path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/keyboardshortcuthandler_test.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/keyboardshortcuthandler_test.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 702 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/keyboardshortcuthandler_test.html b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/keyboardshortcuthandler_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/keyboardshortcuthandler_test.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
-See the COPYING file for details.
-<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
- <!-- Author: gboyer@google.com (Garrett Boyer) -->
- <title>Closure Unit Tests - goog.ui.KeyboardShortcutHandler</title>
- <script src="../base.js"></script>
- <script>
- goog.require('goog.dom');
- goog.require('goog.testing.MockClock');
- goog.require('goog.testing.PropertyReplacer');
- goog.require('goog.testing.StrictMock');
- goog.require('goog.testing.events');
- goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit');
- goog.require('goog.ui.KeyboardShortcutHandler');
- </script>
- <div id="rootDiv">
- <div id="targetDiv">The test presses keys on me!</div>
- <button id="targetButton">A Button</button>
- <input type="checkbox" id="targetCheckBox">
- <input type="color" id="targetColor" value="#FF0000">
- <input type="date" id="targetDate" value="1995-12-31">
- <input type="datetime" id="targetDateTime" value="1995-12-31T23:59:59.99Z">
- <input type="datetime-local" id="targetDateTimeLocal"
- value="1995-12-31T23:59:59.99">
- <input type="email" id="targetEmail" value="test@google.com">
- <input type="month" id="targetMonth" value="1995-12">
- <input type="number" id="targetNumber" value="12345">
- <input type="password" id="targetPassword" value="password">
- <input type="search" id="targetSearch" value="search terms">
- <input type="tel" id="targetTel" value="555 1212">
- <input type="text" id="targetText" value="text box">
- <input type="time" id="targetTime" value="12:00">
- <input type="url" id="targetUrl" value="http://www.google.com">
- <input type="week" id="targetWeek" value="2005-W52">
- <select id="targetSelect"><option>select</option></select>
- <textarea id="targetTextArea">text area</textarea>
- </div>
- <script>
- var Modifiers = goog.ui.KeyboardShortcutHandler.Modifiers;
- var KeyCodes = goog.events.KeyCodes;
- var handler;
- var targetDiv;
- var listener;
- var mockClock;
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- /**
- * Fires a keypress on the target div.
- * @return {boolean} The returnValue of the sequence: false if
- * preventDefault() was called on any of the events, true otherwise.
- */
- function fire(keycode, opt_extraProperties, opt_element) {
- return goog.testing.events.fireKeySequence(
- opt_element || targetDiv, keycode, opt_extraProperties);
- }
- function fireAltGraphKey(keycode, keyPressKeyCode, opt_extraProperties,
- opt_element) {
- return goog.testing.events.fireNonAsciiKeySequence(
- opt_element || targetDiv, keycode, keyPressKeyCode,
- opt_extraProperties);
- }
- function setUp() {
- targetDiv = goog.dom.getElement('targetDiv');
- handler = new goog.ui.KeyboardShortcutHandler(
- goog.dom.getElement('rootDiv'));
- // Create a mock event listener in order to set expectations on what
- // events are fired. We create a fake class whose only method is
- // shortcutFired(shortcut identifier).
- listener = new goog.testing.StrictMock(
- {shortcutFired: goog.nullFunction});
- goog.events.listen(
- handler,
- goog.ui.KeyboardShortcutHandler.EventType.SHORTCUT_TRIGGERED,
- function (event) { listener.shortcutFired(event.identifier); });
- // Set up a fake clock, because keyboard shortcuts *are* time
- // sensitive.
- mockClock = new goog.testing.MockClock(true);
- }
- function tearDown() {
- mockClock.uninstall();
- handler.dispose();
- stubs.reset();
- }
- function testAllowsSingleLetterKeyBindingsSpecifiedAsString() {
- listener.shortcutFired('lettergee');
- listener.$replay();
- handler.registerShortcut('lettergee', 'g');
- fire(KeyCodes.G);
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testAllowsSingleLetterKeyBindingsSpecifiedAsKeyCode() {
- listener.shortcutFired('lettergee');
- listener.$replay();
- handler.registerShortcut('lettergee', KeyCodes.G);
- fire(KeyCodes.G);
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testDoesntFireWhenWrongKeyIsPressed() {
- listener.$replay(); // no events expected
- handler.registerShortcut('letterjay', 'j');
- fire(KeyCodes.G);
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testAllowsControlAndLetterSpecifiedAsAString() {
- listener.shortcutFired('lettergee');
- listener.$replay();
- handler.registerShortcut('lettergee', 'ctrl+g');
- fire(KeyCodes.G, {ctrlKey: true});
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testAllowsControlAndLetterSpecifiedAsArgSequence() {
- listener.shortcutFired('lettergeectrl');
- listener.$replay();
- handler.registerShortcut('lettergeectrl',
- KeyCodes.G, Modifiers.CTRL);
- fire(KeyCodes.G, {ctrlKey: true});
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testAllowsControlAndLetterSpecifiedAsArray() {
- listener.shortcutFired('lettergeectrl');
- listener.$replay();
- handler.registerShortcut('lettergeectrl',
- [KeyCodes.G, Modifiers.CTRL]);
- fire(KeyCodes.G, {ctrlKey: true});
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testAllowsShift() {
- listener.shortcutFired('lettergeeshift');
- listener.$replay();
- handler.registerShortcut('lettergeeshift',
- [KeyCodes.G, Modifiers.SHIFT]);
- fire(KeyCodes.G, {shiftKey: true});
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testAllowsAlt() {
- listener.shortcutFired('lettergeealt');
- listener.$replay();
- handler.registerShortcut('lettergeealt',
- [KeyCodes.G, Modifiers.ALT]);
- fire(KeyCodes.G, {altKey: true});
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testAllowsMeta() {
- listener.shortcutFired('lettergeemeta');
- listener.$replay();
- handler.registerShortcut('lettergeemeta',
- [KeyCodes.G, Modifiers.META]);
- fire(KeyCodes.G, {metaKey: true});
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testAllowsMultipleModifiers() {
- listener.shortcutFired('lettergeectrlaltshift');
- listener.$replay();
- handler.registerShortcut('lettergeectrlaltshift',
- KeyCodes.G, Modifiers.CTRL | Modifiers.ALT | Modifiers.SHIFT);
- fire(KeyCodes.G, {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true, shiftKey: true});
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testAllowsMultipleModifiersSpecifiedAsString() {
- listener.shortcutFired('lettergeectrlaltshiftmeta');
- listener.$replay();
- handler.registerShortcut('lettergeectrlaltshiftmeta',
- 'ctrl+shift+alt+meta+g');
- fire(KeyCodes.G,
- {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true, shiftKey: true, metaKey: true});
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testPreventsDefaultOnReturnFalse() {
- listener.shortcutFired('x');
- listener.$replay();
- handler.registerShortcut('x', 'x');
- var key = goog.events.listen(handler,
- goog.ui.KeyboardShortcutHandler.EventType.SHORTCUT_TRIGGERED,
- function (event) { return false });
- assertFalse('return false in listener must prevent default',
- fire(KeyCodes.X));
- listener.$verify();
- goog.events.unlistenByKey(key);
- }
- function testPreventsDefaultWhenExceptionThrown() {
- handler.registerShortcut('x', 'x');
- handler.setAlwaysPreventDefault(true);
- goog.events.listenOnce(handler,
- goog.ui.KeyboardShortcutHandler.EventType.SHORTCUT_TRIGGERED,
- function (event) { throw new Error('x'); });
- // We can't use the standard infrastructure to detect that
- // the event was preventDefaulted, because of the exception.
- var callCount = 0;
- stubs.set(goog.events.BrowserEvent.prototype, 'preventDefault',
- function() {
- callCount++;
- });
- var e = assertThrows(goog.partial(fire, KeyCodes.X));
- assertEquals('x', e.message);
- assertEquals(1, callCount);
- }
- function testDoesntFireWhenUserForgetsRequiredModifier() {
- listener.$replay(); // no events expected
- handler.registerShortcut('lettergeectrl',
- KeyCodes.G, Modifiers.CTRL);
- fire(KeyCodes.G);
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testDoesntFireIfTooManyModifiersPressed() {
- listener.$replay(); // no events expected
- handler.registerShortcut('lettergeectrl',
- KeyCodes.G, Modifiers.CTRL);
- fire(KeyCodes.G, {ctrlKey: true, metaKey: true});
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testDoesntFireIfAnyRequiredModifierForgotten() {
- listener.$replay(); // no events expected
- handler.registerShortcut('lettergeectrlaltshift',
- KeyCodes.G, Modifiers.CTRL | Modifiers.ALT | Modifiers.SHIFT);
- fire(KeyCodes.G, {altKey: true, shiftKey: true});
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testAllowsMultiKeySequenceSpecifiedAsArray() {
- listener.shortcutFired('quitemacs');
- listener.$replay();
- handler.registerShortcut('quitemacs',
- [KeyCodes.X, Modifiers.CTRL,
- KeyCodes.C]);
- fire(KeyCodes.X, {ctrlKey: true});
- fire(KeyCodes.C);
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testAllowsMultiKeySequenceSpecifiedAsArray() {
- listener.shortcutFired('quitemacs');
- listener.$replay();
- handler.registerShortcut('quitemacs',
- [KeyCodes.X, Modifiers.CTRL,
- KeyCodes.C]);
- fire(KeyCodes.X, {ctrlKey: true});
- fire(KeyCodes.C);
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testAllowsMultiKeySequenceSpecifiedAsArguments() {
- listener.shortcutFired('quitvi');
- listener.$replay();
- handler.registerShortcut('quitvi',
- KeyCodes.SEMICOLON, Modifiers.SHIFT,
- KeyCodes.Q, Modifiers.NONE,
- KeyCodes.NUM_ONE, Modifiers.SHIFT);
- var shiftProperties = { shiftKey: true };
- fire(KeyCodes.SEMICOLON, shiftProperties);
- fire(KeyCodes.Q);
- fire(KeyCodes.NUM_ONE, shiftProperties);
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testMultiKeyEventIsNotFiredIfUserIsTooSlow() {
- listener.$replay(); // no events expected
- handler.registerShortcut('quitemacs',
- [KeyCodes.X, Modifiers.CTRL,
- KeyCodes.C]);
- fire(KeyCodes.X, {ctrlKey: true});
- // Wait 3 seconds before hitting C. Although the actual limit is 1500
- // at time of writing, it's best not to over-specify functionality.
- mockClock.tick(3000);
- fire(KeyCodes.C);
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testAllowsMultipleAHandlers() {
- listener.shortcutFired('quitvi');
- listener.shortcutFired('letterex');
- listener.shortcutFired('quitemacs');
- listener.$replay();
- // register 3 handlers in 3 diferent ways
- handler.registerShortcut('quitvi',
- KeyCodes.SEMICOLON, Modifiers.SHIFT,
- KeyCodes.Q, Modifiers.NONE,
- KeyCodes.NUM_ONE, Modifiers.SHIFT);
- handler.registerShortcut('quitemacs',
- [KeyCodes.X, Modifiers.CTRL,
- KeyCodes.C]);
- handler.registerShortcut('letterex', 'x');
- // quit vi
- var shiftProperties = { shiftKey: true };
- fire(KeyCodes.SEMICOLON, shiftProperties);
- fire(KeyCodes.Q);
- fire(KeyCodes.NUM_ONE, shiftProperties);
- // then press the letter x
- fire(KeyCodes.X);
- // then quit emacs
- fire(KeyCodes.X, {ctrlKey: true});
- fire(KeyCodes.C);
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testCanRemoveOneHandler() {
- listener.shortcutFired('letterex');
- listener.$replay();
- // register 2 handlers, then remove quitvi
- handler.registerShortcut('quitvi',
- KeyCodes.COLON, Modifiers.NONE,
- KeyCodes.Q, Modifiers.NONE,
- KeyCodes.EXCLAMATION, Modifiers.NONE);
- handler.registerShortcut('letterex', 'x');
- handler.unregisterShortcut(
- KeyCodes.COLON, Modifiers.NONE,
- KeyCodes.Q, Modifiers.NONE,
- KeyCodes.EXCLAMATION, Modifiers.NONE);
- // call the "quit VI" keycodes, even though it is removed
- fire(KeyCodes.COLON);
- fire(KeyCodes.Q);
- fire(KeyCodes.EXCLAMATION);
- // press the letter x
- fire(KeyCodes.X);
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testCanRemoveTwoHandlers() {
- listener.$replay(); // no events expected
- handler.registerShortcut('quitemacs',
- [KeyCodes.X, Modifiers.CTRL,
- KeyCodes.C]);
- handler.registerShortcut('letterex', 'x');
- handler.unregisterShortcut(
- [KeyCodes.X, Modifiers.CTRL,
- KeyCodes.C]);
- handler.unregisterShortcut('x');
- fire(KeyCodes.X, {ctrlKey: true});
- fire(KeyCodes.C);
- fire(KeyCodes.X);
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testCheckRegisteredShortcuts() {
- assertFalse(handler.isShortcutRegistered('x'));
- handler.registerShortcut('letterex', 'x');
- assertTrue(handler.isShortcutRegistered('x'));
- handler.registerShortcut('qe', [KeyCodes.X, Modifiers.CTRL, KeyCodes.C]);
- assertTrue(handler.isShortcutRegistered('x'));
- assertTrue(handler.isShortcutRegistered([KeyCodes.X,
- Modifiers.CTRL, KeyCodes.C]));
- handler.unregisterShortcut('x');
- assertFalse(handler.isShortcutRegistered('x'));
- assertTrue(handler.isShortcutRegistered([KeyCodes.X,
- Modifiers.CTRL, KeyCodes.C]));
- handler.unregisterShortcut([KeyCodes.X, Modifiers.CTRL, KeyCodes.C]);
- assertFalse(handler.isShortcutRegistered([KeyCodes.X,
- Modifiers.CTRL, KeyCodes.C]));
- }
- /**
- * Registers a slew of keyboard shortcuts to test each primary category
- * of shortcuts.
- */
- function registerEnterSpaceXF1AltY() {
- // Enter and space are specially handled keys.
- handler.registerShortcut('enter', KeyCodes.ENTER);
- handler.registerShortcut('space', KeyCodes.SPACE)
- // 'x' should be treated as text in many contexts
- handler.registerShortcut('x', 'x');
- // F1 is a global shortcut.
- handler.registerShortcut('global', KeyCodes.F1);
- // Alt-Y has modifiers, which pass through most form elements.
- handler.registerShortcut('withAlt', 'alt+y');
- }
- /**
- * Fires enter, space, X, F1, and Alt-Y keys on a widget.
- * @param {Element} target The element on which to fire the events.
- */
- function fireEnterSpaceXF1AltY(target) {
- fire(KeyCodes.ENTER, undefined, target);
- fire(KeyCodes.SPACE, undefined, target);
- fire(KeyCodes.X, undefined, target);
- fire(KeyCodes.F1, undefined, target);
- fire(KeyCodes.Y, {altKey: true}, target);
- }
- function testIgnoreNonGlobalShortcutsInSelect() {
- var targetSelect = goog.dom.getElement('targetSelect');
- listener.shortcutFired('global');
- listener.shortcutFired('withAlt');
- listener.$replay();
- registerEnterSpaceXF1AltY();
- fireEnterSpaceXF1AltY(goog.dom.getElement('targetSelect'));
- listener.$verify();
- }
- function testIgnoreNonGlobalShortcutsInTextArea() {
- listener.shortcutFired('global');
- listener.shortcutFired('withAlt');
- listener.$replay();
- registerEnterSpaceXF1AltY();
- fireEnterSpaceXF1AltY(goog.dom.getElement('targetTextArea'));
- listener.$verify();
- }
- /**
- * Checks that the shortcuts are fired on each target.
- * @param {Array.<string>} shortcuts A list of shortcut identifiers.
- * @param {Array.<string>} targets A list of element IDs.
- * @param {function(Element)} fireEvents Function that fires events.
- */
- function expectShortcutsOnTargets(shortcuts, targets, fireEvents) {
- for (var i = 0, ii = targets.length; i < ii; i++) {
- for (var j = 0, jj = shortcuts.length; j < jj; j++) {
- listener.shortcutFired(shortcuts[j]);
- }
- listener.$replay();
- fireEvents(goog.dom.getElement(targets[i]));
- listener.$verify();
- listener.$reset();
- }
- }
- function testIgnoreShortcutsExceptEnterInTextInputFields() {
- var targets = [
- 'targetColor',
- 'targetDate',
- 'targetDateTime',
- 'targetDateTimeLocal',
- 'targetEmail',
- 'targetMonth',
- 'targetNumber',
- 'targetPassword',
- 'targetSearch',
- 'targetTel',
- 'targetText',
- 'targetTime',
- 'targetUrl',
- 'targetWeek'
- ];
- registerEnterSpaceXF1AltY();
- expectShortcutsOnTargets(
- ['enter', 'global', 'withAlt'], targets, fireEnterSpaceXF1AltY);
- }
- function testIgnoreSpaceInCheckBoxAndButton() {
- registerEnterSpaceXF1AltY();
- expectShortcutsOnTargets(
- ['enter', 'x', 'global', 'withAlt'],
- ['targetCheckBox', 'targetButton'],
- fireEnterSpaceXF1AltY);
- }
- function testIgnoreNonGlobalShortcutsInContentEditable() {
- try {
- document.designMode = 'on';
- targetDiv.contentEditable = 'true';
- // Expect only global shortcuts.
- listener.shortcutFired('global');
- listener.$replay();
- registerEnterSpaceXF1AltY();
- fireEnterSpaceXF1AltY(targetDiv);
- listener.$verify();
- } finally {
- document.designMode = 'off';
- targetDiv.contentEditable = 'false';
- }
- }
- function testSetAllShortcutsAreGlobal() {
- handler.setAllShortcutsAreGlobal(true);
- registerEnterSpaceXF1AltY();
- expectShortcutsOnTargets(
- ['enter', 'space', 'x', 'global', 'withAlt'], ['targetTextArea'],
- fireEnterSpaceXF1AltY);
- }
- function testSetModifierShortcutsAreGlobalFalse() {
- handler.setModifierShortcutsAreGlobal(false);
- registerEnterSpaceXF1AltY();
- expectShortcutsOnTargets(
- ['global'], ['targetTextArea'], fireEnterSpaceXF1AltY);
- }
- function testAltGraphKeyOnUSLayout() {
- // Windows does not assign printable characters to any ctrl+alt keys of
- // the US layout. This test verifies we fire shortcut events when typing
- // ctrl+alt keys on the US layout.
- listener.shortcutFired('letterOne');
- listener.shortcutFired('letterTwo');
- listener.shortcutFired('letterThree');
- listener.shortcutFired('letterFour');
- listener.shortcutFired('letterFive');
- if (goog.userAgent.WINDOWS && !goog.userAgent.GECKO) {
- listener.$replay();
- handler.registerShortcut('letterOne', 'ctrl+alt+1');
- handler.registerShortcut('letterTwo', 'ctrl+alt+2');
- handler.registerShortcut('letterThree', 'ctrl+alt+3');
- handler.registerShortcut('letterFour', 'ctrl+alt+4');
- handler.registerShortcut('letterFive', 'ctrl+alt+5');
- // Send key events on the English (United States) layout.
- fireAltGraphKey(KeyCodes.ONE, 0, {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true});
- fireAltGraphKey(KeyCodes.TWO, 0, {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true});
- fireAltGraphKey(KeyCodes.THREE, 0, {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true});
- fireAltGraphKey(KeyCodes.FOUR, 0, {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true});
- fireAltGraphKey(KeyCodes.FIVE, 0, {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true});
- listener.$verify()
- }
- }
- function testAltGraphKeyOnFrenchLayout() {
- // Windows assigns printable characters to ctrl+alt+[2-5] keys of the
- // French layout. This test verifies we fire shortcut events only when
- // we type ctrl+alt+1 keys on the French layout.
- listener.shortcutFired('letterOne');
- if (goog.userAgent.WINDOWS && !goog.userAgent.GECKO) {
- listener.$replay();
- handler.registerShortcut('letterOne', 'ctrl+alt+1');
- handler.registerShortcut('letterTwo', 'ctrl+alt+2');
- handler.registerShortcut('letterThree', 'ctrl+alt+3');
- handler.registerShortcut('letterFour', 'ctrl+alt+4');
- handler.registerShortcut('letterFive', 'ctrl+alt+5');
- // Send key events on the French (France) layout.
- fireAltGraphKey(KeyCodes.ONE, 0, {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true});
- fireAltGraphKey(KeyCodes.TWO, 0x0303, {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true});
- fireAltGraphKey(KeyCodes.THREE, 0x0023, {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true});
- fireAltGraphKey(KeyCodes.FOUR, 0x007b, {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true});
- fireAltGraphKey(KeyCodes.FIVE, 0x205b, {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true});
- listener.$verify()
- }
- }
- function testAltGraphKeyOnSpanishLayout() {
- // Windows assigns printable characters to ctrl+alt+[1-5] keys of the
- // Spanish layout. This test verifies we do not fire shortcut events at
- // all when typing ctrl+alt+[1-5] keys on the Spanish layout.
- if (goog.userAgent.WINDOWS && !goog.userAgent.GECKO) {
- listener.$replay();
- handler.registerShortcut('letterOne', 'ctrl+alt+1');
- handler.registerShortcut('letterTwo', 'ctrl+alt+2');
- handler.registerShortcut('letterThree', 'ctrl+alt+3');
- handler.registerShortcut('letterFour', 'ctrl+alt+4');
- handler.registerShortcut('letterFive', 'ctrl+alt+5');
- // Send key events on the Spanish (Spain) layout.
- fireAltGraphKey(KeyCodes.ONE, 0x007c, {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true});
- fireAltGraphKey(KeyCodes.TWO, 0x0040, {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true});
- fireAltGraphKey(KeyCodes.THREE, 0x0023, {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true});
- fireAltGraphKey(KeyCodes.FOUR, 0x0303, {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true});
- fireAltGraphKey(KeyCodes.FIVE, 0x20ac, {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true});
- listener.$verify()
- }
- }
- function testNumpadKeyShortcuts() {
- var testCases = [
- ['letterNumpad0', 'num-0', KeyCodes.NUM_ZERO],
- ['letterNumpad1', 'num-1', KeyCodes.NUM_ONE],
- ['letterNumpad2', 'num-2', KeyCodes.NUM_TWO],
- ['letterNumpad3', 'num-3', KeyCodes.NUM_THREE],
- ['letterNumpad4', 'num-4', KeyCodes.NUM_FOUR],
- ['letterNumpad5', 'num-5', KeyCodes.NUM_FIVE],
- ['letterNumpad6', 'num-6', KeyCodes.NUM_SIX],
- ['letterNumpad7', 'num-7', KeyCodes.NUM_SEVEN],
- ['letterNumpad8', 'num-8', KeyCodes.NUM_EIGHT],
- ['letterNumpad9', 'num-9', KeyCodes.NUM_NINE],
- ['letterNumpadMultiply', 'num-multiply', KeyCodes.NUM_MULTIPLY],
- ['letterNumpadPlus', 'num-plus', KeyCodes.NUM_PLUS],
- ['letterNumpadMinus', 'num-minus', KeyCodes.NUM_MINUS],
- ['letterNumpadPERIOD', 'num-period', KeyCodes.NUM_PERIOD],
- ['letterNumpadDIVISION', 'num-division', KeyCodes.NUM_DIVISION]
- ];
- for (var i = 0; i < testCases.length; ++i) {
- listener.shortcutFired(testCases[i][0]);
- }
- listener.$replay();
- // Register shortcuts for numpad keys and send numpad-key events.
- for (var i = 0; i < testCases.length; ++i) {
- handler.registerShortcut(testCases[i][0], testCases[i][1]);
- fire(testCases[i][2]);
- }
- listener.$verify()
- }
- function testGeckoShortcuts() {
- listener.shortcutFired('1');
- listener.$replay();
- handler.registerShortcut('1', 'semicolon');
- if (goog.userAgent.GECKO) {
- fire(goog.events.KeyCodes.FF_SEMICOLON);
- } else {
- fire(goog.events.KeyCodes.SEMICOLON);
- }
- listener.$verify()
- }
- </script>