diff options
7 files changed, 792 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zwgc/Dictionary/Imakefile b/zwgc/Dictionary/Imakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7142280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zwgc/Dictionary/Imakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/**/# Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
+/**/# For copying and distribution information, see the file
+/**/# "mit-copyright.h".
+/**/# $Source$
+/**/# $Author$
+/**/# $Header$
+OBJS = string_dictionary_aux.o int_dictionary.o string_dictionary.o
+REALSRCS = dictionary.c string_dictionary_aux.c
+REALHDRS = dictionary.h string_dictionary_aux.h
+SRCS = string_dictionary_aux.c int_dictionary.c string_dictionary.c
+HDRS = string_dictionary_aux.h int_dictionary.h string_dictionary.h
+LINCLUDES = -I../Memory -I../String
+GENERATORS= generate_dictionary_instance
+SRCDIR= ${SRCTOP}/zwgc/
+all:: dictionary_spec $(OBJS)
+depend:: ${GENERATORS} ${SRCS}
+# /* Automatically generate a spec file from the template include file: */
+dictionary_spec: dictionary.h
+ cat dictionary.h | grep "^.\*" | grep -v "^ \*/" | sed 's/.\*//' > dictionary_spec
+# Generate a int dictionary instance:
+int_dictionary.c int_dictionary.h: dictionary.c dictionary.h
+ ./generate_dictionary_instance int
+# Generate a string dictionary instance:
+string_dictionary.c string_dictionary.h: dictionary.c dictionary.h
+ ./generate_dictionary_instance string new_string.h
+ $(RM) $(OBJS) dictionary_spec int_dictionary.c string_dictionary.c \
+ int_dictionary.h string_dictionary.h
diff --git a/zwgc/Memory/Imakefile b/zwgc/Memory/Imakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fc0e0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zwgc/Memory/Imakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/**/# Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
+/**/# For copying and distribution information, see the file
+/**/# "mit-copyright.h".
+/**/# $Source$
+/**/# $Author$
+/**/# $Header$
+OBJS = new_memory.o
+SRCS = new_memory.c
+HDRS = new_memory.h
+SRCDIR= ${SRCTOP}/zwgc/
+CODE= ${SRCS} ${HDRS} Imakefile
+all:: memory_spec $(OBJS)
+# /* Automatically generate a spec file from the template include file: */
+memory_spec: new_memory.h
+ cat new_memory.h | grep "^.\*" | grep -v "^ \*/" | sed 's/.\*//' > memory_spec
+ $(RM) $(OBJS) memory_spec
diff --git a/zwgc/Memory/new_memory.c b/zwgc/Memory/new_memory.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb839dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zwgc/Memory/new_memory.c
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+/* This file is part of the Project Athena Zephyr Notification System.
+ * It is one of the source files comprising zwgc, the Zephyr WindowGram
+ * client.
+ *
+ * Created by: Marc Horowitz <>
+ *
+ * $Source$
+ * $Author$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
+ * For copying and distribution information, see the file
+ * "mit-copyright.h".
+ */
+#if (!defined(lint) && !defined(SABER))
+static char rcsid_new_memory_c[] = "$Id$";
+/* This entire module goes out the window in saber */
+#ifndef SABER
+ * memory - module wrapping debugging code around normal malloc/free/etc.
+ * routines.
+ *
+ * Overview:
+ *
+ * ...
+ */
+#define memory__PROVIDER
+#include "new_memory.h"
+ *
+ */
+extern char *malloc();
+extern char *realloc();
+char *calloc();
+extern int free();
+ *
+ */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define assert(x) if (!(x)) abort()
+#define assert(x)
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+extern void record_request();
+char *current_module = 0;
+int current_line = -1;
+ * string string_CreateFromData(char *data, int length):
+ * Requires: data[0], data[1], ..., data[length-1] != 0
+ * Effects: Takes the first length characters at data and
+ * creates a string containing them. The returned string
+ * is on the heap & must be freed eventually.
+ * I.e., if passed "foobar" and 3, it would return
+ * string_Copy("foo").
+ */
+char *memory__malloc(size)
+ unsigned size;
+ char *result;
+ result = malloc(size + memory__size_of_header);
+ if (!result)
+ abort(); /* <<<>>> */
+ ((memory_block_header *)result)->size = size;
+ ((memory_block_header *)result)->creating_module = current_module;
+ ((memory_block_header *)result)->line_number_in_creating_module =
+ current_line;
+ ((memory_block_header *)result)->check_field = CHECK_FIELD_VALUE;
+ result += memory__size_of_header;
+ record_request(current_module, current_line, 1, size);
+ return(result);
+char *memory__realloc(ptr, size)
+ char *ptr;
+ unsigned size;
+ char *result;
+ assert(ptr);
+ if (!memory__on_heap_p(ptr)) {
+ printf("realloced non-memory block in %s on line %d!\n",
+ current_module, current_line);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ return(realloc(ptr, size));
+ }
+ result = realloc(ptr-memory__size_of_header, size+memory__size_of_header);
+ if (!result)
+ abort(); /* <<<>>> */
+ return(result+memory__size_of_header);
+char *memory__calloc(nelem, elsize)
+ unsigned nelem;
+ unsigned elsize;
+ char *result;
+ printf("in calloc\n"); fflush(stdout);
+ abort();
+#ifdef FRED
+ result = calloc(nelem, elsize);
+ if (!result)
+ abort();
+ record_request(1);
+ return(result);
+void memory__free(ptr)
+ char *ptr;
+ assert(ptr);
+ if (!memory__on_heap_p(ptr)) {
+ printf("freed non-memory block in %s on line %d!\n", current_module,
+ current_line);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ (void)free(ptr);
+ return;
+ }
+ record_request(memory__get_header(ptr)->creating_module,
+ memory__get_header(ptr)->line_number_in_creating_module,
+ -1,
+ memory__get_header(ptr)->size);
+ (void)free(ptr-memory__size_of_header);
+#include "../Dictionary/int_dictionary.h"
+static int request_off = 0;
+static int_dictionary requests = 0;
+static int outstanding_requests = 0;
+static int outstanding_memory = 0;
+void record_request(module, line_number, dir, size)
+ char *module;
+ int line_number;
+ int dir;
+ unsigned int size;
+ int_dictionary_binding *binding;
+ int already_exists;
+#ifdef LINE
+ char buffer[20];
+ if (request_off)
+ return;
+ request_off = 1;
+ if (!requests)
+ requests = int_dictionary_Create(101);
+#ifdef LINE
+ module = string_Concat(module, ":");
+ sprintf(buffer, "%d", line_number);
+ module = string_Concat2(module, buffer);
+ binding = int_dictionary_Define(requests, module, &already_exists);
+ if (!already_exists)
+ binding->value = 0;
+#ifdef LINE
+ free(module);
+ binding->value += dir;
+ outstanding_requests += dir;
+ outstanding_memory += size*dir;
+ request_off = 0;
+void proc(binding)
+ int_dictionary_binding *binding;
+ if (binding->value)
+ printf(" %-30s %6d blocks allocated\n", binding->key, binding->value);
+void report_memory_usage()
+ printf("\n# of blocks on the heap = %d\n", outstanding_requests);
+ printf("Total heap space in use: %d bytes\n", outstanding_memory);
+ printf("\nHeap Allocations by module:\n");
+ int_dictionary_Enumerate(requests, proc);
+ printf("\n");
+ fflush(stdout);
+void set_module(file, line)
+ char *file;
+ int line;
+ if (request_off)
+ return;
+ if (!strcmp(file, "new_string.c"))
+ return;
+ if (!strcmp(file, "string_dictionary_aux.c"))
+ return;
+ current_line = line;
+ current_module = file;
+#endif /* SABER */
diff --git a/zwgc/Memory/new_memory.h b/zwgc/Memory/new_memory.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5294338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zwgc/Memory/new_memory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+/* This file is part of the Project Athena Zephyr Notification System.
+ * It is one of the source files comprising zwgc, the Zephyr WindowGram
+ * client.
+ *
+ * Created by: Marc Horowitz <>
+ *
+ * $Source$
+ * $Author$
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
+ * For copying and distribution information, see the file
+ * "mit-copyright.h".
+ */
+/* This entire module goes out the window in saber */
+#ifndef SABER
+#ifndef memory_MODULE
+#define memory_MODULE
+extern char *memory__malloc(); /* PRIVATE */
+extern char *memory__realloc(); /* PRIVATE */
+extern char *memory__calloc(); /* PRIVATE */
+extern void memory__free(); /* PRIVATE */
+#define CHECK_FIELD_VALUE 0xe5e7e3e9
+typedef struct _memory_block_header {
+ unsigned size;
+ char *creating_module;
+ int line_number_in_creating_module;
+ unsigned int check_field;
+} memory_block_header;
+#define memory__size_of_header (sizeof(struct _memory_block_header))
+#define memory__get_header(block) \
+ ((struct _memory_block_header *)((block)-memory__size_of_header))
+#define memory__on_heap_p(block) \
+ (memory__get_header(block)->check_field==CHECK_FIELD_VALUE)
+#define memory__size_of_header 0
+#define memory__on_heap_p(block) 1
+ * int string_Length(string s):
+ * Effects: Returns the number of non-null characters in s.
+ */
+#ifndef memory__PROVIDER
+extern char *current_module;
+extern void set_module();
+#define malloc(size) (set_module(__FILE__,__LINE__),\
+ memory__malloc(size))
+#define realloc(ptr, size) (set_module(__FILE__,__LINE__),\
+ memory__realloc((char *) ptr, size))
+#define calloc(nelem, elsize) (set_module(__FILE__,__LINE__),\
+ memory__calloc(nelem, elsize))
+#define free(ptr) (set_module(__FILE__,__LINE__),\
+ memory__free((char *) ptr))
+#define malloc(size) memory__malloc(size)
+#define realloc(ptr, size) memory__realloc((char *) ptr, size)
+#define calloc(nelem, elsize) memory__calloc(nelem, elsize)
+#define free(ptr) memory__free((char *) ptr)
+#endif /* DEBUG_MEMORY */
+#endif /* memory__PROVIDER */
+#endif /* memory_MODULE */
+#endif /* SABER */
diff --git a/zwgc/String/Imakefile b/zwgc/String/Imakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbc2f47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zwgc/String/Imakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+/**/# Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
+/**/# For copying and distribution information, see the file
+/**/# "mit-copyright.h".
+/**/# $Source$
+/**/# $Author$
+/**/# $Header$
+OBJS = new_string.o
+SRCS = new_string.c
+HDRS = new_string.h
+SRCDIR= ${SRCTOP}/zwgc/
+CODE= ${SRCS} ${HDRS} Imakefile
+LINCLUDES= -I../Memory
+all:: string_spec $(OBJS)
+# /* Automatically generate a spec file from the template include file: */
+string_spec: new_string.h
+ cat new_string.h | grep "^.\*" | grep -v "^ \*/" | sed 's/.\*//' > string_spec
+ $(RM) $(OBJS) memory_spec
diff --git a/zwgc/String/new_string.c b/zwgc/String/new_string.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea0f894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zwgc/String/new_string.c
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+/* This file is part of the Project Athena Zephyr Notification System.
+ * It is one of the source files comprising zwgc, the Zephyr WindowGram
+ * client.
+ *
+ * Created by: Marc Horowitz <>
+ *
+ * $Source$
+ * $Author$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
+ * For copying and distribution information, see the file
+ * "mit-copyright.h".
+ */
+#if (!defined(lint) && !defined(SABER))
+static char rcsid_new_string_c[] = "$Id$";
+ * string - a module providing operations on C strings. (i.e., char *'s)
+ *
+ * Overview:
+ *
+ * A string is a standard C string. I.e., a char pointer to a
+ * null-terminated sequence of characters. 0 is NOT considered a valid
+ * string! Various operations are available. See the string_spec file
+ * for details.
+ *
+ * Note: This module assumes that malloc NEVER returns 0 for reasonable
+ * requests. It is the users responsibility to either ensure that
+ * this happens or supply a version of malloc with error
+ * handling.
+ *
+ * Some strings are mutable.
+ */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define assert(x) if (!(x)) abort()
+#define assert(x)
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "new_memory.h"
+#include <strings.h>
+#define string_Length(s) strlen(s)
+typedef char *string;
+ * string string_CreateFromData(char *data, int length):
+ * Requires: data[0], data[1], ..., data[length-1] != 0
+ * Effects: Takes the first length characters at data and
+ * creates a string containing them. The returned string
+ * is on the heap & must be freed eventually.
+ * I.e., if passed "foobar" and 3, it would return
+ * string_Copy("foo").
+ */
+string string__CreateFromData(data, length)
+ char *data;
+ int length;
+ string result;
+ assert(length>=0);
+ result = (string)malloc(length+1);
+ assert(result);
+ bcopy(data, result, length);
+ result[length] = 0;
+ return(result);
+ * string string_Copy(string s):
+ * Effects: Returns a copy of s on the heap. The copy must be
+ * freed eventually.
+ */
+string string__Copy(s)
+ string s;
+ int length;
+ string result;
+ assert(s);
+ length = string_Length(s)+1;
+ result = (string)malloc(length);
+ assert(result);
+ bcopy(s, result, length);
+ return(result);
+ * string string_Concat(string a, b):
+ * Effects: Returns a string equal to a concatenated to b.
+ * The returned string is on the heap and must be
+ * freed eventually. I.e., given "abc" and "def",
+ * returns string_Copy("abcdef").
+ */
+string string__Concat(a, b)
+ string a, b;
+ string result;
+ int a_length, b_size, result_size;
+ a_length = string_Length(a);
+ b_size = string_Length(b)+1;
+ result_size = a_length+b_size;
+ result = (string)malloc(result_size);
+ assert(result);
+ bcopy(a, result, a_length);
+ bcopy(b, result+a_length, b_size);
+ return(result);
+ * string string_Concat2(string a, b):
+ * Modifies: a
+ * Requires: a is on the heap, b does not point into a.
+ * Effects: Equivalent to:
+ * string temp;
+ * temp = string_Concat(a,b);
+ * free(a);
+ * return(temp);
+ * only faster. I.e., uses realloc instead of malloc+bcopy.
+ */
+string string__Concat2(a, b)
+ string a, b;
+ int a_length = string_Length(a);
+ int b_size = string_Length(b)+1;
+ assert(memory__on_heap_p(a));
+ a = (string)realloc(a, a_length+b_size);
+ assert(a);
+ bcopy(b, a+a_length, b_size);
+ return(a);
+ * string string_Downcase(string s):
+ * Modifies: s
+ * Effects: Modifies s by changing every uppercase character in s
+ * to the corresponding lowercase character. Nothing else
+ * is changed. I.e., "FoObAr19." is changed to "foobar19.".
+ * S is returned as a convenience.
+ */
+string string_Downcase(s)
+ string s;
+ char *ptr;
+ for (ptr=s; *ptr; ptr++) {
+ if (isupper(*ptr))
+ *ptr = tolower(*ptr);
+ }
+ return(s);
+ * string string_Upcase(string s):
+ * Modifies: s
+ * Effects: Modifies s by changing every lowercase character in s
+ * to the corresponding uppercase character. Nothing else
+ * is changed. I.e., "FoObAr19." is changed to "FOOBAR19.".
+ * S is returned as a convenience.
+ */
+string string_Upcase(s)
+ string s;
+ char *ptr;
+ for (ptr=s; *ptr; ptr++) {
+ if (islower(*ptr))
+ *ptr = toupper(*ptr);
+ }
+ return(s);
diff --git a/zwgc/String/new_string.h b/zwgc/String/new_string.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92b3f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zwgc/String/new_string.h
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+/* This file is part of the Project Athena Zephyr Notification System.
+ * It is one of the source files comprising zwgc, the Zephyr WindowGram
+ * client.
+ *
+ * Created by: Marc Horowitz <>
+ *
+ * $Source$
+ * $Author$
+ * $Id$
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
+ * For copying and distribution information, see the file
+ * "mit-copyright.h".
+ */
+#ifndef string_TYPE
+#define string_TYPE
+#include <strings.h>
+#include "new_memory.h"
+typedef char *string;
+ * int string_Length(string s):
+ * Effects: Returns the number of non-null characters in s.
+ */
+#define string_Length(s) strlen(s)
+ * int string_Eq(string a, b):
+ * Effects: Returns true iff strings a & b are equal. I.e., have the
+ * same character contents.
+ */
+#define string_Eq(a,b) (!strcmp(a,b))
+ * int string_Neq(string a, b):
+ * Effects: Returns true iff strings a & b are not equal.
+ */
+#define string_Neq(a,b) (strcmp(a,b))
+ * string string_CreateFromData(char *data, int length):
+ * Requires: data[0], data[1], ..., data[length-1] != 0
+ * Effects: Takes the first length characters at data and
+ * creates a string containing them. The returned string
+ * is on the heap & must be freed eventually.
+ * I.e., if passed "foobar" and 3, it would return
+ * string_Copy("foo").
+ */
+extern string string__CreateFromData();
+#define string_CreateFromData(data,length) (set_module(__FILE__,__LINE__),\
+ string__CreateFromData(data,length))
+#define string_CreateFromData(data,length) string__CreateFromData(data,length)
+ * string string_Copy(string s):
+ * Effects: Returns a copy of s on the heap. The copy must be
+ * freed eventually.
+ */
+extern string string__Copy(/* string s */);
+#define string_Copy(data) (set_module(__FILE__,__LINE__),\
+ string__Copy(data))
+#define string_Copy(data) string__Copy(data)
+ * string string_Concat(string a, b):
+ * Effects: Returns a string equal to a concatenated to b.
+ * The returned string is on the heap and must be
+ * freed eventually. I.e., given "abc" and "def",
+ * returns string_Copy("abcdef").
+ */
+extern string string__Concat(/* string a, b */);
+#define string_Concat(a,b) (set_module(__FILE__,__LINE__),\
+ string__Concat(a,b))
+#define string_Concat(a,b) string__Concat(a,b)
+ * string string_Concat2(string a, b):
+ * Modifies: a
+ * Requires: a is on the heap, b does not point into a.
+ * Effects: Equivalent to:
+ * string temp;
+ * temp = string_Concat(a,b);
+ * free(a);
+ * return(temp);
+ * only faster. I.e., uses realloc instead of malloc+bcopy.
+ */
+extern string string__Concat2(/* string a, b */);
+#define string_Concat2(a,b) (set_module(__FILE__,__LINE__),\
+ string__Concat2(a,b))
+#define string_Concat2(a,b) string__Concat2(a,b)
+ * string string_Downcase(string s):
+ * Modifies: s
+ * Effects: Modifies s by changing every uppercase character in s
+ * to the corresponding lowercase character. Nothing else
+ * is changed. I.e., "FoObAr19." is changed to "foobar19.".
+ * S is returned as a convenience.
+ */
+extern string string_Downcase();
+ * string string_Upcase(string s):
+ * Modifies: s
+ * Effects: Modifies s by changing every lowercase character in s
+ * to the corresponding uppercase character. Nothing else
+ * is changed. I.e., "FoObAr19." is changed to "FOOBAR19.".
+ * S is returned as a convenience.
+ */
+extern string string_Upcase();