path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/module/modulemanager_test.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/module/modulemanager_test.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2024 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/module/modulemanager_test.html b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/module/modulemanager_test.html
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index f1b4aec..0000000
--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/module/modulemanager_test.html
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-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
-See the COPYING file for details.
-<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
-<title>Closure Unit Tests - goog.module.ModuleManager</title>
-<script src="../base.js"></script>
- goog.require('goog.array');
- goog.require('goog.functions');
- goog.require('goog.module.BaseModule');
- goog.require('goog.module.ModuleManager');
- goog.require('goog.module.ModuleManager.CallbackType');
- goog.require('goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType');
- goog.require('goog.testing');
- goog.require('goog.testing.MockClock');
- goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit');
- goog.require('goog.testing.recordFunction');
- var clock;
- function setUpPage() {
- clock = new goog.testing.MockClock(true);
- }
- function tearDownPage() {
- clock.dispose();
- }
- function getModuleManager(infoMap) {
- var mm = new goog.module.ModuleManager();
- mm.setAllModuleInfo(infoMap);
- mm.isModuleLoaded = function(id) {
- return this.getModuleInfo(id).isLoaded();
- }
- return mm;
- }
- function createSuccessfulBatchLoader(moduleMgr) {
- return {
- loadModules: function(ids, moduleInfoMap, opt_successFn, opt_errFn,
- opt_timeoutFn) {
- setTimeout(goog.bind(this.onLoad, this, ids.concat(), 0), 5);
- },
- onLoad: function(ids, idxLoaded) {
- moduleMgr.beforeLoadModuleCode(ids[idxLoaded]);
- moduleMgr.setLoaded(ids[idxLoaded]);
- moduleMgr.afterLoadModuleCode(ids[idxLoaded]);
- var idx = idxLoaded + 1;
- if (idx < ids.length) {
- setTimeout(goog.bind(this.onLoad, this, ids, idx), 2);
- }
- }};
- }
- function createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(moduleMgr) {
- return {
- loadModules: function(ids, moduleInfoMap, opt_successFn, opt_errFn,
- opt_timeoutFn) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- moduleMgr.beforeLoadModuleCode(ids[0]);
- moduleMgr.setLoaded(ids[0]);
- moduleMgr.afterLoadModuleCode(ids[0]);
- if (opt_successFn) {
- opt_successFn();
- }
- }, 5);
- }};
- }
- function createUnsuccessfulLoader(moduleMgr, status) {
- return {
- loadModules: function(ids, moduleInfoMap, opt_successFn, opt_errFn,
- opt_timeoutFn) {
- moduleMgr.beforeLoadModuleCode(ids[0]);
- setTimeout(function() { opt_errFn(status); }, 5);
- }};
- }
- function createTimeoutLoader(moduleMgr, status) {
- return {
- loadModules: function(ids, moduleInfoMap, opt_successFn, opt_errFn,
- opt_timeoutFn) {
- setTimeout(function() { opt_timeoutFn(status); }, 5);
- }};
- }
- /**
- * Tests loading a module under different conditions i.e. unloaded
- * module, already loaded module, module loaded through user initiated
- * actions, synchronous callback for a module that has been already
- * loaded. Test both batch and non-batch loaders.
- */
- function testExecOnLoad() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': []});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(mm));
- execOnLoad_(mm);
- mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': []});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulBatchLoader(mm));
- mm.setBatchModeEnabled(true);
- execOnLoad_(mm);
- }
- /**
- * Tests execOnLoad with the specified module manager.
- * @param {goog.module.ModuleManager} mm The module manager.
- */
- function execOnLoad_(mm) {
- // When module is unloaded, execOnLoad is async.
- var execCalled1 = false;
- mm.execOnLoad('a', function() { execCalled1 = true; });
- assertFalse('module "a" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('a'));
- assertTrue('module "a" should be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('a'));
- assertFalse('execCalled1 should not be set yet', execCalled1);
- assertTrue('ModuleManager should be active', mm.isActive());
- assertFalse(
- 'ModuleManager should not be user active', mm.isUserActive());
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('module "a" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('a'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "a" should not be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('a'));
- assertTrue('execCalled1 should be set', execCalled1);
- assertFalse('ModuleManager should not be active', mm.isActive());
- assertFalse(
- 'ModuleManager should not be user active', mm.isUserActive());
- // When module is already loaded, execOnLoad is still async unless
- // specified otherwise.
- var execCalled2 = false;
- mm.execOnLoad('a', function() { execCalled2 = true; });
- assertTrue('module "a" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('a'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "a" should not be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('a'));
- assertFalse('execCalled2 should not be set yet', execCalled2);
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('execCalled2 should be set', execCalled2);
- // When module is unloaded, execOnLoad is async (user active).
- var execCalled5 = false;
- mm.execOnLoad('c',
- function() { execCalled5 = true; }, null, null, true);
- assertFalse('module "c" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('c'));
- assertTrue('module "c" should be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- assertFalse('execCalled1 should not be set yet', execCalled5);
- assertTrue('ModuleManager should be active', mm.isActive());
- assertTrue('ModuleManager should be user active', mm.isUserActive());
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('module "c" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('c'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "c" should not be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- assertTrue('execCalled1 should be set', execCalled5);
- assertFalse('ModuleManager should not be active', mm.isActive());
- assertFalse(
- 'ModuleManager should not be user active', mm.isUserActive());
- // When module is already loaded, execOnLoad is still synchronous when
- // so specified
- var execCalled6 = false;
- mm.execOnLoad('c', function() { execCalled6 = true; },
- undefined, undefined, undefined, true);
- assertTrue('module "c" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('c'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "c" should not be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- assertTrue('execCalled6 should be set', execCalled6);
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('execCalled6 should still be set', execCalled6);
- }
- /**
- * Test aborting the callback called on module load.
- */
- function testExecOnLoadAbort() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': []});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(mm));
- // When module is unloaded and abort is called, module still gets
- // loaded, but callback is cancelled.
- var execCalled1 = false;
- var callback1 = mm.execOnLoad('b', function() { execCalled1 = true; });
- callback1.abort();
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('module "b" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('b'));
- assertFalse('execCalled3 should not be set', execCalled1);
- // When module is already loaded, execOnLoad is still async, so calling
- // abort should still cancel the callback.
- var execCalled2 = false;
- var callback2 = mm.execOnLoad('a', function() { execCalled2 = true; });
- callback2.abort();
- clock.tick(5);
- assertFalse('execCalled2 should not be set', execCalled2);
- }
- /**
- * Test preloading modules and ensure that the before load, after load
- * and set load called are called only once per module.
- */
- function testExecOnLoadWhilePreloadingAndViceVersa() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'c': [], 'd': []});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(mm));
- execOnLoadWhilePreloadingAndViceVersa_(mm);
- mm = getModuleManager({'c': [], 'd': []});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulBatchLoader(mm));
- mm.setBatchModeEnabled(true);
- execOnLoadWhilePreloadingAndViceVersa_(mm);
- }
- /**
- * Perform tests with the specified module manager.
- * @param {goog.module.ModuleManager} mm The module manager.
- */
- function execOnLoadWhilePreloadingAndViceVersa_(mm) {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'c': [], 'd': []});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(mm));
- var origSetLoaded = mm.setLoaded;
- var calls = [0, 0, 0];
- mm.beforeLoadModuleCode = function(id) {
- calls[0]++;
- };
- mm.setLoaded = function(id) {
- calls[1]++;
- origSetLoaded.call(mm, id);
- };
- mm.afterLoadModuleCode = function(id) {
- calls[2]++;
- };
- mm.preloadModule('c', 2);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "c" should not be loading yet', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- clock.tick(2);
- assertTrue(
- 'module "c" should now be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- mm.execOnLoad('c', function() {});
- assertTrue(
- 'module "c" should still be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- clock.tick(5);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "c" should be done loading', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- assertEquals(
- 'beforeLoad should only be called once for "c"', 1, calls[0]);
- assertEquals(
- 'setLoaded should only be called once for "c"', 1, calls[1]);
- assertEquals(
- 'afterLoad should only be called once for "c"', 1, calls[2]);
- mm.execOnLoad('d', function() {});
- assertTrue(
- 'module "d" should now be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('d'));
- mm.preloadModule('d', 2);
- clock.tick(5);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "d" should be done loading', mm.isModuleLoading('d'));
- assertTrue(
- 'module "d" should now be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('d'));
- assertEquals(
- 'beforeLoad should only be called once for "d"', 2, calls[0]);
- assertEquals(
- 'setLoaded should only be called once for "d"', 2, calls[1]);
- assertEquals(
- 'afterLoad should only be called once for "d"', 2, calls[2]);
- }
- /**
- * Tests that multiple callbacks on the same module don't cause
- * confusion about the active state after the module is finally loaded.
- */
- function testUserInitiatedExecOnLoadEventuallyLeavesManagerIdle() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'c': [], 'd': []});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(mm));
- var calledBack1 = false;
- var calledBack2 = false;
- mm.execOnLoad(
- 'c',
- function() {
- calledBack1 = true;
- },
- undefined,
- undefined,
- true);
- mm.execOnLoad(
- 'c',
- function() {
- calledBack2 = true;
- },
- undefined,
- undefined,
- true);
- mm.load('c');
- assertTrue(
- 'Manager should be active while waiting for load', mm.isUserActive());
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('First callback should be called', calledBack1);
- assertTrue('Second callback should be called', calledBack2);
- assertFalse(
- 'Manager should be inactive after loading is complete',
- mm.isUserActive());
- }
- /**
- * Tests loading a module by requesting a Deferred object.
- */
- function testLoad() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': []});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(mm));
- var calledBack = false;
- var error = null;
- var d = mm.load('a');
- d.addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack = true;
- });
- d.addErrback(function(err) {
- error = err;
- });
- assertFalse(calledBack);
- assertNull(error);
- assertFalse(mm.isUserActive());
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue(calledBack);
- assertNull(error);
- }
- /**
- * Tests loading multiple modules by requesting a Deferred object.
- */
- function testLoadMultiple() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': []});
- mm.setBatchModeEnabled(true);
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulBatchLoader(mm));
- var calledBack = false;
- var error = null;
- var calledBack2 = false;
- var error2 = null;
- var dMap = mm.loadMultiple(['a', 'b']);
- dMap['a'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack = true;
- });
- dMap['a'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error = err;
- });
- dMap['b'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack2 = true;
- });
- dMap['b'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error2 = err;
- });
- assertFalse(calledBack);
- assertFalse(calledBack2);
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue(calledBack);
- assertFalse(calledBack2);
- assertTrue('module "a" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('a'));
- assertFalse('module "b" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('b'));
- assertFalse('module "c" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('c'));
- clock.tick(2);
- assertTrue(calledBack);
- assertTrue(calledBack2);
- assertTrue('module "a" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('a'));
- assertTrue('module "b" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('b'));
- assertFalse('module "c" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('c'));
- assertNull(error);
- assertNull(error2);
- }
- /**
- * Tests loading multiple modules with deps by requesting a Deferred object.
- */
- function testLoadMultipleWithDeps() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': ['c'], 'c': []});
- mm.setBatchModeEnabled(true);
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulBatchLoader(mm));
- var calledBack = false;
- var error = null;
- var calledBack2 = false;
- var error2 = null;
- var dMap = mm.loadMultiple(['a', 'b']);
- dMap['a'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack = true;
- });
- dMap['a'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error = err;
- });
- dMap['b'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack2 = true;
- });
- dMap['b'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error2 = err;
- });
- assertFalse(calledBack);
- assertFalse(calledBack2);
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue(calledBack);
- assertFalse(calledBack2);
- assertTrue('module "a" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('a'));
- assertFalse('module "b" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('b'));
- assertFalse('module "c" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('c'));
- clock.tick(2);
- assertFalse(calledBack2);
- assertTrue('module "a" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('a'));
- assertFalse('module "b" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('b'));
- assertTrue('module "c" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('c'));
- clock.tick(2);
- assertTrue(calledBack2);
- assertTrue('module "a" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('a'));
- assertTrue('module "b" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('b'));
- assertTrue('module "c" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('c'));
- assertNull(error);
- assertNull(error2);
- }
- /**
- * Tests loading multiple modules by requesting a Deferred object when
- * a server error occurs.
- */
- function testLoadMultipleWithErrors() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': []});
- mm.setBatchModeEnabled(true);
- mm.setLoader(createUnsuccessfulLoader(mm, 500));
- var calledBack = false;
- var error = null;
- var calledBack2 = false;
- var error2 = null;
- var calledBack3 = false;
- var error3 = null;
- var dMap = mm.loadMultiple(['a', 'b', 'c']);
- dMap['a'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack = true;
- });
- dMap['a'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error = err;
- });
- dMap['b'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack2 = true;
- });
- dMap['b'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error2 = err;
- });
- dMap['c'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack3 = true;
- });
- dMap['c'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error3 = err;
- });
- assertFalse(calledBack);
- assertFalse(calledBack2);
- assertFalse(calledBack3);
- clock.tick(4);
- // A module request is now underway using the unsuccessful loader.
- // We substitute a successful loader for future module load requests.
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulBatchLoader(mm));
- clock.tick(1);
- assertFalse(calledBack);
- assertFalse(calledBack2);
- assertFalse(calledBack3);
- assertFalse('module "a" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('a'));
- assertFalse('module "b" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('b'));
- assertFalse('module "c" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('c'));
- // Retry should happen after a backoff
- clock.tick(5 + mm.getBackOff_());
- assertTrue(calledBack);
- assertFalse(calledBack2);
- assertFalse(calledBack3);
- assertTrue('module "a" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('a'));
- assertFalse('module "b" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('b'));
- assertFalse('module "c" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('c'));
- clock.tick(2);
- assertTrue(calledBack2);
- assertFalse(calledBack3);
- assertTrue('module "b" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('b'));
- assertFalse('module "c" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('c'));
- clock.tick(2);
- assertTrue(calledBack3);
- assertTrue('module "c" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('c'));
- assertNull(error);
- assertNull(error2);
- assertNull(error3);
- }
- /**
- * Tests loading multiple modules by requesting a Deferred object when
- * consecutive server error occur and the loader falls back to serial
- * loads.
- */
- function testLoadMultipleWithErrorsFallbackOnSerial() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': []});
- mm.setBatchModeEnabled(true);
- mm.setLoader(createUnsuccessfulLoader(mm, 500));
- var calledBack = false;
- var error = null;
- var calledBack2 = false;
- var error2 = null;
- var calledBack3 = false;
- var error3 = null;
- var dMap = mm.loadMultiple(['a', 'b', 'c']);
- dMap['a'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack = true;
- });
- dMap['a'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error = err;
- });
- dMap['b'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack2 = true;
- });
- dMap['b'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error2 = err;
- });
- dMap['c'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack3 = true;
- });
- dMap['c'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error3 = err;
- });
- assertFalse(calledBack);
- assertFalse(calledBack2);
- assertFalse(calledBack3);
- clock.tick(5);
- assertFalse(calledBack);
- assertFalse(calledBack2);
- assertFalse(calledBack3);
- assertFalse('module "a" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('a'));
- assertFalse('module "b" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('b'));
- assertFalse('module "c" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('c'));
- // Retry should happen and fail after a backoff
- clock.tick(5 + mm.getBackOff_());
- assertFalse(calledBack);
- assertFalse(calledBack2);
- assertFalse(calledBack3);
- assertFalse('module "a" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('a'));
- assertFalse('module "b" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('b'));
- assertFalse('module "c" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('c'));
- // A second retry should happen after a backoff
- clock.tick(4 + mm.getBackOff_());
- // The second retry is now underway using the unsuccessful loader.
- // We substitute a successful loader for future module load requests.
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulBatchLoader(mm));
- clock.tick(1);
- // A second retry should fail now
- assertFalse(calledBack);
- assertFalse(calledBack2);
- assertFalse(calledBack3);
- assertFalse('module "a" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('a'));
- assertFalse('module "b" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('b'));
- assertFalse('module "c" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('c'));
- // Each module should be loaded individually now, each taking 5 ticks
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue(calledBack);
- assertFalse(calledBack2);
- assertFalse(calledBack3);
- assertTrue('module "a" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('a'));
- assertFalse('module "b" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('b'));
- assertFalse('module "c" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('c'));
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue(calledBack2);
- assertFalse(calledBack3);
- assertTrue('module "b" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('b'));
- assertFalse('module "c" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('c'));
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue(calledBack3);
- assertTrue('module "c" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('c'));
- assertNull(error);
- assertNull(error2);
- assertNull(error3);
- }
- /**
- * Tests loading a module by user action by requesting a Deferred object.
- */
- function testLoadForUser() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': []});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(mm));
- var calledBack = false;
- var error = null;
- var d = mm.load('a', true);
- d.addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack = true;
- });
- d.addErrback(function(err) {
- error = err;
- });
- assertFalse(calledBack);
- assertNull(error);
- assertTrue(mm.isUserActive());
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue(calledBack);
- assertNull(error);
- }
- /**
- * Tests that preloading a module calls back the deferred object.
- */
- function testPreloadDeferredWhenNotLoaded() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': []});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(mm));
- var calledBack = false;
- var d = mm.preloadModule('a');;
- d.addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack = true;
- });
- // First load should take five ticks.
- assertFalse('module "a" should not be loaded yet', calledBack);
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('module "a" should be loaded', calledBack);
- }
- /**
- * Tests preloading an already loaded module.
- */
- function testPreloadDeferredWhenLoaded() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': []});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(mm));
- var calledBack = false;
- mm.preloadModule('a');
- clock.tick(5);
- var d = mm.preloadModule('a');;
- d.addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack = true;
- });
- // Module is already loaded, should be called back after the setTimeout
- // in preloadModule.
- assertFalse('deferred for module "a" should not be called yet', calledBack);
- clock.tick(1);
- assertTrue('module "a" should be loaded', calledBack);
- }
- /**
- * Tests preloading a module that is currently loading.
- */
- function testPreloadDeferredWhenLoading() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': []});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(mm));
- mm.preloadModule('a');
- clock.tick(1);
- // 'b' is in the middle of loading, should get called back when it's done.
- var calledBack = false;
- var d = mm.preloadModule('a');;
- d.addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack = true;
- });
- assertFalse('module "a" should not be loaded yet', calledBack);
- clock.tick(4);
- assertTrue('module "a" should be loaded', calledBack);
- }
- /**
- * Tests that load doesn't trigger another load if a module is already
- * preloading.
- */
- function testLoadWhenPreloading() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': []});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(mm));
- var origSetLoaded = mm.setLoaded;
- var calls = [0, 0, 0];
- mm.beforeLoadModuleCode = function(id) {
- calls[0]++;
- };
- mm.setLoaded = function(id) {
- calls[1]++;
- origSetLoaded.call(mm, id);
- };
- mm.afterLoadModuleCode = function(id) {
- calls[2]++;
- };
- var calledBack = false;
- var error = null;
- mm.preloadModule('c', 2);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "c" should not be loading yet', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- clock.tick(2);
- assertTrue(
- 'module "c" should now be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- var d = mm.load('c');
- d.addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack = true;
- });
- d.addErrback(function(err) {
- error = err;
- });
- assertTrue(
- 'module "c" should still be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- clock.tick(5);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "c" should be done loading', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- assertEquals(
- 'beforeLoad should only be called once for "c"', 1, calls[0]);
- assertEquals(
- 'setLoaded should only be called once for "c"', 1, calls[1]);
- assertEquals(
- 'afterLoad should only be called once for "c"', 1, calls[2]);
- assertTrue(calledBack);
- assertNull(error);
- }
- /**
- * Tests that load doesn't trigger another load if a module is already
- * preloading.
- */
- function testLoadMultipleWhenPreloading() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': ['d'], 'c': [], 'd': []});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulBatchLoader(mm));
- mm.setBatchModeEnabled(true);
- var origSetLoaded = mm.setLoaded;
- var calls = {'a': [0, 0, 0], 'b': [0, 0, 0],
- 'c': [0, 0, 0], 'd': [0, 0, 0]};
- mm.beforeLoadModuleCode = function(id) {
- calls[id][0]++;
- };
- mm.setLoaded = function(id) {
- calls[id][1]++;
- origSetLoaded.call(mm, id);
- };
- mm.afterLoadModuleCode = function(id) {
- calls[id][2]++;
- };
- var calledBack = false;
- var error = null;
- var calledBack2 = false;
- var error2 = null;
- var calledBack3 = false;
- var error3 = null;
- mm.preloadModule('c', 2);
- mm.preloadModule('d', 3);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "c" should not be loading yet', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "d" should not be loading yet', mm.isModuleLoading('d'));
- clock.tick(2);
- assertTrue(
- 'module "c" should now be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- clock.tick(1);
- assertTrue(
- 'module "d" should now be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('d'));
- var dMap = mm.loadMultiple(['a', 'b', 'c']);
- dMap['a'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack = true;
- });
- dMap['a'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error = err;
- });
- dMap['b'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack2 = true;
- });
- dMap['b'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error2 = err;
- });
- dMap['c'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack3 = true;
- });
- dMap['c'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error3 = err;
- });
- assertTrue(
- 'module "a" should be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('a'));
- assertTrue(
- 'module "b" should be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('b'));
- assertTrue(
- 'module "c" should still be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- clock.tick(4);
- assertTrue(calledBack3);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "c" should be done loading', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- assertTrue(
- 'module "d" should still be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('d'));
- clock.tick(5);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "d" should be done loading', mm.isModuleLoading('d'));
- assertFalse(calledBack);
- assertFalse(calledBack2);
- assertTrue(
- 'module "a" should still be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('a'));
- assertTrue(
- 'module "b" should still be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('b'));
- clock.tick(7);
- assertTrue(calledBack);
- assertTrue(calledBack2);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "a" should be done loading', mm.isModuleLoading('a'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "b" should be done loading', mm.isModuleLoading('b'));
- assertEquals(
- 'beforeLoad should only be called once for "a"', 1, calls['a'][0]);
- assertEquals(
- 'setLoaded should only be called once for "a"', 1, calls['a'][1]);
- assertEquals(
- 'afterLoad should only be called once for "a"', 1, calls['a'][2]);
- assertEquals(
- 'beforeLoad should only be called once for "b"', 1, calls['b'][0]);
- assertEquals(
- 'setLoaded should only be called once for "b"', 1, calls['b'][1]);
- assertEquals(
- 'afterLoad should only be called once for "b"', 1, calls['b'][2]);
- assertEquals(
- 'beforeLoad should only be called once for "c"', 1, calls['c'][0]);
- assertEquals(
- 'setLoaded should only be called once for "c"', 1, calls['c'][1]);
- assertEquals(
- 'afterLoad should only be called once for "c"', 1, calls['c'][2]);
- assertEquals(
- 'beforeLoad should only be called once for "d"', 1, calls['d'][0]);
- assertEquals(
- 'setLoaded should only be called once for "d"', 1, calls['d'][1]);
- assertEquals(
- 'afterLoad should only be called once for "d"', 1, calls['d'][2]);
- assertNull(error);
- assertNull(error2);
- assertNull(error3);
- }
- * Tests that the deferred is still called when loadMultiple loads modules
- * that are already preloading.
- */
- function testLoadMultipleWhenPreloadingSameModules() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': ['d'], 'c': [], 'd': []});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulBatchLoader(mm));
- mm.setBatchModeEnabled(true);
- var origSetLoaded = mm.setLoaded;
- var calls = {'c': [0, 0, 0], 'd': [0, 0, 0]};
- mm.beforeLoadModuleCode = function(id) {
- calls[id][0]++;
- };
- mm.setLoaded = function(id) {
- calls[id][1]++;
- origSetLoaded.call(mm, id);
- };
- mm.afterLoadModuleCode = function(id) {
- calls[id][2]++;
- };
- var calledBack = false;
- var error = null;
- var calledBack2 = false;
- var error2 = null;
- mm.preloadModule('c', 2);
- mm.preloadModule('d', 3);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "c" should not be loading yet', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "d" should not be loading yet', mm.isModuleLoading('d'));
- clock.tick(2);
- assertTrue(
- 'module "c" should now be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- clock.tick(1);
- assertTrue(
- 'module "d" should now be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('d'));
- var dMap = mm.loadMultiple(['c', 'd']);
- dMap['c'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack = true;
- });
- dMap['c'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error = err;
- });
- dMap['d'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack2 = true;
- });
- dMap['d'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error2 = err;
- });
- assertTrue(
- 'module "c" should still be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- clock.tick(4);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "c" should be done loading', mm.isModuleLoading('c'));
- assertTrue(
- 'module "d" should still be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('d'));
- clock.tick(5);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "d" should be done loading', mm.isModuleLoading('d'));
- assertTrue(calledBack);
- assertTrue(calledBack2);
- assertEquals(
- 'beforeLoad should only be called once for "c"', 1, calls['c'][0]);
- assertEquals(
- 'setLoaded should only be called once for "c"', 1, calls['c'][1]);
- assertEquals(
- 'afterLoad should only be called once for "c"', 1, calls['c'][2]);
- assertEquals(
- 'beforeLoad should only be called once for "d"', 1, calls['d'][0]);
- assertEquals(
- 'setLoaded should only be called once for "d"', 1, calls['d'][1]);
- assertEquals(
- 'afterLoad should only be called once for "d"', 1, calls['d'][2]);
- assertNull(error);
- assertNull(error2);
- }
- /**
- * Tests loading a module via load when the module is already
- * loaded. The deferred's callback should be called immediately.
- */
- function testLoadWhenLoaded() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': []});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(mm));
- var calledBack = false;
- var error = null;
- mm.preloadModule('b', 2);
- clock.tick(10);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "b" should be done loading', mm.isModuleLoading('b'));
- var d = mm.load('b');
- d.addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack = true;
- });
- d.addErrback(function(err) {
- error = err;
- });
- assertTrue(calledBack);
- assertNull(error);
- }
- /**
- * Tests that the deferred's errbacks are called if the module fails to load.
- */
- function testLoadWithFailingModule() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': []});
- mm.setLoader(createUnsuccessfulLoader(mm, 401));
- mm.registerCallback(goog.module.ModuleManager.CallbackType.ERROR,
- function(callbackType, id, cause) {
- assertEquals('Failure cause was not as expected',
- goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType.UNAUTHORIZED,
- cause);
- firedLoadFailed = true;
- });
- var calledBack = false;
- var error = null;
- var d = mm.load('a');
- d.addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack = true;
- });
- d.addErrback(function(err) {
- error = err;
- });
- assertFalse(calledBack);
- assertNull(error);
- clock.tick(500);
- assertFalse(calledBack);
- // NOTE: Deferred always calls errbacks with an Error object. For now the
- // module manager just passes the FailureType which gets set as the Error
- // object's message.
- assertEquals('Failure cause was not as expected',
- goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType.UNAUTHORIZED,
- Number(error.message));
- }
- /**
- * Tests that the deferred's errbacks are called if a module fails to load.
- */
- function testLoadMultipleWithFailingModule() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': []});
- mm.setLoader(createUnsuccessfulLoader(mm, 401));
- mm.setBatchModeEnabled(true);
- mm.registerCallback(goog.module.ModuleManager.CallbackType.ERROR,
- function(callbackType, id, cause) {
- assertEquals('Failure cause was not as expected',
- goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType.UNAUTHORIZED,
- cause);
- });
- var calledBack11 = false;
- var error11 = null;
- var calledBack12 = false;
- var error12 = null;
- var calledBack21 = false;
- var error21 = null;
- var calledBack22 = false;
- var error22 = null;
- var dMap = mm.loadMultiple(['a', 'b']);
- dMap['a'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack11 = true;
- });
- dMap['a'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error11 = err;
- });
- dMap['b'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack12 = true;
- });
- dMap['b'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error12 = err;
- });
- var dMap2 = mm.loadMultiple(['b', 'c']);
- dMap2['b'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack21 = true;
- });
- dMap2['b'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error21 = err;
- });
- dMap2['c'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack22 = true;
- });
- dMap2['c'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error22 = err;
- });
- assertFalse(calledBack11);
- assertFalse(calledBack12);
- assertFalse(calledBack21);
- assertFalse(calledBack22);
- assertNull(error11);
- assertNull(error12);
- assertNull(error21);
- assertNull(error22);
- clock.tick(5);
- assertFalse(calledBack11);
- assertFalse(calledBack12);
- assertFalse(calledBack21);
- assertFalse(calledBack22);
- // NOTE: Deferred always calls errbacks with an Error object. For now the
- // module manager just passes the FailureType which gets set as the Error
- // object's message.
- assertEquals('Failure cause was not as expected',
- goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType.UNAUTHORIZED,
- Number(error11.message));
- assertEquals('Failure cause was not as expected',
- goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType.UNAUTHORIZED,
- Number(error12.message));
- // The first deferred of the second load should be called since it asks for
- // one of the failed modules.
- assertEquals('Failure cause was not as expected',
- goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType.UNAUTHORIZED,
- Number(error21.message));
- // The last deferred should be dropped so it is neither called back nor an
- // error.
- assertFalse(calledBack22);
- assertNull(error22);
- }
- /**
- * Tests that the right dependencies are cancelled on a loadMultiple failure.
- */
- function testLoadMultipleWithFailingModuleDependencies() {
- var mm = getModuleManager(
- {'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': ['b'], 'd': ['c'], 'e': []});
- mm.setLoader(createUnsuccessfulLoader(mm, 401));
- mm.setBatchModeEnabled(true);
- var cancelledIds = [];
- mm.registerCallback(goog.module.ModuleManager.CallbackType.ERROR,
- function(callbackType, id, cause) {
- assertEquals('Failure cause was not as expected',
- goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType.UNAUTHORIZED,
- cause);
- cancelledIds.push(id);
- });
- var calledBack11 = false;
- var error11 = null;
- var calledBack12 = false;
- var error12 = null;
- var calledBack21 = false;
- var error21 = null;
- var calledBack22 = false;
- var error22 = null;
- var calledBack23 = false;
- var error23 = null;
- var dMap = mm.loadMultiple(['a', 'b']);
- dMap['a'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack11 = true;
- });
- dMap['a'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error11 = err;
- });
- dMap['b'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack12 = true;
- });
- dMap['b'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error12 = err;
- });
- var dMap2 = mm.loadMultiple(['c', 'd', 'e']);
- dMap2['c'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack21 = true;
- });
- dMap2['c'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error21 = err;
- });
- dMap2['d'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack22 = true;
- });
- dMap2['d'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error22 = err;
- });
- dMap2['e'].addCallback(function(ctx) {
- calledBack23 = true;
- });
- dMap2['e'].addErrback(function(err) {
- error23 = err;
- });
- assertFalse(calledBack11);
- assertFalse(calledBack12);
- assertFalse(calledBack21);
- assertFalse(calledBack22);
- assertFalse(calledBack23);
- assertNull(error11);
- assertNull(error12);
- assertNull(error21);
- assertNull(error22);
- assertNull(error23);
- clock.tick(5);
- assertFalse(calledBack11);
- assertFalse(calledBack12);
- assertFalse(calledBack21);
- assertFalse(calledBack22);
- assertFalse(calledBack23);
- // NOTE: Deferred always calls errbacks with an Error object. For now the
- // module manager just passes the FailureType which gets set as the Error
- // object's message.
- assertEquals('Failure cause was not as expected',
- goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType.UNAUTHORIZED,
- Number(error11.message));
- assertEquals('Failure cause was not as expected',
- goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType.UNAUTHORIZED,
- Number(error12.message));
- // Check that among the failed modules, 'c' and 'd' are also cancelled
- // due to dependencies.
- assertTrue(goog.array.equals(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], cancelledIds.sort()));
- }
- /**
- * Tests that when loading multiple modules, the input array is not modified
- * when it has duplicates.
- */
- function testLoadMultipleWithDuplicates() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': []});
- mm.setBatchModeEnabled(true);
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulBatchLoader(mm));
- var listWithDuplicates = ['a', 'a', 'b'];
- mm.loadMultiple(listWithDuplicates);
- assertArrayEquals('loadMultiple should not modify its input',
- ['a', 'a', 'b'], listWithDuplicates);
- }
- /**
- * Test loading dependencies transitively.
- */
- function testLoadingDepsInNonBatchMode1() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({
- 'i': [],
- 'j': [],
- 'k': ['j'],
- 'l': ['i','j','k']});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(mm));
- mm.preloadModule('j');
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('module "j" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('j'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "i" should not be loaded (1)', mm.isModuleLoaded('i'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "k" should not be loaded (1)', mm.isModuleLoaded('k'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "l" should not be loaded (1)', mm.isModuleLoaded('l'));
- // When loading a module in non-batch mode, its dependencies should be
- // requested independently, and in dependency order.
- mm.preloadModule('l');
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('module "i" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('i'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "k" should not be loaded (2)', mm.isModuleLoaded('k'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "l" should not be loaded (2)', mm.isModuleLoaded('l'));
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('module "k" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('k'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "l" should not be loaded (3)', mm.isModuleLoaded('l'));
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue(
- 'module "l" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('l'));
- }
- /**
- * Test loading dependencies transitively and in dependency order.
- */
- function testLoadingDepsInNonBatchMode2() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({
- 'h': [],
- 'i': ['h'],
- 'j': ['i'],
- 'k': ['j'],
- 'l': ['i','j','k'],
- 'm': ['l']});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(mm));
- // When loading a module in non-batch mode, its dependencies should be
- // requested independently, and in dependency order. The order in this
- // case should be h,i,j,k,l,m.
- mm.preloadModule('m');
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('module "h" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('h'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "i" should not be loaded (1)', mm.isModuleLoaded('i'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "j" should not be loaded (1)', mm.isModuleLoaded('j'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "k" should not be loaded (1)', mm.isModuleLoaded('k'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "l" should not be loaded (1)', mm.isModuleLoaded('l'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "m" should not be loaded (1)', mm.isModuleLoaded('m'));
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('module "i" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('i'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "j" should not be loaded (2)', mm.isModuleLoaded('j'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "k" should not be loaded (2)', mm.isModuleLoaded('k'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "l" should not be loaded (2)', mm.isModuleLoaded('l'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "m" should not be loaded (2)', mm.isModuleLoaded('m'));
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('module "j" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('j'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "k" should not be loaded (3)', mm.isModuleLoaded('k'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "l" should not be loaded (3)', mm.isModuleLoaded('l'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "m" should not be loaded (3)', mm.isModuleLoaded('m'));
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('module "k" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('k'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "l" should not be loaded (4)', mm.isModuleLoaded('l'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "m" should not be loaded (4)', mm.isModuleLoaded('m'));
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('module "l" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('l'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "m" should not be loaded (5)', mm.isModuleLoaded('m'));
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('module "m" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('m'));
- }
- function testLoadingDepsInBatchMode() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({
- 'e': [],
- 'f': [],
- 'g': ['f'],
- 'h': ['e','f','g']});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulBatchLoader(mm));
- mm.setBatchModeEnabled(true);
- mm.preloadModule('f');
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('module "f" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('f'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "e" should not be loaded (1)', mm.isModuleLoaded('e'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "g" should not be loaded (1)', mm.isModuleLoaded('g'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "h" should not be loaded (1)', mm.isModuleLoaded('h'));
- // When loading a module in batch mode, its not-yet-loaded dependencies
- // should be requested at the same time, and in dependency order.
- mm.preloadModule('h');
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('module "e" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('e'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "g" should not be loaded (2)', mm.isModuleLoaded('g'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "h" should not be loaded (2)', mm.isModuleLoaded('h'));
- clock.tick(2);
- assertTrue(
- 'module "g" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('g'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "h" should not be loaded (3)', mm.isModuleLoaded('h'));
- clock.tick(2);
- assertTrue(
- 'module "h" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('h'));
- }
- /**
- * Test unauthorized errors while loading modules.
- */
- function testUnauthorizedLoading() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({
- 'm': [],
- 'n': [],
- 'o': ['n']});
- mm.setLoader(createUnsuccessfulLoader(mm, 401));
- // Callback checks for an unauthorized error
- var firedLoadFailed = false;
- mm.registerCallback(goog.module.ModuleManager.CallbackType.ERROR,
- function(callbackType, id, cause) {
- assertEquals('Failure cause was not as expected',
- goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType.UNAUTHORIZED,
- cause);
- firedLoadFailed = true;
- });
- mm.execOnLoad('o', function() {});
- assertTrue('module "o" should be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('o'));
- assertTrue('module "n" should be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('n'));
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue(
- 'should have called unauthorized module callback', firedLoadFailed);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "o" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('o'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "o" should not be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('o'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "n" should not be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('n'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "n" should not be loading', mm.isModuleLoading('n'));
- }
- /**
- * Test error loading modules which are retried.
- */
- function testErrorLoadingModule() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({
- 'p': ['q'],
- 'q': [],
- 'r': ['q','p']});
- mm.setLoader(createUnsuccessfulLoader(mm, 500));
- mm.preloadModule('r');
- clock.tick(4);
- // A module request is now underway using the unsuccessful loader.
- // We substitute a successful loader for future module load requests.
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(mm));
- clock.tick(1);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "q" should not be loaded (1)', mm.isModuleLoaded('q'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "p" should not be loaded (1)', mm.isModuleLoaded('p'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "r" should not be loaded (1)', mm.isModuleLoaded('r'));
- // Failed loads are automatically retried after a backOff.
- clock.tick(5 + mm.getBackOff_());
- assertTrue('module "q" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('q'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "p" should not be loaded (2)', mm.isModuleLoaded('p'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "r" should not be loaded (2)', mm.isModuleLoaded('r'));
- // A successful load decrements the backOff.
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('module "p" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('p'));
- assertFalse(
- 'module "r" should not be loaded (3)', mm.isModuleLoaded('r'));
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue(
- 'module "r" should be loaded', mm.isModuleLoaded('r'));
- }
- /**
- * Test consecutive errors in loading modules.
- */
- function testConsecutiveErrors() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'s': []});
- mm.setLoader(createUnsuccessfulLoader(mm, 500));
- // Register an error callback for consecutive failures.
- var firedLoadFailed = false;
- mm.registerCallback(goog.module.ModuleManager.CallbackType.ERROR,
- function(callbackType, id, cause) {
- assertEquals('Failure cause was not as expected',
- goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType.CONSECUTIVE_FAILURES,
- cause);
- firedLoadFailed = true;
- });
- mm.preloadModule('s');
- assertFalse(
- 'module "s" should not be loaded (0)', mm.isModuleLoaded('s'));
- // Fail twice.
- for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- clock.tick(5 + mm.getBackOff_());
- assertFalse(
- 'module "s" should not be loaded (1)', mm.isModuleLoaded('s'));
- assertFalse(
- 'should not fire failed callback (1)', firedLoadFailed);
- }
- // Fail a third time and check that the callback is fired.
- clock.tick(5 + mm.getBackOff_());
- assertFalse(
- 'module "s" should not be loaded (2)', mm.isModuleLoaded('s'));
- assertTrue(
- 'should have fired failed callback', firedLoadFailed);
- // Check that it doesn't attempt to load the module anymore after it has
- // failed.
- var triedLoad = false;
- mm.setLoader({
- loadModules: function(ids, moduleInfoMap, opt_successFn, opt_errFn) {
- triedLoad = true;
- }});
- // Also reset the failed callback flag and make sure it isn't called
- // again.
- firedLoadFailed = false;
- clock.tick(10 + mm.getBackOff_());
- assertFalse(
- 'module "s" should not be loaded (3)', mm.isModuleLoaded('s'));
- assertFalse('No more loads should have been tried', triedLoad);
- assertFalse('The load failed callback should be fired only once',
- firedLoadFailed);
- }
- /**
- * Test loading errors due to old code.
- */
- function testOldCodeGoneError() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'s': []});
- mm.setLoader(createUnsuccessfulLoader(mm, 410));
- // Callback checks for an old code failure
- var firedLoadFailed = false;
- mm.registerCallback(goog.module.ModuleManager.CallbackType.ERROR,
- function(callbackType, id, cause) {
- assertEquals('Failure cause was not as expected',
- goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType.OLD_CODE_GONE,
- cause);
- firedLoadFailed = true;
- });
- mm.preloadModule('s', 0);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "s" should not be loaded (0)', mm.isModuleLoaded('s'));
- clock.tick(5);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "s" should not be loaded (1)', mm.isModuleLoaded('s'));
- assertTrue(
- 'should have called old code gone callback', firedLoadFailed);
- }
- /**
- * Test timeout.
- */
- function testTimeout() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'s': []});
- mm.setLoader(createTimeoutLoader(mm));
- // Callback checks for timeout
- var firedTimeout = false;
- mm.registerCallback(goog.module.ModuleManager.CallbackType.ERROR,
- function(callbackType, id, cause) {
- assertEquals('Failure cause was not as expected',
- goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType.TIMEOUT,
- cause);
- firedTimeout = true;
- });
- mm.preloadModule('s', 0);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "s" should not be loaded (0)', mm.isModuleLoaded('s'));
- clock.tick(5);
- assertFalse(
- 'module "s" should not be loaded (1)', mm.isModuleLoaded('s'));
- assertTrue(
- 'should have called timeout callback', firedTimeout);
- }
- /**
- * Tests that an error during execOnLoad will trigger the error callback.
- */
- function testExecOnLoadError() {
- // Expect two callbacks, each of which will be called with callback type
- // ERROR, the right module id and failure type INIT_ERROR.
- var errorCallback1 = goog.testing.createFunctionMock('callback1');
- errorCallback1(goog.module.ModuleManager.CallbackType.ERROR, 'b',
- goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType.INIT_ERROR);
- var errorCallback2 = goog.testing.createFunctionMock('callback2');
- errorCallback2(goog.module.ModuleManager.CallbackType.ERROR, 'b',
- goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType.INIT_ERROR);
- errorCallback1.$replay();
- errorCallback2.$replay();
- var mm = new goog.module.ModuleManager();
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(mm));
- // Register the first callback before setting the module info map.
- mm.registerCallback(goog.module.ModuleManager.CallbackType.ERROR,
- errorCallback1);
- mm.setAllModuleInfo({'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': []});
- // Register the second callback after setting the module info map.
- mm.registerCallback(goog.module.ModuleManager.CallbackType.ERROR,
- errorCallback2);
- var execOnLoadBCalled = false;
- mm.execOnLoad('b', function() {
- execOnLoadBCalled = true;
- throw new Error();
- });
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('execOnLoad should have been called on module b.',
- execOnLoadBCalled);
- errorCallback1.$verify();
- errorCallback2.$verify();
- }
- /**
- * Tests that an error during execOnLoad will trigger the error callback.
- * Uses setAllModuleInfoString rather than setAllModuleInfo.
- */
- function testExecOnLoadErrorModuleInfoString() {
- // Expect a callback to be called with callback type ERROR, the right module
- // id and failure type INIT_ERROR.
- var errorCallback = goog.testing.createFunctionMock('callback');
- errorCallback(goog.module.ModuleManager.CallbackType.ERROR, 'b',
- goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType.INIT_ERROR);
- errorCallback.$replay();
- var mm = new goog.module.ModuleManager();
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(mm));
- // Register the first callback before setting the module info map.
- mm.registerCallback(goog.module.ModuleManager.CallbackType.ERROR,
- errorCallback);
- mm.setAllModuleInfoString('a/b/c');
- var execOnLoadBCalled = false;
- mm.execOnLoad('b', function() {
- execOnLoadBCalled = true;
- throw new Error();
- });
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue('execOnLoad should have been called on module b.',
- execOnLoadBCalled);
- errorCallback.$verify();
- }
- /**
- * Make sure ModuleInfo objects in moduleInfoMap_ get disposed.
- */
- function testDispose() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': []});
- var moduleInfoA = mm.getModuleInfo('a');
- assertNotNull(moduleInfoA);
- var moduleInfoB = mm.getModuleInfo('b');
- assertNotNull(moduleInfoB);
- var moduleInfoC = mm.getModuleInfo('c');
- assertNotNull(moduleInfoC);
- mm.dispose();
- assertTrue(moduleInfoA.isDisposed());
- assertTrue(moduleInfoB.isDisposed());
- assertTrue(moduleInfoC.isDisposed());
- }
- function testDependencyOrderingWithSimpleDeps() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({
- 'a': ['b', 'c'],
- 'b': ['d'],
- 'c': ['e', 'f'],
- 'd': [],
- 'e': [],
- 'f': []
- });
- var ids = mm.getNotYetLoadedTransitiveDepIds_('a');
- assertDependencyOrder(ids, mm);
- assertArrayEquals(['d', 'e', 'f', 'b', 'c', 'a'], ids);
- }
- function testDependencyOrderingWithCommonDepsInDeps() {
- // Tests to make sure that if dependencies of the root are loaded before
- // their common dependencies.
- var mm = getModuleManager({
- 'a': ['b', 'c'],
- 'b': ['d'],
- 'c': ['d'],
- 'd': []
- });
- var ids = mm.getNotYetLoadedTransitiveDepIds_('a');
- assertDependencyOrder(ids, mm);
- assertArrayEquals(['d', 'b', 'c', 'a'], ids);
- }
- function testDependencyOrderingWithCommonDepsInRoot1() {
- // Tests the case where a dependency of the root depends on another
- // dependency of the root. Irregardless of ordering in the root's
- // deps.
- var mm = getModuleManager({
- 'a': ['b', 'c'],
- 'b': ['c'],
- 'c': []
- });
- var ids = mm.getNotYetLoadedTransitiveDepIds_('a');
- assertDependencyOrder(ids, mm);
- assertArrayEquals(['c', 'b', 'a'], ids);
- }
- function testDependencyOrderingWithCommonDepsInRoot2() {
- // Tests the case where a dependency of the root depends on another
- // dependency of the root. Irregardless of ordering in the root's
- // deps.
- var mm = getModuleManager({
- 'a': ['b', 'c'],
- 'b': [],
- 'c': ['b']
- });
- var ids = mm.getNotYetLoadedTransitiveDepIds_('a');
- assertDependencyOrder(ids, mm);
- assertArrayEquals(['b', 'c', 'a'], ids);
- }
- function testDependencyOrderingWithGmailExample() {
- // Real dependency graph taken from gmail.
- var mm = getModuleManager({
- 's': ['dp', 'ml', 'md'],
- 'dp': ['a'],
- 'ml': ['ld', 'm'],
- 'ld': ['a'],
- 'm': ['ad', 'mh', 'n'],
- 'md': ['mh', 'ld'],
- 'a': [],
- 'mh': [],
- 'ad': [],
- 'n': []
- });
- mm.setLoaded('a');
- mm.setLoaded('m');
- mm.setLoaded('n');
- mm.setLoaded('ad');
- mm.setLoaded('mh');
- var ids = mm.getNotYetLoadedTransitiveDepIds_('s');
- assertDependencyOrder(ids, mm);
- assertArrayEquals(['ld', 'dp', 'ml', 'md', 's'], ids);
- }
- function assertDependencyOrder(list, mm) {
- var seen = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
- var id = list[i];
- seen[id] = true;
- var deps = mm.getModuleInfo(id).getDependencies();
- for (var j = 0; j < deps.length; j++) {
- var dep = deps[j];
- assertTrue('Unresolved dependency [' + dep + '] for [' + id + '].',
- seen[dep] || mm.getModuleInfo(dep).isLoaded());
- }
- }
- }
- function testRegisterInitializationCallback() {
- var initCalled = 0;
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': []});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoaderWithRegisterInitCallback(mm,
- function() {
- ++initCalled;
- }));
- execOnLoad_(mm);
- // execOnLoad_ loads modules a and c
- assertTrue(initCalled == 2);
- }
- function createSuccessfulNonBatchLoaderWithRegisterInitCallback(
- moduleMgr, fn) {
- return {
- loadModules: function(ids, moduleInfoMap, opt_successFn, opt_errFn,
- opt_timeoutFn) {
- moduleMgr.beforeLoadModuleCode(ids[0]);
- moduleMgr.registerInitializationCallback(fn);
- setTimeout(function() {
- moduleMgr.setLoaded(ids[0]);
- moduleMgr.afterLoadModuleCode(ids[0]);
- if (opt_successFn) {
- opt_successFn();
- }
- }, 5);
- }};
- }
- function testSetModuleConstructor() {
- var initCalled = 0;
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': []});
- var info = {
- 'a': { ctor: AModule, count: 0 },
- 'b': { ctor: BModule, count: 0 },
- 'c': { ctor: CModule, count: 0 }
- };
- function AModule() {
- ++info['a'].count;
- goog.module.BaseModule.call(this);
- }
- goog.inherits(AModule, goog.module.BaseModule);
- function BModule() {
- ++info['b'].count;
- goog.module.BaseModule.call(this);
- }
- goog.inherits(BModule, goog.module.BaseModule);
- function CModule() {
- ++info['c'].count;
- goog.module.BaseModule.call(this);
- }
- goog.inherits(CModule, goog.module.BaseModule);
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoaderWithConstructor(mm, info));
- execOnLoad_(mm);
- assertTrue(info['a'].count == 1);
- assertTrue(info['b'].count == 0);
- assertTrue(info['c'].count == 1);
- assertTrue(mm.getModuleInfo('a').getModule() instanceof AModule);
- assertTrue(mm.getModuleInfo('c').getModule() instanceof CModule);
- }
- /**
- * Tests that a call to load the loading module during module initialization
- * doesn't trigger a second load.
- */
- function testLoadWhenInitializing() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': []});
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoader(mm));
- var info = {
- 'a': { ctor: AModule, count: 0 }
- };
- function AModule() {
- ++info['a'].count;
- goog.module.BaseModule.call(this);
- }
- goog.inherits(AModule, goog.module.BaseModule);
- AModule.prototype.initialize = function() {
- mm.load('a');
- };
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoaderWithConstructor(mm, info));
- mm.preloadModule('a');
- clock.tick(5);
- assertEquals(info['a'].count, 1);
- }
- function testErrorInEarlyCallback() {
- var errback = goog.testing.recordFunction();
- var callback = goog.testing.recordFunction();
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': ['a']});
- mm.getModuleInfo('a').registerEarlyCallback(goog.functions.error('error'));
- mm.getModuleInfo('a').registerCallback(callback);
- mm.getModuleInfo('a').registerErrback(errback);
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoaderWithConstructor(
- mm, createModulesFor('a', 'b')));
- mm.preloadModule('b');
- clock.tick(5);
- assertEquals(0, callback.getCallCount());
- assertEquals(1, errback.getCallCount());
- assertEquals(goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType.INIT_ERROR,
- errback.getLastCall().getArguments()[0]);
- assertTrue(mm.getModuleInfo('a').isLoaded());
- assertFalse(mm.getModuleInfo('b').isLoaded());
- clock.tick(5);
- assertTrue(mm.getModuleInfo('b').isLoaded());
- }
- function testErrorInNormalCallback() {
- var earlyCallback = goog.testing.recordFunction();
- var errback = goog.testing.recordFunction();
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': ['a']});
- mm.getModuleInfo('a').registerEarlyCallback(earlyCallback);
- mm.getModuleInfo('a').registerEarlyCallback(goog.functions.error('error'));
- mm.getModuleInfo('a').registerErrback(errback);
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoaderWithConstructor(
- mm, createModulesFor('a', 'b')));
- mm.preloadModule('b');
- clock.tick(10);
- assertEquals(1, errback.getCallCount());
- assertEquals(goog.module.ModuleManager.FailureType.INIT_ERROR,
- errback.getLastCall().getArguments()[0]);
- assertTrue(mm.getModuleInfo('a').isLoaded());
- assertTrue(mm.getModuleInfo('b').isLoaded());
- }
- function testErrorInErrback() {
- var mm = getModuleManager({'a': [], 'b': ['a']});
- mm.getModuleInfo('a').registerCallback(goog.functions.error('error1'));
- mm.getModuleInfo('a').registerErrback(goog.functions.error('error2'));
- mm.setLoader(createSuccessfulNonBatchLoaderWithConstructor(
- mm, createModulesFor('a', 'b')));
- mm.preloadModule('a');
- var e = assertThrows(function() {
- clock.tick(10);
- });
- assertContains('Module errback failure', e.message);
- if (!goog.userAgent.IE) {
- assertContains('error2', e.message);
- }
- assertTrue(mm.getModuleInfo('a').isLoaded());
- }
- function createModulesFor(var_args) {
- var result = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- var key = arguments[i];
- result[key] = {ctor: goog.module.BaseModule};
- }
- return result;
- }
- function createSuccessfulNonBatchLoaderWithConstructor(moduleMgr, info) {
- return {
- loadModules: function(ids, moduleInfoMap, opt_successFn, opt_errFn,
- opt_timeoutFn) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- moduleMgr.beforeLoadModuleCode(ids[0]);
- moduleMgr.setModuleConstructor(info[ids[0]].ctor);
- moduleMgr.setLoaded(ids[0]);
- moduleMgr.afterLoadModuleCode(ids[0]);
- if (opt_successFn) {
- opt_successFn();
- }
- }, 5);
- }};
- }
- function testInitCallbackInBaseModule() {
- var mm = new goog.module.ModuleManager();
- var called = false;
- var context;
- mm.registerInitializationCallback(function(mcontext) {
- called = true;
- context = mcontext;
- });
- mm.setAllModuleInfo({'a': [], 'b': ['a']});
- assertTrue('Base initialization not called', called);
- assertNull('Context should still be null', context);
- var mm = new goog.module.ModuleManager();
- called = false;
- mm.registerInitializationCallback(function(mcontext) {
- called = true;
- context = mcontext;
- });
- var appContext = {};
- mm.setModuleContext(appContext);
- assertTrue('Base initialization not called after setModuleContext', called);
- assertEquals('Did not receive module context', appContext, context);
- }
- function testSetAllModuleInfoString() {
- var info = 'base/one:0/two:0/three:0,1,2/four:0,3/five:';
- var mm = new goog.module.ModuleManager();
- mm.setAllModuleInfoString(info);
- assertNotNull('Base should exist', mm.getModuleInfo('base'));
- assertNotNull('One should exist', mm.getModuleInfo('one'));
- assertNotNull('Two should exist', mm.getModuleInfo('two'));
- assertNotNull('Three should exist', mm.getModuleInfo('three'));
- assertNotNull('Four should exist', mm.getModuleInfo('four'));
- assertNotNull('Five should exist', mm.getModuleInfo('five'));
- assertArrayEquals(['base', 'one', 'two'],
- mm.getModuleInfo('three').getDependencies());
- assertArrayEquals(['base', 'three'],
- mm.getModuleInfo('four').getDependencies());
- assertArrayEquals([],
- mm.getModuleInfo('five').getDependencies());
- }
- function testSetAllModuleInfoStringWithEmptyString() {
- var mm = new goog.module.ModuleManager();
- var called = false;
- var context;
- mm.registerInitializationCallback(function(mcontext) {
- called = true;
- context = mcontext;
- });
- mm.setAllModuleInfoString('');
- assertTrue('Initialization not called', called);
- }
- function testBackOffAmounts() {
- var mm = new goog.module.ModuleManager();
- assertEquals(0, mm.getBackOff_());
- mm.consecutiveFailures_++;
- assertEquals(5000, mm.getBackOff_());
- mm.consecutiveFailures_++;
- assertEquals(20000, mm.getBackOff_());
- }