path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/combobox.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/combobox.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 954 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/combobox.js b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/combobox.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dc065a8..0000000
--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/combobox.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,954 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
- * @fileoverview A combo box control that allows user input with
- * auto-suggestion from a limited set of options.
- *
- * @see ../demos/combobox.html
- */
- * A ComboBox control.
- * @param {goog.dom.DomHelper=} opt_domHelper Optional DOM helper.
- * @param {goog.ui.Menu=} opt_menu Optional menu.
- * @extends {goog.ui.Component}
- * @constructor
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox = function(opt_domHelper, opt_menu) {
- goog.ui.Component.call(this, opt_domHelper);
- this.labelInput_ = new goog.ui.LabelInput();
- this.enabled_ = true;
- // TODO(user): Allow lazy creation of menus/menu items
- this.menu_ = opt_menu || new goog.ui.Menu(this.getDomHelper());
- this.setupMenu_();
-goog.inherits(goog.ui.ComboBox, goog.ui.Component);
- * Number of milliseconds to wait before dismissing combobox after blur.
- * @type {number}
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.BLUR_DISMISS_TIMER_MS = 250;
- * A logger to help debugging of combo box behavior.
- * @type {goog.debug.Logger}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.logger_ =
- goog.debug.Logger.getLogger('goog.ui.ComboBox');
- * Whether the combo box is enabled.
- * @type {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- * Keyboard event handler to manage key events dispatched by the input element.
- * @type {goog.events.KeyHandler}
- * @private
- */
- * Input handler to take care of firing events when the user inputs text in
- * the input.
- * @type {goog.events.InputHandler?}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.inputHandler_ = null;
- * The last input token.
- * @type {?string}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.lastToken_ = null;
- * A LabelInput control that manages the focus/blur state of the input box.
- * @type {goog.ui.LabelInput?}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.labelInput_ = null;
- * Drop down menu for the combo box. Will be created at construction time.
- * @type {goog.ui.Menu?}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.menu_ = null;
- * The cached visible count.
- * @type {number}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.visibleCount_ = -1;
- * The input element.
- * @type {Element}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.input_ = null;
- * The match function. The first argument for the match function will be
- * a MenuItem's caption and the second will be the token to evaluate.
- * @type {Function}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.matchFunction_ = goog.string.startsWith;
- * Element used as the combo boxes button.
- * @type {Element}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.button_ = null;
- * Default text content for the input box when it is unchanged and unfocussed.
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.defaultText_ = '';
- * Name for the input box created
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.fieldName_ = '';
- * Timer identifier for delaying the dismissal of the combo menu.
- * @type {?number}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.dismissTimer_ = null;
- * True if the unicode inverted triangle should be displayed in the dropdown
- * button. Defaults to false.
- * @type {boolean} useDropdownArrow
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.useDropdownArrow_ = false;
- * Create the DOM objects needed for the combo box. A span and text input.
- * @override
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.createDom = function() {
- this.input_ = this.getDomHelper().createDom(
- 'input', {'name': this.fieldName_, 'autocomplete': 'off'});
- this.button_ = this.getDomHelper().createDom('span',
- goog.getCssName('goog-combobox-button'));
- this.setElementInternal(this.getDomHelper().createDom('span',
- goog.getCssName('goog-combobox'), this.input_, this.button_));
- if (this.useDropdownArrow_) {
- this.button_.innerHTML = '▼';
- goog.style.setUnselectable(this.button_, true /* unselectable */);
- }
- this.input_.setAttribute('label', this.defaultText_);
- this.labelInput_.decorate(this.input_);
- this.menu_.setFocusable(false);
- if (!this.menu_.isInDocument()) {
- this.addChild(this.menu_, true);
- }
- * Enables/Disables the combo box.
- * @param {boolean} enabled Whether to enable (true) or disable (false) the
- * combo box.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.setEnabled = function(enabled) {
- this.enabled_ = enabled;
- this.labelInput_.setEnabled(enabled);
- goog.dom.classes.enable(this.getElement(),
- goog.getCssName('goog-combobox-disabled'), !enabled);
-/** @override */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.enterDocument = function() {
- goog.ui.ComboBox.superClass_.enterDocument.call(this);
- var handler = this.getHandler();
- handler.listen(this.getElement(),
- goog.events.EventType.MOUSEDOWN, this.onComboMouseDown_);
- handler.listen(this.getDomHelper().getDocument(),
- goog.events.EventType.MOUSEDOWN, this.onDocClicked_);
- handler.listen(this.input_,
- goog.events.EventType.BLUR, this.onInputBlur_);
- this.keyHandler_ = new goog.events.KeyHandler(this.input_);
- handler.listen(this.keyHandler_,
- goog.events.KeyHandler.EventType.KEY, this.handleKeyEvent);
- this.inputHandler_ = new goog.events.InputHandler(this.input_);
- handler.listen(this.inputHandler_,
- goog.events.InputHandler.EventType.INPUT, this.onInputEvent_);
- handler.listen(this.menu_,
- goog.ui.Component.EventType.ACTION, this.onMenuSelected_);
-/** @override */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.exitDocument = function() {
- this.keyHandler_.dispose();
- delete this.keyHandler_;
- this.inputHandler_.dispose();
- this.inputHandler_ = null;
- goog.ui.ComboBox.superClass_.exitDocument.call(this);
- * Combo box currently can't decorate elements.
- * @return {boolean} The value false.
- * @override
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.canDecorate = function() {
- return false;
-/** @override */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.disposeInternal = function() {
- goog.ui.ComboBox.superClass_.disposeInternal.call(this);
- this.clearDismissTimer_();
- this.labelInput_.dispose();
- this.menu_.dispose();
- this.labelInput_ = null;
- this.menu_ = null;
- this.input_ = null;
- this.button_ = null;
- * Dismisses the menu and resets the value of the edit field.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.dismiss = function() {
- this.clearDismissTimer_();
- this.hideMenu_();
- this.menu_.setHighlightedIndex(-1);
- * Adds a new menu item at the end of the menu.
- * @param {goog.ui.MenuItem} item Menu item to add to the menu.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.addItem = function(item) {
- this.menu_.addChild(item, true);
- this.visibleCount_ = -1;
- * Adds a new menu item at a specific index in the menu.
- * @param {goog.ui.MenuItem} item Menu item to add to the menu.
- * @param {number} n Index at which to insert the menu item.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.addItemAt = function(item, n) {
- this.menu_.addChildAt(item, n, true);
- this.visibleCount_ = -1;
- * Removes an item from the menu and disposes it.
- * @param {goog.ui.MenuItem} item The menu item to remove.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.removeItem = function(item) {
- var child = this.menu_.removeChild(item, true);
- if (child) {
- child.dispose();
- this.visibleCount_ = -1;
- }
- * Remove all of the items from the ComboBox menu
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.removeAllItems = function() {
- for (var i = this.getItemCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- this.removeItem(this.getItemAt(i));
- }
- * Removes a menu item at a given index in the menu.
- * @param {number} n Index of item.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.removeItemAt = function(n) {
- var child = this.menu_.removeChildAt(n, true);
- if (child) {
- child.dispose();
- this.visibleCount_ = -1;
- }
- * Returns a reference to the menu item at a given index.
- * @param {number} n Index of menu item.
- * @return {goog.ui.MenuItem?} Reference to the menu item.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.getItemAt = function(n) {
- return /** @type {goog.ui.MenuItem?} */(this.menu_.getChildAt(n));
- * Returns the number of items in the list, including non-visible items,
- * such as separators.
- * @return {number} Number of items in the menu for this combobox.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.getItemCount = function() {
- return this.menu_.getChildCount();
- * @return {goog.ui.Menu} The menu that pops up.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.getMenu = function() {
- return this.menu_;
- * @return {Element} The input element.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.getInputElement = function() {
- return this.input_;
- * @return {number} The number of visible items in the menu.
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.getNumberOfVisibleItems_ = function() {
- if (this.visibleCount_ == -1) {
- var count = 0;
- for (var i = 0, n = this.menu_.getChildCount(); i < n; i++) {
- var item = this.menu_.getChildAt(i);
- if (!(item instanceof goog.ui.MenuSeparator) && item.isVisible()) {
- count++;
- }
- }
- this.visibleCount_ = count;
- }
- this.logger_.info('getNumberOfVisibleItems() - ' + this.visibleCount_);
- return this.visibleCount_;
- * Sets the match function to be used when filtering the combo box menu.
- * @param {Function} matchFunction The match function to be used when filtering
- * the combo box menu.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.setMatchFunction = function(matchFunction) {
- this.matchFunction_ = matchFunction;
- * @return {Function} The match function for the combox box.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.getMatchFunction = function() {
- return this.matchFunction_;
- * Sets the default text for the combo box.
- * @param {string} text The default text for the combo box.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.setDefaultText = function(text) {
- this.defaultText_ = text;
- if (this.labelInput_) {
- this.labelInput_.setLabel(this.defaultText_);
- }
- * @return {string} text The default text for the combox box.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.getDefaultText = function() {
- return this.defaultText_;
- * Sets the field name for the combo box.
- * @param {string} fieldName The field name for the combo box.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.setFieldName = function(fieldName) {
- this.fieldName_ = fieldName;
- * @return {string} The field name for the combo box.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.getFieldName = function() {
- return this.fieldName_;
- * Set to true if a unicode inverted triangle should be displayed in the
- * dropdown button.
- * This option defaults to false for backwards compatibility.
- * @param {boolean} useDropdownArrow True to use the dropdown arrow.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.setUseDropdownArrow = function(useDropdownArrow) {
- this.useDropdownArrow_ = !!useDropdownArrow;
- * Sets the current value of the combo box.
- * @param {string} value The new value.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.setValue = function(value) {
- this.logger_.info('setValue() - ' + value);
- if (this.labelInput_.getValue() != value) {
- this.labelInput_.setValue(value);
- this.handleInputChange_();
- }
- * @return {string} The current value of the combo box.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.getValue = function() {
- return this.labelInput_.getValue();
- * @return {string} HTML escaped token.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.getToken = function() {
- // TODO(user): Remove HTML escaping and fix the existing calls.
- return goog.string.htmlEscape(this.getTokenText_());
- * @return {string} The token for the current cursor position in the
- * input box, when multi-input is disabled it will be the full input value.
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.getTokenText_ = function() {
- // TODO(user): Implement multi-input such that getToken returns a substring
- // of the whole input delimited by commas.
- return goog.string.trim(this.labelInput_.getValue().toLowerCase());
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.setupMenu_ = function() {
- var sm = this.menu_;
- sm.setVisible(false);
- sm.setAllowAutoFocus(false);
- sm.setAllowHighlightDisabled(true);
- * Shows the menu if it isn't already showing. Also positions the menu
- * correctly, resets the menu item visibilities and highlights the relevent
- * item.
- * @param {boolean} showAll Whether to show all items, with the first matching
- * item highlighted.
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.maybeShowMenu_ = function(showAll) {
- var isVisible = this.menu_.isVisible();
- var numVisibleItems = this.getNumberOfVisibleItems_();
- if (isVisible && numVisibleItems == 0) {
- this.logger_.fine('no matching items, hiding');
- this.hideMenu_();
- } else if (!isVisible && numVisibleItems > 0) {
- if (showAll) {
- this.logger_.fine('showing menu');
- this.setItemVisibilityFromToken_('');
- this.setItemHighlightFromToken_(this.getTokenText_());
- }
- // In Safari 2.0, when clicking on the combox box, the blur event is
- // received after the click event that invokes this function. Since we want
- // to cancel the dismissal after the blur event is processed, we have to
- // wait for all event processing to happen.
- goog.Timer.callOnce(this.clearDismissTimer_, 1, this);
- this.showMenu_();
- }
- this.positionMenu();
- * Positions the menu.
- * @protected
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.positionMenu = function() {
- if (this.menu_ && this.menu_.isVisible()) {
- var position = new goog.positioning.MenuAnchoredPosition(this.getElement(),
- goog.positioning.Corner.BOTTOM_START, true);
- position.reposition(this.menu_.getElement(),
- goog.positioning.Corner.TOP_START);
- }
- * Show the menu and add an active class to the combo box's element.
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.showMenu_ = function() {
- this.menu_.setVisible(true);
- goog.dom.classes.add(this.getElement(),
- goog.getCssName('goog-combobox-active'));
- * Hide the menu and remove the active class from the combo box's element.
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.hideMenu_ = function() {
- this.menu_.setVisible(false);
- goog.dom.classes.remove(this.getElement(),
- goog.getCssName('goog-combobox-active'));
- * Clears the dismiss timer if it's active.
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.clearDismissTimer_ = function() {
- if (this.dismissTimer_) {
- goog.Timer.clear(this.dismissTimer_);
- this.dismissTimer_ = null;
- }
- * Event handler for when the combo box area has been clicked.
- * @param {goog.events.BrowserEvent} e The browser event.
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.onComboMouseDown_ = function(e) {
- // We only want this event on the element itself or the input or the button.
- if (this.enabled_ &&
- (e.target == this.getElement() || e.target == this.input_ ||
- goog.dom.contains(this.button_, /** @type {Node} */ (e.target)))) {
- if (this.menu_.isVisible()) {
- this.logger_.fine('Menu is visible, dismissing');
- this.dismiss();
- } else {
- this.logger_.fine('Opening dropdown');
- this.maybeShowMenu_(true);
- if (goog.userAgent.OPERA) {
- // select() doesn't focus <input> elements in Opera.
- this.input_.focus();
- }
- this.input_.select();
- this.menu_.setMouseButtonPressed(true);
- // Stop the click event from stealing focus
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- // Stop the event from propagating outside of the combo box
- e.stopPropagation();
- * Event handler for when the document is clicked.
- * @param {goog.events.BrowserEvent} e The browser event.
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.onDocClicked_ = function(e) {
- if (!goog.dom.contains(
- this.menu_.getElement(), /** @type {Node} */ (e.target))) {
- this.logger_.info('onDocClicked_() - dismissing immediately');
- this.dismiss();
- }
- * Handle the menu's select event.
- * @param {goog.events.Event} e The event.
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.onMenuSelected_ = function(e) {
- this.logger_.info('onMenuSelected_()');
- var item = /** @type {!goog.ui.MenuItem} */ (e.target);
- // Stop propagation of the original event and redispatch to allow the menu
- // select to be cancelled at this level. i.e. if a menu item should cause
- // some behavior such as a user prompt instead of assigning the caption as
- // the value.
- if (this.dispatchEvent(new goog.ui.ItemEvent(
- goog.ui.Component.EventType.ACTION, this, item))) {
- var caption = item.getCaption();
- this.logger_.fine('Menu selection: ' + caption + '. Dismissing menu');
- if (this.labelInput_.getValue() != caption) {
- this.labelInput_.setValue(caption);
- this.dispatchEvent(goog.ui.Component.EventType.CHANGE);
- }
- this.dismiss();
- }
- e.stopPropagation();
- * Event handler for when the input box looses focus -- hide the menu
- * @param {goog.events.BrowserEvent} e The browser event.
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.onInputBlur_ = function(e) {
- this.logger_.info('onInputBlur_() - delayed dismiss');
- this.clearDismissTimer_();
- this.dismissTimer_ = goog.Timer.callOnce(
- this.dismiss, goog.ui.ComboBox.BLUR_DISMISS_TIMER_MS, this);
- * Handles keyboard events from the input box. Returns true if the combo box
- * was able to handle the event, false otherwise.
- * @param {goog.events.KeyEvent} e Key event to handle.
- * @return {boolean} Whether the event was handled by the combo box.
- * @protected
- * @suppress {visibility} performActionInternal
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.handleKeyEvent = function(e) {
- var isMenuVisible = this.menu_.isVisible();
- // Give the menu a chance to handle the event.
- if (isMenuVisible && this.menu_.handleKeyEvent(e)) {
- return true;
- }
- // The menu is either hidden or didn't handle the event.
- var handled = false;
- switch (e.keyCode) {
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.ESC:
- // If the menu is visible and the user hit Esc, dismiss the menu.
- if (isMenuVisible) {
- this.logger_.fine('Dismiss on Esc: ' + this.labelInput_.getValue());
- this.dismiss();
- handled = true;
- }
- break;
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.TAB:
- // If the menu is open and an option is highlighted, activate it.
- if (isMenuVisible) {
- var highlighted = this.menu_.getHighlighted();
- if (highlighted) {
- this.logger_.fine('Select on Tab: ' + this.labelInput_.getValue());
- highlighted.performActionInternal(e);
- handled = true;
- }
- }
- break;
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.UP:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.DOWN:
- // If the menu is hidden and the user hit the up/down arrow, show it.
- if (!isMenuVisible) {
- this.logger_.fine('Up/Down - maybe show menu');
- this.maybeShowMenu_(true);
- handled = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (handled) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- return handled;
- * Handles the content of the input box changing.
- * @param {goog.events.Event} e The INPUT event to handle.
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.onInputEvent_ = function(e) {
- // If the key event is text-modifying, update the menu.
- this.logger_.fine('Key is modifying: ' + this.labelInput_.getValue());
- this.handleInputChange_();
- * Handles the content of the input box changing, either because of user
- * interaction or programmatic changes.
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.handleInputChange_ = function() {
- var token = this.getTokenText_();
- this.setItemVisibilityFromToken_(token);
- if (goog.dom.getActiveElement(this.getDomHelper().getDocument()) ==
- this.input_) {
- // Do not alter menu visibility unless the user focus is currently on the
- // combobox (otherwise programmatic changes may cause the menu to become
- // visible).
- this.maybeShowMenu_(false);
- }
- var highlighted = this.menu_.getHighlighted();
- if (token == '' || !highlighted || !highlighted.isVisible()) {
- this.setItemHighlightFromToken_(token);
- }
- this.lastToken_ = token;
- this.dispatchEvent(goog.ui.Component.EventType.CHANGE);
- * Loops through all menu items setting their visibility according to a token.
- * @param {string} token The token.
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.setItemVisibilityFromToken_ = function(token) {
- this.logger_.info('setItemVisibilityFromToken_() - ' + token);
- var isVisibleItem = false;
- var count = 0;
- var recheckHidden = !this.matchFunction_(token, this.lastToken_);
- for (var i = 0, n = this.menu_.getChildCount(); i < n; i++) {
- var item = this.menu_.getChildAt(i);
- if (item instanceof goog.ui.MenuSeparator) {
- // Ensure that separators are only shown if there is at least one visible
- // item before them.
- item.setVisible(isVisibleItem);
- isVisibleItem = false;
- } else if (item instanceof goog.ui.MenuItem) {
- if (!item.isVisible() && !recheckHidden) continue;
- var caption = item.getCaption();
- var visible = this.isItemSticky_(item) ||
- caption && this.matchFunction_(caption.toLowerCase(), token);
- if (typeof item.setFormatFromToken == 'function') {
- item.setFormatFromToken(token);
- }
- item.setVisible(!!visible);
- isVisibleItem = visible || isVisibleItem;
- } else {
- // Assume all other items are correctly using their visibility.
- isVisibleItem = item.isVisible() || isVisibleItem;
- }
- if (!(item instanceof goog.ui.MenuSeparator) && item.isVisible()) {
- count++;
- }
- }
- this.visibleCount_ = count;
- * Highlights the first token that matches the given token.
- * @param {string} token The token.
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.setItemHighlightFromToken_ = function(token) {
- this.logger_.info('setItemHighlightFromToken_() - ' + token);
- if (token == '') {
- this.menu_.setHighlightedIndex(-1);
- return;
- }
- for (var i = 0, n = this.menu_.getChildCount(); i < n; i++) {
- var item = this.menu_.getChildAt(i);
- var caption = item.getCaption();
- if (caption && this.matchFunction_(caption.toLowerCase(), token)) {
- this.menu_.setHighlightedIndex(i);
- if (item.setFormatFromToken) {
- item.setFormatFromToken(token);
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- this.menu_.setHighlightedIndex(-1);
- * Returns true if the item has an isSticky method and the method returns true.
- * @param {goog.ui.MenuItem} item The item.
- * @return {boolean} Whether the item has an isSticky method and the method
- * returns true.
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBox.prototype.isItemSticky_ = function(item) {
- return typeof item.isSticky == 'function' && item.isSticky();
- * Class for combo box items.
- * @param {goog.ui.ControlContent} content Text caption or DOM structure to
- * display as the content of the item (use to add icons or styling to
- * menus).
- * @param {Object=} opt_data Identifying data for the menu item.
- * @param {goog.dom.DomHelper=} opt_domHelper Optional dom helper used for dom
- * interactions.
- * @param {goog.ui.MenuItemRenderer=} opt_renderer Optional renderer.
- * @constructor
- * @extends {goog.ui.MenuItem}
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBoxItem = function(content, opt_data, opt_domHelper,
- opt_renderer) {
- goog.ui.MenuItem.call(this, content, opt_data, opt_domHelper, opt_renderer);
-goog.inherits(goog.ui.ComboBoxItem, goog.ui.MenuItem);
-// Register a decorator factory function for goog.ui.ComboBoxItems.
- function() {
- // ComboBoxItem defaults to using MenuItemRenderer.
- return new goog.ui.ComboBoxItem(null);
- });
- * Whether the menu item is sticky, non-sticky items will be hidden as the
- * user types.
- * @type {boolean}
- * @private
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBoxItem.prototype.isSticky_ = false;
- * Sets the menu item to be sticky or not sticky.
- * @param {boolean} sticky Whether the menu item should be sticky.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBoxItem.prototype.setSticky = function(sticky) {
- this.isSticky_ = sticky;
- * @return {boolean} Whether the menu item is sticky.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBoxItem.prototype.isSticky = function() {
- return this.isSticky_;
- * Sets the format for a menu item based on a token, bolding the token.
- * @param {string} token The token.
- */
-goog.ui.ComboBoxItem.prototype.setFormatFromToken = function(token) {
- if (this.isEnabled()) {
- var caption = this.getCaption();
- var index = caption.toLowerCase().indexOf(token);
- if (index >= 0) {
- var domHelper = this.getDomHelper();
- this.setContent([
- domHelper.createTextNode(caption.substr(0, index)),
- domHelper.createDom('b', null, caption.substr(index, token.length)),
- domHelper.createTextNode(caption.substr(index + token.length))
- ]);
- }
- }