path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/ac/inputhandler_test.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/ac/inputhandler_test.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 661 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/ac/inputhandler_test.html b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/ac/inputhandler_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bc44bd..0000000
--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/ac/inputhandler_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,661 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2007 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
-See the COPYING file for details.
-<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
-<title>Closure Unit Tests - goog.ui.ac.InputHandler</title>
-<script src="../../base.js"></script>
- goog.require('goog.events.KeyCodes');
- goog.require('goog.functions');
- goog.require('goog.object');
- goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit');
- goog.require('goog.testing.MockClock');
- goog.require('goog.ui.ac.InputHandler');
-<input type="text" id="textInput" style="display:none">
- /** Mock out the input element. */
- function MockElement() {
- goog.events.EventTarget.call(this);
- this.setAttributeNS = function() {};
- this.setAttribute = function(key, value) { this[key] = value; };
- this.focus = function() {}
- this.blur = function() {}
- this.ownerDocument = document;
- this.selectionStart = 0;
- }
- goog.inherits(MockElement, goog.events.EventTarget);
- function MockAutoCompleter() {
- this.setToken = null;
- this.setTokenWasCalled = false;
- this.selectHilitedWasCalled = false;
- this.dismissWasCalled = false;
- this.getTarget = function() { return mockElement };
- this.setTarget = function() { };
- this.setToken = function(token) {
- this.setTokenWasCalled = true;
- this.setToken = token;
- };
- this.selectHilited = function() {
- this.selectHilitedWasCalled = true;
- return true; // Success.
- };
- this.cancelDelayedDismiss = function() { };
- this.dismissOnDelay = function() {};
- this.dismiss = function() { this.dismissWasCalled = true; };
- this.isOpen = goog.functions.TRUE;
- }
- /**
- * MockInputHandler simulates key events for testing the IME behavior of
- * InputHandler.
- */
- function MockInputHandler() {
- goog.ui.ac.InputHandler.call(this);
- this.ac_ = new MockAutoCompleter();
- this.cursorPosition_ = 0;
- this.attachInput(mockElement);
- }
- goog.inherits(MockInputHandler, goog.ui.ac.InputHandler);
- /** Checks for updates to the text area, should not happen during IME. */
- MockInputHandler.prototype.update = function() {
- this.updates++;
- };
- /** Simulates key events. */
- MockInputHandler.prototype.fireKeyEvents = function(
- keyCode, down, press, up, opt_properties) {
- if (down) this.fireEvent('keydown', keyCode, opt_properties);
- if (press) this.fireEvent('keypress', keyCode, opt_properties);
- if (up) this.fireEvent('keyup', keyCode, opt_properties);
- };
- /** Simulates an event. */
- MockInputHandler.prototype.fireEvent = function(
- type, keyCode, opt_properties) {
- var e = {};
- e.type = type;
- e.keyCode = keyCode;
- e.preventDefault = function() {};
- if (!goog.userAgent.IE) {
- e.which = type == 'keydown' ? keyCode : 0;
- }
- if (opt_properties) {
- goog.object.extend(e, opt_properties);
- }
- e = new goog.events.BrowserEvent(e);
- mockElement.dispatchEvent(e);
- };
- MockInputHandler.prototype.setCursorPosition = function(cursorPosition) {
- this.cursorPosition_ = cursorPosition;
- };
- MockInputHandler.prototype.getCursorPosition = function() {
- return this.cursorPosition_;
- };
- // Variables used by all test
- var mh = null;
- var oldMac, oldWin, oldLinux, oldIe, oldFf, oldWebkit, oldVersion;
- var oldUsesKeyDown;
- var mockElement;
- var mockClock;
- function setUp() {
- oldMac = goog.userAgent.MAC;
- oldWin = goog.userAgent.WINDOWS;
- oldLinux = goog.userAgent.LINUX;
- oldIe = goog.userAgent.IE;
- oldFf = goog.userAgent.GECKO;
- oldWebkit = goog.userAgent.WEBKIT;
- oldVersion = goog.userAgent.VERSION;
- oldUsesKeyDown = goog.events.KeyHandler.USES_KEYDOWN_;
- mockClock = new goog.testing.MockClock(true);
- mockElement = new MockElement;
- mh = new MockInputHandler;
- }
- function tearDown() {
- goog.userAgent.MAC = oldMac;
- goog.userAgent.WINDOWS = oldWin;
- goog.userAgent.LINUX = oldLinux;
- goog.userAgent.IE = oldIe;
- goog.userAgent.GECKO = oldFf;
- goog.userAgent.WEBKIT = oldWebkit;
- goog.userAgent.VERSION = oldVersion;
- goog.events.KeyHandler.USES_KEYDOWN_ = oldUsesKeyDown;
- mockClock.dispose();
- mockElement.dispose();
- }
- /** Used to simulate behavior of Windows/Firefox3 */
- function simulateWinFirefox3() {
- goog.userAgent.MAC = false;
- goog.userAgent.WINDOWS = true;
- goog.userAgent.LINUX = false;
- goog.userAgent.IE = false;
- goog.userAgent.GECKO = true;
- goog.userAgent.WEBKIT = false;
- goog.events.KeyHandler.USES_KEYDOWN_ = false;
- }
- /** Used to simulate behavior of Windows/InternetExplorer7 */
- function simulateWinIe7() {
- goog.userAgent.MAC = false;
- goog.userAgent.WINDOWS = true;
- goog.userAgent.LINUX = false;
- goog.userAgent.IE = true;
- goog.userAgent.GECKO = false;
- goog.userAgent.WEBKIT = false;
- goog.events.KeyHandler.USES_KEYDOWN_ = true;
- }
- /** Used to simulate behavior of Windows/Chrome */
- function simulateWinChrome() {
- goog.userAgent.MAC = false;
- goog.userAgent.WINDOWS = true;
- goog.userAgent.LINUX = false;
- goog.userAgent.IE = false;
- goog.userAgent.GECKO = false;
- goog.userAgent.WEBKIT = true;
- goog.userAgent.VERSION = '525';
- goog.events.KeyHandler.USES_KEYDOWN_ = true;
- }
- /** Used to simulate behavior of Mac/Firefox3 */
- function simulateMacFirefox3() {
- goog.userAgent.MAC = true;
- goog.userAgent.WINDOWS = false;
- goog.userAgent.LINUX = false;
- goog.userAgent.IE = false;
- goog.userAgent.GECKO = true;
- goog.userAgent.WEBKIT = false;
- goog.events.KeyHandler.USES_KEYDOWN_ = true;
- }
- /** Used to simulate behavior of Mac/Safari3 */
- function simulateMacSafari3() {
- goog.userAgent.MAC = true;
- goog.userAgent.WINDOWS = false;
- goog.userAgent.LINUX = false;
- goog.userAgent.IE = false;
- goog.userAgent.GECKO = false;
- goog.userAgent.WEBKIT = true;
- goog.userAgent.VERSION = '525';
- goog.events.KeyHandler.USES_KEYDOWN_ = true;
- }
- /** Used to simulate behavior of Linux/Firefox3 */
- function simulateLinuxFirefox3() {
- goog.userAgent.MAC = false;
- goog.userAgent.WINDOWS = false;
- goog.userAgent.LINUX = true;
- goog.userAgent.IE = false;
- goog.userAgent.GECKO = true;
- goog.userAgent.WEBKIT = false;
- goog.events.KeyHandler.USES_KEYDOWN_ = true;
- }
- /** Test the normal, non-IME case */
- function testRegularKey() {
- // Each key fires down, press, and up in that order, and each should
- // trigger an autocomplete update
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.K, true, true, true);
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered by K', mh.waitingForIme_);
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.A, true, true, true);
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered by A', mh.waitingForIme_);
- }
- /**
- * This test simulates the key inputs generated by pressing
- * '<ime_on>a<enter>i<ime_off>u' using the Japanese IME
- * on Windows/Firefox3.
- */
- function testImeWinFirefox3() {
- simulateWinFirefox3();
- mh.fireEvent('focus', '');
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // ime_on
- // a
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_IME, true, true, false);
- // Event is not generated for key code a.
- assertTrue('IME should be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // enter
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.ENTER, false, false, true);
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // i
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_IME, true, true, false);
- // Event is not generated for key code i.
- assertTrue('IME should be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // ime_off
- // u
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.U, true, true, true);
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- mh.fireEvent('blur', '');
- }
- /**
- * This test simulates the key inputs generated by pressing
- * '<ime_on>a<enter>i<ime_off>u' using the Japanese IME
- * on Windows/InternetExplorer7.
- */
- function testImeWinIe7() {
- simulateWinIe7();
- mh.fireEvent('focus', '');
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // ime_on
- // a
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_IME, true, false, false);
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.A, false, false, true);
- assertTrue('IME should be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // enter
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_IME, true, false, false);
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.ENTER, false, false, true);
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // i
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_IME, true, false, false);
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.I, false, false, true);
- assertTrue('IME should be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // ime_off
- // u
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.U, true, true, true);
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- mh.fireEvent('blur', '');
- }
- /**
- * This test simulates the key inputs generated by pressing
- * '<ime_on>a<enter>i<ime_off>u' using the Japanese IME
- * on Windows/Chrome.
- */
- function testImeWinChrome() {
- simulateWinChrome();
- mh.fireEvent('focus', '');
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // ime_on
- // a
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_IME, true, false, false);
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.A, false, false, true);
- assertTrue('IME should be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // enter
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_IME, true, false, false);
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.ENTER, false, false, true);
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // i
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_IME, true, false, false);
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.I, false, false, true);
- assertTrue('IME should be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // ime_off
- // u
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.U, true, true, true);
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- mh.fireEvent('blur', '');
- }
- /**
- * This test simulates the key inputs generated by pressing
- * '<ime_on>a<enter>i<ime_off>u' using the Japanese IME
- * on Mac/Firefox3.
- */
- function testImeMacFirefox3() {
- // TODO(user): Currently our code cannot distinguish preedit characters
- // from normal ones for Mac/Firefox3.
- // Enable this test after we fix it.
- simulateMacFirefox3();
- mh.fireEvent('focus', '');
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // ime_on
- // a
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_IME, true, true, false);
- assertTrue('IME should be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.A, true, false, true);
- assertTrue('IME should be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // enter
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.ENTER, true, true, true);
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // i
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_IME, true, true, false);
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.I, true, false, true);
- assertTrue('IME should be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // ime_off
- // u
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.U, true, true, true);
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- mh.fireEvent('blur', '');
- }
- /**
- * This test simulates the key inputs generated by pressing
- * '<ime_on>a<enter>i<ime_off>u' using the Japanese IME
- * on Mac/Safari3.
- */
- function testImeMacSafari3() {
- simulateMacSafari3();
- mh.fireEvent('focus', '');
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // ime_on
- // a
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_IME, true, false, false);
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.A, false, false, true);
- assertTrue('IME should be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // enter
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_IME, true, false, false);
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.ENTER, false, false, true);
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // i
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_IME, true, false, false);
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.I, false, false, true);
- assertTrue('IME should be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // ime_off
- // u
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.U, true, true, true);
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- mh.fireEvent('blur', '');
- }
- /**
- * This test simulates the key inputs generated by pressing
- * '<ime_on>a<enter>i<ime_off>u' using the Japanese IME
- * on Linux/Firefox3.
- */
- function testImeLinuxFirefox3() {
- // TODO(user): Currently our code cannot distinguish preedit characters
- // from normal ones for Linux/Firefox3.
- // Enable this test after we fix it.
- simulateLinuxFirefox3();
- mh.fireEvent('focus', '');
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // ime_on
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_IME, true, true, false);
- // a
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.A, true, false, true);
- assertTrue('IME should be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // enter
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.ENTER, true, true, true);
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // i
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_IME, true, true, false);
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.I, true, false, true);
- assertTrue('IME should be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- // ime_off
- // u
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.U, true, true, true);
- assertFalse('IME should not be triggered', mh.waitingForIme_);
- mh.fireEvent('blur', '');
- }
- /**
- * Check attaching to an EventTarget instead of an element.
- */
- function testAttachEventTarget() {
- var target = new goog.events.EventTarget();
- assertNull(mh.activeElement_);
- mh.attachInput(target);
- assertNull(mh.activeElement_);
- mockElement.dispatchEvent(new goog.events.Event('focus', mockElement));
- assertEquals(mockElement, mh.activeElement_);
- mh.detachInput(target);
- }
- /**
- * Make sure that the active element handling works.
- */
- function testActiveElement() {
- assertNull(mh.activeElement_);
- mockElement.dispatchEvent('keydown');
- assertEquals(mockElement, mh.activeElement_);
- mockElement.dispatchEvent('blur');
- assertNull(mh.activeElement_);
- mockElement.dispatchEvent('focus');
- assertEquals(mockElement, mh.activeElement_);
- mh.detachInput(mockElement);
- assertNull(mh.activeElement_);
- }
- /**
- * We can attach an EventTarget that isn't an element.
- */
- function testAttachEventTarget() {
- var target = new goog.events.EventTarget();
- assertNull(mh.activeElement_);
- mh.attachInput(target);
- assertNull(mh.activeElement_);
- target.dispatchEvent(new goog.events.Event('focus', mockElement));
- assertEquals(mockElement, mh.activeElement_);
- mh.detachInput(target);
- }
- /**
- * Make sure an already-focused element becomes active immediately.
- */
- function testActiveElementAlreadyFocused() {
- var element = document.getElementById('textInput');
- element.style.display = '';
- element.focus();
- assertNull(mh.activeElement_);
- mh.attachInput(element);
- assertEquals(element, mh.activeElement_);
- mh.detachInput(element);
- element.style.display = 'none';
- }
- function testUpdateDoesNotTriggerSetTokenForSelectRow() {
- var ih = new goog.ui.ac.InputHandler();
- // Set up our input handler with the necessary mocks
- var mockAutoCompleter = new MockAutoCompleter();
- ih.ac_ = mockAutoCompleter;
- ih.activeElement_ = mockElement;
- var row = {};
- ih.selectRow(row, false);
- ih.update();
- assertFalse('update should not call setToken on selectRow',
- mockAutoCompleter.setTokenWasCalled);
- ih.update();
- assertFalse('update should not call setToken on selectRow',
- mockAutoCompleter.setTokenWasCalled);
- }
- function testSetTokenText() {
- var ih = new MockInputHandler();
- // Set up our input handler with the necessary mocks
- var mockAutoCompleter = new MockAutoCompleter();
- ih.ac_ = mockAutoCompleter;
- ih.activeElement_ = mockElement;
- mockElement.value = 'bob, wal, joey';
- ih.setCursorPosition(8);
- ih.setTokenText('waldo', true /* multi-row */);
- assertEquals('bob, waldo, joey', mockElement.value);
- }
- function testSetTokenTextLeftHandSideOfToken() {
- var ih = new MockInputHandler();
- ih.setSeparators(' ');
- ih.setWhitespaceWrapEntries(false);
- // Set up our input handler with the necessary mocks
- var mockAutoCompleter = new MockAutoCompleter();
- ih.ac_ = mockAutoCompleter;
- ih.activeElement_ = mockElement;
- mockElement.value = 'foo bar';
- // Sets cursor position right before 'bar'
- ih.setCursorPosition(4);
- ih.setTokenText('bar', true /* multi-row */);
- assertEquals('foo bar ', mockElement.value);
- }
- function testEmptyTokenWithSeparator() {
- var ih = new goog.ui.ac.InputHandler();
- var mockAutoCompleter = new MockAutoCompleter();
- ih.ac_ = mockAutoCompleter;
- ih.activeElement_ = mockElement;
- mockElement.value = ', ,';
- // Sets cursor position before the second comma
- goog.dom.selection.setStart(mockElement, 2);
- ih.update();
- assertTrue('update should call setToken on selectRow',
- mockAutoCompleter.setTokenWasCalled);
- assertEquals('update should be called with empty string',
- '', mockAutoCompleter.setToken);
- }
- function testNonEmptyTokenWithSeparator() {
- var ih = new goog.ui.ac.InputHandler();
- var mockAutoCompleter = new MockAutoCompleter();
- ih.ac_ = mockAutoCompleter;
- ih.activeElement_ = mockElement;
- mockElement.value = ', joe ,';
- // Sets cursor position before the second comma
- goog.dom.selection.setStart(mockElement, 5);
- ih.update();
- assertTrue('update should call setToken on selectRow',
- mockAutoCompleter.setTokenWasCalled);
- assertEquals('update should be called with expected string',
- 'joe', mockAutoCompleter.setToken);
- }
- function testGetThrottleTime() {
- var ih = new goog.ui.ac.InputHandler();
- ih.setThrottleTime(999);
- assertEquals('throttle time set+get', 999, ih.getThrottleTime());
- }
- function testGetUpdateDuringTyping() {
- var ih = new goog.ui.ac.InputHandler();
- ih.setUpdateDuringTyping(false);
- assertFalse('update during typing set+get', ih.getUpdateDuringTyping());
- }
- function testEnterToSelect() {
- mh.fireEvent('focus', '');
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.ENTER, true, true, true);
- assertTrue('Should hilite', mh.ac_.selectHilitedWasCalled);
- assertFalse('Should NOT be dismissed', mh.ac_.dismissWasCalled);
- }
- function testEnterDoesNotSelectWhenClosed() {
- mh.fireEvent('focus', '');
- mh.ac_.isOpen = goog.functions.FALSE;
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.ENTER, true, true, true);
- assertFalse('Should NOT hilite', mh.ac_.selectHilitedWasCalled);
- assertTrue('Should be dismissed', mh.ac_.dismissWasCalled);
- }
- function testTabToSelect() {
- mh.fireEvent('focus', '');
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.TAB, true, true, true);
- assertTrue('Should hilite', mh.ac_.selectHilitedWasCalled);
- assertFalse('Should NOT be dismissed', mh.ac_.dismissWasCalled);
- }
- function testTabDoesNotSelectWhenClosed() {
- mh.fireEvent('focus', '');
- mh.ac_.isOpen = goog.functions.FALSE;
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.TAB, true, true, true);
- assertFalse('Should NOT hilite', mh.ac_.selectHilitedWasCalled);
- assertTrue('Should be dismissed', mh.ac_.dismissWasCalled);
- }
- function testShiftTabDoesNotSelect() {
- mh.fireEvent('focus', '');
- mh.ac_.isOpen = goog.functions.TRUE;
- mh.fireKeyEvents(goog.events.KeyCodes.TAB, true, true, true,
- {shiftKey: true});
- assertFalse('Should NOT hilite', mh.ac_.selectHilitedWasCalled);
- assertTrue('Should be dismissed', mh.ac_.dismissWasCalled);
- }