path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/gears/urlcapture.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/gears/urlcapture.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 370 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/gears/urlcapture.js b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/gears/urlcapture.js
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index a646847..0000000
--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/gears/urlcapture.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2007 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
- * @fileoverview Interface for capturing URLs to a ResourceStore on the
- * LocalServer.
- *
- */
- * Class capture URLs to a ResourceStore on the LocalServer.
- * @constructor
- * @extends {goog.events.EventTarget}
- * @param {string} name The name of the ResourceStore to capture the URLs to.
- * @param {?string} requiredCookie A cookie that must be present for the
- * managed store to be active. Should have the form "foo=bar".
- * @param {GearsResourceStore=} opt_localServer The LocalServer for gears.
- */
-goog.gears.UrlCapture = function(name, requiredCookie, opt_localServer) {
- goog.events.EventTarget.call(this);
- /**
- * Name of resource store.
- * @type {string}
- * @private
- */
- this.storeName_ = goog.gears.makeSafeFileName(name);
- if (name != this.storeName_) {
- this.logger_.info(
- 'local store name ' + name + '->' + this.storeName_);
- }
- /**
- * A cookie that must be present for the store to be active.
- * Should have the form "foo=bar". String cast is a safety measure since
- * Gears behaves very badly when it gets an unexpected data type.
- * @type {?string}
- * @private
- */
- this.requiredCookie_ = requiredCookie ? String(requiredCookie) : null;
- /**
- * The LocalServer for Gears.
- * @type {GearsLocalServer}
- * @private
- */
- this.localServer_ = opt_localServer ||
- goog.gears.getFactory().create('beta.localserver', '1.0');
- /**
- * Object mapping list of URIs to capture to capture id.
- * @type {Object}
- * @private
- */
- this.uris_ = {};
- /**
- * Object mapping list of URIs that had errors in the capture to capture id.
- * @type {Object}
- * @private
- */
- this.errorUris_ = {};
- /**
- * Object mapping number of URLs completed to capture id.
- * @type {Object}
- * @private
- */
- this.numCompleted_ = {};
-goog.inherits(goog.gears.UrlCapture, goog.events.EventTarget);
- * Logger.
- * @type {goog.debug.Logger}
- * @private
- */
-goog.gears.UrlCapture.prototype.logger_ =
- goog.debug.Logger.getLogger('goog.gears.UrlCapture');
- * The ResourceStore for gears, used to capture URLs.
- * @type {GearsResourceStore}
- * @private
- */
-goog.gears.UrlCapture.prototype.resourceStore_ = null;
- * Events fired during URL capture
- * @enum {string}
- */
-goog.gears.UrlCapture.EventType = {
- URL_SUCCESS: 'url_success',
- URL_ERROR: 'url_error',
- COMPLETE: 'complete',
- ABORT: 'abort'
- * Lazy initializer for resource store.
- * @return {GearsResourceStore} Gears resource store.
- * @private
- */
-goog.gears.UrlCapture.prototype.getResourceStore_ = function() {
- if (!this.resourceStore_) {
- this.logger_.info('creating resource store: ' + this.storeName_);
- this.resourceStore_ = this.localServer_['createStore'](
- this.storeName_, this.requiredCookie_);
- }
- return this.resourceStore_;
- * Determine if the UrlCapture has been created.
- * @return {boolean} True if it has been created.
- */
-goog.gears.UrlCapture.prototype.exists = function() {
- if (!this.resourceStore_) {
- this.logger_.info('opening resource store: ' + this.storeName_);
- this.resourceStore_ = this.localServer_['openStore'](
- this.storeName_, this.requiredCookie_);
- }
- return !!this.resourceStore_;
- * Remove this resource store.
- */
-goog.gears.UrlCapture.prototype.removeStore = function() {
- this.logger_.info('removing resource store: ' + this.storeName_);
- this.localServer_['removeStore'](this.storeName_, this.requiredCookie_);
- this.resourceStore_ = null;
- * Renames a Url that's been captured.
- * @param {string|goog.Uri} srcUri The source Uri.
- * @param {string|goog.Uri} dstUri The destination Uri.
- */
-goog.gears.UrlCapture.prototype.rename = function(srcUri, dstUri) {
- this.getResourceStore_()['rename'](srcUri.toString(), dstUri.toString());
- * Copies a Url that's been captured.
- * @param {string|goog.Uri} srcUri The source Uri.
- * @param {string|goog.Uri} dstUri The destination Uri.
- */
-goog.gears.UrlCapture.prototype.copy = function(srcUri, dstUri) {
- this.getResourceStore_()['copy'](srcUri.toString(), dstUri.toString());
- * Starts the capture of the given URLs. Returns immediately, and fires events
- * on success and error.
- * @param {Array.<string|goog.Uri>} uris URIs to capture.
- * @return {number} The id of the ResourceStore capture. Can be used to
- * abort, or identify events.
- */
-goog.gears.UrlCapture.prototype.capture = function(uris) {
- var count = uris.length;
- this.logger_.fine('capture: count==' + count);
- if (!count) {
- throw Error('No URIs to capture');
- }
- // Convert goog.Uri objects to strings since Gears will throw an exception
- // for non-strings.
- var captureStrings = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- captureStrings.push(uris[i].toString());
- }
- var id = this.getResourceStore_()['capture'](
- captureStrings, goog.bind(this.captureCallback_, this));
- this.logger_.fine('capture started: ' + id);
- this.uris_[id] = uris;
- this.errorUris_[id] = [];
- this.numCompleted_[id] = 0;
- return id;
- * Aborts the capture with the given id. Dispatches abort event.
- * @param {number} captureId The id of the capture to abort, from #capture.
- */
-goog.gears.UrlCapture.prototype.abort = function(captureId) {
- this.logger_.fine('abort: ' + captureId);
- // TODO(user) Remove when Gears adds more rubust type handling.
- // Safety measure since Gears behaves very badly if it gets an unexpected
- // data type.
- if (typeof captureId != 'number') {
- throw Error('bad capture ID: ' + captureId);
- }
- // Only need to abort if the capture is still in progress.
- if (this.uris_[captureId] || this.numCompleted_[captureId]) {
- this.logger_.info('aborting capture: ' + captureId);
- this.getResourceStore_()['abortCapture'](captureId);
- this.cleanupCapture_(captureId);
- this.dispatchEvent(new goog.gears.UrlCapture.Event(
- goog.gears.UrlCapture.EventType.ABORT, captureId));
- }
- * Checks if a URL is captured.
- * @param {string|goog.Uri} uri The URL to check.
- * @return {boolean} true if captured, false otherwise.
- */
-goog.gears.UrlCapture.prototype.isCaptured = function(uri) {
- this.logger_.fine('isCaptured: ' + uri);
- return this.getResourceStore_()['isCaptured'](uri.toString());
- * Removes the given URI from the store.
- * @param {string|goog.Uri} uri The URI to remove from the store.
- */
-goog.gears.UrlCapture.prototype.remove = function(uri) {
- this.logger_.fine('remove: ' + uri);
- this.getResourceStore_()['remove'](uri.toString());
- * This is the callback passed into ResourceStore.capture. It gets called
- * each time a URL is captured.
- * @param {string} url The url from gears, always a string.
- * @param {boolean} success True if capture succeeded, false otherwise.
- * @param {number} captureId The id of the capture.
- * @private
- */
-goog.gears.UrlCapture.prototype.captureCallback_ = function(
- url, success, captureId) {
- this.logger_.fine('captureCallback_: ' + captureId);
- if (!this.uris_[captureId] && !this.numCompleted_[captureId]) {
- // This probably means we were aborted and then a capture event came in.
- this.cleanupCapture_(captureId);
- return;
- }
- // Dispatch success/error event for the URL
- var eventUri = this.usesGoogUri_(captureId) ? new goog.Uri(url) : url;
- var eventType = null;
- if (success) {
- eventType = goog.gears.UrlCapture.EventType.URL_SUCCESS;
- } else {
- eventType = goog.gears.UrlCapture.EventType.URL_ERROR;
- this.errorUris_[captureId].push(eventUri);
- }
- this.dispatchEvent(new goog.gears.UrlCapture.Event(
- eventType, captureId, eventUri));
- // Dispatch complete event for the entire capture, if necessary
- this.numCompleted_[captureId]++;
- if (this.numCompleted_[captureId] == this.uris_[captureId].length) {
- this.dispatchEvent(new goog.gears.UrlCapture.Event(
- goog.gears.UrlCapture.EventType.COMPLETE, captureId, null,
- this.errorUris_[captureId]));
- this.cleanupCapture_(captureId);
- }
- * Helper function to cleanup after a capture completes or is aborted.
- * @private
- * @param {number} captureId The id of the capture to clean up.
- */
-goog.gears.UrlCapture.prototype.cleanupCapture_ = function(captureId) {
- this.logger_.fine('cleanupCapture_: ' + captureId);
- delete this.uris_[captureId];
- delete this.numCompleted_[captureId];
- delete this.errorUris_[captureId];
- * Helper function to check whether a certain capture is using URIs of type
- * String or type goog.Uri
- * @private
- * @param {number} captureId The id of the capture to check.
- * @return {boolean} True if the capture uses goog.Uri, false if it uses string
- * or there are no URIs associated with the capture.
- */
-goog.gears.UrlCapture.prototype.usesGoogUri_ = function(captureId) {
- if (this.uris_[captureId] &&
- this.uris_[captureId].length > 0 &&
- this.uris_[captureId][0] instanceof goog.Uri) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- * An event dispatched by UrlCapture
- * @constructor
- * @extends {goog.events.Event}
- * @param {goog.gears.UrlCapture.EventType} type Type of event to dispatch.
- * @param {number} captureId The id of the capture that fired this event.
- * @param {string|goog.Uri=} opt_uri The URI for the event.
- * @param {Array.<string|goog.Uri>=} opt_errorUris The URIs that failed to load
- * correctly.
- */
-goog.gears.UrlCapture.Event = function(type, captureId, opt_uri,
- opt_errorUris) {
- goog.events.Event.call(this, type);
- /**
- * The id of the capture to dispatch the event for. This id is returned from
- * goog.gears.UrlCapture#capture
- * @type {number}
- */
- this.captureId = captureId;
- /**
- * The URI the event concerns. Valid for URL_SUCCESS and URL_ERROR events.
- * @type {string|goog.Uri|null}
- */
- this.uri = opt_uri || null;
- /**
- * A list of all the URIs that failed to load correctly. Valid for
- * COMPLETE event.
- * @type {Array.<string|goog.Uri>}
- */
- this.errorUris = opt_errorUris || [];
-goog.inherits(goog.gears.UrlCapture.Event, goog.events.Event);