path: root/examples/data/uzbl/scripts/plugins/bind.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/data/uzbl/scripts/plugins/bind.py')
1 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/data/uzbl/scripts/plugins/bind.py b/examples/data/uzbl/scripts/plugins/bind.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15f6f8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/data/uzbl/scripts/plugins/bind.py
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+'''Plugin provides support for binds in uzbl.
+For example:
+ event BIND ZZ = exit -> bind('ZZ', 'exit')
+ event BIND o _ = uri %s -> bind('o _', 'uri %s')
+ event BIND fl* = sh 'echo %s' -> bind('fl*', "sh 'echo %s'")
+And it is also possible to execute a function on activation:
+ bind('DD', myhandler)
+import sys
+import re
+from event_manager import config, counter, iscallable, isiterable
+# Export these variables/functions to uzbl.<name>
+__export__ = ['bind', 'del_bind', 'del_bind_by_glob', 'get_binds']
+# Hold the bind lists per uzbl instance.
+UZBLS = {}
+# Commonly used regular expressions.
+starts_with_mod = re.compile('^<([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9-_]+)>')
+find_prompts = re.compile('<([^:>]*):>').split
+# For accessing a bind glob stack.
+class BindParseError(Exception):
+ pass
+def echo(msg):
+ if config['verbose']:
+ print 'bind plugin:', msg
+def error(msg):
+ sys.stderr.write('bind plugin: error: %s\n' % msg)
+def ismodbind(glob):
+ '''Return True if the glob specifies a modbind.'''
+ return bool(starts_with_mod.match(glob))
+def sort_mods(glob):
+ '''Mods are sorted in the keylet.to_string() result so make sure that
+ bind commands also have their mod keys sorted.'''
+ mods = []
+ while True:
+ match = starts_with_mod.match(glob)
+ if not match:
+ break
+ end = match.span()[1]
+ mods.append(glob[:end])
+ glob = glob[end:]
+ return '%s%s' % (''.join(sorted(mods)), glob)
+def add_instance(uzbl, *args):
+ UZBLS[uzbl] = {'binds': [], 'depth': 0, 'filter': [],
+ 'args': [], 'last_mode': ''}
+def del_instance(uzbl, *args):
+ if uzbl in UZBLS:
+ del UZBLS[uzbl]
+def get_bind_dict(uzbl):
+ '''Return the bind dict for the uzbl instance.'''
+ if uzbl not in UZBLS:
+ add_instance(uzbl)
+ return UZBLS[uzbl]
+def get_binds(uzbl):
+ '''Return the bind list for the uzbl instance.'''
+ return get_bind_dict(uzbl)['binds']
+def get_stack_depth(uzbl):
+ '''Return the stack for the uzbl instance.'''
+ return get_bind_dict(uzbl)['depth']
+def get_filtered_binds(uzbl):
+ '''Return the bind list for the uzbl instance or return the filtered
+ bind list thats on the current stack.'''
+ bind_dict = get_bind_dict(uzbl)
+ if bind_dict['depth']:
+ return list(bind_dict['filter'])
+ return list(bind_dict['binds'])
+def del_bind(uzbl, bind):
+ '''Delete bind object if bind in the uzbl binds.'''
+ binds = get_binds(uzbl)
+ if bind in binds:
+ binds.remove(bind)
+ uzbl.event('DELETED_BIND', bind)
+ return True
+ return False
+def del_bind_by_glob(uzbl, glob):
+ '''Delete bind by glob if bind in the uzbl binds.'''
+ binds = get_binds(uzbl)
+ for bind in list(binds):
+ if bind.glob == glob:
+ binds.remove(bind)
+ uzbl.event('DELETED_BIND', bind)
+ return True
+ return False
+class Bind(object):
+ nextbid = counter().next
+ def __init__(self, glob, handler, *args, **kargs):
+ self.callable = iscallable(handler)
+ if not glob:
+ raise ArgumentError('glob cannot be blank')
+ if self.callable:
+ self.function = handler
+ self.args = args
+ self.kargs = kargs
+ elif kargs:
+ raise ArgumentError('cannot supply kargs for uzbl commands')
+ elif isiterable(handler):
+ self.commands = handler
+ else:
+ self.commands = [handler,] + list(args)
+ self.glob = glob
+ self.bid = self.nextbid()
+ self.split = split = find_prompts(glob)
+ self.prompts = split[1::2]
+ # Check that there is nothing like: fl*<int:>*
+ for glob in split[:-1:2]:
+ if glob.endswith('*'):
+ msg = "token '*' not at the end of a prompt bind: %r" % split
+ raise BindParseError(msg)
+ # Check that there is nothing like: fl<prompt1:><prompt2:>_
+ for glob in split[2::2]:
+ if not glob:
+ msg = 'found null segment after first prompt: %r' % split
+ raise BindParseError(msg)
+ self.stack = []
+ for glob in split[::2]:
+ # Is the binding a MODCMD or KEYCMD:
+ mod_cmd = ismodbind(glob)
+ # Execute the command on UPDATES or EXEC's:
+ on_exec = True if glob.endswith('_') else False
+ # Does the command store arguments:
+ has_args = True if glob[-1] in ['*', '_'] else False
+ glob = glob[:-1] if has_args else glob
+ self.stack.append((mod_cmd, on_exec, has_args, glob))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ args = ['glob=%r' % self.glob, 'bid=%d' % self.bid]
+ if self.callable:
+ args.append('function=%r' % self.function)
+ if self.args:
+ args.append('args=%r' % self.args)
+ if self.kargs:
+ args.append('kargs=%r' % self.kargs)
+ else:
+ cmdlen = len(self.commands)
+ cmds = self.commands[0] if cmdlen == 1 else self.commands
+ args.append('command%s=%r' % ('s' if cmdlen-1 else '', cmds))
+ return '<Bind(%s)>' % ', '.join(args)
+def bind(uzbl, glob, handler, *args, **kargs):
+ '''Add a bind handler object.'''
+ # Mods come from the keycmd sorted so make sure the modkeys in the bind
+ # command are sorted too.
+ glob = sort_mods(glob)
+ del_bind_by_glob(uzbl, glob)
+ binds = get_binds(uzbl)
+ bind = Bind(glob, handler, *args, **kargs)
+ binds.append(bind)
+ print bind
+ uzbl.event('ADDED_BIND', bind)
+def parse_bind_event(uzbl, args):
+ '''Break "event BIND fl* = js follownums.js" into (glob, command).'''
+ if not args:
+ return error('missing bind arguments')
+ split = map(unicode.strip, args.split('=', 1))
+ if len(split) != 2:
+ return error('missing "=" in bind definition: %r' % args)
+ glob, command = split
+ bind(uzbl, glob, command)
+def set_stack_mode(uzbl, prompt):
+ if uzbl.get_mode() != 'stack':
+ uzbl.set_mode('stack')
+ if prompt:
+ prompt = "%s: " % prompt
+ uzbl.set('keycmd_prompt', prompt)
+def clear_stack(uzbl, mode):
+ bind_dict = get_bind_dict(uzbl)
+ if mode != "stack" and bind_dict['last_mode'] == "stack":
+ uzbl.set('keycmd_prompt', '')
+ if mode != "stack":
+ bind_dict = get_bind_dict(uzbl)
+ bind_dict['filter'] = []
+ bind_dict['depth'] = 0
+ bind_dict['args'] = []
+ bind_dict['last_mode'] = mode
+def filter_bind(uzbl, bind_dict, bind):
+ '''Remove a bind from the stack filter list.'''
+ if bind in bind_dict['filter']:
+ bind_dict['filter'].remove(bind)
+ if not bind_dict['filter']:
+ uzbl.set_mode()
+def match_and_exec(uzbl, bind, depth, keycmd):
+ bind_dict = get_bind_dict(uzbl)
+ mode_cmd, on_exec, has_args, glob = bind.stack[depth]
+ if has_args:
+ if not keycmd.startswith(glob):
+ filter_bind(uzbl, bind_dict, bind)
+ return False
+ args = [keycmd[len(glob):],]
+ elif keycmd != glob:
+ filter_bind(uzbl, bind_dict, bind)
+ return False
+ else:
+ args = []
+ execindex = len(bind.stack)-1
+ if execindex == depth == 0:
+ uzbl.exec_handler(bind, *args)
+ if not has_args:
+ uzbl.clear_keycmd()
+ return True
+ elif depth != execindex:
+ if bind_dict['depth'] == depth:
+ bind_dict['filter'] = [bind,]
+ bind_dict['args'] += args
+ bind_dict['depth'] = depth + 1
+ else:
+ if bind not in bind_dict['filter']:
+ bind_dict['filter'].append(bind)
+ set_stack_mode(uzbl, bind.prompts[depth])
+ return False
+ args = bind_dict['args'] + args
+ uzbl.exec_handler(bind, *args)
+ if on_exec:
+ uzbl.set_mode()
+ return True
+def keycmd_update(uzbl, keylet):
+ depth = get_stack_depth(uzbl)
+ keycmd = keylet.to_string()
+ for bind in get_filtered_binds(uzbl):
+ t = bind.stack[depth]
+ if t[MOD_CMD] or t[ON_EXEC]:
+ continue
+ match_and_exec(uzbl, bind, depth, keycmd)
+def keycmd_exec(uzbl, keylet):
+ depth = get_stack_depth(uzbl)
+ keycmd = keylet.to_string()
+ for bind in get_filtered_binds(uzbl):
+ t = bind.stack[depth]
+ if t[MOD_CMD] or not t[ON_EXEC]:
+ continue
+ match_and_exec(uzbl, bind, depth, keycmd)
+def modcmd_update(uzbl, keylet):
+ depth = get_stack_depth(uzbl)
+ keycmd = keylet.to_string()
+ for bind in get_filtered_binds(uzbl):
+ t = bind.stack[depth]
+ if not t[MOD_CMD] or t[ON_EXEC]:
+ continue
+ match_and_exec(uzbl, bind, depth, keycmd)
+def modcmd_exec(uzbl, keylet):
+ depth = get_stack_depth(uzbl)
+ keycmd = keylet.to_string()
+ for bind in get_filtered_binds(uzbl):
+ t = bind.stack[depth]
+ if not t[MOD_CMD] or not t[ON_EXEC]:
+ continue
+ match_and_exec(uzbl, bind, depth, keycmd)
+def init(uzbl):
+ connects = {'BIND': parse_bind_event,
+ 'KEYCMD_UPDATE': keycmd_update,
+ 'MODCMD_UPDATE': modcmd_update,
+ 'KEYCMD_EXEC': keycmd_exec,
+ 'MODCMD_EXEC': modcmd_exec,
+ 'MODE_CHANGED': clear_stack}
+ uzbl.connect_dict(connects)