path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/base_test.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/base_test.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1174 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/base_test.html b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/base_test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 309be78..0000000
--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/base_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1174 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2006 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
-See the COPYING file for details.
-<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
-<title>Closure Unit Tests - goog.*</title>
-<script src="base.js"></script>
-// Used to test dynamic loading works, see testRequire*
-<div id="elem">
- <span>One</span>
- <span id="text">Two</span>
- <span>Three</span>
-<iframe name="f1" id="f1" src=""></iframe>
-<iframe name="f2" id="f2" src=""></iframe>
-function getFramedVars(name) {
- var w = window.frames[name];
- var doc = w.document;
- doc.open();
- doc.write('<script>' +
- 'var a = [0, 1, 2];' +
- 'var o = {a: 0, b: 1};' +
- 'var n = 42;' +
- 'var b = true;' +
- 'var s = "string";' +
- 'var nv = null;' +
- 'var u = undefined;' +
- 'var fv = function(){};' +
- '</' + 'script>')
- doc.close();
- return {
- 'array': w.a,
- 'object': w.o,
- 'number': w.n,
- 'boolean': w.b,
- 'string': w.s,
- 'functionVar': w.fv,
- 'nullVar': w.nv,
- 'undefinedVar': w.u
- };
-var framedVars = getFramedVars('f1');
-var framedVars2 = getFramedVars('f2');
-// remove iframe
-var iframeElement = document.getElementById('f2');
-var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
-var originalGoogBind = goog.bind;
-function tearDown() {
- goog.setCssNameMapping(undefined);
- stubs.reset();
- goog.bind = originalGoogBind;
-function testLibrary() {
- assertNotUndefined("'goog' not loaded", goog);
-function testProvide() {
- goog.provide('goog.test.name.space');
- assertNotUndefined('provide failed: goog.test', goog.test);
- assertNotUndefined('provide failed: goog.test.name', goog.test.name);
- assertNotUndefined('provide failed: goog.test.name.space',
- goog.test.name.space);
- // ensure that providing 'goog.test.name' doesn't throw an exception
- goog.provide('goog.test');
- goog.provide('goog.test.name');
- delete goog.test;
-function testProvideStrictness() {
- goog.provide('goog.xy');
- assertProvideFails('goog.xy');
- goog.provide('goog.xy.z');
- assertProvideFails('goog.xy');
- window['goog']['xyz'] = 'Bob';
- assertProvideFails('goog.xyz');
- delete goog.xy;
- delete goog.xyz;
-function assertProvideFails(namespace) {
- assertThrows('goog.provide(' + namespace + ') should have failed',
- goog.partial(goog.provide, namespace));
-function testIsProvided() {
- goog.provide('goog.explicit');
- assertTrue(goog.isProvided_('goog.explicit'));
- goog.provide('goog.implicit.explicit');
- assertFalse(goog.isProvided_('goog.implicit'));
- assertTrue(goog.isProvided_('goog.implicit.explicit'));
-function testGlobalize() {
- goog.globalize(goog);
- assertNotUndefined('Globalize goog', provide);
- var a = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};
- var b = {};
- goog.globalize(a, b);
- assertNotUndefined('Globalize to arbitrary object', b.a);
- assertNotUndefined('Globalize to arbitrary object', b.b);
- assertNotUndefined('Globalize to arbitrary object', b.c);
-function testExportSymbol() {
- var date = new Date();
- assertTrue(typeof nodots == 'undefined');
- goog.exportSymbol('nodots', date);
- assertEquals(date, nodots);
- nodots = undefined;
- assertTrue(typeof gotcher == 'undefined');
- goog.exportSymbol('gotcher.dots.right.Here', date);
- assertEquals(date, gotcher.dots.right.Here);
- gotcher = undefined;
- goog.provide('an.existing.path');
- assertNotNull(an.existing.path);
- goog.exportSymbol('an.existing.path', date);
- assertEquals(date, an.existing.path);
- an = undefined;
- var foo = {foo: 'foo'};
- var bar = {bar: 'bar'};
- var baz = {baz: 'baz'};
- goog.exportSymbol('one.two.three.Four', foo);
- goog.exportSymbol('one.two.three.five', bar);
- goog.exportSymbol('one.two.six', baz);
- assertEquals(foo, one.two.three.Four);
- assertEquals(bar, one.two.three.five);
- assertEquals(baz, one.two.six);
- var win = {};
- var fooBar = {foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar'};
- goog.exportSymbol('one.two.four', fooBar, win);
- assertEquals(fooBar, win.one.two.four);
- assertTrue('four' in win.one.two);
- assertFalse('four' in one.two);
- one = undefined;
-goog.exportSymbol('exceptionTest', function() {
- throw Error('ERROR');
-function testExportSymbolExceptions() {
- var e = assertThrows('Exception wasn\'t thrown by exported function',
- exceptionTest);
- assertEquals('Unexpected error thrown', 'ERROR', e.message);
-//=== tests for Require logic ===
-function testRequireClosure() {
- assertNotUndefined('goog.Timer should be available', goog.Timer);
- assertNotUndefined('goog.events.EventTarget should be available', goog.events.EventTarget);
-function testRequireWithExternalDuplicate() {
- // Do a provide without going via goog.require. Then goog.require it
- // indirectly and ensure it doesn't cause a duplicate script.
- goog.addDependency('dup.js', ['dup.base'], []);
- goog.addDependency('dup-child.js', ['dup.base.child'], ['dup.base']);
- goog.provide('dup.base');
- try {
- goog.global.CLOSURE_IMPORT_SCRIPT = function(src) {
- if (src == goog.basePath + 'dup.js') {
- fail('Duplicate script written!');
- } else if (src == goog.basePath + 'dup-child.js') {
- // Allow expected script.
- return true;
- } else {
- // Avoid affecting other state.
- return false;
- }
- };
- // To differentiate this call from the real one.
- var require = goog.require;
- require('dup.base.child');
- } finally {
- goog.global.CLOSURE_IMPORT_SCRIPT = undefined;
- }
-//=== tests for language enhancements ===
-function testTypeOf() {
- assertEquals('array', goog.typeOf([]));
- assertEquals('string', goog.typeOf('string'));
- assertEquals('number', goog.typeOf(123));
- assertEquals('null', goog.typeOf(null));
- assertEquals('undefined', goog.typeOf(undefined));
- assertEquals('object', goog.typeOf({}));
- assertEquals('function', goog.typeOf(function(){}));
- // Make sure that NodeList is not treated as an array... NodeLists should
- // be of type object but Safari incorrectly reports it as function so a not
- // equals test will have to suffice here.
- assertNotEquals('array', goog.typeOf(document.getElementsByName('*')));
- assertNotEquals('function', goog.typeOf(document.getElementsByName('*')));
- assertEquals('object', goog.typeOf(document.getElementsByName('*')));
-function testTypeOfFramed() {
- assertEquals('array', goog.typeOf(framedVars.array));
- assertEquals('string', goog.typeOf(framedVars.string));
- assertEquals('number', goog.typeOf(framedVars.number));
- assertEquals('null', goog.typeOf(framedVars.nullVar));
- assertEquals('undefined', goog.typeOf(framedVars.undefinedVar));
- assertEquals('object', goog.typeOf(framedVars.object));
- assertEquals('function', goog.typeOf(framedVars.functionVar));
- // Opera throws when trying to do cross frame typeof on node lists.
- // IE behaves very strange when it comes to DOM nodes on disconnected frames.
-function testTypeOfFramed2() {
- assertEquals('array', goog.typeOf(framedVars2.array));
- assertEquals('string', goog.typeOf(framedVars2.string));
- assertEquals('number', goog.typeOf(framedVars2.number));
- assertEquals('null', goog.typeOf(framedVars2.nullVar));
- assertEquals('undefined', goog.typeOf(framedVars2.undefinedVar));
- assertEquals('object', goog.typeOf(framedVars2.object));
- assertEquals('function', goog.typeOf(framedVars2.functionVar));
- // Opera throws when trying to do cross frame typeof on node lists.
- // IE behaves very strange when it comes to DOM nodes on disconnected frames.
-function testIsDef() {
- var defined = 'foo';
- var nullVar = null;
- var notDefined;
- assertTrue('defined should be defined', goog.isDef(defined));
- assertTrue('null should be defined', goog.isDef(defined));
- assertFalse('undefined should not be defined', goog.isDef(notDefined));
-function testIsDefAndNotNull() {
- assertTrue('string is defined and non-null', goog.isDefAndNotNull(''));
- assertTrue('object is defined and non-null', goog.isDefAndNotNull({}));
- assertTrue('function is defined and non-null',
- goog.isDefAndNotNull(goog.nullFunction));
- assertTrue('zero is defined and non-null',
- goog.isDefAndNotNull(0));
- assertFalse('null', goog.isDefAndNotNull(null));
- assertFalse('undefined', goog.isDefAndNotNull(undefined));
-function testIsNull() {
- var notNull = 'foo';
- var nullVar = null;
- var notDefined;
- assertFalse('defined should not be null', goog.isNull(notNull));
- assertTrue('null should be null', goog.isNull(nullVar));
- assertFalse('undefined should not be null', goog.isNull(notDefined))
-function testIsArray() {
- var array = [1, 2, 3];
- var arrayWithLengthSet = [1, 2, 3];
- arrayWithLengthSet.length = 2;
- var objWithArrayFunctions = {slice: function() {}, length: 0};
- var object = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};
- var nullVar = null;
- var notDefined;
- var elem = document.getElementById('elem');
- var text = document.getElementById('text').firstChild;
- var impostor = document.body.getElementsByTagName('BOGUS');
- impostor.push = Array.prototype.push;
- impostor.pop = Array.prototype.pop;
- impostor.slice = Array.prototype.slice;
- impostor.splice = Array.prototype.splice;
- assertTrue('array should be an array', goog.isArray(array));
- assertTrue('arrayWithLengthSet should be an array',
- goog.isArray(arrayWithLengthSet));
- assertFalse('object with array functions should not be an array unless ' +
- 'length is not enumerable', goog.isArray(objWithArrayFunctions));
- assertFalse('object should not be an array', goog.isArray(object));
- assertFalse('null should not be an array', goog.isArray(nullVar));
- assertFalse('undefined should not be an array', goog.isArray(notDefined));
- assertFalse('NodeList should not be an array', goog.isArray(elem.childNodes));
- assertFalse('TextNode should not be an array', goog.isArray(text));
- assertTrue('Array of nodes should be an array',
- goog.isArray([elem.firstChild, elem.lastChild]));
- assertFalse('An impostor should not be an array', goog.isArray(impostor));
-function testTypeOfAcrossWindow() {
- if (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT && goog.userAgent.MAC) {
- // The server farm has issues with new windows on Safari Mac.
- return;
- }
- var w = window.open('', 'blank');
- if (w) {
- try {
- try {
- var d = w.document;
- d.open();
- d.write('<script>function fun(){};' +
- 'var arr = [];' +
- 'var x = 42;' +
- 'var s = "";' +
- 'var b = true;' +
- 'var obj = {length: 0, splice: {}, call: {}};' +
- '</' + 'script>');
- d.close();
- } catch (ex) {
- // In Firefox Linux on the server farm we don't have access to
- // w.document.
- return;
- }
- assertEquals('function', goog.typeOf(w.fun));
- assertEquals('array', goog.typeOf(w.arr));
- assertEquals('number', goog.typeOf(w.x));
- assertEquals('string', goog.typeOf(w.s));
- assertEquals('boolean', goog.typeOf(w.b));
- assertEquals('object', goog.typeOf(w.obj));
- } finally {
- w.close();
- }
- }
-function testIsArrayLike() {
- var array = [1, 2, 3];
- var objectWithNumericLength = {length: 2};
- var objectWithNonNumericLength = {length: 'a'};
- var object = {a: 1, b: 2};
- var nullVar = null;
- var notDefined;
- var elem = document.getElementById('elem');
- var text = document.getElementById('text').firstChild;
- assertTrue('array should be array-like', goog.isArrayLike(array));
- assertTrue('obj w/numeric length should be array-like',
- goog.isArrayLike(objectWithNumericLength));
- assertFalse('obj w/non-numeric length should not be array-like',
- goog.isArrayLike(objectWithNonNumericLength));
- assertFalse('object should not be array-like', goog.isArrayLike(object));
- assertFalse('null should not be array-like', goog.isArrayLike(nullVar));
- assertFalse('undefined should not be array-like',
- goog.isArrayLike(notDefined));
- assertTrue('NodeList should be array-like',
- goog.isArrayLike(elem.childNodes));
- // TODO(attila): Fix isArrayLike to return false for text nodes!
- // assertFalse('TextNode should not be array-like', goog.isArrayLike(text));
- assertTrue('Array of nodes should be array-like',
- goog.isArrayLike([elem.firstChild, elem.lastChild]));
-// Use mock date in testIsDateLike() rather than a real goog.date.Date to
-// minimize dependencies in this unit test.
-function MockGoogDate() {}
-MockGoogDate.prototype.getFullYear = function() {
- return 2007;
-function testIsDateLike() {
- var jsDate = new Date();
- var googDate = new MockGoogDate();
- var string = 'foo';
- var number = 1;
- var nullVar = null;
- var notDefined;
- assertTrue('js Date should be date-like', goog.isDateLike(jsDate));
- assertTrue('goog Date should be date-like', goog.isDateLike(googDate));
- assertFalse('string should not be date-like', goog.isDateLike(string));
- assertFalse('number should not be date-like', goog.isDateLike(number));
- assertFalse('nullVar should not be date-like', goog.isDateLike(nullVar));
- assertFalse('undefined should not be date-like', goog.isDateLike(notDefined));
-function testIsString() {
- var string = 'foo';
- var number = 2;
- var nullVar = null;
- var notDefined;
- assertTrue('string should be a string', goog.isString(string));
- assertFalse('number should not be a string', goog.isString(number));
- assertFalse('null should not be a string', goog.isString(nullVar));
- assertFalse('undefined should not be a string', goog.isString(notDefined));
-function testIsBoolean() {
- var b = true;
- var s = 'true';
- var num = 1;
- var nullVar = null;
- var notDefined;
- assertTrue('boolean should be a boolean', goog.isBoolean(b));
- assertFalse('string should not be a boolean', goog.isBoolean(s));
- assertFalse('number should not be a boolean', goog.isBoolean(num));
- assertFalse('null should not be a boolean', goog.isBoolean(nullVar));
- assertFalse('undefined should not be a boolean', goog.isBoolean(notDefined));
-function testIsNumber() {
- var number = 1;
- var string = '1';
- var nullVar = null;
- var notDefined;
- assertTrue('number should be a number', goog.isNumber(number));
- assertFalse('string should not be a number', goog.isNumber(string));
- assertFalse('null should not be a number', goog.isNumber(nullVar));
- assertFalse('undefined should not be a number', goog.isNumber(notDefined));
-function testIsFunction() {
- var func = function() { return 1; };
- var object = {a: 1, b: 2};
- var nullVar = null;
- var notDefined;
- assertTrue('function should be a function', goog.isFunction(func));
- assertFalse('object should not be a function', goog.isFunction(object));
- assertFalse('null should not be a function', goog.isFunction(nullVar));
- assertFalse('undefined should not be a function', goog.isFunction(notDefined));
-function testIsObject() {
- var object = {a: 1, b: 2};
- var string = 'b';
- var nullVar = null;
- var notDefined;
- var array = [0, 1, 2];
- var fun = function() {};
- assertTrue('object should be an object', goog.isObject(object));
- assertTrue('array should be an object', goog.isObject(array));
- assertTrue('function should be an object', goog.isObject(fun));
- assertFalse('string should not be an object', goog.isObject(string));
- assertFalse('null should not be an object', goog.isObject(nullVar));
- assertFalse('undefined should not be an object', goog.isObject(notDefined));
-//=== tests for unique ID methods ===
-function testGetUid() {
- var a = {};
- var b = {};
- var c = {};
- var uid1 = goog.getUid(a);
- var uid2 = goog.getUid(b);
- var uid3 = goog.getUid(c);
- assertNotEquals('Unique IDs must be unique', uid1, uid2);
- assertNotEquals('Unique IDs must be unique', uid1, uid3);
- assertNotEquals('Unique IDs must be unique', uid2, uid3);
-function testRemoveUidFromPlainObject() {
- var a = {};
- var uid = goog.getUid(a);
- goog.removeUid(a);
- assertNotEquals("An object's old and new unique IDs should be different",
- uid, goog.getUid(a));
-function testRemoveUidFromObjectWithoutUid() {
- var a = {};
- // Removing a unique ID should not fail even if it did not exist
- goog.removeUid(a);
-function testRemoveUidFromNode() {
- var node = document.createElement('div');
- var nodeUid = goog.getUid(node);
- goog.removeUid(node);
- assertNotEquals("A node's old and new unique IDs should be different",
- nodeUid, goog.getUid(node));
-function testConstructorUid() {
- function BaseClass() {};
- function SubClass() {};
- goog.inherits(SubClass, BaseClass);
- var baseClassUid = goog.getUid(BaseClass);
- var subClassUid = goog.getUid(SubClass);
- assertTrue('Unique ID of BaseClass must be a number',
- typeof baseClassUid == 'number');
- assertTrue('Unique ID of SubClass must be a number',
- typeof subClassUid == 'number');
- assertNotEquals('Unique IDs of BaseClass and SubClass must differ',
- baseClassUid, subClassUid);
- assertNotEquals('Unique IDs of BaseClass and SubClass instances must differ',
- goog.getUid(new BaseClass), goog.getUid(new SubClass));
- assertEquals('Unique IDs of BaseClass.prototype and SubClass.prototype ' +
- 'should differ, but to keep the implementation simple, we do not ' +
- 'handle this edge case.',
- goog.getUid(BaseClass.prototype), goog.getUid(SubClass.prototype));
- * Tests against Chrome bug where the re-created element will have the uid
- * property set but undefined. See bug 1252508.
- */
-function testUidNotUndefinedOnReusedElement() {
- var div = document.createElement('DIV');
- document.body.appendChild(div);
- div.innerHTML = '<form id="form"></form>';
- var span = div.getElementsByTagName('FORM')[0];
- goog.getUid(span);
- div.innerHTML = '<form id="form"></form>';
- var span2 = div.getElementsByTagName('FORM')[0];
- assertNotUndefined(goog.getUid(span2));
-function testWindowUid() {
- var uid = goog.getUid(window);
- assertTrue('window unique id is a number', goog.isNumber(uid));
- assertEquals('returns the same id second time', uid, goog.getUid(window));
- goog.removeUid(window);
- assertNotEquals('generates new id after the old one is removed',
- goog.getUid(window));
-//=== tests for clone method ===
-function testClonePrimitive() {
- assertEquals('cloning a primitive should return an equal primitive',
- 5, goog.cloneObject(5));
-function testCloneObjectThatHasACloneMethod() {
- var original = {
- name: 'original',
- clone: function() { return { name: 'clone' } }
- };
- var clone = goog.cloneObject(original);
- assertEquals('original', original.name);
- assertEquals('clone', clone.name);
-function testCloneFlatObject() {
- var original = {a:1, b:2, c:3};
- var clone = goog.cloneObject(original);
- assertNotEquals(original, clone);
- assertEquals(1, clone.a);
- assertEquals(2, clone.b);
- assertEquals(3, clone.c);
-function testCloneDeepObject() {
- var original = {
- a: 1,
- b: {c: 2, d: 3},
- e: {f: {g: 4, h: 5}}
- };
- var clone = goog.cloneObject(original);
- assertNotEquals(original, clone);
- assertNotEquals(original.b, clone.b);
- assertNotEquals(original.e, clone.e);
- assertEquals(1, clone.a);
- assertEquals(2, clone.b.c);
- assertEquals(3, clone.b.d);
- assertEquals(4, clone.e.f.g);
- assertEquals(5, clone.e.f.h);
-function testCloneFunctions() {
- var original = {
- f: function() {
- return 'hi';
- }
- };
- var clone = goog.cloneObject(original);
- assertNotEquals(original, clone);
- assertEquals('hi', clone.f());
- assertEquals(original.f, clone.f);
-//=== tests for bind() and friends ===
-// Function.prototype.bind and Function.prototype.partial are purposefullly
-// not defined in open sourced Closure. These functions sniff for their
-// presence.
-var foo = 'global';
-var obj = {foo: 'obj'};
-function getFoo(arg1, arg2) {
- return {foo: this.foo, arg1: arg1, arg2: arg2};
-function testBindWithoutObj() {
- if (Function.prototype.bind) {
- assertEquals(foo, getFoo.bind()().foo);
- }
-function testBindWithObj() {
- if (Function.prototype.bind) {
- assertEquals(obj.foo, getFoo.bind(obj)().foo);
- }
-function testBindWithNullObj() {
- if (Function.prototype.bind) {
- assertEquals(foo, getFoo.bind()().foo);
- }
-function testBindStaticArgs() {
- if (Function.prototype.bind) {
- var fooprime = getFoo.bind(obj, 'hot', 'dog');
- var res = fooprime();
- assertEquals(obj.foo, res.foo);
- assertEquals('hot', res.arg1);
- assertEquals('dog', res.arg2);
- }
-function testBindDynArgs() {
- if (Function.prototype.bind) {
- var res = getFoo.bind(obj)('hot', 'dog');
- assertEquals(obj.foo, res.foo);
- assertEquals('hot', res.arg1);
- assertEquals('dog', res.arg2);
- }
-function testBindCurriedArgs() {
- if (Function.prototype.bind) {
- var res = getFoo.bind(obj, 'hot')('dog');
- assertEquals(obj.foo, res.foo);
- assertEquals('hot', res.arg1);
- assertEquals('dog', res.arg2);
- }
-function testBindDoubleBind() {
- var getFooP = goog.bind(getFoo, obj, 'hot');
- var getFooP2 = goog.bind(getFooP, null, 'dog');
- var res = getFooP2();
- assertEquals("res.arg1 should be 'hot'", 'hot', res.arg1);
- assertEquals("res.arg2 should be 'dog'", 'dog', res.arg2);
-function testBindWithCall() {
- var obj = {};
- var obj2 = {};
- var f = function() {
- assertEquals('this should be bound to obj', obj, this);
- };
- var b = goog.bind(f, obj);
- b.call(null);
- b.call(obj2);
-function testBindJs() {
- assertEquals(1, goog.bindJs_(add, {valueOf: function() { return 1; }})());
- assertEquals(3, goog.bindJs_(add, null, 1, 2)());
-function testBindNative() {
- if (Function.prototype.bind &&
- Function.prototype.bind.toString().indexOf('native code') != -1) {
- assertEquals(
- 1, goog.bindNative_(add, {valueOf: function() { return 1; }})());
- assertEquals(3, goog.bindNative_(add, null, 1, 2)());
- assertThrows(function() {
- goog.bindNative_(null, null);
- });
- }
-function testBindDefault() {
- assertEquals(
- 1, goog.bind(add, {valueOf: function() { return 1; }})());
- assertEquals(3, goog.bind(add, null, 1, 2)());
-function add(var_args) {
- var sum = Number(this) || 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- sum += arguments[i];
- }
- return sum;
-function testPartial() {
- var f = function(x, y) {
- return x + y;
- };
- var g = goog.partial(f, 1);
- assertEquals(3, g(2));
- var h = goog.partial(f, 1, 2);
- assertEquals(3, h());
- var i = goog.partial(f);
- assertEquals(3, i(1, 2));
-function testPartialUsesGlobal() {
- var f = function(x, y) {
- assertEquals(goog.global, this);
- return x + y;
- };
- var g = goog.partial(f, 1);
- var h = goog.partial(g, 2);
- assertEquals(3, h());
-function testPartialWithCall() {
- var obj = {};
- var f = function(x, y) {
- assertEquals(obj, this);
- return x + y;
- };
- var g = goog.partial(f, 1);
- var h = goog.partial(g, 2);
- assertEquals(3, h.call(obj));
-function testPartialAndBind() {
- // This ensures that this "survives" through a partial.
- var p = goog.partial(getFoo, 'hot');
- var b = goog.bind(p, obj, 'dog');
- var res = b();
- assertEquals(obj.foo, res.foo);
- assertEquals('hot', res.arg1);
- assertEquals('dog', res.arg2);
-function testBindAndPartial() {
- // This ensures that this "survives" through a partial.
- var b = goog.bind(getFoo, obj, 'hot');
- var p = goog.partial(b, 'dog');
- var res = p();
- assertEquals(obj.foo, res.foo);
- assertEquals('hot', res.arg1);
- assertEquals('dog', res.arg2);
-function testGlobalEval() {
- goog.globalEval('var foofoofoo = 125;')
- assertEquals('Var should be globally assigned', 125, goog.global.foofoofoo);
- var foofoofoo = 128;
- assertEquals('Global should not have changed', 125, goog.global.foofoofoo);
- // NOTE(user): foofoofoo would normally be available in the function scope,
- // via the scope chain, but the JsUnit framework seems to do something weird
- // which makes it not work.
-function testGlobalEvalWithHtml() {
- // Make sure we don't trip on HTML markup in the code
- goog.global.evalTestResult = 'failed';
- goog.global.evalTest = function(arg) {
- goog.global.evalTestResult = arg;
- };
- goog.globalEval('evalTest("<test>")');
- assertEquals('Should be able to evaluate strings with HTML in',
- '<test>', goog.global.evalTestResult);
-//=== tests for inherits ===
-function testInherits() {
- function Foo() {};
- function Bar() {};
- goog.inherits(Bar, Foo);
- var bar = new Bar();
- assert('object should be instance of constructor',
- bar instanceof Bar);
- assert('object should be instance of base constructor',
- bar instanceof Foo) ;
-function testInherits_constructor() {
- function Foo() {};
- function Bar() {};
- goog.inherits(Bar, Foo);
- var bar = new Bar();
- assertEquals('constructor property should match constructor function',
- Bar, bar.constructor);
- assertEquals('Superclass constructor should match constructor function',
- Foo, Bar.superClass_.constructor);
-//=== tests for makeSingleton ===
-function testMakeSingleton() {
- function Foo() {};
- goog.addSingletonGetter(Foo);
- assertNotNull('Should add get instance function', Foo.getInstance);
- var x = Foo.getInstance();
- assertNotNull('Should successfully create an object', x);
- var y = Foo.getInstance();
- assertEquals('Should return the same object', x, y);
- delete Foo.instance_;
- var z = Foo.getInstance();
- assertNotNull('Should work after clearing for testing', z);
- assertNotEquals('Should return a different object after clearing for testing',
- x, z);
-//=== tests for now ===
-function testNow() {
- var toleranceMilliseconds = 10;
- var now1 = new Date().getTime();
- var now2 = goog.now();
- assertTrue(Math.abs(now1 - now2) < toleranceMilliseconds);
-//=== test non-html context ===
-function testInHtmlDocument() {
- var savedGoogGlobal = goog.global;
- try {
- goog.global = {};
- assertFalse(goog.inHtmlDocument_());
- goog.global.document = {};
- assertFalse(goog.inHtmlDocument_());
- goog.global.document.write = function() {};
- assertTrue(goog.inHtmlDocument_());
- } finally {
- // Restore context to respect other tests.
- goog.global = savedGoogGlobal;
- }
-function testLoadInNonHtmlNotThrows() {
- var savedGoogGlobal = goog.global;
- try {
- goog.global = {};
- goog.global.document = {};
- assertFalse(goog.inHtmlDocument_());
- // The goog code which is executed at load.
- goog.findBasePath_();
- goog.writeScriptTag_(goog.basePath + 'deps.js');
- } finally {
- // Restore context to respect other tests.
- goog.global = savedGoogGlobal;
- }
-function testLoadBaseWithQueryParamOk() {
- var savedGoogGlobal = goog.global;
- try {
- goog.global = {};
- goog.global.document = {
- write: goog.nullFunction,
- getElementsByTagName: goog.functions.constant(
- [{src: '/path/to/base.js?zx=5'}])
- };
- assertTrue(goog.inHtmlDocument_());
- goog.findBasePath_();
- assertEquals('/path/to/', goog.basePath);
- } finally {
- // Restore context to respect other tests.
- goog.global = savedGoogGlobal;
- }
-//=== tests for getmsg ===
-function testGetMsgWithDollarSigns() {
- var msg = goog.getMsg('{$amount} per minute',
- {amount: '$0.15'});
- assertEquals('$0.15 per minute', msg);
- msg = goog.getMsg('{$amount} per minute',
- {amount: '$0.$1$5'});
- assertEquals('$0.$1$5 per minute', msg);
- msg = goog.getMsg('This is a {$rate} sale!',
- {rate: '$$$$$$$$$$10'});
- assertEquals('This is a $$$$$$$$$$10 sale!', msg);
- msg = goog.getMsg('{$name}! Hamburgers: {$hCost}, Hotdogs: {$dCost}.',
- {name: 'Burger Bob',
- hCost: '$0.50',
- dCost: '$100'});
- assertEquals('Burger Bob! Hamburgers: $0.50, Hotdogs: $100.',
- msg);
-//=== miscellaneous tests ===
-function testIdentity() {
- assertEquals(3, goog.identityFunction(3));
- assertEquals(3, goog.identityFunction(3, 4));
- assertEquals(null, goog.identityFunction(null));
- assertTrue(goog.identityFunction() === undefined);
-function testGetObjectByName() {
- var m = {
- 'undefined': undefined,
- 'null': null,
- emptyString: '',
- 'false': false,
- 'true': true,
- zero: 0,
- one: 1,
- two: {
- three: 3,
- four: {
- five: 5
- }
- },
- 'six|seven': '6|7',
- 'eight.nine': 8.9
- };
- goog.global.m = m;
- assertNull(goog.getObjectByName('m.undefined'));
- assertNull(goog.getObjectByName('m.null'));
- assertEquals(goog.getObjectByName('m.emptyString'), '');
- assertEquals(goog.getObjectByName('m.false'), false);
- assertEquals(goog.getObjectByName('m.true'), true);
- assertEquals(goog.getObjectByName('m.zero'), 0);
- assertEquals(goog.getObjectByName('m.one'), 1);
- assertEquals(goog.getObjectByName('m.two.three'), 3);
- assertEquals(goog.getObjectByName('m.two.four.five'), 5);
- assertEquals(goog.getObjectByName('m.six|seven'), '6|7');
- assertNull(goog.getObjectByName('m.eight.nine'));
- assertNull(goog.getObjectByName('m.notThere'));
- assertEquals(goog.getObjectByName('one', m), 1);
- assertEquals(goog.getObjectByName('two.three', m), 3);
- assertEquals(goog.getObjectByName('two.four.five', m), 5);
- assertEquals(goog.getObjectByName('six|seven', m), '6|7');
- assertNull(goog.getObjectByName('eight.nine', m));
- assertNull(goog.getObjectByName('notThere', m));
-function testGetCssName() {
- assertEquals('classname', goog.getCssName('classname'));
- assertEquals('random-classname', goog.getCssName('random-classname'));
- assertEquals('control-modifier', goog.getCssName('control', 'modifier'));
- goog.setCssNameMapping({
- 'goog': 'a',
- 'disabled': 'b'
- }, 'BY_PART');
- var g = goog.getCssName('goog');
- assertEquals('a', g);
- assertEquals('a-b', goog.getCssName(g, 'disabled'));
- assertEquals('a-b', goog.getCssName('goog-disabled'));
- assertEquals('a-button', goog.getCssName('goog-button'));
- goog.setCssNameMapping({
- 'goog-button': 'a',
- 'active': 'b'
- }, 'BY_WHOLE');
- g = goog.getCssName('goog-button');
- assertEquals('a', g);
- assertEquals('a-b', goog.getCssName(g, 'active'));
- assertEquals('goog-disabled', goog.getCssName('goog-disabled'));
-function testAddDependency() {
- stubs.set(goog, 'writeScriptTag_', goog.nullFunction);
- goog.addDependency(
- 'foo.js',
- ['testDep.foo'],
- ['testDep.bar']);
- goog.provide('testDep.bar');
- // To differentiate this call from the real one.
- var require = goog.require;
- // this used to throw an exception
- require('testDep.foo');
- assertTrue(goog.isObject(testDep.bar));
- // Unset provided namespace so the test can be re-run.
- testDep = undefined;
-function testBaseMethod() {
- function A() {}
- A.prototype.foo = function(x, y) {
- return x + y;
- };
- function B() {}
- goog.inherits(B, A);
- B.prototype.foo = function(x, y) {
- return 2 + goog.base(this, 'foo', x, y);
- };
- function C() {}
- goog.inherits(C, B);
- C.prototype.foo = function(x, y) {
- return 4 + goog.base(this, 'foo', x, y);
- };
- var d = new C();
- d.foo = function(x, y) {
- return 8 + goog.base(this, 'foo', x, y);
- };
- assertEquals(15, d.foo(1, 0));
- assertEquals(16, d.foo(1, 1));
- assertEquals(16, d.foo(2, 0));
- assertEquals(7, (new C()).foo(1, 0));
- assertEquals(3, (new B()).foo(1, 0));
- assertThrows(function() {
- goog.base(d, 'foo', 1, 0);
- });
- delete B.prototype.foo;
- assertEquals(13, d.foo(1, 0));
- delete C.prototype.foo;
- assertEquals(9, d.foo(1, 0));
-function testBaseMethodAndBaseCtor() {
- // This will fail on FF4.0 if the following bug is not fixed:
- // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=586482
- function A(x, y) {
- this.foo(x, y);
- }
- A.prototype.foo = function(x, y) {
- this.bar = x + y;
- };
- function B(x, y) {
- goog.base(this, x, y);
- }
- goog.inherits(B, A);
- B.prototype.foo = function(x, y) {
- goog.base(this, 'foo', x, y);
- this.bar = this.bar * 2;
- };
- assertEquals(14, new B(3, 4).bar);
-function testBaseClass() {
- function A(x, y) {
- this.foo = x + y;
- }
- function B(x, y) {
- goog.base(this, x, y);
- this.foo += 2;
- }
- goog.inherits(B, A);
- function C(x, y) {
- goog.base(this, x, y);
- this.foo += 4;
- }
- goog.inherits(C, B);
- function D(x, y) {
- goog.base(this, x, y);
- this.foo += 8;
- }
- goog.inherits(D, C);
- assertEquals(15, (new D(1, 0)).foo);
- assertEquals(16, (new D(1, 1)).foo);
- assertEquals(16, (new D(2, 0)).foo);
- assertEquals(7, (new C(1, 0)).foo);
- assertEquals(3, (new B(1, 0)).foo);
-function testGoogRequireCheck() {
- stubs.set(goog, 'ENABLE_DEBUG_LOADER', false);
- stubs.set(goog, 'useStrictRequires', true);
- stubs.set(goog, 'implicitNamespaces_', {});
- // Aliased so that build tools do not mistake this for an actual call.
- var require = goog.require;
- assertThrows('Requiring non-required namespace should fail',
- function() {
- require('far.out');
- });
- assertUndefined(goog.global.far );
- assertEvaluatesToFalse(goog.getObjectByName('far.out'));
- assertObjectEquals({}, goog.implicitNamespaces_);
- assertFalse(goog.isProvided_('far.out'));
- goog.provide('far.out');
- assertNotUndefined(far.out);
- assertEvaluatesToTrue(goog.getObjectByName('far.out'));
- assertObjectEquals({'far': true}, goog.implicitNamespaces_);
- assertTrue(goog.isProvided_('far.out'));
- stubs.reset();
- delete far;