path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/demos/colormenubutton.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/demos/colormenubutton.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 221 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/demos/colormenubutton.html b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/demos/colormenubutton.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 3936458..0000000
--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/demos/colormenubutton.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2010 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
-See the COPYING file for details.
- <title>goog.ui.ColorMenuButton</title>
- <script src="../base.js"></script>
- <script>
- goog.require('goog.array');
- goog.require('goog.color');
- goog.require('goog.debug.DivConsole');
- goog.require('goog.debug.Logger');
- goog.require('goog.debug.LogManager');
- goog.require('goog.events');
- goog.require('goog.object');
- goog.require('goog.ui.ColorMenuButton');
- goog.require('goog.ui.ColorMenuButtonRenderer');
- goog.require('goog.ui.CustomColorPalette');
- goog.require('goog.ui.Component.EventType');
- goog.require('goog.ui.Menu');
- goog.require('goog.ui.MenuItem');
- goog.require('goog.ui.Separator');
- goog.require('goog.ui.Toolbar');
- goog.require('goog.ui.ToolbarColorMenuButton');
- goog.require('goog.ui.ToolbarColorMenuButtonRenderer');
- goog.require('goog.ui.decorate');
- </script>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/demo.css">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/menu.css">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/menuitem.css">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/menuseparator.css">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/menubutton.css">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/custombutton.css">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/palette.css">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/colorpalette.css">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/colormenubutton.css">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/toolbar.css">
- <style>
- /* Text color. */
- .goog-text-color {
- width: 15px;
- height: 13px;
- background: url(../images/toolbar_icons.gif) no-repeat -48px;
- }
- /* Background color. */
- .goog-bg-color {
- width: 15px;
- height: 13px;
- background: url(../images/toolbar_icons.gif) no-repeat -64px;
- }
- </style>
- <h2>goog.ui.ColorMenuButton Demo</h2>
- <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4" width="100%">
- <tbody>
- <tr valign="top">
- <td width="67%">
- <fieldset>
- <legend><strong>goog.ui.ColorMenuButton</strong> demo:</legend>
- <div id="cmb1">This button was created programmatically:&nbsp;</div>
- <br>
- <div>
- This button decorates a <strong>DIV</strong>:&nbsp;
- <div id="cmb2" class="goog-color-menu-button"
- title="Decorated tooltip">Color</div>
- </div>
- <br>
- <div id="cmb3">This button has a custom color menu:&nbsp;</div>
- </fieldset>
- <br>
- <br>
- <fieldset>
- <legend>
- <strong>goog.ui.ToolbarColorMenuButtonRenderer</strong> demo:
- </legend>
- <div id="tcmb1">
- This toolbar button was created programmatically:&nbsp;
- </div>
- <br>
- <div>
- This toolbar button decorates a <strong>DIV</strong>:&nbsp;
- <div id="tcmb2" class="goog-toolbar-color-menu-button"
- title="Decorated tooltip">Color</div>
- </div>
- <br>
- <div>
- This is what these would look like in an actual toolbar, with
- icons instead of text captions:
- <br>
- <br>
- <div id="tb" class="goog-toolbar">
- <div id="textColor" class="goog-toolbar-color-menu-button"
- title="Text color">
- <div class="goog-text-color"></div>
- </div>
- <div id="bgColor" class="goog-toolbar-color-menu-button"
- title="Background color">
- <div class="goog-bg-color"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <br>
- <div dir="rtl">
- BiDi is all the rage these days
- <br>
- <br>
- <div id="tbRtl" class="goog-toolbar">
- <div id="textColorRtl" class="goog-toolbar-color-menu-button"
- title="Text color">
- <div class="goog-text-color"></div>
- </div>
- <div id="bgColorRtl" class="goog-toolbar-color-menu-button"
- title="Background color">
- <div class="goog-bg-color"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </fieldset>
- <br>
- <br>
- </td>
- <td width="33%">
- <!-- Event log. -->
- <fieldset class="goog-debug-panel">
- <legend>Event Log</legend>
- <div id="log"></div>
- </fieldset>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <br>
- <div id="perf"></div>
- <script>
- var timer = goog.now();
- // Set up a logger.
- goog.debug.LogManager.getRoot().setLevel(goog.debug.Logger.Level.ALL);
- var logger = goog.debug.Logger.getLogger('demo');
- var logConsole = new goog.debug.DivConsole(goog.dom.getElement('log'));
- logConsole.setCapturing(true);
- var EVENTS = goog.object.getValues(goog.ui.Component.EventType);
- logger.fine('Listening for: ' + EVENTS.join(', ') + '.');
- function logEvent(e) {
- var component = e.target;
- var caption = (typeof component.getCaption == 'function' &&
- component.getCaption()) || component.getId();
- logger.info('"' + caption + '" dispatched: ' + e.type);
- }
- // Create the first ColorMenuButton programmatically.
- var cmb1 = new goog.ui.ColorMenuButton('Color');
- cmb1.setTooltip('Click to select color');
- cmb1.setSelectedColor('#FF0000');
- cmb1.render(goog.dom.getElement('cmb1'));
- goog.events.listen(cmb1, EVENTS, logEvent);
- // Decorate the second ColorMenuButton.
- var cmb2 = goog.ui.decorate(goog.dom.getElement('cmb2'));
- cmb2.setSelectedColor('#0000FF');
- goog.events.listen(cmb2, EVENTS, logEvent);
- // Create a custom palette and add it to a menu.
- var customColorPalette = new goog.ui.CustomColorPalette(
- ['#FE1', '#ACD', '#119']);
- customColorPalette.setSize(8);
- var customColorMenu = new goog.ui.Menu();
- customColorMenu.addItem(new goog.ui.MenuItem(
- 'None', goog.ui.ColorMenuButton.NO_COLOR));
- customColorMenu.addItem(new goog.ui.Separator());
- customColorMenu.addItem(customColorPalette);
- // Create a ColorMenuButton with a custom menu.
- var cmb3 = new goog.ui.ColorMenuButton('Custom', customColorMenu);
- cmb3.setTooltip('Click to select a custom color');
- // Currently, the "add custom color" dialog created by CustomColorPalette
- // blurs the button unless we set it to non-focusable.
- cmb3.setSupportedState(goog.ui.Component.State.FOCUSED, false);
- cmb3.render(goog.dom.getElement('cmb3'));
- goog.events.listen(cmb3, EVENTS, logEvent);
- // Create the first toolbar-style ColorMenuButton programmatically.
- var tcmb1 = new goog.ui.ColorMenuButton('Color',
- goog.ui.ColorMenuButton.newColorMenu(),
- goog.ui.ToolbarColorMenuButtonRenderer.getInstance());
- tcmb1.render(goog.dom.getElement('tcmb1'));
- tcmb1.setTooltip('Click to select color');
- tcmb1.setSelectedColor('#FF00FF');
- goog.events.listen(tcmb1, EVENTS, logEvent);
- // Decorate the second toolbar-style ColorMenuButton.
- var tcmb2 = goog.ui.decorate(goog.dom.getElement('tcmb2'));
- tcmb2.setSelectedColor('#FFFF00');
- goog.events.listen(tcmb2, EVENTS, logEvent);
- // Decorate the sample toolbar.
- var tb = new goog.ui.Toolbar();
- tb.decorate(goog.dom.getElement('tb'));
- goog.events.listen(tb, EVENTS, logEvent);
- // Decorate the BiDi toolbar.
- var tbRtl = new goog.ui.Toolbar();
- tbRtl.decorate(goog.dom.getElement('tbRtl'));
- goog.events.listen(tbRtl, EVENTS, logEvent);
- // Perf and clean up
- goog.dom.setTextContent(goog.dom.getElement('perf'),
- (goog.now() - timer) + 'ms');
- goog.events.listen(window, 'unload', function() {
- goog.events.removeAll();
- });
- </script>