path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/hsvpalette_test.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/hsvpalette_test.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/hsvpalette_test.html b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/hsvpalette_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/hsvpalette_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
-See the COPYING file for details.
-This test has not yet been updated to run on IE8. See http://b/hotlist?id=36311
-<!--meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"-->
-<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7">
- <title>HsvPalette Unit Tests</title>
- <script src="../base.js"></script>
- <script src="../deps.js"></script>
- <script>
- goog.require('goog.color');
- goog.require('goog.events');
- goog.require('goog.math.Rect');
- goog.require('goog.style');
- goog.require('goog.testing.PropertyReplacer');
- goog.require('goog.testing.events');
- goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit');
- goog.require('goog.ui.HsvPalette');
- </script>
- <div id="sandbox"></div>
- <div id="sandboxRtl" dir="rtl"></div>
- <script>
- var samplePalette;
- var eventWasFired = false;
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- function setUp() {
- samplePalette = new goog.ui.HsvPalette();
- }
- function tearDown() {
- samplePalette.dispose();
- stubs.reset();
- }
- function testRtl() {
- samplePalette.render(document.getElementById('sandboxRtl'));
- var color = '#ffffff';
- samplePalette.inputEl_.value = color;
- samplePalette.handleInput(null);
- var expectedRight = samplePalette.hsImageEl_.offsetWidth -
- Math.ceil(samplePalette.hsHandleEl_.offsetWidth / 2);
- assertEquals(expectedRight + 'px',
- samplePalette.hsHandleEl_.style['right']);
- assertEquals('', samplePalette.hsHandleEl_.style['left']);
- }
- function testOptionalInitialColor() {
- var initialColor = '#0000ff';
- var customInitialPalette = new goog.ui.HsvPalette(null, initialColor);
- assertEquals(initialColor,
- goog.color.parse(customInitialPalette.getColor()).hex);
- }
- function testCustomClassName() {
- var customClassName = 'custom-plouf';
- var customClassPalette =
- new goog.ui.HsvPalette(null, null, customClassName);
- customClassPalette.createDom();
- assertTrue(goog.dom.classes.has(customClassPalette.getElement(),
- customClassName));
- }
- function testCannotDecorate() {
- assertFalse(samplePalette.canDecorate());
- }
- function testSetColor() {
- var color = '#abcdef';
- samplePalette.setColor(color);
- assertEquals(color, goog.color.parse(samplePalette.getColor()).hex);
- }
- function testChangeEvent() {
- // TODO(user): Add functionality to goog.testing.events to assert
- // an event was fired.
- goog.events.listen(samplePalette, goog.ui.Component.EventType.ACTION,
- function() {eventWasFired = true;});
- samplePalette.setColor('#123456');
- assertTrue(eventWasFired);
- }
- function testSetHsv() {
- // Start from red.
- samplePalette.setColor('#ff0000');
- // Setting hue to 0.5 should yield cyan.
- samplePalette.setHsv(0.5, null, null);
- assertEquals('#00ffff', goog.color.parse(samplePalette.getColor()).hex);
- // Setting saturation to 0 should yield white.
- samplePalette.setHsv(null, 0, null);
- assertEquals('#ffffff',
- goog.color.parse(samplePalette.getColor()).hex);
- // Setting value/brightness to 0 should yield black.
- samplePalette.setHsv(null, null, 0);
- assertEquals('#000000', goog.color.parse(samplePalette.getColor()).hex);
- }
- function testRender() {
- samplePalette.render(document.getElementById('sandbox'));
- assertTrue(samplePalette.isInDocument());
- var elem = samplePalette.getElement();
- assertNotNull(elem);
- assertEquals(goog.dom.TagName.DIV, elem.tagName);
- if (goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.isVersion('7')) {
- assertSameElements('On IE6, the noalpha class must be present',
- ['goog-hsv-palette', 'goog-hsv-palette-noalpha'],
- goog.dom.classes.get(elem));
- } else {
- assertEquals('The noalpha class must not be present',
- 'goog-hsv-palette', elem.className);
- }
- }
- function testNoLeftOverListenersAfterDispose() {
- var initialListenerCount = goog.events.getTotalListenerCount();
- samplePalette.render(document.getElementById('sandbox'));
- samplePalette.dispose();
- assertEquals(initialListenerCount, goog.events.getTotalListenerCount());
- }
- function testSwatchTextIsReadable() {
- samplePalette.render(document.getElementById('sandbox'));
- // Text should be black when background is light.
- samplePalette.setColor('#ccffff');
- assertEquals('#000000',
- goog.color.parse(goog.style.getStyle(samplePalette.swatchEl_,
- 'color')).hex);
- // Text should be white when background is dark.
- samplePalette.setColor('#410800');
- assertEquals('#ffffff',
- goog.color.parse(goog.style.getStyle(samplePalette.swatchEl_,
- 'color')).hex);
- }
- function testInputColor() {
- samplePalette.render(document.getElementById('sandbox'));
- var color = '#001122';
- samplePalette.inputEl_.value = color;
- samplePalette.handleInput(null);
- assertEquals(color, goog.color.parse(samplePalette.getColor()).hex);
- }
- function testHandleMouseMoveValue() {
- samplePalette.render(document.getElementById('sandbox'));
- stubs.set(goog.dom, 'getPageScroll', function() {
- return new goog.math.Coordinate(0, 0);
- });
- // Raising the value/brightness of a dark red should yield a lighter red.
- samplePalette.setColor('#630c00');
- goog.style.setPageOffset(samplePalette.vImageEl_, 0, 0);
- goog.style.setSize(samplePalette.vImageEl_, 10, 100);
- var boundaries = goog.style.getBounds(samplePalette.vImageEl_);
- var event = new goog.events.Event();
- event.clientY = -50;
- // TODO(user): Use
- // goog.testing.events.fireMouseDownEvent(samplePalette.vImageEl_);
- // when google.testing.events support specifying properties of the event
- // or find out how tod o it if it already supports it.
- samplePalette.handleMouseMoveV_(boundaries, event);
- assertEquals('#ff1e00', goog.color.parse(samplePalette.getColor()).hex);
- }
- function testHandleMouseMoveHueSaturation() {
- samplePalette.render(document.getElementById('sandbox'));
- stubs.set(goog.dom, 'getPageScroll', function() {
- return new goog.math.Coordinate(0, 0);
- });
- // The following hue/saturation selection should yield a light yellow.
- goog.style.setPageOffset(samplePalette.hsImageEl_, 0, 0);
- goog.style.setSize(samplePalette.hsImageEl_, 100, 100);
- var boundaries = goog.style.getBounds(samplePalette.hsImageEl_);
- var event = new goog.events.Event();
- event.clientX = 20;
- event.clientY = 85;
- // TODO(user): Use goog.testing.events when appropriate (see above).
- samplePalette.handleMouseMoveHs_(boundaries, event);
- // TODO(user): Fix the main code for this, see bug #1324469.
- // NOTE(gboyer): It's a little better than before due to the
- // goog.style getBoundingClientRect fix, but still not the same. :-(
- if (goog.userAgent.IE) {
- var expectedColor = '#ffe0b2';
- } else {
- var expectedColor = '#ffeec4';
- }
- assertEquals(expectedColor,
- goog.color.parse(samplePalette.getColor()).hex);
- }
- </script>