diff options
authorGravatar Dieter Plaetinck <dieter@plaetinck.be>2009-05-14 23:11:51 +0200
committerGravatar Dieter Plaetinck <dieter@plaetinck.be>2009-05-14 23:11:51 +0200
commit4482ee0af3813938b437e8b54c2a13267fc955cf (patch)
parentd5f76f3eaade2e29a4f1541ab539357651c104b3 (diff)
import whats useful from duclares sample stuff
-rwxr-xr-xexamples/scripts/clipboard.sh (renamed from examples/duclare/clipboard.sh)2
-rwxr-xr-xexamples/scripts/session.sh (renamed from examples/duclare/session.sh)20
3 files changed, 11 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/examples/duclare/uzbl.conf b/examples/duclare/uzbl.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ce5944..0000000
--- a/examples/duclare/uzbl.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# example uzbl config. in a real config, we should obey the xdg spec
-# all keys in the behavior group are optional. if not set, the corresponding behavior is disabed.
-# bindings_internal denote keys to trigger actions internally in uzbl
-# bindings_external denote keys to trigger scripts outside uzbl
-# keyboard behavior is vimstyle by default (all actions -> 1 key). set
-# always_insert_mode to always be in insert mode and disable going out of it.
-# if you do this, make sure you've set a modkey so you can reach the actions
-# from insert mode by combining them with the modkey
-history_handler = /home/duclare/.uzbl/history.sh
-download_handler = ~/.uzbl/download.sh
-cookie_handler = ~/.uzbl/cookie.sh
-status_format = <span font_family="monospace"><span background="darkblue" foreground="white">MODE</span> [<span weight="bold" foreground="red">KEYCMD</span>] <span foreground="#606060"> LOAD_PROGRESSBAR </span><span foreground="blue">URI</span> <span foreground="blue" weight="bold">NAME</span></span>
-fifo_dir = /tmp
-socket_dir = /tmp
-always_insert_mode = 0
-modkey = Mod1
-show_status = 1
-status_top = 0
-never_reset_mode = 0
-# scroll down/up/left/right
-j = scroll_vert 40
-k = scroll_vert -40
-h = scroll_horz -20
-l = scroll_horz 20
-b = back
-m = forward
-s = stop
-r = reload
-R = reload_ign_cache
-w = follow_link_new_window
-+ = zoom_in
-- = zoom_out
-t = toggle_status
-#hilight matches
-/* = search %s
-#jump to next
-; = search
-gh = uri http://www.uzbl.org
-o_ = uri %s
-:wiki _ = uri http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Special:Search?search=%s&go=Go
-ew_ = uri http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=%s&go=Go
-g_ = uri http://www.google.com/search?q=%s
-i = insert_mode
-B = spawn /home/duclare/.uzbl/insert_bookmark.sh
-u = spawn /home/duclare/.uzbl/load_url_from_history.sh
-U = spawn /home/duclare/.uzbl/load_url_from_bookmarks.sh
-y = spawn /home/duclare/.uzbl/clipboard.sh yank
-p = spawn /home/duclare/.uzbl/clipboard.sh goto
-W = spawn /home/duclare/.uzbl/launch
-ZZ = exit
-:q = spawn /home/duclare/.uzbl/session.sh endsession
-# Keyboard based link following: work in progress! No C DOM bindings yet, no click() event for hyperlinks so no referrer set..Quite basic but does the job for now...
-# Vimperator-like hints, except that you can't type text to narrow on targets. You can still the text of a link from the beginning, and it'll activate as soon as the word is unique
-f* = script var uzblid = 'uzbl_link_hint'; var uzbldivid = uzblid+'_div_container'; var links = document.links; try { HTMLElement.prototype.click = function () {if (typeof this.onclick == 'function') this.onclick({type: 'click'}); } } catch (e) {} function removeOldHints() { var elements = document.getElementById(uzbldivid); if( elements) elements.parentNode.removeChild(elements); } function keyPressHandler(e) {var kC = (window.event) ? event.keyCode : e.keyCode; var Esc = (window.event) ? 27 : e.DOM_VK_ESCAPE; if(kC==Esc) removeOldHints();} function isVisible(obj) { if (obj == document) return true; if (!obj) return false; if (!obj.parentNode) return false; if (obj.style) { if (obj.style.display == 'none') return false; if (obj.style.visibility == 'hidden') return false; } return isVisible(obj.parentNode); } function elementPosition(el) { var up = el.offsetTop; var left = el.offsetLeft; var width = el.offsetWidth; var height = el.offsetHeight; while(el.offsetParent) { el = el.offsetParent; up += el.offsetTop; left += el.offsetLeft; } return [up,left,width,height]; } function elementInViewport(el) { offset = elementPosition(el); var up = offset[0]; var left = offset[1]; var width = offset[2]; var height = offset[3]; return (up < (window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight) && left < (window.pageXOffset + window.innerWidth) && (up + height) > window.pageYOffset && (left + width) > window.pageXOffset); } function generateHints(items, l) { var hintdiv = document.createElement('div'); hintdiv.setAttribute('id', uzbldivid); for (var i=0; i < items.length; i++) { var nr = items[i]; var li = links[nr]; var pos = elementPosition(li); var hint = document.createElement('div'); hint.setAttribute('name',uzblid); var n = (nr+'').length; for (n; n<l; n++) { nr = '0'+nr; } hint.innerText = nr; hint.style.display='inline'; hint.style.backgroundColor='#B9FF00'; hint.style.border='1px solid #4A6600'; hint.style.color='black'; hint.style.zIndex='1000'; hint.style.opacity='0.7'; hint.style.fontSize='11px'; hint.style.fontWeight='bold'; hint.style.lineHeight='9px'; hint.style.margin='0px'; hint.style.padding='1px'; hint.style.position='absolute'; hint.style.left=pos[1]+'px'; hint.style.top=pos[0]+'px'; var img = li.getElementsByTagName('img'); if (img.length>0) { hint.style.left=pos[1]+(img[0].width/2)+'px'; } hint.style.textDecoration='none'; hint.style.webkitBorderRadius='6px'; hint.style.webkitTransform='scale(0.9) rotate(0deg) translate(-6px,-5px)'; hintdiv.appendChild(hint); } document.body.appendChild(hintdiv); } function clickLink(item) { removeOldHints(); if (item) { item.click(); window.location = item.href; } } function followLink(follow) { document.body.setAttribute('onkeyup', 'keyPressHandler(event)'); var s = follow.split(''); var linktexts = [[],[]]; for (var i=0; i < links.length; i++) { var li = links[i]; if (isVisible(li) && elementInViewport(li)) { linktexts[0].push(i); linktexts[1].push(li.innerText); } } var leftovers = []; var nrlength = (linktexts[0][linktexts[0].length-1]+'').length; var linknr = parseInt(follow, 10); if (s.length == nrlength) { clickLink(links[linknr]); } else { for (var j=0; j < linktexts[0].length; j++) { var b = true; for (var k=0; k < s.length; k++) { b = (b && (linktexts[1][j].charAt(k)==s[k])); } if (b) { leftovers.push(linktexts[0][j]); } } if (leftovers.length == 1 && s.length >= nrlength) { clickLink(links[leftovers[0]]); } else if (!document.getElementById(uzbldivid)) { generateHints(linktexts[0], nrlength); } } } followLink('%s');
-# to start a local socks server, do : ssh -fND localhost:8118 localhost
-#proxy_server =
-#values 0-3
-http_debug = 0
-user-agent = uzbl (Webkit %webkit-major%.%webkit-minor%.%webkit-micro%)
-# Example user agent containing everything:
-#user-agent = Uzbl (Webkit %webkit-major%.%webkit-minor%.%webkit-micro%) (%sysname% %nodename% %kernrel% %kernver% %arch-system% [%arch-uzbl%]) (Commit %commit%)
-max_conns =
-max_conns_per_host =
diff --git a/examples/duclare/clipboard.sh b/examples/scripts/clipboard.sh
index a2b3717..c64b65c 100755
--- a/examples/duclare/clipboard.sh
+++ b/examples/scripts/clipboard.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+# with this script you can store the current url in the clipboard, or go to the url which is stored in the clipboard.
diff --git a/examples/duclare/session.sh b/examples/scripts/session.sh
index 4dd4a39..5087af0 100755
--- a/examples/duclare/session.sh
+++ b/examples/scripts/session.sh
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Simple session manager for uzbl. When called with "endsession" as the
+# Very simple session manager for uzbl. When called with "endsession" as the
# argument, it'lla empty the sessionfile, look for fifos in $fifodir and
# instruct each of them to store their current url in $sessionfile and
# terminate themselves. Run with "launch" as the argument and an instance of
@@ -8,11 +8,9 @@
# and doesn't need to be called manually at any point.
-scriptfile=~/.uzbl/session.sh # this script
-sessionfile=~/.uzbl/session # the file in which the "session" (i.e. urls) are stored
-# a simple script that calls the executable with --config <cfgpath> and args
+scriptfile=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/uzbl/session.sh # this script
+sessionfile=$XDG_DATA_HOME/uzbl/session # the file in which the "session" (i.e. urls) are stored
+UZBL="uzbl" # add custom flags and whatever here.
fifodir=/tmp # remember to change this if you instructed uzbl to put its fifos elsewhere
@@ -22,15 +20,15 @@ url="$7"
case $act in
"launch" )
for url in $(cat $sessionfile); do
- $launcher --uri "$url" &
+ $UZBL --uri "$url" &
exit 0;;
"endinstance" )
if [ "$url" != "(null)" ]; then
- echo "$url" >> $sessionfile; echo "exit" > "$thisfifo"
- else
- echo "exit" > "$thisfifo"
- fi;;
+ echo "$url" >> $sessionfile;
+ fi
+ echo "exit" > "$thisfifo"
+ ;;
"endsession" )
echo -n "" > "$sessionfile"
for fifo in $fifodir/uzbl_fifo_*; do