path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/object/object_test.html
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--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/object/object_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2006 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
-See the COPYING file for details.
-<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
-<title>Closure Unit Tests - goog.object</title>
-<script src="../base.js"></script>
- goog.require('goog.functions');
- goog.require('goog.object');
- goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit');
-function stringifyObject(m) {
- var keys = goog.object.getKeys(m);
- var s = '';
- for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
- s += keys[i] + goog.object.get(m, keys[i]);
- }
- return s;
-function getObject() {
- return {
- a: 0,
- b: 1,
- c: 2,
- d: 3
- };
-function testKeys() {
- var m = getObject();
- assertEquals('getKeys, The keys should be a,b,c',
- 'a,b,c,d',
- goog.object.getKeys(m).join(','));
-function testValues() {
- var m = getObject();
- assertEquals('getValues, The values should be 0,1,2',
- '0,1,2,3', goog.object.getValues(m).join(','));
-function testGetAnyKey() {
- var m = getObject();
- assertTrue("getAnyKey, The key should be a,b,c or d",
- goog.object.getAnyKey(m) in m);
- assertUndefined("getAnyKey, The key should be undefined",
- goog.object.getAnyKey({}));
-function testGetAnyValue() {
- var m = getObject();
- assertTrue("getAnyValue, The value should be 0,1,2 or 3",
- goog.object.containsValue(m, goog.object.getAnyValue(m)));
- assertUndefined("getAnyValue, The value should be undefined",
- goog.object.getAnyValue({}));
-function testContainsKey() {
- var m = getObject();
- assertTrue("containsKey, Should contain the 'a' key",
- goog.object.containsKey(m, 'a'));
- assertFalse("containsKey, Should not contain the 'e' key",
- goog.object.containsKey(m, 'e'));
-function testContainsValue() {
- var m = getObject();
- assertTrue('containsValue, Should contain the value 0',
- goog.object.containsValue(m, 0));
- assertFalse('containsValue, Should not contain the value 4',
- goog.object.containsValue(m, 4));
- assertTrue('isEmpty, The map should not be empty', !goog.object.isEmpty(m));
-function testFindKey() {
- var dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4};
- var key = goog.object.findKey(dict, function(v, k, d) {
- assertEquals('valid 3rd argument', dict, d);
- assertTrue('valid 1st argument', goog.object.containsValue(d, v));
- assertTrue('valid 2nd argument', k in d);
- return v % 3 == 0;
- });
- assertEquals('key "c" found', 'c', key);
- var pred = function(value) {
- return value > 5;
- };
- assertUndefined('no match', goog.object.findKey(dict, pred));
-function testFindValue() {
- var dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4};
- var value = goog.object.findValue(dict, function(v, k, d) {
- assertEquals('valid 3rd argument', dict, d);
- assertTrue('valid 1st argument', goog.object.containsValue(d, v));
- assertTrue('valid 2nd argument', k in d);
- return k.toUpperCase() == 'C';
- });
- assertEquals('value 3 found', 3, value);
- var pred = function(value, key) {
- return key > 'd';
- }
- assertUndefined('no match', goog.object.findValue(dict, pred));
-function testClear() {
- var m = getObject();
- goog.object.clear(m);
- assertTrue('cleared so it should be empty', goog.object.isEmpty(m));
- assertFalse("cleared so it should not contain 'a' key",
- goog.object.containsKey(m, 'a'));
-function testClone() {
- var m = getObject();
- var m2 = goog.object.clone(m);
- assertFalse('clone so it should not be empty', goog.object.isEmpty(m2));
- assertTrue("clone so it should contain 'c' key",
- goog.object.containsKey(m2, 'c'));
-function testUnsafeClonePrimitive() {
- assertEquals('cloning a primitive should return an equal primitive',
- 5, goog.object.unsafeClone(5));
-function testUnsafeCloneObjectThatHasACloneMethod() {
- var original = {
- name: 'original',
- clone: goog.functions.constant({name: 'clone'})
- };
- var clone = goog.object.unsafeClone(original);
- assertEquals('original', original.name);
- assertEquals('clone', clone.name);
-function testUnsafeCloneFlatObject() {
- var original = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};
- var clone = goog.object.unsafeClone(original);
- assertNotEquals(original, clone);
- assertObjectEquals(original, clone);
-function testUnsafeCloneDeepObject() {
- var original = {
- a: 1,
- b: {c: 2, d: 3},
- e: {f: {g: 4, h: 5}}
- };
- var clone = goog.object.unsafeClone(original);
- assertNotEquals(original, clone);
- assertNotEquals(original.b, clone.b);
- assertNotEquals(original.e, clone.e);
- assertEquals(1, clone.a);
- assertEquals(2, clone.b.c);
- assertEquals(3, clone.b.d);
- assertEquals(4, clone.e.f.g);
- assertEquals(5, clone.e.f.h);
-function testUnsafeCloneFunctions() {
- var original = {
- f: goog.functions.constant('hi')
- };
- var clone = goog.object.unsafeClone(original);
- assertNotEquals(original, clone);
- assertEquals('hi', clone.f());
- assertEquals(original.f, clone.f);
-function testForEach() {
- var m = getObject();
- var s = '';
- goog.object.forEach(m, function(val, key, m2) {
- assertNotUndefined(key);
- assertEquals(m, m2);
- s += key + val;
- });
- assertEquals(s, 'a0b1c2d3');
-function testFilter() {
- var m = getObject();
- var m2 = goog.object.filter(m, function (val, key, m3) {
- assertNotUndefined(key);
- assertEquals(m, m3);
- return val > 1;
- });
- assertEquals(stringifyObject(m2), 'c2d3');
-function testMap() {
- var m = getObject();
- var m2 = goog.object.map(m, function (val, key, m3) {
- assertNotUndefined(key);
- assertEquals(m, m3);
- return val * val;
- });
- assertEquals(stringifyObject(m2), 'a0b1c4d9');
-function testSome() {
- var m = getObject();
- var b = goog.object.some(m, function (val, key, m2) {
- assertNotUndefined(key);
- assertEquals(m, m2);
- return val > 1;
- });
- assertTrue(b);
- var b = goog.object.some(m, function (val, key, m2) {
- assertNotUndefined(key);
- assertEquals(m, m2);
- return val > 100;
- });
- assertFalse(b);
-function testEvery() {
- var m = getObject();
- var b = goog.object.every(m, function (val, key, m2) {
- assertNotUndefined(key);
- assertEquals(m, m2);
- return val >= 0;
- });
- assertTrue(b);
- b = goog.object.every(m, function (val, key, m2) {
- assertNotUndefined(key);
- assertEquals(m, m2);
- return val > 1;
- });
- assertFalse(b);
-function testContains() {
- var m = getObject();
- assertTrue(goog.object.contains(m, 3));
- assertFalse(goog.object.contains(m, 4));
-function testObjectProperties() {
- var m = {};
- goog.object.set(m, 'toString', 'once');
- goog.object.set(m, 'valueOf', 'upon');
- goog.object.set(m, 'eval', 'a');
- goog.object.set(m, 'toSource', 'midnight');
- goog.object.set(m, 'prototype', 'dreary');
- goog.object.set(m, 'hasOwnProperty', 'dark');
- assertEquals(goog.object.get(m, 'toString'), 'once');
- assertEquals(goog.object.get(m, 'valueOf'), 'upon');
- assertEquals(goog.object.get(m, 'eval'), 'a');
- assertEquals(goog.object.get(m, 'toSource'), 'midnight');
- assertEquals(goog.object.get(m, 'prototype'), 'dreary');
- assertEquals(goog.object.get(m, 'hasOwnProperty'), 'dark');
-function testSetDefault() {
- var dict = {};
- assertEquals(1, goog.object.setIfUndefined(dict, 'a', 1));
- assertEquals(1, dict['a']);
- assertEquals(1, goog.object.setIfUndefined(dict, 'a', 2));
- assertEquals(1, dict['a']);
-function testTranspose() {
- var m = getObject();
- var b = goog.object.transpose(m);
- assertEquals('a', b[0]);
- assertEquals('b', b[1]);
- assertEquals('c', b[2]);
- assertEquals('d', b[3]);
-function testExtend() {
- var o = {};
- var o2 = {a: 0, b: 1};
- goog.object.extend(o, o2);
- assertEquals(0, o.a);
- assertEquals(1, o.b);
- assertTrue('a' in o);
- assertTrue('b' in o);
- o2 = {c: 2};
- goog.object.extend(o, o2);
- assertEquals(2, o.c);
- assertTrue('c' in o);
- o2 = {c: 3};
- goog.object.extend(o, o2);
- assertEquals(3, o.c);
- assertTrue('c' in o);
- o = {};
- o2 = {a: 0, b: 1};
- var o3 = {c: 2, d: 3};
- goog.object.extend(o, o2, o3);
- assertEquals(0, o.a);
- assertEquals(1, o.b);
- assertEquals(2, o.c);
- assertEquals(3, o.d);
- assertTrue('a' in o);
- assertTrue('b' in o);
- assertTrue('c' in o);
- assertTrue('d' in o);
- o = {};
- o2 = {
- 'constructor': 0,
- 'hasOwnProperty': 1,
- 'isPrototypeOf': 2,
- 'propertyIsEnumerable': 3,
- 'toLocaleString': 4,
- 'toString': 5,
- 'valueOf': 6
- };
- goog.object.extend(o, o2);
- assertEquals(0, o['constructor']);
- assertEquals(1, o['hasOwnProperty']);
- assertEquals(2, o['isPrototypeOf']);
- assertEquals(3, o['propertyIsEnumerable']);
- assertEquals(4, o['toLocaleString']);
- assertEquals(5, o['toString']);
- assertEquals(6, o['valueOf']);
- assertTrue('constructor' in o);
- assertTrue('hasOwnProperty' in o);
- assertTrue('isPrototypeOf' in o);
- assertTrue('propertyIsEnumerable' in o);
- assertTrue('toLocaleString' in o);
- assertTrue('toString' in o);
- assertTrue('valueOf' in o);
-function testCreate() {
- assertObjectEquals('With multiple arguments',
- {a: 0, b: 1}, goog.object.create('a', 0, 'b', 1));
- assertObjectEquals('With an array argument',
- {a: 0, b: 1}, goog.object.create(['a', 0, 'b', 1]));
- assertObjectEquals('With no arguments',
- {}, goog.object.create());
- assertObjectEquals('With an ampty array argument',
- {}, goog.object.create([]));
- assertThrows('Should throw due to uneven arguments', function() {
- goog.object.create('a');
- });
- assertThrows('Should throw due to uneven arguments', function() {
- goog.object.create('a', 0, 'b');
- });
- assertThrows('Should throw due to uneven length array', function() {
- goog.object.create(['a']);
- });
- assertThrows('Should throw due to uneven length array', function() {
- goog.object.create(['a', 0, 'b']);
- });
-function testCreateSet() {
- assertObjectEquals('With multiple arguments',
- {a: true, b: true}, goog.object.createSet('a', 'b'));
- assertObjectEquals('With an array argument',
- {a: true, b: true}, goog.object.createSet(['a', 'b']));
- assertObjectEquals('With no arguments',
- {}, goog.object.createSet());
- assertObjectEquals('With an ampty array argument',
- {}, goog.object.createSet([]));
-function createTestDeepObject() {
- var obj = {};
- obj.a = {};
- obj.a.b = {};
- obj.a.b.c = {};
- obj.a.b.c.fooArr = [5, 6, 7, 8];
- obj.a.b.c.knownNull = null;
- return obj;
-function testGetValueByKeys() {
- var obj = createTestDeepObject();
- assertEquals(obj, goog.object.getValueByKeys(obj));
- assertEquals(obj.a, goog.object.getValueByKeys(obj, 'a'));
- assertEquals(obj.a.b, goog.object.getValueByKeys(obj, 'a', 'b'));
- assertEquals(obj.a.b.c, goog.object.getValueByKeys(obj, 'a', 'b', 'c'));
- assertEquals(obj.a.b.c.d,
- goog.object.getValueByKeys(obj, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'));
- assertEquals(8, goog.object.getValueByKeys(obj, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'fooArr', 3));
- assertNull(goog.object.getValueByKeys(obj, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'knownNull'));
- assertUndefined(goog.object.getValueByKeys(obj, 'e', 'f', 'g'));
-function testGetValueByKeysArraySyntax() {
- var obj = createTestDeepObject();
- assertEquals(obj, goog.object.getValueByKeys(obj, []));
- assertEquals(obj.a, goog.object.getValueByKeys(obj, ['a']));
- assertEquals(obj.a.b, goog.object.getValueByKeys(obj, ['a', 'b']));
- assertEquals(obj.a.b.c, goog.object.getValueByKeys(obj, ['a', 'b', 'c']));
- assertEquals(obj.a.b.c.d,
- goog.object.getValueByKeys(obj, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']));
- assertEquals(8,
- goog.object.getValueByKeys(obj, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'fooArr', 3]));
- assertNull(goog.object.getValueByKeys(obj, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'knownNull']));
- assertUndefined(goog.object.getValueByKeys(obj, 'e', 'f', 'g'));
-function testImmutableView() {
- if (!Object.isFrozen) return;
- var x = {propA: 3};
- var y = goog.object.createImmutableView(x);
- x.propA = 4;
- x.propB = 6;
- y.propA = 5;
- y.propB = 7;
- assertEquals(4, x.propA);
- assertEquals(6, x.propB);
- assertFalse(goog.object.isImmutableView(x));
- assertEquals(4, y.propA);
- assertEquals(6, y.propB);
- assertTrue(goog.object.isImmutableView(y));
- assertFalse('x and y should be different references', x == y);
- assertTrue(
- 'createImmutableView should not create a new view of an immutable object',
- y == goog.object.createImmutableView(y));
-function testImmutableViewStrict() {
- 'use strict';
- if (!Object.isFrozen) return;
- var x = {propA: 3};
- var y = goog.object.createImmutableView(x);
- assertThrows(function() {
- y.propA = 4;
- });
- assertThrows(function() {
- y.propB = 4;
- });