path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/editor/icontent_test.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/editor/icontent_test.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 232 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/editor/icontent_test.html b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/editor/icontent_test.html
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--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/editor/icontent_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
- All Rights Reserved.
- @author nicksantos@google.com (Nick Santos)
-Copyright 2007 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
-See the COPYING file for details.
-<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
-<title>Trogedit Unit Tests - goog.editor.icontent</title>
-<script src='../base.js'></script>
- goog.require('goog.dom');
- goog.require('goog.dom.classes');
- goog.require('goog.editor.BrowserFeature');
- goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit');
- goog.require('goog.testing.PropertyReplacer');
- goog.require('goog.editor.icontent');
-NOTE(user): This style is set to test the bugfix for http://b/5674613.
-See the comments in icontent.js for details about the workaround.
-<style type='text/css'>
- html, body {
- min-width: 700px;
- }
-var wrapperDiv;
-var realIframe;
-var realIframeDoc;
-var propertyReplacer;
-function setUp() {
- wrapperDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', null,
- realIframe = goog.dom.createDom('iframe'));
- goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, wrapperDiv);
- realIframeDoc = realIframe.contentWindow.document;
- propertyReplacer = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
-function tearDown() {
- goog.dom.removeNode(wrapperDiv);
- propertyReplacer.reset();
-function testWriteHttpsInitialIframeContent() {
- // This is not a particularly useful test; it's just a sanity check to make
- // sure nothing explodes
- var info =
- new goog.editor.icontent.FieldFormatInfo('id', false, false, false);
- var doc = createMockDocument();
- goog.editor.icontent.writeHttpsInitialIframe(info, doc, 'some html');
- assertBodyCorrect(doc.body, 'id', 'some html');
-function testWriteHttpsInitialIframeContentRtl() {
- var info = new goog.editor.icontent.FieldFormatInfo('id', false, false, true);
- var doc = createMockDocument();
- goog.editor.icontent.writeHttpsInitialIframe(info, doc, 'some html');
- assertBodyCorrect(doc.body, 'id', 'some html', true);
-function testWriteInitialIframeContentBlendedStandardsGrowing() {
- if (goog.editor.BrowserFeature.HAS_CONTENT_EDITABLE) {
- return; // only executes when using an iframe
- }
- var info = new goog.editor.icontent.FieldFormatInfo('id', true, true, false);
- var styleInfo = new goog.editor.icontent.FieldStyleInfo(wrapperDiv,
- '.MyClass { position: absolute; top: 500px; }');
- var doc = realIframeDoc;
- var html = '<div class="MyClass">Some Html</div>';
- goog.editor.icontent.writeNormalInitialBlendedIframe(info, html,
- styleInfo, realIframe);
- assertBodyCorrect(doc.body, 'id', html);
- assertEquals('CSS1Compat', doc.compatMode); // standards
- assertEquals('auto', doc.documentElement.style.height); // growing
- assertEquals('100%', doc.body.style.height); // standards
- assertEquals('hidden', doc.body.style.overflowY); // growing
- assertEquals('', realIframe.style.position); // no padding on wrapper
- assertEquals(500, doc.body.firstChild.offsetTop);
- assert(doc.getElementsByTagName('style')[0].innerHTML.indexOf(
- '-moz-force-broken-image-icon') != -1); // standards
-function testWriteInitialIframeContentBlendedQuirksFixedRtl() {
- if (goog.editor.BrowserFeature.HAS_CONTENT_EDITABLE) {
- return; // only executes when using an iframe
- }
- var info = new goog.editor.icontent.FieldFormatInfo('id', false, true, true);
- var styleInfo = new goog.editor.icontent.FieldStyleInfo(wrapperDiv, '');
- wrapperDiv.style.padding = '2px 5px';
- var doc = realIframeDoc;
- var html = 'Some Html';
- goog.editor.icontent.writeNormalInitialBlendedIframe(info, html,
- styleInfo, realIframe);
- assertBodyCorrect(doc.body, 'id', html, true);
- assertEquals('BackCompat', doc.compatMode); // quirks
- assertEquals('100%', doc.documentElement.style.height); // fixed height
- assertEquals('auto', doc.body.style.height); // quirks
- assertEquals('auto', doc.body.style.overflow); // fixed height
- assertEquals('-2px', realIframe.style.marginTop);
- assertEquals('-5px', realIframe.style.marginLeft);
- assert(doc.getElementsByTagName('style')[0].innerHTML.indexOf(
- '-moz-force-broken-image-icon') == -1); // quirks
-function testWhiteboxStandardsFixedRtl() {
- var info = new goog.editor.icontent.FieldFormatInfo('id', true, false, true);
- var styleInfo = null;
- var doc = realIframeDoc;
- var html = 'Some Html';
- goog.editor.icontent.writeNormalInitialBlendedIframe(info, html,
- styleInfo, realIframe);
- assertBodyCorrect(doc.body, 'id', html, true);
- // TODO(nicksantos): on Safari, there's a bug where all written iframes
- // are CSS1Compat. It's fixed in the nightlies as of 3/31/08, so remove
- // this guard when the latest version of Safari is on the farm.
- if (!goog.userAgent.WEBKIT) {
- assertEquals('BackCompat', doc.compatMode); // always use quirks in whitebox
- }
-function testGetInitialIframeContent() {
- var info = new goog.editor.icontent.FieldFormatInfo(
- 'id', true, false, false);
- var styleInfo = null;
- var html = 'Some Html';
- propertyReplacer.set(goog.editor.BrowserFeature,
- var htmlOut = goog.editor.icontent.getInitialIframeContent_(
- info, html, styleInfo);
- assertEquals(/contentEditable/i.test(htmlOut), false);
- propertyReplacer.set(goog.editor.BrowserFeature,
- htmlOut = goog.editor.icontent.getInitialIframeContent_(
- info, html, styleInfo);
- assertEquals(/<body[^>]+?contentEditable/i.test(htmlOut), true);
- assertEquals(/<html[^>]+?style="[^>"]*min-width:\s*0/i.test(htmlOut), true);
- assertEquals(/<body[^>]+?style="[^>"]*min-width:\s*0/i.test(htmlOut), true);
-function testIframeMinWidthOverride() {
- if (goog.editor.BrowserFeature.HAS_CONTENT_EDITABLE) {
- return; // only executes when using an iframe
- }
- var info = new goog.editor.icontent.FieldFormatInfo('id', true, true, false);
- var styleInfo = new goog.editor.icontent.FieldStyleInfo(wrapperDiv,
- '.MyClass { position: absolute; top: 500px; }');
- var doc = realIframeDoc;
- var html = '<div class="MyClass">Some Html</div>';
- goog.editor.icontent.writeNormalInitialBlendedIframe(info, html,
- styleInfo, realIframe);
- // Make sure that the minimum width isn't being inherited from the parent
- // document's style.
- assertTrue(doc.body.offsetWidth < 700);
-function testBlendedStandardsGrowingMatchesComparisonDiv() {
- // TODO(nicksantos): If we ever move
- // TR_EditableUtil.prototype.makeIframeField_
- // into goog.editor.icontent (and I think we should), we could actually run
- // functional tests to ensure that the iframed field matches the dimensions
- // of the equivalent uneditable div. Functional tests would help a lot here.
- * Check a given body for the most basic properties that all iframes must have.
- *
- * @param {Element} body The actual body element
- * @param {string} id The expected id
- * @param {string} bodyHTML The expected innerHTML
- * @param {boolean=} opt_rtl If true, expect RTL directionality
- */
-function assertBodyCorrect(body, id, bodyHTML, opt_rtl) {
- assertEquals(bodyHTML, body.innerHTML);
- // We can't just check
- // assert(HAS_CONTENTE_EDITABLE, !!body.contentEditable) since in
- // FF 3 we don't currently use contentEditable, but body.contentEditable
- // = 'inherit' and !!'inherit' = true.
- if (goog.editor.BrowserFeature.HAS_CONTENT_EDITABLE) {
- assertEquals('true', String(body.contentEditable));
- } else {
- assertNotEquals('true', String(body.contentEditable));
- }
- assert(goog.dom.classes.has(body, 'editable'));
- assertEquals('true', String(body.getAttribute('g_editable')));
- assertEquals('true',
- // IE has bugs with getAttribute('hideFocus'), and
- // Webkit has bugs with normal .hideFocus access.
- String(goog.userAgent.IE ? body.hideFocus :
- body.getAttribute('hideFocus')));
- assertEquals(id, body.id);
- * @return {Object} A mock document
- */
-function createMockDocument() {
- return {
- body: {
- setAttribute: function(key, val) { this[key] = val; },
- getAttribute: function(key) { return this[key]; },
- style: { direction: '' }
- }
- };