path: root/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/addon-kit/docs/panel.md
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authorGravatar Rogan Creswick <creswick@galois.com>2012-03-31 08:08:11 -0700
committerGravatar Rogan Creswick <creswick@galois.com>2012-03-31 08:08:11 -0700
commitec532e93339a942a395829ec87f427852cd72e00 (patch)
treef6ad13ca7f90f26fda9bc23e428ee367f153e3d2 /tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/addon-kit/docs/panel.md
parent780bf48de85215f5b0b6fde0df40599ac6f9c037 (diff)
removed older addon-sdks from tools
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/addon-kit/docs/panel.md')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 301 deletions
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/addon-kit/docs/panel.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/addon-kit/docs/panel.md
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index 45eea2f..0000000
--- a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/addon-kit/docs/panel.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-<!-- contributed by Myk Melez [myk@mozilla.org] -->
-<!-- contributed by Irakli Gozalishvili [gozala@mozilla.com] -->
-The `panel` module creates floating modal "popup dialogs" that appear on top of
-web content and browser chrome and persist until dismissed by users or programs.
-Panels are useful for presenting temporary interfaces to users in a way that is
-easier for users to ignore and dismiss than a modal dialog, since panels are
-hidden the moment users interact with parts of the application interface outside
-The module exports a single constructor function `Panel` which constructs a
-new panel.
-A panel's content is loaded as soon as it is created, before the panel is shown,
-and the content remains loaded when a panel is hidden, so it is possible
-to keep a panel around in the background, updating its content as appropriate
-in preparation for the next time it is shown.
-Your add-on can receive notifications when a panel is shown or hidden by
-listening to its `show` and `hide` events.
-Panels have associated content scripts, which are JavaScript scripts that have
-access to the content loaded into the panels. An add-on can specify one or
-more content scripts to load for a panel, and the add-on can communicate with
-those scripts either using the `message` event or by using user-defined
-events. See
-[Working with Content Scripts](dev-guide/addon-development/web-content.html)
-for more information.
-The panel's default style is different for each operating system.
-For example, suppose a panel's content is specified with the following HTML:
-<script type="syntaxhighlighter" class="brush: html"><![CDATA[
-<h1>Default Style</h1>
-This is what a panel with no custom styling looks like.
-On OS X it will look like this:
-<img class="image-center" src="static-files/media/screenshots/default-panel-osx.png"
-alt="OS X panel default style">
-On Windows 7 it will look like this:
-<img class="image-center" src="static-files/media/screenshots/default-panel-windows.png"
-alt="Windows 7 panel default style">
-On Ubuntu it will look like this:
-<img class="image-center" src="static-files/media/screenshots/default-panel-ubuntu.png"
-alt="Ubuntu panel default style">
-This helps to ensure that the panel's style is consistent with the dialogs
-displayed by Firefox and other applications, but means you need to take care
-when applying your own styles. For example, if you set the panel's
-`background-color` property to `white` and do not set the `color` property,
-then the panel's text will be invisible on OS X although it looks fine on Ubuntu.
-Create and show a simple panel with content from the `data/` directory:
- var data = require("self").data;
- var panel = require("panel").Panel({
- contentURL: data.url("foo.html")
- });
- panel.show();
-The tutorial section on
-[web content](dev-guide/addon-development/web-content.html) has
-a more complex example using panels.
-<api name="Panel">
-The Panel object represents a floating modal dialog that can by an add-on to
-present user interface content.
-Once a panel object has been created it can be shown and hidden using its
-`show()` and `hide()` methods. Once a panel is no longer needed it can be
-deactivated using `destroy()`.
-The content of a panel is specified using the `contentURL` option. An add-on
-can interact with the content of a panel using content scripts which it
-supplies in the `contentScript` and/or `contentScriptFile` options. For example,
-a content script could create a menu and send the user's selection to the
-<api name="Panel">
-Creates a panel.
-@param options {object}
- Options for the panel, with the following keys:
- @prop [width] {number}
- The width of the panel in pixels. Optional.
- @prop [height] {number}
- The height of the panel in pixels. Optional.
- @prop [contentURL] {string}
- The URL of the content to load in the panel.
- @prop [allow] {object}
- An optional object describing permissions for the content. It should
- contain a single key named `script` whose value is a boolean that indicates
- whether or not to execute script in the content. `script` defaults to true.
- @prop [contentScriptFile] {string,array}
- A local file URL or an array of local file URLs of content scripts to load.
- Content scripts specified by this property are loaded *before* those
- specified by the `contentScript` property.
- @prop [contentScript] {string,array}
- A string or an array of strings containing the texts of content scripts to
- load. Content scripts specified by this property are loaded *after* those
- specified by the `contentScriptFile` property.
- @prop [contentScriptWhen="end"] {string}
- When to load the content scripts. This may take one of the following
- values:
- * "start": load content scripts immediately after the document
- element for the panel is inserted into the DOM, but before the DOM content
- itself has been loaded
- * "ready": load content scripts once DOM content has been loaded,
- corresponding to the
- [DOMContentLoaded](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Gecko-Specific_DOM_Events)
- event
- * "end": load content scripts once all the content (DOM, JS, CSS,
- images) for the panel has been loaded, at the time the
- [window.onload event](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.onload)
- fires
- This property is optional and defaults to "end".
- @prop [onMessage] {function}
- Include this to listen to the panel's `message` event.
- @prop [onShow] {function}
- Include this to listen to the panel's `show` event.
- @prop [onHide] {function}
- Include this to listen to the panel's `hide` event.
-<api name="port">
-@property {EventEmitter}
-[EventEmitter](packages/api-utils/docs/events.html) object that allows you to:
-* send events to the content script using the `port.emit` function
-* receive events from the content script using the `port.on` function
-See the guide to
-<a href="dev-guide/addon-development/content-scripts/using-port.html">
-communicating using <code>port</code></a> for details.
-<api name="isShowing">
-@property {boolean}
-Tells if the panel is currently shown or not. This property is read-only.
-<api name="height">
-@property {number}
-The height of the panel in pixels.
-<api name="width">
-@property {number}
-The width of the panel in pixels.
-<api name="contentURL">
-@property {string}
-The URL of the content loaded in the panel.
-<api name="allow">
-@property {object}
-An object describing permissions for the content. It contains a single key
-named `script` whose value is a boolean that indicates whether or not to execute
-script in the content.
-<api name="contentScriptFile">
-@property {string,array}
-A local file URL or an array of local file URLs of content scripts to load.
-Content scripts specified by this property are loaded *before* those
-specified by the `contentScript` property.
-<api name="contentScript">
-@property {string,array}
-A string or an array of strings containing the texts of content scripts to
-load. Content scripts specified by this property are loaded *after* those
-specified by the `contentScriptFile` property.
-<api name="contentScriptWhen">
-@property {string}
-When to load the content scripts. This may have one of the following
-* "start": load content scripts immediately after the document
-element for the panel is inserted into the DOM, but before the DOM content
-itself has been loaded
-* "ready": load content scripts once DOM content has been loaded,
-corresponding to the
-* "end": load content scripts once all the content (DOM, JS, CSS,
-images) for the panel has been loaded, at the time the
-[window.onload event](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.onload)
-<api name="destroy">
-Destroys the panel, unloading any content that was loaded in it. Once
-destroyed, the panel can no longer be used. If you just want to hide
-the panel and might show it later, use `hide` instead.
-<api name="postMessage">
-Sends a message to the content scripts.
-@param message {value}
-The message to send. Must be stringifiable to JSON.
-<api name="show">
-Displays the panel.
-<api name="hide">
-Stops displaying the panel.
-<api name="resize">
-Resizes the panel.
-@param width {number}
-The new width of the panel in pixels.
-@param height {number}
-The new height of the panel in pixels.
-<api name="on">
- Registers an event listener with the panel.
-@param type {string}
- The type of event to listen for.
-@param listener {function}
- The listener function that handles the event.
-<api name="removeListener">
- Unregisters an event listener from the panel.
-@param type {string}
- The type of event for which `listener` was registered.
-@param listener {function}
- The listener function that was registered.
-<api name="show">
-This event is emitted when the panel is shown.
-<api name="hide">
-This event is emitted when the panel is hidden.
-<api name="message">
-If you listen to this event you can receive message events from content
-scripts associated with this panel. When a content script posts a
-message using `self.postMessage()`, the message is delivered to the add-on
-code in the panel's `message` event.
-@argument {value}
-Listeners are passed a single argument which is the message posted
-from the content script. The message can be any
-<a href = "dev-guide/addon-development/content-scripts/using-port.html#json_serializable">JSON-serializable value</a>.
-<api name="error">
-This event is emitted when an uncaught runtime error occurs in one of the
-panel's content scripts.
-@argument {Error}
-Listeners are passed a single argument, the