path: root/lib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/')
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4b865a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
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+# zephyr test suite
+# Operates on libraries in the build tree. To test purely internal
+# interfaces, stuff them in a testing library...
+"""Test Suite for libzephyr"""
+import optparse
+import os
+import ctypes
+from ctypes import c_int, c_uint, c_ushort, c_char, c_ubyte
+from ctypes import c_uint16, c_uint32
+from ctypes import POINTER, c_void_p, c_char_p
+from ctypes import Structure, Union, sizeof
+__revision__ = "$Id 0 0 0 $"
+__version__ = "%s/%s" % (__revision__.split()[3], __revision__.split()[2])
+# TODO: pick some real framework later, we're just poking around for now
+class TestSuite(object):
+ """test collection and runner"""
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ for k, v in kwargs.items():
+ setattr(self, k, v)
+class TestFailure(Exception):
+ pass
+# POSIX socket types...
+class in_addr(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("s_addr", c_uint32),
+ ]
+class _U_in6_u(Union):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("u6_addr8", c_ubyte * 16),
+ ("u6_addr16", c_uint16 * 8),
+ ("u6_addr32", c_uint32 * 4),
+ ]
+class in6_addr(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("in6_u", _U_in6_u),
+ ]
+class sockaddr(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("sa_family", c_uint16),
+ ("sa_data", c_char * 14),
+ ]
+class sockaddr_in(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("sin_family", c_uint16),
+ ("sin_port", c_uint16),
+ ("sin_addr", in_addr),
+ # hack from linux - do we actually need it?
+ ("sin_zero", c_ubyte * (sizeof(sockaddr)-sizeof(c_uint16)-sizeof(c_uint16)-sizeof(in_addr))),
+ ]
+# RFC2553...
+class sockaddr_in6(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("sin6_family", c_uint16),
+ ("sin6_port", c_uint16),
+ ("sin6_flowinfo", c_uint32),
+ ("sin6_addr", in6_addr),
+ ("sin6_scope_id", c_uint32),
+ ]
+# zephyr/zephyr.h
+#define Z_MAXOTHERFIELDS 10 /* Max unknown fields in ZNotice_t */
+#define ZAUTH (ZMakeAuthentication)
+#define ZCAUTH (ZMakeZcodeAuthentication)
+#define ZNOAUTH ((Z_AuthProc)0)
+# struct _ZTimeval {
+class _ZTimeval(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+# int tv_sec;
+ ("tv_sec", c_int),
+# int tv_usec;
+ ("tv_usec", c_int),
+# };
+ ]
+# typedef struct _ZUnique_Id_t {
+class ZUnique_Id_t(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ # struct in_addr zuid_addr;
+ ("zuid_addr", in_addr),
+ # struct _ZTimeval tv;
+ ("tv", _ZTimeval),
+ # } ZUnique_Id_t;
+ ]
+# union {
+class _U_z_sender_sockaddr(Union):
+ _fields_ = [
+ # struct sockaddr sa;
+ ("sa", sockaddr),
+ # struct sockaddr_in ip4;
+ ("ip4", sockaddr_in),
+ # struct sockaddr_in6 ip6;
+ ("ip6", sockaddr_in6),
+ # } z_sender_sockaddr;
+ ]
+# typedef struct _ZNotice_t {
+class ZNotice_t(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ # char *z_packet;
+ ("z_packet", c_char_p),
+ # char *z_version;
+ ("z_version", c_char_p),
+ # ZNotice_Kind_t z_kind;
+ ("z_kind", c_int), # no enums yet
+ # ZUnique_Id_t z_uid;
+ ("z_uid", ZUnique_Id_t),
+ # union {
+ # struct sockaddr sa;
+ # struct sockaddr_in ip4;
+ # struct sockaddr_in6 ip6;
+ # } z_sender_sockaddr;
+ ("z_sender_sockaddr", _U_z_sender_sockaddr),
+ # /* heavily deprecated: */
+ # #define z_sender_addr z_sender_sockaddr.ip4.sin_addr
+ # /* probably a bad idea?: */
+ # struct _ZTimeval z_time;
+ ("z_time", _ZTimeval),
+ # unsigned short z_port;
+ ("z_port", c_ushort),
+ # unsigned short z_charset;
+ ("z_charset", c_ushort),
+ # int z_auth;
+ ("z_auth", c_int),
+ # int z_checked_auth;
+ ("z_checked_auth", c_int),
+ # int z_authent_len;
+ ("z_authent_len", c_int),
+ # char *z_ascii_authent;
+ ("z_ascii_authent", c_char_p),
+ # char *z_class;
+ ("z_class", c_char_p),
+ # char *z_class_inst;
+ ("z_class_inst", c_char_p),
+ # char *z_opcode;
+ ("z_opcode", c_char_p),
+ # char *z_sender;
+ ("z_sender", c_char_p),
+ # char *z_recipient;
+ ("z_recipient", c_char_p),
+ # char *z_default_format;
+ ("z_default_format", c_char_p),
+ # char *z_multinotice;
+ ("z_multinotice", c_char_p),
+ # ZUnique_Id_t z_multiuid;
+ ("z_multiuid", ZUnique_Id_t),
+ # ZChecksum_t z_checksum;
+ ("z_checksum", c_uint),
+ # char *z_ascii_checksum;
+ ("z_ascii_checksum", c_char_p),
+ # int z_num_other_fields;
+ ("z_num_other_fields", c_int),
+ # char *z_other_fields[Z_MAXOTHERFIELDS];
+ ("z_other_fields", c_char_p * Z_MAXOTHERFIELDS),
+ # caddr_t z_message;
+ ("z_message", c_char_p), # not 1980
+ # int z_message_len;
+ ("z_message_len", c_int),
+ # int z_num_hdr_fields;
+ ("z_num_hdr_fields", c_int),
+ # char **z_hdr_fields;
+ ("z_hdr_fields", POINTER(c_char_p)),
+ # } ZNotice_t;
+ ]
+class ZephyrTestSuite(TestSuite):
+ """Tests for libzephyr"""
+ testable_funcs = [
+ "ZInitialize",
+ "ZGetFD",
+ "ZGetRealm",
+ "ZGetSender",
+ "Z_FormatRawHeader",
+ "ZParseNotice",
+ "ZFormatNotice",
+ ]
+ def setup(self):
+ # find the library
+ self._libzephyr_path = os.path.join(self.builddir, "")
+ # check for libtool...
+ if not os.path.exists(self._libzephyr_path):
+ self._libzephyr_path = os.path.join(self.builddir, ".libs", "")
+ self._libzephyr = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(self._libzephyr_path)
+ # generic bindings?
+ for funcname in self.testable_funcs:
+ setattr(self, funcname, getattr(self._libzephyr, funcname))
+ # TODO: fix return types, caller types in a more generic way later
+ # (perhaps by parsing the headers or code)
+ self.ZGetRealm.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
+ self.ZGetSender.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
+ # Code_t
+ # Z_FormatRawHeader(ZNotice_t *notice,
+ # char *buffer,
+ # int buffer_len,
+ # int *len,
+ # char **cstart,
+ # char **cend)
+ # This stuffs a notice into a buffer; cstart/cend point into the checksum in buffer
+ self.Z_FormatRawHeader.argtypes = [
+ c_void_p, # *notice
+ c_char_p, # *buffer
+ c_int, # buffer_len
+ POINTER(c_int), # *len
+ POINTER(c_char_p), # **cstart
+ POINTER(c_char_p), # **cend
+ ]
+ # Code_t
+ # ZParseNotice(char *buffer,
+ # int len,
+ # ZNotice_t *notice)
+ self.ZParseNotice.argtypes = [
+ c_char_p, # *buffer
+ c_int, # len
+ POINTER(ZNotice_t), # *notice
+ ]
+ # Code_t
+ # ZFormatNotice(register ZNotice_t *notice,
+ # char **buffer,
+ # int *ret_len,
+ # Z_AuthProc cert_routine)
+ self.ZFormatNotice.argtypes = [
+ POINTER(ZNotice_t), # *notice
+ POINTER(c_char_p), # **buffer
+ POINTER(c_int), # *ret_len
+ c_void_p, # cert_routine
+ ]
+ # library-specific setup...
+ self.ZInitialize()
+ def run(self):
+ tests = sorted([testname for testname in dir(self)
+ if testname.startswith("test_")])
+ failures = []
+ for test in tests:
+ try:
+ getattr(self, test)()
+ except TestFailure, tf:
+ failures.append([test, tf])
+ return failures
+ def cleanup(self):
+ # no cleanup needed yet
+ pass
+ def test_zinit(self):
+ """test that ZInitialize did something"""
+ print "fd", self.ZGetFD()
+ realm = self.ZGetRealm()
+ print "realm", realm
+ if not realm or realm == "local-realm":
+ raise TestFailure("useless realm %s" % realm)
+ print self.ZGetSender()
+ def test_notices(self):
+ """test notice construct/destruct"""
+ notice = ZNotice_t()
+ print "sizeof ZNotice_t", sizeof(notice)
+ zbuf = c_char_p(0)
+ zbuflen = c_int(0)
+ st = self.ZFormatNotice(notice, zbuf, zbuflen, ZNOAUTH)
+ print "ZFormatNotice:", "retval", st
+ print "\tzbuflen", zbuflen
+ print "\tzbuf", repr(zbuf.value)
+ new_notice = ZNotice_t()
+ st = self.ZParseNotice(zbuf, zbuflen, new_notice)
+ print "ZParseNotice:", "retval", st
+ print "\tz_version", new_notice.z_version
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=__doc__,
+ version = "%%prog %s" % __version__)
+ parser.add_option("--builddir", default="..",
+ help="where to find the top of the build tree")
+ opts, args = parser.parse_args()
+ assert not args, "no args yet"
+ tester = ZephyrTestSuite(builddir=os.path.join(opts.builddir, "lib"))
+ tester.setup()
+ failures =
+ tester.cleanup()
+ for failure, exc in failures:
+ print "FAIL:", failure, str(exc)