path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/editor/plugins/linkdialogplugin_test.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/editor/plugins/linkdialogplugin_test.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 686 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/editor/plugins/linkdialogplugin_test.html b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/editor/plugins/linkdialogplugin_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index fdcce59..0000000
--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/editor/plugins/linkdialogplugin_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,686 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2010 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
-See the COPYING file for details.
-<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
-<title>goog.editor.plugins.LinkDialogPlugin Tests</title>
-<script src="../../base.js"></script>
- goog.require('goog.editor.BrowserFeature');
- goog.require('goog.editor.Command');
- goog.require('goog.editor.Field');
- goog.require('goog.editor.Link');
- goog.require('goog.editor.plugins.LinkDialogPlugin');
- goog.require('goog.string.Unicode');
- goog.require('goog.testing.MockControl');
- goog.require('goog.testing.editor.FieldMock');
- goog.require('goog.testing.editor.TestHelper');
- goog.require('goog.testing.editor.dom');
- goog.require('goog.testing.events');
- goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit');
- goog.require('goog.testing.mockmatchers');
- goog.require('goog.ui.editor.AbstractDialog.EventType');
- goog.require('goog.ui.editor.LinkDialog');
- goog.require('goog.ui.editor.LinkDialog.BeforeTestLinkEvent');
- goog.require('goog.ui.editor.LinkDialog.OkEvent');
- goog.require('goog.userAgent');
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../css/dialog.css"/>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../css/editor/dialog.css"/>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../css/editor/linkdialog.css"/>
-<div id='test'></div>
- var plugin;
- var anchorElem;
- var extraAnchors;
- var isNew;
- var testDiv;
- var mockCtrl;
- var mockField;
- var mockLink;
- var mockAlert;
- var OLD_LINK_TEXT = 'old text';
- var OLD_LINK_URL = 'http://old.url/';
- var NEW_LINK_TEXT = 'My Link Text';
- var NEW_LINK_URL = 'http://my.link/url/';
- var fieldElem;
- var fieldObj;
- var linkObj;
- function setUp() {
- testDiv = goog.dom.getDocument().getElementById('test');
- testDiv.innerHTML = 'Some preceeding text';
- anchorElem = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.A);
- anchorElem.href = 'http://www.google.com/';
- anchorElem.innerHTML = 'anchor text';
- goog.dom.appendChild(testDiv, anchorElem);
- extraAnchors = [];
- mockCtrl = new goog.testing.MockControl();
- mockField = new goog.testing.editor.FieldMock();
- mockCtrl.addMock(mockField);
- mockLink = mockCtrl.createLooseMock(goog.editor.Link);
- mockAlert = mockCtrl.createGlobalFunctionMock('alert');
- isNew = false;
- mockLink.isNew().$anyTimes().$does(function() {
- return isNew;
- });
- mockLink.
- setTextAndUrl(goog.testing.mockmatchers.isString,
- goog.testing.mockmatchers.isString).
- $anyTimes().
- $does(function(text, url) {
- anchorElem.innerHTML = text;
- anchorElem.href = url;
- });
- mockLink.getAnchor().$anyTimes().$returns(anchorElem);
- mockLink.getExtraAnchors().$anyTimes().$returns(extraAnchors);
- }
- function tearDown() {
- plugin.dispose();
- tearDownRealEditableField();
- testDiv.innerHTML = '';
- mockCtrl.$tearDown();
- }
- function setUpAnchor(text, href, opt_isNew, opt_target, opt_rel) {
- setUpGivenAnchor(anchorElem, text, href, opt_isNew, opt_target, opt_rel);
- }
- function setUpGivenAnchor(
- anchor, text, href, opt_isNew, opt_target, opt_rel) {
- anchor.innerHTML = text;
- anchor.href = href;
- isNew = !!opt_isNew;
- if (opt_target) {
- anchor.target = opt_target;
- }
- if (opt_rel) {
- anchor.rel = opt_rel;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Tests that the plugin's dialog is properly created.
- */
- function testCreateDialog() {
- // Note: this tests simply creating the dialog because that's the only
- // functionality added to this class. Opening or closing effects (editing
- // the actual link) is tested in linkdialog_test.html, but should be moved
- // here if that functionality gets refactored from the dialog to the plugin.
- mockCtrl.$replayAll();
- plugin = new goog.editor.plugins.LinkDialogPlugin();
- plugin.registerFieldObject(mockField);
- var dialog = plugin.createDialog(new goog.dom.DomHelper(), mockLink);
- assertTrue('Dialog should be of type goog.ui.editor.LinkDialog',
- dialog instanceof goog.ui.editor.LinkDialog);
- mockCtrl.$verifyAll();
- }
- /**
- * Tests that when the OK event fires the link is properly updated.
- */
- function testOk() {
- mockLink.placeCursorRightOf();
- mockField.dispatchSelectionChangeEvent();
- mockField.dispatchChange();
- mockField.focus();
- mockCtrl.$replayAll();
- plugin = new goog.editor.plugins.LinkDialogPlugin();
- plugin.registerFieldObject(mockField);
- var dialog = plugin.createDialog(new goog.dom.DomHelper(), mockLink);
- // Mock of execCommand + clicking OK without actually opening the dialog.
- plugin.currentLink_ = mockLink;
- dialog.dispatchEvent(new goog.ui.editor.LinkDialog.OkEvent(NEW_LINK_TEXT,
- assertEquals('Display text incorrect',
- anchorElem.innerHTML);
- assertEquals('Anchor element href incorrect',
- anchorElem.href);
- mockCtrl.$verifyAll();
- }
- /**
- * Tests that when the Cancel event fires the link is unchanged.
- */
- function testCancel() {
- mockCtrl.$replayAll();
- plugin = new goog.editor.plugins.LinkDialogPlugin();
- plugin.registerFieldObject(mockField);
- var dialog = plugin.createDialog(new goog.dom.DomHelper(), mockLink);
- // Mock of execCommand + cancel without actually opening the dialog.
- plugin.currentLink_ = mockLink;
- dialog.dispatchEvent(goog.ui.editor.AbstractDialog.EventType.CANCEL);
- assertEquals('Display text should not be changed',
- anchorElem.innerHTML);
- assertEquals('Anchor element href should not be changed',
- anchorElem.href);
- mockCtrl.$verifyAll();
- }
- /**
- * Tests that when the Cancel event fires for a new link it gets removed.
- */
- function testCancelNew() {
- mockField.dispatchChange(); // Should be fired because link was removed.
- mockCtrl.$replayAll();
- setUpAnchor(OLD_LINK_TEXT, OLD_LINK_URL, true);
- var prevSib = anchorElem.previousSibling;
- plugin = new goog.editor.plugins.LinkDialogPlugin();
- plugin.registerFieldObject(mockField);
- var dialog = plugin.createDialog(new goog.dom.DomHelper(), mockLink);
- // Mock of execCommand + cancel without actually opening the dialog.
- plugin.currentLink_ = mockLink;
- dialog.dispatchEvent(goog.ui.editor.AbstractDialog.EventType.CANCEL);
- assertNotEquals('Anchor element should be removed from document body',
- testDiv,
- anchorElem.parentNode);
- var newElem = prevSib.nextSibling;
- assertEquals('Link should be replaced by text node',
- goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT,
- newElem.nodeType);
- assertEquals('Original text should be left behind',
- newElem.nodeValue);
- mockCtrl.$verifyAll();
- }
- /**
- * Tests that when the Cancel event fires for a new link it gets removed.
- */
- function testCancelNewMultiple() {
- mockField.dispatchChange(); // Should be fired because link was removed.
- mockCtrl.$replayAll();
- var anchorElem1 = anchorElem;
- var parent1 = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV, null,
- anchorElem1);
- goog.dom.appendChild(testDiv, parent1);
- setUpGivenAnchor(anchorElem1, OLD_LINK_TEXT + '1', OLD_LINK_URL +'1',
- true);
- anchorElem2 = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.A);
- var parent2 = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV, null,
- anchorElem2);
- goog.dom.appendChild(testDiv, parent2);
- setUpGivenAnchor(anchorElem2, OLD_LINK_TEXT + '2', OLD_LINK_URL + '2',
- true);
- extraAnchors.push(anchorElem2);
- anchorElem3 = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.A);
- var parent3 = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV, null,
- anchorElem3);
- goog.dom.appendChild(testDiv, parent3);
- setUpGivenAnchor(anchorElem3, OLD_LINK_TEXT + '3', OLD_LINK_URL + '3',
- true);
- extraAnchors.push(anchorElem3);
- plugin = new goog.editor.plugins.LinkDialogPlugin();
- plugin.registerFieldObject(mockField);
- var dialog = plugin.createDialog(new goog.dom.DomHelper(), mockLink);
- // Mock of execCommand + cancel without actually opening the dialog.
- plugin.currentLink_ = mockLink;
- dialog.dispatchEvent(goog.ui.editor.AbstractDialog.EventType.CANCEL);
- assertNotEquals('Anchor 1 element should be removed from document body',
- parent1,
- anchorElem1.parentNode);
- assertNotEquals('Anchor 2 element should be removed from document body',
- parent2,
- anchorElem2.parentNode);
- assertNotEquals('Anchor 3 element should be removed from document body',
- parent3,
- anchorElem3.parentNode);
- assertEquals('Link 1 should be replaced by text node',
- goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT,
- parent1.firstChild.nodeType);
- assertEquals('Link 2 should be replaced by text node',
- goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT,
- parent2.firstChild.nodeType);
- assertEquals('Link 3 should be replaced by text node',
- goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT,
- parent3.firstChild.nodeType);
- assertEquals('Original text 1 should be left behind',
- OLD_LINK_TEXT + '1',
- parent1.firstChild.nodeValue);
- assertEquals('Original text 2 should be left behind',
- OLD_LINK_TEXT + '2',
- parent2.firstChild.nodeValue);
- assertEquals('Original text 3 should be left behind',
- OLD_LINK_TEXT + '3',
- parent3.firstChild.nodeValue);
- mockCtrl.$verifyAll();
- }
- /**
- * Tests that when the Cancel event fires for a new link it gets removed.
- */
- function testOkNewMultiple() {
- mockLink.placeCursorRightOf();
- mockField.dispatchSelectionChangeEvent();
- mockField.dispatchChange();
- mockField.focus();
- mockCtrl.$replayAll();
- var anchorElem1 = anchorElem;
- setUpGivenAnchor(anchorElem1, OLD_LINK_TEXT + '1', OLD_LINK_URL + '1',
- true);
- anchorElem2 = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.A);
- goog.dom.appendChild(testDiv, anchorElem2);
- setUpGivenAnchor(anchorElem2, OLD_LINK_TEXT + '2', OLD_LINK_URL + '2',
- true);
- extraAnchors.push(anchorElem2);
- anchorElem3 = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.A);
- goog.dom.appendChild(testDiv, anchorElem3);
- setUpGivenAnchor(anchorElem3, OLD_LINK_TEXT + '3', OLD_LINK_URL + '3',
- true);
- extraAnchors.push(anchorElem3);
- var prevSib = anchorElem1.previousSibling;
- plugin = new goog.editor.plugins.LinkDialogPlugin();
- plugin.registerFieldObject(mockField);
- var dialog = plugin.createDialog(new goog.dom.DomHelper(), mockLink);
- // Mock of execCommand + clicking OK without actually opening the dialog.
- plugin.currentLink_ = mockLink;
- dialog.dispatchEvent(new goog.ui.editor.LinkDialog.OkEvent(NEW_LINK_TEXT,
- assertEquals('Display text 1 must update', NEW_LINK_TEXT,
- anchorElem1.innerHTML);
- assertEquals('Display text 2 must not update', OLD_LINK_TEXT + '2',
- anchorElem2.innerHTML);
- assertEquals('Display text 3 must not update', OLD_LINK_TEXT + '3',
- anchorElem3.innerHTML);
- assertEquals('Anchor element 1 href must update', NEW_LINK_URL,
- anchorElem1.href);
- assertEquals('Anchor element 2 href must update', NEW_LINK_URL,
- anchorElem2.href);
- assertEquals('Anchor element 3 href must update', NEW_LINK_URL,
- anchorElem3.href);
- mockCtrl.$verifyAll();
- }
- /**
- * Tests the anchor's target is correctly modified with the "open in new
- * window" feature on.
- */
- function testOkOpenInNewWindow() {
- mockLink.placeCursorRightOf().$anyTimes();
- mockField.dispatchSelectionChangeEvent().$anyTimes();
- mockField.dispatchChange().$anyTimes();
- mockField.focus().$anyTimes();
- mockCtrl.$replayAll();
- plugin = new goog.editor.plugins.LinkDialogPlugin();
- plugin.registerFieldObject(mockField);
- plugin.showOpenLinkInNewWindow(false);
- plugin.currentLink_ = mockLink;
- // Edit a link that doesn't open in a new window and leave it as such.
- var dialog = plugin.createDialog(new goog.dom.DomHelper(), mockLink);
- dialog.dispatchEvent(new goog.ui.editor.LinkDialog.OkEvent(
- NEW_LINK_TEXT, NEW_LINK_URL, false, false));
- assertEquals(
- 'Target should not be set for link that doesn\'t open in new window',
- '', anchorElem.target);
- assertFalse('Checked state should stay false',
- plugin.getOpenLinkInNewWindowCheckedState());
- // Edit a link that doesn't open in a new window and toggle it on.
- dialog = plugin.createDialog(new goog.dom.DomHelper(), mockLink);
- dialog.dispatchEvent(new goog.ui.editor.LinkDialog.OkEvent(
- assertEquals(
- 'Target should be set to _blank for link that opens in new window',
- '_blank', anchorElem.target);
- assertTrue('Checked state should be true after toggling a link on',
- plugin.getOpenLinkInNewWindowCheckedState());
- // Edit a link that doesn't open in a named window and don't touch it.
- setUpAnchor(OLD_LINK_TEXT, OLD_LINK_URL, false, 'named');
- dialog = plugin.createDialog(new goog.dom.DomHelper(), mockLink);
- dialog.dispatchEvent(new goog.ui.editor.LinkDialog.OkEvent(
- assertEquals(
- 'Target should keep its original value',
- 'named', anchorElem.target);
- assertFalse('Checked state should be false again',
- plugin.getOpenLinkInNewWindowCheckedState());
- // Edit a link that opens in a new window and toggle it off.
- setUpAnchor(OLD_LINK_TEXT, OLD_LINK_URL, false, '_blank');
- dialog = plugin.createDialog(new goog.dom.DomHelper(), mockLink);
- dialog.dispatchEvent(new goog.ui.editor.LinkDialog.OkEvent(
- assertEquals(
- 'Target should not be set for link that doesn\'t open in new window',
- '', anchorElem.target);
- mockCtrl.$verifyAll();
- }
- function testOkNoFollowEnabled() {
- verifyRelNoFollow(true, null, 'nofollow');
- }
- function testOkNoFollowInUppercase() {
- verifyRelNoFollow(true, 'NOFOLLOW', 'NOFOLLOW');
- }
- function testOkNoFollowEnabledHasMoreRelValues() {
- verifyRelNoFollow(true, 'author', 'author nofollow');
- }
- function testOkNoFollowDisabled() {
- verifyRelNoFollow(false, null, '');
- }
- function testOkNoFollowDisabledHasMoreRelValues() {
- verifyRelNoFollow(false, 'author', 'author');
- }
- function testOkNoFollowDisabledHasMoreRelValues() {
- verifyRelNoFollow(false, 'author nofollow', 'author ');
- }
- function testOkNoFollowInUppercaseWithMoreValues() {
- verifyRelNoFollow(true, 'NOFOLLOW author', 'NOFOLLOW author');
- }
- function verifyRelNoFollow(noFollow, originalRel, expectedRel) {
- mockLink.placeCursorRightOf();
- mockField.dispatchSelectionChangeEvent();
- mockField.dispatchChange();
- mockField.focus();
- mockCtrl.$replayAll();
- plugin = new goog.editor.plugins.LinkDialogPlugin();
- plugin.registerFieldObject(mockField);
- plugin.showRelNoFollow();
- plugin.currentLink_ = mockLink;
- setUpAnchor(OLD_LINK_TEXT, OLD_LINK_URL, true, null, originalRel);
- var dialog = plugin.createDialog(new goog.dom.DomHelper(), mockLink);
- dialog.dispatchEvent(new goog.ui.editor.LinkDialog.OkEvent(
- NEW_LINK_TEXT, NEW_LINK_URL, false, noFollow));
- assertEquals(expectedRel, anchorElem.rel);
- mockCtrl.$verifyAll();
- }
- /**
- * Tests that the selection is cleared when the dialog opens and is
- * correctly restored after cancel is clicked.
- */
- function testRestoreSelectionOnOk() {
- setUpAnchor('12345', '/');
- setUpRealEditableField();
- var elem = fieldObj.getElement();
- var helper = new goog.testing.editor.TestHelper(elem);
- helper.select('12345', 1, '12345', 4); // Selects '234'.
- assertEquals('Incorrect text selected before dialog is opened',
- '234',
- fieldObj.getRange().getText());
- plugin.execCommand(goog.editor.Command.MODAL_LINK_EDITOR, linkObj);
- if (!goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.OPERA) {
- // IE returns some bogus range when field doesn't have selection.
- // You can't remove the selection from a whitebox field in Opera.
- assertNull('There should be no selection while dialog is open',
- fieldObj.getRange());
- }
- goog.testing.events.fireClickSequence(
- plugin.dialog_.getOkButtonElement());
- assertEquals('No text should be selected after clicking ok',
- '',
- fieldObj.getRange().getText());
- // Test that the caret is placed at the end of the link text.
- goog.testing.editor.dom.assertRangeBetweenText(
- // If the browser gets stuck in links, an nbsp was added after the link
- // to avoid that, otherwise we just look for the 5.
- goog.editor.BrowserFeature.GETS_STUCK_IN_LINKS ?
- goog.string.Unicode.NBSP : '5',
- '',
- fieldObj.getRange());
- // NOTE(user): The functionality to avoid getting stuck in links is
- // tested in editablelink_test.html::testPlaceCursorRightOf().
- }
- /**
- * Tests that the selection is cleared when the dialog opens and is
- * correctly restored after cancel is clicked.
- * @param {boolean=} opt_isNew Whether to test behavior when creating a new
- * link (cancelling will flatten it).
- */
- function testRestoreSelectionOnCancel(opt_isNew) {
- setUpAnchor('12345', '/', opt_isNew);
- setUpRealEditableField();
- var elem = fieldObj.getElement();
- var helper = new goog.testing.editor.TestHelper(elem);
- helper.select('12345', 1, '12345', 4); // Selects '234'.
- assertEquals('Incorrect text selected before dialog is opened',
- '234',
- fieldObj.getRange().getText());
- plugin.execCommand(goog.editor.Command.MODAL_LINK_EDITOR, linkObj);
- if (!goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.OPERA) {
- // IE returns some bogus range when field doesn't have selection.
- // You can't remove the selection from a whitebox field in Opera.
- assertNull('There should be no selection while dialog is open',
- fieldObj.getRange());
- }
- goog.testing.events.fireClickSequence(
- plugin.dialog_.getCancelButtonElement());
- assertEquals('Incorrect text selected after clicking cancel',
- '234',
- fieldObj.getRange().getText());
- }
- /**
- * Tests that the selection is cleared when the dialog opens and is
- * correctly restored after cancel is clicked and the new link is removed.
- */
- function testRestoreSelectionOnCancelNew() {
- testRestoreSelectionOnCancel(true);
- }
- /**
- * Tests that the BeforeTestLink event is suppressed for invalid url schemes.
- */
- function testTestLinkDisabledForInvalidScheme() {
- mockAlert(goog.testing.mockmatchers.isString);
- mockCtrl.$replayAll();
- var invalidUrl = 'javascript:document.write(\'hello\');';
- plugin = new goog.editor.plugins.LinkDialogPlugin();
- var dialog = plugin.createDialog(new goog.dom.DomHelper(), mockLink);
- // Mock of execCommand + clicking test without actually opening the dialog.
- var dispatched = dialog.dispatchEvent(
- new goog.ui.editor.LinkDialog.BeforeTestLinkEvent(invalidUrl));
- assertFalse(dispatched);
- mockCtrl.$verifyAll();
- }
- function testIsSafeSchemeToOpen() {
- plugin = new goog.editor.plugins.LinkDialogPlugin();
- // Urls with no scheme at all are ok too since 'http://' will be prepended.
- var good = [
- 'http://google.com', 'http://google.com/', 'https://google.com',
- 'null@google.com', 'http://www.google.com', 'http://site.com',
- 'google.com', 'google', 'http://google', 'HTTP://GOOGLE.COM',
- 'HtTp://www.google.com'
- ];
- var bad = [
- 'javascript:google.com', 'httpp://google.com', 'data:foo',
- 'javascript:alert(\'hi\');', 'abc:def'
- ];
- for (var i = 0; i < good.length; i++) {
- assertTrue(good[i] + ' should have a safe scheme',
- plugin.isSafeSchemeToOpen_(good[i]));
- }
- for (i = 0; i < bad.length; i++) {
- assertFalse(bad[i] + ' should have an unsafe scheme',
- plugin.isSafeSchemeToOpen_(bad[i]));
- }
- }
- function testShouldOpenWithWhitelist() {
- plugin.setSafeToOpenSchemes(['abc']);
- assertTrue('Scheme should be safe',
- plugin.shouldOpenUrl('abc://google.com'));
- assertFalse('Scheme should be unsafe',
- plugin.shouldOpenUrl('http://google.com'));
- plugin.setBlockOpeningUnsafeSchemes(false);
- assertTrue('Non-whitelisted should now be safe after disabling blocking',
- plugin.shouldOpenUrl('http://google.com'));
- }
- /**
- * Regression test for http://b/issue?id=1607766 . Without the fix, this
- * should give an Invalid Argument error in IE, because the editable field
- * caches a selection util that has a reference to the node of the link text
- * before it is edited (which gets replaced by a new node for the new text
- * after editing).
- */
- function testBug1607766() {
- setUpAnchor('abc', 'def');
- setUpRealEditableField();
- var elem = fieldObj.getElement();
- var helper = new goog.testing.editor.TestHelper(elem);
- helper.select('abc', 1, 'abc', 2); // Selects 'b'.
- // Dispatching a selection event causes the field to cache a selection
- // util, which is the root of the bug.
- plugin.fieldObject.dispatchSelectionChangeEvent();
- plugin.execCommand(goog.editor.Command.MODAL_LINK_EDITOR, linkObj);
- goog.dom.getElement(
- goog.ui.editor.LinkDialog.Id_.TEXT_TO_DISPLAY).value = 'Abc';
- goog.testing.events.fireClickSequence(plugin.dialog_.getOkButtonElement());
- // In IE the unit test somehow doesn't cause a browser focus event, so we
- // need to manually invoke this, which is where the bug happens.
- plugin.fieldObject.dispatchFocus_();
- }
- /**
- * Regression test for http://b/issue?id=2215546 .
- */
- function testBug2215546() {
- setUpRealEditableField();
- var elem = fieldObj.getElement();
- fieldObj.setHtml(false, '<div><a href="/"></a></div>');
- anchorElem = elem.firstChild.firstChild;
- linkObj = new goog.editor.Link(anchorElem, true);
- var helper = new goog.testing.editor.TestHelper(elem);
- // Select "</a>" in a way, simulating what IE does if you hit enter twice,
- // arrow up into the blank line and open the link dialog.
- helper.select(anchorElem, 0, elem.firstChild, 1);
- plugin.execCommand(goog.editor.Command.MODAL_LINK_EDITOR, linkObj);
- goog.dom.getElement(
- goog.ui.editor.LinkDialog.Id_.TEXT_TO_DISPLAY).value = 'foo';
- goog.dom.getElement(
- goog.ui.editor.LinkDialog.Id_.ON_WEB_INPUT).value = 'foo';
- var okButton = plugin.dialog_.getOkButtonElement();
- okButton.disabled = false;
- goog.testing.events.fireClickSequence(okButton);
- assertEquals('Link text should have been inserted',
- 'foo', anchorElem.innerHTML);
- }
- /**
- * Setup a real editable field (instead of a mock) and register the plugin to
- * it.
- */
- function setUpRealEditableField() {
- fieldElem = document.createElement('div');
- fieldElem.id = 'myField';
- document.body.appendChild(fieldElem);
- fieldElem.appendChild(anchorElem);
- fieldObj = new goog.editor.Field('myField', document);
- fieldObj.makeEditable();
- linkObj = new goog.editor.Link(fieldObj.getElement().firstChild, isNew)
- // Register the plugin to that field.
- plugin = new goog.editor.plugins.LinkDialogPlugin();
- fieldObj.registerPlugin(plugin);
- }
- /**
- * Tear down the real editable field.
- */
- function tearDownRealEditableField() {
- if (fieldObj) {
- fieldObj.makeUneditable();
- fieldObj.dispose();
- fieldObj = null;
- }
- goog.dom.removeNode(fieldElem);
- }