path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/net/browsertestchannel.js
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diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/net/browsertestchannel.js b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/net/browsertestchannel.js
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index cfc9257..0000000
--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/net/browsertestchannel.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2006 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
- * @fileoverview Definition of the BrowserTestChannel class. A
- * BrowserTestChannel is used during the first part of channel negotiation
- * with the server to create the channel. It helps us determine whether we're
- * behind a buffering proxy. It also runs the logic to see if the channel
- * has been blocked by a network administrator. This class is part of the
- * BrowserChannel implementation and is not for use by normal application code.
- *
- */
- * Encapsulates the logic for a single BrowserTestChannel.
- *
- * @constructor
- * @param {goog.net.BrowserChannel} channel The BrowserChannel that owns this
- * test channel.
- * @param {goog.net.ChannelDebug} channelDebug A ChannelDebug to use for
- * logging.
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel = function(channel, channelDebug) {
- /**
- * The BrowserChannel that owns this test channel
- * @type {goog.net.BrowserChannel}
- * @private
- */
- this.channel_ = channel;
- /**
- * The channel debug to use for logging
- * @type {goog.net.ChannelDebug}
- * @private
- */
- this.channelDebug_ = channelDebug;
- /**
- * Parser for a response payload. Defaults to use
- * {@code goog.json.unsafeParse}. The parser should return an array.
- * @type {goog.string.Parser}
- * @private
- */
- this.parser_ = new goog.json.EvalJsonProcessor(null, true);
- * Extra HTTP headers to add to all the requests sent to the server.
- * @type {Object}
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.extraHeaders_ = null;
- * The test request.
- * @type {goog.net.ChannelRequest}
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.request_ = null;
- * Whether we have received the first result as an intermediate result. This
- * helps us determine whether we're behind a buffering proxy.
- * @type {boolean}
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.receivedIntermediateResult_ = false;
- * The time when the test request was started. We use timing in IE as
- * a heuristic for whether we're behind a buffering proxy.
- * @type {?number}
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.startTime_ = null;
- * The time for of the first result part. We use timing in IE as a
- * heuristic for whether we're behind a buffering proxy.
- * @type {?number}
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.firstTime_ = null;
- * The time for of the last result part. We use timing in IE as a
- * heuristic for whether we're behind a buffering proxy.
- * @type {?number}
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.lastTime_ = null;
- * The relative path for test requests.
- * @type {?string}
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.path_ = null;
- * The state of the state machine for this object.
- *
- * @type {?number}
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.state_ = null;
- * The last status code received.
- * @type {number}
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.lastStatusCode_ = -1;
- * A subdomain prefix for using a subdomain in IE for the backchannel
- * requests.
- * @type {?string}
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.hostPrefix_ = null;
- * A subdomain prefix for testing whether the channel was disabled by
- * a network administrator;
- * @type {?string}
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.blockedPrefix_ = null;
- * Enum type for the browser test channel state machine
- * @enum {number}
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.State_ = {
- /**
- * The state for the BrowserTestChannel state machine where we making the
- * initial call to get the server configured parameters.
- */
- INIT: 0,
- /**
- * The state for the BrowserTestChannel state machine where we're checking to
- * see if the channel has been blocked.
- */
- /**
- * The state for the BrowserTestChannel state machine where we're checking to
- * se if we're behind a buffering proxy.
- */
- * Time in MS for waiting for the request to see if the channel is blocked.
- * If the response takes longer than this many ms, we assume the request has
- * failed.
- * @type {number}
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.BLOCKED_TIMEOUT_ = 5000;
- * Number of attempts to try to see if the check to see if we're blocked
- * succeeds. Sometimes the request can fail because of flaky network conditions
- * and checking multiple times reduces false positives.
- * @type {number}
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.BLOCKED_RETRIES_ = 3;
- * Time in ms between retries of the blocked request
- * @type {number}
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.BLOCKED_PAUSE_BETWEEN_RETRIES_ = 2000;
- * Time between chunks in the test connection that indicates that we
- * are not behind a buffering proxy. This value should be less than or
- * equals to the time between chunks sent from the server.
- * @type {number}
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.MIN_TIME_EXPECTED_BETWEEN_DATA_ = 500;
- * Sets extra HTTP headers to add to all the requests sent to the server.
- *
- * @param {Object} extraHeaders The HTTP headers.
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.setExtraHeaders = function(extraHeaders) {
- this.extraHeaders_ = extraHeaders;
- * Sets a new parser for the response payload. A custom parser may be set to
- * avoid using eval(), for example.
- * By default, the parser uses {@code goog.json.unsafeParse}.
- * @param {!goog.string.Parser} parser Parser.
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.setParser = function(parser) {
- this.parser_ = parser;
- * Starts the test channel. This initiates connections to the server.
- *
- * @param {string} path The relative uri for the test connection.
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.connect = function(path) {
- this.path_ = path;
- var sendDataUri = this.channel_.getForwardChannelUri(this.path_);
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.notifyStatEvent(
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.Stat.TEST_STAGE_ONE_START);
- // the first request returns server specific parameters
- sendDataUri.setParameterValues('MODE', 'init');
- this.request_ = goog.net.BrowserChannel.createChannelRequest(
- this, this.channelDebug_);
- this.request_.setExtraHeaders(this.extraHeaders_);
- this.request_.xmlHttpGet(sendDataUri, false /* decodeChunks */,
- null /* hostPrefix */, true /* opt_noClose */);
- this.state_ = goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.State_.INIT;
- this.startTime_ = goog.now();
- * Checks to see whether the channel is blocked. This is for implementing the
- * feature that allows network administrators to block Gmail Chat. The
- * strategy to determine if we're blocked is to try to load an image off a
- * special subdomain that network administrators will block access to if they
- * are trying to block chat. For Gmail Chat, the subdomain is
- * chatenabled.mail.google.com.
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.checkBlocked_ = function() {
- var uri = this.channel_.createDataUri(this.blockedPrefix_,
- '/mail/images/cleardot.gif');
- uri.makeUnique();
- goog.net.tmpnetwork.testLoadImageWithRetries(uri.toString(),
- goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.BLOCKED_TIMEOUT_,
- goog.bind(this.checkBlockedCallback_, this),
- goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.BLOCKED_RETRIES_,
- goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.BLOCKED_PAUSE_BETWEEN_RETRIES_);
- this.notifyServerReachabilityEvent(
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.ServerReachability.REQUEST_MADE);
- * Callback for testLoadImageWithRetries to check if browser channel is
- * blocked.
- * @param {boolean} succeeded Whether the request succeeded.
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.checkBlockedCallback_ = function(
- succeeded) {
- if (succeeded) {
- this.state_ = goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.State_.CONNECTION_TESTING;
- this.connectStage2_();
- } else {
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.notifyStatEvent(
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.Stat.CHANNEL_BLOCKED);
- this.channel_.testConnectionBlocked(this);
- }
- // We don't dispatch a REQUEST_FAILED server reachability event when the
- // block request fails, as such a failure is not a good signal that the
- // server has actually become unreachable.
- if (succeeded) {
- this.notifyServerReachabilityEvent(
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.ServerReachability.REQUEST_SUCCEEDED);
- }
- * Begins the second stage of the test channel where we test to see if we're
- * behind a buffering proxy. The server sends back a multi-chunked response
- * with the first chunk containing the content '1' and then two seconds later
- * sending the second chunk containing the content '2'. Depending on how we
- * receive the content, we can tell if we're behind a buffering proxy.
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.connectStage2_ = function() {
- this.channelDebug_.debug('TestConnection: starting stage 2');
- this.request_ = goog.net.BrowserChannel.createChannelRequest(
- this, this.channelDebug_);
- this.request_.setExtraHeaders(this.extraHeaders_);
- var recvDataUri = this.channel_.getBackChannelUri(this.hostPrefix_,
- /** @type {string} */ (this.path_));
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.notifyStatEvent(
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.Stat.TEST_STAGE_TWO_START);
- if (!goog.net.ChannelRequest.supportsXhrStreaming()) {
- recvDataUri.setParameterValues('TYPE', 'html');
- this.request_.tridentGet(recvDataUri, Boolean(this.hostPrefix_));
- } else {
- recvDataUri.setParameterValues('TYPE', 'xmlhttp');
- this.request_.xmlHttpGet(recvDataUri, false /** decodeChunks */,
- this.hostPrefix_, false /** opt_noClose */);
- }
- * Factory method for XhrIo objects.
- * @param {?string} hostPrefix The host prefix, if we need an XhrIo object
- * capable of calling a secondary domain.
- * @return {!goog.net.XhrIo} New XhrIo object.
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.createXhrIo = function(hostPrefix) {
- return this.channel_.createXhrIo(hostPrefix);
- * Aborts the test channel.
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.abort = function() {
- if (this.request_) {
- this.request_.cancel();
- this.request_ = null;
- }
- this.lastStatusCode_ = -1;
- * Returns whether the test channel is closed. The ChannelRequest object expects
- * this method to be implemented on its handler.
- *
- * @return {boolean} Whether the channel is closed.
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.isClosed = function() {
- return false;
- * Callback from ChannelRequest for when new data is received
- *
- * @param {goog.net.ChannelRequest} req The request object.
- * @param {string} responseText The text of the response.
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.onRequestData =
- function(req, responseText) {
- this.lastStatusCode_ = req.getLastStatusCode();
- if (this.state_ == goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.State_.INIT) {
- this.channelDebug_.debug('TestConnection: Got data for stage 1');
- if (!responseText) {
- this.channelDebug_.debug('TestConnection: Null responseText');
- // The server should always send text; something is wrong here
- this.channel_.testConnectionFailure(this,
- goog.net.ChannelRequest.Error.BAD_DATA);
- return;
- }
- /** @preserveTry */
- try {
- var respArray = this.parser_.parse(responseText);
- } catch (e) {
- this.channelDebug_.dumpException(e);
- this.channel_.testConnectionFailure(this,
- goog.net.ChannelRequest.Error.BAD_DATA);
- return;
- }
- this.hostPrefix_ = this.channel_.correctHostPrefix(respArray[0]);
- this.blockedPrefix_ = respArray[1];
- } else if (this.state_ ==
- goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.State_.CONNECTION_TESTING) {
- if (this.receivedIntermediateResult_) {
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.notifyStatEvent(
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.Stat.TEST_STAGE_TWO_DATA_TWO);
- this.lastTime_ = goog.now();
- } else {
- // '11111' is used instead of '1' to prevent a small amount of buffering
- // by Safari.
- if (responseText == '11111') {
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.notifyStatEvent(
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.Stat.TEST_STAGE_TWO_DATA_ONE);
- this.receivedIntermediateResult_ = true;
- this.firstTime_ = goog.now();
- if (this.checkForEarlyNonBuffered_()) {
- // If early chunk detection is on, and we passed the tests,
- // assume HTTP_OK, cancel the test and turn on noproxy mode.
- this.lastStatusCode_ = 200;
- this.request_.cancel();
- this.channelDebug_.debug(
- 'Test connection succeeded; using streaming connection');
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.notifyStatEvent(
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.Stat.NOPROXY);
- this.channel_.testConnectionFinished(this, true);
- }
- } else {
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.notifyStatEvent(
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.Stat.TEST_STAGE_TWO_DATA_BOTH);
- this.firstTime_ = this.lastTime_ = goog.now();
- this.receivedIntermediateResult_ = false;
- }
- }
- }
- * Callback from ChannelRequest that indicates a request has completed.
- *
- * @param {goog.net.ChannelRequest} req The request object.
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.onRequestComplete =
- function(req) {
- this.lastStatusCode_ = this.request_.getLastStatusCode();
- if (!this.request_.getSuccess()) {
- this.channelDebug_.debug(
- 'TestConnection: request failed, in state ' + this.state_);
- if (this.state_ == goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.State_.INIT) {
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.notifyStatEvent(
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.Stat.TEST_STAGE_ONE_FAILED);
- } else if (this.state_ ==
- goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.State_.CONNECTION_TESTING) {
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.notifyStatEvent(
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.Stat.TEST_STAGE_TWO_FAILED);
- }
- this.channel_.testConnectionFailure(this,
- /** @type {goog.net.ChannelRequest.Error} */
- (this.request_.getLastError()));
- return;
- }
- if (this.state_ == goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.State_.INIT) {
- this.channelDebug_.debug(
- 'TestConnection: request complete for initial check');
- if (this.blockedPrefix_) {
- this.state_ = goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.State_.CHECKING_BLOCKED;
- this.checkBlocked_();
- } else {
- this.state_ = goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.State_.CONNECTION_TESTING;
- this.connectStage2_();
- }
- } else if (this.state_ ==
- goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.State_.CONNECTION_TESTING) {
- this.channelDebug_.debug('TestConnection: request complete for stage 2');
- var goodConn = false;
- if (!goog.net.ChannelRequest.supportsXhrStreaming()) {
- // we always get Trident responses in separate calls to
- // onRequestData, so we have to check the time they came
- var ms = this.lastTime_ - this.firstTime_;
- if (ms < 200) {
- // TODO: need to empirically verify that this number is OK
- // for slow computers
- goodConn = false;
- } else {
- goodConn = true;
- }
- } else {
- goodConn = this.receivedIntermediateResult_;
- }
- if (goodConn) {
- this.channelDebug_.debug(
- 'Test connection succeeded; using streaming connection');
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.notifyStatEvent(
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.Stat.NOPROXY);
- this.channel_.testConnectionFinished(this, true);
- } else {
- this.channelDebug_.debug(
- 'Test connection failed; not using streaming');
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.notifyStatEvent(
- goog.net.BrowserChannel.Stat.PROXY);
- this.channel_.testConnectionFinished(this, false);
- }
- }
- * Returns the last status code received for a request.
- * @return {number} The last status code received for a request.
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.getLastStatusCode = function() {
- return this.lastStatusCode_;
- * @return {boolean} Whether we should be using secondary domains when the
- * server instructs us to do so.
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.shouldUseSecondaryDomains = function() {
- return this.channel_.shouldUseSecondaryDomains();
- * Gets whether this channel is currently active. This is used to determine the
- * length of time to wait before retrying.
- *
- * @param {goog.net.BrowserChannel} browserChannel The browser channel.
- * @return {boolean} Whether the channel is currently active.
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.isActive =
- function(browserChannel) {
- return this.channel_.isActive();
- * @return {boolean} True if test stage 2 detected a non-buffered
- * channel early and early no buffering detection is enabled.
- * @private
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.checkForEarlyNonBuffered_ =
- function() {
- var ms = this.firstTime_ - this.startTime_;
- // we always get Trident responses in separate calls to
- // onRequestData, so we have to check the time that the first came in
- // and verify that the data arrived before the second portion could
- // have been sent. For all other browser's we skip the timing test.
- return goog.net.ChannelRequest.supportsXhrStreaming() ||
- ms < goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.MIN_TIME_EXPECTED_BETWEEN_DATA_;
- * Notifies the channel of a fine grained network event.
- * @param {goog.net.BrowserChannel.ServerReachability} reachabilityType The
- * reachability event type.
- */
-goog.net.BrowserTestChannel.prototype.notifyServerReachabilityEvent =
- function(reachabilityType) {
- this.channel_.notifyServerReachabilityEvent(reachabilityType);