path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/containerrenderer_test.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/containerrenderer_test.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 228 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/containerrenderer_test.html b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/containerrenderer_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6aa1ab2..0000000
--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/containerrenderer_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
-See the COPYING file for details.
-Author: attila@google.com (Attila Bodis)
-<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
- <title>Closure Unit Tests - goog.ui.ContainerRenderer</title>
- <script src="../base.js"></script>
- <script>
- goog.require('goog.dom');
- goog.require('goog.testing.ExpectedFailures');
- goog.require('goog.testing.PropertyReplacer');
- goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit');
- goog.require('goog.testing.ui.rendererasserts');
- goog.require('goog.ui.Container');
- goog.require('goog.ui.ContainerRenderer');
- goog.require('goog.ui.Control');
- goog.require('goog.ui.ControlRenderer');
- </script>
- <div id="sandbox"></div>
- <script>
- var renderer;
- var expectedFailures = new goog.testing.ExpectedFailures();
- var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- function setUp() {
- var sandbox = goog.dom.getElement('sandbox');
- sandbox.appendChild(goog.dom.createDom('span', {
- id: 'noTabIndex'
- }, 'Test'));
- sandbox.appendChild(goog.dom.createDom('div', {
- id: 'container',
- 'class': 'goog-container-horizontal'
- }, goog.dom.createDom('div', {
- id: 'control',
- 'class': 'goog-control'
- }, 'Hello, world!')));
- renderer = goog.ui.ContainerRenderer.getInstance();
- }
- function tearDown() {
- goog.dom.getElement('sandbox').innerHTML = '';
- stubs.reset();
- expectedFailures.handleTearDown();
- }
- function testGetInstance() {
- assertTrue('getInstance() must return a ContainerRenderer',
- renderer instanceof goog.ui.ContainerRenderer);
- assertEquals('getInstance() must return the same object each time',
- renderer, goog.ui.ContainerRenderer.getInstance());
- }
- function testGetCustomRenderer() {
- var cssClass = 'special-css-class';
- var containerRenderer = goog.ui.ContainerRenderer.getCustomRenderer(
- goog.ui.ContainerRenderer, cssClass);
- assertEquals(
- 'Renderer should have returned the custom CSS class.',
- cssClass,
- containerRenderer.getCssClass());
- }
- function testGetAriaRole() {
- assertUndefined('ARIA role must be undefined', renderer.getAriaRole());
- }
- function testEnableTabIndex() {
- var container = goog.dom.getElement('container');
- assertFalse('Container must not have any tab index',
- goog.dom.isFocusableTabIndex(container));
- // WebKit on Mac doesn't support tabIndex for arbitrary DOM elements
- // until version 527 or later.
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.WEBKIT &&
- goog.userAgent.MAC && !goog.userAgent.isVersion('527'));
- try {
- renderer.enableTabIndex(container, true);
- assertTrue('Container must have a tab index',
- goog.dom.isFocusableTabIndex(container));
- assertEquals('Container\'s tab index must be 0', 0, container.tabIndex);
- renderer.enableTabIndex(container, false);
- assertFalse('Container must not have a tab index',
- goog.dom.isFocusableTabIndex(container));
- assertEquals('Container\'s tab index must be -1', -1,
- container.tabIndex);
- } catch (e) {
- expectedFailures.handleException(e);
- }
- }
- function testCreateDom() {
- var horizontal = new goog.ui.Container(
- goog.ui.Container.Orientation.HORIZONTAL);
- var element1 = renderer.createDom(horizontal);
- assertEquals('Element must be a DIV', 'DIV', element1.tagName);
- assertEquals('Element must have the expected class name',
- 'goog-container goog-container-horizontal',
- element1.className);
- var vertical = new goog.ui.Container(
- goog.ui.Container.Orientation.VERTICAL);
- var element2 = renderer.createDom(vertical);
- assertEquals('Element must be a DIV', 'DIV', element2.tagName);
- assertEquals('Element must have the expected class name',
- 'goog-container goog-container-vertical',
- element2.className);
- }
- function testGetContentElement() {
- assertNull('getContentElement() must return null if element is null',
- renderer.getContentElement(null));
- var element = goog.dom.getElement('container');
- assertEquals('getContentElement() must return its argument',
- element, renderer.getContentElement(element));
- }
- function testCanDecorate() {
- assertFalse('canDecorate() must return false for a SPAN',
- renderer.canDecorate(goog.dom.getElement('noTabIndex')));
- assertTrue('canDecorate() must return true for a DIV',
- renderer.canDecorate(goog.dom.getElement('container')));
- }
- function testDecorate() {
- var container = new goog.ui.Container();
- var element = goog.dom.getElement('container');
- assertFalse('Container must not be in the document',
- container.isInDocument());
- container.decorate(element);
- assertTrue('Container must be in the document',
- container.isInDocument());
- assertEquals('Container\'s ID must match the decorated element\'s ID',
- element.id, container.getId());
- assertEquals('Element must have the expected class name',
- 'goog-container-horizontal goog-container', element.className);
- assertEquals('Container must have one child', 1,
- container.getChildCount());
- assertEquals('Child component\'s ID must be as expected', 'control',
- container.getChildAt(0).getId());
- assertThrows('Redecorating must throw error', function() {
- container.decorate(element);
- });
- }
- function testDecorateWithCustomContainerElement() {
- var element = goog.dom.getElement('container');
- var alternateContainerElement = goog.dom.createElement('div');
- element.appendChild(alternateContainerElement);
- var container = new goog.ui.Container();
- stubs.set(renderer, 'getContentElement', function() {
- return alternateContainerElement;
- });
- assertFalse('Container must not be in the document',
- container.isInDocument());
- container.decorate(element);
- assertTrue('Container must be in the document',
- container.isInDocument());
- assertEquals('Container\'s ID must match the decorated element\'s ID',
- element.id, container.getId());
- assertEquals('Element must have the expected class name',
- 'goog-container-horizontal goog-container', element.className);
- assertEquals('Container must have 0 children', 0,
- container.getChildCount());
- assertThrows('Redecorating must throw error', function() {
- container.decorate(element);
- });
- }
- function testSetStateFromClassName() {
- var container = new goog.ui.Container();
- assertEquals('Container must be vertical',
- goog.ui.Container.Orientation.VERTICAL, container.getOrientation());
- renderer.setStateFromClassName(container, 'goog-container-horizontal',
- 'goog-container');
- assertEquals('Container must be horizontal',
- goog.ui.Container.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, container.getOrientation());
- renderer.setStateFromClassName(container, 'goog-container-vertical',
- 'goog-container');
- assertEquals('Container must be vertical',
- goog.ui.Container.Orientation.VERTICAL, container.getOrientation());
- assertTrue('Container must be enabled', container.isEnabled());
- renderer.setStateFromClassName(container, 'goog-container-disabled',
- 'goog-container');
- assertFalse('Container must be disabled', container.isEnabled());
- }
- function testInitializeDom() {
- var container = new goog.ui.Container();
- var element = goog.dom.getElement('container');
- container.decorate(element);
- assertTrue('Container\'s root element must be unselectable',
- goog.style.isUnselectable(container.getElement()));
- assertEquals('On IE, container\'s root element must have hideFocus=true',
- goog.userAgent.IE, !!container.getElement().hideFocus);
- }
- function testDoesntCallGetCssClassInConstructor() {
- goog.testing.ui.rendererasserts.
- assertNoGetCssClassCallsInConstructor(goog.ui.ContainerRenderer);
- }
- </script>