path: root/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs
diff options
authorGravatar Rogan Creswick <creswick@galois.com>2012-03-30 17:07:02 -0700
committerGravatar Rogan Creswick <creswick@galois.com>2012-03-30 17:07:02 -0700
commitf6ab6622aab00fe7c2f4c3dc41f786ebbe0f0d73 (patch)
tree870111038542cd27153e1396ebdc063573249689 /tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs
initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs')
37 files changed, 4168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/api-utils.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/api-utils.md
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+<!-- contributed by Drew Willcoxon [adw@mozilla.com] -->
+<!-- edited by Noelle Murata [fiveinchpixie@gmail.com] -->
+The `api-utils` module provides some helpers useful to the SDK's high-level API
+The SDK high-level API design guidelines make a number of recommendations.
+This module implements some of those patterns so that your own implementations
+don't need to reinvent them.
+For example, public constructors should be callable both with and without the
+`new` keyword. Your module can implement this recommendation using the
+`publicConstructor` function.
+Options objects or "dictionaries" are also common throughout the high-level
+APIs. The guidelines recommend that public constructors should generally define
+a single `options` parameter rather than defining many parameters. Since one of
+the SDK's principles is to be friendly to developers, ideally all properties on
+options dictionaries should be checked for correct type, and informative error
+messages should be generated when clients make mistakes. With the
+`validateOptions` function, your module can easily do so.
+And objects are sometimes iterable over a custom set of key/value pairs.
+Such objects should have custom iterators that let consumers iterate keys,
+values, or [key, value] pairs. The `addIterator` function makes it easy to do
+so in a way that is consistent with the behavior of default iterators during
+`for...in`, `for each...in`, and `for...in Iterator()` loops.
+<api name="publicConstructor">
+Returns a function *C* that creates an instance of `privateConstructor`. *C*
+may be called with or without the `new` keyword.
+The prototype of each instance returned from *C* is *C*.`prototype`, and
+*C*.`prototype` is an object whose prototype is
+`privateConstructor.prototype`. Instances returned from *C* are therefore
+instances of both *C* and `privateConstructor`.
+Additionally, the constructor of each instance returned from *C* is *C*.
+Instances returned from *C* are automatically memory tracked using
+`memory.track` under the bin name `privateConstructor.name`.
+ function MyObject() {}
+ exports.MyObject = apiUtils.publicConstructor(MyObject);
+@returns {function}
+A function that makes new instances of `privateConstructor`.
+@param privateConstructor {constructor}
+<api name="validateOptions">
+A function to validate an options dictionary according to the specified
+`map`, `is`, and `ok` are used in that order.
+The return value is an object whose keys are those keys in `requirements` that
+are also in `options` and whose values are the corresponding return values of
+`map` or the corresponding values in `options`. Note that any keys not shared
+by both `requirements` and `options` are not in the returned object.
+A typical use:
+ var opts = { foo: 1337 };
+ var requirements = {
+ foo: {
+ map: function (val) val.toString(),
+ is: ["string"],
+ ok: function (val) val.length > 0,
+ msg: "foo must be a non-empty string."
+ }
+ };
+ var validatedOpts = apiUtils.validateOptions(opts, requirements);
+ // validatedOpts == { foo: "1337" }
+If the key `foo` is optional and doesn't need to be mapped:
+ var opts = { foo: 1337 };
+ var validatedOpts = apiUtils.validateOptions(opts, { foo: {} });
+ // validatedOpts == { foo: 1337 }
+ opts = {};
+ validatedOpts = apiUtils.validateOptions(opts, { foo: {} });
+ // validatedOpts == {}
+@returns {object}
+A validated options dictionary given some requirements. If any of the
+requirements are not met, an exception is thrown.
+@param options {object}
+The options dictionary to validate. It's not modified. If it's null or
+otherwise falsey, an empty object is assumed.
+@param requirements {object}
+An object whose keys are the expected keys in `options`. Any key in
+`options` that is not present in `requirements` is ignored. Each
+value in `requirements` is itself an object describing the requirements
+of its key. The keys of that object are the following, and each is optional:
+@prop [map] {function}
+A function that's passed the value of the key in the `options`. `map`'s
+return value is taken as the key's value in the final validated options,
+`is`, and `ok`. If `map` throws an exception it is caught and discarded,
+and the key's value is its value in `options`.
+@prop [is] {array}
+An array containing the number of `typeof` type names. If the key's value is
+none of these types it fails validation. Arrays and nulls are identified by
+the special type names "array" and "null"; "object" will not match either.
+No type coercion is done.
+@prop [ok] {function}
+A function that is passed the key's value. If it returns false, the value
+fails validation.
+@prop [msg] {string}
+If the key's value fails validation, an exception is thrown. This string
+will be used as its message. If undefined, a generic message is used, unless
+`is` is defined, in which case the message will state that the value needs to
+be one of the given types.
+<api name="addIterator">
+Adds an iterator to the specified object that iterates keys, values,
+or [key, value] pairs depending on how it is invoked, i.e.:
+ for (var key in obj) { ... } // iterate keys
+ for each (var val in obj) { ... } // iterate values
+ for (var [key, val] in Iterator(obj)) { ... } // iterate pairs
+If your object only iterates either keys or values, you don't need this
+function. Simply assign a generator function that iterates the keys/values
+to your object's `__iterator__` property instead, f.e.:
+ obj.__iterator__ = function () { for each (var i in items) yield i; }
+@param obj {object}
+the object to which to add the iterator
+@param keysValsGen {function}
+a generator function that yields [key, value] pairs
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/app-strings.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/app-strings.md
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+The `app-strings` module gives you access to the host application's localized
+string bundles (`.properties` files).
+The module exports the `StringBundle` constructor function. To access a string
+bundle, construct an instance of `StringBundle`, passing it the bundle's URL:
+ var StringBundle = require("app-strings").StringBundle;
+ var bundle = StringBundle("chrome://browser/locale/browser.properties");
+To get the value of a string, call the object's `get` method, passing it
+the name of the string:
+ var accessKey = bundle.get("contextMenuSearchText.accesskey");
+ // "S" in the en-US locale
+To get the formatted value of a string that accepts arguments, call the object's
+`get` method, passing it the name of the string and an array of arguments
+with which to format the string:
+ var searchText = bundle.get("contextMenuSearchText",
+ ["universe", "signs of intelligent life"]);
+ // 'Search universe for "signs of intelligent life"' in the en-US locale
+To get all strings in the bundle, iterate the object, which returns arrays
+of the form [name, value]:
+ for (var [name, value] in Iterator(bundle))
+ console.log(name + " = " + value);
+<code>for (var name in bundle) { ... }</code>
+Iterate the names of strings in the bundle.
+<code>for each (var val in bundle) { ... }</code>
+Iterate the values of strings in the bundle.
+<code>for (var [name, value] in Iterator(bundle)) { ... }</code>
+Iterate the names and values of strings in the bundle.
+<api name="StringBundle">
+The `StringBundle` object represents a string bundle.
+<api name="StringBundle">
+Creates a StringBundle object that gives you access to a string bundle.
+@param url {string} the URL of the string bundle
+@returns {StringBundle} the string bundle
+<api name="get">
+@method Get the value of the string with the given name.
+@param [name] {string} the name of the string to get
+@param [args] {array} (optional) strings that replace placeholders in the string
+@returns {string} the value of the string
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/byte-streams.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/byte-streams.md
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+++ b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/byte-streams.md
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+<!-- contributed by Drew Willcoxon [adw@mozilla.com] -->
+<!-- edited by Noelle Murata [fiveinchpixie@gmail.com] -->
+The `byte-streams` module provides streams for reading and writing bytes.
+<api name="ByteReader">
+<api name="ByteReader">
+ Creates a binary input stream that reads bytes from a backing stream.
+@param inputStream {stream}
+ The backing stream, an <a href="http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/
+<api name="closed">
+@property {boolean}
+ True if the stream is closed.
+<api name="close">
+ Closes both the stream and its backing stream. If the stream is already
+ closed, an exception is thrown.
+<api name="read">
+ Reads a string from the stream. If the stream is closed, an exception is
+ thrown.
+@param [numBytes] {number}
+ The number of bytes to read. If not given, the remainder of the entire stream
+ is read.
+@returns {string}
+ A string containing the bytes read. If the stream is at the end, returns the
+ empty string.
+<api name="ByteWriter">
+<api name="ByteWriter">
+ Creates a binary output stream that writes bytes to a backing stream.
+@param outputStream {stream}
+ The backing stream, an <a href="http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/
+<api name="closed">
+@property {boolean}
+ True if the stream is closed.
+<api name="close">
+ Closes both the stream and its backing stream. If the stream is already
+ closed, an exception is thrown.
+<api name="write">
+ Writes a string to the stream. If the stream is closed, an exception is
+ thrown.
+@param str {string}
+ The string to write.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/collection.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/collection.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+<!-- contributed by Drew Willcoxon [adw@mozilla.com] -->
+<!-- edited by Noelle Murata [fiveinchpixie@gmail.com] -->
+The `collection` module provides a simple list-like class and utilities for
+using it. A collection is ordered, like an array, but its items are unique,
+like a set.
+<api name="Collection">
+A collection object provides for...in-loop iteration. Items are yielded in the
+order they were added. For example, the following code...
+ var collection = require("collection");
+ var c = new collection.Collection();
+ c.add(1);
+ c.add(2);
+ c.add(3);
+ for (item in c)
+ console.log(item);
+... would print this to the console:
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+Iteration proceeds over a copy of the collection made before iteration begins,
+so it is safe to mutate the collection during iteration; doing so does not
+affect the results of the iteration.
+<api name="Collection">
+Creates a new collection. The collection is backed by an array.
+@param [array] {array}
+If *array* is given, it will be used as the backing array. This way the caller
+can fully control the collection. Otherwise a new empty array will be used, and
+no one but the collection will have access to it.
+<api name="length">
+@property {number}
+The number of items in the collection array.
+<api name="add">
+Adds a single item or an array of items to the collection. Any items already
+contained in the collection are ignored.
+@param itemOrItems {object} An item or array of items.
+@returns {Collection} The Collection.
+<api name="remove">
+Removes a single item or an array of items from the collection. Any items not
+contained in the collection are ignored.
+@param itemOrItems {object} An item or array of items.
+@returns {Collection} The Collection.
+<api name="addCollectionProperty">
+Adds a collection property to the given object. Setting the property to a
+scalar value empties the collection and adds the value. Setting it to an array
+empties the collection and adds all the items in the array.
+@param object {object}
+The property will be defined on this object.
+@param propName {string}
+The name of the property.
+@param [backingArray] {array}
+If given, this will be used as the collection's backing array.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/content.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/content.md
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+<!-- contributed by Irakli Gozalishvili [gozala@mozilla.com] -->
+The `content` module exports three different traits [Loader][], [Worker][] and
+[Symbiont][]. None of this traits is intended to be used directly by programs.
+Rather, they are intended to be used by other modules that provide high
+level APIs to programs or libraries.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/content/loader.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/content/loader.md
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+<!-- contributed by Irakli Gozalishvili [gozala@mozilla.com] -->
+Loader is base trait and it provides set of core properties and associated
+validations. Trait is useful for all the compositions providing high level
+APIs for creating JavaScript contexts that can access web content.
+Loader is composed from the
+[EventEmitter](packages/api-utils/docs/events.html) trait, therefore
+instances of Loader and their descendants expose all the public properties
+exposed by EventEmitter along with additional public properties:
+Value changes on all of the above mentioned properties emit `propertyChange`
+events on an instances.
+The following code creates a wrapper on hidden frame that reloads a web page
+in frame every time `contentURL` property is changed:
+ var hiddenFrames = require("hidden-frame");
+ var { Loader } = require("content");
+ var PageLoader = Loader.compose({
+ constructor: function PageLoader(options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ if (options.contentURL)
+ this.contentURL = options.contentURL;
+ this.on('propertyChange', this._onChange = this._onChange.bind(this));
+ let self = this;
+ hiddenFrames.add(hiddenFrames.HiddenFrame({
+ onReady: function onReady() {
+ let frame = self._frame = this.element;
+ self._emit('propertyChange', { contentURL: self.contentURL });
+ }
+ }));
+ },
+ _onChange: function _onChange(e) {
+ if ('contentURL' in e)
+ this._frame.setAttribute('src', this._contentURL);
+ }
+ });
+<api name="Loader">
+<api name="contentScriptFile">
+@property {array}
+The local file URLs of content scripts to load. Content scripts specified by
+this property are loaded *before* those specified by the `contentScript`
+<api name="contentScript">
+@property {array}
+The texts of content scripts to load. Content scripts specified by this
+property are loaded *after* those specified by the `contentScriptFile` property.
+<api name="contentScriptWhen">
+@property {string}
+When to load the content scripts. This may take one of the following
+* "start": load content scripts immediately after the document
+element for the page is inserted into the DOM, but before the DOM content
+itself has been loaded
+* "ready": load content scripts once DOM content has been loaded,
+corresponding to the
+* "end": load content scripts once all the content (DOM, JS, CSS,
+images) for the page has been loaded, at the time the
+[window.onload event](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.onload)
+<api name="contentURL">
+@property {string}
+The URL of the content loaded.
+<api name="allow">
+@property {object}
+Permissions for the content, with the following keys:
+@prop script {boolean}
+ Whether or not to execute script in the content. Defaults to true.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/content/proxy.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/content/proxy.md
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+<!-- contributed by Alexandre Poirot [apoirot@mozilla.com] -->
+Content scripts need access to the DOM of the pages they are attached to.
+However, those pages should be considered to be hostile environments: we
+have no control over any other scripts loaded by the web page that may be
+executing in the same context. If the content scripts and scripts loaded
+by the web page were to access the same DOM objects, there are two possible
+security problems:
+First, a malicious page might redefine functions and properties of DOM
+objects so they don't do what the add-on expects. For example, if a
+content script calls `document.getElementById()` to retrieve a DOM
+element, then a malicious page could redefine its behavior to return
+something unexpected:
+// If the web document contains the following script:
+document.getElementById = function (str) {
+ // Overload indexOf method of all string instances
+ str.__proto__.indexOf = function () {return -1;};
+ // Overload toString method of all object instances
+ str.__proto__.__proto__.toString = function () {return "evil";};
+// After the following line, the content script will be compromised:
+var node = document.getElementById("element");
+// Then your content script is totally out of control.
+Second, changes the content script made to the DOM objects would be visible
+to the page, leaking information to it.
+The general approach to fixing these problems is to wrap DOM objects in
+(also know as `XPCNativeWrapper`). This guarantees that:
+* when the content script accesses DOM properties and functions it gets the
+original native version of them, ignoring any modifications made by the web
+* changes to the DOM made by the content script are not visible to scripts
+running in the page.
+However, `XrayWrapper` has some limitations and bugs, which break many
+popular web frameworks. In particular, you can't:
+* define attributes like `onclick`: you have to use `addEventListener` syntax
+* overload native methods on DOM objects, like this:
+proxy.addEventListener = function () {};
+* access named elements using properties like `window[framename]` or
+* use some other features that have bugs in the `XrayWrapper`
+implementation, like `mozMatchesSelector`
+The `proxy` module uses `XrayWrapper` in combination with the
+[Proxy API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Proxy)
+to address both the security vulnerabilities of content scripts and the
+limitations of `XrayWrapper`.
+ /--------------------\ /------------------------\
+ | Web document | | Content script sandbox |
+ | http://mozilla.org | | data/worker.js |
+ | | require('content-proxy'). | |
+ | window >-----------|- create(window) -|-> window |
+ \--------------------/ \------------------------/
+## The Big Picture ##
+The implementation defines two different kinds of proxy:
+ 1. Content script proxies that wrap DOM objects that are exposed to
+ content scripts as described above.
+ 2. XrayWrapper proxies that wrap objects from content scripts before handing
+ them over to XrayWrapper functions. These proxies are internal
+ and are not exposed to content scripts or document content.
+ /--------------------\ /------------------------\
+ | Web document | | Content script sandbox |
+ | http://mozilla.org | | data/worker.js |
+ | | /-------|-> myObject = {} |
+ | | /----------------v--\ | |
+ | | | XrayWrapper Proxy | | - document |
+ | | \---------v---------/ \----^-------------------/
+ | | v |
+ | | /-------------\ /----------\ |
+ | - document >-------|->| XrayWrapper |<-| CS proxy |-/
+ \--------------------/ \-------------/ \----------/
+Everything begins with a single call to the `create` function exported by the
+content-proxy module:
+ // Retrieve the unwrapped reference to the current web page window object
+ var win = gBrowser.contentDocument.defaultView.wrappedJSObject;
+ // Or in addon sdk style
+ var win = require("tab-browser").activeTab.linkedBrowser.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject;
+ // Now create a content script proxy for the window object
+ var windowProxy = require("api-utils/content/content-proxy").create(win);
+ // We finally use this window object as sandbox prototype,
+ // so that all web page globals are accessible in CS too:
+ var contentScriptSandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(win, {
+ sandboxPrototype: windowProxy
+ });
+Then all other proxies are created from this one. Attempts to access DOM
+attributes of this proxy are trapped, and the proxy constructs and returns
+content script proxies for those attributes:
+ // For example, if you simply do this:
+ var document = window.document;
+ // accessing the `document` attribute will be trapped by the `window` content script
+ // proxy, and that proxy will that create another content script proxy for `document`
+So the main responsibility of the content script proxy implementation is to
+ensure that we always return content script proxies to the content script.
+## Internal Implementation ##
+Each content script proxy keeps a reference to the `XrayWrapper` that enables
+it to be sure of calling native DOM methods.
+There are two internal functions to convert between content script proxy
+values and `XrayWrapper` values.
+1. __`wrap`__ takes an XrayWrapper value and wraps it in a content script
+proxy if needed.
+ This method is called when:
+ * a content script accesses an attribute of a content script proxy.
+ * XrayWrapper code calls a callback function defined in the content
+script, so that arguments passed into the function by the XrayWrapper are
+converted into content script proxies. For example, if a content script
+calls `addEventListener`, then the listener function will expect any arguments
+to be content script proxies.
+2. __`unwrap`__ takes an object coming from the content script context and:
+ * if the object is a content script proxy, unwraps it back to an
+XrayWrapper reference
+ * if the object is not a content script proxy, wraps it in an XrayWrapper
+This means we can call a XrayWrapper method either with:
+ * a raw XrayWrapper object.
+ // The following line doesn't work if child is a content script proxy,
+ // it has to be a raw XrayWrapper reference
+ xrayWrapper.appendChild(child)
+ * an XrayWrapper proxy when you pass a custom object from the content
+script context.
+ var myListener = {
+ handleEvent: function(event) {
+ // `event` should be a content script proxy
+ }
+ };
+ // `myListener` has to be another kind of Proxy: XrayWrapper proxy,
+ // that aims to catch the call to `handleEvent` in order to wrap its
+ // arguments in a content script proxy.
+ xrayWrapper.addEventListener("click", myListener, false);
+## Stack Traces ##
+The following code:
+ function listener(event) {
+ }
+ csProxy.addEventListener("message", listener, false);
+generates the following internal calls:
+ -> CS Proxy:: get("addEventListener")
+ -> wrap(xrayWrapper.addEventListener)
+ -> NativeFunctionWrapper(xrayWrapper.addEventListener)
+ // NativeFunctionWrapper generates:
+ function ("message", listener, false) {
+ return xraywrapper.addEventListener("message", unwrap(listener), false);
+ }
+ -> unwrap(listener)
+ -> ContentScriptFunctionWrapper(listener)
+ // ContentScriptFunctionWrapper generates:
+ function (event) {
+ return listener(wrap(event));
+ }
+ // First, create an object from content script context
+ var myListener = {
+ handleEvent: function (event) {
+ }
+ };
+ // Then, pass this object as an argument to a CS proxy method
+ window.addEventListener("message", myListener, false);
+ // Generates the following internal calls:
+ -> CS Proxy:: get("addEventListener")
+ -> wrap(xrayWrapper.addEventListener)
+ -> NativeFunctionWrapper(xrayWrapper.addEventListener)
+ // Generate the following function:
+ function ("message", myListener, false) {
+ return xraywrapper.addEventListener("message", unwrap(myListener), false);
+ }
+ -> unwrap(myListener)
+ -> ContentScriptObjectWrapper(myListener)
+ // Generate an XrayWrapper proxy and give it to xrayWrapper method.
+ // Then when native code fires an event, the proxy will catch it:
+ -> XrayWrapper Proxy:: get("handleEvent")
+ -> unwrap(myListener.handleEvent)
+ -> ContentScriptFunctionWrapper(myListener.handleEvent)
+ // Generate following function:
+ function (event) {
+ return myListener.handleEvent(wrap(event));
+ }
+<api name="create">
+ Create a content script proxy. <br/>
+ Doesn't create a proxy if we are not able to create a XrayWrapper for
+ this object: for example, if the object comes from system principal.
+@param object {Object}
+ The object to proxify.
+@returns {Object}
+ A content script proxy that wraps `object`.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/content/symbiont.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/content/symbiont.md
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+<!-- contributed by Myk Melez [myk@mozilla.org] -->
+<!-- contributed by Irakli Gozalishvili [gozala@mozilla.com] -->
+This module is not intended to be used directly by programs. Rather, it is
+intended to be used by other modules that provide APIs to programs.
+This module exports `Symbiont` trait that can be used for creating JavaScript
+contexts that can access web content in host application frames (i.e. XUL
+`<iframe>` and `<browser>` elements) and communicate with programs via
+asynchronous JSON pipes. It is useful in the construction of APIs that
+are compatible with the execution model codenamed "electrolysis" in which
+programs run in separate processes from web content.
+`Symbiont` constructs a content symbiont for a given frame, it loads the
+specified contentURL and scripts into it, and plumbs an asynchronous
+JSON pipe between the content symbiont object and the content symbiont
+context. If frame is not provided hidden frame will be created.
+ var { Symbiont } = require('content');
+ var Thing = Symbiont.resolve({ constructor: '_init' }).compose({
+ constructor: function Thing(options) {
+ // `getMyFrame` returns the host application frame in which
+ // the page is loaded.
+ this._frame = getMyFrame();
+ this._init(options)
+ }
+ });
+See the [panel][] module for a real-world example of usage of this module.
+<api name="Symbiont">
+Symbiont is composed from the [Worker][] trait, therefore instances
+of Symbiont and their descendants expose all the public properties
+exposed by [Worker][] along with additional public properties that
+are listed below:
+<api name="Symbiont">
+Creates a content symbiont.
+@param options {object}
+ Options for the constructor. Includes all the keys that
+the [Worker](packages/api-utils/docs/content/worker.html)
+constructor accepts and a few more:
+ @prop [frame] {object}
+ The host application frame in which the page is loaded.
+ If frame is not provided hidden one will be created.
+ @prop [contentScriptWhen="end"] {string}
+ When to load the content scripts. This may take one of the following
+ values:
+ * "start": load content scripts immediately after the document
+ element for the page is inserted into the DOM, but before the DOM content
+ itself has been loaded
+ * "ready": load content scripts once DOM content has been loaded,
+ corresponding to the
+ [DOMContentLoaded](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Gecko-Specific_DOM_Events)
+ event
+ * "end": load content scripts once all the content (DOM, JS, CSS,
+ images) for the page has been loaded, at the time the
+ [window.onload event](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.onload)
+ fires
+ This property is optional and defaults to "end".
+ @prop [allow] {object}
+ Permissions for the content, with the following keys:
+ @prop [script] {boolean}
+ Whether or not to execute script in the content. Defaults to true.
+ Optional.
+ Optional.
+<api name="contentScriptFile">
+@property {array}
+The local file URLs of content scripts to load. Content scripts specified by
+this property are loaded *before* those specified by the `contentScript`
+<api name="contentScript">
+@property {array}
+The texts of content scripts to load. Content scripts specified by this
+property are loaded *after* those specified by the `contentScriptFile` property.
+<api name="contentScriptWhen">
+@property {string}
+When to load the content scripts. This may have one of the following
+* "start": load content scripts immediately after the document
+element for the page is inserted into the DOM, but before the DOM content
+itself has been loaded
+* "ready": load content scripts once DOM content has been loaded,
+corresponding to the
+* "end": load content scripts once all the content (DOM, JS, CSS,
+images) for the page has been loaded, at the time the
+[window.onload event](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.onload)
+<api name="contentURL">
+@property {string}
+The URL of the content loaded.
+<api name="allow">
+@property {object}
+Permissions for the content, with a single boolean key called `script` which
+defaults to true and indicates whether or not to execute scripts in the
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+<!-- contributed by Irakli Gozalishvili [gozala@mozilla.com] -->
+This module exports the `Worker` trait, which may be used to construct objects
+implementing the [Worker][] interface defined by the W3C, with minor
+Content workers are message-passing facilities for communication between
+[content scripts](dev-guide/addon-development/web-content.html) and the main
+add-on code.
+It is important to note that unlike "web workers," these workers run in the
+same process as web content and browser chrome, so code within workers can
+block the UI.
+<api name="Worker">
+Worker is composed from the [EventEmitter][] trait, therefore instances
+of Worker and their descendants expose all the public properties
+exposed by [EventEmitter][] along with additional public properties that
+are listed below.
+ var workers = require("content/worker");
+ let worker = workers.Worker({
+ window: require("window-utils").activeWindow,
+ contentScript:
+ "self.port.on('hello', function(name) { " +
+ " self.port.emit('response', window.location); " +
+ "});"
+ });
+ worker.port.emit("hello", { name: "worker"});
+ worker.port.on("response", function (location) {
+ console.log(location);
+ });
+<api name="Worker">
+Creates a content worker.
+@param options {object}
+Options for the constructor, with the following keys:
+ @prop window {object}
+ The content window to create JavaScript sandbox for communication with.
+ @prop [contentScriptFile] {string,array}
+ The local file URLs of content scripts to load. Content scripts specified
+ by this option are loaded *before* those specified by the `contentScript`
+ option. Optional.
+ @prop [contentScript] {string,array}
+ The texts of content scripts to load. Content scripts specified by this
+ option are loaded *after* those specified by the `contentScriptFile` option.
+ Optional.
+ @prop [onMessage] {function}
+ Functions that will registered as a listener to a 'message' events.
+ @prop [onError] {function}
+ Functions that will registered as a listener to an 'error' events.
+<api name="port">
+@property {EventEmitter}
+[EventEmitter](packages/api-utils/docs/events.html) object that allows you to:
+* send customized messages to the worker using the `port.emit` function
+* receive events from the worker using the `port.on` function
+<api name="postMessage">
+Asynchronously emits `"message"` events in the enclosed worker, where content
+script was loaded.
+@param data {number,string,JSON}
+The data to send. Must be stringifiable to JSON.
+<api name="destroy">
+Destroy the worker by removing the content script from the page and removing
+all registered listeners. A `detach` event is fired just before removal.
+<api name="url">
+@property {string}
+The URL of the content.
+<api name="tab">
+@property {object}
+If this worker is attached to a content document, returns the related
+<api name="message">
+This event allows the content worker to receive messages from its associated
+content scripts. Calling the `self.postMessage()` function from a content
+script will asynchronously emit the `message` event on the corresponding
+@argument {value}
+The event listener is passed the message, which must be a
+<a href = "dev-guide/addon-development/content-scripts/using-port.html#json_serializable">JSON-serializable value</a>.
+<api name="error">
+This event allows the content worker to react to an uncaught runtime script
+error that occurs in one of the content scripts.
+@argument {Error}
+The event listener is passed a single argument which is an
+<api name="detach">
+This event is emitted when the document associated with this worker is unloaded
+or the worker's `destroy()` method is called.
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+## Property Encapsulation ##
+In JavaScript it is not possible to create properties that have limited or
+controlled accessibility. It is possible to create non-enumerable and
+non-writable properties, but still they can be discovered and accessed.
+Usually so called "closure capturing" is used to encapsulate such properties
+in lexical scope:
+ function Foo() {
+ var _secret = 'secret';
+ this.hello = function hello() {
+ return 'Hello ' + _secret;
+ }
+ }
+This provides desired result, but has side effect of degrading code readability,
+especially with object-oriented programs. Another disadvantage with this pattern
+is that there is no immediate solution for inheriting access to the privates
+(illustrated by the following example):
+ function Derived() {
+ this.hello = function hello() {
+ return _secret;
+ }
+ this.bye = function bye() {
+ return _secret;
+ }
+ }
+ Derived.prototype = Object.create(Foo.prototype);
+## Facade Objects ##
+Alternatively constructor can returned facade objects - proxies to the
+instance's public properties:
+ function Foo() {
+ var foo = Object.create(Foo.prototype);
+ return {
+ bar: foo.hello.bind(foo);
+ }
+ }
+ Foo.prototype._secret = 'secret';
+ Foo.prototype.hello = function hello() {
+ return 'Hello ' + this._secret;
+ }
+ function Derived() {
+ var derived = Object.create(Derived.prototype);
+ return {
+ bar: derived.hello.bind(derived);
+ bye: derived.bye.bind(derived);
+ }
+ }
+ Derived.prototype = Object.create(Foo.prototype);
+ Derived.prototype.bye = function bye() {
+ return 'Bye ' + this._secret;
+ };
+While this solution solves given issue and provides proper encapsulation for
+both own and inherited private properties, it does not addresses following:
+ - Privates defined on the `prototype` can be compromised, since they are
+ accessible through the constructor (`Foo.prototype._secret`).
+ - Behavior of `instanceof` is broken, since `new Derived() instanceof Derived`
+ is going to evaluate to `false`.
+## Tamper Proofing with Property Descriptor Maps ##
+In ES5 new property descriptor maps were introduced, which can be used as a
+building blocks for defining reusable peace of functionality. To some degree
+they are similar to a `prototype` objects, and can be used so to define pieces
+of functionality that is considered to be private (In contrast to `prototype`
+they are not exposed by default).
+ function Foo() {
+ var foo = Object.create(Foo.prototype, FooDescriptor);
+ var facade = Object.create(Foo.prototype);
+ facade.hello = foo.hello.bind(foo);
+ return facade;
+ }
+ Foo.prototype.hello = function hello() {
+ return 'Hello ' + this._secret;
+ }
+ var FooDescriptor = {
+ _secret: { value: 'secret' };
+ }
+ function Derived() {
+ var derived = Object.create(Derived.prototype, DerivedDescriptor);
+ var facade = Object.create(Derived.prototype);
+ facade.hello = derived.hello.bind(derived);
+ facade.bye = derived.bye.bind(derived);
+ return facade;
+ }
+ Derived.prototype = Object.create(Foo.prototype);
+ Derived.prototype.bye = function bye() {
+ return 'Bye ' + this._secret;
+ };
+ DerivedDescriptor = {};
+ Object.keys(FooDescriptor).forEach(function(key) {
+ DerivedDescriptor[key] = FooDescriptor[key];
+ });
+## Cortex Objects ##
+Last approach solves all of the concerns, but adds complexity, verbosity
+and decreases code readability. Combination of `Cortex`'s and `Trait`'s
+will gracefully solve all these issues and keep code clean:
+ var Cortex = require('cortex').Cortex;
+ var Trait = require('light-traits').Trait;
+ var FooTrait = Trait({
+ _secret: 'secret',
+ hello: function hello() {
+ return 'Hello ' + this._secret;
+ }
+ });
+ function Foo() {
+ return Cortex(FooTrait.create(Foo.prototype));
+ }
+ var DerivedTrait = Trait.compose(FooTrait, Trait({
+ bye: function bye() {
+ return 'Bye ' + this._secret;
+ }
+ }));
+ function Derived() {
+ var derived = DerivedTrait.create(Derived.prototype);
+ return Cortex(derived);
+ }
+Function `Cortex` takes any object and returns a proxy for its public
+properties. By default properties are considered to be public if they don't
+start with `"_"`, but default behavior can be overridden if needed, by passing
+array of public property names as a second argument.
+## Gotchas ##
+`Cortex` is just a utility function to create a proxy object, and it does not
+solve the `prototype`-related issues highlighted earlier, but since traits make
+use of property descriptor maps instead of `prototype`s, there aren't any
+issues with using `Cortex` to wrap objects created from traits.
+If you want to use `Cortex` with an object that uses a `prototype` chain,
+however, you should either make sure you don't have any private properties
+in the prototype chain or pass the optional third `prototype` argument.
+In the latter case, the returned proxy will inherit from the given prototype,
+and the `prototype` chain of the wrapped object will be inaccessible.
+However, note that the behavior of the `instanceof` operator will vary,
+as `proxy instanceof Constructor` will return false even if the Constructor
+function's prototype is in the wrapped object's prototype chain.
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+`cuddlefish` is the name of the SDK's module loader. It builds on
+`securable-module` to provide many SDK-specific globals such as `console`
+and `memory`.
+This module still needs to be documented.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/e10s.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/e10s.md
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+<span class="aside">
+For a high-level overview of out-of-process add-ons, see the
+[Out-of-Process Add-ons][] internals guide.
+The `e10s` module allows add-ons to execute in a separate process from Firefox
+## Adapters ##
+As explained in the [Out-of-Process Add-ons][] internals guide, an *e10s
+adapter* is the primary mechanism through which chrome functionality is exposed
+to add-on processes. It is a single piece of code evaluated *twice*&mdash;once
+in each process&mdash;and typically has the following form:
+ if (this.chrome) {
+ /* We're being evaluated in the add-on process. Export the
+ * module's API, proxying all calls to the chrome process
+ * as necessary. */
+ } else exports.register = function register(addon) {
+ /* We're being evaluated in the chrome process.
+ * Set up chrome process listeners to communicate with
+ * the given add-on process. */
+ };
+In the above code, the `chrome` global is only visible to this code when it is
+executed in the add-on process. It is an instance of `ChromeProcess`.
+The `register()` function, on the other hand, is only defined and called in the
+chrome process, and the `addon` argument passed to it is an instance of
+`ChromeProcess` and `AddonProcess` instances come in pairs, and represent
+opposite sides of an inter-process communication mechanism.
+ [Out-of-Process Add-ons]: dev-guide/module-development/e10s.html
+## Events ##
+Chrome and add-on processes can asynchronously send arbitrary events to each
+other. The <code>[EventEmitter][]</code> interface has been overloaded to make
+handling these events simple and intuitive. For instance, here's a trivial e10s
+adapter that uses events:
+ if (this.chrome) {
+ exports.sendFoo = function(x) {
+ chrome.send('foo', x);
+ };
+ } else exports.register = function register(addon) {
+ addon.on('foo', function(type, x) {
+ console.log("foo called with argument", x);
+ });
+ };
+ [EventEmitter]: packages/api-utils/docs/events.html
+## Remote Function Calls ##
+The add-on process can synchronously call a function on the chrome process, but
+not vice versa. Here's a trivial example of an e10s adapter using this
+ if (this.chrome) {
+ exports.bar = function(x) {
+ return chrome.call('bar', x);
+ };
+ } else exports.register = function register(addon) {
+ addon.registerCall('bar', function(name, x) {
+ return x * 3;
+ });
+ };
+## Arguments ##
+When sending events or calling functions in another process, the chrome and
+add-on processes are allowed to send JSON-serializable arguments. Additionally,
+they can send a special type of object called a *handle*. See the
+[MDN Handle Documentation][] for more information on these.
+Here's a simple example of a handle being used to remember a callback function
+on the add-on side:
+ if (this.chrome) {
+ exports.baz = function(callback) {
+ var handle = chrome.createHandle();
+ handle.callback = callback;
+ chrome.send('baz', handle);
+ };
+ chrome.on('bazCallback', function(name, handle) {
+ try { handle.callback(); } except (e) { console.exception(e); }
+ handle.invalidate();
+ });
+ } else exports.register = function register(addon) {
+ addon.on('baz', function(name, handle) {
+ require('timer').setTimeout(function() {
+ addon.send('bazCallback', handle);
+ }, 1000);
+ });
+ };
+ [MDN Handle Documentation]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Jetpack_Processes#Handles
+<api name="ChromeProcess">
+ In an add-on process, this represents the parent chrome process. This class is
+ a singleton and has no constructor. It is automatically injected into the
+ global scope of all `-e10s-adapter` modules as the `chrome` object.
+<api name="on">
+ Registers an event listener with the chrome process.
+@param type {string}
+ The type of event to listen for.
+@param listener {function}
+ The listener function that handles the event. Its first argument is always
+ `type`, and additional arguments vary depending on the event's originating
+ `addon.send()` call in the chrome process.
+<api name="removeListener">
+ Removes an event listener from the chrome process.
+@param type {string}
+ The type of event for which `listener` was registered.
+@param listener {function}
+ The listener function that was registered.
+<api name="send">
+ Sends an event asynchronously to the chrome process. Any additional arguments
+ after `type` are passed as arguments to event listeners in the chrome process.
+@param type {string}
+ The type of event to send.
+<api name="call">
+ Synchronously calls a remote function in the chrome process and returns its
+ result. Any additional arguments after `name` are passed as arguments to the
+ function in the chrome process.
+@param name {string}
+ The name of the function to call.
+<api name="createHandle">
+ Creates a [handle][] object, which can be passed to the chrome process via
+ `send()` or `call()`.
+ [handle]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Jetpack_Processes#Handles
+<api name="AddonProcess">
+ In the chrome process, this represents a child add-on process.
+<api name="AddonProcess">
+ Creates a new add-on process.
+@param options {object}
+ An optional object with the following keys, all of which are optional:
+ @prop [console] {object}
+ An object whose interface corresponds to that of the `console` global. All
+ logging messages to the `console` object of the addon will be redirected to
+ this object. If this object isn't provided, then the global `console` object
+ of the chrome process will be used.
+<api name="destroy">
+ Terminates the add-on process.
+<api name="on">
+ Registers an event listener with the add-on process.
+@param type {string}
+ The type of event to listen for.
+@param listener {function}
+ The listener function that handles the event. Its first argument is always
+ `type`, and additional arguments vary depending on the event's originating
+ `chrome.send()` call in the add-on process.
+<api name="registerCall">
+ Registers a synchronous call handler with the add-on process.
+@param name {string}
+ The name of the function.
+@param handler {function}
+ The call handler. Its first argument is always `name`, and additional
+ arguments vary depending on the call's originating `chrome.call()` invocation
+ in the add-on process. The handler's return value is also passed back to the
+ original caller in the add-on process.
+<api name="send">
+ Sends an event asynchronously to the add-on process. Any additional arguments
+ after `type` are passed as arguments to event listeners in the add-on process.
+@param type {string}
+ The type of event to send.
+<api name="createHandle">
+ Creates a [handle][] object, which can be passed to the add-on process via
+ `send()`.
+ [handle]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Jetpack_Processes#Handles
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+<!-- contributed by Drew Willcoxon [adw@mozilla.com] -->
+The `errors` module provides helpers for safely invoking user callbacks.
+<api name="catchAndLog">
+ Wraps a callback in a function that when invoked will catch and log any
+ exception thrown by the callback.
+@param callback {function}
+ The callback to wrap.
+@param [defaultResponse] {value}
+ This value will be returned by the wrapper if `callback` throws an exception.
+ If not given, `undefined` is used.
+@param [logException] {function}
+ When `callback` throws an exception, it will be passed to this function. If
+ not given, the exception is logged using `console.exception()`.
+@returns {function}
+ A function that will invoke `callback` when called. The return value of this
+ function is the return value of `callback` unless `callback` throws an
+ exception. In that case, `defaultResponse` is returned or `undefined` if
+ `defaultResponse` is not given.
+<api name="catchAndLogProps">
+ Replaces methods of an object with wrapped versions of those methods returned
+ by `catchAndLog()`.
+@param object {object}
+ The object whose methods to replace.
+@param props {string,array}
+ The names of the methods of `object` to replace, either a string for a single
+ method or an array of strings for multiple methods.
+@param [defaultResponse] {value}
+ This value will be returned by any wrapper whose wrapped method throws an
+ exception. If not given, `undefined` is used.
+@param [logException] {function}
+ See `catchAndLog()`.
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+The `es5` module provides shim layer to a versions of Firefox that do not yet
+implement certain EcmaScript 5 features.
+For more information on EcmaScript 5:
+* The new APIs are described in the official [ES5 specification][].
+* A good [introduction][] to the new APIs by John Resig.
+* A Google tech talk on [changes to JavaScript][].
+**There is no need to `require` this module** since it gets preloaded into
+all sandboxes automatically.
+Usage of new ES5 API's is encouraged, but since not everything can be
+provided to all the versions of firefox, there are few things to be aware of:
+`Object.freeze`, `Object.seal`, `Object.preventExtensions` does not really
+prevents any mutations. One thing it guarantees though, `Object.isFrozen`,
+`Object.isSealed`, `Object.isExtensible` checks will behave as defined in
+`Object.defineProperty` is only partially compliant with the specification:
+- Non configurable properties will be created as configurable ones.
+- Instead of non-writable properties getters and setters will be defined,
+but `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor` will still behave as expected
+(will return property descriptor for non-writable property not a getter)
+- Defining properties using ES5 functions will break your
+ [custom iterators][] if you have any. Think twice before employing
+ custom iterators, because in most cases you can just make properties
+ non enumerable. If you really need to have a custom iterator, add it
+ after running ES5 functions and don't ignore previous iterators.
+ For example:
+ let object = Object.create({}, {
+ myField: { value: 6 }
+ });
+ object.__iterator__ = (function(original) {
+ return function myIterator() {
+ this.__iterator__ = original;
+ for (let key in this) {
+ // your logic here
+ }
+ this.__iterator__ = myIterator;
+ }
+ })(object.__iterator__);
+[custom iterators]:https://developer.mozilla.org/en/New_in_JavaScript_1.7#Iterators
+[ES5 specification]:http://www.ecmascript.org/docs/tc39-2009-043.pdf
+[changes to JavaScript]:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kq4FpMe6cRs
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+The `events` module provides base API for emitting events.
+This module is not intended to be used directly by programs. Rather, it is
+intended to be used by other modules that provide APIs to programs.
+<api name="EventEmitter">
+The EventEmitter is the base building block for all compositions that
+would need to broadcast data to multiple consumers.
+Please note that `EventEmitter` does not expose either a method for emitting
+events or a list of available event listeners as its public API. Obviously
+both are accessible but from the instance itself through the private API.
+<api name="EventEmitter">
+Creates an EventEmitter object.
+<api name="on">
+Registers an event `listener` that will be called when events of
+specified `type` are emitted.
+If the `listener` is already registered for this `type`, a call to this
+method has no effect.
+If the event listener is being registered while an event is being processed,
+the event listener is not called during the current emit.
+ // worker is instance of EventEmitter
+ worker.on('message', function (data) {
+ console.log('data received: ' + data)
+ });
+@param type {String}
+ The type of the event.
+@param listener {Function}
+ The listener function that processes the event.
+<api name="once">
+Registers an event `listener` that will only be called once, the next time
+an event of the specified `type` is emitted.
+If the event listener is registered while an event of the specified `type`
+is being emitted, the event listener will not be called during the current
+@param type {String}
+ The type of the event.
+@param listener {Function}
+ The listener function that processes the event.
+<api name="removeListener">
+Unregisters an event `listener` for the specified event `type`.
+If the `listener` is not registered for this `type`, a call to this
+method has no effect.
+If an event listener is removed while an event is being processed, it is
+still triggered by the current emit. After it is removed, the event listener
+is never invoked again (unless registered again for future processing).
+@param type {String}
+ The type of the event.
+@param listener {Function}
+ The listener function that processes the event.
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+<!-- contributed by Drew Willcoxon [adw@mozilla.com] -->
+<!-- contributed by Atul Varma [atul@mozilla.com] -->
+<!-- edited by Noelle Murata [fiveinchpixie@gmail.com] -->
+The `file` module provides access to the local filesystem.
+Path specifications in this API are platform-specific. This means that on
+Windows paths are specified using the backslash path separator (`\`), and on
+Unix-like systems like Linux and OS X paths are specified using the forward
+slash path separator (`/`).
+If your add-on uses literal Windows-style path specifications with this API,
+your add-on likely won't work when users run it on Unix-like systems. Likewise,
+if your add-on uses literal Unix-style path specifications, it won't work for
+users on Windows.
+To ensure your add-on works for everyone, generate paths using the
+[`join`](packages/api-utils/docs/file.html#join(...)) function. Unfortunately
+this API does not currently provide a way to obtain an absolute base path which
+you could then use with `join`. For now, you need to
+[`require("chrome")`](dev-guide/module-development/chrome.html) and use the
+XPCOM directory service as described at
+Note that if you do decide to hardcode Windows-style paths, be sure to escape
+backslashes in strings. For example, to specify the file at `C:\Users\Myk`, you
+need to use the string `"C:\\Users\\Myk"`, not `"C:\Users\Myk"`. You can read
+more about escaping characters in strings at
+<api name="basename">
+ Returns the last component of the given path. For example,
+ `basename("/foo/bar/baz")` returns `"baz"`. If the path has no components,
+ the empty string is returned.
+@param path {string}
+ The path of a file.
+@returns {string}
+ The last component of the given path.
+<api name="dirname">
+ Returns the path of the directory containing the given file. If the file is
+ at the top of the volume, the empty string is returned.
+@param path {string}
+ The path of a file.
+@returns {string}
+ The path of the directory containing the file.
+<api name="exists">
+ Returns true if a file exists at the given path and false otherwise.
+@param path {string}
+ The path of a file.
+@returns {boolean}
+ True if the file exists and false otherwise.
+<api name="join">
+ Takes a variable number of strings, joins them on the file system's path
+ separator, and returns the result.
+@param ... {strings}
+ A variable number of strings to join. The first string must be an absolute
+ path.
+@returns {string}
+ A single string formed by joining the strings on the file system's path
+ separator.
+<api name="list">
+ Returns an array of file names in the given directory.
+@param path {string}
+ The path of the directory.
+@returns {array}
+ An array of file names. Each is a basename, not a full path.
+<api name="mkpath">
+ Makes a new directory named by the given path. Any subdirectories that do not
+ exist are also created. `mkpath` can be called multiple times on the same
+ path.
+@param path {string}
+ The path to create.
+<api name="open">
+ Returns a stream providing access to the contents of a file.
+@param path {string}
+ The path of the file to open.
+@param [mode] {string}
+ An optional string, each character of which describes a characteristic of the
+ returned stream. If the string contains `"r"`, the file is opened in
+ read-only mode. `"w"` opens the file in write-only mode. `"b"` opens the
+ file in binary mode. If `"b"` is not present, the file is opened in text
+ mode, and its contents are assumed to be UTF-8. If *`mode`* is not given,
+ `"r"` is assumed, and the file is opened in read-only text mode.
+@returns {stream}
+ If the file is opened in text read-only `mode`, a `TextReader` is returned,
+ and if text write-only mode, a `TextWriter` is returned. See
+ [`text-streams`](packages/api-utils/docs/text-streams.html) for information on
+ these text stream objects. If the file is opened in binary read-only `mode`,
+ a `ByteReader` is returned, and if binary write-only mode, a `ByteWriter` is
+ returned. See
+ [`byte-streams`](packages/api-utils/docs/byte-streams.html) for more
+ information on these byte stream objects. Opened files should always be
+ closed after use by calling `close` on the returned stream.
+<api name="read">
+ Opens a file and returns a string containing its entire contents.
+@param path {string}
+ The path of the file to read.
+@param [mode] {string}
+ An optional string, each character of which describes a characteristic of the
+ returned stream. If the string contains `"b"`, the contents will be returned
+ in binary mode. If `"b"` is not present or `mode` is not given, the file
+ contents will be returned in text mode.
+@returns {string}
+ A string containing the file's entire contents.
+<api name="remove">
+ Removes a file from the file system. To remove directories, use `rmdir`.
+@param path {string}
+ The path of the file to remove.
+<api name="rmdir">
+ Removes a directory from the file system. If the directory is not empty, an
+ exception is thrown.
+@param path {string}
+ The path of the directory to remove.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/hidden-frame.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/hidden-frame.md
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+++ b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/hidden-frame.md
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+<!-- contributed by Myk Melez [myk@mozilla.org] -->
+The `hidden-frame` module creates host application frames (i.e. XUL `<iframe>`
+elements) that are not displayed to the user. It is useful in the construction
+of APIs that load web content not intended to be directly seen or accessed
+by users, like `page-worker`. It is also useful in the construction of APIs
+that load web content for intermittent display, such as `panel`.
+This module is not intended to be used directly by programs. Rather, it is
+intended to be used by other modules that provide APIs to programs.
+The module exports a constructor function, `HiddenFrame`, and two other
+functions, `add` and `remove`.
+`HiddenFrame` constructs a new hidden frame. `add` registers a hidden frame,
+preparing it to load content. `remove` unregisters a frame, unloading any
+content that was loaded in it.
+The following code creates a hidden frame, loads a web page into it, and then
+logs its title:
+ var hiddenFrames = require("hidden-frame");
+ let hiddenFrame = hiddenFrames.add(hiddenFrames.HiddenFrame({
+ onReady: function() {
+ this.element.contentWindow.location = "http://www.mozilla.org/";
+ let self = this;
+ this.element.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
+ console.log(self.element.contentDocument.title);
+ }, true, true);
+ }
+ }));
+See the `panel` module for a real-world example of usage of this module.
+<api name="HiddenFrame">
+`HiddenFrame` objects represent hidden frames.
+<api name="HiddenFrame">
+Creates a hidden frame.
+@param options {object}
+ Options for the frame, with the following keys:
+ @prop onReady {function,array}
+ Functions to call when the frame is ready to load content. You must specify
+ an `onReady` callback and refrain from using the hidden frame until
+ the callback gets called, because hidden frames are not always ready to load
+ content the moment they are added.
+<api name="add">
+Register a hidden frame, preparing it to load content.
+@param hiddenFrame {HiddenFrame} the frame to add
+<api name="remove">
+Unregister a hidden frame, unloading any content that was loaded in it.
+@param hiddenFrame {HiddenFrame} the frame to remove
+<api name="element">
+@property {DOMElement}
+The host application frame in which the page is loaded.
+<api name="onReady">
+@property {array}
+Functions to call when the frame is ready to load content.
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+[Traits](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trait_%28computer_science%29) are a simple
+mechanism for structuring object-oriented programs. They represent reusable and
+composable building blocks of functionality that factor out the common
+attributes and behavior of objects.
+They are a more robust alternative to
+[mixins](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixins) and
+[multiple inheritance](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_inheritance),
+because name clashes must be explicitly resolved and composition is commutative
+and associative (i.e. the order of traits in a composition is irrelevant).
+Use traits to share functionality between similar objects without duplicating
+code or creating complex inheritance chains.
+## Trait Creation ##
+To create a trait, call the `Trait` constructor function exported by this
+module, passing it a JavaScript object that specifies the properties of the
+ let Trait = require('light-traits').Trait;
+ let t = Trait({
+ foo: "foo",
+ bar: function bar() {
+ return "Hi!"
+ },
+ baz: Trait.required
+ });
+Traits can both provide and require properties. A *provided* property is a
+property for which the trait itself provides a value. A *required* property is a
+property that the trait needs in order to function correctly but for which
+it doesn't provide a value.
+Required properties must be provided by another trait or by an object with a
+trait. Creation of an object with a trait will fail if required properties are
+not provided. Specify a required property by setting the value of the property
+to `Trait.required`.
+## Object Creation ##
+Create objects with a single trait by calling the trait's `create` method. The
+method takes a single argument, the object to serve as the new object's
+prototype. If no prototype is specified, the new object's prototype will be
+ let t = Trait({
+ foo: 'foo',
+ bar: 2
+ });
+ let foo1 = t.create();
+ let foo2 = t.create({ name: 'Super' });
+## Trait Composition ##
+Traits are designed to be composed with other traits to create objects with the
+properties of multiple traits. To compose an object with multiple traits, you
+first create a composite trait and then use it to create the object. A composite
+trait is a trait that contains all of the properties of the traits from which it
+is composed. In the following example, MagnitudeTrait is a composite trait.
+ let EqualityTrait = Trait({
+ equal: Trait.required,
+ notEqual: function notEqual(x) {
+ return !this.equal(x)
+ }
+ });
+ let ComparisonTrait = Trait({
+ less: Trait.required,
+ notEqual: Trait.required,
+ greater: function greater(x) {
+ return !this.less(x) && this.notEqual(x)
+ }
+ });
+ let MagnitudeTrait = Trait.compose(EqualityTrait, ComparisonTrait);
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.1" viewBox="-11 121 490 190" width="490px" height="190px">
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+ <tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="0" y="11" textLength="47.373047">notEqual</tspan>
+ </text>
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+ <tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="red" x="0" y="11" textLength="29.361328">equal</tspan>
+ </text>
+ <rect x="9" y="137.33334" width="141" height="14"/>
+ <rect x="9" y="137.33334" width="141" height="14" stroke="black" stroke-width="1px"/>
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+ <tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" x="38.49707" y="11" textLength="54.00586">EqualityTrait</tspan>
+ </text>
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+ </text>
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+ <tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="red" x="0" y="11" textLength="47.373047">notEqual</tspan>
+ </text>
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+ <rect x="9" y="245" width="141" height="14" stroke="black" stroke-width="1px"/>
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+ <tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="red" x="0" y="11" textLength="21.339844">less</tspan>
+ </text>
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+ <tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" x=".15332031" y="11" textLength="112.67578">ComparisonTrait</tspan>
+ </text>
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+ <tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="red" x="0" y="11" textLength="21.339844">less</tspan>
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+ <rect x="317.75" y="207.5" width="141" height="14"/>
+ <rect x="317.75" y="207.5" width="141" height="14" stroke="black" stroke-width="1px"/>
+ <text transform="translate(322.75 207.5)" fill="black">
+ <tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="0" y="11" textLength="47.373047">notEqual</tspan>
+ </text>
+ <rect x="317.75" y="193.5" width="141" height="14"/>
+ <rect x="317.75" y="193.5" width="141" height="14" stroke="black" stroke-width="1px"/>
+ <text transform="translate(322.75 193.5)" fill="red">
+ <tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" fill="red" x="0" y="11" textLength="29.361328">equal</tspan>
+ </text>
+ <rect x="317.75" y="179.5" width="141" height="14"/>
+ <rect x="317.75" y="179.5" width="141" height="14" stroke="black" stroke-width="1px"/>
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+ <tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="bold" x="31.83789" y="11" textLength="67.32422">MagnitudeTrait</tspan>
+ </text>
+ <path d="M 150 248.83887 L 158.89999 248.83887 L 235.9 248.83887 L 235.9 224.66113 L 308.85 224.66113 L 310.85 224.66113" marker-end="url(#SharpArrow_Marker)" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke-width="1px"/>
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+ </g>
+ </g>
+## Trait Resolution ##
+Composite traits have conflicts when two of the traits in the composition
+provide properties with the same name but different values (when compared using
+the `===` strict equality operator). In the following example, `TC` has a
+conflict because `T1` and `T2` both define a `foo` property:
+ let T1 = Trait({
+ foo: function () {
+ // do something
+ },
+ bar: 'bar',
+ t1: 1
+ });
+ let T2 = Trait({
+ foo: function() {
+ // do something else
+ },
+ bar: 'bar',
+ t2: 2
+ });
+ let TC = Trait.compose(T1, T2);
+Attempting to create an object from a composite trait with conflicts throws a
+`remaining conflicting property` exception. To create objects from such traits,
+you must resolve the conflict.
+You do so by excluding or renaming the conflicting property of one of the
+traits. Excluding a property removes it from the composition, so the composition
+only acquires the property from the other trait. Renaming a property gives it a
+new, non-conflicting name at which it can be accessed.
+In both cases, you call the `resolve` method on the trait whose property you
+want to exclude or rename, passing it an object. Each key in the object is the
+name of a conflicting property; each value is either `null` to exclude the
+property or a string representing the new name of the property.
+For example, the conflict in the previous example could be resolved by excluding
+the `foo` property of the second trait.
+ let TC = Trait(T1, T2.resolve({ foo: null }));
+It could also be resolved by renaming the `foo` property of the first trait to
+ let TC = Trait(T1.resolve({ foo: "foo2" }), T2);
+When you resolve a conflict, the same-named property of the other trait (the one
+that wasn't excluded or renamed) remains available in the composition under its
+original name.
+## Constructor Functions ##
+When your code is going to create more than one object with traits, you may want
+to define a constructor function to create them. To do so, create a composite
+trait representing the traits the created objects should have, then define a
+constructor function that creates objects with that trait and whose prototype is
+the prototype of the constructor:
+ let PointTrait = Trait.compose(T1, T2, T3);
+ function Point(options) {
+ let point = PointTrait.create(Point.prototype);
+ return point;
+ }
+## Property Descriptor Maps ##
+Traits are designed to work with the new object manipulation APIs defined in
+[ECMAScript-262, Edition
+5](http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-262.htm) (ES5).
+Traits are also property descriptor maps that inherit from `Trait.prototype` to
+expose methods for creating objects and resolving conflicts.
+The following trait definition:
+ let FooTrait = Trait({
+ foo: "foo",
+ bar: function bar() {
+ return "Hi!"
+ },
+ baz: Trait.required
+ });
+Creates the following property descriptor map:
+ {
+ foo: {
+ value: 'foo',
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true
+ },
+ bar: {
+ value: function b() {
+ return 'bar'
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true
+ },
+ baz: {
+ get baz() { throw new Error('Missing required property: `baz`') }
+ set baz() { throw new Error('Missing required property: `baz`') }
+ },
+ __proto__: Trait.prototype
+ }
+Since Traits are also property descriptor maps, they can be used with built-in
+`Object.*` methods that accept such maps:
+ Object.create(proto, FooTrait);
+ Object.defineProperties(myObject, FooTrait);
+Note that conflicting and required properties won't cause exceptions to be
+thrown when traits are used with the `Object.*` methods, since those methods are
+not aware of those constraints. However, such exceptions will be thrown when the
+property with the conflict or the required but missing property is accessed.
+Property descriptor maps can also be used in compositions. This may be useful
+for defining non-enumerable properties, for example:
+ let TC = Trait.compose(
+ Trait({ foo: 'foo' }),
+ { bar: { value: 'bar', enumerable: false } }
+ );
+_When using property descriptor maps in this way, make sure the map is not the
+only argument to `Trait.compose`, since in that case it will be interpreted as
+an object literal with properties to be defined._
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/list.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/list.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+<!-- contributed by Irakli Gozalishvili [gozala@mozilla.com] -->
+The `"list"` module provides base building blocks for composing lists.
+<api name="Iterable">
+Base trait that can be used to compose traits with non-standard
+enumeration behaviors.
+This trait is supposed to be used as part of a composition, since it only
+provides custom enumeration behavior to a composed object.
+It defines one required `_keyValueMap` property, that is used as a hash of
+"key-values" to iterate on during enumeration.
+<api name="Iterable">
+Constructs an `Iterable` object.
+<api name="_keyValueMap">
+@property {Object}
+Hash map of key-values to iterate over. _Required_ property: that is, the
+property must be supplied by objects that compose this trait.
+_Note: That this property can be a getter if you need dynamic behavior._
+<api name="List">
+An ordered collection (also known as a sequence) disallowing duplicate
+elements. List is composed out of `Iterable`, therefore it provides custom
+enumeration behavior that is similar to array (enumerates only on the
+elements of the list).
+List is a base trait and is meant to be part of a
+composition, since all of its API is private except for the `length` property.
+ var MyList = List.compose({
+ add: function add(item1, item2, /*item3...*/) {
+ Array.slice(arguments).forEach(this._add.bind(this));
+ },
+ remove: function remove(item1, item2, /*item3...*/) {
+ Array.slice(arguments).forEach(this._remove.bind(this));
+ }
+ });
+ MyList('foo', 'bar', 'baz').length == 3; // true
+ new MyList('new', 'keyword').length == 2; // true
+ MyList.apply(null, [1, 2, 3]).length == 3; // true
+ let list = MyList();
+ list.length == 0; // true
+ list.add(1, 2, 3) == 3; // true
+<api name="List">
+Constructor can takes any number of elements and creates an instance of
+`List` populated with the specified elements.
+@param [element1] {Object|String|Number}
+@param [element2] {Object|String|Number}
+@param [...] {Object|String|Number}
+<api name="length">
+@property {Number}
+Number of elements in this list.
+<api name="_has">
+@param element {Object|Number|String}
+Returns `true` if this list contains the specified `element`.
+<api name="_add">
+@param element {Object|Number|String}
+Appends the specified `element` to the end of this list, if it doesn't
+contain it.
+_Ignores the call if `element` is already contained._
+<api name="_remove">
+@param element {Object|Number|String}
+Removes specified `element` from this list, if it contains it.
+_Ignores the call if `element` is not contained._
+<api name="_clear">
+Removes all of the elements from this list.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/match-pattern.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/match-pattern.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+The `match-pattern` module can be used to test strings containing URLs
+against simple patterns.
+## Specifying Patterns ##
+There are three ways you can specify patterns:
+* as an exact match string
+* using a wildcard in a string
+* using a regular expression
+### Exact Matches ###
+**A URL** matches only that URL. The URL must start with a scheme, end with a
+slash, and contain no wildcards.
+ <colgroup>
+ <col width="30%">
+ <col width="35%">
+ <col width="35%">
+ </colgroup>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Example pattern</th>
+ <th>Example matching URLs</th>
+ <th>Example non-matching URLs</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>"http://example.com/"</code></td>
+ <td><code>http://example.com/</code></td>
+ <td><code>http://example.com</code><br>
+ <code>http://example.com/foo</code><br>
+ <code>https://example.com/</code><br>
+ <code>http://foo.example.com/</code></td>
+ </tr>
+### Wildcards ###
+**A single asterisk** matches any URL with an `http`, `https`, or `ftp`
+scheme. For other schemes like `file`, use a scheme followed by an
+asterisk, as below.
+ <colgroup>
+ <col width="30%">
+ <col width="35%">
+ <col width="35%">
+ </colgroup>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Example pattern</th>
+ <th>Example matching URLs</th>
+ <th>Example non-matching URLs</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>"*"</code></td>
+ <td><code>http://example.com/</code><br>
+ <code>https://example.com/</code><br>
+ <code>ftp://example.com/</code><br>
+ <code>http://bar.com/foo.js</code><br>
+ <code>http://foo.com/</code></td>
+ <td><code>file://example.js</code></td>
+ </tr>
+**A domain name prefixed with an asterisk and dot** matches any URL of that
+domain or a subdomain, using any of `http`, `https`, `ftp`.
+ <colgroup>
+ <col width="30%">
+ <col width="35%">
+ <col width="35%">
+ </colgroup>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Example pattern</th>
+ <th>Example matching URLs</th>
+ <th>Example non-matching URLs</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>"*.example.com"</code></td>
+ <td><code>http://example.com/</code><br>
+ <code>http://foo.example.com/</code><br>
+ <code>https://example.com/</code><br>
+ <code>http://example.com/foo</code><br>
+ <code>ftp://foo.example.com/</code></td>
+ <td><code>ldap://example.com</code><br>
+ <code>http://example.foo.com/</code></td>
+ </tr>
+**A URL followed by an asterisk** matches that URL and any URL prefixed with
+the pattern.
+ <colgroup>
+ <col width="30%">
+ <col width="35%">
+ <col width="35%">
+ </colgroup>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Example pattern</th>
+ <th>Example matching URLs</th>
+ <th>Example non-matching URLs</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>"https://foo.com/*"</code></td>
+ <td><code>https://foo.com/</code><br>
+ <code>https://foo.com/bar</code></td>
+ <td><code>http://foo.com/</code><br>
+ <code>https://foo.com</code><br>
+ <code>https://bar.foo.com/</code></td>
+ </tr>
+**A scheme followed by an asterisk** matches all URLs with that scheme. To
+match local files, use `file://*`.
+ <colgroup>
+ <col width="30%">
+ <col width="70%">
+ </colgroup>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Example pattern</th>
+ <th>Example matching URLs</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>"file://*"</code></td>
+ <td><code>file://C:/file.html</code><br>
+ <code>file:///home/file.png</code></td>
+ </tr>
+### Regular Expressions ###
+You can specify patterns using a
+[regular expression](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions):
+ var { MatchPattern } = require("match-pattern");
+ var pattern = new MatchPattern(/.*example.*/);
+The regular expression is subject to restrictions based on those applied to the
+[HTML5 pattern attribute](http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/common-input-element-attributes.html#attr-input-pattern). In particular:
+* The pattern must match the entire value, not just any subset. For example, the
+pattern `/moz.*/` will not match the URL `http://mozilla.org`.
+* The expression is compiled with the `global`, `ignoreCase`, and `multiline` flags
+ disabled. The `MatchPattern` constructor will throw an exception
+ if you try to set any of these flags.
+ <colgroup>
+ <col width="30%">
+ <col width="35%">
+ <col width="35%">
+ </colgroup>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Example pattern</th>
+ <th>Example matching URLs</th>
+ <th>Example non-matching URLs</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>/.*moz.*/</code></td>
+ <td><code>http://foo.mozilla.org/</code><br>
+ <code>http://mozilla.org</code><br>
+ <code>https://mozilla.org</code><br>
+ <code>http://foo.com/mozilla</code><br>
+ <code>http://hemozoon.org</code><br>
+ <code>mozscheme://foo.org</code><br></td>
+ <td><code>http://foo.org</code><br>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>/http:\/\/moz.*/</code></td>
+ <td><code>http://mozilla.org</code><br>
+ <code>http://mozzarella.com</code></td>
+ <td><code>https://mozilla.org</code><br>
+ <code>http://foo.mozilla.org/</code><br>
+ <code>http://foo.com/moz</code></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>/http.*moz.*/</code><br></td>
+ <td><code>http://foo.mozilla.org/</code><br>
+ <code>http://mozilla.org</code><br>
+ <code>http://hemozoon.org/</code></td>
+ <td><code>ftp://http/mozilla.org</code></td>
+ </tr>
+## Examples ##
+ var { MatchPattern } = require("match-pattern");
+ var pattern = new MatchPattern("http://example.com/*");
+ console.log(pattern.test("http://example.com/")); // true
+ console.log(pattern.test("http://example.com/foo")); // true
+ console.log(pattern.test("http://foo.com/")); // false!
+<api name="MatchPattern">
+<api name="MatchPattern">
+ This constructor creates match pattern objects that can be used to test URLs.
+@param pattern {string}
+ The pattern to use. See Patterns above.
+<api name="test">
+ Tests a URL against the match pattern.
+@param url {string}
+ The URL to test.
+@returns {boolean}
+ True if the URL matches the pattern and false otherwise.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/memory.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/memory.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+The `memory` module provides a concrete default implementation for the SDK's
+`memory` global. For documentation on the `memory` global, see the
+[Globals](dev-guide/module-development/globals.html) reference.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/observer-service.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/observer-service.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+<!-- contributed by Atul Varma [atul@mozilla.com] -->
+<!-- edited by Noelle Murata [fiveinchpixie@gmail.com] -->
+The `observer-service` module provides access to the
+application-wide observer service singleton.
+For a list of common observer topics across a variety of Mozilla-based
+applications, see the MDC page on
+[Observer Notifications](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Observer_Notifications).
+## Observer Callbacks ##
+Observer callbacks are functions of the following form:
+ function callback(subject, data) {
+ /* Respond to the event notification here... */
+ }
+In the above example, `subject` is any JavaScript object, as is
+`data`. The particulars of what the two contain are specific
+to the notification topic.
+<api name="add">
+ Adds an observer callback to be triggered whenever a notification matching the
+ topic is broadcast throughout the application.
+@param topic {string}
+ The topic to observe.
+@param callback {function,object}
+ Either a function or an object that implements [`nsIObserver`](http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/xpcom/ds/nsIObserver.idl).
+ If a function, then it is called when the notification occurs. If an object,
+ then its `observe()` method is called when the notification occurs.
+@param [thisObject] {object}
+ An optional object to use as `this` when a function callback is called.
+<api name="remove">
+ Unsubscribes a callback from being triggered whenever a notification
+ matching the topic is broadcast throughout the application.
+@param topic {string}
+ The topic being observed by the previous call to `add()`.
+@param callback {function,object}
+ The callback subscribed in the previous call to `add()`, either a function or
+ object.
+@param [thisObject] {object}
+ If `thisObject` was passed to the previous call to `add()`, it should be
+ passed to `remove()` as well.
+<api name="notify">
+ Broadcasts a notification event for a topic, passing a subject and data to all
+ applicable observers in the application.
+@param topic {string}
+ The topic about which to broadcast a notification.
+@param [subject] {value}
+ Optional information about the topic. This can be any JS object or primitive.
+ If you have multiple values to pass to observers, wrap them in an object,
+ e.g., `{ foo: 1, bar: "some string", baz: myObject }`.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/plain-text-console.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/plain-text-console.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+The `plain-text-console` module provides a minimalist implementation
+of the [console](dev-guide/addon-development/console.html) global,
+which simply logs all messages to standard output.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/preferences-service.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/preferences-service.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<!-- contributed by Myk Melez [myk@mozilla.org] -->
+<!-- contributed by Daniel Aquino [mr.danielaquino@gmail.com] -->
+<!-- contributed by Atul Varma [atul@mozilla.com] -->
+<!-- edited by Noelle Murata [fiveinchpixie@gmail.com] -->
+The `preferences-service` module provides access to the
+application-wide preferences service singleton.
+<api name="set">
+Sets the application preference `name` to `value`.
+@param name {string} Preference name.
+@param value {string,number,bool} Preference value.
+<api name="get">
+Gets the application preference `name`.
+@param name {string}
+@param defaultValue {string,number,bool} Preference value.
+@returns {string,number,bool} Preference value, returns a default value if no
+preference is set.
+<api name="has">
+@param name {string} Preference name.
+@returns {bool} Returns whether or not the application preference `name` exists.
+<api name="isSet">
+@param name {string} Preference name.
+@returns {bool}
+Returns whether or not the application preference `name` both exists
+and has been set to a non-default value by the user (or a program
+acting on the user's behalf).
+<api name="reset">
+Clears a non-default, user-set value from the application preference
+`name`. If no user-set value is defined on `name`, the function
+does nothing.
+@param name {string} Preference name.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/runtime.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/runtime.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+<!-- contributed by Wes Kocher [kwierso@gmail.com] -->
+The `runtime` module provides access to information about Firefox's
+runtime environment. All properties exposed are read-only.
+For more information, see [nsIXULRuntime][nsIXULRuntime].
+[nsIXULRuntime]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XPCOM_Interface_Reference/nsIXULRuntime
+<api name="inSafeMode">
+@property {boolean}
+ This value is `true` if Firefox was started in safe mode,
+ otherwise `false`.
+<api name="OS">
+@property {string}
+ A string identifying the current operating system. For example, .
+ `"WINNT"`, `"Darwin"`, or `"Linux"`. See [OS_TARGET][OS_TARGET]
+ for a more complete list of possible values.
+[OS_TARGET]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/OS_TARGET
+<api name="processType">
+@property {long}
+ The type of the caller's process, which will be one of these constants\:
+ <tr>
+ <th>Constant</th>
+ <th>Value</th>
+ <th>Description</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>0</td>
+ <td>The default (chrome) process.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>A plugin subprocess.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>2</td>
+ <td>A content subprocess.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>3</td>
+ <td>An IPDL unit testing subprocess.</td>
+ </tr>
+<api name="widgetToolkit">
+@property {string}
+ A string identifying the target widget toolkit in use.
+<api name="XPCOMABI">
+@property {string}
+ A string identifying the [ABI][ABI] of the current processor and compiler vtable.
+ This string takes the form \<`processor`\>-\<`compilerABI`\>,
+ for example\: "`x86-msvc`" or "`ppc-gcc3`".
+[ABI]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XPCOM_ABI
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/securable-module.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/securable-module.md
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+The `securable-module` module allows for the recursive loading
+and sandboxing of
+[CommonJS Modules](http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Modules/1.0)
+(formerly called SecurableModules). This allows, for instance,
+the creation of "mini platforms" that manage the sandboxed evaluation of code.
+## Loader Objects ##
+Loader objects encapsulate the sandboxed loading of SecurableModules
+and the execution of code that relies upon them.
+Runs JavaScript code in the context of the Loader. *options* is an
+object with the following keys:
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>contents</code></td>
+ <td>A string of JavaScript code.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>filename</code></td>
+ <td>An absolute URL naming the file from which the code
+ originates; useful for error reporting and debugging. If omitted,
+ this option defaults to <code>"&lt;string&gt;"</code>.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>lineNo</code></td>
+ <td>An integer representing the line from the file which the
+ beginning of the code corresponds to. If ommitted, this option
+ defaults to <code>1</code>.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>jsVersion</code></td>
+ <td>A string representing the JavaScript version that the code
+ should be interpreted under. If omitted, this options defaults to
+ the latest version of JavaScript supported by the platform.</td>
+ </tr>
+This method returns the most recent value evaluated by the given code.
+If *code* is a string of JavaScript code, this is a convenient
+shorthand for `Loader.runScript({contents: code}}`.
+This loads the given module name using the standard `require()`
+semantics and returns the loaded module.
+## Functions ##
+Creates a new SecurableModule Loader. *options* is an object with
+the following keys:
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>rootPaths</code></td>
+ <td>A list of absolute URLs that will be searched, in order, for
+ SecurableModules when <code>require()</code> is called by any code
+ executing within the context of the Loader.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>rootPath</code></td>
+ <td>A single absolute URL; this is a convenience option,
+ synonymous with setting <code>rootPaths</code> to an array containing
+ a single URL.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>defaultPrincipal</code></td>
+ <td>A string representing the default principal given to any code
+ that is executed by the Loader. This can be <code>"system"</code>, in
+ which case code executed has full chrome access (including access
+ to the <code>Components</code> object which allows it to access the
+ Mozilla platform unrestricted).
+ Alternatively, it can be a URL, such as <code>"http://www.foo.com"</code>,
+ in which case it is treated like web content. If left unspecified,
+ the default value of this option is <code>"http://www.mozilla.org"</code>.
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>globals</code></td>
+ <td>An object containing the names and values of all variables
+ that will be injected into the global scope of all code executed
+ by the Loader.</td>
+ </tr>
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/tab-browser.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/tab-browser.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+<!-- contributed by Dietrich Ayala [dietrich@mozilla.com] -->
+The `tab-browser` module is a low-level API that provides privileged
+access to browser tab events and actions.
+The `tab-browser` module contains helpers for tracking tabbrowser elements
+and tabs, as well as a few utilities for actions such as opening a new
+tab, and catching all tab content loads.
+This is a low-level API that has full privileges, and is intended to be used
+by SDK internal modules. If you just need easy access to tab events for your
+add-on, use the Tabs module (JEP 110).
+<api name="activeTab">
+@property {element}
+The XUL tab element of the currently active tab.
+<api name="addTab">
+Adds a new tab.
+ var tabBrowser = require("tab-browser");
+ tabBrowser.addTab("http://google.com");
+ var tabBrowser = require("tab-browser");
+ tabBrowser.addTab("http://google.com", {
+ inBackground: true
+ });
+ var tabBrowser = require("tab-browser");
+ tabBrowser.addTab("http://google.com", {
+ inNewWindow: true,
+ onLoad: function(tab) {
+ console.log("tab is open.");
+ }
+ });
+@returns {element}
+The XUL tab element of the newly created tab.
+@param URL {string}
+The URL to be opened in the new tab.
+@param options {object}
+Options for how and where to open the new tab.
+@prop [inNewWindow] {boolean}
+An optional parameter whose key can be set in `options`.
+If true, the tab is opened in a new window. Default is false.
+@prop [inBackground] {boolean}
+An optional parameter whose key can be set in `options`.
+If true, the tab is opened adjacent to the active tab, but not
+switched to. Default is false.
+@prop [onLoad] {function}
+An optional parameter whose key can be set in `options`.
+A callback function that is called once the tab has loaded.
+The XUL element for the tab is passed as a parameter to
+this function.
+<api name="Tracker">
+Register a delegate object to be notified when tabbrowsers are created
+and destroyed.
+The onTrack method will be called once per pre-existing tabbrowser, upon
+tracker registration.
+ var tabBrowser = require("tab-browser");
+ let tracker = {
+ onTrack: function(tabbrowser) {
+ console.log("A new tabbrowser is being tracked.");
+ },
+ onUntrack: function(tabbrowser) {
+ console.log("A tabbrowser is no longer being tracked.");
+ }
+ };
+ tabBrowser.Tracker(tracker);
+@param delegate {object}
+Delegate object to be notified each time a tabbrowser is created or destroyed.
+The object should contain the following methods:
+@prop [onTrack] {function}
+Method of delegate that is called when a new tabbrowser starts to be tracked.
+The tabbrowser element is passed as a parameter to this method.
+@prop [onUntrack] {function}
+Method of delegate that is called when a tabbrowser stops being tracked.
+The tabbrowser element is passed as a parameter to this method.
+<api name="TabTracker">
+Register a delegate object to be notified when tabs are opened and closed.
+The onTrack method will be called once per pre-existing tab, upon
+tracker registration.
+ var tabBrowser = require("tab-browser");
+ let tracker = {
+ onTrack: function(tab) {
+ console.log("A new tab is being tracked.");
+ },
+ onUntrack: function(tab) {
+ console.log("A tab is no longer being tracked.");
+ }
+ };
+ tabBrowser.TabTracker(tracker);
+@param delegate {object}
+Delegate object to be notified each time a tab is opened or closed.
+The object should contain the following methods:
+@prop [onTrack] {function}
+Method of delegate that is called when a new tab starts to be tracked.
+The tab element is passed as a parameter to this method.
+@prop [onUntrack] {function}
+Method of delegate that is called when a tab stops being tracked.
+The tab element is passed as a parameter to this method.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/text-streams.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/text-streams.md
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+++ b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/text-streams.md
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+<!-- contributed by Drew Willcoxon [adw@mozilla.com] -->
+<!-- edited by Noelle Murata [fiveinchpixie@gmail.com] -->
+The `text-streams` module provides streams for reading and writing text using
+particular character encodings.
+<api name="TextReader">
+<api name="TextReader">
+ Creates a buffered input stream that reads text from a backing stream using a
+ given text encoding.
+@param inputStream {stream}
+ The backing stream, an [`nsIInputStream`](http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/xpcom/io/nsIInputStream.idl).
+ It must already be opened.
+@param [charset] {string}
+ `inputStream` is expected to be in the character encoding named by this value.
+ If not specified, "UTF-8" is assumed. See [`nsICharsetConverterManager.idl`](http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/intl/uconv/idl/nsICharsetConverterManager.idl)
+ for documentation on how to determine other valid values for this.
+<api name="closed">
+@property {boolean}
+ True if the stream is closed.
+<api name="close">
+ Closes both the stream and its backing stream.
+<api name="read">
+ Reads and returns a string from the stream. If the stream is closed, an
+ exception is thrown.
+@param [numChars] {number}
+ The number of characters to read. If not given, the remainder of the stream
+ is read.
+@returns {string}
+ The string read. If the stream is at the end, the empty string is returned.
+<api name="TextWriter">
+<api name="TextWriter">
+ Creates a buffered output stream that writes text to a backing stream using a
+ given text encoding.
+@param outputStream {stream}
+ The backing stream, an [`nsIOutputStream`](http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/xpcom/io/nsIOutputStream.idl).
+ It must already be opened.
+@param [charset] {string}
+ Text will be written to `outputStream` using the character encoding named by
+ this value. If not specified, "UTF-8" is assumed. See [`nsICharsetConverterManager.idl`](http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/intl/uconv/idl/nsICharsetConverterManager.idl)
+ for documentation on how to determine other valid values for this.
+<api name="closed">
+@property {boolean}
+ True if the stream is closed.
+<api name="close">
+ Flushes the backing stream's buffer and closes both the stream and the backing
+ stream. If the stream is already closed, an exception is thrown.
+<api name="flush">
+ Flushes the backing stream's buffer.
+<api name="write">
+ Writes a string to the stream. If the stream is closed, an exception is
+ thrown.
+@param str {string}
+ The string to write.
+<api name="writeAsync">
+ Writes a string on a background thread. After the write completes, the
+ backing stream's buffer is flushed, and both the stream and the backing stream
+ are closed, also on the background thread. If the stream is already closed,
+ an exception is thrown immediately.
+@param str {string}
+ The string to write.
+@param [callback] {callback}
+ *`callback`*, if given, must be a function. It's called as `callback(error)`
+ when the write completes. `error` is an `Error` object or undefined if there
+ was no error. Inside *`callback`*, `this` is the `TextWriter` object.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/traceback.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/traceback.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+<!-- contributed by Atul Varma [atul@mozilla.com] -->
+<!-- edited by Noelle Murata [fiveinchpixie@gmail.com] -->
+The `traceback` module contains functionality similar to
+Python's [traceback](http://docs.python.org/library/traceback.html) module.
+## JSON Traceback Objects ##
+Tracebacks are stored in JSON format. The stack is represented as an
+array in which the most recent stack frame is the last element; each
+element thus represents a stack frame and has the following keys:
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>filename</code></td>
+ <td>The name of the file that the stack frame takes place in.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>lineNo</code></td>
+ <td>The line number is being executed at the stack frame.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>funcName</code></td>
+ <td>The name of the function being executed at the stack frame, or
+ <code>null</code> if the function is anonymous or the stack frame is
+ being executed in a top-level script or module.</td>
+ </tr>
+<api name="fromException">
+ Attempts to extract the traceback from *`exception`*.
+@returns {traceback}
+ JSON representation of the traceback or `null` if not found.
+@param exception {exception}
+ exception where exception is an `nsIException`.
+See [nsIException](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/NsIException) for more
+<api name="get">
+@returns {JSON}
+ Returns the JSON representation of the stack at the point that this
+ function is called.
+<api name="format">
+Given a JSON representation of the stack or an exception instance,
+returns a formatted plain text representation of it, similar to
+Python's formatted stack tracebacks. If no argument is provided, the
+stack at the point this function is called is used.
+@param [tbOrException] {object}
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/traits.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/traits.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+<!-- contributed by Irakli Gozalishvil [gozala@mozilla.com] -->
+The `traits` module provides base building blocks for secure object
+composition. It exports base trait / constructor function that
+constructs an instance of `Trait`.
+[Traits](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trait_%28computer_science%29) are a
+simple composition mechanism for structuring object-oriented programs. Traits
+are similar to
+except that they often define only a part of an object's data and behavior and
+are intended to be used in conjunction with other traits to completely define
+the object.
+Traits are also considered to be a more robust alternative to
+[mixins](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixins) because, name conflicts have to
+be resolved explicitly by composer & because trait composition is
+order-independent (hence more declarative).
+There are some other implementations of traits in JavaScript & some ideas /
+APIs are borrowed from them:
+- [traitsjs](http://www.traitsjs.org/)
+- [joose](http://code.google.com/p/joose-js/)
+Object-capability security model
+Implementation uses an
+[object-capability security model](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-capability_model)
+to allow protection of private APIs. At the same private APIs can be shared
+between among trait composition parties. To put it simply: All the properties
+whose names start with `"_"` are considered to be **private**, and are
+unaccessible from anywhere except other **public** methods / accessors of the
+instance that had been defined during composition.
+<api name="Trait">
+<api name="Trait">
+Creates an instance of Trait and returns it if it has no `constructor` method
+defined. If instance has `constructor` method, then it is called with all the
+arguments passed to this function and returned value is returned instead,
+unless it's `undefined`. In that case instance is returned.
+`Trait` function represents a base trait. As with any other trait it represents
+a constructor function for creating instances of its own & a placeholder
+for a trait compositions functions.
+<api name="compose">
+Composes new trait out of itself and traits / property maps passed as an
+arguments. If two or more traits / property maps have properties with the same
+name, the new trait will contain a "conflict" property for that name (see
+examples in Examples section to find out more about "conflict" properties).
+This is a commutative and associative operation, and the order of its
+arguments is not significant.
+Let's say we want to define a reusable piece of code for a lists of elements.
+ var { Trait } = require('traits');
+ var List = Trait.compose({
+ // private API:
+ _list: null,
+ // public API
+ constructor: function List() {
+ this._list = [];
+ },
+ get length() this._list.length,
+ add: function add(item) this._list.push(item),
+ remove: function remove(item) {
+ let list = this._list;
+ let index = list.indexOf(item);
+ if (0 <= index) list.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ });
+Instances of `List` can be created by calling `List` function with or without
+`new` keyword.
+ let l1 = List();
+ l1 instanceof List; // true
+ let l2 = new List();
+ l2 instanceof List; // true
+As you can see `add` and `remove` functions are capable of accessing private
+`_list` property, but thats about it, there's nothing else that will be able
+to access this property:
+ '_list' in l1; // false
+ '_list' in l2; // false
+ '_list' in List.protoype; // false
+ l1.has = function(name) name in this
+ l1.has('_list'); // false
+ l1.length; // 0
+ l1.add('test')
+ l1.length // 1
+@param trait1 {Object|Function}
+ Trait or property map to compose new trait from.
+@param trait2 {Object|Function}
+ Trait or property map to compose new trait from.
+@param ... {Object|Function}
+ Traits or property maps to compose new trait from.
+@returns {Function}
+ New trait containing the combined properties of all the traits.
+<api name="required">
+@property {Object}
+Singleton, used during trait composition to define "required" properties.
+ var Enumerable = Trait.compose({
+ list: Trait.required,
+ forEach: function forEach(consumer) {
+ return this.list.forEach(consumer);
+ }
+ });
+ let c1 = Enumerable(); // Error: Missing required property: list
+ var EnumerableList = List.compose({
+ get list() this._list.slice(0)
+ }, Enumerable);
+ let c2 = EnumerableList();
+ c2.add('test')
+ c2.length // 1
+ c2.list[0] // 'test'
+ c2.forEach(console.log) // > info: 'test 0 test'
+<api name="resolve">
+Composes a new trait that has all the same properties
+as the trait on which it is called, except that each property listed
+in the `resolutions` argument will be renamed from the name
+of the property in the `resolutions` argument to its value.
+And if its value is `null`, the property will become required.
+ var Range = List.resolve({
+ constructor: null,
+ add: '_add',
+ }).compose({
+ min: null,
+ max: null,
+ get list() this._list.slice(0),
+ constructor: function Range(min, max) {
+ this.min = min;
+ this.max = max;
+ this._list = [];
+ },
+ add: function(item) {
+ if (item <= this.max && item >= this.min)
+ this._add(item)
+ }
+ });
+ let r = Range(0, 10);
+ r.min; // 0
+ r.max; // 10
+ r.length; // 0;
+ r.add(5);
+ r.length; // 1
+ r.add(12);
+ r.length; // 1 (12 was not in a range)
+@param resolutions {Object}
+@returns {Function}
+ New resolved trait.
+<api name="override">
+Composes a new trait with all of the combined properties of `this` and the
+argument traits. In contrast to `compose`, `override` immediately resolves
+all conflicts resulting from this composition by overriding the properties of
+later traits. Trait priority is from left to right. I.e. the properties of
+the leftmost trait are never overridden.
+ // will compose trait with conflict property 'constructor'
+ var ConstructableList = List.compose({
+ constructor: function List() this._list = Array.slice(arguments)
+ });
+ // throws error with message 'Remaining conflicting property: constructor'
+ ConstructableList(1, 2, 3);
+ var ConstructableList = List.override({
+ constructor: function List() this._list = Array.slice(arguments)
+ });
+ ConstructableList(1, 2, 3).length // 3
+@param trait1 {Object|Function}
+ Trait or property map to compose new trait from.
+@param trait2 {Object|Function}
+ Trait or property map to compose new trait from.
+@param ... {Object|Function}
+ Traits or property maps to compose new trait from.
+@returns {Function}
+ New trait containing the combined properties of all the traits.
+<api name="_public">
+@property {Object}
+Internal property of instance representing public API that is exposed to the
+consumers of an instance.
+<api name='toString'>
+Textual representation of an object. All the traits will return:
+`'[object Trait]'` string, unless they have `constructor` property, in that
+case string `'Trait'` is replaced with the name of `constructor` property.
+ var MyTrait = Trait.compose({
+ constructor: function MyTrait() {
+ // do your initialization here
+ }
+ });
+ MyTrait().toString(); // [object MyTrait]
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/unit-test.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/unit-test.md
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index 0000000..401b551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/unit-test.md
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+<!-- contributed by Atul Varma [atul@mozilla.com] -->
+<!-- edited by Noelle Murata [fiveinchpixie@gmail.com] -->
+<!-- edited by Shane Tomlinson[stomlinson@mozilla.com] -->
+The `unit-test` module makes it easy to find and run unit tests.
+<api name="test">
+Each function which represents a test case is passed a single argument
+`test`, which represents the test runner.
+<api name="pass">
+ Marks a test as passing, with the given optional message.
+@param [message] {string}
+ Optional passing message.
+<api name="fail">
+ Marks a test as failing, with the given optional message.
+@param [message] {string}
+ Optional failure message.
+<api name="expectFail">
+ *experimental* Expect the test enclosed within `func` to fail.
+@param func {function}
+ A function that should contain a test that is expected to fail.
+<api name="exception">
+ Marks a test as failing due to the given exception having been thrown.
+ This can be put in a `catch` clause.
+@param e {exception}
+ An exception.
+<api name="assert">
+ Ensures that `a` has a truthy value.
+@param a {value}
+ Value to verify.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="assertEqual">
+ Ensures that `a == b` without recursing into `a` or `b`.
+@param a {value}
+ A value.
+@param b {value}
+ Another value.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="assertNotEqual">
+ Ensures that `a != b` without recursing into `a` or `b`.
+@param a {value}
+ A value.
+@param b {value}
+ Another value.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="assertStrictEqual">
+ Ensures that `a === b` without recursing into `a` or `b`.
+@param a {value}
+ A value.
+@param b {value}
+ Another value.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="assertNotStrictEqual">
+ Ensures that `a !== b` without recursing into `a` or `b`.
+@param a {value}
+ A value.
+@param b {value}
+ Another value.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="assertMatches">
+ Ensures that the given string matches the given regular expression.
+ If it does, marks a test as passing, otherwise marks a test as
+ failing.
+@param string {string}
+ The string to test.
+@param regexp {regexp}
+ The string should match this regular expression.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="assertRaises">
+ Calls the function `func` with no arguments, expecting an exception
+ to be raised. If nothing is raised, marks the test as failing. If an
+ exception is raised, the exception's `message` property is
+ compared with `predicate`: if `predicate` is a string, then a
+ simple equality comparison is done with `message`. Otherwise,
+ if `predicate` is a regular expression, `message` is tested
+ against it.
+@param func {function}
+ A function that should raise an exception when called.
+@param predicate {string,regexp}
+ A string or regular expression to compare to the exception's message.
+@param [message] {string}
+ Depending on the outcome, a test is marked as passing or failing, and
+ *message* is logged.
+<api name="assertFunction">
+ Ensures that `a` is a function.
+@param a {value}
+ A value.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="assertUndefined">
+ Ensures that `a` is `undefined`. `null`, `0`, and `false` will all fail.
+@param a {value}
+ A value.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="assertNotUndefined">
+ Ensures that `a` is not `undefined`. `null`, `0`, and `false` will all pass.
+@param a {value}
+ A value.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="assertNull">
+ Ensures that `a` is `null`. `undefined`, `0`, and `false` will all fail.
+@param a {value}
+ A value.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="assertNotNull">
+ Ensures that `a` is not `null`. `undefined`, `0`, and `false` will all pass.
+@param a {value}
+ A value.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="assertObject">
+ Ensures that `a` is an object. A function, string, or number will fail.
+@param a {value}
+ A value.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="assertString">
+ Ensures that `a` is a string.
+@param a {value}
+ A value.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="assertArray">
+ Ensures that `a` is an array.
+@param a {value}
+ A value.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="assertNumber">
+ Ensures that `a` is a number.
+@param a {value}
+ A value.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="waitUntilDone">
+ Puts the test runner into asynchronous testing mode, waiting up to
+ *timeout* milliseconds for `test.done()` to be called. This
+ is intended for use in situations where a test suite schedules a
+ callback, calls `test.waitUntilDone()`, and then calls
+ `test.done()` in the callback.
+@param [timeout] {integer}
+ If this number of milliseconds elapses and `test.done()` has not yet been
+ called, the test is marked as failing.
+<api name="done">
+ Marks a test as being complete. Assumes a previous call to
+ `test.waitUntilDone()`.
+<api name="waitUntil">
+ Ensures that `a` returns a truthy value within a reasonable amount of time.
+@param a {function}
+ Function that returns the value to verify.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="waitUntilEqual">
+ Ensures that `a == b` returned values or values without without recursing
+ into `a` or `b`.
+@param a {Function}
+ A value, or a function that returns a value.
+@param b {value}
+ Another value, or a function that returns value.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="waitUntilNotEqual">
+ Ensures that `a != b` without recursing into `a` or `b`.
+@param a {Function}
+ A value, or a function that returns a value.
+@param b {value}
+ Another value, or a function that returns another value.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="waitUntilMatches">
+ Ensures that the given string matches the given regular expression.
+ If it does, marks the test as passing, otherwise marks the test as
+ failing.
+@param string {Function}
+ A function that returns the string to test.
+@param regexp {regexp}
+ The string should match this regular expression.
+@param [message] {string}
+ The test is marked as passing or failing depending on the result, logging
+ *message* with it.
+<api name="findAndRunTests">
+ The list of directories is searched for SecurableModules that start
+ with the prefix `test-`. Each module matching this criteria is
+ expected to export functions that are test cases or a suite of test
+ cases; each is called with a single argument, which is a Test Runner
+ Object.
+@param options {object}
+ An object with the following properties:
+ @prop dirs {string}
+ A list of absolute paths representing directories to search
+ for tests in. It's assumed that all of these directories are also
+ in the module search path, i.e. any JS files found in them are
+ SecurableModules that can be loaded via a call to
+ `require()`.
+ @prop onDone {function}
+ A function to call when testing is complete.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/unload.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/unload.md
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index 0000000..a7e3f3f
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+++ b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/unload.md
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+<!-- contributed by Atul Varma [atul@mozilla.com] -->
+<!-- contributed by Drew Willcoxon [adw@mozilla.com] -->
+<!-- edited by Noelle Murata [fiveinchpixie@gmail.com] -->
+The `unload` module allows modules to register callbacks that are called
+when they are unloaded. It is similar to the CommonJS module of the same
+name in the [Narwhal][] platform.
+[Narwhal]: http://narwhaljs.org/
+<api name="ensure">
+ Calling `ensure()` on an object does two things:
+ 1. It replaces a destructor method with a wrapper method that will never call
+ the destructor more than once.
+ 2. It ensures that this wrapper method is called when `send()` is
+ called.
+ Therefore, when you register an object with `ensure()`, you can call its
+ destructor method yourself, you can let it happen for you, or you can do both.
+ The destructor will be called with a single argument describing the reason
+ for the unload; see `when()`. If `object` does not have the expected
+ destructor method, then an exception is thrown when `ensure()` is called.
+@param object {object}
+ An object that defines a destructor method.
+@param [name] {string}
+ Optional name of the destructor method. Default is `unload`.
+<api name="when">
+ Registers a function to be called when `send()` is called.
+@param callback {function}
+ A function that will be called when `send()` is called. It is called with a
+ single argument, one of the following strings describing the reason for
+ unload: `"uninstall"`, `"disable"`, `"shutdown"`, `"upgrade"`, or
+ `"downgrade"`. (On Gecko 1.9.2-based applications such as Firefox 3.6,
+ `"upgrade"` and `"downgrade"` are not available, and `"shutdown"` will be sent
+ in their place.) If a reason could not be determined, `undefined` will be
+ passed instead. Note that if an add-on is unloaded with reason `"disable"`,
+ it will not be notified about `"uninstall"` while it is disabled. A solution
+ to this issue is being investigated; see bug 571049.
+<api name="send">
+ Sends an "unload signal", thereby triggering all callbacks registered via
+ `when()`. In general, this function need not be manually called; it is
+ automatically triggered by the embedder.
+@param [reason] {string}
+ An optional string describing the reason for unload; see `unload.when()`.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/url.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/url.md
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+++ b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/url.md
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+<!-- contributed by Atul Varma [atul@mozilla.com] -->
+<!-- edited by Noelle Murata [fiveinchpixie@gmail.com] -->
+The `url` module provides functionality for the parsing and retrieving of URLs.
+<api name="URL">
+<api name="URL">
+ The URL constructor creates an object that represents a URL, verifying that
+ the provided string is a valid URL in the process. Any API in the SDK which
+ has a URL parameter will accept `URL` objects, not raw strings, unless
+ otherwise noted.
+@param source {string}
+ A string to be converted into a URL. If `source` is not a valid URI, this
+ constructor will throw an exception.
+@param [base] {string}
+ An optional string used to resolve relative `source` URLs into absolute ones.
+<api name="scheme">
+@property {string}
+ The name of the protocol in the URL.
+<api name="userPass">
+@property {string}
+ The username:password part of the URL, `null` if not present.
+<api name="host">
+@property {string}
+ The host of the URL, `null` if not present.
+<api name="port">
+@property {integer}
+ The port number of the URL, `null` if none was specified.
+<api name="path">
+@property {string}
+ The path component of the URL.
+<api name="toString">
+ Returns a string representation of the URL.
+@returns {string}
+ The URL as a string.
+<api name="toFilename">
+ Attempts to convert the given URL to a native file path. This function will
+ automatically attempt to resolve non-file protocols, such as the `resource:`
+ protocol, to their place on the file system. An exception is raised if the URL
+ can't be converted; otherwise, the native file path is returned as a string.
+@param url {string}
+ The URL, as a string, to be converted.
+@returns {string}
+ The converted native file path as a string.
+<api name="fromFilename">
+ Converts the given native file path to a `file:` URL.
+@param path {string}
+ The native file path, as a string, to be converted.
+@returns {string}
+ The converted URL as a string.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/window-utils.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/window-utils.md
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index 0000000..3de84b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/window-utils.md
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+<!-- contributed by Drew Willcoxon [adw@mozilla.com] -->
+<!-- edited by Erik Vold [erikvvold@gmail.com] -->
+The `window-utils` module provides helpers for accessing and tracking
+application windows. These windows implement the [`nsIDOMWindow`][nsIDOMWindow]
+[nsIDOMWindow]: http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/dom/interfaces/base/nsIDOMWindow.idl
+<api name="WindowTracker">
+`WindowTracker` objects make it easy to "monkeypatch" windows when a program is
+loaded and "un-monkeypatch" those windows when the program is unloaded. For
+example, if a Firefox add-on needs to add a status bar icon to all browser
+windows, it can use a single `WindowTracker` object to gain access to windows
+when they are opened and closed and also when the add-on is loaded and unloaded.
+When a window is opened or closed, a `WindowTracker` notifies its delegate
+object, which is passed to the constructor. The delegate is also notified of
+all windows that are open at the time that the `WindowTracker` is created and
+all windows that are open at the time that the `WindowTracker` is unloaded. The
+caller can therefore use the same code to act on all windows, regardless of
+whether they are currently open or are opened in the future, or whether they are
+closed while the parent program is loaded or remain open when the program is
+When a window is opened or when a window is open at the time that the
+`WindowTracker` is created, the delegate's `onTrack()` method is called and
+passed the window.
+When a window is closed or when a window is open at the time that the
+`WindowTracker` is unloaded, the delegate's `onUntrack()` method is called and
+passed the window. (The `WindowTracker` is unloaded when its its `unload()`
+method is called, or when its parent program is unloaded, disabled, or
+uninstalled, whichever comes first.)
+ var delegate = {
+ onTrack: function (window) {
+ console.log("Tracking a window: " + window.location);
+ // Modify the window!
+ },
+ onUntrack: function (window) {
+ console.log("Untracking a window: " + window.location);
+ // Undo your modifications!
+ }
+ };
+ var winUtils = require("window-utils");
+ var tracker = new winUtils.WindowTracker(delegate);
+<api name="WindowTracker">
+ A `WindowTracker` object listens for openings and closings of application
+ windows.
+@param delegate {object}
+ An object that implements `onTrack()` and `onUntrack()` methods.
+@prop onTrack {function}
+ A function to be called when a window is open or loads, with the window as the
+ first and only argument.
+@prop [onUntrack] {function}
+ A function to be called when a window unloads, with the window as the first
+ and only argument.
+<api name="windowIterator">
+ An iterator for windows currently open in the application.
+ var winUtils = require("window-utils");
+ for (window in winUtils.windowIterator())
+ console.log("An open window! " + window.location);
+<api name="closeOnUnload">
+ Marks an application window to be closed when the program is unloaded.
+@param window {window}
+ The window to close.
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/xhr.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/xhr.md
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index 0000000..f2d3ee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/api-utils/docs/xhr.md
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+<!-- contributed by Atul Varma [atul@mozilla.com] -->
+<!-- edited by Noelle Murata [fiveinchpixie@gmail.com] -->
+The `xhr` module provides access to `XMLHttpRequest` functionality, also known
+as AJAX.
+## Limitations ##
+The `XMLHttpRequest` object is currently fairly limited, and does not
+yet implement the `addEventListener()` or `removeEventListener()`
+methods. It also doesn't yet implement the `upload` property.
+Furthermore, the `XMLHttpRequest` object does not currently support
+the `mozBackgroundRequest` property. All security UI, such as
+username/password prompts, are automatically suppressed, so if
+required authentication information isn't passed to the `open()`
+method, the request will fail.
+## Resource Use ##
+Whenever this module is unloaded, all in-progress requests are immediately
+## Security Concerns ##
+By default, the `XMLHttpRequest` object grants full access to any
+protocol scheme, which means that it can be used to read from (but not
+write to) the host system's entire filesystem. It also has unfettered
+access to any local area networks, VPNs, and the internet.
+### Threat Model ###
+The `XMLHttpRequest` object can be used by an add-on to "phone
+home" and transmit potentially sensitive user data to third
+If access to the filesystem isn't prevented, it could easily be used
+to access sensitive user data, though this may be inconsequential if
+the client can't access the network.
+If access to local area networks isn't prevented, malicious code could access
+sensitive data.
+If transmission of cookies isn't prevented, malicious code could access
+sensitive data.
+Attenuating access based on a regular expression may be ineffective if
+it's easy to write a regular expression that *looks* safe but contains
+a special character or two that makes it far less secure than it seems
+at first glance.
+### Possible Attenuations ###
+<span class="aside">
+We may also want to consider attenuating further based on domain name
+and possibly even restricting the protocol to `https:` only, to reduce
+Before being exposed to unprivileged code, this object needs
+to be attenuated in such a way that, at the very least, it can't
+access the user's filesystem. This can probably be done most securely
+by white-listing the protocols that can be used in the URL passed to
+the `open()` method, and limiting them to `http:`, `https:`, and
+possibly a special scheme that can be used to access the add-on's
+packaged, read-only resources.
+Finally, we need to also consider attenuating http/https requests such
+that they're "sandboxed" and don't communicate potentially sensitive
+cookie information.
+<api name="XMLHttpRequest">
+<api name="XMLHttpRequest">
+ Creates an `XMLHttpRequest`. This is a constructor, so its use should always
+ be preceded by the `new` operator. For more information about
+ `XMLHttpRequest` objects, see the MDC page on
+ [Using XMLHttpRequest](https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Using_XMLHttpRequest)
+ and the Limitations section in this page.
+<api name="getRequestCount">
+ Returns the number of `XMLHttpRequest` objects that are alive (i.e., currently
+ active or about to be).
+@returns {integer}
+ The number of live `XMLHttpRequest` objects.
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+Using this module you can:
+* register a component with
+making it available to all XPCOM clients
+* retrieve a factory for a given XPCOM component
+* generate a UUID
+The module also exposes the
+<api name="register">
+Makes a component available through XPCOM.
+This function creates and registers a factory for a component given a
+constructor for it and some metadata: a
+[class ID](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Creating_XPCOM_Components/An_Overview_of_XPCOM#CID), a [contract ID](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Creating_XPCOM_Components/An_Overview_of_XPCOM#Contract_ID),
+and a name.
+<span class="aside">In this example the HelloWorld component is available to JavaScript only, so we use the technique documented under the "Using wrappedJSObject" section of [How to Build an XPCOM Component in JavaScript](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/How_to_Build_an_XPCOM_Component_in_Javascript).</span>
+ var xpcom = require("xpcom");
+ function HelloWorld() {
+ this.wrappedJSObject = this;
+ }
+ HelloWorld.prototype = {
+ QueryInterface: xpcom.utils.generateQI(),
+ hello: function() {
+ return "Hello World!";
+ }
+ };
+ xpcom.register({name: "Hello World Component",
+ contractID: "@me.org/myComponent",
+ create: HelloWorld});
+XPCOM clients can subsequently access this factory and use it to create
+instances of the component.
+ var {Ci} = require("chrome");
+ var factory = xpcom.getClass("@me.org/myComponent", Ci.nsIFactory);
+ var helloWorld = factory.createInstance(null, Ci.nsISupports).wrappedJSObject;
+ console.log(helloWorld.hello());
+`register()` returns a Factory object for the component which implements
+the `createInstance()` and `QueryInterface()` functions of the
+[`nsIFactory`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XPCOM_Interface_Reference/nsIFactory) and
+interfaces, as well as defining an `unregister()` function to remove the
+component from XPCOM.
+When the module is unloaded, all components registered via the `register()`
+function are automatically unregistered.
+@param options {object}
+@prop [uuid] {nsIDPtr}
+A [UUID](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Generating_GUIDs) which will be
+used as the
+[class ID](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Creating_XPCOM_Components/An_Overview_of_XPCOM#CID)
+for this component. If you don't include this option, the `register()`
+function will generate a new UUID.
+@prop create {function}
+The constructor for the component.
+@prop name {string}
+A human-readable name for the component.
+@prop contractID {string}
+A human-readable string which will be used as the
+[contract ID](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Creating_XPCOM_Components/An_Overview_of_XPCOM#Contract_ID)
+for the component. An XPCOM client will be able to use this value to access
+the component.
+@returns {Factory}
+See the documentation for the `Factory` class in this page.
+<api name="getClass">
+Returns the factory object for the class specified by `contractID`.
+For example, given a registered XPCOM component which is identified with
+the contract ID "@me.org/myComponent", we can access a factory and then
+use it to instantiate the component in the following way:
+ var xpcom = require("xpcom");
+ var {Ci} = require("chrome");
+ var factory = xpcom.getClass("@me.org/myComponent", Ci.nsIFactory);
+ var helloWorld = factory.createInstance(null, Ci.nsISupports).wrappedJSObject;
+ console.log(helloWorld.hello());
+@param contractID {string}
+[contract ID](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Creating_XPCOM_Components/An_Overview_of_XPCOM#Contract_ID)
+for the component whose factory will be returned.
+@param [iid] {iid}
+The interface type to be returned. These objects are usually accessed through
+the `Components.interfaces`, or `Ci`, object.
+The methods of this interface will be callable on the returned factory object.
+Usually you want this to be
+[`Ci.nsIFactory`](https://developer.mozilla.org/En/nsIFactory), but if you know
+a component has a factory that implements a more specific type of factory
+interface, you can pass that interface here. If you don't include this option
+only the methods of
+will be callable, which is probably not what you want.
+@returns {object}
+The factory object. The type of this object will depend on the value of the
+`iid` argument. If no `iid` argument is specified it will be of type
+Note that this object is not a `Factory` object as defined by this module.
+If you previously registered the component by calling the `register()`
+function and you need to access the `Factory` object for the component, for
+example to call the `Factory`'s `unregister()` method, you can do so by
+getting the
+property of the returned object:
+ var factory = xpcom.getClass("@me.org/myComp", Ci.nsIFactory).wrappedJSObject;
+ factory.unregister();
+<api name="utils">
+@property {object}
+<api name="makeUuid">
+Generates and returns a new
+Calling `toString()` on this object will yield the UUID in string form.
+@returns {nsIDPtr}
+<api name="Factory">
+When a component is made available through XPCOM using the `register()`
+function, `register()` returns a `Factory` object that can be used to
+instantiate the component using its `createInstance()` function:
+ var factory = require("xpcom").register({
+ name: "My Component",
+ contractID: "@me.org/myComponent",
+ create: MyComponent
+ });
+ var {Ci} = require("chrome");
+ var component = factory.createInstance(null, Ci.nsISupports).wrappedJSObject;
+In this example we haven't defined a custom interface ID for the component.
+Instead we pass `Ci.nsISupports` as the interface ID, and use `wrappedJSObject`
+to retrieve the component. For more details on this technique see the
+[guide to building XPCOM components in JavaScript](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/How_to_Build_an_XPCOM_Component_in_Javascript).
+`Factory` also implements its own `unregister()` function,
+which unregisters the component from XPCOM.
+<api name="createInstance">
+Creates an instance of the component associated with this factory.
+@param outer {nsISupports}
+This argument must be `null`, or the function throws
+@param iid {iid}
+Interface identifier. These objects are usually accessed through
+the `Components.interfaces`, or `Ci`, object. The methods of this
+interface will be callable on the returned object.
+If the object implements an interface that's already defined in XPCOM, you
+can pass that in here:
+ var about = aboutFactory.createInstance(null, Ci.nsIAboutModule);
+ // You can now access the nsIAboutModule interface of the 'about' object
+If you will be getting the `wrappedJSObject` property from the returned
+object to access its JavaScript implementation, pass `Ci.nsISupports` here:
+ var custom = factory.createInstance(null, Ci.nsISupports).wrappedJSObject;
+ // You can now access the interface defined for the 'custom' object
+<api name="QueryInterface">
+This method is called automatically by XPCOM, so usually you don't need
+to call it yourself. It returns the `Factory` object itself such that the
+methods of the given interface are callable on it.
+@param interfaces {iid}
+There are only two legal values for this parameter: `Ci.nsIFactory` and
+`Ci.nsISupports`. Any other value will cause this method to throw
+@returns {Factory}
+<api name="unregister">
+Unregisters the factory's component.
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+<!-- contributed by Drew Willcoxon [adw@mozilla.com] -->
+The `xul-app` module provides facilities for introspecting the application on
+which your program is running.
+With the exception of `ids`, each of these properties exposes the attribute of
+the same name on the [`nsIXULAppInfo`][nsIXULAppInfo] interface. For more
+information, see the [MDC documentation][].
+[nsIXULAppInfo]: http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/xpcom/system/nsIXULAppInfo.idl
+[MDC documentation]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/nsIXULAppInfo
+<api name="ID">
+@property {string}
+ The GUID of the host application. For example, for Firefox this value is
+ `"{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}"`.
+<api name="name">
+@property {string}
+ The host application name. For example, `"Firefox"`.
+<api name="version">
+@property {string}
+ The host application version.
+<api name="platformVersion">
+@property {string}
+ The Gecko/XULRunner platform version.
+<api name="ids">
+@property {object}
+ A mapping of application names to their IDs. For example,
+ `ids["Firefox"] == "{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}"`.
+<api name="is">
+ Checks whether the host application is the given application.
+@param name {string}
+ A host application name.
+@returns {boolean}
+ True if the host application is `name` and false otherwise.
+<api name="isOneOf">
+ Checks whether the host application is one of the given applications.
+@param names {array}
+ An array of host application names.
+@returns {boolean}
+ True if the host application is one of the `names` and false otherwise.
+<api name="versionInRange">
+ Compares a given version to a version range. See the [MDC documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Toolkit_version_format#Comparing_versions)
+ for details on version comparisons.
+@param version {string}
+ The version to compare.
+@param lowInclusive {string}
+ The lower bound of the version range to compare. The range includes this
+ bound.
+@param highExclusive {string}
+ The upper bound of the version range to compare. The range does not include
+ this bound.
+@returns {boolean}
+ True if `version` falls in the given range and false otherwise.