path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/events/keycodes.js
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 377 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/events/keycodes.js b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/events/keycodes.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f17c87..0000000
--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/events/keycodes.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2006 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
- * @fileoverview Constant declarations for common key codes.
- *
- * @author eae@google.com (Emil A Eklund)
- * @see ../demos/keyhandler.html
- */
- * Key codes for common characters.
- *
- * This list is not localized and therefore some of the key codes are not
- * correct for non US keyboard layouts. See comments below.
- *
- * @enum {number}
- */
-goog.events.KeyCodes = {
- TAB: 9,
- NUM_CENTER: 12, // NUMLOCK on FF/Safari Mac
- ENTER: 13,
- SHIFT: 16,
- CTRL: 17,
- ALT: 18,
- PAUSE: 19,
- CAPS_LOCK: 20,
- ESC: 27,
- SPACE: 32,
- PAGE_UP: 33, // also NUM_NORTH_EAST
- END: 35, // also NUM_SOUTH_WEST
- HOME: 36, // also NUM_NORTH_WEST
- LEFT: 37, // also NUM_WEST
- UP: 38, // also NUM_NORTH
- RIGHT: 39, // also NUM_EAST
- DOWN: 40, // also NUM_SOUTH
- INSERT: 45, // also NUM_INSERT
- DELETE: 46, // also NUM_DELETE
- ZERO: 48,
- ONE: 49,
- TWO: 50,
- THREE: 51,
- FOUR: 52,
- FIVE: 53,
- SIX: 54,
- SEVEN: 55,
- EIGHT: 56,
- NINE: 57,
- FF_SEMICOLON: 59, // Firefox (Gecko) fires this for semicolon instead of 186
- FF_EQUALS: 61, // Firefox (Gecko) fires this for equals instead of 187
- QUESTION_MARK: 63, // needs localization
- A: 65,
- B: 66,
- C: 67,
- D: 68,
- E: 69,
- F: 70,
- G: 71,
- H: 72,
- I: 73,
- J: 74,
- K: 75,
- L: 76,
- M: 77,
- N: 78,
- O: 79,
- P: 80,
- Q: 81,
- R: 82,
- S: 83,
- T: 84,
- U: 85,
- V: 86,
- W: 87,
- X: 88,
- Y: 89,
- Z: 90,
- NUM_ZERO: 96,
- NUM_ONE: 97,
- NUM_TWO: 98,
- NUM_THREE: 99,
- NUM_FOUR: 100,
- NUM_FIVE: 101,
- NUM_SIX: 102,
- NUM_SEVEN: 103,
- NUM_EIGHT: 104,
- NUM_NINE: 105,
- NUM_PLUS: 107,
- NUM_MINUS: 109,
- NUM_PERIOD: 110,
- F1: 112,
- F2: 113,
- F3: 114,
- F4: 115,
- F5: 116,
- F6: 117,
- F7: 118,
- F8: 119,
- F9: 120,
- F10: 121,
- F11: 122,
- F12: 123,
- NUMLOCK: 144,
- // OS-specific media keys like volume controls and browser controls.
- SEMICOLON: 186, // needs localization
- DASH: 189, // needs localization
- EQUALS: 187, // needs localization
- COMMA: 188, // needs localization
- PERIOD: 190, // needs localization
- SLASH: 191, // needs localization
- APOSTROPHE: 192, // needs localization
- TILDE: 192, // needs localization
- SINGLE_QUOTE: 222, // needs localization
- OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET: 219, // needs localization
- BACKSLASH: 220, // needs localization
- CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET: 221, // needs localization
- WIN_KEY: 224,
- MAC_FF_META: 224, // Firefox (Gecko) fires this for the meta key instead of 91
- WIN_IME: 229,
- // We've seen users whose machines fire this keycode at regular one
- // second intervals. The common thread among these users is that
- // they're all using Dell Inspiron laptops, so we suspect that this
- // indicates a hardware/bios problem.
- // http://en.community.dell.com/support-forums/laptop/f/3518/p/19285957/19523128.aspx
- PHANTOM: 255
- * Returns true if the event contains a text modifying key.
- * @param {goog.events.BrowserEvent} e A key event.
- * @return {boolean} Whether it's a text modifying key.
- */
-goog.events.KeyCodes.isTextModifyingKeyEvent = function(e) {
- if (e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey ||
- e.metaKey ||
- // Function keys don't generate text
- e.keyCode >= goog.events.KeyCodes.F1 &&
- e.keyCode <= goog.events.KeyCodes.F12) {
- return false;
- }
- // The following keys are quite harmless, even in combination with
- // CTRL, ALT or SHIFT.
- switch (e.keyCode) {
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.ALT:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.CAPS_LOCK:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.CONTEXT_MENU:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.CTRL:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.DOWN:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.END:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.ESC:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.HOME:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.INSERT:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.LEFT:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.MAC_FF_META:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.META:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.NUMLOCK:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.NUM_CENTER:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.PAGE_DOWN:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.PAGE_UP:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.PAUSE:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.PHANTOM:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.PRINT_SCREEN:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.RIGHT:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.SCROLL_LOCK:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.SHIFT:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.UP:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_KEY:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_KEY_RIGHT:
- return false;
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_KEY_FF_LINUX:
- return !goog.userAgent.GECKO;
- default:
- return e.keyCode < goog.events.KeyCodes.FIRST_MEDIA_KEY ||
- e.keyCode > goog.events.KeyCodes.LAST_MEDIA_KEY;
- }
- * Returns true if the key fires a keypress event in the current browser.
- *
- * Accoridng to MSDN [1] IE only fires keypress events for the following keys:
- * - Letters: A - Z (uppercase and lowercase)
- * - Numerals: 0 - 9
- * - Symbols: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = < [ ] { } , . / ? \ | ' ` " ~
- * - System: ESC, SPACEBAR, ENTER
- *
- * That's not entirely correct though, for instance there's no distinction
- * between upper and lower case letters.
- *
- * [1] http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536939(VS.85).aspx)
- *
- * Safari is similar to IE, but does not fire keypress for ESC.
- *
- * Additionally, IE6 does not fire keydown or keypress events for letters when
- * the control or alt keys are held down and the shift key is not. IE7 does
- * fire keydown in these cases, though, but not keypress.
- *
- * @param {number} keyCode A key code.
- * @param {number=} opt_heldKeyCode Key code of a currently-held key.
- * @param {boolean=} opt_shiftKey Whether the shift key is held down.
- * @param {boolean=} opt_ctrlKey Whether the control key is held down.
- * @param {boolean=} opt_altKey Whether the alt key is held down.
- * @return {boolean} Whether it's a key that fires a keypress event.
- */
-goog.events.KeyCodes.firesKeyPressEvent = function(keyCode, opt_heldKeyCode,
- opt_shiftKey, opt_ctrlKey, opt_altKey) {
- if (!goog.userAgent.IE &&
- !(goog.userAgent.WEBKIT && goog.userAgent.isVersion('525'))) {
- return true;
- }
- if (goog.userAgent.MAC && opt_altKey) {
- return goog.events.KeyCodes.isCharacterKey(keyCode);
- }
- // Alt but not AltGr which is represented as Alt+Ctrl.
- if (opt_altKey && !opt_ctrlKey) {
- return false;
- }
- // Saves Ctrl or Alt + key for IE and WebKit 525+, which won't fire keypress.
- // Non-IE browsers and WebKit prior to 525 won't get this far so no need to
- // check the user agent.
- if (!opt_shiftKey &&
- (opt_heldKeyCode == goog.events.KeyCodes.CTRL ||
- opt_heldKeyCode == goog.events.KeyCodes.ALT ||
- goog.userAgent.MAC &&
- opt_heldKeyCode == goog.events.KeyCodes.META)) {
- return false;
- }
- // Some keys with Ctrl/Shift do not issue keypress in WEBKIT.
- if (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT && opt_ctrlKey && opt_shiftKey) {
- switch (keyCode) {
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.BACKSLASH:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.TILDE:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.SEMICOLON:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.DASH:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.EQUALS:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.COMMA:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.PERIOD:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.SLASH:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.APOSTROPHE:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.SINGLE_QUOTE:
- return false;
- }
- }
- // When Ctrl+<somekey> is held in IE, it only fires a keypress once, but it
- // continues to fire keydown events as the event repeats.
- if (goog.userAgent.IE && opt_ctrlKey && opt_heldKeyCode == keyCode) {
- return false;
- }
- switch (keyCode) {
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.ENTER:
- // IE9 does not fire KEYPRESS on ENTER.
- return !(goog.userAgent.IE && goog.userAgent.isDocumentMode(9));
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.ESC:
- return !goog.userAgent.WEBKIT;
- }
- return goog.events.KeyCodes.isCharacterKey(keyCode);
- * Returns true if the key produces a character.
- * This does not cover characters on non-US keyboards (Russian, Hebrew, etc.).
- *
- * @param {number} keyCode A key code.
- * @return {boolean} Whether it's a character key.
- */
-goog.events.KeyCodes.isCharacterKey = function(keyCode) {
- if (keyCode >= goog.events.KeyCodes.ZERO &&
- keyCode <= goog.events.KeyCodes.NINE) {
- return true;
- }
- if (keyCode >= goog.events.KeyCodes.NUM_ZERO &&
- keyCode <= goog.events.KeyCodes.NUM_MULTIPLY) {
- return true;
- }
- if (keyCode >= goog.events.KeyCodes.A &&
- keyCode <= goog.events.KeyCodes.Z) {
- return true;
- }
- // Safari sends zero key code for non-latin characters.
- if (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT && keyCode == 0) {
- return true;
- }
- switch (keyCode) {
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.SPACE:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.QUESTION_MARK:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.NUM_PLUS:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.NUM_MINUS:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.NUM_PERIOD:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.NUM_DIVISION:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.SEMICOLON:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.FF_SEMICOLON:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.DASH:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.EQUALS:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.FF_EQUALS:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.COMMA:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.PERIOD:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.SLASH:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.APOSTROPHE:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.SINGLE_QUOTE:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.BACKSLASH:
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET:
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- * Normalizes key codes from their Gecko-specific value to the general one.
- * @param {number} keyCode The native key code.
- * @return {number} The normalized key code.
- */
-goog.events.KeyCodes.normalizeGeckoKeyCode = function(keyCode) {
- switch (keyCode) {
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.FF_EQUALS:
- return goog.events.KeyCodes.EQUALS;
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.FF_SEMICOLON:
- return goog.events.KeyCodes.SEMICOLON;
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.MAC_FF_META:
- return goog.events.KeyCodes.META;
- case goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_KEY_FF_LINUX:
- return goog.events.KeyCodes.WIN_KEY;
- default:
- return keyCode;
- }