path: root/util/autoconf/
diff options
authorGravatar Greg Hudson <>1997-09-14 17:50:06 +0000
committerGravatar Greg Hudson <>1997-09-14 17:50:06 +0000
commitac16f380e349fa39ec7e26bccb5456cb300006a5 (patch)
treec07ca88af97b4f6b77d28a2dc723d2e4621ed302 /util/autoconf/
parentd33e482744fad80d95cdd89ed380c5b8401e49bf (diff)
Pull in sources from zephyr locker. See /mit/zephyr/repository for
detailed change information.
Diffstat (limited to 'util/autoconf/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 394 deletions
diff --git a/util/autoconf/ b/util/autoconf/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f26bfb..0000000
--- a/util/autoconf/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
-# autoscan - Create configure.scan (a preliminary for a package.
-# Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-# Written by David MacKenzie <>.
-require "";
-$datadir = $ENV{"AC_MACRODIR"} || "@datadir@";
-$verbose = 0;
-# Reference these variables to pacify perl -w.
-undef %identifiers_macros;
-undef %makevars_macros;
-undef %programs_macros;
-exit 0;
-# Process any command line arguments.
-sub parse_args
- local ($usage) =
- "Usage: autoscan [--macrodir=dir] [--help] [--verbose] [--version] [srcdir]\n";
- foreach $_ (@ARGV) {
- if (/^--m[a-z]*=(.*)/) {
- $datadir = $1;
- } elsif (/^--h/) {
- print "$usage";
- exit 0;
- } elsif (/^--verb/) {
- $verbose = 1;
- } elsif (/^--vers/) {
- &version;
- } elsif (/^[^-]/) {
- die "$usage" if defined($srcdir);
- # Top level directory of the package being autoscanned.
- $srcdir = $_;
- } else {
- die "$usage";
- }
- }
- $srcdir="." if !defined($srcdir);
- print "srcdir=$srcdir\n" if $verbose;
- chdir $srcdir || die "$0: cannot cd to $srcdir: $!\n";
- open(CONF, ">configure.scan") ||
- die "$0: cannot create configure.scan: $!\n";
-# Print the version number and exit.
-sub version
- open(ACG, "<$datadir/acgeneral.m4") ||
- die "$0: cannot open $datadir/acgeneral.m4: $!\n";
- while (<ACG>) {
- if (/define.AC_ACVERSION.\s*([0-9.]+)/) {
- print "Autoconf version $1\n";
- exit 0;
- }
- }
- die "Autoconf version unknown\n";
-# Put values in the tables of what to do with each token.
-sub init_tables
- local($kind, $word, $macro);
- # Initialize a table of C keywords (to ignore).
- # Taken from K&R 1st edition p. 180.
- # ANSI C, GNU C, and C++ keywords can introduce portability problems,
- # so don't ignore them.
- foreach $word ('int', 'char', 'float', 'double', 'struct', 'union',
- 'long', 'short', 'unsigned', 'auto', 'extern', 'register',
- 'typedef', 'static', 'goto', 'return', 'sizeof', 'break',
- 'continue', 'if', 'else', 'for', 'do', 'while', 'switch',
- 'case', 'default') {
- $c_keywords{$word} = 0;
- }
- # The data file format supports only one line of macros per function.
- # If more than that is required for a common portability problem,
- # a new Autoconf macro should probably be written for that case,
- # instead of duplicating the code in lots of files.
- foreach $kind ('functions', 'headers', 'identifiers', 'programs',
- 'makevars') {
- open(TABLE, "<$datadir/ac$kind") ||
- die "$0: cannot open $datadir/ac$kind: $!\n";
- while (<TABLE>) {
- next if /^\s*$/ || /^\s*#/; # Ignore blank lines and comments.
- ($word, $macro) = split;
- eval "\$$kind" . "_macros{\$word} = \$macro";
- }
- close(TABLE);
- }
-# Collect names of various kinds of files in the package.
-# Called by &find on each file.
-sub wanted
- if (/^.*\.[chlymC]$/ || /^.*\.cc$/) {
- $name =~ s?^\./??; push(@cfiles, $name);
- }
- elsif (/^[Mm]akefile$/ || /^[Mm]akefile\.in$/ || /^GNUmakefile$/) {
- $name =~ s?^\./??; push(@makefiles, $name);
- }
- elsif (/^.*\.sh$/) {
- $name =~ s?^\./??; push(@shfiles, $name);
- }
-# Read through the files and collect lists of tokens in them
-# that might create nonportabilities.
-sub scan_files
- $initfile = $cfiles[0]; # Pick one at random.
- if ($verbose) {
- print "cfiles:", join(" ", @cfiles), "\n";
- print "makefiles:", join(" ", @makefiles), "\n";
- print "shfiles:", join(" ", @shfiles), "\n";
- }
- foreach $file (@cfiles) {
- &scan_c_file($file);
- }
- foreach $file (@makefiles) {
- &scan_makefile($file);
- }
- foreach $file (@shfiles) {
- &scan_sh_file($file);
- }
-sub scan_c_file
- local($file) = @_;
- local($in_comment) = 0; # Nonzero if in a multiline comment.
- open(CFILE, "<$file") || die "$0: cannot open $file: $!\n";
- while (<CFILE>) {
- # Strip out comments, approximately.
- # Ending on this line.
- if ($in_comment && m,\*/,) {
- s,.*\*/,,;
- $in_comment = 0;
- }
- # All on one line.
- s,/\*.*\*/,,g;
- # Starting on this line.
- if (m,/\*,) {
- $in_comment = 1;
- }
- # Continuing on this line.
- next if $in_comment;
- # Preprocessor directives.
- if (/^\s*#\s*include\s*<([^>]*)>/) {
- $headers{$1}++;
- }
- # Ignore other preprocessor directives.
- next if /^\s*#/;
- # Remove string and character constants.
- s,\"[^\"]*\",,g;
- s,\'[^\']*\',,g;
- # Tokens in the code.
- # Maybe we should ignore function definitions (in column 0)?
- while (s/\W([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\s*\(/ /) {
- $functions{$1}++ if !defined($c_keywords{$1});
- }
- while (s/\W([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\W/ /) {
- $identifiers{$1}++ if !defined($c_keywords{$1});
- }
- }
- close(CFILE);
- if ($verbose) {
- local($word);
- print "\n$file functions:\n";
- foreach $word (sort keys %functions) {
- print "$word $functions{$word}\n";
- }
- print "\n$file identifiers:\n";
- foreach $word (sort keys %identifiers) {
- print "$word $identifiers{$word}\n";
- }
- print "\n$file headers:\n";
- foreach $word (sort keys %headers) {
- print "$word $headers{$word}\n";
- }
- }
-sub scan_makefile
- local($file) = @_;
- open(MFILE, "<$file") || die "$0: cannot open $file: $!\n";
- while (<MFILE>) {
- # Strip out comments and variable references.
- s/#.*//;
- s/\$\([^\)]*\)//g;
- s/\${[^\}]*}//g;
- s/@[^@]*@//g;
- # Variable assignments.
- while (s/\W([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\s*=/ /) {
- $makevars{$1}++;
- }
- # Libraries.
- while (s/\W-l([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\W/ /) {
- $libraries{$1}++;
- }
- # Tokens in the code.
- while (s/\W([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\W/ /) {
- $programs{$1}++;
- }
- }
- close(MFILE);
- if ($verbose) {
- local($word);
- print "\n$file makevars:\n";
- foreach $word (sort keys %makevars) {
- print "$word $makevars{$word}\n";
- }
- print "\n$file libraries:\n";
- foreach $word (sort keys %libraries) {
- print "$word $libraries{$word}\n";
- }
- print "\n$file programs:\n";
- foreach $word (sort keys %programs) {
- print "$word $programs{$word}\n";
- }
- }
-sub scan_sh_file
- local($file) = @_;
- open(MFILE, "<$file") || die "$0: cannot open $file: $!\n";
- while (<MFILE>) {
- # Strip out comments and variable references.
- s/#.*//;
- s/\${[^\}]*}//g;
- s/@[^@]*@//g;
- # Tokens in the code.
- while (s/\W([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\W/ /) {
- $programs{$1}++;
- }
- }
- close(MFILE);
- if ($verbose) {
- local($word);
- print "\n$file programs:\n";
- foreach $word (sort keys %programs) {
- print "$word $programs{$word}\n";
- }
- }
-# Print a
-sub output
- local (%unique_makefiles);
- print CONF "dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.\n";
- print CONF "AC_INIT($initfile)\n";
- &output_programs;
- &output_headers;
- &output_identifiers;
- &output_functions;
- # Change DIR/ to DIR/Makefile.
- foreach $_ (@makefiles) {
- s/\.in$//;
- $unique_makefiles{$_}++;
- }
- print CONF "\nAC_OUTPUT(", join(" ", keys(%unique_makefiles)), ")\n";
- close CONF;
-# Print Autoconf macro $1 if it's not undef and hasn't been printed already.
-sub print_unique
- local($macro) = @_;
- if (defined($macro) && !defined($printed{$macro})) {
- print CONF "$macro\n";
- $printed{$macro} = 1;
- }
-sub output_programs
- local ($word);
- print CONF "\ndnl Checks for programs.\n";
- foreach $word (sort keys %programs) {
- &print_unique($programs_macros{$word});
- }
- foreach $word (sort keys %makevars) {
- &print_unique($makevars_macros{$word});
- }
- print CONF "\ndnl Checks for libraries.\n";
- foreach $word (sort keys %libraries) {
- print CONF "dnl Replace `\main\' with a function in -l$word:\n";
- print CONF "AC_CHECK_LIB($word, main)\n";
- }
-sub output_headers
- local ($word);
- print CONF "\ndnl Checks for header files.\n";
- foreach $word (sort keys %headers) {
- if (defined($headers_macros{$word}) &&
- $headers_macros{$word} eq 'AC_CHECK_HEADERS') {
- push(@have_headers, $word);
- } else {
- &print_unique($headers_macros{$word});
- }
- }
- print CONF "AC_CHECK_HEADERS(" . join(' ', sort(@have_headers)) . ")\n"
- if defined(@have_headers);
-sub output_identifiers
- local ($word);
- print CONF "\ndnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.\n";
- foreach $word (sort keys %identifiers) {
- &print_unique($identifiers_macros{$word});
- }
-sub output_functions
- local ($word);
- print CONF "\ndnl Checks for library functions.\n";
- foreach $word (sort keys %functions) {
- if (defined($functions_macros{$word}) &&
- $functions_macros{$word} eq 'AC_CHECK_FUNCS') {
- push(@have_funcs, $word);
- } else {
- &print_unique($functions_macros{$word});
- }
- }
- print CONF "AC_CHECK_FUNCS(" . join(' ', sort(@have_funcs)) . ")\n"
- if defined(@have_funcs);