path: root/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/lib/securable-module.js
diff options
authorGravatar Rogan Creswick <creswick@galois.com>2012-03-31 08:08:11 -0700
committerGravatar Rogan Creswick <creswick@galois.com>2012-03-31 08:08:11 -0700
commitec532e93339a942a395829ec87f427852cd72e00 (patch)
treef6ad13ca7f90f26fda9bc23e428ee367f153e3d2 /tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/lib/securable-module.js
parent780bf48de85215f5b0b6fde0df40599ac6f9c037 (diff)
removed older addon-sdks from tools
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/lib/securable-module.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 782 deletions
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/lib/securable-module.js b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/lib/securable-module.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ea4df1a..0000000
--- a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/lib/securable-module.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,782 +0,0 @@
-/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 the Mozilla Foundation
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * * Neither the name of the Mozilla Foundation nor the names
- * of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- * from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-"use strict";
-(function(global) {
- const Cc = Components.classes;
- const Ci = Components.interfaces;
- const Cu = Components.utils;
- const Cr = Components.results;
- var exports = {};
- var ios = Cc['@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1']
- .getService(Ci.nsIIOService);
- var systemPrincipal = Cc["@mozilla.org/systemprincipal;1"]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsIPrincipal);
- // Even though manifest.py does some dependency scanning, that
- // scan is done as part of an evaluation of what the add-on needs
- // for security purposes. The following regexps are used to scan for
- // dependencies inside a simplified define() callback:
- // define(function(require, exports, module){ var a = require('a'); });
- // and are used at runtime ensure the dependencies needed by
- // the define factory function are already evaluated and ready.
- // Even though this loader is a sync loader, and could fetch the module
- // as the require() call happens, it would differ in behavior as
- // compared to the async browser case, which would make sure to execute
- // the dependencies first before executing the define() factory function.
- // So this dependency scanning and evaluation is kept to match the
- // async behavior.
- var commentRegExp = /(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|\/\/(.*)$)/mg;
- var cjsRequireRegExp = /require\(["']([\w\!\-_\.\/]+)["']\)/g;
- var cjsStandardDeps = ['require', 'exports', 'module'];
- function resolvePrincipal(principal, defaultPrincipal) {
- if (principal === undefined)
- return defaultPrincipal;
- if (principal == "system")
- return systemPrincipal;
- return principal;
- }
- // The base URI to we use when we're given relative URLs, if any.
- var baseURI = null;
- if (global.window)
- baseURI = ios.newURI(global.location.href, null, null);
- exports.baseURI = baseURI;
- // The "parent" chrome URI to use if we're loading code that
- // needs chrome privileges but may not have a filename that
- // matches any of SpiderMonkey's defined system filename prefixes.
- // The latter is needed so that wrappers can be automatically
- // made for the code. For more information on this, see
- // bug 418356:
- //
- // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=418356
- var parentChromeURIString;
- if (baseURI)
- // We're being loaded from a chrome-privileged document, so
- // use its URL as the parent string.
- parentChromeURIString = baseURI.spec;
- else
- // We're being loaded from a chrome-privileged JS module or
- // SecurableModule, so use its filename (which may itself
- // contain a reference to a parent).
- parentChromeURIString = Components.stack.filename;
- function maybeParentifyFilename(filename) {
- var doParentifyFilename = true;
- try {
- // TODO: Ideally we should just make
- // nsIChromeRegistry.wrappersEnabled() available from script
- // and use it here. Until that's in the platform, though,
- // we'll play it safe and parentify the filename unless
- // we're absolutely certain things will be ok if we don't.
- var filenameURI = ios.newURI(options.filename,
- null,
- baseURI);
- if (filenameURI.scheme == 'chrome' &&
- filenameURI.path.indexOf('/content/') == 0)
- // Content packages will always have wrappers made for them;
- // if automatic wrappers have been disabled for the
- // chrome package via a chrome manifest flag, then
- // this still works too, to the extent that the
- // content package is insecure anyways.
- doParentifyFilename = false;
- } catch (e) {}
- if (doParentifyFilename)
- return parentChromeURIString + " -> " + filename;
- return filename;
- }
- function getRootDir(urlStr) {
- // TODO: This feels hacky, and like there will be edge cases.
- return urlStr.slice(0, urlStr.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
- }
- exports.SandboxFactory = function SandboxFactory(defaultPrincipal) {
- // Unless specified otherwise, use a principal with limited
- // privileges.
- this._defaultPrincipal = resolvePrincipal(defaultPrincipal,
- "http://www.mozilla.org");
- },
- exports.SandboxFactory.prototype = {
- createSandbox: function createSandbox(options) {
- var principal = resolvePrincipal(options.principal,
- this._defaultPrincipal);
- return {
- _sandbox: new Cu.Sandbox(principal,
- options.filename ?
- { sandboxName: options.filename } :
- { }
- ),
- _principal: principal,
- get globalScope() {
- return this._sandbox;
- },
- defineProperty: function defineProperty(name, value) {
- this._sandbox[name] = value;
- },
- getProperty: function getProperty(name) {
- return this._sandbox[name];
- },
- evaluate: function evaluate(options) {
- if (typeof(options) == 'string')
- options = {contents: options};
- options = {__proto__: options};
- if (typeof(options.contents) != 'string')
- throw new Error('Expected string for options.contents');
- if (options.lineNo === undefined)
- options.lineNo = 1;
- if (options.jsVersion === undefined)
- options.jsVersion = "1.8";
- if (typeof(options.filename) != 'string')
- options.filename = '<string>';
- if (this._principal == systemPrincipal)
- options.filename = maybeParentifyFilename(options.filename);
- return Cu.evalInSandbox(options.contents,
- this._sandbox,
- options.jsVersion,
- options.filename,
- options.lineNo);
- }
- };
- }
- };
- exports.Loader = function Loader(options) {
- options = {__proto__: options};
- if (options.fs === undefined) {
- var rootPaths = options.rootPath || options.rootPaths;
- if (rootPaths) {
- if (rootPaths.constructor.name != "Array")
- rootPaths = [rootPaths];
- var fses = [new exports.LocalFileSystem(path)
- for each (path in rootPaths)];
- options.fs = new exports.CompositeFileSystem({
- fses: fses,
- metadata: options.metadata,
- uriPrefix: options.uriPrefix,
- name: options.name
- });
- } else
- options.fs = new exports.LocalFileSystem();
- }
- if (options.sandboxFactory === undefined)
- options.sandboxFactory = new exports.SandboxFactory(
- options.defaultPrincipal
- );
- if ('modules' in options)
- throw new Error('options.modules is no longer supported');
- // pathAccessed used to know if a module was accessed/required
- // by another module, and in that case, assigning the module value
- // via a define callback is not allowed.
- if (options.pathAccessed === undefined)
- options.pathAccessed = {};
- if (options.globals === undefined)
- options.globals = {};
- this.fs = options.fs;
- this.sandboxFactory = options.sandboxFactory;
- this.sandboxes = {};
- this.modules = {};
- this.pathAccessed = options.pathAccessed;
- this.defineUsed = {};
- this.globals = options.globals;
- this.getModuleExports = options.getModuleExports;
- this.modifyModuleSandbox = options.modifyModuleSandbox;
- this.manifest = options.manifest || {};
- };
- exports.Loader.prototype = {
- _makeApi: function _makeApi(basePath) {
- /*
- * _makeApi() creates a pair of specialized require()/define()
- * functions for use by the code that comes from 'basePath' (which is
- * a resource: URI pointing to some module, e.g. main.js). This
- * require/define pair knows what main.js is allowed to import, in
- * particular it knows what the link-time module search algorithm has
- * found for each imported name (so if they require "panel", they'll
- * get the one from addon-kit, not from some other package).
- *
- * When some other module (e.g. panel.js) is loaded, they'll get a
- * different require/define pair, specialized for them.
- */
- var self = this;
- let reqs;
- if (basePath && (basePath in self.manifest))
- reqs = self.manifest[basePath].requirements;
- function syncRequire(module) {
- if (reqs) {
- // if we know about you, you must follow the manifest
- if (module in reqs)
- return loadMaybeMagicModule(module, reqs[module]);
- // if you invoke chrome, you can go off-manifest and search
- if ("chrome" in reqs)
- return loadMaybeMagicModule(module, null);
- throw new Error("Module at "+basePath+" not allowed to require"+"("+module+")");
- } else {
- // if we don't know about you, you can do anything you want.
- // You're going to have to search for your own modules, though.
- return loadMaybeMagicModule(module, null);
- }
- }
- function loadMaybeMagicModule(moduleName, moduleData) {
- /*
- * If we get here, we're allowed to import this module, we just have
- * to figure out how.
- *
- * 'moduleName' is the unmodified argument passed to require(),
- * so it might be "panel" or "pkg/foo" or even "./bar" for relative
- * imports. 'moduleData' is the manifest entry that tells us how
- * we're supposed to import this module: usually it's an object with
- * a .uri, but for certain "magic" modules it might be empty. If
- * it's 'null' then we're supposed to search all known packages for
- * it.
- */
- if (self.getModuleExports) {
- /* this currently handles 'chrome' */
- let exports = self.getModuleExports(basePath, moduleName);
- if (exports)
- return exports;
- }
- if (moduleName == "self") {
- /* The 'self' module is magic: when someone requires 'self', the
- * module they get is supposed to be specialized for the *package*
- * that they live in (so pkg1/foo.js will get 'self' for pkg1,
- * while pkg2/bar.js will get a 'self' for pkg2). To accomplish
- * this, we don't give them the real self.js module directly:
- * instead, we load self.js and invoke its makeSelfModule()
- * function, passing in the manifest's moduleData, which will
- * include enough information to create the specialized module.
- */
- if (!moduleData) {
- // we don't know where you live, so we must search for your data
- // resource://api-utils-api-utils-tests/test-self.js
- // make a prefix of resource://api-utils-api-utils-data/
- let doubleslash = basePath.indexOf("//");
- let prefix = basePath.slice(0, doubleslash+2);
- let rest = basePath.slice(doubleslash+2);
- let slash = rest.indexOf("/");
- prefix = prefix + rest.slice(0, slash);
- prefix = prefix.slice(0, prefix.lastIndexOf("-")) + "-data/";
- moduleData = { "dataURIPrefix": prefix };
- // moduleData also wants mapName and mapSHA256, but they're
- // currently unused
- }
- if (false) // force scanner to copy self-maker.js into the XPI
- require("./self-maker");
- let makerModData = {uri: self.fs.resolveModule(null, "self-maker")};
- if (!makerModData.uri)
- throw new Error("Unable to find self-maker, from "+basePath);
- let selfMod = loadFromModuleData(makerModData, "self-maker");
- // selfMod is not cached
- return selfMod.makeSelfModule(moduleData);
- }
- if (!moduleData) {
- // search
- let path = self.fs.resolveModule(basePath, moduleName);
- if (!path)
- throw new Error('Module "' + moduleName + '" not found');
- moduleData = {uri: path};
- }
- // Track accesses to this module via its normalized path. This lets
- // us detect cases where foo.js uses define() with a callback that
- // wants to return a new value for the 'foo' module, but something
- // inside that callback (probably in some sub-function) references
- // 'foo' too early. If this happens, we throw an exception when the
- // callback finishes. The code for that is in define() below: search
- // for self.pathAccessed .
- if (!self.pathAccessed[moduleData.uri]) {
- self.pathAccessed[moduleData.uri] = 0;
- }
- self.pathAccessed[moduleData.uri] += 1;
- if (moduleData.uri in self.modules) {
- // already loaded: return from cache
- return self.modules[moduleData.uri];
- }
- return loadFromModuleData(moduleData, moduleName); // adds to cache
- }
- function loadFromModuleData(moduleData, moduleName) {
- // moduleName is passed solely for error messages: by this point,
- // everything is controlled by moduleData
- if (!moduleData.uri) {
- throw new Error("loadFromModuleData with null URI, from basePath "
- +basePath+" importing ("+moduleName+")");
- }
- // any manifest-based permission checks have already been done
- let path = moduleData.uri;
- let moduleContents = self.fs.getFile(path);
- var sandbox = self.sandboxFactory.createSandbox(moduleContents);
- self.sandboxes[path] = sandbox;
- for (let name in self.globals)
- sandbox.defineProperty(name, self.globals[name]);
- var api = self._makeApi(path);
- sandbox.defineProperty('require', api.require);
- sandbox.defineProperty('define', api.define);
- if (self.modifyModuleSandbox)
- self.modifyModuleSandbox(sandbox, moduleContents);
- /* set up an environment in which module code can use CommonJS
- patterns like:
- module.exports = newobj;
- module.setExports(newobj);
- if (module.id == "main") stuff();
- define("async", function() {return newobj});
- */
- sandbox.evaluate("var module = {exports: {}};");
- sandbox.evaluate("module.setExports = function(obj) {module.exports = obj; return obj;};");
- sandbox.evaluate("var exports = module.exports;");
- sandbox.evaluate("module.id = '" + path + "';");
- var preeval_exports = sandbox.getProperty("exports");
- self.modules[path] = sandbox.getProperty("exports");
- sandbox.evaluate(moduleContents);
- // We need to duplicate `exports` as Object.freeze throws an exception
- // on objects coming from another sandbox. Bug 677768.
- sandbox.evaluate(
- "if (typeof module.exports === 'object')\n" +
- " module.exports = " +
- " Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf(module.exports) ? " +
- " Object.freeze(module.exports) : " +
- " Object.freeze(Object.create(module.exports));");
- var posteval_exports = sandbox.getProperty("module").exports;
- if (posteval_exports !== preeval_exports) {
- /* if they used module.exports= or module.setExports(), get
- the new value now. If they used define(), we must be
- careful to leave self.modules[path] alone, as it will have
- been modified in the asyncMain() callback-handling code,
- fired during sandbox.evaluate(). */
- if (self.defineUsed[path]) {
- // you can do one or the other, not both
- throw new Error("define() was used, so module.exports= and "
- + "module.setExports() may not be used: "
- + path);
- }
- self.modules[path] = posteval_exports;
- }
- return self.modules[path];
- }
- // START support Async module-style require and define calls.
- // If the only argument to require is a string, then the module that
- // is represented by that string is fetched for the appropriate context.
- //
- // If the first argument is an array, then it will be treated as an array
- // of dependency string names to fetch. An optional function callback can
- // be specified to execute when all of those dependencies are available.
- function asyncRequire(deps, callback) {
- if (typeof deps === "undefined" && typeof callback === "undefined") {
- // If we could require() the traceback module here, we could
- // probably show the source linenumber. But really that should be
- // part of the stack trace.
- throw new Error("you must provide a module name when calling require() from "+basePath);
- } else if (typeof deps === "string" && !callback) {
- // Just return the module wanted via sync require.
- return syncRequire(deps);
- } else {
- asyncMain(null, basePath, null, deps, callback);
- return undefined;
- }
- }
- // The function that handles definitions of modules. Differs from
- // require() in that a string for the module should be the first
- // argument, and the function to execute after dependencies are loaded
- // should return a value to define the module corresponding to the first
- // argument's name.
- function define (name, deps, callback) {
- // Only allow one call to define per module/file.
- if (self.defineUsed[basePath]) {
- throw new Error("Only one call to define() allowed per file: " +
- basePath);
- } else {
- self.defineUsed[basePath] = true;
- }
- // For anonymous modules, the namePath is the basePath
- var namePath = basePath,
- exports = {}, exported;
- // Adjust args if an anonymous module
- if (typeof name !== 'string') {
- callback = deps;
- deps = name;
- name = null;
- }
- // If just a define({}) call (no dependencies),
- // adjust args accordingly.
- if (!Array.isArray(deps)) {
- callback = deps;
- deps = null;
- }
- // If the callback is not an actual function, it means it already
- // has the definition of the module as a literal value.
- if (!deps && callback && typeof callback !== 'function') {
- self.modules[namePath] = callback;
- return;
- }
- // Set the exports value now in case other modules need a handle
- // on it for cyclical cases.
- self.modules[namePath] = exports;
- // Load dependencies and call the module's definition function.
- exported = asyncMain(name, namePath, exports, deps, callback);
- // Assign output of function to name, if exports was not
- // in play (which asyncMain already figured out).
- if (exported !== undefined) {
- if (self.pathAccessed[namePath] > 1) {
- // Another module already accessed the exported value,
- // need to throw to avoid nasty circular dependency weirdness
- throw new Error('Module "' + (name || namePath) + '" cannot use ' +
- 'return from define to define the module ' +
- 'after another module has referenced its ' +
- 'exported value.');
- } else {
- self.modules[namePath] = exported;
- }
- }
- }
- // The function that handles the main async module work, for both
- // require([], function(){}) calls and define calls.
- // It makes sure all the dependencies exist before calling the
- // callback function. It will return the result of the callback
- // function if "exports" is not a dependency.
- function asyncMain (name, namePath, exports, deps, callback) {
- if (typeof deps === 'function') {
- callback = deps;
- deps = null;
- }
- if (!deps) {
- deps = [];
- // The shortened form of the async wrapper for CommonJS modules:
- // define(function (require, exports, module) {});
- // require calls could be inside the function, so toString it
- // and pull out the dependencies.
- // Remove comments from the callback string,
- // look for require calls, and pull them into the dependencies.
- // The comment regexp is not very robust, but good enough to
- // avoid commented out require calls and to find normal, sync
- // require calls in the function.
- callback
- .toString()
- .replace(commentRegExp, "")
- .replace(cjsRequireRegExp, function (match, dep) {
- deps.push(dep);
- });
- // Prepend standard require, exports, and module dependencies
- // (and in that *exact* order per spec), but only add as many as
- // was asked for via the callback's function argument length.
- // In particular, do *not* pass exports if it was not asked for.
- // By asking for exports as a dependency the rest of this
- // asyncRequire code assumes then that the return value from the
- // function should not be used as the exported module value.
- deps = cjsStandardDeps.slice(0, callback.length).concat(deps);
- }
- var depModules = [],
- usesExports = false,
- exported;
- // Load all the dependencies, with the "require", "exports" and
- // "module" ones getting special handling to match the traditional
- // CommonJS sync module expectations.
- deps.forEach(function (dep) {
- if (dep === "require") {
- depModules.push(asyncRequire);
- } else if (dep === "module") {
- depModules.push({
- id: name
- });
- } else if (dep === "exports") {
- usesExports = true;
- depModules.push(exports);
- } else {
- depModules.push(syncRequire(dep));
- }
- });
- // Execute the function.
- if (callback) {
- exported = callback.apply(null, depModules);
- }
- if (exported !== undefined) {
- if (usesExports) {
- throw new Error('Inside "' + namePath + '", cannot use exports ' +
- 'and also return a value from a define ' +
- 'definition function');
- } else {
- return exported;
- }
- }
- return undefined;
- };
- return {
- require: asyncRequire,
- define: define
- };
- // END support for Async module-style
- },
- // This is only really used by unit tests and other
- // development-related facilities, allowing access to symbols
- // defined in the global scope of a module.
- findSandboxForModule: function findSandboxForModule(module) {
- var path = this.fs.resolveModule(null, module);
- if (!path)
- throw new Error('Module "' + module + '" not found');
- if (!(path in this.sandboxes))
- this.require(module);
- if (!(path in this.sandboxes))
- throw new Error('Internal error: path not in sandboxes: ' +
- path);
- return this.sandboxes[path];
- },
- require: function require(module, callback) {
- return (this._makeApi(null).require)(module, callback);
- },
- runScript: function runScript(options, extraOutput) {
- if (typeof(options) == 'string')
- options = {contents: options};
- options = {__proto__: options};
- var sandbox = this.sandboxFactory.createSandbox(options);
- if (extraOutput)
- extraOutput.sandbox = sandbox;
- for (let name in this.globals)
- sandbox.defineProperty(name, this.globals[name]);
- var api = this._makeApi(null);
- sandbox.defineProperty('require', api.require);
- sandbox.defineProperty('define', api.define);
- return sandbox.evaluate(options);
- }
- };
- // this is more of a resolver than a filesystem, but test-securable-module
- // wants to override the getFile() function to avoid using real URIs
- exports.CompositeFileSystem = function CompositeFileSystem(options) {
- // We sort file systems in alphabetical order of a package name.
- this.fses = options.fses.sort(function(a, b) a.root > b.root);
- this.uriPrefix = options.uriPrefix;
- this.name = options.name;
- this.packages = options.metadata || {};
- };
- function isRelative(path) path.charAt(0) === "."
- function isNested(path) ~path.indexOf("/")
- function normalizePath(path) path.substr(-3) === ".js" ? path : path + ".js"
- function relatifyPath(path) isRelative(path) ? path : "./" + path
- function getPackageName(path) path.substr(0, path.indexOf("/"))
- function getInPackagePath(path) path.substr(path.indexOf("/") + 1)
- function isRelativeTo(path, base) 0 === path.indexOf(base)
- function resolveTo(path, base) "." + path.substr(base.length)
- exports.CompositeFileSystem.prototype = {
- getPackageURI: function getPackageURI(name) {
- let uri = this.uriPrefix + name + "-lib/";
- return ios.newURI(uri, null, null).spec;
- },
- resolveModule: function resolveModule(base, path) {
- // If it is relative path we don't need to search anything
- // as it should be module from the same package.
- if (isRelative(path)) {
- // If base is not provided then it's a main module with a relative
- // path to we use `packageURI` as a base to resolve.
- base = base || this.getPackageURI(this.name);
- return this.resolveRelative(base, path);
- }
- // If path contains only one part then we treat if it as
- // require(PCKG/{{(package.json).main}}
- if (!isNested(path))
- return this.resolveMain(path) || this.searchModule(path);
- // If path contains more then one part than we try to interpret that
- // as `require(PCKG/module)` first and fall back to search.
- return this.resolveModuleFromPackage(path) || this.searchModule(path);
- },
- resolveRelative: function resolveRelative(base, path) {
- path = normalizePath(path);
- let uri = ios.newURI(path, null, ios.newURI(base, null, null));
- try {
- let channel = ios.newChannelFromURI(uri);
- channel.open().close();
- } catch (e) {
- return null;
- }
- return uri.spec;
- },
- searchModule: function seachModule(path) {
- for each (let fs in this.fses) {
- let id = fs.resolveModule(null, path);
- if (id)
- return id;
- }
- return null;
- },
- resolveModuleFromPackage: function resolveModuleFromPackage(path) {
- let name = getPackageName(path);
- if (name in this.packages) {
- let base = this.getPackageURI(name);
- return this.resolveRelative(base, getInPackagePath(path));
- }
- return null;
- },
- resolveMain: function resolveMain(name) {
- if (name in this.packages) {
- let base = this.getPackageURI(name);
- let path = relatifyPath(this.packages[name].main || "main");
- // We need to make sure to strip out directory from the main if it
- // contains "lib" part. Unfortunately if main out of the lib folder
- // requiring main module will fail as it will be out of the mapped
- // resource URI.
- let dirs = this.packages[name].directories;
- let lib = relatifyPath(dirs ? dirs.lib || "./lib" : "./lib");
- if (isRelativeTo(path, lib))
- path = resolveTo(path, lib);
- return this.resolveRelative(base, path);
- }
- return null;
- },
- getFile: function getFile(path) {
- return loadFile(path);
- }
- };
- exports.LocalFileSystem = function LocalFileSystem(root) {
- if (root === undefined) {
- if (!baseURI)
- throw new Error("Need a root path for module filesystem");
- root = baseURI;
- }
- if (typeof(root) == 'string')
- root = ios.newURI(root, null, baseURI);
- if (root instanceof Ci.nsIFile)
- root = ios.newFileURI(root);
- if (!(root instanceof Ci.nsIURI))
- throw new Error('Expected nsIFile, nsIURI, or string for root');
- this.root = root.spec;
- this._rootURI = root;
- this._rootURIDir = getRootDir(root.spec);
- };
- exports.LocalFileSystem.prototype = {
- resolveModule: function resolveModule(base, path) {
- path = normalizePath(path);
- var baseURI;
- if (!base || path.charAt(0) != '.')
- baseURI = this._rootURI;
- else
- baseURI = ios.newURI(base, null, null);
- var newURI = ios.newURI(path, null, baseURI);
- if (newURI.spec.indexOf(this._rootURIDir) == 0) {
- var channel = ios.newChannelFromURI(newURI);
- try {
- channel.open().close();
- } catch (e if e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
- return null;
- }
- return newURI.spec;
- }
- return null;
- },
- getFile: function getFile(path) {
- return loadFile(path);
- }
- };
- function loadFile(path) {
- var channel = ios.newChannel(path, null, null);
- var iStream = channel.open();
- var ciStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/converter-input-stream;1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsIConverterInputStream);
- var bufLen = 0x8000;
- ciStream.init(iStream, "UTF-8", bufLen,
- var chunk = {};
- var data = "";
- while (ciStream.readString(bufLen, chunk) > 0)
- data += chunk.value;
- ciStream.close();
- iStream.close();
- return {contents: data, filename: path};
- };
- if (global.window) {
- // We're being loaded in a chrome window, or a web page with
- // UniversalXPConnect privileges.
- global.SecurableModule = exports;
- } else if (global.exports) {
- // We're being loaded in a SecurableModule.
- for (let name in exports) {
- global.exports[name] = exports[name];
- }
- } else {
- // We're being loaded in a JS module.
- global.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [];
- for (let name in exports) {
- global.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS.push(name);
- global[name] = exports[name];
- }
- }
- })(this);