path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/container_test.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/container_test.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 451 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/container_test.html b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/container_test.html
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index 9adfb3c..0000000
--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/container_test.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
-See the COPYING file for details.
-Author: attila@google.com (Attila Bodis)
-<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
- <title>Closure Unit Tests - goog.ui.Container</title>
- <script src="../base.js"></script>
- <script>
- goog.require('goog.Disposable');
- goog.require('goog.dom');
- goog.require('goog.dom.classes');
- goog.require('goog.testing.events');
- goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit');
- goog.require('goog.ui.Container');
- goog.require('goog.ui.Container.EventType');
- goog.require('goog.ui.Control');
- </script>
- <div id="sandbox"></div>
- <script>
- var sandbox = goog.dom.getElement('sandbox');
- var containerElement;
- var container;
- var keyContainer;
- var listContainer;
- function setUp() {
- container = new goog.ui.Container();
- keyContainer = null;
- listContainer = null;
- sandbox.innerHTML =
- '<div id="containerElement" class="goog-container">\n' +
- ' <div class="goog-control">Hello</div>\n' +
- ' <div class="goog-control">World</div>\n' +
- '</div>';
- containerElement = goog.dom.getElement('containerElement');
- }
- function tearDown() {
- goog.dom.removeChildren(sandbox);
- container.dispose();
- goog.events.removeAll();
- goog.dispose(keyContainer);
- goog.dispose(listContainer);
- }
- function testDecorateHidden() {
- containerElement.style.display = 'none';
- assertTrue('Container must be visible', container.isVisible());
- container.decorate(containerElement);
- assertFalse('Container must be hidden', container.isVisible());
- container.forEachChild(function(control) {
- assertTrue('Child control ' + control.getId() + ' must report being ' +
- 'visible, even if in a hidden container', control.isVisible());
- });
- }
- function testDecorateDisabled() {
- goog.dom.classes.add(containerElement, 'goog-container-disabled');
- assertTrue('Container must be enabled', container.isEnabled());
- container.decorate(containerElement);
- assertFalse('Container must be disabled', container.isEnabled());
- container.forEachChild(function(control) {
- assertFalse('Child control ' + control.getId() + ' must be disabled, ' +
- 'because the host container is disabled', control.isEnabled());
- });
- }
- function testDecorateFocusableContainer() {
- container.decorate(containerElement);
- assertTrue('Container must be focusable', container.isFocusable());
- container.forEachChild(function(control) {
- assertFalse('Child control ' + control.getId() + ' must not be ' +
- 'focusable',
- control.isSupportedState(goog.ui.Component.State.FOCUSED));
- });
- }
- function testDecorateFocusableChildrenContainer() {
- container.setFocusable(false);
- container.setFocusableChildrenAllowed(true);
- container.decorate(containerElement);
- assertFalse('Container must not be focusable', container.isFocusable());
- container.forEachChild(function(control) {
- assertTrue('Child control ' + control.getId() + ' must be ' +
- 'focusable',
- control.isSupportedState(goog.ui.Component.State.FOCUSED));
- });
- }
- function testHighlightOnEnter() {
- // This interaction test ensures that containers enforce that children
- // get highlighted on mouseover, and that one and only one child may
- // be highlighted at a time. Although integration tests aren't the
- // best, it's difficult to test these event-based interactions due to
- // their disposition toward the "misunderstood contract" problem.
- container.decorate(containerElement);
- assertFalse('Child 0 should initially not be highlighted',
- container.getChildAt(0).isHighlighted());
- goog.testing.events.fireMouseOverEvent(
- container.getChildAt(0).getElement(), sandbox);
- assertTrue('Child 0 should become highlighted after a mouse over',
- container.getChildAt(0).isHighlighted());
- goog.testing.events.fireMouseOverEvent(
- container.getChildAt(1).getElement(),
- container.getChildAt(0).getElement());
- assertFalse('Child 0 should lose highlight when child 1 is moused ' +
- 'over, even if no mouseout occurs.',
- container.getChildAt(0).isHighlighted());
- assertTrue('Child 1 should now be highlighted.',
- container.getChildAt(1).isHighlighted());
- }
- function testHighlightOnEnterPreventable() {
- container.decorate(containerElement);
- goog.events.listen(container, goog.ui.Component.EventType.ENTER,
- function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- });
- goog.testing.events.fireMouseOverEvent(
- container.getChildAt(0).getElement(), sandbox);
- assertFalse('Child 0 should not be highlighted if preventDefault called',
- container.getChildAt(0).isHighlighted());
- }
- function testHighlightDisabled() {
- // Another interaction test. Already tested in control_test.
- container.decorate(containerElement);
- container.getChildAt(0).setEnabled(false);
- goog.testing.events.fireMouseOverEvent(
- container.getChildAt(0).getElement(), sandbox);
- assertFalse('Disabled children should not be highlighted',
- container.getChildAt(0).isHighlighted());
- }
- function testGetOwnerControl() {
- container.decorate(containerElement);
- assertEquals('Must return appropriate control given an element in the ' +
- 'control.',
- container.getChildAt(1),
- container.getOwnerControl(container.getChildAt(1).getElement()));
- assertNull('Must return null for element not associated with control.',
- container.getOwnerControl(document.body));
- assertNull('Must return null if given null node',
- container.getOwnerControl(null));
- }
- function testShowEvent() {
- container.decorate(containerElement);
- container.setVisible(false);
- var eventFired = false;
- goog.events.listen(container, goog.ui.Component.EventType.SHOW,
- function() {
- assertFalse('Container must not be visible when SHOW event is ' +
- 'fired',
- container.isVisible());
- eventFired = true;
- });
- container.setVisible(true);
- assertTrue('SHOW event expected', eventFired);
- }
- function testAfterShowEvent() {
- container.decorate(containerElement);
- container.setVisible(false);
- var eventFired = false;
- goog.events.listen(container, goog.ui.Container.EventType.AFTER_SHOW,
- function() {
- assertTrue('Container must be visible when AFTER_SHOW event is ' +
- 'fired',
- container.isVisible());
- eventFired = true;
- });
- container.setVisible(true);
- assertTrue('AFTER_SHOW event expected', eventFired);
- }
- function testHideEvents() {
- var events = [];
- container.decorate(containerElement);
- container.setVisible(true);
- var eventFired = false;
- goog.events.listen(container, goog.ui.Component.EventType.HIDE,
- function(e) {
- assertTrue(
- 'Container must be visible when HIDE event is fired',
- container.isVisible());
- events.push(e.type);
- });
- goog.events.listen(container, goog.ui.Container.EventType.AFTER_HIDE,
- function(e) {
- assertFalse(
- 'Container must not be visible when AFTER_HIDE event is fired',
- container.isVisible());
- events.push(e.type);
- });
- container.setVisible(false);
- assertArrayEquals('HIDE event followed by AFTER_HIDE expected', [
- goog.ui.Component.EventType.HIDE,
- goog.ui.Container.EventType.AFTER_HIDE
- ], events);
- }
- /**
- * Test container to which the elements have to be added with
- * {@code container.addChild(element, false)}
- * @constructor
- * @extends {goog.ui.Container}
- */
- function ListContainer() {
- goog.ui.Container.call(this);
- }
- goog.inherits(ListContainer, goog.ui.Container);
- /** @override */
- ListContainer.prototype.createDom = function() {
- ListContainer.superClass_.createDom.call(this);
- var ul = this.getDomHelper().createDom('ul');
- this.forEachChild(function(child) {
- child.createDom();
- var childEl = child.getElement();
- ul.appendChild(this.getDomHelper().createDom('li', {}, childEl));
- }, this);
- this.getContentElement().appendChild(ul);
- };
- function testGetOwnerControlWithNoRenderingInAddChild() {
- listContainer = new ListContainer();
- var control = new goog.ui.Control('item');
- listContainer.addChild(control);
- listContainer.render();
- var ownerControl = listContainer.getOwnerControl(control.getElement());
- assertEquals('Control was added with addChild(control, false)',
- control, ownerControl);
- }
- /**
- * Test container for tracking key events being handled.
- * @constructor
- * @extends {goog.ui.Container}
- */
- function KeyHandlingContainer() {
- goog.ui.Container.call(this);
- this.keyEventsHandled = 0;
- }
- goog.inherits(KeyHandlingContainer, goog.ui.Container);
- /** @override */
- KeyHandlingContainer.prototype.handleKeyEventInternal = function() {
- this.keyEventsHandled++;
- return false;
- };
- function testHandleKeyEvent_onlyHandlesWhenVisible() {
- keyContainer = new KeyHandlingContainer();
- keyContainer.decorate(containerElement);
- keyContainer.setVisible(false);
- keyContainer.handleKeyEvent(new goog.events.Event());
- assertEquals('No key events should be handled',
- 0, keyContainer.keyEventsHandled);
- keyContainer.setVisible(true);
- keyContainer.handleKeyEvent(new goog.events.Event());
- assertEquals('One key event should be handled',
- 1, keyContainer.keyEventsHandled);
- }
- function testHandleKeyEvent_onlyHandlesWhenEnabled() {
- keyContainer = new KeyHandlingContainer();
- keyContainer.decorate(containerElement);
- keyContainer.setVisible(true);
- keyContainer.setEnabled(false);
- keyContainer.handleKeyEvent(new goog.events.Event());
- assertEquals('No key events should be handled',
- 0, keyContainer.keyEventsHandled);
- keyContainer.setEnabled(true);
- keyContainer.handleKeyEvent(new goog.events.Event());
- assertEquals('One key event should be handled',
- 1, keyContainer.keyEventsHandled);
- }
- function testHandleKeyEvent_childlessContainersIgnoreKeyEvents() {
- keyContainer = new KeyHandlingContainer();
- keyContainer.render();
- keyContainer.setVisible(true);
- keyContainer.handleKeyEvent(new goog.events.Event());
- assertEquals('No key events should be handled',
- 0, keyContainer.keyEventsHandled);
- keyContainer.addChild(new goog.ui.Control());
- keyContainer.handleKeyEvent(new goog.events.Event());
- assertEquals('One key event should be handled',
- 1, keyContainer.keyEventsHandled);
- }
- function testHandleKeyEvent_alwaysHandlesWithKeyEventTarget() {
- keyContainer = new KeyHandlingContainer();
- keyContainer.render();
- keyContainer.setKeyEventTarget(goog.dom.createDom('div'));
- keyContainer.setVisible(true);
- keyContainer.handleKeyEvent(new goog.events.Event());
- assertEquals('One key events should be handled',
- 1, keyContainer.keyEventsHandled);
- }
- function testHandleKeyEventInternal_onlyHandlesUnmodified() {
- container.setKeyEventTarget(sandbox);
- var event = new goog.events.KeyEvent(
- goog.events.KeyCodes.ESC, 0, false, null);
- var propertyNames = [
- 'shiftKey',
- 'altKey',
- 'ctrlKey',
- 'metaKey'
- ];
- // Verify that the event is not handled whenever a modifier key is true.
- for (var i = 0, propertyName; propertyName = propertyNames[i]; i++) {
- assertTrue('Event should be handled when modifer key is not pressed.',
- container.handleKeyEventInternal(event));
- event[propertyName] = true;
- assertFalse('Event should not be handled when modifer key is pressed.',
- container.handleKeyEventInternal(event));
- event[propertyName] = false;
- }
- }
- function testOpenFollowsHighlight() {
- container.decorate(containerElement);
- container.setOpenFollowsHighlight(true);
- assertTrue('isOpenFollowsHighlight should return true',
- container.isOpenFollowsHighlight());
- // Make the children openable.
- container.forEachChild(function(child) {
- child.setSupportedState(goog.ui.Component.State.OPENED, true);
- });
- // Open child 1 initially.
- container.getChildAt(1).setOpen(true);
- assertFalse('Child 0 should initially not be highlighted',
- container.getChildAt(0).isHighlighted());
- goog.testing.events.fireMouseOverEvent(
- container.getChildAt(0).getElement(), sandbox);
- assertTrue('Child 0 should become highlighted after a mouse over',
- container.getChildAt(0).isHighlighted());
- assertTrue('Child 0 should become open after higlighted',
- container.getChildAt(0).isOpen());
- assertFalse('Child 1 should become closed once 0 is open',
- container.getChildAt(1).isOpen());
- assertEquals('OpenItem should be child 0',
- container.getChildAt(0), container.getOpenItem());
- }
- function testOpenNotFollowsHighlight() {
- container.decorate(containerElement);
- container.setOpenFollowsHighlight(false);
- assertFalse('isOpenFollowsHighlight should return false',
- container.isOpenFollowsHighlight());
- // Make the children openable.
- container.forEachChild(function(child) {
- child.setSupportedState(goog.ui.Component.State.OPENED, true);
- });
- // Open child 1 initially.
- container.getChildAt(1).setOpen(true);
- assertFalse('Child 0 should initially not be highlighted',
- container.getChildAt(0).isHighlighted());
- goog.testing.events.fireMouseOverEvent(
- container.getChildAt(0).getElement(), sandbox);
- assertTrue('Child 0 should become highlighted after a mouse over',
- container.getChildAt(0).isHighlighted());
- assertFalse('Child 0 should remain closed after higlighted',
- container.getChildAt(0).isOpen());
- assertTrue('Child 1 should remain open',
- container.getChildAt(1).isOpen());
- assertEquals('OpenItem should be child 1',
- container.getChildAt(1), container.getOpenItem());
- }
- function testRemoveChild() {
- goog.dom.removeChildren(containerElement);
- container.decorate(containerElement);
- var a = new goog.ui.Control('A');
- var b = new goog.ui.Control('B');
- var c = new goog.ui.Control('C');
- a.setId('a');
- b.setId('b');
- c.setId('c');
- container.addChild(a, true);
- container.addChild(b, true);
- container.addChild(c, true);
- container.setHighlightedIndex(2);
- assertEquals('Parent must remove and return child by ID', b,
- container.removeChild('b'));
- assertNull('Parent must no longer contain this child',
- container.getChild('b'));
- assertEquals('Highlighted index must be decreased', 1,
- container.getHighlightedIndex());
- assertTrue('The removed control must handle its own mouse events',
- b.isHandleMouseEvents());
- assertEquals('Parent must remove and return child', c,
- container.removeChild(c));
- assertNull('Parent must no longer contain this child',
- container.getChild('c'));
- assertFalse('This child must no longer be highlighted',
- c.isHighlighted());
- assertTrue('The removed control must handle its own mouse events',
- c.isHandleMouseEvents());
- assertEquals('Parent must remove and return child by index', a,
- container.removeChildAt(0));
- assertNull('Parent must no longer contain this child',
- container.getChild('a'));
- assertTrue('The removed control must handle its own mouse events',
- a.isHandleMouseEvents());
- }
- </script>