path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/debug/devcss/devcss_test.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/debug/devcss/devcss_test.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 365 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/debug/devcss/devcss_test.html b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/debug/devcss/devcss_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f5f7f80..0000000
--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/debug/devcss/devcss_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
-See the COPYING file for details.
- <!--
- -->
- <head>
-<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
- <title>Closure Unit Tests - CSS Object Model helper</title>
- <script src="../../base.js"></script>
- <script>
- goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit');
- goog.require('goog.userAgent');
- goog.require('goog.style');
- goog.require('goog.cssom');
- goog.require('goog.debug');
- goog.require('goog.debug.DevCss');
- </script>
- <style>
- @import "devcss_test_import_1.css";
- .css-style-1 {
- background-color: rgb(173,216,230); /* lightblue */
- padding: 10px;
- }
- .css-style-2 {
- display: block;
- background-color: transparent;
- margin-top: 1px;
- margin-left: 1px;
- padding: 10px;
- }
- .css-style-3 {
- background-color: orange;
- padding: 10px;
- }
- .compound1.compound2 {
- -goog-ie6-selector: ".compound1_compound2";
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203); /* aka pink */
- }
- .USERAGENT-OPERA .css-style-2,
- .USERAGENT-GECKO .css-style-2,
- .USERAGENT-MOBILE .css-style-2 {
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203); /* aka pink */
- }
- .USERAGENT-OPERA .css-style-2,
- .USERAGENT-WEBKIT-GTE255 .css-style-2,
- .USERAGENT-MOBILE .css-style-2 {
- margin-top: 20px;
- }
- .USERAGENT-OPERA .css-style-2,
- .USERAGENT-WEBKIT-LTE200 .css-style-2,
- .USERAGENT-MOBILE .css-style-2 {
- margin-left: 15px;
- }
- .USERAGENT-GECKO #devcss-gecko-1,
- .USERAGENT-GECKO #devcss-gecko-2 {
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203); /* aka pink */
- }
- .USERAGENT-IE-8 #devcss-ie8-1,
- .USERAGENT-IE-8 #devcss-ie8-2 {
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203); /* aka pink */
- }
- #devcss-test-ie6 {
- background-color: purple;
- }
- .USERAGENT-IE-6 #devcss-test-ie6 {
- background-color: rgb(255,192,203); /* aka pink */
- }
- </style>
- <style>
- @import "devcss_test_import_2.css";
- </style>
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id="devcss-test-2" class="css-style-2">
- <ul>
- <li>
- Should end up background-color:rgb(255, 192, 203) aka pink.
- </li>
- <li>
- Should end up with margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 15px;
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <br><br>
- <div id="devcss-test-ie6">
- <ul>
- <li>
- Should end up background-color:rgb(255, 192, 203) aka pink, not black or purple.
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <!--
- TODO(user): Re-enable if we ever come up with a way to make imports
- work.
- <div id="devcss-test-importfixer-1" class="css-style-3">
- <ul>
- <li>
- Should end up yellow from the first import of
- devcss_test_import_2.css, overriding the previous orange setting and
- ignoring the second import of devcss_test_import_1.css which would set
- it grey.
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <div id="devcss-test-importfixer-2" class="css-style-1">
- <ul>
- <li>
- Should end up lightblue, which is a revert back to the setting in this
- test file, after disabling the second import of
- devcss_test_import_1.css
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- -->
- <br><br>
- <div id="devcss-ie8-1">
- This element should be pink for IE8.
- </div>
- <div id="devcss-ie8-2">
- This element should also be pink for IE8.
- </div>
- <br><br>
- <div id="devcss-gecko-1">
- This element should be pink for Gecko.
- </div>
- <div id="devcss-gecko-2">
- This element should also be pink for Gecko.
- </div>
- <br><br>
- <div id="devcss-test-compound1" class="compound1">
- This (class="compound1") should have no bg.
- </div>
- <div id="devcss-test-compound2" class="compound2">
- This (class="compound2") should have no bg.
- </div>
- <div id="devcss-test-compound1-2"
- class="compound1 compound2 compound1_compound2">
- This (class="compound1 compound2 compound1_compound2") should have
- a pink bg for IE6.
- </div>
- <br><br>
- <input id="devcss-test-combined1" type="hidden" class="ie6-1 ie6-2">
- <input id="devcss-test-combined2" type="hidden" class="ie6-3 ie6-1 ie6-2">
- <input id="devcss-test-notcombined1" type="hidden" class="ie6-1">
- <input id="devcss-test-notcombined2" type="hidden" class="ie6-2">
- <input id="devcss-test-notcombined3" type="hidden" class="ie6-3">
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var el = document.getElementById('devcss-test-2');
- // Since background color sometimes comes back like rgb(xxx, xxx, xxx)
- // or rgb(xxx,xxx,xxx) depending on browser.
- function spaceless(foo) {
- return foo.replace(/\s/g, '')
- }
- function testGetIe6CombinedSelectorText() {
- var devcssInstance = new goog.debug.DevCss();
- devcssInstance.ie6CombinedMatches_ = [];
- var css = '.class2 { -goog-ie6-selector:".class1_class2"; prop: val; }';
- var newCss = devcssInstance.getIe6CombinedSelectorText_(css);
- assertEquals('.class1_class2', newCss);
- assertArrayEquals(['class1', 'class2'],
- devcssInstance.ie6CombinedMatches_[0].classNames);
- assertEquals('class1_class2',
- devcssInstance.ie6CombinedMatches_[0].combinedClassName);
- devcssInstance = new goog.debug.DevCss();
- devcssInstance.ie6CombinedMatches_ = [];
- css = '.class3 { prop: val; -goog-ie6-selector:".class1_class2_class3";' +
- 'prop: val; }';
- newCss = devcssInstance.getIe6CombinedSelectorText_(css);
- assertEquals('.class1_class2_class3', newCss);
- assertArrayEquals(['class1', 'class2', 'class3'],
- devcssInstance.ie6CombinedMatches_[0].classNames);
- assertEquals('class1_class2_class3',
- devcssInstance.ie6CombinedMatches_[0].combinedClassName);
- devcssInstance = new goog.debug.DevCss();
- devcssInstance.ie6CombinedMatches_ = [];
- css = '.class3, .class5 {' +
- '-goog-ie6-selector:".class1_class2_class3, .class4_class5";' +
- 'prop: val; }';
- newCss = devcssInstance.getIe6CombinedSelectorText_(css);
- assertEquals('.class1_class2_class3, .class4_class5', newCss);
- assertArrayEquals(['class1', 'class2', 'class3'],
- devcssInstance.ie6CombinedMatches_[0].classNames);
- assertEquals('class1_class2_class3',
- devcssInstance.ie6CombinedMatches_[0].combinedClassName);
- assertArrayEquals(['class4', 'class5'],
- devcssInstance.ie6CombinedMatches_[1].classNames);
- assertEquals('class4_class5',
- devcssInstance.ie6CombinedMatches_[1].combinedClassName);
- }
- function testAddIe6CombinedClassNames() {
- var el_combined1 = document.getElementById('devcss-test-combined1');
- var el_combined2 = document.getElementById('devcss-test-combined2');
- var el_notcombined1 = document.getElementById('devcss-test-notcombined1');
- var el_notcombined2 = document.getElementById('devcss-test-notcombined2');
- var el_notcombined3 = document.getElementById('devcss-test-notcombined3');
- var devcssInstance = new goog.debug.DevCss();
- devcssInstance.ie6CombinedMatches_ = [
- {
- classNames: ['ie6-2', 'ie6-1'],
- combinedClassName: 'ie6-1_ie6-2',
- els: []
- },
- {
- classNames: ['ie6-2', 'ie6-3', 'ie6-1'],
- combinedClassName: 'ie6-1_ie6-2_ie6-3',
- els: []
- }];
- devcssInstance.addIe6CombinedClassNames_();
- assertEquals(-1, el_notcombined1.className.indexOf('ie6-1_ie6-2'));
- assertEquals(-1, el_notcombined2.className.indexOf('ie6-1_ie6-2'));
- assertEquals(-1, el_notcombined3.className.indexOf('ie6-1_ie6-2_ie6-3'));
- assertTrue(el_combined1.className.indexOf('ie6-1_ie6-2') != -1);
- assertTrue(el_combined2.className.indexOf('ie6-1_ie6-2_ie6-3') != -1);
- }
- function testActivateBrowserSpecificCssALL() {
- // equals GECKO
- var devcssInstance = new goog.debug.DevCss('GECKO');
- devcssInstance.activateBrowserSpecificCssRules(false);
- var backgroundColor = goog.style.getBackgroundColor(el);
- assertEquals('rgb(255,192,203)', spaceless(backgroundColor));
- // GECKO test case w/ two selectors joined by a commma.
- var elGeckoOne = document.getElementById('devcss-gecko-1');
- backgroundColor = goog.style.getBackgroundColor(elGeckoOne);
- assertEquals('rgb(255,192,203)', spaceless(backgroundColor));
- var elGeckoTwo = document.getElementById('devcss-gecko-2');
- backgroundColor = goog.style.getBackgroundColor(elGeckoTwo);
- assertEquals('rgb(255,192,203)', spaceless(backgroundColor));
- }
- function testActivateBrowserSpecificCssWithVersion() {
- // equals IE 6
- var devcssInstance = new goog.debug.DevCss('IE', '6');
- devcssInstance.activateBrowserSpecificCssRules(false);
- var elIe6 = document.getElementById('devcss-test-ie6');
- var backgroundColor = goog.style.getBackgroundColor(elIe6);
- assertEquals('rgb(255,192,203)', spaceless(backgroundColor));
- // IE8 test case w/ two selectors joined by a commma.
- var devCssInstanceTwo = new goog.debug.DevCss('IE', '8');
- devCssInstanceTwo.activateBrowserSpecificCssRules(false);
- var elIe8One = document.getElementById('devcss-ie8-1');
- backgroundColor = goog.style.getBackgroundColor(elIe8One);
- assertEquals('rgb(255,192,203)', spaceless(backgroundColor));
- var elIe8Two = document.getElementById('devcss-ie8-2');
- backgroundColor = goog.style.getBackgroundColor(elIe8Two);
- assertEquals('rgb(255,192,203)', spaceless(backgroundColor));
- }
- function testActivateBrowserSpecificCssGteInvalid() {
- // WEBKIT_GTE255
- var marginBox = goog.style.getMarginBox(el);
- assertEquals(1, marginBox.top); // should still be 1
- var devcssInstance = new goog.debug.DevCss('WEBKIT', 254);
- devcssInstance.activateBrowserSpecificCssRules(false);
- var marginBox = goog.style.getMarginBox(el);
- assertEquals(1, marginBox.top); // should still be 1
- }
- function testActivateBrowserSpecificCssGteValid() {
- var devcssInstance = new goog.debug.DevCss('WEBKIT', 255);
- devcssInstance.activateBrowserSpecificCssRules(false);
- var marginBox = goog.style.getMarginBox(el);
- assertEquals(20, marginBox.top);
- }
- function testActivateBrowserSpecificCssLteInvalid() {
- // IE_LTE6
- var marginBox = goog.style.getMarginBox(el);
- assertEquals(1, marginBox.left); // should still be 1
- var devcssInstance = new goog.debug.DevCss('WEBKIT', 202);
- devcssInstance.activateBrowserSpecificCssRules(false);
- var marginBox = goog.style.getMarginBox(el);
- assertEquals(1, marginBox.left); // should still be 1
- }
- function testActivateBrowserSpecificCssLteValid() {
- var devcssInstance = new goog.debug.DevCss('WEBKIT', 199);
- devcssInstance.activateBrowserSpecificCssRules(false);
- var marginBox = goog.style.getMarginBox(el);
- assertEquals(15, marginBox.left);
- }
- function testReplaceIe6Selectors() {
- var devcssInstance = new goog.debug.DevCss('IE', 6);
- devcssInstance.activateBrowserSpecificCssRules(false);
- // It should correctly be transparent, even in IE6.
- var compound2El = document.getElementById('devcss-test-compound2');
- var backgroundColor = spaceless(
- goog.style.getBackgroundColor(compound2El));
- assertTrue('Unexpected background color: ' + backgroundColor,
- 'transparent' == backgroundColor ||
- 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' == backgroundColor);
- // And this one should have the combined selector working, even in
- // IE6.
- backgroundColor = goog.style.getBackgroundColor(
- document.getElementById('devcss-test-compound1-2'));
- assertEquals('rgb(255,192,203)', spaceless(backgroundColor));
- }
- /*
- * TODO(user): Re-enable if we ever come up with a way to make imports
- * work.
- function testDisableDuplicateStyleSheetImports() {
- var el1 = document.getElementById('devcss-test-importfixer-1');
- var el2 = document.getElementById('devcss-test-importfixer-2');
- var backgroundColor = goog.style.getBackgroundColor(el1);
- assertEquals('rgb(255,255,0)', spaceless(backgroundColor));
- var backgroundColor = goog.style.getBackgroundColor(el2);
- assertEquals('rgb(255,0,0)', spaceless(backgroundColor));
- // This should disable the second coming of devcss_test_import_1.css.
- var devcssInstance = new goog.debug.DevCss();
- devcssInstance.disableDuplicateStyleSheetImports();
- var backgroundColor = goog.style.getBackgroundColor(el1);
- assertEquals('rgb(255,255,0)', spaceless(backgroundColor));
- var backgroundColor = goog.style.getBackgroundColor(el2);
- assertEquals('rgb(173,216,230)', spaceless(backgroundColor));
- }
- */
- </script>
- </body>