path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/editor/plugins/removeformatting_test.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/editor/plugins/removeformatting_test.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 940 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/editor/plugins/removeformatting_test.html b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/editor/plugins/removeformatting_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e11fea..0000000
--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/editor/plugins/removeformatting_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,940 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
- All Rights Reserved.
-Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
-See the COPYING file for details.
-This test has not yet been updated to run on IE8. See http://b/hotlist?id=36311
-<!--meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"-->
-<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7">
-<title>goog.editor.plugins.RemoveFormatting Tests</title>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="../../base.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- goog.require('goog.dom.Range');
- goog.require('goog.editor.plugins.RemoveFormatting');
- goog.require('goog.testing.dom');
- goog.require('goog.testing.editor.FieldMock');
- goog.require('goog.testing.editor.TestHelper');
- goog.require('goog.testing.ExpectedFailures');
- goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit');
- goog.require('goog.userAgent');
-<div id="html"></div>
-<div id="abcde">abcde</div>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- var testHelper;
- var WEBKIT_BEFORE_CHROME_8 = goog.userAgent.WEBKIT &&
- !goog.userAgent.isVersion('534.10');
- var WEBKIT_AFTER_CHROME_16 = goog.userAgent.WEBKIT &&
- goog.userAgent.isVersion('535.7');
- // On Chrome 16, execCommand('insertImage') inserts a garbage BR
- // after the image that we insert. We use this command to paste HTML
- // in-place, because it has better paragraph-preserving semantics.
- //
- // TODO(nicksantos): Figure out if there are better chrome APIs that we
- // should be using, or if insertImage should just be fixed.
- var insertImageBoldGarbage = WEBKIT_AFTER_CHROME_16 ? '<b><br/></b>' : '';
- var insertImageFontGarbage = WEBKIT_AFTER_CHROME_16 ?
- '<font size="1"><br/></font>' : '';
- // Extra html to add to test html to make sure removeformatting is actually
- // getting called when you're testing if it leaves certain styles alone
- // (instead of not even running at all due to some other bug). However, adding
- // this extra text into the node to be selected screws up IE.
- // (e.g. <a><img></a><b>t</b> --> <a></a><a><img></a>t )
- // TODO(user): Remove this special casing once http://b/3131117 is
- // fixed.
- var controlHtml = goog.userAgent.IE ? '' : '<u>control</u>';
- var controlCleanHtml = goog.userAgent.IE ? '' : 'control';
- var expectedFailures = new goog.testing.ExpectedFailures();
- function setUp() {
- testHelper = new goog.testing.editor.TestHelper(
- document.getElementById('html'));
- testHelper.setUpEditableElement();
- FIELDMOCK = new goog.testing.editor.FieldMock();
- FIELDMOCK.getElement();
- FIELDMOCK.$anyTimes();
- FIELDMOCK.$returns(document.getElementById('html'));
- FORMATTER = new goog.editor.plugins.RemoveFormatting();
- FIELDMOCK.$replay();
- }
- function tearDown() {
- expectedFailures.handleTearDown();
- testHelper.tearDownEditableElement();
- }
- function setUpTableTests() {
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML = '<table><tr> <th> head1</th><th id= "outerTh">' +
- '<span id="emptyTh">head2</span></th> </tr><tr> <td> one </td> <td>' +
- 'two </td> </tr><tr><td> three</td><td id="outerTd"> ' +
- '<span id="emptyTd"><strong>four</strong></span></td></tr>' +
- '<tr id="outerTr"><td><span id="emptyTr"> five </span></td></tr>' +
- '<tr id="outerTr2"><td id="cell1"><b>seven</b></td><td id="cell2">' +
- '<u>eight</u><span id="cellspan2"> foo</span></td></tr></table>';
- }
- function testTableTagsAreNotRemoved() {
- setUpTableTests();
- var span;
- // TD
- span = document.getElementById('emptyTd');
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(span).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- var elem = document.getElementById('outerTd');
- assert('TD should not be removed', !!elem);
- if (!goog.userAgent.WEBKIT) {
- // webkit seems to have an Apple-style-span
- assertEquals('TD should be clean', 'four',
- goog.string.trim(elem.innerHTML));
- }
- // TR
- span = document.getElementById('outerTr');
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(span).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- var elem = document.getElementById('outerTr');
- assert('TR should not be removed', !!elem);
- // TH
- span = document.getElementById('emptyTh');
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(span).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- var elem = document.getElementById('outerTh');
- assert('TH should not be removed', !!elem);
- if (!goog.userAgent.WEBKIT) {
- // webkit seems to have an Apple-style-span
- assertEquals('TH should be clean', 'head2', elem.innerHTML);
- }
- }
- /**
- * We select two cells from the table and then make sure that there is no
- * data loss and basic formatting is removed from each cell.
- */
- function testTableDataIsNotRemoved() {
- setUpTableTests();
- if (goog.userAgent.IE) {
- // IE returns an "unspecified error" which seems to be beyond
- // ExpectedFailures' ability to catch.
- return;
- }
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.WEBKIT,
- 'The content moves out of the table in WEBKIT.');
- if (goog.userAgent.IE) {
- // Not used since we bail out early for IE, but this is there so that
- // developers can easily reproduce IE error.
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(
- document.getElementById('outerTr2')).select();
- } else {
- var selection = window.getSelection();
- if (selection.rangeCount > 0) selection.removeAllRanges();
- var range = document.createRange();
- range.selectNode(document.getElementById('cell1'));
- selection.addRange(range);
- range = document.createRange();
- range.selectNode(document.getElementById('cell2'));
- selection.addRange(range);
- }
- expectedFailures.run(function() {
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- span = document.getElementById('outerTr2');
- assertEquals('Table data should not be removed',
- '<td id="cell1">seven</td><td id="cell2">eight foo</td>',
- span.innerHTML);
- });
- }
- function testLinksAreNotRemoved() {
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(WEBKIT_BEFORE_CHROME_8,
- 'WebKit\'s removeFormatting command removes links.');
- var anchor;
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML = 'Foo<span id="link">Pre<a href="http://www.google.com">' +
- 'Outside Span<span style="font-size:15pt">Inside Span' +
- '</span></a></span>';
- anchor = document.getElementById('link');
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(anchor).select();
- expectedFailures.run(function() {
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- assertHTMLEquals('link should not be removed',
- 'FooPre<a href="http://www.google.com/">Outside SpanInside Span</a>',
- div.innerHTML);
- });
- }
- /**
- * A short formatting removal function for use with the RemoveFormatting
- * plugin. Does enough that we can tell this function was run over the
- * document.
- * @param {string} text The HTML in from the document.
- * @return {string} The "cleaned" HTML out.
- */
- function replacementFormattingFunc(text) {
- // Really basic so that we can just see this is executing.
- return text.replace(/Foo/gi,'Bar').replace(/<[\/]*span[^>]*>/gi,'');
- }
- function testAlternateRemoveFormattingFunction() {
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML = 'Start<span id="remFormat">Foo<pre>Bar</pre>Baz</span>';
- FORMATTER.setRemoveFormattingFunc(replacementFormattingFunc);
- var area = document.getElementById('remFormat');
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(area).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- // Webkit will change all tags to non-formatted ones anyway.
- // Make sure 'Foo' was changed to 'Bar'
- assertHTMLEquals('regular cleaner should not have run',
- 'StartBar<br>Bar<br>Baz',
- div.innerHTML);
- } else {
- assertHTMLEquals('regular cleaner should not have run',
- 'StartBar<pre>Bar</pre>Baz',
- div.innerHTML);
- }
- }
- function testGetValueForNode() {
- // Override getValueForNode to keep bold tags.
- var oldGetValue =
- goog.editor.plugins.RemoveFormatting.prototype.getValueForNode;
- goog.editor.plugins.RemoveFormatting.prototype.getValueForNode =
- function(node) {
- if (node.nodeName == goog.dom.TagName.B) {
- return '<b>' + this.removeFormattingWorker_(node.innerHTML) + '</b>';
- }
- return null;
- }
- var html = FORMATTER.removeFormattingWorker_('<div>foo<b>bar</b></div>');
- assertHTMLEquals('B tags should remain','foo<b>bar</b>', html);
- // Override getValueForNode to throw out bold tags, and their contents.
- goog.editor.plugins.RemoveFormatting.prototype.getValueForNode =
- function(node) {
- if (node.nodeName == goog.dom.TagName.B) {
- return '';
- }
- return null;
- }
- html = FORMATTER.removeFormattingWorker_('<div>foo<b>bar</b></div>');
- assertHTMLEquals('B tag and its contents should be removed', 'foo', html);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- goog.editor.plugins.RemoveFormatting.prototype.getValueForNode =
- oldGetValue;
- }
- function testRemoveFormattingAddsNoNbsps() {
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML = '"<span id="toStrip">Twin <b>Cinema</b></span>"';
- var span = document.getElementById('toStrip');
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(span).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- assertEquals('Text should be the same, with no non-breaking spaces',
- '"Twin Cinema"', div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- }
- /**
- * @bug 992795
- */
- function testRemoveFormattingNestedDivs() {
- var html = FORMATTER.removeFormattingWorker_(
- '<div>1</div><div><div>2</div></div>');
- goog.testing.dom.assertHtmlMatches('1<br>2', html);
- }
- /**
- * Test that when we perform remove formatting on an entire table,
- * that the visual look is similiar to as if there was a table there.
- */
- function testRemoveFormattingForTableFormatting() {
- // We preserve the table formatting as much as possible.
- // Spaces separate TD's, <br>'s separate TR's.
- // <br>'s separate the start and end of a table.
- var html = '<table><tr><td>cell00</td><td>cell01</td></tr>' +
- '<tr><td>cell10</td><td>cell11</td></tr></table>';
- html = FORMATTER.removeFormattingWorker_(html)
- assertHTMLEquals("<br>cell00 cell01<br>cell10 cell11<br>", html);
- }
- /**
- * @bug 1319715
- */
- function testRemoveFormattingDoesNotShrinkSelection() {
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML = "<div>l </div><div><br><b>a</b>foo bar</div>";
- var div2 = div.lastChild;
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodes(div2.firstChild, 0,
- div2.lastChild, 7).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- var range = goog.dom.Range.createFromWindow();
- assertEquals('Correct text should be selected', 'afoo bar',
- range.getText());
- // We have to trim out the leading BR in IE due to execCommand issues,
- // so it isn't sent off to the removeFormattingWorker.
- // Workaround for broken removeFormat in old webkit added an extra
- // <br> to the end of the html.
- var html = '<div>l </div><br class="GECKO WEBKIT">afoo bar' +
- (goog.editor.BrowserFeature.ADDS_NBSPS_IN_REMOVE_FORMAT ? '<br>' : '');
- goog.testing.dom.assertHtmlContentsMatch(html, div);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- }
- /**
- * @bug 1447374
- */
- function testInsideListRemoveFormat() {
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML = "<ul><li>one</li><li><b>two</b></li><li>three</li></ul>";
- var twoLi = div.firstChild.childNodes[1];
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(twoLi).select();
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.IE,
- 'IE adds the "two" to the "three" li, and leaves empty B tags.');
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.WEBKIT,
- 'WebKit leave the "two" orphaned outside of an li but ' +
- 'inside the ul (invalid HTML).');
- expectedFailures.run(function() {
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- // Test that we split the list.
- assertHTMLEquals("<ul><li>one</li></ul><br>two<ul><li>three</li></ul>",
- div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- });
- }
- function testFullListRemoveFormat() {
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML =
- "<ul><li>one</li><li><b>two</b></li><li>three</li></ul>after";
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(div.firstChild).select();
- // Note: This may just be a createFromNodeContents issue, as
- // I can't ever make this happen with real user selection.
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.IE,
- 'IE combines everything into a single LI and leaves the UL.');
- expectedFailures.run(function() {
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- // Test that we completely remove the list.
- assertHTMLEquals("<br>one<br>two<br>threeafter",
- div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- });
- }
- /**
- * @bug 1440935
- */
- function testPartialListRemoveFormat() {
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML =
- "<ul><li>one</li><li>two</li><li>three</li></ul>after";
- // Select "two three after".
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodes(div.firstChild.childNodes[1], 0,
- div.lastChild, 5).select();
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.IE,
- 'IE leaves behind an empty LI.');
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.WEBKIT,
- 'WebKit completely loses the "one".');
- expectedFailures.run(function() {
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- // Test that we leave the list start alone.
- assertHTMLEquals("<ul><li>one</li></ul><br>two<br>threeafter",
- div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- });
- }
- function testBasicRemoveFormatting() {
- // IE will clobber the editable div.
- // Note: I can't repro this using normal user selections.
- if (goog.userAgent.IE) {
- return;
- }
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML = "<b>bold<i>italic</i></b>";
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(div).select();
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(
- goog.editor.BrowserFeature.ADDS_NBSPS_IN_REMOVE_FORMAT,
- 'The workaround for the nbsp bug adds an extra br at the end.');
- expectedFailures.run(function() {
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- assertHTMLEquals("bolditalic" + insertImageBoldGarbage,
- div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- });
- }
- /**
- * @bug 1480260
- */
- function testPartialBasicRemoveFormatting() {
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML = "<b>bold<i>italic</i></b>";
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodes(div.firstChild.firstChild, 2,
- div.firstChild.lastChild.firstChild, 3).select();
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(WEBKIT_BEFORE_CHROME_8,
- 'WebKit just gets this all wrong. Everything stays bold and ' +
- '"lditalic" gets italicised.');
- expectedFailures.run(function() {
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- assertHTMLEquals("<b>bo</b>ldita<b><i>lic</i></b>",
- div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- });
- }
- /**
- * @bug 3075557
- */
- function testRemoveFormattingLinkedImageBorderZero() {
- var testHtml = '<a href="http://www.google.com/">' +
- '<img src="http://www.google.com/images/logo.gif" border="0"></a>';
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML = testHtml + controlHtml;
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(div).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.WEBKIT,
- 'WebKit removes the image entirely, see ' +
- 'https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13125 .');
- expectedFailures.run(function() {
- assertHTMLEquals(
- 'Image\'s border=0 should not be removed during remove formatting',
- testHtml + controlCleanHtml, div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- });
- }
- /**
- * @bug 3075557
- */
- function testRemoveFormattingLinkedImageBorderNonzero() {
- var testHtml = '<a href="http://www.google.com/">' +
- '<img src="http://www.google.com/images/logo.gif" border="1"></a>';
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML = testHtml + controlHtml;
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(div).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.WEBKIT,
- 'WebKit removes the image entirely, see ' +
- 'https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13125 .');
- expectedFailures.run(function() {
- assertHTMLEquals(
- 'Image\'s border should be removed during remove formatting' +
- ' if non-zero',
- testHtml.replace(' border="1"', '') + controlCleanHtml,
- div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- });
- }
- /**
- * @bug 3075557
- */
- function testRemoveFormattingUnlinkedImage() {
- var testHtml =
- '<img src="http://www.google.com/images/logo.gif" border="0">';
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML = testHtml + controlHtml;
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(div).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.WEBKIT,
- 'WebKit removes the image entirely, see ' +
- 'https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13125 .');
- expectedFailures.run(function() {
- assertHTMLEquals(
- 'Image\'s border=0 should not be removed during remove formatting' +
- ' even if not wrapped by a link',
- testHtml + controlCleanHtml, div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- });
- }
- /**
- * @bug 3075557
- */
- function testRemoveFormattingLinkedImageDeep() {
- var testHtml = '<a href="http://www.google.com/"><b>hello' +
- '<img src="http://www.google.com/images/logo.gif" border="0">' +
- 'world</b></a>';
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML = testHtml + controlHtml;
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(div).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(WEBKIT_BEFORE_CHROME_8,
- 'WebKit removes the image entirely, see ' +
- 'https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13125 .');
- expectedFailures.run(function() {
- assertHTMLEquals(
- 'Image\'s border=0 should not be removed during remove formatting' +
- ' even if deep inside anchor tag',
- testHtml.replace(/<\/?b>/g, '') +
- controlCleanHtml + insertImageBoldGarbage,
- div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- });
- }
- function testFullTableRemoveFormatting() {
- // Something goes horrible wrong in case 1 below. It was crashing all
- // WebKit browsers, and now seems to be giving errors as it is trying
- // to perform remove formatting on the little expected failures window
- // instead of the dom we select. WTF. Since I'm gutting this code,
- // I'm not going to look into this anymore right now. For what its worth,
- // I can't repro any issues in standalone TrogEdit.
- if (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT) {
- return;
- }
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- // WebKit has an extra BR in case 2.
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.IE,
- 'IE clobbers the editable node in case 2 (can\'t repro with real ' +
- 'user selections). IE doesn\'t remove the table in case 1.');
- expectedFailures.run(function() {
- // When a full table is selected, we remove it completely.
- div.innerHTML = "foo<table><tr><td>bar</td></tr></table>baz1";
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(div.childNodes[1]).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- assertHTMLEquals("foo<br>bar<br>baz1", div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- // Remove the full table when it is selected with additional
- // contents too.
- div.innerHTML = "foo<table><tr><td>bar</td></tr></table>baz2";
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodes(div.firstChild, 0,
- div.lastChild, 1).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- assertHTMLEquals("foo<br>bar<br>baz2", div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- // We should still remove the table, even if the selection is inside the
- // table and it is fully selected.
- div.innerHTML = "foo<table><tr><td id='td'>bar</td></tr></table>baz3";
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(
- goog.dom.getElement('td').firstChild).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- assertHTMLEquals("foo<br>bar<br>baz3", div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- });
- }
- function testInsideTableRemoveFormatting() {
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML =
- "<table><tr><td><b id='b'>foo</b></td></tr><tr><td>ba</td></tr></table>";
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(goog.dom.getElement('b')).select();
- // Webkit adds some apple style span crap during execCommand("removeFormat")
- // Our workaround for the nbsp bug removes these, but causes worse problems.
- // See bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29164 for more details.
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(
- !goog.editor.BrowserFeature.ADDS_NBSPS_IN_REMOVE_FORMAT,
- 'Extra apple-style-spans');
- expectedFailures.run(function() {
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- // Only remove styling from inside tables.
- assertHTMLEquals(
- '<table><tr><td>foo' + insertImageBoldGarbage +
- '</td></tr><tr><td>ba</td></tr></table>',
- div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- });
- }
- function testPartialTableRemoveFormatting() {
- if (goog.userAgent.IE) {
- // IE returns an "unspecified error" which seems to be beyond
- // ExpectedFailures' ability to catch.
- return;
- }
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML = "bar<table><tr><td><b id='b'>foo</b></td></tr>" +
- "<tr><td><i>banana</i></td></tr></table><div id='baz'>" +
- "baz</div>";
- // Select from the "oo" inside the b tag to the end of "baz".
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodes(goog.dom.getElement('b').firstChild, 1,
- goog.dom.getElement('baz').firstChild, 3).select();
- // All browsers currently clobber the table cells that are selected.
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.WEBKIT);
- expectedFailures.run(function() {
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- // Only remove styling from inside tables.
- assertHTMLEquals("bar<table><tr><td><b id='b'>f</b>oo</td></tr>" +
- "<tr><td>banana</td></tr></table>baz", div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- });
- }
- // Runs tests knowing some browsers will fail, because the new
- // table functionality hasn't been implemented in them yet.
- function runExpectingFailuresForUnimplementedBrowsers(func) {
- if (goog.userAgent.IE) {
- // IE returns an "unspecified error" which seems to be beyond
- // ExpectedFailures' ability to catch.
- return;
- }
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.IE,
- 'Proper behavior not yet implemented for IE.');
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.WEBKIT,
- 'Proper behavior not yet implemented for WebKit.');
- expectedFailures.run(func);
- }
- function testTwoTablesSelectedFullyRemoveFormatting() {
- runExpectingFailuresForUnimplementedBrowsers(function() {
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- // When two tables are fully selected, we remove them completely.
- div.innerHTML = '<table><tr><td>foo</td></tr></table>' +
- '<table><tr><td>bar</td></tr></table>';
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodes(div.firstChild, 0,
- div.lastChild, 1).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- assertHTMLEquals('<br>foo<br><br>bar<br>', div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- });
- }
- function testTwoTablesSelectedFullyInsideRemoveFormatting() {
- if (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT) {
- // Something goes very wrong here, but it did before
- // Julie started writing v2. Will address when converting
- // safari to v2.
- return;
- }
- runExpectingFailuresForUnimplementedBrowsers(function() {
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- // When two tables are selected from inside but fully,
- // also remove them completely.
- div.innerHTML = '<table><tr><td id="td1">foo</td></tr></table>' +
- '<table><tr><td id="td2">bar</td></tr></table>';
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodes(goog.dom.getElement("td1").firstChild, 0,
- goog.dom.getElement("td2").firstChild, 3).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- assertHTMLEquals('<br>foo<br><br>bar<br>', div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- });
- }
- function testTwoTablesSelectedFullyAndPartiallyRemoveFormatting() {
- runExpectingFailuresForUnimplementedBrowsers(function() {
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- // Two tables selected, one fully, one partially. Remove
- // only the fully selected one and remove styles only from
- // partially selected one.
- div.innerHTML = '<table><tr><td id="td1">foo</td></tr></table>' +
- '<table><tr><td id="td2"><b>bar<b></td></tr></table>';
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodes(goog.dom.getElement("td1").firstChild, 0,
- goog.dom.getElement("td2").firstChild.firstChild, 2).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- assertHTMLEquals('<br>foo<br>' +
- '<table><tr><td id="td2">ba<b>r</b></td></tr></table>',
- div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- });
- }
- function testTwoTablesSelectedPartiallyRemoveFormatting() {
- runExpectingFailuresForUnimplementedBrowsers(function() {
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- // Two tables selected, both partially. Don't remove tables,
- // but remove styles.
- div.innerHTML = '<table><tr><td id="td1">f<i>o</i>o</td></tr></table>' +
- '<table><tr><td id="td2">b<b>a</b>r</td></tr></table>';
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodes(goog.dom.getElement("td1").firstChild, 1,
- goog.dom.getElement("td2").childNodes[1], 1).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- assertHTMLEquals('<table><tr><td id="td1">foo</td></tr></table>' +
- '<table><tr><td id="td2">bar</td></tr></table>',
- div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- });
- }
- /**
- * Test a random snippet from Google News (Google News has complicated
- * dom structure, including tables, links, images, etc).
- */
-function testRandomGoogleNewsSnippetRemoveFormatting() {
- if (goog.userAgent.IE) {
- // IE returns an "unspecified error" which seems to be beyond
- // ExpectedFailures' ability to catch.
- return;
- }
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML =
- '<font size="-3"><br></font><table align="right" border="0" ' +
- 'cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td style="padding-left:' +
- '6px;" valign="top" width="80" align="center"><a href="http://www.wash' +
- 'ingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/11/AR2008111101090.htm' +
- 'l" + id="s-skHRvWH7ryqkcA4caGv0QQ:u-AFQjCNG3vx1HJOxKxMQPzCvYOVRE0JUDe' +
- 'Q:r-1-0i_1268233361_6_H0_MH20_PL60"><img src="http://news.google.com/' +
- 'news?imgefp=4LFiNNP62TgJ&amp;imgurl=media3.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/' +
- 'content/photo/2008/11/11/PH2008111101091.jpg" alt="" width="60" ' +
- 'border="1" height="80"><br><font size="-2">Washington Post</font></a>' +
- '</td></tr></tbody></table><a href="http://www.nme.com/news/britney-' +
- 'spears/40995" id="s-xZUO-t0c1IpsVjyJj0rgxw:u-AFQjCNEZAMQCseEW6uTgXI' +
- 'iPvAMHe_0B4A:r-1-0_1268233361_6_H0_MH20_PL60"><b>Britney\'s son ' +
- 'released from hospital</b></a><br><font size="-1"><b><font color=' +
- '"#6f6f6f">NME.com&nbsp;-</font> <nobr>53 minutes ago</nobr></b>' +
- '</font><br><font size="-1">Britney Spears� youngest son Jayden James ' +
- 'has been released from hospital, having been admitted on Sunday after' +
- ' suffering a severe reaction to something he ingested.</font><br><fon' +
- 'tsize="-1"><a href="http://www.celebrity-gossip.net/celebrities/holly' +
- 'wood/britney-and-jamie-lynn-spears-alligator-alley-208944/" id="s-nM' +
- 'PzHclcMG0J2WZkw9gnVQ:u-AFQjCNHal08usOQ5e5CAQsck2yGsTYeGVQ">Britney ' +
- 'and Jamie Lynn Spears: Alligator Alley!</a> <font size="-1" color=' +
- '"#6f6f6f"><nobr>The Gossip Girls</nobr></font></font><br><font size=' +
- '"-1"><a href="http://foodconsumer.org/7777/8888/Other_N_ews_51/111101' +
- '362008_Allergy_incident_could_spell_custody_trouble_for_Britney_Spear' +
- 's.shtml" id="s-2lMNDY4joOprVvkkY_b-6A:u-AFQjCNGAeFNutMEbSg5zAvrh5reBF' +
- 'lqUmA">Allergy incident could spell trouble for Britney Spears</a> ' +
- '<font size="-1" color="#6f6f6f"><nobr>Food Consumer</nobr></font>' +
- '</font><br><font class="p" size="-1"><a href="http://www.people.com/' +
- 'people/article/0,,20239458,00.html" id="s-x9thwVUYVET0ZJOnkkcsjw:u-A' +
- 'FQjCNE99eijVIrezr9AFRjLkmo5j_Jr7A"><nobr>People Magazine</nobr></a>&nb' +
- 'sp;- <a href="http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b68226_hospital_run_cou' +
- 'ld_cost_britney_custody.html" id="s-kYt5LHDhlDnhUL9kRLuuwA:u-AFQjCNF8' +
- '8eOy2utriYuF0icNrZQPzwK8gg"><nobr>E! Online</nobr></a>&nbsp;- <a href' +
- '="http://justjared.buzznet.com/2008/11/11/britney-spears-alligator-fa' +
- 'rm/" id="s--VDy1fyacNvaRo_aXb02Dw:u-AFQjCNEn0Rz3wg0PMwDdzKTDug-9k5W6y' +
- 'g"><nobr>Just Jared</nobr></a>&nbsp;- <a href="http://www.efluxmedia.' +
- 'com/news_Britney_Spears_Son_Released_from_Hospital_28696.html" id="s-' +
- '8oX6hVDe4Qbcl1x5Rua_EA:u-AFQjCNEpn3nOHA8EB0pxJAPf6diOicMRDg"><nobr>eF' +
- 'luxMedia</nobr></a></font><br><font class="p" size="-1"><a class="p" ' +
- 'href="http://news.google.com/news?ncl=1268233361&amp;hl=en"><nobr><b>' +
- 'all 950 news articles&nbsp;�</b></nobr></a></font>';
- // Select it all.
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(div).select();
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(WEBKIT_BEFORE_CHROME_8,
- 'WebKit barfs apple-style-spans all over the place, and removes links.');
- expectedFailures.run(function() {
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- // Leave links and images alone, remove all other formatting.
- assertHTMLEquals('<br><br><a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/' +
- 'content/article/2008/11/11/AR2008111101090.html"><img src="http://n' +
- 'ews.google.com/news?imgefp=4LFiNNP62TgJ&amp;imgurl=media3.washingto' +
- 'npost.com/wp-dyn/content/photo/2008/11/11/PH2008111101091.jpg"><br>' +
- 'Washington Post</a><br><a href="http://www.nme.com/news/britney-spe' +
- 'ars/40995">Britney\'s son released from hospital</a><br>NME.com - 5' +
- '3 minutes ago<br>Britney Spears� youngest son Jayden James has been' +
- ' released from hospital, having been admitted on Sunday after suffe' +
- 'ring a severe reaction to something he ingested.<br><a href="http:/' +
- '/www.celebrity-gossip.net/celebrities/hollywood/britney-and-jamie-l' +
- 'ynn-spears-alligator-alley-208944/">Britney and Jamie Lynn Spears: ' +
- 'Alligator Alley!</a> The Gossip Girls<br><a href="http://foodconsum' +
- 'er.org/7777/8888/Other_N_ews_51/111101362008_Allergy_incident_could' +
- '_spell_custody_trouble_for_Britney_Spears.shtml">Allergy incident c' +
- 'ould spell trouble for Britney Spears</a> Food Consumer<br><a href=' +
- '"http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20239458,00.html">People M' +
- 'agazine</a> - <a href="http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b68226_hospi' +
- 'tal_run_could_cost_britney_custody.html">E! Online</a> - <a href="h' +
- 'ttp://justjared.buzznet.com/2008/11/11/britney-spears-alligator-far' +
- 'm/">Just Jared</a> - <a href="http://www.efluxmedia.com/news_Britne' +
- 'y_Spears_Son_Released_from_Hospital_28696.html">eFluxMedia</a><br><' +
- 'a href="http://news.google.com/news?ncl=1268233361&amp;hl=en">all 9' +
- '50 news articles �</a>' +
- insertImageFontGarbage, div.innerHTML);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
- });
-function testRangeDelimitedByRanges() {
- var abcde = goog.dom.getElement('abcde').firstChild;
- var start = goog.dom.Range.createFromNodes(abcde, 1, abcde, 2);
- var end = goog.dom.Range.createFromNodes(abcde, 3, abcde, 4);
- goog.testing.dom.assertRangeEquals(abcde, 1, abcde, 4,
- goog.editor.plugins.RemoveFormatting.createRangeDelimitedByRanges_(
- start, end));
-function testGetTableAncestor() {
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML = "foo<table><tr><td>foo</td></tr></table>bar";
- assertTrue('Full table is in table',
- !!goog.editor.plugins.RemoveFormatting.getTableAncestor_(
- div.childNodes[1]));
- assertFalse('Outside of table',
- !!goog.editor.plugins.RemoveFormatting.getTableAncestor_(div.firstChild));
- assertTrue('Table cell is in table',
- !!goog.editor.plugins.RemoveFormatting.getTableAncestor_(
- div.childNodes[1].firstChild.firstChild.firstChild));
- * @bug 1272905
- */
-function testHardReturnsInHeadersPreserved() {
- var div = document.getElementById('html');
- div.innerHTML = '<h1>abcd</h1><h2>efgh</h2><h3>ijkl</h3>';
- // Select efgh.
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(div.childNodes[1]).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.IE,
- 'Proper behavior not yet implemented for IE.');
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.WEBKIT,
- 'Proper behavior not yet implemented for WebKit.');
- expectedFailures.run(function() {
- assertHTMLEquals("<h1>abcd</h1><br>efgh<h3>ijkl</h3>", div.innerHTML);
- });
- // Select ijkl.
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(div.lastChild).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.IE,
- 'Proper behavior not yet implemented for IE.');
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.WEBKIT,
- 'Proper behavior not yet implemented for WebKit.');
- expectedFailures.run(function() {
- assertHTMLEquals("<h1>abcd</h1><br>efgh<br>ijkl", div.innerHTML);
- });
- // Select abcd.
- goog.dom.Range.createFromNodeContents(div.firstChild).select();
- FORMATTER.removeFormatting_();
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.IE,
- 'Proper behavior not yet implemented for IE.');
- expectedFailures.expectFailureFor(goog.userAgent.WEBKIT,
- 'Proper behavior not yet implemented for WebKit.');
- expectedFailures.run(function() {
- assertHTMLEquals("<br>abcd<br>efgh<br>ijkl", div.innerHTML);
- });
-function testKeyboardShortcut_space() {
- FIELDMOCK.$reset();
- FIELDMOCK.execCommand(
- goog.editor.plugins.RemoveFormatting.REMOVE_FORMATTING_COMMAND);
- FIELDMOCK.$replay();
- var e = {};
- var key = ' ';
- var result = FORMATTER.handleKeyboardShortcut(e, key, true);
- assertTrue(result);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();
-function testKeyboardShortcut_other() {
- FIELDMOCK.$reset();
- FIELDMOCK.$replay();
- var e = {};
- var key = 'a';
- var result = FORMATTER.handleKeyboardShortcut(e, key, true);
- assertFalse(result);
- FIELDMOCK.$verify();