path: root/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/.svn/text-base/component_test.html.svn-base
diff options
authorGravatar Benjamin Jones <bjones@galois.com>2012-09-27 12:49:34 -0700
committerGravatar Benjamin Jones <bjones@galois.com>2012-09-27 15:12:48 -0700
commit599b9ac75de5d4868b6ea390460d4dbe6784f06e (patch)
treec049deaae840a7365eacdeb90d3089d78ecb184c /contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/.svn/text-base/component_test.html.svn-base
parentc1b9103d298842b30e0c7e0481a803b217c0e837 (diff)
updated Google closure library to 9-27-2012 SVN trunk
Diffstat (limited to 'contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/.svn/text-base/component_test.html.svn-base')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 764 deletions
diff --git a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/.svn/text-base/component_test.html.svn-base b/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/.svn/text-base/component_test.html.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 36a66a3..0000000
--- a/contexts/data/lib/closure-library/closure/goog/ui/.svn/text-base/component_test.html.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,764 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-Copyright 2007 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
-See the COPYING file for details.
-<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
- <title>Closure Unit Tests - goog.ui.Component</title>
- <script src="../base.js"></script>
- <script>
- goog.require('goog.dom');
- goog.require('goog.dom.DomHelper');
- goog.require('goog.dom.NodeType');
- goog.require('goog.dom.TagName');
- goog.require('goog.events.EventTarget');
- goog.require('goog.string.StringBuffer');
- goog.require('goog.testing.PropertyReplacer');
- goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit');
- goog.require('goog.ui.Component');
- </script>
- <div id="sandbox"></div>
- <script>
- var component;
- var propertyReplacer = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
- var sandbox = goog.dom.getElement('sandbox');
- function setUp() {
- component = new goog.ui.Component();
- }
- function tearDown() {
- component.dispose();
- goog.dom.removeChildren(sandbox);
- propertyReplacer.reset();
- }
- function testConstructor() {
- assertTrue('Instance must be non-null and have the expected class',
- component instanceof goog.ui.Component);
- assertTrue('DOM helper must be non-null and have the expected class',
- component.dom_ instanceof goog.dom.DomHelper);
- var fakeDom = {};
- var otherComponent = new goog.ui.Component(fakeDom);
- assertEquals('DOM helper must refer to expected object', fakeDom,
- otherComponent.dom_);
- otherComponent.dispose();
- }
- function testGetId() {
- assertNull('Component ID should be initialized to null', component.id_);
- var id = component.getId();
- assertNotNull('Component ID should be generated on demand', id);
- assertEquals('Subsequent calls to getId() must return same value', id,
- component.getId());
- }
- function testSetId() {
- component.setId('myId');
- assertEquals('getId() must return explicitly set ID', 'myId',
- component.getId());
- var child = new goog.ui.Component();
- var childId = child.getId();
- component.addChild(child);
- assertEquals('Parent component must find child by ID', child,
- component.getChild(childId));
- child.setId('someNewId');
- assertEquals('Parent component must find child by new ID', child,
- component.getChild('someNewId'));
- child.dispose();
- }
- function testGetSetElement() {
- assertNull('Element must be null by default', component.getElement());
- var element = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV);
- component.setElementInternal(element);
- assertEquals('getElement() must return expected element', element,
- component.getElement());
- }
- function testGetSetParent() {
- assertNull('Parent must be null by default', component.getParent());
- var parent = new goog.ui.Component();
- component.setParent(parent);
- assertEquals('getParent() must return expected component', parent,
- component.getParent());
- component.setParent(null);
- assertNull('Parent must be null', component.getParent());
- assertThrows('Setting a component\'s parent to itself must throw error',
- function() {
- component.setParent(component);
- });
- parent.addChild(component);
- assertEquals('getParent() must return expected component', parent,
- component.getParent());
- assertThrows('Changing a child component\'s parent must throw error',
- function() {
- component.setParent(new goog.ui.Component());
- });
- parent.dispose();
- }
- function testGetParentEventTarget() {
- assertNull('Parent event target must be null by default',
- component.getParentEventTarget());
- var parent = new goog.ui.Component();
- component.setParent(parent);
- assertEquals('Parent event target must be the parent component', parent,
- component.getParentEventTarget());
- assertThrows('Directly setting the parent event target to other than ' +
- 'the parent component when the parent component is set must throw ' +
- 'error',
- function() {
- component.setParentEventTarget(new goog.ui.Component());
- });
- parent.dispose();
- }
- function testSetParentEventTarget() {
- var parentEventTarget = new goog.events.EventTarget();
- component.setParentEventTarget(parentEventTarget);
- assertEquals('Parent component must be null', null,
- component.getParent());
- parentEventTarget.dispose();
- }
- function testGetDomHelper() {
- var domHelper = new goog.dom.DomHelper();
- var component = new goog.ui.Component(domHelper);
- assertEquals('Component must return the same DomHelper passed', domHelper,
- component.getDomHelper());
- }
- function testIsInDocument() {
- assertFalse('Component must not be in the document by default',
- component.isInDocument());
- component.enterDocument();
- assertTrue('Component must be in the document', component.isInDocument());
- }
- function testCreateDom() {
- assertNull('Component must not have DOM by default',
- component.getElement());
- component.createDom();
- assertEquals('Component\'s DOM must be an element node',
- goog.dom.NodeType.ELEMENT, component.getElement().nodeType);
- }
- function testRender() {
- assertFalse('Component must not be in the document by default',
- component.isInDocument());
- assertNull('Component must not have DOM by default',
- component.getElement());
- assertFalse('wasDecorated() must be false before component is rendered',
- component.wasDecorated());
- component.render(sandbox);
- assertTrue('Rendered component must be in the document',
- component.isInDocument());
- assertEquals('Component\'s element must be a child of the parent element',
- sandbox, component.getElement().parentNode);
- assertFalse('wasDecorated() must still be false for rendered component',
- component.wasDecorated());
- assertThrows('Trying to re-render component must throw error',
- function() {
- component.render();
- });
- }
- function testRender_NoParent() {
- component.render();
- assertTrue('Rendered component must be in the document',
- component.isInDocument());
- assertEquals('Component\'s element must be a child of the document body',
- document.body, component.getElement().parentNode);
- }
- function testRender_ParentNotInDocument() {
- var parent = new goog.ui.Component();
- component.setParent(parent);
- assertFalse('Parent component must not be in the document',
- parent.isInDocument());
- assertFalse('Child component must not be in the document',
- component.isInDocument());
- assertNull('Child component must not have DOM', component.getElement());
- component.render();
- assertFalse('Parent component must not be in the document',
- parent.isInDocument());
- assertFalse('Child component must not be in the document',
- component.isInDocument());
- assertNotNull('Child component must have DOM', component.getElement());
- parent.dispose();
- }
- function testRenderBefore() {
- var sibling = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV);
- sandbox.appendChild(sibling);
- component.renderBefore(sibling);
- assertTrue('Rendered component must be in the document',
- component.isInDocument());
- assertEquals('Component\'s element must be a child of the parent element',
- sandbox, component.getElement().parentNode);
- assertEquals('Component\'s element must have expected nextSibling',
- sibling, component.getElement().nextSibling);
- }
- function testRenderChild() {
- var parent = new goog.ui.Component();
- parent.createDom();
- assertFalse('Parent must not be in the document', parent.isInDocument());
- assertNotNull('Parent must have a DOM', parent.getElement());
- parent.addChild(component);
- assertFalse('Child must not be in the document',
- component.isInDocument());
- assertNull('Child must not have a DOM', component.getElement());
- component.render(parent.getElement());
- assertFalse('Parent must not be in the document', parent.isInDocument());
- assertFalse('Child must not be in the document if the parent isn\'t',
- component.isInDocument());
- assertNotNull('Child must have a DOM', component.getElement());
- assertEquals('Child\'s element must be a child of the parent\'s element',
- parent.getElement(), component.getElement().parentNode);
- parent.render(sandbox);
- assertTrue('Parent must be in the document', parent.isInDocument());
- assertTrue('Child must be in the document', component.isInDocument());
- parent.dispose();
- }
- function testDecorate() {
- sandbox.innerHTML = '<div id="foo">Foo</div>';
- var foo = goog.dom.getElement('foo');
- assertFalse('wasDecorated() must be false by default',
- component.wasDecorated());
- component.decorate(foo);
- assertTrue('Component must be in the document', component.isInDocument());
- assertEquals('Component\'s element must be the decorated element', foo,
- component.getElement());
- assertTrue('wasDecorated() must be true for decorated component',
- component.wasDecorated());
- assertThrows('Trying to decorate with a control already in the document' +
- ' must throw error',
- function() {
- component.decorate(foo);
- });
- }
- function testCannotDecorate() {
- sandbox.innerHTML = '<div id="foo">Foo</div>';
- var foo = goog.dom.getElement('foo');
- // Have canDecorate() return false.
- propertyReplacer.set(component, 'canDecorate', function() {
- return false;
- });
- assertThrows('Trying to decorate an element for which canDecorate()' +
- ' returns false must throw error',
- function() {
- component.decorate(foo);
- });
- }
- function testCanDecorate() {
- assertTrue('canDecorate() must return true by default',
- component.canDecorate(sandbox));
- }
- function testWasDecorated() {
- assertFalse('wasDecorated() must return false by default',
- component.wasDecorated());
- }
- function testDecorateInternal() {
- assertNull('Element must be null by default', component.getElement());
- var element = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV);
- component.decorateInternal(element);
- assertEquals('Element must have expected value', element,
- component.getElement());
- }
- function testGetElementAndGetElementsByClass() {
- sandbox.innerHTML =
- '<ul id="task-list">' +
- '<li class="task">Unclog drain' +
- '</ul>' +
- '<ul id="completed-tasks">' +
- '<li id="groceries" class="task">Buy groceries' +
- '<li class="task">Rotate tires' +
- '<li class="task">Clean kitchen' +
- '</ul>' +
- assertNull(
- 'Should be nothing to return before the component has a DOM',
- component.getElementByClass('task'));
- assertEquals('Should return an empty list before the component has a DOM',
- 0,
- component.getElementsByClass('task').length);
- component.decorate(goog.dom.getElement('completed-tasks'));
- assertEquals(
- 'getElementByClass() should return the first completed task',
- 'groceries',
- component.getElementByClass('task').id);
- assertEquals(
- 'getElementsByClass() should return only the completed tasks',
- 3,
- component.getElementsByClass('task').length);
- }
- function testEnterExitDocument() {
- var c1 = new goog.ui.Component();
- var c2 = new goog.ui.Component();
- component.addChild(c1);
- component.addChild(c2);
- component.createDom();
- c1.createDom();
- c2.createDom();
- assertFalse('Parent must not be in the document',
- component.isInDocument());
- assertFalse('Neither child must be in the document',
- c1.isInDocument() || c2.isInDocument());
- component.enterDocument();
- assertTrue('Parent must be in the document', component.isInDocument());
- assertTrue('Both children must be in the document',
- c1.isInDocument() && c2.isInDocument());
- component.exitDocument();
- assertFalse('Parent must not be in the document',
- component.isInDocument());
- assertFalse('Neither child must be in the document',
- c1.isInDocument() || c2.isInDocument());
- c1.dispose();
- c2.dispose();
- }
- function testDispose() {
- var c1, c2;
- component.createDom();
- component.addChild((c1 = new goog.ui.Component()), true);
- component.addChild((c2 = new goog.ui.Component()), true);
- var element = component.getElement();
- var c1Element = c1.getElement();
- var c2Element = c2.getElement();
- component.render(sandbox);
- assertTrue('Parent must be in the document', component.isInDocument());
- assertEquals('Parent\'s element must be a child of the sandbox element',
- sandbox, element.parentNode);
- assertTrue('Both children must be in the document',
- c1.isInDocument() && c2.isInDocument());
- assertEquals('First child\'s element must be a child of the parent\'s' +
- ' element', element, c1Element.parentNode);
- assertEquals('Second child\'s element must be a child of the parent\'s' +
- ' element', element, c2Element.parentNode);
- assertFalse('Parent must not have been disposed of',
- component.isDisposed());
- assertFalse('Neither child must have been disposed of',
- c1.isDisposed() || c2.isDisposed());
- component.dispose();
- assertTrue('Parent must have been disposed of', component.isDisposed());
- assertFalse('Parent must not be in the document',
- component.isInDocument());
- assertNotEquals('Parent\'s element must no longer be a child of the' +
- ' sandbox element', sandbox, element.parentNode);
- assertTrue('Both children must have been disposed of',
- c1.isDisposed() && c2.isDisposed());
- assertFalse('Neither child must be in the document',
- c1.isInDocument() || c2.isInDocument());
- assertNotEquals('First child\'s element must no longer be a child of' +
- ' the parent\'s element', element, c1Element.parentNode);
- assertNotEquals('Second child\'s element must no longer be a child of' +
- ' the parent\'s element', element, c2Element.parentNode);
- }
- function testDispose_Decorated() {
- sandbox.innerHTML = '<div id="foo">Foo</div>';
- var foo = goog.dom.getElement('foo');
- component.decorate(foo);
- assertTrue('Component must be in the document', component.isInDocument());
- assertFalse('Component must not have been disposed of',
- component.isDisposed());
- assertEquals('Component\'s element must have expected value', foo,
- component.getElement());
- assertEquals('Decorated element must be a child of the sandbox', sandbox,
- foo.parentNode);
- component.dispose();
- assertFalse('Component must not be in the document',
- component.isInDocument());
- assertTrue('Component must have been disposed of',
- component.isDisposed());
- assertNull('Component\'s element must be null', component.getElement());
- assertEquals('Previously decorated element must still be a child of the' +
- ' sandbox', sandbox, foo.parentNode);
- }
- function testMakeIdAndGetFragmentFromId() {
- assertEquals('Unique id must have expected value',
- component.getId() + '.foo', component.makeId('foo'));
- assertEquals('Fragment must have expected value', 'foo',
- component.getFragmentFromId(component.makeId('foo')));
- }
- function testMakeIdsWithObject() {
- var EnumDef = {
- ENUM_1: 'enum 1',
- ENUM_2: 'enum 2',
- ENUM_3: 'enum 3'
- };
- var ids = component.makeIds(EnumDef);
- assertEquals(component.makeId(EnumDef.ENUM_1), ids.ENUM_1);
- assertEquals(component.makeId(EnumDef.ENUM_2), ids.ENUM_2);
- assertEquals(component.makeId(EnumDef.ENUM_3), ids.ENUM_3);
- }
- function testGetElementByFragment() {
- component.render(sandbox);
- var element = component.dom_.createDom('DIV', {
- id: component.makeId('foo')
- }, 'Hello');
- sandbox.appendChild(element);
- assertEquals('Element must have expected value', element,
- component.getElementByFragment('foo'));
- }
- function testGetSetModel() {
- assertNull('Model must be null by default', component.getModel());
- var model = 'someModel';
- component.setModel(model);
- assertEquals('Model must have expected value', model,
- component.getModel());
- component.setModel(null);
- assertNull('Model must be null', component.getModel());
- }
- function testAddChild() {
- var child = new goog.ui.Component();
- child.setId('child');
- assertFalse('Parent must not be in the document',
- component.isInDocument());
- component.addChild(child);
- assertTrue('Parent must have children.', component.hasChildren());
- assertEquals('Child must have expected parent', component,
- child.getParent());
- assertEquals('Parent must find child by ID', child,
- component.getChild('child'));
- }
- function testAddChild_Render() {
- var child = new goog.ui.Component();
- component.render(sandbox);
- assertTrue('Parent must be in the document', component.isInDocument());
- assertEquals('Parent must be in the sandbox', sandbox,
- component.getElement().parentNode);
- component.addChild(child, true);
- assertTrue('Child must be in the document', child.isInDocument());
- assertEquals('Child element must be a child of the parent element',
- component.getElement(), child.getElement().parentNode);
- }
- function testAddChild_DomOnly() {
- var child = new goog.ui.Component();
- component.createDom();
- assertNotNull('Parent must have a DOM', component.getElement());
- assertFalse('Parent must not be in the document',
- component.isInDocument());
- component.addChild(child, true);
- assertNotNull('Child must have a DOM', child.getElement());
- assertEquals('Child element must be a child of the parent element',
- component.getElement(), child.getElement().parentNode);
- assertFalse('Child must not be in the document', child.isInDocument());
- }
- function testAddChildAt() {
- var a = new goog.ui.Component();
- var b = new goog.ui.Component();
- var c = new goog.ui.Component();
- var d = new goog.ui.Component();
- a.setId('a');
- b.setId('b');
- c.setId('c');
- d.setId('d');
- component.addChildAt(b, 0);
- assertEquals('b', component.getChildIds().join(''));
- component.addChildAt(d, 1);
- assertEquals('bd', component.getChildIds().join(''));
- component.addChildAt(a, 0);
- assertEquals('abd', component.getChildIds().join(''));
- component.addChildAt(c, 2);
- assertEquals('abcd', component.getChildIds().join(''));
- assertEquals(a, component.getChildAt(0));
- assertEquals(b, component.getChildAt(1));
- assertEquals(c, component.getChildAt(2));
- assertEquals(d, component.getChildAt(3));
- assertThrows('Adding child at out-of-bounds index must throw error',
- function() {
- component.addChildAt(new goog.ui.Component(), 5);
- });
- }
- function testHasChildren() {
- assertFalse('Component must not have children', component.hasChildren());
- component.addChildAt(new goog.ui.Component(), 0);
- assertTrue('Component must have children', component.hasChildren());
- component.removeChildAt(0);
- assertFalse('Component must not have children', component.hasChildren());
- }
- function testGetChildCount() {
- assertEquals('Component must have 0 children', 0,
- component.getChildCount());
- component.addChild(new goog.ui.Component());
- assertEquals('Component must have 1 child', 1,
- component.getChildCount());
- component.addChild(new goog.ui.Component());
- assertEquals('Component must have 2 children', 2,
- component.getChildCount());
- component.removeChildAt(1);
- assertEquals('Component must have 1 child', 1,
- component.getChildCount());
- component.removeChildAt(0);
- assertEquals('Component must have 0 children', 0,
- component.getChildCount());
- }
- function testGetChildIds() {
- var a = new goog.ui.Component();
- var b = new goog.ui.Component();
- a.setId('a');
- b.setId('b');
- component.addChild(a);
- assertEquals('a', component.getChildIds().join(''));
- component.addChild(b);
- assertEquals('ab', component.getChildIds().join(''));
- var ids = component.getChildIds();
- ids.push('c');
- assertEquals('Changes to the array returned by getChildIds() must not' +
- ' affect the component', 'ab', component.getChildIds().join(''));
- }
- function testGetChild() {
- assertNull('Parent must have no children', component.getChild('myId'));
- var c = new goog.ui.Component();
- c.setId('myId');
- component.addChild(c);
- assertEquals('Parent must find child by ID', c,
- component.getChild('myId'));
- c.setId('newId');
- assertNull('Parent must not find child by old ID',
- component.getChild('myId'));
- assertEquals('Parent must find child by new ID', c,
- component.getChild('newId'));
- }
- function testGetChildAt() {
- var a = new goog.ui.Component();
- var b = new goog.ui.Component();
- a.setId('a');
- b.setId('b');
- component.addChildAt(a, 0);
- assertEquals('Parent must find child by index', a,
- component.getChildAt(0));
- component.addChildAt(b, 1);
- assertEquals('Parent must find child by index', b,
- component.getChildAt(1));
- assertNull('Parent must return null for out-of-bounds index',
- component.getChildAt(3));
- }
- function testForEachChild() {
- var invoked = false;
- component.forEachChild(function(child) {
- assertNotNull('Child must never be null', child);
- invoked = true;
- });
- assertFalse('forEachChild must not call its argument if the parent has ' +
- 'no children', invoked);
- component.addChild(new goog.ui.Component());
- component.addChild(new goog.ui.Component());
- component.addChild(new goog.ui.Component());
- var sb = new goog.string.StringBuffer();
- component.forEachChild(function(child, index) {
- // Note: This is just to test that 'this' is set correctly.
- var count = this.getChildCount();
- sb.append(index + 1).append(' of ').append(count);
- if (index < count - 1) {
- sb.append(', ');
- }
- }, component);
- assertEquals('1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3', sb.toString());
- }
- function testIndexOfChild() {
- var a = new goog.ui.Component();
- var b = new goog.ui.Component();
- var c = new goog.ui.Component();
- a.setId('a');
- b.setId('b');
- c.setId('c');
- component.addChild(a);
- assertEquals(0, component.indexOfChild(a));
- component.addChild(b);
- assertEquals(1, component.indexOfChild(b));
- component.addChild(c);
- assertEquals(2, component.indexOfChild(c));
- assertEquals('indexOfChild must return -1 for nonexistent child', -1,
- component.indexOfChild(new goog.ui.Component()));
- }
- function testRemoveChild() {
- var a = new goog.ui.Component();
- var b = new goog.ui.Component();
- var c = new goog.ui.Component();
- a.setId('a');
- b.setId('b');
- c.setId('c');
- component.addChild(a);
- component.addChild(b);
- component.addChild(c);
- assertEquals('Parent must remove and return child', c,
- component.removeChild(c));
- assertNull('Parent must no longer contain this child',
- component.getChild('c'));
- assertEquals('Parent must remove and return child by ID', b,
- component.removeChild('b'));
- assertNull('Parent must no longer contain this child',
- component.getChild('b'));
- assertEquals('Parent must remove and return child by index', a,
- component.removeChildAt(0));
- assertNull('Parent must no longer contain this child',
- component.getChild('a'));
- }
- function testMovingChildrenUsingAddChildAt() {
- component.render(sandbox);
- var a = new goog.ui.Component();
- var b = new goog.ui.Component();
- var c = new goog.ui.Component();
- var d = new goog.ui.Component();
- a.setElementInternal(goog.dom.createElement('a'));
- b.setElementInternal(goog.dom.createElement('b'));
- c.setElementInternal(goog.dom.createElement('c'));
- d.setElementInternal(goog.dom.createElement('d'));
- a.setId('a');
- b.setId('b');
- c.setId('c');
- d.setId('d');
- component.addChild(a);
- component.addChild(b);
- component.addChild(c);
- component.addChild(d);
- assertEquals('abcd', component.getChildIds().join(''));
- assertEquals(a, component.getChildAt(0));
- assertEquals(b, component.getChildAt(1));
- assertEquals(c, component.getChildAt(2));
- assertEquals(d, component.getChildAt(3));
- // Move child d to the top and b to the bottom.
- component.addChildAt(d, 0);
- component.addChildAt(b, 3);
- assertEquals('dacb', component.getChildIds().join(''));
- assertEquals(d, component.getChildAt(0));
- assertEquals(a, component.getChildAt(1));
- assertEquals(c, component.getChildAt(2));
- assertEquals(b, component.getChildAt(3));
- // Move child a to the top, and check that DOM nodes are in correct order.
- component.addChildAt(a, 0);
- assertEquals('adcb', component.getChildIds().join(''));
- assertEquals(a, component.getChildAt(0));
- assertEquals(a.getElement(), component.getElement().childNodes[0]);
- }
- </script>