path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/string/string_test.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/string/string_test.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1055 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/string/string_test.html b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/string/string_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a563ef..0000000
--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/string/string_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1055 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2006 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
-See the COPYING file for details.
-<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
-<title>Closure Unit Tests - goog.string</title>
-<script src="../base.js"></script>
- goog.require('goog.functions');
- goog.require('goog.object');
- goog.require('goog.string');
- goog.require('goog.testing.PropertyReplacer');
- goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit');
-var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
-function tearDown() {
- stubs.reset();
-//=== tests for goog.string.collapseWhitespace ===
-function testCollapseWhiteSpace() {
- var f = goog.string.collapseWhitespace;
- assertEquals('Leading spaces not stripped', f(' abc'), 'abc');
- assertEquals('Trailing spaces not stripped', f('abc '), 'abc');
- assertEquals('Wrapping spaces not stripped', f(' abc '), 'abc');
- assertEquals('All white space chars not stripped',
- f('\xa0\n\t abc\xa0\n\t '), 'abc');
- assertEquals('Spaces not collapsed', f('a b c'), 'a b c');
- assertEquals('Tabs not collapsed', f('a\t\t\tb\tc'), 'a b c');
- assertEquals('All check failed', f(' \ta \t \t\tb\t\n\xa0 c \t\n'),
- 'a b c');
-//=== tests for goog.string.isEmpty ===
-function testIsEmpty() {
- assert('1. Should be empty', goog.string.isEmpty(''));
- assert('2. Should be empty', goog.string.isEmpty(' '));
- assert('3. Should be empty', goog.string.isEmpty(' '));
- assert('4. Should be empty', goog.string.isEmpty(' \t\t\n\xa0 '));
- assert('1. Should not be empty', !goog.string.isEmpty(' abc \t\xa0'));
- assert('2. Should not be empty', !goog.string.isEmpty(' a b c \t'));
- assert('3. Should not be empty', !goog.string.isEmpty(';'));
- var a;
- assert('Undefined is not empty', !goog.string.isEmpty(a));
- assert('Null is not empty', !goog.string.isEmpty(null));
- assert('A random object is not empty', !goog.string.isEmpty({a: 1, b: 2}));
-//=== tests for goog.string.isAlpha ===
-function testIsAlpha() {
- assertTrue('"a" should be alpha', goog.string.isAlpha('a'));
- assertTrue('"n" should be alpha', goog.string.isAlpha('n'));
- assertTrue('"z" should be alpha', goog.string.isAlpha('z'));
- assertTrue('"A" should be alpha', goog.string.isAlpha('A'));
- assertTrue('"N" should be alpha', goog.string.isAlpha('N'));
- assertTrue('"Z" should be alpha', goog.string.isAlpha('Z'));
- assertTrue('"aa" should be alpha', goog.string.isAlpha('aa'));
- assertTrue('null is alpha', goog.string.isAlpha(null));
- assertTrue('undefined is alpha', goog.string.isAlpha(undefined));
- assertFalse('"aa!" is not alpha', goog.string.isAlpha('aa!s'));
- assertFalse('"!" is not alpha', goog.string.isAlpha('!'));
- assertFalse('"0" is not alpha', goog.string.isAlpha('0'));
- assertFalse('"5" is not alpha', goog.string.isAlpha('5'));
-//=== tests for goog.string.isNumeric ===
-function testIsNumeric() {
- assertTrue('"8" is a numeric string', goog.string.isNumeric('8'));
- assertTrue('"5" is a numeric string', goog.string.isNumeric('5'));
- assertTrue('"34" is a numeric string', goog.string.isNumeric('34'));
- assertTrue('34 is a number', goog.string.isNumeric(34));
- assertFalse('"3.14" has a period', goog.string.isNumeric('3.14'));
- assertFalse('"A" is a letter', goog.string.isNumeric('A'));
- assertFalse('"!" is punctuation', goog.string.isNumeric('!'));
- assertFalse('null is not numeric', goog.string.isNumeric(null));
- assertFalse('undefined is not numeric', goog.string.isNumeric(undefined));
-//=== tests for tests for goog.string.isAlphaNumeric ===
-function testIsAlphaNumeric() {
- assertTrue('"ABCabc" should be alphanumeric',
- goog.string.isAlphaNumeric('ABCabc'));
- assertTrue('"123" should be alphanumeric', goog.string.isAlphaNumeric('123'));
- assertTrue('"ABCabc123" should be alphanumeric',
- goog.string.isAlphaNumeric('ABCabc123'));
- assertTrue('null is alphanumeric', goog.string.isAlphaNumeric(null));
- assertTrue('undefined is alphanumeric',
- goog.string.isAlphaNumeric(undefined));
- assertFalse('"123!" should not be alphanumeric',
- goog.string.isAlphaNumeric('123!'));
- assertFalse('" " should not be alphanumeric',
- goog.string.isAlphaNumeric(' '));
-//== tests for goog.string.isBreakingWhitespace ===
-function testIsBreakingWhitespace() {
- assertTrue('" " is breaking', goog.string.isBreakingWhitespace(' '));
- assertTrue('"\\n" is breaking', goog.string.isBreakingWhitespace('\n'));
- assertTrue('"\\t" is breaking', goog.string.isBreakingWhitespace('\t'));
- assertTrue('"\\r" is breaking', goog.string.isBreakingWhitespace('\r'));
- assertTrue('"\\r\\n\\t " is breaking',
- goog.string.isBreakingWhitespace('\r\n\t '));
- assertFalse('nbsp is non-breaking', goog.string.isBreakingWhitespace('\xa0'));
- assertFalse('"a" is non-breaking', goog.string.isBreakingWhitespace('a'));
- assertFalse('"a\\r" is non-breaking',
- goog.string.isBreakingWhitespace('a\r'));
-//=== tests for goog.string.isSpace ===
-function testIsSpace() {
- assertTrue('" " is a space', goog.string.isSpace(' '));
- assertFalse('"\\n" is not a space', goog.string.isSpace('\n'));
- assertFalse('"\\t" is not a space', goog.string.isSpace('\t'));
- assertFalse('" " is not a space, it\'s two spaces',
- goog.string.isSpace(' '));
- assertFalse('"a" is not a space', goog.string.isSpace('a'));
- assertFalse('"3" is not a space', goog.string.isSpace('3'));
- assertFalse('"#" is not a space', goog.string.isSpace('#'));
- assertFalse('null is not a space', goog.string.isSpace(null));
- assertFalse('nbsp is not a space', goog.string.isSpace('\xa0'));
-// === tests for goog.string.stripNewlines ===
-function testStripNewLines() {
- assertEquals('Should replace new lines with spaces',
- goog.string.stripNewlines('some\nlines\rthat\r\nare\n\nsplit'),
- 'some lines that are split');
-// === tests for goog.string.canonicalizeNewlines ===
-function testCanonicalizeNewlines() {
- assertEquals('Should replace all types of new line with \\n',
- goog.string.canonicalizeNewlines(
- 'some\nlines\rthat\r\nare\n\nsplit'),
- 'some\nlines\nthat\nare\n\nsplit');
-// === tests for goog.string.normalizeWhitespace ===
-function testWhitespace() {
- assertEquals('All whitespace chars should be replaced with a normal space',
- goog.string.normalizeWhitespace('\xa0 \n\t \xa0 \n\t'),
- ' ');
-// === tests for goog.string.normalizeSpaces ===
-function testNormalizeSpaces() {
- assertEquals('All whitespace chars should be replaced with a normal space',
- goog.string.normalizeSpaces('\xa0 \t \xa0 \t'),
- ' ');
-function testCollapseBreakingSpaces() {
- assertEquals('breaking spaces are collapsed', 'a b',
- goog.string.collapseBreakingSpaces(' \t\r\n a \t\r\n b \t\r\n '));
- assertEquals('non-breaking spaces are kept', 'a \u00a0\u2000 b',
- goog.string.collapseBreakingSpaces('a \u00a0\u2000 b'));
-/// === tests for goog.string.trim ===
-function testTrim() {
- assertEquals('Should be the same', goog.string.trim('nothing 2 trim'),
- 'nothing 2 trim');
- assertEquals('Remove spaces', goog.string.trim(' hello goodbye '),
- 'hello goodbye');
- assertEquals('Trim other stuff', goog.string.trim('\n\r\xa0 hi \r\n\xa0'),
- 'hi');
-/// === tests for goog.string.trimLeft ===
-function testTrimLeft() {
- var f = goog.string.trimLeft;
- assertEquals('Should be the same', f('nothing to trim'), 'nothing to trim');
- assertEquals('Remove spaces', f(' hello goodbye '), 'hello goodbye ');
- assertEquals('Trim other stuff', f('\xa0\n\r hi \r\n\xa0'), 'hi \r\n\xa0');
-/// === tests for goog.string.trimRight ===
-function testTrimRight() {
- var f = goog.string.trimRight;
- assertEquals('Should be the same', f('nothing to trim'), 'nothing to trim');
- assertEquals('Remove spaces', f(' hello goodbye '), ' hello goodbye');
- assertEquals('Trim other stuff', f('\n\r\xa0 hi \r\n\xa0'), '\n\r\xa0 hi');
-// === tests for goog.string.startsWith ===
-function testStartsWith() {
- assertTrue('Should start with \'\'', goog.string.startsWith('abcd', ''));
- assertTrue('Should start with \'ab\'', goog.string.startsWith('abcd', 'ab'));
- assertTrue('Should start with \'abcd\'',
- goog.string.startsWith('abcd', 'abcd'));
- assertFalse('Should not start with \'bcd\'',
- goog.string.startsWith('abcd', 'bcd'));
-function testEndsWith() {
- assertTrue('Should end with \'\'', goog.string.endsWith('abcd', ''));
- assertTrue('Should end with \'ab\'', goog.string.endsWith('abcd', 'cd'));
- assertTrue('Should end with \'abcd\'', goog.string.endsWith('abcd', 'abcd'));
- assertFalse('Should not end \'abc\'', goog.string.endsWith('abcd', 'abc'));
- assertFalse('Should not end \'abcde\'',
- goog.string.endsWith('abcd', 'abcde'));
-// === tests for goog.string.caseInsensitiveStartsWith ===
-function testCaseInsensitiveStartsWith() {
- assertTrue('Should start with \'\'',
- goog.string.caseInsensitiveStartsWith('abcd', ''));
- assertTrue('Should start with \'ab\'',
- goog.string.caseInsensitiveStartsWith('abcd', 'Ab'));
- assertTrue('Should start with \'abcd\'',
- goog.string.caseInsensitiveStartsWith('AbCd', 'abCd'));
- assertFalse('Should not start with \'bcd\'',
- goog.string.caseInsensitiveStartsWith('ABCD', 'bcd'));
-// === tests for goog.string.caseInsensitiveEndsWith ===
-function testCaseInsensitiveEndsWith() {
- assertTrue('Should end with \'\'',
- goog.string.caseInsensitiveEndsWith('abcd', ''));
- assertTrue('Should end with \'cd\'',
- goog.string.caseInsensitiveEndsWith('abCD', 'cd'));
- assertTrue('Should end with \'abcd\'',
- goog.string.caseInsensitiveEndsWith('abcd', 'abCd'));
- assertFalse('Should not end \'abc\'',
- goog.string.caseInsensitiveEndsWith('aBCd', 'ABc'));
- assertFalse('Should not end \'abcde\'',
- goog.string.caseInsensitiveEndsWith('ABCD', 'abcde'));
-// === tests for goog.string.subs ===
-function testSubs() {
- assertEquals('Should be the same', goog.string.subs('nothing to subs'),
- 'nothing to subs');
- assertEquals('Should be the same', goog.string.subs('%s', '1'), '1');
- assertEquals('Should be the same',
- goog.string.subs('%s%s%s', '1', 2, true), '12true');
- function f() {
- assertTrue('This should not be called', false);
- }
- f.toString = function() { return 'f'; };
- assertEquals('Should not call function', goog.string.subs('%s', f), 'f');
- // If the string that is to be substituted in contains $& then it will be
- // usually be replaced with %s, we need to check goog.string.subs, handles
- // this case.
- assertEquals('$& should not be substituted with %s', 'Foo Bar $&',
- goog.string.subs('Foo %s', 'Bar $&'));
- assertEquals('$$ should not be substituted', '_$$_',
- goog.string.subs('%s', '_$$_'));
- assertEquals('$` should not be substituted', '_$`_',
- goog.string.subs('%s', '_$`_'));
- assertEquals('$\' should not be substituted', '_$\'_',
- goog.string.subs('%s', '_$\'_'));
- for (var i = 0; i < 99; i += 9) {
- assertEquals('$' + i + ' should not be substituted',
- '_$' + i + '_', goog.string.subs('%s', '_$' + i + '_'));
- }
-// === tests for goog.string.caseInsensitiveCompare ===
-function testCaseInsensitiveCompare() {
- var f = goog.string.caseInsensitiveCompare;
- assert('"ABC" should be less than "def"', f('ABC', 'def') == -1);
- assert('"abc" should be less than "DEF"', f('abc', 'DEF') == -1);
- assert('"XYZ" should equal "xyz"', f('XYZ', 'xyz') == 0);
- assert('"XYZ" should be greater than "UVW"', f('xyz', 'UVW') == 1);
- assert('"XYZ" should be greater than "uvw"', f('XYZ', 'uvw') == 1);
-// === tests for goog.string.numerateCompare ===
-function testNumerateCompare() {
- var f = goog.string.numerateCompare;
- // Each comparison in this list is tested to assure that t[0] < t[1],
- // t[1] > t[0], and identity tests t[0] == t[0] and t[1] == t[1].
- var comparisons = [
- ['', '0'],
- ['2', '10'],
- ['05', '9'],
- ['3.14', '3.2'],
- ['sub', 'substring'],
- ['Photo 7', 'photo 8'], // Case insensitive for most sorts.
- ['Mango', 'mango'], // Case sensitive if strings are otherwise identical.
- ['album 2 photo 20', 'album 10 photo 20'],
- ['album 7 photo 20', 'album 7 photo 100']];
- for (var i = 0; i < comparisons.length; i++) {
- var t = comparisons[i];
- assert(t[0] + ' should be less than ' + t[1],
- f(t[0], t[1]) < 0);
- assert(t[1] + ' should be greater than ' + t[0],
- f(t[1], t[0]) > 0);
- assert(t[0] + ' should be equal to ' + t[0],
- f(t[0], t[0]) == 0);
- assert(t[1] + ' should be equal to ' + t[1],
- f(t[1], t[1]) == 0);
- }
-// === tests for goog.string.urlEncode && .urlDecode ===
-// NOTE: When test was written it was simply an alias for the built in
-// 'encodeURICompoent', therefore this test is simply used to make sure that in
-// the future it doesn't get broken.
-function testUrlEncodeAndDecode() {
- var input = '<p>"hello there," she said, "what is going on here?</p>';
- var output = '%3Cp%3E%22hello%20there%2C%22%20she%20said%2C%20%22what%20is' +
- '%20going%20on%20here%3F%3C%2Fp%3E';
- assertEquals('urlEncode vs encodeURIComponent',
- encodeURIComponent(input),
- goog.string.urlEncode(input));
- assertEquals('urlEncode vs model', goog.string.urlEncode(input), output);
- assertEquals('urlDecode vs model', goog.string.urlDecode(output), input);
- assertEquals('urlDecode vs urlEncode',
- goog.string.urlDecode(goog.string.urlEncode(input)), input);
- assertEquals('urlDecode with +s instead of %20s',
- goog.string.urlDecode(output.replace(/%20/g, '+')),
- input);
-// === tests for goog.string.newLineToBr ===
-function testNewLineToBr() {
- var str = 'some\nlines\rthat\r\nare\n\nsplit';
- var html = 'some<br>lines<br>that<br>are<br><br>split';
- var xhtml = 'some<br />lines<br />that<br />are<br /><br />split';
- assertEquals('Should be html', goog.string.newLineToBr(str), html);
- assertEquals('Should be html', goog.string.newLineToBr(str, false), html);
- assertEquals('Should be xhtml', goog.string.newLineToBr(str, true), xhtml);
-// === tests for goog.string.htmlEscape and .unescapeEntities ===
-function testHtmlEscapeAndUnescapeEntities() {
- var text = '"x1 < x2 && y2 > y1"';
- var html = '&quot;x1 &lt; x2 &amp;&amp; y2 &gt; y1&quot;';
- assertEquals('Testing htmlEscape', goog.string.htmlEscape(text), html);
- assertEquals('Testing htmlEscape', goog.string.htmlEscape(text, false), html);
- assertEquals('Testing htmlEscape', goog.string.htmlEscape(text, true), html);
- assertEquals('Testing unescapeEntities',
- goog.string.unescapeEntities(html), text);
- assertEquals('escape -> unescape',
- goog.string.unescapeEntities(goog.string.htmlEscape(text)),
- text);
- assertEquals('unescape -> escape',
- goog.string.htmlEscape(goog.string.unescapeEntities(html)),
- html);
-function testHtmlEscapeAndUnescapeEntitiesUsingDom() {
- var text = '"x1 < x2 && y2 > y1"';
- var html = '&quot;x1 &lt; x2 &amp;&amp; y2 &gt; y1&quot;';
- assertEquals('Testing unescapeEntities',
- goog.string.unescapeEntitiesUsingDom_(html), text);
- assertEquals('escape -> unescape',
- goog.string.unescapeEntitiesUsingDom_(
- goog.string.htmlEscape(text)), text);
- assertEquals('unescape -> escape',
- goog.string.htmlEscape(
- goog.string.unescapeEntitiesUsingDom_(html)), html);
-function testHtmlUnescapeEntitiesUsingDom_withAmpersands() {
- var html = '&lt;a&b&gt;';
- var text = '<a&b>';
- assertEquals('wrong unescaped value',
- text, goog.string.unescapeEntitiesUsingDom_(html));
-function testHtmlEscapeAndUnescapePureXmlEntities_() {
- var text = '"x1 < x2 && y2 > y1"';
- var html = '&quot;x1 &lt; x2 &amp;&amp; y2 &gt; y1&quot;';
- assertEquals('Testing unescapePureXmlEntities_',
- goog.string.unescapePureXmlEntities_(html), text);
- assertEquals('escape -> unescape',
- goog.string.unescapePureXmlEntities_(
- goog.string.htmlEscape(text)), text);
- assertEquals('unescape -> escape',
- goog.string.htmlEscape(
- goog.string.unescapePureXmlEntities_(html)), html);
-var globalXssVar = 0;
-function testXssUnescapeEntities() {
- // This tests that we don't have any XSS exploits in unescapeEntities
- var test = '&amp;<script defer>globalXssVar=1;</' + 'script>';
- var expected = '&<script defer>globalXssVar=1;</' + 'script>';
- assertEquals('Testing unescapeEntities', expected,
- goog.string.unescapeEntities(test));
- assertEquals('unescapeEntities is vulnarable to XSS', 0, globalXssVar);
- test = '&amp;<script>globalXssVar=1;</' + 'script>';
- expected = '&<script>globalXssVar=1;</' + 'script>';
- assertEquals('Testing unescapeEntities', expected,
- goog.string.unescapeEntities(test));
- assertEquals('unescapeEntities is vulnarable to XSS', 0, globalXssVar);
-function testXssUnescapeEntitiesUsingDom() {
- // This tests that we don't have any XSS exploits in unescapeEntitiesUsingDom
- var test = '&amp;<script defer>globalXssVar=1;</' + 'script>';
- var expected = '&<script defer>globalXssVar=1;</' + 'script>';
- assertEquals('Testing unescapeEntitiesUsingDom_', expected,
- goog.string.unescapeEntitiesUsingDom_(test));
- assertEquals('unescapeEntitiesUsingDom_ is vulnerable to XSS', 0,
- globalXssVar);
- test = '&amp;<script>globalXssVar=1;</' + 'script>';
- expected = '&<script>globalXssVar=1;</' + 'script>';
- assertEquals('Testing unescapeEntitiesUsingDom_', expected,
- goog.string.unescapeEntitiesUsingDom_(test));
- assertEquals('unescapeEntitiesUsingDom_ is vulnerable to XSS', 0,
- globalXssVar);
-function testXssUnescapePureXmlEntities() {
- // This tests that we don't have any XSS exploits in unescapePureXmlEntities
- var test = '&amp;<script defer>globalXssVar=1;</' + 'script>';
- var expected = '&<script defer>globalXssVar=1;</' + 'script>';
- assertEquals('Testing unescapePureXmlEntities_', expected,
- goog.string.unescapePureXmlEntities_(test));
- assertEquals('unescapePureXmlEntities_ is vulnarable to XSS', 0,
- globalXssVar);
- test = '&amp;<script>globalXssVar=1;</' + 'script>';
- expected = '&<script>globalXssVar=1;</' + 'script>';
- assertEquals('Testing unescapePureXmlEntities_', expected,
- goog.string.unescapePureXmlEntities_(test));
- assertEquals('unescapePureXmlEntities_ is vulnarable to XSS', 0,
- globalXssVar);
-function testUnescapeEntitiesPreservesWhitespace() {
- // This tests that whitespace is preserved (primarily for IE)
- // Also make sure leading and trailing whitespace are preserved.
- var test = '\nTesting\n\twhitespace\n preservation\n';
- var expected = test;
- assertEquals('Testing unescapeEntities', expected,
- goog.string.unescapeEntities(test));
- // Now with entities
- test += ' &amp;&nbsp;\n';
- expected += ' &\u00A0\n';
- assertEquals('Testing unescapeEntities', expected,
- goog.string.unescapeEntities(test));
-// === tests for goog.string.whitespaceEscape ===
-function testWhiteSpaceEscape() {
- assertEquals('Should be the same',
- goog.string.whitespaceEscape('one two three four five '),
- 'one two &#160;three &#160; four &#160; &#160;five &#160; &#160; ');
-// === tests for goog.string.stripQuotes ===
-function testStripQuotes() {
- assertEquals('Quotes should be stripped',
- goog.string.stripQuotes('"hello"', '"'),
- 'hello');
- assertEquals('Quotes should be stripped',
- goog.string.stripQuotes('\'hello\'', '\''),
- 'hello');
- assertEquals('Quotes should not be stripped',
- goog.string.stripQuotes('-"hello"', '"'),
- '-"hello"');
-function testStripQuotesMultiple() {
- assertEquals('Quotes should be stripped',
- goog.string.stripQuotes('"hello"', '"\''),
- 'hello');
- assertEquals('Quotes should be stripped',
- goog.string.stripQuotes('\'hello\'', '"\''),
- 'hello');
- assertEquals('Quotes should be stripped',
- goog.string.stripQuotes('\'hello\'', ''),
- '\'hello\'');
-function testStripQuotesMultiple2() {
- // Makes sure we do not strip twice
- assertEquals('Quotes should be stripped',
- goog.string.stripQuotes('"\'hello\'"', '"\''),
- '\'hello\'');
- assertEquals('Quotes should be stripped',
- goog.string.stripQuotes('"\'hello\'"', '\'"'),
- '\'hello\'');
-// === tests for goog.string.truncate ===
-function testTruncate() {
- var str = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
- assertEquals('Should be equal', goog.string.truncate(str, 8), 'abcde...');
- assertEquals('Should be equal', goog.string.truncate(str, 11), 'abcdefgh...');
- var html = 'true &amp;&amp; false == false';
- assertEquals('Should clip html char', goog.string.truncate(html, 11),
- 'true &am...');
- assertEquals('Should not clip html char',
- goog.string.truncate(html, 12, true),
- 'true &amp;&amp; f...');
-// === tests for goog.string.truncateMiddle ===
-function testTruncateMiddle() {
- var str = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
- assertEquals('abc...xyz', goog.string.truncateMiddle(str, 6));
- assertEquals('abc...yz', goog.string.truncateMiddle(str, 5));
- assertEquals(str, goog.string.truncateMiddle(str, str.length));
- var html = 'true &amp;&amp; false == false';
- assertEquals('Should clip html char', 'true &a...= false',
- goog.string.truncateMiddle(html, 14));
- assertEquals('Should not clip html char',
- 'true &amp;&amp;...= false',
- goog.string.truncateMiddle(html, 14, true));
- assertEquals('ab...xyz', goog.string.truncateMiddle(str, 5, null, 3));
- assertEquals('abcdefg...xyz', goog.string.truncateMiddle(str, 10, null, 3));
- assertEquals('abcdef...wxyz', goog.string.truncateMiddle(str, 10, null, 4));
- assertEquals('...yz', goog.string.truncateMiddle(str, 2, null, 3));
- assertEquals(str, goog.string.truncateMiddle(str, 50, null, 3));
- assertEquals('Should clip html char', 'true &amp;&...lse',
- goog.string.truncateMiddle(html, 14, null, 3));
- assertEquals('Should not clip html char',
- 'true &amp;&amp; fal...lse',
- goog.string.truncateMiddle(html, 14, true, 3));
-// === goog.string.quote ===
-function testQuote() {
- var str = allChars();
- assertEquals(str, eval(goog.string.quote(str)));
- // empty string
- assertEquals('', eval(goog.string.quote('')));
- // unicode
- str = allChars(0, 10000);
- assertEquals(str, eval(goog.string.quote(str)));
-function testQuoteSpecialChars() {
- assertEquals('"\\""', goog.string.quote('"'));
- assertEquals('"\'"', goog.string.quote("'"));
- assertEquals('"\\\\"', goog.string.quote('\\'));
- var zeroQuoted = goog.string.quote('\0');
- assertTrue(
- 'goog.string.quote mangles the 0 char: ',
- '"\\0"' == zeroQuoted || '"\\x00"' == zeroQuoted);
-function testCrossBrowserQuote() {
- // The vertical space char has weird semantics on jscript, so we don't test
- // that one.
- var vertChar = '\x0B'.charCodeAt(0);
- // The zero char has two alternate encodings (\0 and \x00) both are ok,
- // and tested above.
- var zeroChar = 0;
- var str = allChars(zeroChar + 1, vertChar) + allChars(vertChar + 1, 10000);
- var nativeQuote = goog.string.quote(str);
- stubs.set(String.prototype, 'quote', null);
- assertNull(''.quote);
- assertEquals(nativeQuote, goog.string.quote(str));
-function allChars(opt_start, opt_end) {
- opt_start = opt_start || 0;
- opt_end = opt_end || 256;
- var rv = '';
- for (var i = opt_start; i < opt_end; i++) {
- rv += String.fromCharCode(i);
- }
- return rv;
-function testEscapeString() {
- var expected = allChars(0, 10000);
- try {
- var actual =
- eval('"' + goog.string.escapeString(expected) + '"');
- } catch (e) {
- fail('Quote failed: err ' + e.message);
- }
- assertEquals(expected, actual);
-function testCountOf() {
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('REDSOXROX', undefined), 0);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('REDSOXROX', null), 0);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('REDSOXROX', ''), 0);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('', undefined), 0);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('', null), 0);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('', ''), 0);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('', 'REDSOXROX'), 0);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf(undefined, 'R'), 0);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf(null, 'R'), 0);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf(undefined, undefined), 0);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf(null, null), 0);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('REDSOXROX', 'R'), 2);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('REDSOXROX', 'E'), 1);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('REDSOXROX', 'X'), 2);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('REDSOXROX', 'RED'), 1);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('REDSOXROX', 'ROX'), 1);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('REDSOXROX', 'OX'), 2);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('REDSOXROX', 'Z'), 0);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('REDSOXROX', 'REDSOXROX'), 1);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('REDSOXROX', 'YANKEES'), 0);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('REDSOXROX', 'EVIL_EMPIRE'), 0);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('RRRRRRRRR', 'R'), 9);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('RRRRRRRRR', 'RR'), 4);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('RRRRRRRRR', 'RRR'), 3);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('RRRRRRRRR', 'RRRR'), 2);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('RRRRRRRRR', 'RRRRR'), 1);
- assertEquals(goog.string.countOf('RRRRRRRRR', 'RRRRRR'), 1);
-function testRemoveAt() {
- var str = 'barfoobarbazbar';
- str = goog.string.removeAt(str, 0, 3);
- assertEquals('Remove first bar', 'foobarbazbar', str);
- str = goog.string.removeAt(str, 3, 3);
- assertEquals('Remove middle bar', 'foobazbar', str);
- str = goog.string.removeAt(str, 6, 3);
- assertEquals('Remove last bar', 'foobaz', str);
- assertEquals('Invalid negative index', 'foobaz',
- goog.string.removeAt(str, -1, 0));
- assertEquals('Invalid overflow index', 'foobaz',
- goog.string.removeAt(str, 9, 0));
- assertEquals('Invalid negative stringLength', 'foobaz',
- goog.string.removeAt(str, 0, -1));
- assertEquals('Invalid overflow stringLength', '',
- goog.string.removeAt(str, 0, 9));
- assertEquals('Invalid overflow index and stringLength', 'foobaz',
- goog.string.removeAt(str, 9, 9));
- assertEquals('Invalid zero stringLength', 'foobaz',
- goog.string.removeAt(str, 0, 0));
-function testRemove() {
- var str = 'barfoobarbazbar';
- str = goog.string.remove(str, 'bar');
- assertEquals('Remove first bar', 'foobarbazbar', str);
- str = goog.string.remove(str, 'bar');
- assertEquals('Remove middle bar', 'foobazbar', str);
- str = goog.string.remove(str, 'bar');
- assertEquals('Remove last bar', 'foobaz', str);
- str = goog.string.remove(str, 'bar');
- assertEquals('Original string', 'foobaz', str);
-function testRemoveAll() {
- var str = 'foobarbazbarfoobazfoo';
- str = goog.string.removeAll(str, 'foo');
- assertEquals('Remove all occurrences of foo', 'barbazbarbaz', str);
- str = goog.string.removeAll(str, 'foo');
- assertEquals('Original string', 'barbazbarbaz', str);
-function testRegExpEscape() {
- var spec = '()[]{}+-?*.$^|,:#<!\\';
- var escapedSpec = '\\' + spec.split('').join('\\');
- assertEquals('special chars', escapedSpec, goog.string.regExpEscape(spec));
- assertEquals('backslash b', '\\x08', goog.string.regExpEscape('\b'));
- var s = allChars();
- var re = new RegExp('^' + goog.string.regExpEscape(s) + '$');
- assertTrue('All ASCII', re.test(s));
- s = '';
- var re = new RegExp('^' + goog.string.regExpEscape(s) + '$');
- assertTrue('empty string', re.test(s));
- s = allChars(0, 10000);
- var re = new RegExp('^' + goog.string.regExpEscape(s) + '$');
- assertTrue('Unicode', re.test(s));
-function testPadNumber() {
- assertEquals('01.250', goog.string.padNumber(1.25, 2, 3));
- assertEquals('01.25', goog.string.padNumber(1.25, 2));
- assertEquals('01.3', goog.string.padNumber(1.25, 2, 1));
- assertEquals('1.25', goog.string.padNumber(1.25, 0));
- assertEquals('10', goog.string.padNumber(9.9, 2, 0));
- assertEquals('7', goog.string.padNumber(7, 0));
- assertEquals('7', goog.string.padNumber(7, 1));
- assertEquals('07', goog.string.padNumber(7, 2));
-function testAsString() {
- assertEquals('', goog.string.makeSafe(null));
- assertEquals('', goog.string.makeSafe(undefined));
- assertEquals('', goog.string.makeSafe(''));
- assertEquals('abc', goog.string.makeSafe('abc'));
- assertEquals('123', goog.string.makeSafe(123));
- assertEquals('0', goog.string.makeSafe(0));
- assertEquals('true', goog.string.makeSafe(true));
- assertEquals('false', goog.string.makeSafe(false));
- var funky = function() {};
- funky.toString = function() { return 'funky-thing' };
- assertEquals('funky-thing', goog.string.makeSafe(funky));
-function testStringRepeat() {
- assertEquals('', goog.string.repeat('*', 0));
- assertEquals('*', goog.string.repeat('*', 1));
- assertEquals(' ', goog.string.repeat(' ', 5));
- assertEquals('__________', goog.string.repeat('_', 10));
- assertEquals('aaa', goog.string.repeat('a', 3));
- assertEquals('foofoofoofoofoofoo', goog.string.repeat('foo', 6));
-function testBuildString() {
- assertEquals('', goog.string.buildString());
- assertEquals('a', goog.string.buildString('a'));
- assertEquals('ab', goog.string.buildString('ab'));
- assertEquals('ab', goog.string.buildString('a', 'b'));
- assertEquals('abcd', goog.string.buildString('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'));
- assertEquals('0', goog.string.buildString(0));
- assertEquals('0123', goog.string.buildString(0, 1, 2, 3));
- assertEquals('ab01', goog.string.buildString('a', 'b', 0, 1));
- assertEquals('', goog.string.buildString(null, undefined));
-function testCompareVersions() {
- var f = goog.string.compareVersions;
- assertTrue('numeric equality broken', f(1, 1) == 0);
- assertTrue('numeric less than broken', f(1.0, 1.1) < 0);
- assertTrue('numeric greater than broken', f(2.0, 1.1) > 0);
- assertTrue('exact equality broken', f('1.0', '1.0') == 0);
- assertTrue('mutlidot equality broken', f('', '1.0') == 0);
- assertTrue('mutlidigit equality broken', f('1.000', '1.0') == 0);
- assertTrue('less than broken', f('', '1.1') < 0);
- assertTrue('greater than broken', f('1.1', '') > 0);
- assertTrue('substring less than broken', f('1', '1.1') < 0);
- assertTrue('substring greater than broken', f('2.2', '2') > 0);
- assertTrue('b greater than broken', f('1.1', '1.1b') > 0);
- assertTrue('b less than broken', f('1.1b', '1.1') < 0);
- assertTrue('b equality broken', f('1.1b', '1.1b') == 0);
- assertTrue('b > a broken', f('1.1b', '1.1a') > 0);
- assertTrue('a < b broken', f('1.1a', '1.1b') < 0);
- assertTrue('9.5 < 9.10 broken', f('9.5', '9.10') < 0);
- assertTrue('9.5 < 9.11 broken', f('9.5', '9.11') < 0);
- assertTrue('9.11 > 9.10 broken', f('9.11', '9.10') > 0);
- assertTrue('9.1 < 9.10 broken', f('9.1', '9.10') < 0);
- assertTrue('9.1.1 < 9.10 broken', f('9.1.1', '9.10') < 0);
- assertTrue('9.1.1 < 9.11 broken', f('9.1.1', '9.11') < 0);
- assertTrue('10a > 9b broken', f('1.10a', '1.9b') > 0);
- assertTrue('b < b2 broken', f('1.1b', '1.1b2') < 0);
- assertTrue('b10 > b9 broken', f('1.1b10', '1.1b9') > 0);
- assertTrue('7 > 6 broken with leading whitespace', f(' 7', '6') > 0);
- assertTrue('7 > 6 broken with trailing whitespace', f('7 ', '6') > 0);
-function testIsUnicodeChar() {
- assertFalse('empty string broken', goog.string.isUnicodeChar(''));
- assertFalse('non-single char string broken',
- goog.string.isUnicodeChar('abc'));
- assertTrue('space broken', goog.string.isUnicodeChar(' '));
- assertTrue('single char broken', goog.string.isUnicodeChar('a'));
- assertTrue('upper case broken', goog.string.isUnicodeChar('A'));
- assertTrue('unicode char broken', goog.string.isUnicodeChar('\u0C07'));
-function assertHashcodeEquals(expectedHashCode, str) {
- assertEquals('wrong hashCode for ' + str.substring(0, 32),
- expectedHashCode, goog.string.hashCode(str));
- * Verify we get random-ish looking values for hash of Strings.
- */
-function testHashCode() {
- try {
- goog.string.hashCode(null);
- fail('should throw exception for null');
- } catch (ex) {
- // success
- }
- assertHashcodeEquals(0, '');
- assertHashcodeEquals(101574, 'foo');
- assertHashcodeEquals(1301670364, '\uAAAAfoo');
- assertHashcodeEquals(92567585, goog.string.repeat('a', 5));
- assertHashcodeEquals(2869595232, goog.string.repeat('a', 6));
- assertHashcodeEquals(3058106369, goog.string.repeat('a', 7));
- assertHashcodeEquals(312017024, goog.string.repeat('a', 8));
- assertHashcodeEquals(2929737728, goog.string.repeat('a', 1024));
-function testUniqueString() {
- var TEST_COUNT = 20;
- var obj = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < TEST_COUNT; i++) {
- obj[goog.string.createUniqueString()] = true;
- }
- assertEquals('All strings should be unique.', TEST_COUNT,
- goog.object.getCount(obj));
-function testToNumber() {
- // First, test the cases goog.string.toNumber() was primarily written for,
- // because JS built-ins are dumb.
- assertNaN(goog.string.toNumber('123a'));
- assertNaN(goog.string.toNumber('123.456.78'));
- assertNaN(goog.string.toNumber(''));
- assertNaN(goog.string.toNumber(' '));
- // Now, sanity-check.
- assertEquals(123, goog.string.toNumber(' 123 '));
- assertEquals(321.123, goog.string.toNumber('321.123'));
- assertEquals(1.00001, goog.string.toNumber('1.00001'));
- assertEquals(1, goog.string.toNumber('1.00000'));
- assertEquals(0.2, goog.string.toNumber('0.20'));
- assertEquals(0, goog.string.toNumber('0'));
- assertEquals(0, goog.string.toNumber('0.0'));
- assertEquals(-1, goog.string.toNumber('-1'));
- assertEquals(-0.3, goog.string.toNumber('-.3'));
- assertEquals(-12.345, goog.string.toNumber('-12.345'));
- assertEquals(100, goog.string.toNumber('1e2'));
- assertEquals(0.123, goog.string.toNumber('12.3e-2'));
- assertNaN(goog.string.toNumber('abc'));
-function testGetRandomString() {
- stubs.set(goog, 'now', goog.functions.constant(1295726605874));
- stubs.set(Math, 'random', goog.functions.constant(0.6679361383522245));
- assertTrue('String must be alphanumeric',
- goog.string.isAlphaNumeric(goog.string.getRandomString()));
-function testToCamelCase() {
- assertEquals('OneTwoThree', goog.string.toCamelCase('-one-two-three'));
- assertEquals('oneTwoThree', goog.string.toCamelCase('one-two-three'));
- assertEquals('oneTwo', goog.string.toCamelCase('one-two'));
- assertEquals('one', goog.string.toCamelCase('one'));
- assertEquals('oneTwo', goog.string.toCamelCase('oneTwo'));
- assertEquals('String value matching a native function name.',
- 'toString', goog.string.toCamelCase('toString'));
-function testToSelectorCase() {
- assertEquals('-one-two-three', goog.string.toSelectorCase('OneTwoThree'));
- assertEquals('one-two-three', goog.string.toSelectorCase('oneTwoThree'));
- assertEquals('one-two', goog.string.toSelectorCase('oneTwo'));
- assertEquals('one', goog.string.toSelectorCase('one'));
- assertEquals('one-two', goog.string.toSelectorCase('one-two'));
- assertEquals('String value matching a native function name.',
- 'to-string', goog.string.toSelectorCase('toString'));
-function testToTitleCase() {
- assertEquals('One', goog.string.toTitleCase('one'));
- assertEquals('CamelCase', goog.string.toTitleCase('camelCase'));
- assertEquals('Onelongword', goog.string.toTitleCase('onelongword'));
- assertEquals('One Two Three', goog.string.toTitleCase('one two three'));
- assertEquals('One Two Three',
- goog.string.toTitleCase('one two three'));
- assertEquals(' Longword ', goog.string.toTitleCase(' longword '));
- assertEquals('One-two-three', goog.string.toTitleCase('one-two-three'));
- assertEquals('One_two_three', goog.string.toTitleCase('one_two_three'));
- assertEquals('String value matching a native function name.',
- 'ToString', goog.string.toTitleCase('toString'));
- // Verify results with no delimiter.
- assertEquals('One two three', goog.string.toTitleCase('one two three', ''));
- assertEquals('One-two-three', goog.string.toTitleCase('one-two-three', ''));
- assertEquals(' onetwothree', goog.string.toTitleCase(' onetwothree', ''));
- // Verify results with one delimiter.
- assertEquals('One two', goog.string.toTitleCase('one two', '.'));
- assertEquals(' one two', goog.string.toTitleCase(' one two', '.'));
- assertEquals(' one.Two', goog.string.toTitleCase(' one.two', '.'));
- assertEquals('One.Two', goog.string.toTitleCase('one.two', '.'));
- assertEquals('One...Two...', goog.string.toTitleCase('one...two...', '.'));
- // Verify results with multiple delimiters.
- var delimiters = '_-.';
- assertEquals('One two three',
- goog.string.toTitleCase('one two three', delimiters));
- assertEquals(' one two three',
- goog.string.toTitleCase(' one two three', delimiters));
- assertEquals('One-Two-Three',
- goog.string.toTitleCase('one-two-three', delimiters));
- assertEquals('One_Two_Three',
- goog.string.toTitleCase('one_two_three', delimiters));
- assertEquals('One...Two...Three',
- goog.string.toTitleCase('one...two...three', delimiters));
- assertEquals('One. two. three',
- goog.string.toTitleCase('one. two. three', delimiters));
-function testParseInt() {
- // Many example values borrowed from
- // http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/LayoutTests/fast/js/kde/
- // GlobalObject-expected.txt
- // Check non-numbers and strings
- assertTrue(isNaN(goog.string.parseInt(undefined)));
- assertTrue(isNaN(goog.string.parseInt(null)));
- assertTrue(isNaN(goog.string.parseInt({})));
- assertTrue(isNaN(goog.string.parseInt('')));
- assertTrue(isNaN(goog.string.parseInt(' ')));
- assertTrue(isNaN(goog.string.parseInt('a')));
- assertTrue(isNaN(goog.string.parseInt('FFAA')));
- assertEquals(1, goog.string.parseInt(1))
- assertEquals(1234567890123456, goog.string.parseInt(1234567890123456))
- assertEquals(2, goog.string.parseInt(' 2.3'));
- assertEquals(16, goog.string.parseInt('0x10'));
- assertEquals(11, goog.string.parseInt('11'));
- assertEquals(15, goog.string.parseInt('0xF'));
- assertEquals(15, goog.string.parseInt('0XF'));
- assertEquals(3735928559, goog.string.parseInt('0XDEADBEEF'));
- assertEquals(3, goog.string.parseInt('3x'));
- assertEquals(3, goog.string.parseInt('3 x'));
- assertFalse(isFinite(goog.string.parseInt('Infinity')));
- assertEquals(15, goog.string.parseInt('15'));
- assertEquals(15, goog.string.parseInt('015'));
- assertEquals(15, goog.string.parseInt('0xf'));
- assertEquals(15, goog.string.parseInt('15'));
- assertEquals(15, goog.string.parseInt('0xF'));
- assertEquals(15, goog.string.parseInt('15.99'));
- assertTrue(isNaN(goog.string.parseInt('FXX123')));
- assertEquals(15, goog.string.parseInt('15*3'));
- assertEquals(7, goog.string.parseInt('0x7'));
- assertEquals(1, goog.string.parseInt('1x7'));
- // Strings have no special meaning
- assertTrue(isNaN(goog.string.parseInt('Infinity')));
- assertTrue(isNaN(goog.string.parseInt('NaN')));
- // Test numbers and values
- assertEquals(3, goog.string.parseInt(3.3));
- assertEquals(-3, goog.string.parseInt(-3.3));
- assertEquals(0, goog.string.parseInt(-0));
- assertTrue(isNaN(goog.string.parseInt(Infinity)));
- assertTrue(isNaN(goog.string.parseInt(NaN)));
- assertTrue(isNaN(goog.string.parseInt(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)));
- assertTrue(isNaN(goog.string.parseInt(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)));
- // In Chrome (at least), parseInt(Number.MIN_VALUE) is 5 (5e-324) and
- // parseInt(Number.MAX_VALUE) is 1 (1.79...e+308) as they are converted
- // to strings. We do not attempt to correct this behavior.
- // Additional values for negatives.
- assertEquals(-3, goog.string.parseInt('-3'));
- assertEquals(-32, goog.string.parseInt('-32 '));
- assertEquals(-32, goog.string.parseInt(' -32 '));
- assertEquals(-3, goog.string.parseInt('-0x3'));
- assertEquals(-50, goog.string.parseInt('-0x32 '));
- assertEquals(-243, goog.string.parseInt(' -0xF3 '));
- assertTrue(isNaN(goog.string.parseInt(' - 0x32 ')));