog.getMsg('Cancel');
- /**
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
- this.cancelMsg_ = MSG_OFFLINE_DIALOG_CANCEL_2;
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen);
- * The type of this screen.
- * @type {string}
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen.TYPE =
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.ScreenType.INSTALL;
- * The text to show before the installation steps.
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen.prototype.installDescription_ = '';
- * The CSS className to use when showing the app url.
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen.prototype.appUrlClassName_ =
- goog.getCssName('goog-offlinedialog-url');
- * The CSS className for the element that contains the install steps.
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen.prototype.stepsClassName_ =
- goog.getCssName('goog-offlinedialog-steps');
- * The CSS className for each step element.
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen.prototype.stepClassName_ =
- goog.getCssName('goog-offlinedialog-step');
- * The CSS className for the element that shows the step number.
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen.prototype.stepNumberClassName_ =
- goog.getCssName('goog-offlinedialog-step-number');
- * The CSS className for the element that shows the step desccription.
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen.prototype.stepDescriptionClassName_ =
- goog.getCssName('goog-offlinedialog-step-description');
- * Should install button action be performed immediately when the user presses
- * the enter key anywhere on the dialog. This should be set to false if there
- * are other action handlers on the dialog that may stop propagation.
- * @type {boolean}
- * @protected
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen.prototype.isInstallButtonDefault =
- true;
- * @return {goog.ui.Dialog.ButtonSet} The button set for the install screen.
- * @override
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen.prototype.getButtonSet = function() {
- if (!this.buttonSet_) {
- var buttonSet = this.buttonSet_ = new goog.ui.Dialog.ButtonSet(this.dom_);
- buttonSet.set(goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.ButtonKeyType.INSTALL,
- this.enableMsg_, this.isInstallButtonDefault, false);
- buttonSet.set(goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.ButtonKeyType.CANCEL,
- this.cancelMsg_, false, true);
- }
- return this.buttonSet_;
- * Sets the install description. This is the text before the installation steps.
- * @param {string} description The install description.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen.prototype.setInstallDescription =
- function(description) {
- this.installDescription_ = description;
-/** @override */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen.prototype.getContent = function() {
- if (!this.content_) {
- var sb = new goog.string.StringBuffer(this.installDescription_);
- /**
- * @desc Header for the section that states the steps for the user to
- * perform in order to enable offline access.
- * @hidden
- */
- var MSG_OFFLINE_DIALOG_NEED_TO = goog.getMsg('You\'ll need to:');
- sb.append('<div class="', this.stepsClassName_, '">',
- // Create and append the html for step #1.
- sb.append(this.getStepHtml_(1, this.installMsg_));
- // Create and append the html for step #2.
- /**
- * @desc One of the steps to perform in order to enable offline access.
- * @hidden
- */
- 'Restart your browser');
- sb.append(this.getStepHtml_(2, MSG_OFFLINE_DIALOG_RESTART_BROWSER));
- // Create and append the html for step #3.
- /**
- * @desc One of the steps to perform in order to enable offline access.
- * @hidden
- */
- var MSG_OFFLINE_DIALOG_COME_BACK = goog.getMsg('Come back to {$appUrl}!', {
- 'appUrl': '<span class="' + this.appUrlClassName_ + '">' +
- this.dialog_.getAppUrl() + '</span>'
- });
- sb.append(this.getStepHtml_(3, MSG_OFFLINE_DIALOG_COME_BACK));
- // Close the enclosing element.
- sb.append('</div>');
- this.content_ = String(sb);
- }
- return this.content_;
- * Creats the html for a step.
- * @param {number} stepNumber The number of the step.
- * @param {string} description The description of the step.
- * @private
- * @return {string} The step HTML in string form.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen.prototype.getStepHtml_ = function(
- stepNumber, description) {
- return goog.string.buildString('<div class="', this.stepClassName_,
- '"><span class="', this.stepNumberClassName_, '">', stepNumber,
- '</span><span class="', this.stepDescriptionClassName_, '">',
- description, '</span></div>');
- * Overrides to go to Gears page.
- * @override
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen.prototype.handleSelect =
- function(e) {
- switch (e.key) {
- case goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.ButtonKeyType.INSTALL:
- case goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.ButtonKeyType.UPGRADE:
- e.preventDefault();
- this.dialog_.goToGearsDownloadPage();
- this.dialog_.setCurrentScreenType(
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.ScreenType.INSTALLING_GEARS);
- break;
- }
- * This screen is shown to users that needs to update their version of Gears
- * before they can enabled the current application for offline access.
- * @param {goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog} dialog The dialog this is a screen
- * for.
- * @constructor
- * @extends {goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen}
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.UpgradeScreen = function(dialog) {
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen.call(this, dialog,
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.UpgradeScreen.TYPE);
- /**
- * @desc The description of the the upgrade step to perform in order to enable
- * offline access.
- * @hidden
- */
- 'Install a new version of Gears');
- /**
- * Override to say upgrade instead of install.
- * @type {string}
- * @protected
- * @suppress {underscore}
- */
- /**
- * @desc Text of button that opens the download page for Gears for an
- * upgrade.
- * @hidden
- */
- goog.getMsg('Upgrade Gears now');
- /**
- * Override the text on the button to show upgrade instead of install.
- * @type {string}
- * @protected
- * @suppress {underscore}
- */
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallScreen);
- * The type of this screen.
- * @type {string}
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.UpgradeScreen.TYPE =
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.ScreenType.UPGRADE;
- * Should upgrade button action be performed immediately when the user presses
- * the enter key anywhere on the dialog. This should be set to false if there
- * are other action handlers on the dialog that may stop propagation.
- * @type {boolean}
- * @protected
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.UpgradeScreen.prototype.isUpgradeButtonDefault =
- true;
- * @return {goog.ui.Dialog.ButtonSet} The button set for the upgrade screen.
- * @override
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.UpgradeScreen.prototype.getButtonSet = function() {
- if (!this.buttonSet_) {
- /**
- * @desc Text of button that cancels setting up Offline.
- * @hidden
- */
- var MSG_OFFLINE_DIALOG_CANCEL_3 = goog.getMsg('Cancel');
- var buttonSet = this.buttonSet_ = new goog.ui.Dialog.ButtonSet(this.dom_);
- buttonSet.set(goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.ButtonKeyType.UPGRADE,
- this.enableMsg_, this.isUpgradeButtonDefault, false);
- buttonSet.set(goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.ButtonKeyType.CANCEL,
- MSG_OFFLINE_DIALOG_CANCEL_3, false, true);
- }
- return this.buttonSet_;
- * Sets the upgrade description. This is the text before the upgrade steps.
- * @param {string} description The upgrade description.
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.UpgradeScreen.prototype.setUpgradeDescription =
- function(description) {
- this.setInstallDescription(description);
- * This screen is shown to users after the window to the Gears download page has
- * been opened.
- * @param {goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog} dialog The dialog this is a screen
- * for.
- * @constructor
- * @extends {goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen}
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallingGearsScreen = function(dialog) {
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen.call(this, dialog,
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallingGearsScreen.TYPE);
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialogScreen);
- * The type of this screen.
- * @type {string}
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallingGearsScreen.TYPE =
- goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.ScreenType.INSTALLING_GEARS;
- * The CSS className to use for bold text.
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallingGearsScreen.prototype.boldClassName_ =
- goog.getCssName('goog-offlinedialog-bold');
- * Gets the button set for the dialog when the user is suposed to be installing
- * Gears.
- * @return {goog.ui.Dialog.ButtonSet} The button set.
- * @override
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallingGearsScreen.prototype.getButtonSet =
- function() {
- if (!this.buttonSet_) {
- /**
- * @desc Text of button that closes the dialog.
- * @hidden
- */
- var MSG_OFFLINE_DIALOG_CLOSE = goog.getMsg('Close');
- var buttonSet = this.buttonSet_ =
- new goog.ui.Dialog.ButtonSet(this.dom_);
- buttonSet.set(goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.ButtonKeyType.CLOSE,
- }
- return this.buttonSet_;
- * Gets the content for the dialog when the user is suposed to be installing
- * Gears.
- * @return {string} The content of the dialog as html.
- * @override
- */
-goog.ui.OfflineInstallDialog.InstallingGearsScreen.prototype.getContent =
- function() {
- if (!this.content_) {
- /**
- * @desc Congratulate the user for trying to download Google gears,
- * and give them a push in the right direction.
- */
- 'Great! The Gears download page has been opened in a new ' +
- 'window. If you accidentally closed it, you can {$aBegin}open the ' +
- 'Gears download page again{$aEnd}.',
- {
- 'aBegin': '<a ' + 'target="_blank" href="' +
- this.getDialog().getGearsDownloadPageUrl() + '">',
- 'aEnd': '</a>'
- });
- /**
- * @desc Informs the user to come back to the the given site after
- * installing Gears.
- * @hidden
- */
- var MSG_OFFLINE_DIALOG_GEARS_AFTER_INSTALL = goog.getMsg('After you\'ve ' +
- 'downloaded and installed Gears, {$beginTag}restart your ' +
- 'browser, and then come back to {$appUrl}!{$endTag}',
- {
- 'beginTag': '<div class="' + this.boldClassName_ + '">',
- 'endTag': '</div>', 'appUrl': this.getDialog().getAppUrl()
- });
- // Set the content.
- this.content_ = goog.string.buildString('<div>',
- }
- return this.content_;