path: root/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/addon-kit/docs/context-menu.md
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authorGravatar Rogan Creswick <creswick@galois.com>2012-03-31 08:08:11 -0700
committerGravatar Rogan Creswick <creswick@galois.com>2012-03-31 08:08:11 -0700
commitec532e93339a942a395829ec87f427852cd72e00 (patch)
treef6ad13ca7f90f26fda9bc23e428ee367f153e3d2 /tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/addon-kit/docs/context-menu.md
parent780bf48de85215f5b0b6fde0df40599ac6f9c037 (diff)
removed older addon-sdks from tools
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/addon-kit/docs/context-menu.md')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 702 deletions
diff --git a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/addon-kit/docs/context-menu.md b/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/addon-kit/docs/context-menu.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f2bb5b3..0000000
--- a/tools/addon-sdk-1.3/packages/addon-kit/docs/context-menu.md
+++ /dev/null
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-<!-- contributed by Drew Willcoxon [adw@mozilla.com] -->
-<!-- edited by Noelle Murata [fiveinchpixie@gmail.com] -->
-The `context-menu` module lets you add items to Firefox's page context menu.
-The `context-menu` API provides a simple, declarative way to add items to the
-page's context menu. You can add items that perform an action when clicked,
-submenus, and menu separators.
-Instead of manually adding items when particular contexts occur and then
-removing them when those contexts go away, you *bind* items to contexts, and the
-adding and removing is automatically handled for you. Items are bound to
-contexts in much the same way that event listeners are bound to events. When
-the user invokes the context menu, all of the items bound to the current context
-are automatically added to the menu. If no items are bound, none are added.
-Likewise, any items that were previously in the menu but are not bound to the
-current context are automatically removed from the menu. You never need to
-manually remove your items from the menu unless you want them to never appear
-For example, if your add-on needs to add a context menu item whenever the
-user visits a certain page, don't create the item when that page loads, and
-don't remove it when the page unloads. Rather, create your item only once and
-supply a context that matches the target URL.
-Specifying Contexts
-As its name implies, the context menu should be reserved for the occurrence of
-specific contexts. Contexts can be related to page content or the page itself,
-but they should never be external to the page.
-For example, a good use of the menu would be to show an "Edit Image" item when
-the user right-clicks an image in the page. A bad use would be to show a
-submenu that listed all the user's tabs, since tabs aren't related to the page
-or the node the user clicked to open the menu.
-### The Page Context
-First of all, you may not need to specify a context at all. When an item does
-not specify a context, the page context applies.
-The *page context* occurs when the user invokes the context menu on a
-non-interactive portion of the page. Try right-clicking a blank spot in this
-page, or on text. Make sure that no text is selected. The menu that appears
-should contain the items "Back", "Forward", "Reload", "Stop", and so on. This
-is the page context.
-The page context is appropriate when your item acts on the page as a whole. It
-does not occur when the user invokes the context menu on a link, image, or other
-non-text node, or while a selection exists.
-### Declarative Contexts
-You can specify some simple, declarative contexts when you create a menu item by
-setting the `context` property of the options object passed to its constructor,
-like this:
- var cm = require("context-menu");
- cm.Item({
- label: "My Menu Item",
- context: cm.URLContext("*.mozilla.org")
- });
-These contexts may be specified by calling the following constructors. Each is
-exported by the `context-menu` module.
- <tr>
- <th>Constructor</th>
- <th>Description</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>
- PageContext()
- </code></td>
- <td>
- The page context.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>
- SelectionContext()
- </code></td>
- <td>
- This context occurs when the menu is invoked on a page in which the user
- has made a selection.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>
- SelectorContext(selector)
- </code></td>
- <td>
- This context occurs when the menu is invoked on a node that either matches
- <code>selector</code>, a CSS selector, or has an ancestor that matches.
- <code>selector</code> may include multiple selectors separated by commas,
- e.g., <code>"a[href], img"</code>.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>
- URLContext(matchPattern)
- </code></td>
- <td>
- This context occurs when the menu is invoked on pages with particular
- URLs. <code>matchPattern</code> is a match pattern string or an array of
- match pattern strings. When <code>matchPattern</code> is an array, the
- context occurs when the menu is invoked on a page whose URL matches any of
- the patterns. These are the same match pattern strings that you use with
- the <a href="packages/addon-kit/docs/page-mod.html"><code>page-mod</code></a>
- <code>include</code> property.
- <a href="packages/api-utils/docs/match-pattern.html">Read more about patterns</a>.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>
- array
- </td>
- <td>
- An array of any of the other types. This context occurs when all contexts
- in the array occur.
- </td>
- </tr>
-Menu items also have a `context` property that can be used to add and remove
-declarative contexts after construction. For example:
- var context = require("context-menu").SelectorContext("img");
- myMenuItem.context.add(context);
- myMenuItem.context.remove(context);
-When a menu item is bound to more than one context, it appears in the menu when
-all of those contexts occur.
-### In Content Scripts
-The declarative contexts are handy but not very powerful. For instance, you
-might want your menu item to appear for any page that has at least one image,
-but declarative contexts won't help you there.
-When you need more control control over the context in which your menu items are
-shown, you can use content scripts. Like other APIs in the SDK, the
-`context-menu` API uses
-[content scripts](dev-guide/addon-development/web-content.html) to let your
-add-on interact with pages in the browser. Each menu item you create in the
-top-level context menu can have a content script.
-A special event named `"context"` is emitted in your content scripts whenever
-the context menu is about to be shown. If you register a listener function for
-this event and it returns true, the menu item associated with the listener's
-content script is shown in the menu.
-For example, this item appears whenever the context menu is invoked on a page
-that contains at least one image:
- require("context-menu").Item({
- label: "This Page Has Images",
- contentScript: 'self.on("context", function (node) {' +
- ' return !!document.querySelector("img");' +
- '});'
- });
-Note that the listener function has a parameter called `node`. This is the node
-in the page that the user context-clicked to invoke the menu. You can use it to
-determine whether your item should be shown.
-You can both specify declarative contexts and listen for contexts in a content
-script. In that case, the declarative contexts are evaluated first. If they
-are not current, then your context listener is never called.
-This example takes advantage of that fact. The listener can be assured that
-`node` will always be an image:
- require("context-menu").Item({
- label: "A Mozilla Image",
- context: contextMenu.SelectorContext("img"),
- contentScript: 'self.on("context", function (node) {' +
- ' return /mozilla/.test(node.src);' +
- '});'
- });
-Your item is shown only when all declarative contexts are current and your
-context listener returns true.
-Handling Menu Item Clicks
-In addition to using content scripts to listen for the `"context"` event as
-described above, you can use content scripts to handle item clicks. When the
-user clicks your menu item, an event named `"click"` is emitted in the item's
-content script.
-Therefore, to handle an item click, listen for the `"click"` event in that
-item's content script like so:
- require("context-menu").Item({
- label: "My Item",
- contentScript: 'self.on("click", function (node, data) {' +
- ' console.log("Item clicked!");' +
- '});'
- });
-Note that the listener function has parameters called `node` and `data`. `node`
-is the node that the user context-clicked to invoke the menu. You can use it
-when performing some action. `data` is the `data` property of the menu item
-that was clicked. Since only top-level menu items have content scripts, this
-comes in handy for determining which item in a `Menu` was clicked:
- var cm = require("context-menu");
- cm.Menu({
- label: "My Menu",
- contentScript: 'self.on("click", function (node, data) {' +
- ' console.log("You clicked " + data);' +
- '});',
- items: [
- cm.Item({ label: "Item 1", data: "item1" }),
- cm.Item({ label: "Item 2", data: "item2" }),
- cm.Item({ label: "Item 3", data: "item3" })
- ]
- });
-Often you will need to collect some kind of information in the click listener
-and perform an action unrelated to content. To communicate to the menu item
-associated with the content script, the content script can call the
-`postMessage` function attached to the global `self` object, passing it some
-JSON-able data. The menu item's `"message"` event listener will be called with
-that data.
- require("context-menu").Item({
- label: "Edit Image",
- context: contextMenu.SelectorContext("img"),
- contentScript: 'self.on("click", function (node, data) {' +
- ' self.postMessage(node.src);' +
- '});',
- onMessage: function (imgSrc) {
- openImageEditor(imgSrc);
- }
- });
-Updating a Menu Item's Label
-Each menu item must be created with a label, but you can change its label later
-using a couple of methods.
-The simplest method is to set the menu item's `label` property. This example
-updates the item's label based on the number of times it's been clicked:
- var numClicks = 0;
- var myItem = require("context-menu").Item({
- label: "Click Me: " + numClicks,
- contentScript: 'self.on("click", self.postMessage);',
- onMessage: function () {
- numClicks++;
- this.label = "Click Me: " + numClicks;
- // Setting myItem.label is equivalent.
- }
- });
-Sometimes you might want to update the label based on the context. For
-instance, if your item performs a search with the user's selected text, it would
-be nice to display the text in the item to provide feedback to the user. In
-these cases you can use the second method. Recall that your content scripts can
-listen for the `"context"` event and if your listeners return true, the items
-associated with the content scripts are shown in the menu. In addition to
-returning true, your `"context"` listeners can also return strings. When a
-`"context"` listener returns a string, it becomes the item's new label.
-This item implements the aforementioned search example:
- var cm = require("context-menu");
- cm.Item({
- label: "Search Google",
- context: cm.SelectionContext(),
- contentScript: 'self.on("context", function () {' +
- ' var text = window.getSelection().toString();' +
- ' if (text.length > 20)' +
- ' text = text.substr(0, 20) + "...";' +
- ' return "Search Google for " + text;' +
- '});'
- });
-The `"context"` listener gets the window's current selection, truncating it if
-it's too long, and includes it in the returned string. When the item is shown,
-its label will be "Search Google for `text`", where `text` is the truncated
-More Examples
-For conciseness, these examples create their content scripts as strings and use
-the `contentScript` property. In your own add-on, you will probably want to
-create your content scripts in separate files and pass their URLs using the
-`contentScriptFile` property. See
-[Working with Content Scripts](dev-guide/addon-development/web-content.html)
-for more information.
-Show an "Edit Page Source" item when the user right-clicks a non-interactive
-part of the page:
- require("context-menu").Item({
- label: "Edit Page Source",
- contentScript: 'self.on("click", function (node, data) {' +
- ' self.postMessage(document.URL);' +
- '});',
- onMessage: function (pageURL) {
- editSource(pageURL);
- }
- });
-Show an "Edit Image" item when the menu is invoked on an image:
- require("context-menu").Item({
- label: "Edit Image",
- context: contextMenu.SelectorContext("img"),
- contentScript: 'self.on("click", function (node, data) {' +
- ' self.postMessage(node.src);' +
- '});',
- onMessage: function (imgSrc) {
- openImageEditor(imgSrc);
- }
- });
-Show an "Edit Mozilla Image" item when the menu is invoked on an image in a
-mozilla.org or mozilla.com page:
- var cm = require("context-menu");
- cm.Item({
- label: "Edit Mozilla Image",
- context: [
- cm.URLContext(["*.mozilla.org", "*.mozilla.com"]),
- cm.SelectorContext("img")
- ],
- contentScript: 'self.on("click", function (node, data) {' +
- ' self.postMessage(node.src);' +
- '});',
- onMessage: function (imgSrc) {
- openImageEditor(imgSrc);
- }
- });
-Show an "Edit Page Images" item when the page contains at least one image:
- require("context-menu").Item({
- label: "Edit Page Images",
- // This ensures the item only appears during the page context.
- context: contextMenu.PageContext(),
- contentScript: 'self.on("context", function (node) {' +
- ' var pageHasImgs = !!document.querySelector("img");' +
- ' return pageHasImgs;' +
- '});' +
- 'self.on("click", function (node, data) {' +
- ' var imgs = document.querySelectorAll("img");' +
- ' var imgSrcs = [];' +
- ' for (var i = 0 ; i < imgs.length; i++)' +
- ' imgSrcs.push(imgs[i].src);' +
- ' self.postMessage(imgSrcs);' +
- '});',
- onMessage: function (imgSrcs) {
- openImageEditor(imgSrcs);
- }
- });
-Show a "Search With" menu when the user right-clicks an anchor that searches
-Google or Wikipedia with the text contained in the anchor:
- var cm = require("context-menu");
- var googleItem = cm.Item({
- label: "Google",
- data: "http://www.google.com/search?q="
- });
- var wikipediaItem = cm.Item({
- label: "Wikipedia",
- data: "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search="
- });
- var searchMenu = cm.Menu({
- label: "Search With",
- context: contextMenu.SelectorContext("a[href]"),
- contentScript: 'self.on("click", function (node, data) {' +
- ' var searchURL = data + node.textContent;' +
- ' window.location.href = searchURL;' +
- '});',
- items: [googleItem, wikipediaItem]
- });
-<api name="Item">
-A labeled menu item that can perform an action when clicked.
-<api name="Item">
- Creates a labeled menu item that can perform an action when clicked.
-@param options {object}
- An object with the following keys:
- @prop label {string}
- The item's label. It must either be a string or an object that implements
- `toString()`.
- @prop [image] {string}
- The item's icon, a string URL. The URL can be remote, a reference to an
- image in the add-on's `data` directory, or a data URI.
- @prop [data] {string}
- An optional arbitrary value to associate with the item. It must be either a
- string or an object that implements `toString()`. It will be passed to
- click listeners.
- @prop [context] {value}
- If the item is contained in the top-level context menu, this declaratively
- specifies the context under which the item will appear; see Specifying
- Contexts above. Ignored if the item is contained in a submenu.
- @prop [contentScript] {string,array}
- If the item is contained in the top-level context menu, this is the content
- script or an array of content scripts that the item can use to interact with
- the page. Ignored if the item is contained in a submenu.
- @prop [contentScriptFile] {string,array}
- If the item is contained in the top-level context menu, this is the local
- file URL of the content script or an array of such URLs that the item can
- use to interact with the page. Ignored if the item is contained in a
- submenu.
- @prop [onMessage] {function}
- If the item is contained in the top-level context menu, this function will
- be called when the content script calls `self.postMessage`. It will be
- passed the data that was passed to `postMessage`. Ignored if the item is
- contained in a submenu.
-<api name="label">
-@property {string}
- The menu item's label. You can set this after creating the item to update its
- label later.
-<api name="image">
-@property {string}
- The item's icon, a string URL. The URL can be remote, a reference to an image
- in the add-on's `data` directory, or a data URI. You can set this after
- creating the item to update its image later. To remove the item's image, set
- it to `null`.
-<api name="data">
-@property {string}
- An optional arbitrary value to associate with the item. It must be either a
- string or an object that implements `toString()`. It will be passed to
- click listeners. You can set this after creating the item to update its data
- later.
-<api name="context">
-@property {list}
- A list of declarative contexts for which the menu item will appear in the
- context menu. Contexts can be added by calling `context.add()` and removed by
- called `context.remove()`. This property is meaningful only for items
- contained in the top-level context menu.
-<api name="parentMenu">
-@property {Menu}
- The item's parent `Menu`, or `null` if the item is contained in the top-level
- context menu. This property is read-only. To add the item to a new menu,
- call that menu's `addItem()` method.
-<api name="contentScript">
-@property {string,array}
- The content script or the array of content scripts associated with the menu
- item during creation. This property is meaningful only for items contained in
- the top-level context menu.
-<api name="contentScriptFile">
-@property {string,array}
- The URL of a content script or the array of such URLs associated with the menu
- item during creation. This property is meaningful only for items contained in
- the top-level context menu.
-<api name="destroy">
- Permanently removes the item from its parent menu and frees its resources.
- The item must not be used afterward. If you need to remove the item from its
- parent menu but use it afterward, call `removeItem()` on the parent menu
- instead.
-<api name="message">
-If you listen to this event you can receive message events from content
-scripts associated with this menu item. When a content script posts a
-message using `self.postMessage()`, the message is delivered to the add-on
-code in the menu item's `message` event.
-@argument {value}
-Listeners are passed a single argument which is the message posted
-from the content script. The message can be any
-<a href = "dev-guide/addon-development/content-scripts/using-port.html#json_serializable">JSON-serializable value</a>.
-<api name="Menu">
-A labeled menu item that expands into a submenu.
-<api name="Menu">
- Creates a labeled menu item that expands into a submenu.
-@param options {object}
- An object with the following keys:
- @prop label {string}
- The item's label. It must either be a string or an object that implements
- `toString()`.
- @prop items {array}
- An array of menu items that the menu will contain. Each must be an `Item`,
- `Menu`, or `Separator`.
- @prop [image] {string}
- The menu's icon, a string URL. The URL can be remote, a reference to an
- image in the add-on's `data` directory, or a data URI.
- @prop [context] {value}
- If the menu is contained in the top-level context menu, this declaratively
- specifies the context under which the menu will appear; see Specifying
- Contexts above. Ignored if the menu is contained in a submenu.
- @prop [contentScript] {string,array}
- If the menu is contained in the top-level context menu, this is the content
- script or an array of content scripts that the menu can use to interact with
- the page. Ignored if the menu is contained in a submenu.
- @prop [contentScriptFile] {string,array}
- If the menu is contained in the top-level context menu, this is the local
- file URL of the content script or an array of such URLs that the menu can
- use to interact with the page. Ignored if the menu is contained in a
- submenu.
- @prop [onMessage] {function}
- If the menu is contained in the top-level context menu, this function will
- be called when the content script calls `self.postMessage`. It will be
- passed the data that was passed to `postMessage`. Ignored if the item is
- contained in a submenu.
-<api name="label">
-@property {string}
- The menu's label. You can set this after creating the menu to update its
- label later.
-<api name="items">
-@property {array}
- An array containing the items in the menu. The array is read-only, meaning
- that modifications to it will not affect the menu. However, setting this
- property to a new array will replace all the items currently in the menu with
- the items in the new array.
-<api name="image">
-@property {string}
- The menu's icon, a string URL. The URL can be remote, a reference to an image
- in the add-on's `data` directory, or a data URI. You can set this after
- creating the menu to update its image later. To remove the menu's image, set
- it to `null`.
-<api name="context">
-@property {list}
- A list of declarative contexts for which the menu will appear in the context
- menu. Contexts can be added by calling `context.add()` and removed by called
- `context.remove()`. This property is meaningful only for menus contained in
- the top-level context menu.
-<api name="parentMenu">
-@property {Menu}
- The menu's parent `Menu`, or `null` if the menu is contained in the top-level
- context menu. This property is read-only. To add the menu to a new menu,
- call that menu's `addItem()` method.
-<api name="contentScript">
-@property {string,array}
- The content script or the array of content scripts associated with the menu
- during creation. This property is meaningful only for menus contained in the
- top-level context menu.
-<api name="contentScriptFile">
-@property {string,array}
- The URL of a content script or the array of such URLs associated with the menu
- during creation. This property is meaningful only for menus contained in the
- top-level context menu.
-<api name="addItem">
- Appends a menu item to the end of the menu. If the item is already contained
- in another menu or in the top-level context menu, it's automatically removed
- first.
-@param item {Item,Menu,Separator}
- The `Item`, `Menu`, or `Separator` to add to the menu.
-<api name="removeItem">
- Removes the given menu item from the menu. If the menu does not contain the
- item, this method does nothing.
-@param item {Item,Menu,Separator}
- The menu item to remove from the menu.
-<api name="destroy">
- Permanently removes the menu from its parent menu and frees its resources.
- The menu must not be used afterward. If you need to remove the menu from its
- parent menu but use it afterward, call `removeItem()` on the parent menu
- instead.
-<api name="message">
-If you listen to this event you can receive message events from content
-scripts associated with this menu item. When a content script posts a
-message using `self.postMessage()`, the message is delivered to the add-on
-code in the menu item's `message` event.
-@argument {value}
-Listeners are passed a single argument which is the message posted
-from the content script. The message can be any
-<a href = "dev-guide/addon-development/content-scripts/using-port.html#json_serializable">JSON-serializable value</a>.
-<api name="Separator">
-A menu separator. Separators can be contained only in `Menu`s, not in the
-top-level context menu.
-<api name="Separator">
- Creates a menu separator.
-<api name="parentMenu">
-@property {Menu}
- The separator's parent `Menu`. This property is read-only. To add the
- separator to a new menu, call that menu's `addItem()` method.
-<api name="destroy">
- Permanently removes the separator from its parent menu and frees its
- resources. The separator must not be used afterward. If you need to remove
- the separator from its parent menu but use it afterward, call `removeItem()`
- on the parent menu instead.
-<api name="PageContext">
-<api name="PageContext">
- Creates a page context. See Specifying Contexts above.
-<api name="SelectionContext">
-<api name="SelectionContext">
- Creates a context that occurs when a page contains a selection. See
- Specifying Contexts above.
-<api name="SelectorContext">
-<api name="SelectorContext">
- Creates a context that matches a given CSS selector. See Specifying Contexts
- above.
-@param selector {string}
- A CSS selector.
-<api name="URLContext">
-<api name="URLContext">
- Creates a context that matches pages with particular URLs. See Specifying
- Contexts above.
-@param matchPattern {string,array}
- A [match pattern](packages/api-utils/docs/match-pattern.html) string or an array of
- match pattern strings.