path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/fs/fs_test.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/fs/fs_test.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 753 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/fs/fs_test.html b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/fs/fs_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b9b5d1e..0000000
--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/fs/fs_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,753 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2011 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
-See the COPYING file for details.
-<title>Closure Integration Tests - goog.fs</title>
-<script src="../base.js"></script>
-<div id="closureTestRunnerLog"></div>
-var TEST_DIR = 'goog-fs-test-dir';
-var fsExists = goog.isDef(goog.global.requestFileSystem) ||
- goog.isDef(goog.global.webkitRequestFileSystem);
-var deferredFs = fsExists ? goog.fs.getTemporary() : null;
-var asyncTestCase = goog.testing.AsyncTestCase.createAndInstall();
-var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
-function setUpPage() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- loadTestDir().addErrback(function(err) {
- var msg;
- if (err.code == goog.fs.Error.ErrorCode.QUOTA_EXCEEDED) {
- msg = err.message + '. If you\'re using Chrome, you probably need to ' +
- 'pass --unlimited-quota-for-files on the command line.';
- } else if (err.code == goog.fs.Error.ErrorCode.SECURITY &&
- window.location.href.match(/^file:/)) {
- msg = err.message + '. file:// URLs can\'t access the filesystem API.';
- } else {
- msg = err.message;
- }
- var body = goog.dom.getDocument().body;
- goog.dom.insertSiblingBefore(
- goog.dom.createDom('h1', {}, msg), body.childNodes[0]);
- });
-function tearDown() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- loadTestDir().
- addCallback(function(dir) { return dir.removeRecursively(); }).
- addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('removing filesystem');
-function testUnavailableTemporaryFilesystem() {
- stubs.set(goog.global, 'requestFileSystem', null);
- stubs.set(goog.global, 'webkitRequestFileSystem', null);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testUnavailableTemporaryFilesystem');
- goog.fs.getTemporary(1024).addErrback(function(e) {
- assertEquals('File API unsupported', e.message);
- continueTesting();
- });
-function testUnavailablePersistentFilesystem() {
- stubs.set(goog.global, 'requestFileSystem', null);
- stubs.set(goog.global, 'webkitRequestFileSystem', null);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testUnavailablePersistentFilesystem');
- goog.fs.getPersistent(2048).addErrback(function(e) {
- assertEquals('File API unsupported', e.message);
- continueTesting();
- });
-function testIsFile() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- loadFile('test', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE).
- addCallback(function(fileEntry) {
- assertFalse(fileEntry.isDirectory());
- assertTrue(fileEntry.isFile());
- }).addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testIsFile');
-function testIsDirectory() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- loadDirectory('test', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE).
- addCallback(function(fileEntry) {
- assertTrue(fileEntry.isDirectory());
- assertFalse(fileEntry.isFile());
- }).addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testIsDirectory');
-function testReadFileUtf16() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- var str = 'test content';
- var buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length * 2);
- var arr = new Uint16Array(buf);
- for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
- arr[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
- }
- loadFile('test', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE).
- addCallback(goog.partial(writeToFile, arr.buffer)).
- addCallback(goog.partial(checkFileContentWithEncoding, str, 'UTF-16')).
- addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testReadFile');
-function testReadFileUtf8() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- var str = 'test content';
- var buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length);
- var arr = new Uint8Array(buf);
- for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
- arr[i] = str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff;
- }
- loadFile('test', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE).
- addCallback(goog.partial(writeToFile, arr.buffer)).
- addCallback(goog.partial(checkFileContentWithEncoding, str, 'UTF-8')).
- addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testReadFileUtf8');
-function testReadFileAsArrayBuffer() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- var str = 'test content';
- var buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length);
- var arr = new Uint8Array(buf);
- for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
- arr[i] = str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff;
- }
- loadFile('test', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE).
- addCallback(goog.partial(writeToFile, arr.buffer)).
- addCallback(goog.partial(checkFileContentAs, arr.buffer, 'ArrayBuffer',
- undefined)).
- addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testReadFileAsArrayBuffer');
-function testReadFileAsBinaryString() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- var str = 'test content';
- var buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length);
- var arr = new Uint8Array(buf);
- for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
- arr[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
- }
- loadFile('test', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE).
- addCallback(goog.partial(writeToFile, arr.buffer)).
- addCallback(goog.partial(checkFileContentAs, str, 'BinaryString',
- undefined)).
- addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testReadFileAsArrayBuffer');
-function testWriteFile() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- loadFile('test', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE).
- addCallback(goog.partial(writeToFile, 'test content')).
- addCallback(goog.partial(checkFileContent, 'test content')).
- addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testWriteFile');
-function testRemoveFile() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- loadFile('test', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE).
- addCallback(goog.partial(writeToFile, 'test content')).
- addCallback(function(file) { return file.remove(); }).
- addCallback(goog.partial(checkFileRemoved, 'test')).
- addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testRemoveFile');
-function testMoveFile() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- var deferredSubdir = loadDirectory(
- 'subdir', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE);
- var deferredWrittenFile =
- loadFile('test', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE).
- addCallback(goog.partial(writeToFile, 'test content'));
- goog.async.DeferredList.gatherResults([deferredSubdir, deferredWrittenFile]).
- addCallback(splitArgs(function(dir, file) { return file.moveTo(dir); })).
- addCallback(goog.partial(checkFileContent, 'test content')).
- addCallback(goog.partial(checkFileRemoved, 'test')).
- addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testMoveFile');
-function testCopyFile() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- var deferredFile = loadFile('test', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE);
- var deferredSubdir = loadDirectory(
- 'subdir', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE);
- var deferredWrittenFile = deferredFile.branch().
- addCallback(goog.partial(writeToFile, 'test content'));
- goog.async.DeferredList.gatherResults([deferredSubdir, deferredWrittenFile]).
- addCallback(splitArgs(function(dir, file) { return file.copyTo(dir); })).
- addCallback(goog.partial(checkFileContent, 'test content')).
- awaitDeferred(deferredFile).
- addCallback(goog.partial(checkFileContent, 'test content')).
- addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testMoveFile');
-function testAbortWrite() {
- // TODO(nicksantos): This test is broken in newer versions of chrome.
- // We don't know why yet.
- if (true) return;
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- var deferredFile = loadFile('test', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE);
- deferredFile.branch().
- addCallback(goog.partial(startWrite, 'test content')).
- addCallback(function(writer) { writer.abort(); }).
- addCallback(
- goog.partial(waitForEvent, goog.fs.FileSaver.EventType.ABORT)).
- awaitDeferred(deferredFile).
- addCallback(goog.partial(checkFileContent, '')).
- addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testWriteFile');
-function testSeek() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- var deferredFile = loadFile('test', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE);
- deferredFile.branch().
- addCallback(goog.partial(writeToFile, 'test content')).
- addCallback(function(file) { return file.createWriter(); }).
- addCallback(
- goog.partial(checkReadyState, goog.fs.FileSaver.ReadyState.INIT)).
- addCallback(function(writer) {
- writer.seek(5);
- writer.write(goog.fs.getBlob('stuff and things'));
- }).
- addCallback(
- goog.partial(checkReadyState, goog.fs.FileSaver.ReadyState.WRITING)).
- addCallback(
- goog.partial(waitForEvent, goog.fs.FileSaver.EventType.WRITE)).
- awaitDeferred(deferredFile).
- addCallback(goog.partial(checkFileContent, 'test stuff and things')).
- addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testWriteFile');
-function testTruncate() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- var deferredFile = loadFile('test', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE);
- deferredFile.branch().
- addCallback(goog.partial(writeToFile, 'test content')).
- addCallback(function(file) { return file.createWriter(); }).
- addCallback(
- goog.partial(checkReadyState, goog.fs.FileSaver.ReadyState.INIT)).
- addCallback(function(writer) { writer.truncate(4); }).
- addCallback(
- goog.partial(checkReadyState, goog.fs.FileSaver.ReadyState.WRITING)).
- addCallback(
- goog.partial(waitForEvent, goog.fs.FileSaver.EventType.WRITE)).
- awaitDeferred(deferredFile).
- addCallback(goog.partial(checkFileContent, 'test')).
- addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testWriteFile');
-function testGetLastModified() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- var now = goog.now();
- loadFile('test', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE).
- addCallback(function(entry) {
- return entry.getLastModified();
- }).addCallback(function(date) {
- assertRoughlyEquals('Expected the last modified date to be within ' +
- 'a few milliseconds of the test start time.',
- now, date.getTime(), 2000);
- }).addCallback(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testGetLastModified');
-function testCreatePath() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- loadTestDir().
- addCallback(function(testDir) {
- return testDir.createPath('foo');
- }).
- addCallback(function(fooDir) {
- assertEquals('/goog-fs-test-dir/foo', fooDir.getFullPath());
- return fooDir.createPath('bar/baz/bat');
- }).
- addCallback(function(batDir) {
- assertEquals('/goog-fs-test-dir/foo/bar/baz/bat', batDir.getFullPath());
- }).
- addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testCreatePath');
-function testCreateAbsolutePath() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- loadTestDir().
- addCallback(function(testDir) {
- return testDir.createPath('/' + TEST_DIR + '/fee/fi/fo/fum');
- }).
- addCallback(function(absDir) {
- assertEquals('/goog-fs-test-dir/fee/fi/fo/fum', absDir.getFullPath());
- }).
- addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testCreateAbsolutePath');
-function testCreateRelativePath() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- loadTestDir().
- addCallback(function(dir) {
- return dir.createPath('../' + TEST_DIR + '/dir');
- }).
- addCallback(function(relDir) {
- assertEquals('/goog-fs-test-dir/dir', relDir.getFullPath());
- return relDir.createPath('.');
- }).
- addCallback(function(sameDir) {
- assertEquals('/goog-fs-test-dir/dir', sameDir.getFullPath());
- return sameDir.createPath('./././.');
- }).
- addCallback(function(reallySameDir) {
- assertEquals('/goog-fs-test-dir/dir', reallySameDir.getFullPath());
- return reallySameDir.createPath('./new/../..//dir/./new////.');
- }).
- addCallback(function(newDir) {
- assertEquals('/goog-fs-test-dir/dir/new', newDir.getFullPath());
- }).
- addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testCreateRelativePath');
-function testCreateBadPath() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- loadTestDir().
- awaitDeferred(loadTestDir()).
- addCallback(function(dir) {
- // There is only one layer of parent directory from the test dir.
- return dir.createPath('../../../../' + TEST_DIR + '/baz/bat');
- }).
- addCallback(function(batDir) {
- assertEquals('The parent directory of the root directory should ' +
- 'point back to the root directory.',
- '/goog-fs-test-dir/baz/bat', batDir.getFullPath());
- }).
- awaitDeferred(loadTestDir()).
- addCallback(function(dir) {
- // An empty path should return the same as the input directory.
- return dir.createPath('');
- }).
- addCallback(function(testDir) {
- assertEquals('/goog-fs-test-dir', testDir.getFullPath());
- }).
- addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testCreateBadPath');
-function testGetAbsolutePaths() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- loadFile('foo', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE).
- awaitDeferred(loadTestDir()).
- addCallback(function(testDir) {
- return testDir.getDirectory('/');
- }).
- addCallback(function(root) {
- assertEquals('/', root.getFullPath());
- return root.getDirectory('/' + TEST_DIR);
- }).
- addCallback(function(testDir) {
- assertEquals('/goog-fs-test-dir', testDir.getFullPath());
- return testDir.getDirectory('//' + TEST_DIR + '////');
- }).
- addCallback(function(testDir) {
- assertEquals('/goog-fs-test-dir', testDir.getFullPath());
- return testDir.getDirectory('////');
- }).
- addCallback(function(testDir) {
- assertEquals('/', testDir.getFullPath());
- }).
- addBoth(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testGetAbsolutePaths');
-function continueTesting(result) {
- asyncTestCase.continueTesting();
- if (result instanceof Error) {
- throw result;
- }
-function testListEmptyDirectory() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- loadTestDir().
- addCallback(function(dir) { return dir.listDirectory(); }).
- addCallback(function(entries) { assertArrayEquals([], entries); }).
- addCallback(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testListEmptyDirectory');
-function testListDirectory() {
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- goog.async.Deferred.succeed().
- // Create the test directory and test entries.
- awaitDeferred(
- loadDirectory('testDir', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE)).
- awaitDeferred(
- loadFile('testFile', goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE)).
- awaitDeferred(loadTestDir()).
- // Verify the contents of the directory listing.
- addCallback(function(testDir) { return testDir.listDirectory(); }).
- addCallback(function(entries) {
- assertEquals(2, entries.length);
- var dir = goog.array.find(entries, function(entry) {
- return entry.getName() == 'testDir';
- });
- assertNotNull(dir);
- assertTrue(dir.isDirectory());
- var file = goog.array.find(entries, function(entry) {
- return entry.getName() == 'testFile';
- });
- assertNotNull(file);
- assertTrue(file.isFile());
- }).
- addCallback(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testListDirectory');
-function testListBigDirectory() {
- // TODO(nicksantos): This test is broken in newer versions of chrome.
- // We don't know why yet.
- if (true) return;
- if (!fsExists) {
- return;
- }
- function getFileName(i) {
- return 'file' + goog.string.padNumber(i, String(count).length);
- }
- // NOTE: This was intended to verify that the results from repeated
- // DirectoryReader.readEntries() callbacks are appropriately concatenated.
- // In current versions of Chrome (March 2011), all results are returned in the
- // first callback regardless of directory size. The count can be increased in
- // the future to test batched result lists once they are implemented.
- var count = 100;
- var expectedNames = [];
- var def = goog.async.Deferred.succeed();
- for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- var name = getFileName(i);
- expectedNames.push(name);
- def.awaitDeferred(
- loadFile(name, goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE));
- }
- def.awaitDeferred(loadTestDir()).
- addCallback(function(testDir) { return testDir.listDirectory(); }).
- addCallback(function(entries) {
- assertEquals(count, entries.length);
- assertSameElements(expectedNames,
- goog.array.map(entries, function(entry) {
- return entry.getName();
- }));
- assertTrue(goog.array.every(entries, function(entry) {
- return entry.isFile();
- }));
- }).
- addCallback(continueTesting);
- asyncTestCase.waitForAsync('testListBigDirectory');
-function testSliceBlob() {
- // A mock blob object whose slice returns the parameters it was called with.
- var blob = {
- 'size': 10,
- 'slice': function(start, end) {
- return [start, end];
- }
- };
- // Simulate Firefox 13 that implements the new slice.
- var tmpStubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'GECKO', true);
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'WEBKIT', false);
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'IE', false);
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'VERSION', '13.0');
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'isVersionCache_', {});
- // Expect slice to be called with no change to parameters
- assertArrayEquals([2, 10], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, 2));
- assertArrayEquals([-2, 10], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, -2));
- assertArrayEquals([3, 6], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, 3, 6));
- assertArrayEquals([3, -6], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, 3, -6));
- // Simulate IE 10 that implements the new slice.
- var tmpStubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'GECKO', false);
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'WEBKIT', false);
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'IE', true);
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'VERSION', '10.0');
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'isVersionCache_', {});
- // Expect slice to be called with no change to parameters
- assertArrayEquals([2, 10], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, 2));
- assertArrayEquals([-2, 10], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, -2));
- assertArrayEquals([3, 6], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, 3, 6));
- assertArrayEquals([3, -6], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, 3, -6));
- // Simulate Firefox 4 that implements the old slice.
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'GECKO', true);
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'WEBKIT', false);
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'IE', false);
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'VERSION', '2.0');
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'isVersionCache_', {});
- // Expect slice to be called with transformed parameters.
- assertArrayEquals([2, 8], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, 2));
- assertArrayEquals([8, 2], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, -2));
- assertArrayEquals([3, 3], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, 3, 6));
- assertArrayEquals([3, 1], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, 3, -6));
- // Simulate Firefox 5 that implements mozSlice (new spec).
- delete blob.slice
- blob.mozSlice = function(start, end) {
- return ['moz', start, end];
- }
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'GECKO', true);
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'WEBKIT', false);
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'IE', false);
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'VERSION', '5.0');
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'isVersionCache_', {});
- // Expect mozSlice to be called with no change to parameters.
- assertArrayEquals(['moz', 2, 10], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, 2));
- assertArrayEquals(['moz', -2, 10], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, -2));
- assertArrayEquals(['moz', 3, 6], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, 3, 6));
- assertArrayEquals(['moz', 3, -6], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, 3, -6));
- // Simulate Chrome 20 that implements webkitSlice (new spec).
- delete blob.mozSlice;
- blob.webkitSlice = function(start, end) {
- return ['webkit', start, end];
- }
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'GECKO', false);
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'WEBKIT', true);
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'IE', false);
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'VERSION', '536.10');
- tmpStubs.set(goog.userAgent, 'isVersionCache_', {});
- // Expect webkitSlice to be called with no change to parameters.
- assertArrayEquals(['webkit', 2, 10], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, 2));
- assertArrayEquals(['webkit', -2, 10], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, -2));
- assertArrayEquals(['webkit', 3, 6], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, 3, 6));
- assertArrayEquals(['webkit', 3, -6], goog.fs.sliceBlob(blob, 3, -6));
- tmpStubs.reset();
-function loadTestDir() {
- return deferredFs.branch().addCallback(function(fs) {
- return fs.getRoot().getDirectory(
- TEST_DIR, goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE);
- });
-function loadFile(filename, behavior) {
- return loadTestDir().addCallback(function(dir) {
- return dir.getFile(filename, behavior);
- });
-function loadDirectory(filename, behavior) {
- return loadTestDir().addCallback(function(dir) {
- return dir.getDirectory(filename, behavior);
- });
-function startWrite(content, file) {
- return file.createWriter().
- addCallback(
- goog.partial(checkReadyState, goog.fs.FileSaver.ReadyState.INIT)).
- addCallback(function(writer) {
- writer.write(goog.fs.getBlob(content));
- return writer;
- }).
- addCallback(
- goog.partial(checkReadyState, goog.fs.FileSaver.ReadyState.WRITING));
-function waitForEvent(type, target) {
- var d = new goog.async.Deferred();
- goog.events.listenOnce(target, type, d.callback, false, d);
- return d;
-function writeToFile(content, file) {
- return startWrite(content, file).
- addCallback(
- goog.partial(waitForEvent, goog.fs.FileSaver.EventType.WRITE)).
- addCallback(function() { return file; });
-function checkFileContent(content, file) {
- return checkFileContentAs(content, 'Text', undefined, file);
-function checkFileContentWithEncoding(content, encoding, file) {
- checkFileContentAs(content, 'Text', encoding, file);
-function checkFileContentAs(content, filetype, encoding, file) {
- return file.file().
- addCallback(function(blob) {
- return goog.fs.FileReader['readAs' + filetype](blob, encoding);
- }).
- addCallback(goog.partial(checkEquals, content));
-function checkEquals(a, b) {
- if (a instanceof ArrayBuffer && b instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
- assertEquals(a.byteLength, b.byteLength);
- var viewA = new DataView(a);
- var viewB = new DataView(b);
- for (var i = 0; i < a.byteLength; i++) {
- assertEquals(viewA.getUint8(i), viewB.getUint8(i));
- }
- } else {
- assertEquals(a, b);
- }
-function checkFileRemoved(filename) {
- return loadFile(filename).
- addCallback(goog.partial(fail, 'expected file to be removed')).
- addErrback(function(err) {
- assertEquals(err.code, goog.fs.Error.ErrorCode.NOT_FOUND);
- return true; // Go back to callback path
- });
-function checkReadyState(expectedState, writer) {
- assertEquals(expectedState, writer.getReadyState());
-function splitArgs(fn) {
- return function(args) { return fn(args[0], args[1]); };